2020 Annual Report | Rose Community Foundation

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2020 was a year of extraordinary Our community experienced unprecedented needs and opportunities, and Rose Community Foundation was able to respond to the moment in manners consistent with our values, vision and long-term strategies. Together, we continue to mourn the lives lost to COVID-19 and to wrestle with the intertwined health, economic and social impacts of the pandemic. Coupled with TOP: Vigil for George

Floyd at Civic Center Park in June 2020 (Kevin Beaty for Denverite) BOTTOM: COVID-19 testing site at National Jewish Health

persistent and longstanding racial injustices, the effects of COVID-19 highlighted and compounded structural disparities within our country and our community in very public and personal ways. Amid a truly difficult year, Greater Denver’s nonprofit and philanthropic sectors heeded our region’s collective call for support in critical and inspiring ways. With the vaccine rollout underway in 2021, we are hopeful that we can help our community move beyond triage and rapid response to recover and thrive. As we now turn our focus to stabilization, building back better and our long-term strategic objectives, we embrace how we leaned into our values of equity and justice to respond to 2020’s converging crises. There are still many areas in which our community is far from recovery. Our regional economy will take time to rebound to pre-pandemic levels, and women – especially women of color – have left the workforce at disproportionately high rates. Our national and local reckoning with racial injustice is far from over, with hate crimes on the rise targeting the Asian American and Pacific Islander community, officer-involved shootings continuing to claim Black lives, and significant work needed to address systemic barriers impacting immigrants, refugees and other communities of color. Our country is polarized, and our communities are traumatized by rhetoric and

challenges and resiliency. policies that divide, disenfranchise and discriminate. The national gun violence

systemic inequities across a range of areas throughout Greater Denver by

epidemic continues to impact innocent people and garner headlines in our own

creating opportunity, bolstering resilience and empowerment, growing aware-

backyard and across the country.

ness and understanding, and advocating for just and inclusive systems and

Rose Community Foundation is committed to addressing the evolving and immediate needs of the Greater Denver community, as well as supporting organizations and initiatives that help break down inequities and systemic flaws.

policies. The leaders of these organizations are immersed in the issues they seek to address, are part of the communities they serve and are visionaries who are driven to create change.

We will continue to advance our mission of cultivating inclusive, engaged and

Our long-standing commitment to our region’s Jewish community also adapted

equitable Greater Denver communities through values-driven philanthropy.

to the unique needs of 2020. Rose Community Foundation recalibrated its

Our values showed up time and time again in 2020. Understanding the urgency of the moment, our board committed the bulk of our grantmaking dollars to a multi-faceted response to COVID-19, with a particular focus on supporting the people and communities most impacted by the pandemic. Our donor-advised fundholders and other donors joined us in this response,

Jewish Life grantmaking strategies to prioritize bolstering nonprofits’ responses to emerging needs, sustaining and nurturing Jewish traditions in a time of physical isolation, mitigating the virus’s short- and mid-term impacts on the Jewish community and supporting long-term organizational recovery and stabilization. For many of our donors, their giving also followed these priorities.

collectively granting $11.6 million to help local organizations serving

They say hindsight is 20/20, and the wisdom gained from the difficult experi-

communities of color, the domestically-at-risk, remote learners, economically

ences we collectively faced in 2020 will guide us well into the future. Responding

insecure and low-income individuals, immigrants, people experiencing

to our community’s needs, aligning our giving with our values, inviting our donors

housing insecurity or homelessness, people with disabilities, public assistance

to join us in our strategic philanthropy, using our dollars and our voice to speak

recipients and older adults. Our dollars shored up services for basic needs,

up about important issues—these are all approaches we leaned into last year that

mental and behavioral health, back-to-work and job-loss support and virtual

will be sustained in our ongoing work. We are honored to have you as a partner

programming. We continue to foster our ability to leverage policy and

in these efforts, now and for many years to come.

advocacy work in pursuit of our mission, endorsing and financially supporting the passage of several ballot measures that will help our community in the immediate aftermath of COVID-19 and for decades to come. Amid this work, national tragedies focused long-overdue attention on structural racism within our community. Building on our historic commitments and

Lindy Eichenbaum Lent

Steven A. Cohen

aligned with our values, Rose Community Foundation and our donors made

President and CEO

Chair, Board of Trustees

grants to Black-led, Black-serving grassroots organizations working to address 1


to emerging community needs

ADDRESSING basic needs Early in the pandemic, Jewish Family Service of Colorado (JFS) quickly and effectively transformed its programs and services. JFS’s nimble pivot positioned the nonprofit to address an increased demand for services through its food pantry, meal delivery, mental health services and emergency financial assistance, and to adapt and grow its services as needs and opportunities evolved throughout the year. “From the moment COVID-19 hit our region, we rushed to support those most affected by the virus’s impacts – older adults, medically vulnerable individuals and people experiencing food or housing insecurity,” shares Linda P. Foster, JFS’s president and CEO. “As with Rose Community Foundation, JFS’s guiding Jewish values have compelled us to support those furthest from opportunity, within both the Jewish and broader community, throughout the pandemic’s many phases.”

SUPPORTING a diverse nonprofit ecosystem The general operating funding provided by Rose Community Foundation allowed us to maintain our organizational infrastructure and respond quickly and flexibly to emerging situations related to COVID-19 and anti-Asian hate crimes. - Harry Budisidharta, Asian Pacific Development Center


When organizations led-by and/or serving communities of color receive sufficient funding, they excel. Yet, there is a long history of these groups being excluded from and discriminated against by traditional financial institutions. To counter disparities in access to capital and to preserve vital services delivered to communities by local nonprofits during and after the pandemic, Rose Community Foundation partnered with The Denver Foundation and Community First Foundation to launch the Metro Denver Nonprofit Loan Fund. The Fund provides technical assistance and no-interest loans to BIPOC-led and BIPOC-serving nonprofits, helping span gaps and timing issues in the flow of nonprofit revenue and providing organizations with low-risk experience managing debt and developing credit worthiness. The Fund is one of many mechanisms the Foundation is utilizing to ensure that the most affected communities do not just recover from the COVID-19 crisis, but thrive.


Family Service food distribution site; Red Rocks Community College student; Kavod Senior Life resident


Development Institute; Gateway Domestic Violence Services; Project VOYCE

INCREASING support for women In response to the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on women – especially women of color and low-income women and mothers – many local nonprofits developed or increased critical supports. The Delores Project, which provides inclusive shelter and supportive services for unaccompanied women and transgender individuals experiencing homelessness, transitioned to a 24/7 housing-focused shelter and expanded case management and behavioral health services for its guests. Understanding that the pandemic’s stay-at-home orders were not safe for everyone, Gateway Domestic Violence Services developed a robust, free teletherapy program and worked closely with clients to find affordable sheltering options throughout the region, while Latina SafeHouse added a bilingual crisis line and offered culturally sensitive and inclusive health and financial services for Latinx domestic violence survivors. All three organizations saw the need for services increase dramatically in 2020, and each impressively answered the call with urgency and empathy.

An EVOLVING philanthropic approach Just as Rose Community Foundation shifted our grantmaking strategy to address urgent gaps created or exacerbated by the pandemic, many of the Foundation’s donor-advised fund (DAF) holders reoriented their own philanthropic approaches to prioritize funding basic-needs supports for those furthest from opportunity. “Traditionally, our family has directed much of our giving toward nourishing and sustaining cultural and spiritual life in the Greater Denver region,” share mother-and-daughter DAF holders Irit and Dana Waldbaum. “This past year, however, we felt compelled to broaden our giving. Our priority at this moment has to be doing all we can to help people survive.” The Waldbaums were not alone in supporting basic needs in 2020; Foundation donors gave more to health and food-access efforts than any other issue areas, and 25 percent of total DAF giving was specifically earmarked for COVID-19 response.

AMPLIFYING community voices for racial equity 2020’s converging crises cast into stark relief the fault lines in America’s systems, revealing and exacerbating the consequences of centuries of inequitable policies and practices. Over the summer, four local Black leaders in the racial justice space, each of whom runs a nonprofit that the Foundation has funded, participated in a web briefing for Foundation donors about how to cultivate more racially just systems in health, education, workforce development and criminal justice. The panelists were Deidre Johnson of the Center for African American Health, Hassan A. Latif of Second Chance Center, Sade Cooper of Collaborative Healing Initiative within Communities, and Wisdom Amouzou of Empower Community High School. Each speaker identified emerging and long-standing systemic issues facing the local Black community and advocated for community-driven solutions that lift up and empower people.

The Waldbaum family

This experience with the pandemic and these protests is affecting people who aren’t used to feeling uncomfortable. But that has been Black folks’ lives forever; it’s ingrained in our DNA. My hope is that people who are experiencing discomfort for the first time will have greater empathy for, and act on behalf of, historically oppressed communities. - Hassan A. Latif, Second Chance Center 3


systemic challenges

ADVOCATING for our community As the Greater Denver region has grown and prospered, long-standing challenges and disparities have intensified, with community needs increasingly outpacing existing charitable and government resources. Philanthropy alone cannot address the funding gaps or structural barriers that impede equity for all communities; public policy and advocacy is therefore a critical lever and a space in which Rose Community Foundation orange is committed to engaging. r a b e id S Leading up to the November election, the Foundation endorsed and helped fund campaigns for several successful statewide and local ballot measures. Issues we supported ranged from homelessness mitigation and fiscal reform to women’s health equity and climate justice. Our position on each proposal was rooted in our organizational values, aligned with our grantmaking history, and guided by our equity-oriented mission. The measures will help unlock substantial resources for our region and improve outcomes for those furthest from opportunity.

Marchers walk on Colfax Avenue in June 2020 (Kevin Beaty for Denverite)

INVESTING in racial justice In response to long-standing structural inequities and emerging opportunities to create more racially just systems, Rose Community Foundation invested in nonprofits advancing racial justice and equity. The organizations work at the intersection of racial equity and a range of other issue areas, from economic and educational opportunity to health access and environmental justice. They also embody a variety of approaches to combating systemic racism; some specialize in program- or service-delivery, while others focus on policy, advocacy and community organizing. “We each tackle issues facing the Black community from different angles, but we have a shared commitment to advancing the well-being of our community,” says Jicelyn Johnson, founder and Chief Visionary Officer of The Black Business Initiative, a nonprofit working to grow the Black economy and close the wealth gap through mentorship, investment and policy. “We are hopeful that the tragedies and challenges of 2020 may be catalyzing in creating real change to advance racial justice,” adds Chet W. Sisk, co-founder and board member at Co-Lead International, whose Climate Strong Initiative brings together BIPOC community entrepreneurs in efforts to mitigate climate change’s impacts on local low-income communities. The racial justice cohort grants build upon additional investments also made in 2020 to advance economic inclusion and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 in communities of color. 4

2020 RACIAL JUSTICE COHORT - be well Health and Wellness Initiative via The Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities - Black Business Initiative via Trailhead Institute - Black Child Development Institute - Climate Strong Initiative via Co-Lead International - Colorado Black Women for Political Action via Colorado Black Women Endowment Fund - Colorado People’s Alliance - The Kaleidoscope Project - Montbello Organizing Committee - Project VOYCE - Reimagine Policing and Public Safety Task Force via Center for Trauma & Resilience - Righteous Rage Institute for Social Justice via Breaking our Chains - Sistahbiz via Foundation for Black Entrepreneurship - The Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado - Young Aspiring Americans for Social and Political Activism

FOSTERING a culture of learning The value of learning was instilled in Adrianna Abarca at a young age. Her father was an immigrant from Mexico and her mother grew up in an orphanage in north Denver. They reveled in reading, visiting museums and traveling, and were eager to introduce Adrianna and her siblings to new cultures and perspectives. Now, as a donor-advised fundholder at Rose Community Foundation and the founder and board chair of the Latino Cultural Arts Center (LCAC), Adrianna is committed to cultivating new pathways for young people to learn, grow and express themselves. “LCAC is all about education,” Adrianna explains. “And not just education to compete in the workforce, but education that gives youth a strong sense of self and inspires them to be intellectually curious and culturally competent.” Among its many projects, LCAC is building libraries dedicated to Latin American arts and culture and is developing a 14,000-square-foot visual arts space for community members of all ages and skill levels. Adrianna’s focus on supporting the next generation is a natural extension of her family’s philanthropic approach. “My parents demonstrated that philanthropy means taking care of those around you,” she shares. “Growing up during the Chicano Civil Rights Movement, we were taught to give back whatever we could to community. Now that I’ve experienced success, I’m committed to lifting my community up with me.”

Adrianna Abarca

Waldbaum Berger family

ENSURING an accurate Census count The 2020 Census was the most challenging to date. Census counts determine how much federal resources and political representation states receive; however, decreased funding, lack of trust in government and the COVID-19 pandemic created significant barriers to ensuring all Coloradans were accurately and fairly counted. Despite these impediments, Together We Count (TWC), an organization dedicated to census outreach in hard-to-count communities, led the most extensive census outreach campaign in Colorado history. It also resulted in better representation for Colorado communities through a new congressional seat. “Rose Community Foundation’s fiscal sponsorship empowered us to construct a once-in-a-decade program that was able to quickly pivot in a census that was challenged by political agendas, a pandemic and a timeline that changed, literally, overnight,” share TWC co-founders, Rosemary Rodriguez and Gillian Winbourn. “Together, we made history.”

FROM LEFT: Archway Housing and Services; ECDC African Community Center | ABOVE: Rosemary Rodriguez of Together We Count | ABOVE RIGHT: Black Child Development Institute

Our family has been honored to partner with the Foundation for the past few years and were even more so this past year, when Rose was among the leaders addressing the needs in the broader community. - Elise Barish, donor-advised fundholder 5


and nourishing community

STRENGTHENING Jewish organizations In addition to making grants to Jewish organizations, Rose Community Foundation supported the local Jewish nonprofit ecosystem’s response to the pandemic through cohort-based learning opportunities. The Foundation hosted a series of virtual workshops for clusters of Jewish nonprofit professionals, giving organizational leaders the chance to learn from subject matter experts and share best practices and lessons learned with one another. Training topics ranged from pivoting to virtual fundraising to measuring organizational impact. “These workshops were exceptionally insightful and helpful,” shares Julia Epel Sherry, board president of Jewish National Fund’s Mountain States chapter. “The focus on adapting to virtual work was a major guiding force behind our work in 2020.” As local Jewish nonprofits look to recover and stabilize from the pandemic’s impacts in 2021, Rose Community Foundation will continue to offer learning and organizational development opportunities.

I donated to the R.E.S.P.O.N.D. Fund because I could think of no better organization to quickly and equitably support those most impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in the Denver area. - Sara Goldstein, Rose Youth Foundation alum


ALIGNING resources to maximize impact

LEFT: Workshop for Jewish organizations ABOVE: Shalom Park nursing home

Our collective philanthropic reach is increased when we leverage our shared resources in support of community. In 2020, Rose Community Foundation invited donors to join us in our grantmaking like never before – and they responded enthusiastically. First, the Foundation created three pooled funds – the COVID-19 R.E.S.P.O.N.D. Fund, the Community Action Fund for Racial Justice and the Fund for Jewish Nonprofit Resiliency – and encouraged donors to join in our equity-oriented grantmaking. In less than a year, 103 donors contributed nearly $900,000 to the three funds, amplifying the Foundation’s grantmaking reach and impact. Additionally, for the first time in our history, the Foundation created an opportunity for donor-advised fundholders to review curated portfolios of COVID-19 mitigation grant application summaries, culled from the Foundation’s broad applicant pool. Stephanie Stein and her family – father Ken Hankin and sister Jennifer Hankin – utilized the aligned-funding opportunity to support Colfax Community Network, an Aurora-based program that connects low-income families to resources for housing, education and career development. “The co-funding opportunity is exactly why we decided to partner with Rose,” she shares. “The Foundation already has the community partnerships and is attuned to community needs, which allowed our family to target effective organizations whose work reflects our values.”

CULTIVATING informed communities Equitable access to information is vital to cultivating informed communities, but too often communities of color have limited access to local news that addresses their critical information needs. At the start of the pandemic, Colorado Media Project (CMP) – an organization working to strengthen Colorado’s local news ecosystem under the fiscal sponsorship of Rose Community Foundation – recognized that potentially lifesaving news and information was not reaching the state’s non-English speaking and BIPOC communities. CMP launched the “COVID-19 Informed Communities Fund” to ensure that more local news about the COVID-19 public health crisis and the economic recovery reaches the state’s diverse communities. The Fund actively supported local newsrooms and community groups across Colorado and will continue to be a critical component of an equitable pandemic response and recovery.

INVESTING early in the Jewish community Early childhood education (ECE) center budgets were stretched thin in 2020 due to decreased enrollment, increased staffing requirements and the cost of personal protective equipment. In addition, center closures and subsequent refunds for families resulted in significant revenue losses. To support the Jewish ECE ecosystem, which plays an important role in providing highquality early childhood education and connecting families to the broader Jewish community, Rose Community Foundation invested in support for 11 local Jewish ECE centers. The grant provided short-term financial stabilization to each organization and funded pilot outdoor classrooms, learning pods for families not ready to return to ECE centers, and flexible contract staff available to substitute. “These Jewish ECE centers are essential – for children, for parents, for educators, for the organizations at which they’re housed and for the entire Denver/Boulder Jewish community,” expresses Kelli Pfaff, project director at The Efshar Project, which works on behalf of the ECE centers that received funding. “There is no better investment for nourishing and sustaining Jewish life in our community than supporting our region’s Jewish children and families and the institutions that serve them.” FROM TOP LEFT: Maisha Fields, nurse practitioner and member of the Colorado Vaccine Equity Taskforce; The Efshar Project | FROM TOP RIGHT: AAPI solidarity walk in March 2021; mask distribution at Tri-State Buddhist Temple

COMBATING hate and supporting community From the onset of COVID-19, the state’s Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities have been subjected to increased rates of hate crimes and harassment, worsening the pandemic’s already significant health and economic impacts. Asian Pacific Development Center (APDC), an Aurora-based nonprofit that serves and supports immigrant and refugee communities, joined forces with the Asian Chamber of Commerce, Colorado Asian Culture and Education Network and Colorado Dragon Boat to lead a multi-faceted response to the pandemic’s effects on AAPI individuals. The coalition of community-based organizations partnered to organize multi-lingual messaging campaigns about COVID-19 resources, coordinate with government agencies and law enforcement to combat hate crimes, and lead efforts to support AAPI businesses that struggled due to COVID-related closures and discrimination. Throughout an unusually challenging year, these groups supported and celebrated the strength and vibrancy of our region’s AAPI community. 7

grantees In 2020, Rose Community Foundation dedicated the bulk of our grantmaking resources toward a multi-phased, equity-focused response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the Foundation made significant investments in organizations advancing racial justice and equity and increased our longstanding responsive grant support to local Jewish nonprofits. As the Foundation began operationalizing our new strategic plan, we also made proactive transition grants to longstanding grantees.

The Center on Colfax Centro Humanitario Para Los Trabajadores Centro San Juan Diego Chabad Jewish Center of South Metro Denver Chalkbeat Cherry Creek Schools Foundation


513 grants

Children's Haven Child Care Center Clayton Early Learning Cleo Parker Robinson Dance


70 organizations were new grantees of Rose Community Foundation

Climate Strong Initiative, Co-Lead International ✱ Climb Higher Colorado Coal Creek Meals on Wheels Colfax Community Network Collaborative Healing Initiative Within Communities, Inc. Colorado Association for School-Based Health Care

Emergency Family Assistance Association

Colorado Ballet Aurora Warms the Night

Bridge to Justice

Colorado Bar Association Continuing Legal Education

Bal Swan Children's Center

Bright by Text

BaMidbar Wilderness Therapy ✱

Broomfield Early Childhood Council

Colorado Black Women for Political Action, Colorado Black Women Endowment Fund

Beacon Network Schools

Brother Jeff's Cultural Center

The Bell Policy Center

Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.

Benefits in Action ✱

Butler Institute for Families, University of Denver

Beth Jacob High School

Carne y Arena ✱

B.I.O.N.I.C. Team ✱

Casa de Paz

Black Business Initiative ✱

Catholic Charities Immigration Services of Denver ✱

BMH-BJ Congregation

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pueblo

Archway Housing & Services, Inc.

B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, Rocky Mountain Region

Center for African American Health

Arts & Culture Emergency Relief Fund, The Denver Foundation

B'nai Havurah – Denver Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation

Arvada Center

Boomers Leading Change ✱

Asian Pacific Development Center of Colorado

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging

Aurora Public Schools Foundation

Boulder Jewish Community Center

2020 Fire Relief Fund, Community Foundation Boulder County A Precious Child Ability Connection Colorado Adams County Emergency Food Bank Adams County School District 14 Adams County Youth Initiative African Leadership Group

Aging Resources of Douglas County Almost Home Anti-Defamation League Mountain States Region


Center for Community Wealth Building ✱ Center for Employment Opportunities Center for Health Progress Center for People with Disabilities The Center for Trauma & Resilience Center for Work Education and Employment

Colorado CarShare Colorado Center on Law and Policy Colorado Children's Campaign Colorado Circles for Change Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Colorado Community College System Foundation Colorado Community Health Network Colorado Consumer Health Initiative Colorado COVID Relief Fund, Mile High United Way Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing The Colorado Education Initiative Colorado Gerontological Society Colorado Health Institute

Colorado Hebrew Chorale

Denver Green School Northfield

Family Tree

Colorado Media Project ✱ ✱

Denver Health & Hospitals Foundation

Florence Crittenton Services of Colorado

Colorado Mental Wellness Network

Denver Indian Center

Food Bank of the Rockies

Colorado Nonprofit Association

Denver Indian Family Resource Center

Colorado Nonprofit Development Center

Denver Indian Health and Family Services, Inc.

The Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities

Colorado People's Alliance

Denver Jewish Day School

Colorado Restaurant Association Education Fund

Denver Kids, Inc.

Colorado Safety Net Collaborative ✱

Denver Metro Emergency Food Network ✱

Colorado Succeeds

Denver NCSY

Colorado Symphony Association

Denver Public Library Friends Foundation

Colorado Youth Congress

Denver Public Schools Foundation

Colorado Youth for a Change

Denver Regional Council of Governments

Community Action Development Corporation

Denver Rescue Mission

Community College of Aurora

Denver Urban Debate League

Community College of Denver Foundation

Denver Urban Gardens

Community Resource Center

Downtown Denver Partnership

Community Shares of Colorado

Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance

Congregation Beth Evergreen

Early Childhood Council of Boulder County

Congregation Bonai Shalom

Early Childhood Partnership of Adams County

Congregation Har HaShem

Early Excellence Program of Denver

Congregation Nevei Kodesh

Early Milestones Colorado

Congregation Rodef Shalom

ECDC African Community Center of Denver

COVID-19 Eviction Defense Project ✱

The Efshar Project ✱

COVID-19 Jewish Community Response Fund, JEWISHcolorado

Ekar Farm

COVIDCheck Colorado ✱ Craig Hospital Foundation CU Boulder Hillel Foundation DAT Minyan The Delores Project Denver Academy of Torah Denver Asset Building Coalition

El Centro Amistad Emergency Family Assistance Association Emily Griffith Foundation Emily Griffith Technical College Engaged Latino Parents Advancing Student Outcomes Envision:You ✱ Every Child Pediatrics

Denver Food Rescue

Family Resource Center Association - Aurora Community Connection - Denver Indian Center - Families Forward Resource Center - Focus Points Family Resource Center - Mountain Resource Center - Sister Carmen Community Center

Denver Green School

Family Star

Denver Center for the Performing Arts Denver Children's Advocacy Center Denver Community Kollel Denver Early Childhood Council

Friends of the Haven FrontLine Farming ✱ Ganeinu Gateway Domestic Violence Services The Gathering Place Generation Teach Great Education Colorado Grief Support Network


The GrowHaus

Community Foundation and many of our donors are committed to grantmaking in support of the region’s diverse Jewish communities. In 2020:

Growing Gardens of Boulder County Growing Home Guided by Humanity Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver Hebrew Educational Alliance Help & Hope Center Hillel Academy of Denver


Hillel of Colorado Honeymoon Israel Hope Center Hope Communities


THOUSAND in donor-advised fund grantmaking to Jewish organizations


THOUSAND in Live On | LIFE & LEGACY™ incentive grants​

Hunger Free Colorado Illuminate Colorado Imagine! Immunize Colorado Inner City Health Center The Interfaith Alliance of Colorado International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Denver Invest in Kids JCC Mizel Arts & Culture Center

MILLION in Jewish Life program grantmaking​


THOUSAND in matching gifts from Foundation trustees, staff and committee members to Jewish organizations

Jeffco Eats The Jewish Experience Jewish Family Service of Colorado Jewish Life Center

ABOVE: Jewish Family Service

Lunchbox Express program


grants & distributions

Programmatic Grants by Issue Area

Donor-Advised Fund Grants by Issue Area






Arts & Culture


Homelessness & Housing

Children & Youth Development

Food Access & Basic Needs

Jewish Community

Civic Engagement, Media & Policy

General Community Support

Social Justice & Equity

Economic Opportunity

Health & Mental Health

Other +

Grantmaking in Response to COVID-19 $9.1 MILLION

Programmatic Grants

$ 7.9 million

Donor-Advised Fund Grants

$ 1.2 million

Animals, Disabilities & Special Needs, Domestic Violence & Violence Prevention, Environment & Conservation, Internationals & Other Faith or Spirituality

FROM LEFT: Endale Getahun with KETO 93.9 FM, a Colorado Media Project grantee; Denver Rescue Mission | ABOVE: Dr. Sandhya Ayyar and her father at a COVID-19 vaccine clinic

2020 grantees continued


Montbello Organizing Committee


Moonshot edVentures

Judaism Your Way

Motus Theater

Kabbalah Experience

Moving Traditions

KAHAL: Your Jewish Home Abroad


The Kaleidoscope Project

Multicultural Mosaic Foundation

Kavod Senior Life

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Denver Branch

Kids First Health Care Kids in Need of Dentistry The Kings Counsel ✱ Laradon Latina SafeHouse Initiative Latino Community Foundation of Colorado Left Behind Workers Fund, Impact Charitable Longmont Meals on Wheels Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains Maiker Housing Partners Mapleton Education Foundation Maria Droste Counseling Center The Master's Apprentice Meals on Wheels of Boulder

National Black Child Development Institute, Denver Affiliate National Council of Jewish Women, Colorado Section National Jewish Health New Horizons Preschool Nourish Meals on Wheels Office of the Governor, State of Colorado One Colorado Education Fund OneTable Opera Colorado Opportunity Youth Initiative ✱ OUR Center Padres & Jóvenes Unidos

Mercy Housing Mountain Plains

Parent Possible - Jeffco Public Schools - Metropolitan State University of Denver, Parents as Teachers - Roots Family Center - Shiloh House

Merkaz Torah V'Chesed

Park Hill Collective Impact

Metro Caring

Philanthropy Colorado

Metro Denver Nonprofit Loan Fund, Nonprofit Finance Fund

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

Metropolitan State University of Denver, Immigrant Services ✱

Project PAVE

Meg Foundation Mental Health Center of Denver Mental Health Colorado

Project Angel Heart

Mi Casa Resource Center

Project VOYCE

Mi Familia Vota Education Fund

Project Worthmore

Mile High Behavioral Healthcare

Prosper Colorado, Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce

Mile High Early Learning

Public Education & Business Coalition

Mile High Health Alliance ✱

Ramah in the Rockies

Mile High Ministries

The Reciprocity Collective

Mile High United Way

Red Rocks Community College Foundation

Moishe House

Reimagine Policing and Public Safety Task Force, Center for Trauma & Resilience Righteous Rage Institute for Social Justice, Breaking Our Chains RISE Colorado Rocky Mountain Arts Association Rocky Mountain Children's Law Center Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical Society and Beck Archives

Teach Plus Temple Emanuel Temple Sinai Tennyson Center for Children Tepeyac Community Health Center There With Care Thrive-Transformation at Work TLC Learning Center Together Colorado

Rose Andom Center

Transform Education Now ✱

Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence

University of Colorado, Child Learning Center

Salud Family Health Centers

University of Colorado, James and Diane Shneer Endowed Fellowship Fund

School District 12 Education Foundation Second Chance Center SECORCares The Senior Hub Senior Support Services, Inc. Seniors’ Resource Center Sewall Child Development Center Shalom Park Sheridan School District Shorter Community African Methodist Episcopal Church Shwayder Camp ✱ Sistahbiz, Foundation for Black Entrepreneurship Sister Carmen Community Center Soul 2 Soul Sisters Spark the Change Colorado The Spirituals Project, University of Denver Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning St. Francis Center Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center Step Denver Street Fraternity

University of Colorado, Pregnancy and Parenting Partners (P3) University of Denver Urban Leadership Foundation of Colorado Urban Peak Via Mobility Services Village Exchange Center Violence Free Colorado ViVe Volunteers of America Warren Village We Don't Waste Wee Cycle Western Center for Russian Jewry Westminster Public Schools Foundation Women & Families of Colorado Relief Fund, Women's Foundation of Colorado Wonderbound Work Options for Women WorkLife Partnership YMCA of Metropolitan Denver

Struggle of Love Foundation

Young Aspiring Americans for Social and Political Activism

Su Teatro Cultural & Performing Arts Center

YWCA Boulder County

Swallow Hill Music Association



Fiscally sponsored by another entity An initiative of Rose Community Foundation 11

donor-advised & designated funds Rose Community Foundation works with individuals and families to support the causes they care about most. In 2020, our fundholder giving increased tremendously in response to the converging crises facing our region and country.


$4.9 million




in total grantmaking

total funds including 10 new funds

grants distributed

of all donor-advised funds made grants

FROM TOP: Village Exchange Center; Black Business Initiative; The Delores Project


of all donor-advised fund giving was COVID-19 response



of giving supported Jewish organizations


of giving was to organizations located in the seven-county Greater Denver region

Giving as a family was a special way for us to connect during an otherwise scary year. Even though we were physically apart, supporting our community gave us something to be hopeful about. - Yael Trainer, donor-advised fundholder


Drinkwater Shneer Family Fund

Alan and Leslie Levine Family Fund

Richard B. Tucker Family Fund

Tracy Dunning & Eric Sondermann Family Fund

Marc Levine Philanthropic Fund

The Vanderburg Family Fund

Eder-Adler Fund

Steven and Diane Levine Family Fund

Wald and Weiser Fund

The Ellie Fund

J. Leonard and Myra B. Levy Fund

The Waldbaum Family Fund

Erev Banot Fund

Lightning Bug

The WaterBlum Fund

The Ferris Fund

Lion Heritage Fund

WE4Smith Foundation

Firefly Fund

The Mally Fund

The Jerry and Nancy Weil Family Fund

A & A Abarca Fund

Fischborn Fund

Mayer Selig Philanthropic Fund

The WeiZan Family Fund

The Enid M. and Mark J. Ablowitz Philanthropy Fund

Stephanie Foote Enterprise Fund

The Micah Fund

Welsch Farber Family Fund

M & S Alexander Family Charity Fund

The Fund for Early Childhood

Sue Miller Transitions Fund

The Wherewithal Fund

The Anchor Fund

Charles and Anne Garcia Fund

Susie and Perry Moss Family Fund

Wilkinson Family Fund

A-P Family Fund

Tom and Margie Gart Family Fund

Over the Rainbow Fund

Williamson Family Fund

Atler Family Fund

The J. Glick Donor-Advised Fund

Papa Marv Fund

Carolyn and Dave Wollard Donor-Advised Fund

August 23 Fund

GoFish Fund

Jordon and Essie Perlmutter Charitable Fund

The Wolman Family Fund

The B6 Fund

Golden Hands Fund

The Pollock Family Fund

Xorak Fund

The Bay Philanthropic Fund (RCF)

The Gootys Fund

Pollock/Gorden Donor-Advised Fund

The Bender Family Fund

Grandwine Fund

Kami and Neil Pomerantz Charitable Fund

Benenson Family Fund

Gerald and Lorna Gray Family Fund

JHJ Posner Family Fund

Bernie Buck$ Fund

Renee and Martin Gross Family Foundation

RCG Fund

The BLTS Fund

The Hankin Family Charitable Fund

Ready Foods Fund

David and Zita Bram Family Charitable Fund

The Henry Family

RLC Foundation

A. Barry and Arlene F. Hirschfeld Family Fund

The RLMF Donor-Advised Fund


Lisa and John Robinson Family Fund

Donna Bryson and Fredrick Glick Family Charitable Fund

Jahon Family Fund

Marcia and Richard L. Robinson Family Fund

Bugdanowitz Family Fund

Jewish Women's Fund of Colorado

Rose Women's Organization Donor-Advised Fund

The Button Stores Philanthropy Fund

Larry and Helayne Jones Family Fund

SEO Oxman Charitable Fund

Chatfield Family Charitable Fund

Keith Family Fund

Seserman Family Fund

The Cohen Family Fund

Kikumoto Family Fund

The Shmerling Family Fund

Lisa and Rich Cohn Family Fund

Klondike Fund

Marvin and Harriet Shogan Family Fund

Community Builders Fund

David and Judy Koff Family Fund

Stephen H. Shogan Philanthropic Leadership Fund

Community Fund for Intergenerational and Senior Programming

The Korff Family Fund

Judith and Martin Shore Donor-Advised Fund

Richard K. Kornfeld/Julie A. Malek Family Fund

Silvers Refuah Shlema Fund

Mark Cordova Family Fund

Kortz Family Fund

Smith Family Rose Foundation Fund

The Corley Family Fund

L & M Charitable Fund

Allan and Helena Striker Donor-Advised Fund

Mary Gittings Cronin Fund

Ladis Family Fund

Gary and Lin Sunshine

David J. and Vicki Perlmutter Dansky Fund

Lanig Family Fund

The Thorpe Family Fund

Barbara Mellman Davis Fund

The Lanig Fund

Zahn Vance Thorpe Fund

Deer Dancer Impact Fund

Leaffer Family Charitable Fund

Michael & Pegi Touff Donor Advised Fund

DiBella Family Fund

Leevers Family Foundation

Black Child Development Institute

David and Zita Bram Family Fund for the Sons of Israel Cemetery in Colorado Springs

Webinar on philanthropy’s response to COVID-19


nonprofit endowed & designated funds Rose Community Foundation helps nonprofit organizations design successful endowment programs and cultivate them over time. We offer coaching on all aspects of an endowment campaign, from donor solicitation and stewardship to growing the fund through future planned gifts. These endowment and designated funds help to ensure that vital nonprofits will continue to thrive well into the future.



125 funds

$1.3 million

for 64 organizations

in endowed fund distributions

16 new funds


in 2020

$1.7 million

in contributions to nonprofit endowed and designated funds

of endowed funds took a distribution

$140 thousand in designated fund distributions

AJC Colorado Legacy Endowment Fund The Alexander Foundation Endowment Fund Allied Jewish Apartments Endowment ◆ ADL Mountain States ◆ - ADL Regional Director Restricted Fund - Anti-Defamation League New Century Endowment Fund - Atheneus Humanities Fund for the Anti-Defamation League - Barbara and Norman Gray Fund Anchor Center Endowment Art Students League of Denver ◆◆ Ascend Performing Arts ◆◆ - Fae Tourtel Endowment Fund ◆◆ The Blue Bench ◆◆ - The Blue Bench Endowment Fund - The Blue Bench Fund The Boulder Jewish Community Center ◆ - Ablowitz Early Childhood Education Fund - The Boulder Jewish Community Center Endowment Fund - The Early Childhood Center and Camp Program Endowment Fund - Ilona Irene Rosenschein Holocaust Education Fund BMH-BJ Congregation ◆ B'nai Havurah Endowment Fund ◆ Boulder Jewish Community Foundation Endowment Fund Brent’s Place ◆◆ - Brent's Place Legacy Fund - Nair Family Fund Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver - Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver Endowment Fund - The Holocaust Awareness Institute Fund - The Dr. Irwin E. Vinnik Fellowship Supplementary Fund - Rabbi Dr. Stanley M. Wagner Community Cultural Fund CIRC-Unity Fund ◆◆ Colorado Agency for Jewish Education Colorado Ballet Endowment Fund ◆◆



Red Rocks Community College

Colorado Nonprofit Association Designated Fund

Congregation Beth Evergreen ◆ - Congregation Beth Evergreen Endowment Fund - Ellen Diesenhof Educational Endowment Fund Denver Academy of Torah ◆ - Denver Academy of Torah Endowment Fund - Englard Fund - Makovsky Fund - MGB Foundation Fund - Obby Shames Fund Denver Film Society ◆◆ Denver Jewish Day School ◆ - Auerbach Family Children's Fund - Denver Jewish Day School Endowment Fund - Jack Robinson Memorial Scholarship Fund - Rose Medical Center Sports and Fitness Endowment Fund - Charles and Louise Rosenbaum Scholarship Fund Denver Public Schools Foundation ◆ ◆ - Denver Public Schools Foundation Endowment Fund - Every Child Succeeds Fund for Denver Public Schools Denver Scholarship Foundation Endowment Fund ◆ ◆ First Baptist Church of Denver Fund Dorotha Hogue Endowment Fund benefiting Florence Crittenton Services ◆ ◆ Girl Scouts of Colorado - The Rae Ann and Richard Dougherty Look Wider International Travel Fund for Girl Scouts of Colorado - Endowment for Denver Metro Outreach – CenturyLink - Stephanie A. Foote Leadership Prize Endowment Fund - Girl Scouts of Colorado Board Designated Fund - GSCO Endowment for Capital Replacement - GSCO Jorgensen Endowment - Mary Jo Jacobs, M.D Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund - Doris M Knudsen Sterling Endowment Fund for Girl Scouts of Colorado - MMR Capital - MMR Capital - Zip Line - MP Camp Operating Fund - Zonta Endowment for Denver Metro Outreach

Rise Above Colorado ◆◆ - Rise Above Colorado Designated Fund - Rise Above Colorado Endowment Fund

Growing Home ◆◆ Hillel of Colorado - Hillel of Colorado Endowment Fund - Hillel Political Education Fund - Raphael Levy Program Endowment - Annie Rosen Fund - Schayer Leadership Fund - Siegel Endowment Fund

RMIAN Endowment Fund ◆◆ Rose Andom Center ◆◆ Rose Youth Foundation Endowment Fund ◆◆ Save Our Youth ◆◆

Jewish Community Center of Denver ◆ - Rosyne Gardenswartz Memorial Fund - The JAAMM FEST Endowment Fund - The Harold Lane Memorial Fund - Dena and Charlie Miller Theatre Fund - Rose Medical Center Fund - Jerry Spitz Memorial Education Fund - Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Endowment Fund - Wolf Theatre Academy Fund Jeffco Library Foundation Endowment ◆◆ Jewish Family Service of Colorado Endowment ◆ Judaism Your Way ◆ Latino Community Foundation of Colorado Endowment ◆◆ L'dor Vador Circle, Aspen Jewish Congregation Lighthouse Writers Fund ◆◆ The Logan School Endowment Fund ◆◆ Mending Faces ◆◆ - Mending Faces Designated Fund - Mending Faces Endowment Fund

Mikvah of East Denver Fund

Summit Huts Association ◆◆ - Francie's Cabin Endowment Fund - Janet's Cabin Endowment Fund - Sisters Cabin Designated Fund - Sisters Cabin Endowment Fund Temple Emanuel ◆ - Congregation Emanuel Fund - Temple Emanuel Fund Temple Micah ◆ - Temple Micah Designated Fund - Temple Micah Endowment Fund

Violence Free Colorado ◆◆ - Violence Free Colorado Designated Fund - Violence Free Colorado Endowment Fund Warren Village ◆◆ Yeshiva Toras Chaim Endowment Fund ◆

Mizel Museum The Montessori School of Washington Park Endowment ◆◆ ◆◆

Parent Possible Endowment ◆◆ Posner Center for International Development ◆◆ Project PAVE ◆◆ - Project PAVE Designated Fund - Project PAVE Endowment Fund

The Spirituals Project Endowment Fund

Third Way Center Endowment Fund ◆◆

Mesa Verde Foundation Operating Endowment ◆◆

Colorado People's Alliance

Shalom Park ◆ - Shalom Park Endowment Fund - Milton and Lillian Toltz Staff Appreciation Fund

Temple Sinai Endowment Fund ◆

Mental Health Colorado Jeanne M. Rohner Endowment Fund ◆◆

Museum of Contemporary Art Denver

Sewall Child Development Center ◆◆ - Sewall Child Development Center Endowment Fund - Sewall Child Development Center Teacher Fund

YESS Institute ◆◆ Nathan Yip Foundation ◆◆ - Nathan Yip Foundation Designated Projects Fund - Nathan Yip Foundation Endowment Fund - NYF Guang Yu Restricted Fund ◆

Participates in Live On | LIFE & LEGACY


Uncertainty was a common denominator for many of us last year and it was incredibly reassuring to have the stability and flexibility that the Rose Community Foundation team provided us in managing our endowment. It allowed us to focus on our top priority — creating opportunities that our students might not have otherwise. - Verónica Figoli, Denver Public Schools Foundation

Participated in the Nonprofit Endowment Cohort

RedLine Endowment Fund ◆◆ 15

initiatives & field of interest funds These funds allow donors to support specific causes or fiscally sponsored initiatives of the Foundation.

COVID-19 R.E.S.P.O.N.D. Fund Early Childhood Mental Health Fund Early Childhood Workforce Innovation Grantmaking Effort Fund Ednium Education Technology Mini Grant Fund Friends of Colorado Student Leaders Institute (COSLI) Fund for Jewish Nonprofit Resiliency

I am inspired by the words of the Talmud: ‘Every man should plant a tree, have a child and write a book. These all live on after us.’ I want to leave the world a better place than I found it, and the legacy gift is my version of planting a tree. It’s something that will help people even when I’m gone. - Dr. William Silvers, donor-advised fundholder and Legacy Circle member

The General Rose Statue Fund Jewish Life Field of Interest Fund Sheila Bugdanowitz Leadership Development Award Fund

Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Initiative LAUNCH Together

Changing the Narrative

LinkAGES Fund

Changing the Narrative Justice in Aging

Live On | Life & Legacy™

Colorado Child Health Foundation Restricted Fund


Colorado Education Organizing Funders Collaborative

Policy and Advocacy Field of Interest Fund

Metro Denver Nonprofit Loan Fund

Colorado Friends Fund of the Harvard Women's Studies in Religion Program

Roots & Branches Foundation

Colorado Media Project

Rose Youth Foundation

Community Action Fund | Racial Justice

Together We Count

Rose - JCC Holdings LLC

Constellation Philanthropy Fund

FROM LEFT: Immigrant and Refugee Center of Northern Colorado, a Colorado Media Project grantee; Make a Chess Move


rose community foundation

legacy circle

The Legacy Circle honors those who have generously provided for gifts to and through Rose Community Foundation in their estate plans.

Laure and Scott Levin

Melinda Quiat

Diane and Steven Levine

Roberta and Gerald ° Quiat

Marc P. Levine

Henry Rasof

Ann and William Levis

Lisa and John Robinson

Myra Levy °

Marcia and Richard Robinson

Norman Levy °

Susan and Eddie Robinson

Suzann and John Love

Mona J. Rosenberg

Evi and Evan Makovsky

Nichole E. Scott

Enid M. and and Mark J. Ablowitz

Marjorie and Thomas Gart

Julie Malek and Rick Kornfeld

Sheryl and Milroy Alexander

Shannon Gifford and Jerrold L. Glick

Miriam Sherman °

Miriam Mazel and Mark Hockenberg

Debbie and Dr. Jim Shmerling

Judy Altenberg

Katherine Gold

The Shogan Family

Marilyn Van Derbur Atler and Lawrence Atler

The Goldberg Family

Arthur E. McAlarney Revocable Trust °

Judith and Martin H. Shore

Ellen Beller

Margery Goldman

Terrie L. McAlarney Revocable Trust °

Lynda Mallinoff Goldstein °

Bonnie and Dr. Jerry ° Merenstein

Darlene Silver

Zita ° and David ° Bram

Bobbie Lou Miller

Sheila° and Rick ° Bugdanowitz

Julia and Dr. Jonathan Gordon

Dale and Robert ° Silverberg

Lisa Farber Miller

Dr. William S. Silvers

Shanti Chacko and Graig Weisbart

Renee and Martin C.° Gross

Bill Clarke

Lauren Handler and John Silva

James W.° and Peggy ° Clausen

Joan and Mark Henneberry

Sue Cobb and Kate Shea

Betsy Herrick and Milt Kahn

Lisa Reckler Cohn

Lisa M. Herschli

Mark Cordova

Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld

Mary Gittings Cronin

Elsa Holguín and Edward Lucero

The Curtiss-Lusher Family

Sarah Indyk and Charlie Miller

Vicki and David Dansky

Dianne and Michael Jacobsen

Maxine ° and Fred ° Davine

Dr. Robert R. Janowski and Phillip A. Nash

Barbara Mellman Davis

Helayne and Larry Jones

Rae Ann and Richard E. Dougherty

Gale and Ron Kahn

Tracy Dunning and Eric Sondermann

Kathy and Rob Klugman

Therese and Jeff Ellery

Judy and David Koff

The Ellie Fund

Lisa Stein Kornfeld and Brad Kornfeld

Kathy Neustadt

WE4Smith Foundation

Sheryl and Kenneth Feiler

Mary Lou and Donald Kortz

Barbara and Neil Oberfeld

Carolyn and Dave Wollard

Amelia and Andrew Fink

Elizabeth and Steven Kris

Essie and Jordon ° Perlmutter

Teresa and Gary Yourtz

Jennifer Atler Fischer

Hilreth Lanig

Patrice (Hall) Pierce

Anonymous Legacy Donors (12)

Marshall Fogel

Dr. Indira S. Lanig

Helene and David ° Pollock

Stephanie Foote

Mary Lee and Jay Schusterman

Joanne Posner-Mayer

Anne and Charles Garcia

Gaye Leonard

Dr. Dean Prina

Sue Miller °

Terry Smith

Elaine Millman °

Helena and Allan Striker

Carol and Larry Mizel

Richard B. Tucker °

Naomi ° and Ronald Montoya

Liz Ullman

Susie and Perry Moss

Irit and Art Waldbaum

A BEQUEST OR PLANNED GIFT is an investment in the future. Rose Community Foundation offers a variety of personalized services and supports to help you fulfill your philanthropic goals and leave an enduring legacy.

°Of blessed memory


pooled funds

responding to immediate community needs 2020 was a year of extraordinary needs and converging crises facing our region. Rose Community Foundation invited donors to join us in our response by contributing to one of the following pooled funds. Dollars were deployed quickly into the community, and the funds remain open and active to support ongoing needs.

$899,263 from 103

donors given to the R.E.S.P.O.N.D., Community Action & Jewish Nonprofit Resiliency Funds

COVID-19 R.E.S.P.O.N.D. FUND Supports our ongoing, equity-



focused response to the health,

Supports efforts to advance racial

Supports local Jewish nonprofits

economic and social impacts of

justice in the Greater Denver

in adapting and responding to

COVID-19. Contributions fund

region. Contributions fund grants

the organizational impacts of

grants to local organizations

to grassroots organizations in

COVID-19. Contributions fund

serving communities dispro-

communities of color working to

grantmaking to bolster Jewish

portionately affected by the

address systemic inequities by

organizations’ financial health

pandemic. Grantmaking to date

creating opportunity, bolstering

and address needs identified by

has prioritized older adults,

resilience and empowerment,

the organizations themselves,

immigrants, communities of color,

growing awareness and under-

including technical assistance

women, remote learners, and

standing, and building just and

grants, cohort-based learning

people who are medically vulner-

inclusive systems, policies and

and workshops, marketing and

able, economically displaced,


storytelling support, and diversity,

experiencing homelessness or housing or food insecurity, or domestically at-risk.


equity and inclusion training.

donors to pooled funds Sheryl and Milroy Alexander

Tish Gonzales

Drs. Rachel and Nathan Rabinovitch

Weizan Family Fund

The Aloha Foundation

Craig Grimm

Lorii Rabinowitz

Welsch Farber Family Fund

Judy Altenberg and Bruce Plotkin

Linette Hidalgo

Linda Redstone

Anita and Scott Wesley

Marti J. Awad

Sandy Horowitz, Joseph Reiff, and Samuel Reiff

Dr. Nancy Reichman and Charles Gwirtsman

Kathryn Whitaker and Monte Moses

Sarah Indyk and Charlie Miller

Matthew Rich

Leslie Karotkin

Patricia Barela Rivera

Wendy and Michael Klein

Lisa and John Robinson Family Fund

Kathy and Rob Klugman

Marcia and Richard L. Robinson Family Fund

Ray Barrie-Kivel Lauren Baum Samantha and Robert Baumgarten Bender Family Fund Tricia Bonman Libby Bortz Sue Cobb and Kate Shea Wendy and Steven A. Cohen Lisa Reckler Cohn and Richard Cohn Anonymous fund of The Columbus Foundation

Lisa Stein Kornfeld and Brad Kornfeld Emily Kornhauser Sarah and Brian Kurz Susan Lanzer Gretchen and Scott Lenamond Lindy Eichenbaum Lent and Jason Lent

Kelly Costello and Jacob McWilliams

Ann and William Levis

David J. and Vicki Perlmutter Dansky Fund

Robyn Loup

Therese and Jeff Ellery

Elizabeth B. Martin

Kelli and Kevin Rojas Rose Women’s Organization Benilda A. Samuels

WTO Foundation Zellis Family Foundation Anonymous Donors (4)

- Teva Sienicki, Metro Caring

Kareen and Hal Shapiro Rachel Shindman Dr. William Shiovitz

Bonnie Merenstein

Silvers Refuah Shlema Fund

Dan Fallon

The Micah Fund

Jill and Howard Snyder and Family

Amelia Fink

Nikolette Miller

Stein Family Charitable Fund

Rebecca and Ken Gart

Hal Naiman

Leslie and Gary Stiefler

Sally Gart

Phil Nash

Judith and Meyer Sussman

Shannon Gifford and Jerry Glick

Kathy Neustadt

Maria Jose Torres Ariceaga Chavez

The J. Glick Donor-Advised Fund

Mary Norbury-Glaser and Dr. David Glaser

Liz Ullman

Leslie and Mark Sidell

The Waldbaum Family Fund

Katie Peshek

Ben and Lucy Ana Walton Family Foundation

Matthew Plavnick

Richard Wedgle

Claire Goldstein

JHJ Posner Family Fund

Jerry and Nancy Weil Family Fund

Sara Goldstein

Morris W. Price, Jr.

Bonnie Weissman

The Marvin Naiman and Margery Goldman Family Foundation

Works of Kindness Fund

SENDing Support Foundation

Peggy Jo Epstein and Donald Yale

Golden Hands Fund

Andrew and Jackee Woodman Charitable Fund

Emma and Christian Schwarz

The Ellie Fund

Bryan Olson

Suzanne Woodard and Patricia Lufkin

Afshin Sarvestani

Nazrawit “Naz” Medhanie and Arkan Haile

Mellenie and John Goebel

Roxane White

Rose Community Foundation's generous grant helped our organization in both its immediate endeavor to support the community's nutrition needs during the pandemic, as well as in our long-term work to end hunger at its root.

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The Efshar Project; Protests for racial

justice in May 2020 (Kevin Beaty for Denverite); BaMidbar Wilderness Therapy; Community College of Denver

unrestricted donors


resident Janie Ledesma Mason at a COVD-19 vaccine clinic; Kids in Need of Dentistry

The support and expertise offered by the philanthropic services team is amazing and helps our family leverage our gifts to make a much bigger impact than we could on our own. - Joy Benenson, donor-advised fundholder


Judy Altenberg and Bruce Plotkin

Gwendolyn A. Karlson

Marcia and Richard L. Robinson

Atler Family Fund

Florrie Katchen

Rosemary Rodriguez

Susan Bassow and Eric Fajer

Zachary Kiefer

Dr. Sarah and Trinidad Rodriguez

Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation

Roberta and Dr. Melvyn Klein

Susan and Jeff Rona

Lisa Stein Kornfeld and Brad Kornfeld

Michele and Jordan Scharg

Borgen Family Foundation

Jess and Rose Kortz and Pearle Rae Foundation

Dr. Howard Selinger

Brooke and Jon-Erik Borgen

Morris J. Krohn Memorial Foundation

The Brownell Bailey Fund

Elizabeth A. Laff

Sue Cobb and Kate Shea

Gretchen and Scott Lenamond

Melvin Coffee

Laure and Scott Levin

Renee and Dan Cohen

Carlene and Bill Lindsay

Dr. Janine Davidson

Evan Makovsky

Estate of Maxine ° and Fred ° Davine

Carlos Martinez and Phillip B. Danielson

Kate and Josh Dinar

Arthur E. McAlarney Trust °

Ben Figa

Terrie L. McAlarney Trust °

Mira Finé

Leslie A. Mendelson

Dr. Kristina Fraser and Jeffrey Goldstein

Estate of Sue Miller °

Jean and Dr. Ben Galloway

Michael Moses

Elaine Gampel

Dr. Monte C. Moses

Steven Gittelman

Neil and Barbara Oberfeld

Dr. Michael Glassman

Lisa and Chris Payne

Polly Gleichenhaus

Leah and Jeff Peer

Mellenie and Jay Goebel

Melinda Pollack

Tish Gonzales

Morris W. Price, Jr.

Anna Jo Haynes

Saira Rao

Cynthia Heller

Henry Rasof

Mike and Suzy Hiskey

Lila Rauch

Sally Hopper

Adina and Dr. Eli Reshotko

Larry and Helayne Jones Family Fund

Dr. Douglas Reznick

E. James Judd

Matthew Rich

Dr. Linda Reinstein Kaplan and Arnold Kaplan

Jeannie and The Honorable Bill Ritter

Boettcher Foundation

Judith and Martin Shore Gail Sigman Janet L. Slate David Smernoff Erin Snow STARS Fund Jamie and Michael Stewart Leslie and Gary Stiefler Judith and Meyer Sussman Swaha Foundation Dr. Pegi and Michael Touff Joshua H. Trager Carmel Ulbrick Malcolm Ulbrick Kenneth C. Weil Annette and Michael Weiner Jason B. Werner Stefanie Slade Winfield Lisa Zolle Anonymous Donors (3)

°Of blessed memory

donors to initiatives & other funds The Aloha Foundation

Gates Family Foundation

Carol S. Prescott

Jean Patrick Antoine

Jennifer Gilbert-Kaufmann

Megen Princehouse

Nhi and Jeff Aronheim

James Goodrich

Steve Ring

Erin Autrey

Thomas Gougeon

Tedrah Robertson

Lindsey Baltimore

Thomas E. Grant


Tom Baxter

Cynthia Greenfield

Alicia Rosenfield

Alyce Blum

Dr. Felicia Greher

Clare Rothchild

Bohemian Foundation

Craig Grimm

Adrienne Russman and Teva Sienicki

Becca Bolden

Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Afshin Sarvestani

Bonfils-Stanton Foundation

Kevin Highland

Mary Schaefer

Laura Brenner

Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld

N.J. Schwieterman

Dana Brittan

Gregg Hubbard

Josh Scott

Buell Foundation

Michael Humphrey

Nicole and Malcolm Seawell

Jodi M. Burrows

Joy S. Johnson

Kareen Shapiro

Caring for Colorado Foundation

Kavod Senior Life

Rachel Shields

Kristine Ann Cecil

Sue Kenfield Consulting

Tara Shofnos

Climb Higher Colorado

Carla and Jay Kutnick

Nancy Steele

The Colorado Health Foundation

Henny and Bert Lasley

Strear Family Foundation

The Colorado Trust

Catherine Lindsey

Michelle and Doug Striker

Anonymous fund of The Columbus Foundation

Steven D. Logan

Richard W. Strouse

Janet Lopez

Margaret Tait Routt

Margulf Foundation

Samantha and Nicholas Thompson

Cameron Martin

Ray Todd

Jocelyn Mills

Devin Tomiak

Sarah Morris

Ranee Boyd Tomlin

Judy Muller

Martin and Gloria Trotsky Family Foundation

Ann Corrigan and Kent Rice Delta County School District 50-J Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation Democracy Fund The Denver Foundation Dr. Amy Engelman Ethics & Excellence Journalism Foundation Erica Farber Loren J. Faye First Draft News Inc. Pamela A. Gagel

New Venture Fund Heidi Olivera ORS Impact The Piton Foundation at Gary Community Investments

Michelle Tucker The Waterblum Fund Jamie Winter

Waldbaum Berger family


Home; Community College of Denver; Denver Rescue Mission; Jewish Family Service food distribution site

The spirit of partnership is at the core of my relationship with Rose Community Foundation. We bring different insights, perspectives and skillsets to the table in service of addressing unmet health-equity needs in the Greater Denver disability community. - Dr. Indira Lanig, donor-advised fundholder

Wish of a Lifetime from AARP

The Pluss Family Foundation 21


(as of March 2021)

Judy Altenberg

Eric Davidson

Sarah Indyk

Catherine Lindsey

Benilda “Benny” Samuels

Director of Gift Planning and Advisor Relations

Manager of Information Technology

Vice President of Philanthropic Services

Finance and Executive Assistant

Vice President of Programs

Therese Ellery

Emily Kornhauser

Janet Lopez

Afshin Sarvestani

Ray Barrie-Kivel

Director of Collaborative Philanthropy

Director of Policy and Advocacy

Accounting and Benefits Manager

Communications and Outreach Associate

Senior Program Officer – Environment, Housing and Transportation

Sarah Kurz

Nazrawit “Naz” Medhanie

Emma Schwarz

Vanessa Bernier

Amelia Fink

Director of Talent and Culture


Program Officer – Jewish Life

Director of Nonprofit Funds and Endowments

Vice President of Communications and Outreach

Andrew Peacock

Maria Torres

Susan Lanzer

Rose Medical Center Gift Shop Manager

Associate Program Officer – Arts and Culture, Education, and Immigration

Tricia Bonman Program Officer – Civic Participation, Economic Opportunity and Health

Tish Gonzales

Philanthropic Services Assistant

Office Manager

Katie Peshek

Gretchen Lenamond

Communications and Outreach Manager

Anita Wesley

Gillian Breuer

Linette Hidalgo

Chief Financial Officer

Donor Services and Database Associate

Kelli Rojas

Senior Philanthropy Advisor

Philanthropic Initiatives Associate

Lindy Eichenbaum Lent

Director of Data and Operations

Kelly Costello

President and CEO

Grants Manager

Rose Community Foundation staff

committees AUDIT & FINANCE



Brad Kornfeld, Chair

Brian Wilkinson, Chair

Kathy Neustadt, Chair

Susan Rona

Lisa Reckler Cohn

Martha “Marti”J. Awad

Josh Dinar

Leslie Sidell

Josh Dinar

Steven A. Cohen

Zachary Kiefer

Stephanie Foote

David Shneer °

Rob Klugman

Irit Waldbaum

Lorii Rabinowitz Michael Touff


Brian Wilkinson


Jerrold Glick Eunice Kim✤✤ Richard L. Robinson Sue Sturm Paul Washington✤✤ Donald Yale


Neil Oberfeld Dr. Rachel Rabinovitch Matthew Rich ✤✤

New committee members welcomed in 2021

°Of blessed memory

board of trustees FOUNDING TRUSTEES Linda G. Alvarado Joseph M. Aragon ° David C. Boyles Fred T. Davine °

Steven A. Cohen

Lisa Robinson



Lisa Reckler Cohn

Janine Davidson, Ph.D.

Josh Dinar

Steven W. Farber ° Jeannie Fuller Stephen Kurtz Norman Levy ° Sister Lydia M. Peña, Ph.D.

Rose Community Foundation has never been better positioned to make a difference. - Lisa Robinson, trustee and chair-elect

David M. Pollock ° Richard L. Robinson Stephen H. Shogan, M.D. Martin H. Shore

Katherine Gold

Brad Kornfeld

William N. Lindsay, III

Monte Moses, Ph.D.

Kathy Neustadt

Robert A. Silverberg ° Richard B. Tucker ° Albert C. Yates, Ph.D. FORMER PRESIDENTS & CEOS Donald L. Kortz Sheila Bugdanowitz °

Morris W. Price Jr.

Lorii Rabinowitz

Jeannie Ritter

Trinidad Rodriguez

Michael Touff

°Of blessed memory

New trustee welcomed in 2021: Julie Selsberg

Roxane White

Brian Wilkinson 23

by the numbers unaudited financials for 2020 TOTAL ASSETS



IN 2020

$321.9 million

$15.6 million









$229.5 million | 71% $35.8 million | 11% $14.0 million | 4% $37.4 million | 12% RES T RICT ED/AL IGNED

$5.2 million | 2% 24

$8.2 million | 53% $1.7 million | 11%

$0.5 million | 3% $5.2 million | 33%



IN 2020

10.8% 7.6%

$25.4 million


6.3% 3 YEAR










$324,929,830 25


we can do more for our community. Join us in support of a stronger, healthier and more equitable Greater Denver region at rcfdenver.org/give Thank you for your partnership.


4500 Cherry Creek Drive South Suite 900 Denver, Colorado 80246 303-398-7400 | info@rcfdenver.org rcfdenver.org

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