A Time for Sterling Leadership

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RealFin Capital Partners A Time for “Sterling” Leadership

There is no doubt that the U.K is a nation in mourning. For the staunch “Stay” delegation, they have been draped in black since the results of the Referendum came in on June 23rd almost a year ago. A string of tragic terror attacks on both London and Manchester have somewhat altered the narrative of the election, to almost resemble a vote for security. Security, for Theresa May, is a topic that many would expect her to cower away from given her rather uneventful tenure as Home Secretary between 2010 and 2016. It was seemingly uneventful until the fateful attack on the London bridge this past Saturday evening revealed that she had in fact reduced the police force by at least 10% personnel during her reign. But much like she did in calling for the Snap Election, Theresa May has managed to show bold leadership in willing to usher in a new dawn for the U.K, and put a more “patriotic” spin on life after Brexit. Polls have The Conservatives, or more commonly known as the “Torries”, holding a slim 1-point lead heading into the election. It’s a far cry from the 20-point lead that the Torries held just under a month ago. As leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn has done a great job in drawing attention to opponent Theresa May’s non-discussion of clauses to safeguard the rights of U.K citizens living elsewhere within the EU and EU citizens being able to move freely into the U.K. Although he appeals to the masses, Corbyn and the Labour Party might just fall short given the rather outlandish nature of their manifesto promises. The deciding factors should ultimately be; Brexit, Health, Security and Immigration. All of which offer alternative views from both front-running parties. Those deciding factors could fall to the wayside and be swayed by a more favourable solution for Brexit. The Conservative Party’s ability to formulate a policy to leave the single market and customs union component of the EU and come up with an alternative will be key going into Thursday’s election.

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