DOCUMENT Strategy Hot Companies 2022-2023

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SPECIAL ANNUAL ISSUE | Hot Companies 2022-23

WHO ARE THE 2022-2023


PUBLISHER’S NOTE president Chad Griepentrog publisher Ken Waddell managing editor Erin Eagan [ ]


By Ken WaddellSPECIAL ANNUAL ISSUE | Hot Companies 2022-23

WHO ARE THE 2022-2023



SEE INSIDE FOR WHY EACHit’s COMPANY IS “HOT” t is August and that means time to announce the 2022- 2023 HOT CX SOLUTION COMPANIES. Each year at this time, we announce and publish this special sponsored-content issue featuring a select group of CX solution providers. We will also continue to promote this list for the next 12 months to make sure you keep their solutions on your short list for your upcoming plans.


Hot Companies.2022

This year, we are promoting 14 special companies that each offer a unique solution for your specific customer experience strategy. There are so many reasons to improve your customer experience. The number one reason of course is your customers who are looking for businesses that offer the best products and services for their needs and are also able to deliver a consistently great experience. Right now, there are thousands of companies from many different industries that have made improving their customer experience their top priority. They all want customers to stay loyal; however, they also know there can be a large increase in revenue that comes with this enterprise-wide investment. Find some time soon (even now) to read about each of our HOT COMPANIES, visit their websites, check them out on social media and even email or call them with questions. Right now is the best time to start making the changes you need. Wishing you all the very best! Take care.



contributing editor Amanda Armendariz advertising Ken Waddell [ ] (m) 608.235.2212 audience development manager Rachel Chapman [ ] creative director Kelli Cooke

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DOCUMENT Strategy Media (ISSN 1081-4078) is published on a daily basis via its online portal and produces special print editions by Madmen3, PO BOX 259098, Madison, WI 53725-9098. All material in this magazine is copyrighted ©2022 by Madmen3 All rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Any correspondence sent to DOCUMENT Strategy Media, Madmen3, or its staff becomes the property of Madmen3. The articles in this magazine represent the views of the authors and not those of Madmen3 or DOCUMENT Strategy Media. Madmen3 and/or DOCUMENT Strategy Media expressly disclaim any liability for the products or services sold or otherwise endorsed by advertisers or authors included in this magazine. SUBSCRIPTIONS: DOCUMENT Strategy Media is the essential publication for executives, directors, and managers involved in the core areas of Communications, Enterprise Content Management, and Information Management strategies. Free to qualified recipients; subscribe at REPRINTS: For high-quality reprints, please contact our exclusive reprint provider, ReprintPros, 949-702-5390,



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Compart Eclipse FCI CCM FIS Messagepoint MHC Napersoft O’Neil Digital Solutions OpenText Paloma Print Products Quadient Smart Communications Symphio Transformations

THE 2022-23







IDC found in its Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey that the top 5 benefits of investing in improving the customer experience include better profit margins (34%), better customer loyalty (30%), improved internal processes (27%), positive impact on revenue (27%), and improved customer lifetime value (26%). But improving customer experience in enterprise organizations isn’t solely driven on these perceived benefits; it is also motivated by survival & accessibility initiatives. Consumer expectations have shifted dramatically, and as generational differences persist, along with work life environmental changes, they will continue to evolve. Ever increasing is the demand for dynamic communications and real-time interactions that are relevant and specific. We crave relationships that are more than transactional and require highly engaging personalized experiences across experiences while demanding to consume content in our preferred channel. Organizations and governmental agencies today are seeking new ways to modernize communication platforms that were developed years ago for batch, paper-based communications. Nowadays, CCM solutions need to be future-proof, capable of digesting any format, connect to any system and be extended to surface in leading business applications. Modular, nimble and most of all flexible. But that doesn’t mean that the entire infrastructure that has supported enterprise document processing for years needs to be replaced in one lift & shift effort. Just because legacy CCM solutions have typically been monolith in nature, does not mean that the future should be. Nor does it mean that these legacy solutions need to be replaced in the traditional sense. Current deployment technologies allows for scalability, flexibility and extensibility through API. DocBridge software from Compart can easily augment or supplement current legacy systems, providing modern functionality without the expense and effort of replacing and remapping existing workflows. Organizations now have the capability to leverage the output from existing legacy applications and turn that into true, omnichannel content that is fully accessible, WACG and 508 compliant PDF, HTML, AFP, or any number of other formats to meet the various needs of separate divisions, agencies and business units.

THE 2022-23







Document Software for Enterprise Class Business 99.995% Up Time, 300+% faster than leading brand names! Document Design and Generation DocOrigin® Business Communications Center is an innovative and intuitive software solution for designing and generating dynamic business documents. Whether you need to produce large volumes of invoices, labels or statements, or a single customer letter, DocOrigin BCC handles your business-critical requirements quickly and affordably. With DocOrigin BCC, you save money, build value, communicate better and increase your return on investment. High Value Customer Communications With DocOrigin® Business Communications Center™ you can increase revenue and improve customer relationships by using routine transactional documents to cross-sell, up-sell and boost brand loyalty. Use DocOrigin BCC to transform your routine customer correspondence into vital marketing, safety and communication tools that are targeted, personalized and engaging. High Performance Output When it comes to speed, DocOrigin BCC is fast, flexible, and functional — and has been proven to run rings around its competitors. Custom drivers produce PCL, Postscript, PDF and HTML at optimal speed and efficiency. Drive high-speed ink jet printers and cut sheet lasers with a single solution. PDF document production up to 320% faster than our largest competitor and files storage size savings up to 66%! Automated Batch Conversion – Migrate to DocOrigin BCC with free Template Conversion Software Our automated batch conversion tools streamline the migration of legacy forms and documents — minimizing downtime and conversion risks — while our expert consultants and partners ensure that everything transitions smoothly. Imagine dropping 50 of your existing legacy templates into our portal and having them delivered back to your team for test and QA in under 5 minutes. About Eclipse Since 2005, Eclipse Corporation has been a leading provider of enterprise document design, presentation, generation, automation and customer communications management software. Eclipse and our authorized partners work closely with clients to provide tailored solutions that conform to specific needs at a fair price. Eclipse’s principles are simple: provide the right solution and get the job done - on time.



THE 2022-23





Say bye to inter-departmental silos with better collaboration and experience management


Is your CX hurting due to inefficient departmental silos? Are you struggling with managing complex customer communications? Are you wondering how to make transactional communications more contextual and personalized? FCI, has you covered — all of the above and more on a single platform! We welcome you to experience state-of-the-art communications and experience management with Varta is an enterprise application solution for centrally designing, managing, and delivering high-volume personalized service communications across multiple delivery channels. The platform can operate in Batch, Ad-Hoc, or On-Demand, catering to different communication types and offers the following functional capabilities:  Design: A modular and effortless platform that offers a simple drag & drop user interface to manage template design & rationalization, version control, security, and approval workflows. It allows the user to visually augment communication designs with personalization, images, and graphs.  Data Exchange & Integration: Varta can simultaneously ingest multiple data files from multiple systems of record. It enables bi-directional integration, which lets the user update the data, stored in external sources.  Process: The user can automate and orchestrate the document generation process from data gathering to various output formats such as PDF, HTML 5, personalized video, or print files. This fosters a highly scalable infrastructure for managing production loads, enabling the management of different languages, and parsing input data in real-time.  Distribute: A facile drag & drop user interface to manage the accelerated distribution of communications across multiple channels (email, SMS, WhatsApp, pURL, chat, etc.) while taking customer channel preferences into account.  Track & Report: Logging customer preferences and link clicks, real-time tracking & reporting of delivery, bounce, and open rates across channels, and retaining conversation trails for individual customers, this system is fronted by an integrated dashboard that customers can use to directly monitor and manage job status. Now get rid of inefficient communications silos, empower your business users, reduce IT dependency and deliver superior experience throughout the customer journey lifecycle.



THE 2022-23





Today’s customers are more complex than ever before. They have different needs, interact in more ways, and have different expectations for how you service them. And when it comes to communication, let’s face it, customer preference is key and at times those preferences can be quite complex, with consumers favoring email for some interactions, chat for others and at times a physical document. Building relationships with your customers through effective communications is critical to driving loyalty and creating upsell opportunities. But with such diverse needs and preferences among your customer base, maintaining clear, consistent, and effective customer communications across every touchpoint can be a frustrating, disjointed experience — both for customers and your organization. Fueled by AI data assets, the solution is a centralized, cost-effective solution to manage all customer communications ensuring a consistent brand voice and frictionless customer interactions. That’s where the FIS Customer Communication Management (CCM) stack, Touch-CX, with its holistic, one-view approach to customer communications, can help. Touch-CX is designed as a stack of solutions that allow you to build the CCM experience you require at your pace, with a host of solutions to meet your needs. Touch-CX brings all of the touchpoints between you and your customers into one centralized experience, allowing you to provide consistency across all communications, real time or batch, regardless of delivery channel. FIS architects assist in you in building your perfect CCM environment using one or more solutions from the stack based on your unique needs. And what makes this even easier is the fact that Touch- CX can integrate seamlessly across all existing products and solutions. Touch-CX is the hub that brings together multiple parts of your organization’s communication needs and empowering you to fully engage your customers across every channel, enhancing their experience, and building loyalty for your institution. The Benefits:  APIs and data-integration tools  Intuitive tools to create communications  Review, approve and control content  Quicker change management  AI data assets fueling the right message at the right time through the right channel

THE 2022-23





WEBSITE: It’s time to leave your PDFs in the archive where they belong Too many digital experiences today consist of downloading static PDFs from an email or Web portal. It’s time to break free from the document paradigm of the 90s and deliver the dynamic digital experiences that your customers expect. Personalize your digital experiences Our headless CCM capabilities make it easy to take advantage of the sophisticated content targeting and personalization capabilities in Messagepoint, such as variations and dynamic targeting, to deliver relevant, contextual customer experiences digitally. Choose the right delivery format for your digital endpoints Content housed in Messagepoint is abstracted from the presentation layer, meaning it is not tied to any specific communication type or delivery channel. Messagepoint’s RESTful APIs enable your content to be shared across digital endpoints using HTML or JSON formats, giving you flexibility to meet the requirements of your digital endpoints. Intelligent AI-Powered CCM with Messagepoint Today’s customers demand seamless experiences across all communication channels. Messagepoint empowers your teams to centralize control and efficiently manage the complex, personalized content that supports both composed communications and rich digital experiences, all from one intelligent content hub. Modularize to modernize While other CCM vendors focus on managing documents, Messagepoint focuses on managing your content. Our modular content management approach enables you to manage your content in re-usable components that are abstracted from the presentation layer. This means your content isn’t locked in a document, but rather easily shared across composed communication touchpoints and any modern digital endpoint including your mobile app, Web page, messaging apps, or chatbot, IVR/IVA. Centralize control over your content By leveraging a centralized, intelligent content hub, you eliminate the need to duplicate and redundantly manage content across the different systems to support customer experiences across multiple channels. When content needs to be edited, make the change once in Messagepoint, and the update appears instantly across all the relevant touchpoints and channels — ensuring both consistency and compliance.


THE 2022-23




800.588.3676 ext.1241



Customer communication management is the face you show to the world, the language with which you speak to your customers, and the way an interaction with you makes them feel. But it’s easy for companies to overlook the importance of it. And in 2022, building the kind of personalized communications customers have come to expect may seem like a daunting task. Enter MHC EngageCX. Our full-stack CCM solution utilizes configurable templates to maintain a clear and consistent message to your customers while reducing operational costs. Prioritizing security and compliance, MHC EngageCX eliminates risk while providing the information your customers need. We have what your enterprise business needs to: Craft personalized communications on-demand or in batch that meet the needs, tone, and language of your customers, ensuring that everyone feels seen and heard. Automate document creation through template management functionality and reusable content fragments, offering the ability to build professional documents at speed and scale. Build an experience for your customer using real-time data analytics and customer journey mapping, getting to know your customer while nurturing a foundation of trust and loyalty. Schedule a demo to see how MHC EngageCX can take your communications from production and assembly to personalization and omnichannel delivery. Designed for use by business users, your company will no longer rely on IT to harness the power of omnichannel distribution, digital forms, workflow management, and interactive smart documents. Capture, collect, and process customer information that will provide the insight you need to deliver a superior customer experience. Hone your brand voice, perfect your workflow process, and delight your customers through a CCM solution that builds the communications you and your customers deserve.

THE 2022-23








1. Integration With Your Business Applications — We provide an open integration to your customer data (relational, transactional, XML) stored in your business applications such as underwriting/claims, CRM, ERP, EMR, billing, and/or other systems. 2. Template Authoring — We provide an authoring tool, built on Microsoft Word with our custom-built components that enables your template authoring process to be easy, efficient and secure. To make changes to document templates, you simply check the template out from our secure content library, make changes and simply check it back into the content library. 3. Document Generation — We provide you with a choice of methods you employ to create personalized customer documents: high-volume production runs (Batch), one-toone customer service (Interactive) and/or customer self-service (OnDemand). We have built in easy-to-use automated business processes so you can apply business rules to the template design in order to dynamically include customer data, reusable images, paragraphs and prompts into your personalized customer documents such as letters, correspondence, policies, agreements, statements and EOBs. 4. Document Archival — We provide an out-of-box full-function document archive for the automatic storage and management of all of your distributed customer documents, making it easy to also search, view and redistribute customer documents for one to one customer service and/or customer self-service 24/7. 5. Multi-Channel Document Distribution — Our multi-channel distribution engine enables you to distribute documents based on your customer’s individual preferences - print, e-mail, fax, text messages, mobile and/or the Web.

THE 2022-23



O’Neil Digital Solutions





O’Neil Digital Solutions, a division of William O’Neil Companies, is a total communications service provider and a recognized leader in technology-driven, marketing communications for nearly five decades. Forward-thinking, resourceful, and nimble, O’Neil Digital Solutions specializes in Customer Communication Management (CCM) and provides hosted managed services in Customer Experience Management (CXM) for the Healthcare, Insurance, and Financial Services industries. O’Neil has managed client communications to over 120 million people in the US. A Nationally Recognized Industry Leader O’Neil was recently recognized as a top leader on Aspire’s Service Provider Leaderboard, a dynamic, digital-first, positioning grid that ranks service providers across the CCM and CXM industries. O’Neil’s leaderboard position is based on an evaluation of the strength of strategic direction and strength of capability. “With its ONEsuite solution, O’Neil Digital Solutions combines strong execution in CCM with the ability to drive towards its overall CX vision. With a third of its 1,000 employees working in IT alongside an experienced team of data scientists, the provider has proven it has what it takes to help its customer successfully transform static, outbound printcentric communications into omni-channel experiences that drive higher business value. Businesses managing high-volume member communications, plan participants, or other regulated communications, and those having issues with evolving their best-of-breed internal infrastructure to facilitate their evolving customer needs should consider an endto-end provider like O’Neil.” – Aspire Customer Communications Services ONEsuite: A Complete CCM/CX Solution for Digital Transformation O’Neil’s ONESuite CCM / CX platform leverages our heritage of turning complex data into actionable insights to drive better results. ONEsuite includes a robust data analytics engine, content management, template creation and output functionality, CRM integration, and built-in omni-channel delivery. This industry-leading platform enables clients to interact with their data, content, templates, and create communications, with proofing workflows and multi-channel delivery to their audiences. ONEsuite also monitors SLAs and has a sophisticated reporting dashboard to track results.

THE 2022-23






The path to loyalty and growth Buying habits and expectations have changed. Customers and employees today want quick access to all the information they need. Organizations that can connect that information and provide smooth employee and customer journeys through communication-centric digital experiences gain an advantage. Yet, many organizations maintain disparate systems and departmental data silos that lead to disjointed, overly complex, and frustrating experiences. Give customers and employees new reasons to engage and stay loyal with relevant, communication-centric digital experiences that are frictionless, omnichannel, datadriven, and highly personalized. Shift to total experiences Companies today struggle with a cross-functional dilemma fueled by data silos and disconnected systems. Marketers want to generate demand, build brand value, and drive conversions. Operations, customer service, and other support teams strive to streamline transactions, communicate clearly and manage compliance complexity. A total experience strategy brings all departments together with customers in a shared digital experience. Modernize experiences Customers expect seamless, frictionless digital experiences. Employees want to resolve customer issues quickly and easily. Meet both needs with a single, cloud-based platform that works across all departments, channels, and touchpoints, eliminating data silos, automating and digitizing processes, and optimizing employee experiences for greater efficiency. Evolve from CCM to CXM Research shows that customer experience leaders grow revenue faster than laggards, cut costs, reduce risk, and charge more for their products. Pushing past traditional CCM to a whole CXM experience allows customers to integrate communications, messaging, data insights, and information into a single platform to deliver consistent, engaging, relevant customer journeys and experiences. About OpenText OpenText can help you confidently tackle the most complex digital transformation initiatives. With the world’s most complete and integrated Customer Experience platform, we empower our customers to organize, integrate and protect data and content as it flows through business processes inside and outside their organization.

THE 2022-23

Paloma Print Products offers true end-to-end document quality assurance solutions. Paloma’s flagship solution — Print Perfect - automates labor-intensive, costly, and errorprone manual document QA processes. Print Perfect compares documents digitally, in a fraction of the time required by manual processes, cutting document testing time/cost by 75% while allowing document applications to be tested more thoroughly, reducing risk for companies that present sensitive customer information in their documents.


Print Perfect consists of three software modules – STREAMdiff, DocDiff, and Switch. STREAMdiff is Paloma’s original print file comparison software which quickly, objectively, and accurately compares AFP, Postscript, PDF, PCL, Xerox© Metacode, and ASCII text files. Because STREAMdiff compares the underlying print file constructs/commands, it provides the user a wealth of information about all document changes, including the exact magnitude of the change. STREAMdiff is used to QA CCM/CXM software upgrades, regulatory and marketing document modifications, bar code changes, nonprinted document changes (e.g., paper tray, bin selection, TLE/NOP changes) and more.


Adding to the STREAMdiff legacy, in 2018 Paloma introduced its next-generation document QA solution, DocDiff. While similar in function to STREAMdiff — it is also a print file comparison software engine — DocDiff is used for overly complex document migration and/or redesign projects. For example, DocDiff is the perfect document QA tool for companies needing to move off older document creation engines (e.g., Documerge, Compuset, or xPression) to state-of-the-art CCM/CXM technologies (e.g., Adobe AEM, Quadient Inspire). Many companies talk about migrating your document content to a new system, but who is talking about ensuring the quality of those migrated documents? Paloma, with DocDiff.


Switch is Paloma’s document QA workflow automation software, used to design and implement automated document quality/testing processes utilizing STREAMdiff and DocDiff. From launching high-volume batch print comparisons to email notification upon completion of comparison jobs and the creation of a time-stamped testing audit trail, Switch ensures the most efficient document quality assurance processes by minimizing the need for manual intervention. Whether you print your own documents or for other companies, Paloma’s document QA solutions save you time and money and ensure you produce the highest quality documents.

“Every day, I read something new about how quickly and easily ‘Vendor X’ can help companies migrate documents to a new CCM/CXM system. But these vendors rarely discuss how they ensure the quality and integrity of these migrated documents. This is where Paloma’s DocDiff software can help. We make your migration faster, less expensive, and of the highest quality.”


Joe Pigeon is President, as well as a founding member, of Paloma Print Products. With more than 26 years of experience in the document creation industry, and a background in sales, marketing, and product management, Joe has been instrumental in establishing Paloma’s leadership position in document quality assurance products like DocDiff and STREAMdiff.


Paloma Print Products




THE 2022-23







Make sure your communications infrastructure will adapt and grow with your business As customer expectations and the demand for personal, secure, in-the-moment communications rise, a new standard has been set for all organizations. Consumers will continue to demand frictionless experiences that are timely and relevant. Yet many organizations struggle to meet this standard, especially in an omni-channel world where demand for digital communications is rising. How can you provide a consistent and compelling communications experience while managing a complex mix of systems? Quadient’s Cloud CCM solutions help companies create a flexible, efficient, and unified customer communications infrastructure to deliver a complete omnichannel customer experience that spans all essential customer journeys. Quadient is the only provider to offer any-premise CCM with solutions for every deployment option based on your business objectives and technology preferences. We are focused on partnering with our customers to improve their business outcomes, and that means offering a range of ways to implement and use our integrated and connected solutions. These include on-premise, SaaS, dedicated cloud, hosted managed services, and hybrid scenarios to flexibly meet your needs today and into the future. Flexible and scalable enough to handle the simple to the most sophisticated communications deployed in the environment of your choice, Inspire is a CCM solution that enables organizations to deliver a better customer experience by enabling users to create, manage and deliver personalized, compliant communications to every customer across key journeys and in their preferred channels. We won’t lock you into a prescribed and limited deployment option but will support your ability to run in multiple environments including cloud, hybrid, and on-premise to ensure you don’t get locked into infrastructures that don’t grow with your business. We can help you reduce costs by connecting data and consolidating multiple communication solutions into one centralized hub and manage all your communications across any channel. Hear what the analysts are saying about top-rated CCM companies and connect with us to learn why we look at the market through the lens of our customers.

THE 2022-23



Smart Communications




Smart Communications is a leading technology company focused on helping businesses engage in more meaningful customer conversations. Its Conversation Cloud™ platform uniquely delivers personalized, omnichannel conversations across the entire customer experience, empowering companies to succeed in today’s digital-focused, customerdriven world while also simplifying processes and operating more efficiently. The Conversation Cloud Platform™ Empowers Companies to: Collect customer information by transforming static forms-based processes into intelligent, conversational user experiences. Communicate more effectively by creating and delivering personalized, contextual, and compliant communications across preferred channels to improve the customer experience and deepen loyalty. Collaborate more efficiently by negotiating and executing business-critical agreements across internal and external stakeholders using experience-driven workflow. Coordinate insightful two-way interactions across all channels to better coordinate and optimize the customer experience. Establish a foundation built on Integration & Intelligence, which are critical to successful customer conversations. The only way to truly make customer conversations meaningful is to tie together the capabilities with sophisticated integrations, while simultaneously optimizing communications programs with advanced analytics. Engage in More Meaningful Customer Conversations that are Built from the Cloud Up. Smart Communications was named a Leader in the 2022 Aspire CCM Leaderboard and in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for CCM. Its highly rated cloud solutions allow for increases in speed, agility, and efficiency and include the enterprise-scale customer communications management (CCM) power of SmartCOMM™, forms transformation capabilities made possible by SmartIQ™ and the trade documentation expertise of SmartDX™. Additionally, its Conversation Cloud Framework offers easy integrations to other market-leading CX technologies. This empowers enterprises to operate more efficiently at scale and obtain a more complete view of each customer. Smart Communications is headquartered in the UK and serves its customers from offices located across North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.


THE 2022-23







Organizations should be able to collaborate with ease, both internally and externally. Unfortunately, most collaboration tools don’t adequately address content management needs. Symphio was developed to solve this pain-point and meet a growing business demand. Every time a new piece of content is created and revised, a messy web of communications begins to form. Enterprises have defaulted to tools like SharePoint, Excel, and email to orchestrate the content review process. But these tools weren’t designed for complex content management and collaboration. Searching for documents, keeping track of different document versions, and managing reviews requires a significant amount of manual effort. Reflexively, we recognized the need to automate and improve the system. The first tool of its kind, Symphio simplifies the collaboration process by providing a robust, all-in-one platform for content management. With Symphio, both internal and external stakeholders have the power to leave comments, make replies, and approve content items. As a result, content is more organized, accessible, and exact. Not only does Symphio reimagine content collaboration, but it simplifies the arrangement and distribution of documents by eliminating the need for standard templates. Using datadriven arrangements to create output, Symphio helps you get critical communications to market quicker. Symphio revolutionizes the creation, collaboration and approval of complex documents. “Our attitude about customer communications management has completely changed. We used to have dozens of different ways for employees to communicate, but now our interaction is organized and trackable. Our day-to-day lives have significantly improved.” – Director of Member Experience, Fortune 50 company

THE 2022-23







EMAIL: Transformations Offers One Simple Solution for a Better Customer Experience Transformations, a software solutions company, is the developer of Uluro, a comprehensive customer communications management (CCM) software. Uluro provides an elevated level of automation that eliminates manual steps, provides faster implementation, maximizes process efficiency and securely delivers to a customer’s preferred channel. But there is more! Uluro’s uDash Command and Reporting Center is a comprehensive built-in dashboard that follows jobs and mail pieces through the entire workflow process. A browser-based updated dashboard offers a visual representation of data with charts and graphs, default and custom reporting and advanced search capabilities. Uluro’s uPayments is a standalone real-time payment solution that sends electronic bills or payment notices to customers through their preferred channel and securely receives payments on their behalf. It integrates with your current CCM software to add EBPP, eBill, EIPP or payment processing without IT intervention. Uluro’s web portal software, uWeb, easily creates a branded client web portal without the need for costly programmers. The benefits include full job tracking, job level reporting, secure file upload and the ability to view a secure PDF or PNG version of the document. Transformations’ breakthrough security solutions, uSecure and Smart Delivery, address industry-critical issues specific to data security. What sets the unmatched uSecure apart is that uSecure offers intelligent protection that travels with the file, keeping data encrypted throughout the entire workflow. Smart Delivery is unlike any other security software in that it makes instant access to documents possible with one-click convenience. It is a standalone system that can safely email data-sensitive, compliant communications while also providing proof of delivery to the intended recipient exclusively, proof of access and a built-in real-time audit trail. Finally, our Uluro Professional Services team is a group of dedicated CCM experts with the experience needed to successfully implement your Uluro development projects. We offer several customizable options that can scale to meet your needs, get customized document applications into production faster and offer support when needed without shouldering the cost of additional employees.



MAY 2 2 - 2 4 L E



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