Intereneration Dialogue 2014 report

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REPORT 22nd September 2014

Strengthening Effective and Meaningful involvement of Young Nation in Sexual Reproductive Health.

Supported by:

Intergenerational Dialogue 2014 A Report on the Proceedings at the 2014 Inaugural Intergenerational Dialogue on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights at National Water and Sewerage Corporation- International Resource Centre, Bugolobi, Kampala,13th September, 2014. By Reach A Hand, Uganda

“Strengthening Effective and Meaningful involvement of a Young Nation in Sexual Reproductive Health.� Plot 7502, Block 244, Kitaranga - Kansanga, Gabba Road. P.O.Box 21288 Kampala, Uganda. Tel: +256 414 697037 | Mob: +256 774 256 109 Email: /

Contents 2  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  9  10  11  12  13  14  16  17

Foreward from RAHU Foreward from Rutgers WPF Acknowledgments Executive Summary Introduction and background Objective of the Dialogue Lessons Learned: Profiles The discussion panel The discussions Paper presentations Entertainment Social media engagement Press clips Pictorial Our Partners Conclusion & Way Forward


Foreward from RAHU WHY SHOULD YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE A SAY? Every generation of young people has always assumed it knew better than those that were there before them, regardless of whether they are right or not , young people cannot be excluded from a conversation that will ultimately shape their future. Who better to decide what the future will look like other than the very people that will have to live in it or live with it - thats today’s

development. We hope after this dialogue the development of national frameworks to guide government in policy formulation around sexuality education and coming up

young people. However they as young people cannot do it alone.

with a petition to members of

As young people, we need to engage our elders to show them

Youth Friendly SRHR Services.

that we understand and would love to be involved in decisions making regarding our future from education, career to health and have us pilot these decisions. Yes, we young people in Africa need to be empowered to become capable, educated and opinionated individuals. Job creation or having entrepreneurial skills ain’t enough, health empowerment is essential to address issues that leave us vulnerable to health outcomes like HIV, Sexual Transmitted

Parliament to address issues of

To all our wonderful, generous, amazing supporters and partners, your kindness and continuous support has gotten us this far. With you, our goal of nation building through

Infections and unintended pregnancies.

empowering young people

Ministers, politicians, teachers and the community want to help

skills and tools to enable them

with complete information,

better the future for our generation but their experience of being a young person is far out-dated to that of our own. Our problems and our concerns may not even dawn on the “powers that be” unless we point them out. To do that, we must take action and not just advise the decision-makers, but become them. This dialogue comes at a crucial time to bridge the generation gap by promoting effective and meaningful involvement of the youth in Sexual reproductive health and rights program


live a healthy, focused and productive lives is becoming a reality.

Humphrey Nabimanya Team leader Reach a Hand Uganda

Foreward from Rutgers WPF As Rutgers WPF we strive for a world in which all human beings,

resources and learning among

including young people and marginalized groups, can enjoy their

older and younger generations

sexual and reproductive health and rights. Young people between

on Sexual Reproductive Health

the ages of 10 and 24 make up 25% of the world and 32% of the

and Right issues.

Ugandan population. The largest youth generation in human

I would like to end this


foreword with a quote of Kofi Annan stated during the

Rutgers WPF realizes the importance of involving young people.

World Summit for Sustainable

Youth participation is the process of enabling young people to

Development in Johannesburg:

influence decisions in matters affecting them. We believe that

“Young people are the most

participation is a human right and we feel a responsibility to

precious resource our planet

involve young people in activities that aim to promote young

possesses (…) Providing for

people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

youth is not just a moral obligation; it is a compelling

Reach a Hand Uganda Initiative for an Intergenerational Dialogue

economic necessity. Study after

to engage youth in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights is a

study has shown the benefits

perfect way to involve young people. Recognizing that young

to the young and to their

people are sexual beings, this dialogue addresses the critical

communities of investing in

issues young people in Uganda are facing today, particularly their

education, reproductive health,

unmet needs for comprehensive sexuality education and access

job skills and employment

to sexual and reproductive health services, like contraceptives

opportunities for young

and counselling. We hope the dialogue will contribute to mutual


understanding, recognise young people as change agents, and the older generation as decision makers and influencers who have a role to play to ensure the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all, including young people. Let this Intergenerational Dialogue be a vehicle for the purposeful and ongoing exchange of


Dianda Veldman Executive Director of Rutgers WPF

Acknowledgments This report is a compilation of the events and activities of the 2014 Inter generational Dialogue organized in partnership with Rutgers WPF, Segal Family Foundation, Reproductive Health Uganda,Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance, NBS TV, UNESCO, Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid, KMCC, Help Age International, National Water and Sewage Cooperation, MTV Staying Alive, Oddman, Talent Africa, DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung), Women Deliver, Extreme Music & Events, and Face Studios. Pre-Dialogue organization was a contribution of the effort from various stakeholders. Special recognition goes to Humphrey Nabimanaya Reach A Hand Uganda, Kukunadakwe Janet (Reach A Hand Uganda), Ankunda Athibert (Reach A Hand Uganda) , Tusungwire Ronnie (Reach A Hand Uganda), Kahill Particia (Kahill Insights), Wanobere Chris (NBS TV), Alex Kiwanuka (Reproductive Health Uganda), Bakshi Ausman (Reach A Hand Uganda), Kemigisha Elizabeth (KMCC), Shadrack Kutessa (Extreme Music and Entertainment), Patrick Mwesigye Sewa (Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum), Wanzala Edmond Martin (Allied Youth Initiative - Uganda), Muhamad Kisirisa (Action for Fundamental Change and DevelopmentAFFCAD) Janice Reul (Help Age International), Anneke Maarse (CordAid), Charles Draecabo (UNESCO), and Martha Nambuyaga (SRHR Alliance).

Executive Summary Organised to commemorate World Sexuality Day in Uganda, under the theme “Strengthening Effective and Meaningful involvement of a Young Nation in Sexual Reproductive Health.” The first inter-generational dialogue aimed to bridge the generation gap, focusing on role of adults, policy makers and community leaders in promoting comprehensive sexuality education and youth friendly SRHR services. The IGD was organised by Reach A Hand, Uganda in partnership with Rutgers WPF, UNESCO, Reproductive Health Uganda, Uganda’s HIV/AIDS Knowledge Management and Communication Capacity (KMCC) initiative, Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid (CORDAID), and the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance, joint leaders from government, the private sector, civil society, and youth from different backgrounds. The all-day event was an exchange to promote the effective and meaningful involvement of the youth in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) program development. Through these conversations, participants highlighted; what young advocates can learn from the experiences of the old advocates to become better advocates of youth SRHR. Reality of youth SRHR issues and needs for the perspective of young people. With young people putting forward their views to policy makers, leaders and elders to address as key issues on SRHR.


The dialogue that took place at National Water and Sewerage Corporation- International Resource Centre, Bugolobi, Kampala, on 13th September, 2014 commenced with the Martha Nambuyaga of SRHR Alliance giving opening remarks and acknowledging the timely need for dialogue on to discuss the many question the different generations have on Reproductive health. She pointed out that the ideas that were to come from the dialogue would be transformed into actions that would better youth friendly SRHR services With over 250 participants attending, the event was presided over by Dr. Collins Tusingwire, assistant commissioner reproductive health in the ministry of health represented the Minister of State for Primary Health Care as the guest of Honor. Dr. Collins Tusingwire, said the issue of legalization of abortion is still under debate, but was quick to note that the ministry is doing everything possible to make sure contraceptives and other commodities are available at all levels to avoid shortages. “We have reviewed the adolescent policy and developed good packages to provide youth-friendly services at our referrals countrywide,” he told the participants, and later adding that young people should always seek early medication to avoid complications. It is understood that the ministry has also trained some health workers to handle youths. According to statistics, about 21% maternal deaths are caused by unsafe abortions in Uganda.

Introduction and background Reach A Hand Uganda with partners held the inaugural Intergenerational Dialogue on SRHR in Uganda. The dialogue was attended by key policy makers/influences at national level, development partners and young people in and out of school and Elderly. With young people between the ages of 10 and 24 make up 25% of the world and 32% of the Ugandan population, these young people need to be involved in the discussions and processes that impact their Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). By engaging the older generation who are key decision makers and influencers at policy and strategic level, a purposeful exchange of resources and experiences across generations was realized. Concrete cross-generational best practices were shared, myths and misconceptions dispelled and increase social cohesion critical in promoting sexuality education. Using a mix of paper presentations, moderator facilitated dialogue sessions and plenary discussions, the dialogue blended well the technical and contextual cultural, religious, age and gender dynamics.

Objective of the Dialogue The main purpose of the dialogue was to; • To provide an opportunity for young people to engage in a face-toface dialogue with , leaders from government, the private sector, civil society. • To exchange the perspectives and recommendations from young people on the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and to seek the support of government leaders to address the concerns and issues presented. • To highlight what young advocates can learn from the experiences of the old advocates to become better advocates of youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights. • Reality of youth Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights issues and needs from the perspective of young people. • What young people want to put forward to policy makers, leaders and elders to address as key issues on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.


Lessons Learned: • The dialogue broke through some cultural barriers empowering children and adults to have honest and frank discussions on what is otherwise considered a taboo topic in most cultures. The word Sex for example was mentioned a number of times, an otherwise unimaginable occurrence. • Participants gain valuable insights into the viewpoints, needs and desires of the opposite sex and the other generation. This contributes to objective discussions, self-reflections and subsequent behavioral and social change.

Profiles MC

MC. Ronnie Musuminta. Is one of Uganda’s most celebrated standup comedians with Fun Factory comedy group. He has hosted a number of events including, the East African Kings of Comedy Kigali, Major standup comedy act at DSTV-Mnet’s Comedy Club live in Kampala showing on Maisha Magic. Stand Up comedian at U-Turn Comedy TV show, airing every Tuesday on NTV-Uganda and other corporate events. In his own words MC. Ronnie say “Four years into this “joy activism” i have learnt to take one step at a time, keep the focus, respect everybody and keep myself encapsulated in the reality that your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE in life.”


Anthony Aitwrara is a TV presenter, news anchor as well as a television programmer with a seven year experience in TV production and programming. He’s an accomplished screenwriter, actor and movie director. He has worked as a rapporteur at different policy dialogues and also in several public administrative roles including live audience moderation in the fields of finance, health, entertainment and media. His seven years’ experience in media has enabled him to be innovative and have expertise in Multimedia monitoring and Evaluation. Anthony has also produced a number of health related publications which include a health magazine (your health) and medical directory.


The discussion panel There were two panels, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon each being facilitated by a moderator who shall give the discussion direction. Each panel had two sessions, a panel discussion and a QnA session with participation from the audience and the online public. The dialogue participants were young from youth groups selected by RAHU and its partner organization, schools and peer educators and the elders for all RAHU partner organisations, educators, leaders from government, the private sector, civil society working in the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Each panel discussion had eight participants, four young people and four elders, these included; 1. Dr. Naboth Cole - Senior Lecturer Makerere University 2. Mrs. Margaret Kabango, elderly with Help Age International 3. Rino Solberg Founder and Chairman founder of Child Africa Uganda a non-profit organization, dedicated to help disadvantaged children in East Africa to enhance their lives through education. Rino is a successful trainer/speaker, business consultant and an international entrepreneur who has built businesses in many countries. He is also an author of eight books in the areas of “personal development” and “human relations” and has produced several training courses within the same areas. 4. Joanita Kawalya, was born to the late singer Eclaus Kawalya, a mother of two is married to Christopher Muganga. Joanita is a vocalists with Afrigo Band for over 20 years which she joined in 1986, a tender but immensely talented sixteen-year-old. Joanita is an HIV activist, Teacher and Singer. 5. Sekalegga Edward is the Headteacher Kiwoko Secondary School a member of Next Generation Schools, an NGO that supports government-funded secondary schools in rural Uganda, with aims to improve management, educational and operational systems in schools by enhancing strategic planning and capacity building for school leaders and teachers through tailored training courses. Edward has a Bachelor of Arts in Education, Certificate in Management and PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling. His the President Rotary Club of Wobulenzi and Patron sunday school and youth department Kiwoko Archdeaconry. He has worked with teenagers for 26 years as secondary school teacher and administrator. 6. Jacqueline Alesi Living openly with HIV, holds a bachelors degree in social science and diploma is guidance and counseling. Has worked with various organizations like National Community of Women living with HIV as a project officer in Amuru, Straight Talk Foundation as project officer Young positives, National Forum of People of living with HIV Networks in Uganda as Advocacy officer and currently Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV as the Programs Director. I currently represent Young people and children on the Board of National Forum of People living with HIV Networks in Uganda (NAFOPHANU) and the only young person who has ever become the Policy, Advocacy and Programmes (PAP) Committee Chairperson in over 13 years when this committee was formed. She is also the representative of young people living with HIV on the Y+ (a GNP+ Initiative). 7. Marea Alice Muyonjo: A Youth Counselor and Peer Educator at Reproductive Health Uganda and championing in advocating young girls to access Sexual Reproductive Health services in the hard to reach areas.


8. GNL Ernest Zamba is a Ugandan hip hop artist under the label of Baboon forest Entertainment and is considered as one of East Africa’s most influential artist. He started professional music in 2007 after completion of a bachelors degree in environmental science, Makerere university. First signed to platinum entertainment he formed Baboon forest Entertainment. He is a Reach a Hand Cultural icon who is using music to empower young people on sexual reproductive health and rights. 9. Jackson Chekweko is the Executive Director of Reproductive Health, Chairperson of the Uganda Family Planning Consortium, President of the Association of Chief Executives of Member Associations of IPPF Africa Region. A Gold Medalist for reducing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by 36% in one year in Sebei Region of Uganda. 10. Rev. Richard M. Rukundo is a qualified teacher and holds a master degree from Uganda Christian University. He has worked with Kampala Diocese in the children’s department for 10 years. He was ordained as a deacon in 2011 and at that time of his appointment was working in Bukoto Parish as a curate . 11. Nargis Shiraz: Project Manager, It Takes Two Campaign; Co-founder, WO-MAN Foundation Ms. Nargis Shirazi, a community psychologist with a Masters in Public Health, is a co-founder of WO-MAN Foundation. She also serves as the project manager for the It Takes Two campaign that launched on Women’s Day in Uganda. Ms. Shirazi is a playwright and poet, and uses the arts and entertainment to promote positive health messages. She is passionate about family planning for youth and is an advocate of using creative channels to educate and promote it. Ms. Shirazi is currently working on her next play to be staged at the national theatre based on teenage pregnancy. She has had a hand in media, hosting a health show on one of Uganda’s biggest television networks, NTV, in 2010. She also played a character on a radio serial drama from 2006-2008 under the Yeah campaign on HIV and AIDS. She is an international activist. 12. Godfrey Korinako Atuhaire: Atuhaire is the 2010 overall Young Achiever’s Award (YAA) winner and a Research Technician at the Uganda Industrial Research Institute. The young self-driven artisan is a specialist in fibre processing for paper-making and has experimented it with various fibres like banana, water hyacinth, wheat, rice straws, pineapple leaves, elephant dung, grass waste among others. 13. Acheing Monica is Reach A Hand Peer Educator and Head Girl Makerere College School, a champion in advocating for sexuality education and access to SRHR Services in school. 14. Nasanga Asha is a student at Mariam High School. 15. Alex Craig Kiwanuka is a Health Sociologist with a Masters in Sociology and doing a Post Graduate in Hospital and Health Care Management. A Fellow ARSRC –Nigeria in Sexuality Leadership and Development, currently working with Reproductive Health Uganda, a IPPF Anglophone Facili-Trainer for CSE Out and Inside Assessment Tool , and CSE Provision to Out of School Youths. He has programmatic ,designed , strengthened and implemented ASRH /Sexuality Education interventions for Religious Groups, Health Service providers, Interns ,vulnerable and marginalized people like Sex workers , IDPs, PWDs, ,MSMs and Intersex Persons, Uniformed serviced persons, In and out of school and slum youths plus advocacy ,capacity building, IEC/SBCC interventions at all levels, amidst part time technical consultancy work for SRHR/Sexuality projects. Alex believes different stakeholders in lives of diverse young persons need to meaningfully understand, promote, protect and respect their evolving capacities meaningfully for safe sustainable sexual health lives.


The discussions The morning panel discussion under the topic “Sexual Health: Well Being of Sexuality” was moderated by Anthony Aitwara with panelists: Muyonjo Alice, Alesi Jacquline, Atuhaire Godfrey, Sekalegga Edward, Dr Naboth Cole, Mrs Margaret Kabang, Nasanga Asha . The discussion was introduced by presentation on Sexuality Education, The What, Why and How in local contexts. By Alex Kiwanuka of Reproductive Health Uganda the discussion was guarded by the following questions: 1. What is sexuality education 2. At what age should a young person start receiving sexuality education 3. Who is the right person to pass on information on sexual and reproductive health and rights? 4. Where can young people access information on sexual and reproductive health and right? 5. As a policy maker/cso leader/young person/service provider what have you done to make sure young people access information on sexual and reproductive health and rights The evening session of the dialogue, under the topic “Role of adults, policy makers and community leader in promoting comprehensive sexuality education and youth friendly SRHR services” was moderated by Anthony Aitwara and panelists were Acheing Monica, Alex Craig Kiwanuka, GNL Ernest Zamba, Jackson Chekweko, Rev. Richard M. Rukundo, Nargis Shiraz, Rino Solberg,Joanita Kawalya focused on issues of young people’s ability to access age appropriate and correct Sexuality Education and access to youth friendly sexual reproductive health services. With a paper presentation on SRHR Youth Friendly Services delivered by Duncan Keith Musumba Communication manager Marie Stopes, Uganda setting the tone of the discussion in motion. The big gap between parents and their children in discussion relating to sexuality education and sexual reproductive health services was raised in this session of the dialogue. With con Parents have abandoned their role of engaging their children on issues of sexuality. Young people are sexuality active and cases of early sexual initiation are high among young people especially young girls below 18 years. Sexual activity has big effects to the lives of young people if not well guided especially at an early age. The decisions that young people make in these seminal years determine a lot in their future and day today life. The evening discussion was guarded by the following questions. 1. What are Youth Friendly Services 2. Are there Youth Friendly Service Centers and Service Providers where young people can access information and services on SRHR 3. What have been the strides and shortcomings in providing Youth Friendly Services 4. As a policy maker/cso leader/young person/service provider what have you done to make sure young people access information on sexual and reproductive health and rights


Paper presentations Four paper presentations where made to keep the audience in perspective with the theme of the dialogue. These included: • Sexuality Education, The What, Why and How in local contexts. By Alex Kiwanuka of Reproductive Health Uganda

Alex Kiwanuka

• Use of Elders in Peer Education. By Janice Reul, MSc Gerontology, Interim Country Director, Help Age International • SRHR Youth Friendly Services delivered by Duncan Keith Musumba Communication manager Marie Stopes, Uganda • The Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment by Draecabo Charles National Professional Officer HIV, UNESCO.

Janice Reu

• State of HIV and Youth in Uganda by Helen Buxton - KMCC Ministerial Commitment on comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and young people in Eastern and Southern African (ESA) is an initiative aimed at reducing HIV infection and improving sexual health outcomes for young people in Eastern and Southern Africa. Launched in 2011, as a joint initiative of the UN, SADC, EAC, Civil

Duncan Keith Musumba

Society and development partners, led by UNAIDS and its partners include; UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, FORD Foundation, IPPF, Church of Sweden, INERELLA, GIZ, and Norway. Why a Ministerial Commitment? This is a strategic tool to strengthen HIV prevention efforts and foster positive health outcomes by advocating for access to good quality, comprehensive sexuality education as well as sexual and reproductive health

Draecabo Charles

services for young people in the ESA region. The ESA Commitment was presented by Draecabo Charles National Professional Officer HIV, UNESCO calling on government to include the component of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the secondary school syllabus.

10 Helen Buxton

Entertainment A great line up of entertainment from our cultural Icons including GNL Zamba, Maurice Hassa, Jody Phibi (from Rwanda), Ray Signature and Big Trill. Kyuka Youth Outreach also performing a skit on the Abstinence, Be faithful and Use a condom (ABC) strategy. Kept the audience entertained with educative acts. Its also at the dialogue that the KALEKE KASOME Remix video was launched. Under Reach A Hand Musical Project supported by Rutgers WPF, Kaleke kasome, translated as ‘leave the child learn, she is still young. And originally done by Maurice Hasa, the project’s focus is to educate the youth and the public on issues of SRHR, Cross Generational Sex, Sexual violence and abuse that puts young people at increased risk of HIV transmission, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy; and deprive them of economic resources and legal rights necessary to protect them from HIV/AIDS. Kaleke Kasome Remix features Uganda’s Top Artists and Reach A Hand culture Icons; Maurice Hasa, GNL, RAY, Big Tril, and Jodi Phibi from Rwanda.

Kyuka Youth Outreach

Kyuka Youth Outreach


RAHU Cultural Icons

Social media engagement Social media live streaming that was supported by our partners at NBSTV and Oddman had over 218 views. 3,567 tweets and 424 715 trends under the hashtag #IGDUG14.

The above image show the number of posts that made throughout the week, number of users that contributed to the posts, how far their reached and the number of people who saw the tweets online.

The other platforms that were also used included Facebook and Instagram had these statistics;

The main topics of discussion that was picked up from all the posts made include the ones below and their sources.

According to TeamUOT the hash tag trended throughout the week


Press clips




Our Partners 1. The was made possible by our partners including 2. Rutgers WPF 3. Segal Family Foundation 4. Reproductive Health Uganda 5. Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Alliance 6. NBS TV 7. UNESCO 8. Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid 9. KMCC 10. Help Age International 11. National Water and Sewage Cooperation 12. MTV Staying Alive 13. Oddman 14. Talent Africa 15. DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung) 16. Women Deliver 17. Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum 18. Extreme Music & Events 19. Face Studios 20. Pixel City


Conclusion & Way Forward At the end of the dialogue, there was unanimity from the audience that discussions such as these were vital especially in sharing information and contributing to policy formulation. There were varying expectations from the participants and these ranged from finding ways of clearly disseminating and sharing information especially to the rural youth who have little or no access to the Internet facilitates. With a call on government to embark on inclusive health care system to help reduce the number of unsafe abortions among mostly young Ugandans, suggests that youths be involved in promoting health Youth Friendly Services (YFS) and government should promote peer-to-peer education at health centers. The dialogue ended with a general consensus that there should be more of these conversation exchanges especially for the young people, service providers, government and the elderly to take part in order to provide better Youth Friendly SRHR Services. This report on the Inaugural Intergenerational Dialogue on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights was compiled by Humphrey Nabimanya for Reach A Hand, Uganda and its partners on the 22nd September, 2014.


Main Sponsors

Knowledge Management & Communications Centre


Media Sponsors

Plot 7502, Block 244, Kitaranga - Kansanga, Gabba Road. | P.O.Box 21288 Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 697037 | Mob: +256 774 256 109 | Email: igd@

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