Your Home and Living - Issue 3 - Elite

Page 37


A n I k c u t S ? t u R h c Lun Caused by a lack of time and stress at work or just drawing a blank when it comes to thinking of new ideas, it’s easier to stick with what you know every day, and sometimes cheaper. The foods people get hooked on range from the ordinary -- burger and fries, pepperoni pizza, a favourite dish from the closest takeaway or some very common contenders, the

ham sandwich and a ham salad. You’re probably the best judge of whether you’re in an eating rut. To one nutritionist, it’s eating the same thing three days in a row. To another, it’s not a rut until you’ve eaten the same food for at least 30 days. Don’t worry, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, as long as your diet includes items from all the major food groups. If you are bored of the same sandwich or salad everyday for lunch, try integrating these delicious ideas into the mix. YOURHOME

Are you having the same lunch that you’ve had almost every single day for the past year? Many of us end up having the same lunch despite the best of intentions.


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