Your Home and Living - Issue 3 - Elite

Page 30


Get Your Health BACK ON TRACK Although the best plan is to put in place a contingency plan before the festive season even starts, many of us are now on the tail end of a month (or more) of being out of our normal health routine. Don’t overturn all your hard work last year. It’s time to leave the sweets and cakes, and possibly too much alcohol, where it belongs - in the past - and get your health back on track.

Thanks and goodbye


All that festive cheer, time off work, yummy food, catching up with friends,


and sleep-ins are simply wonderful. And here in Australia, the festive season signals the start of our summer holidays, so that means beach time, pool time and sunshine. We love this time of year, so, thank the holidays for the fun they brought you and leave those holiday ways there...with the holidays

Sleep Sleep is your body’s natural repair, regrowth, and recharge agent. One of the main benefits of a good night’s sleep is hormone balance. Having

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