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The Self-Care Industrial Complex Print Editor Caitlin Barr writes about the commercialisation of self-care. As I sit in my darkened room, burning an IKEA scented candle, wrapped in a knock off Oodie, listening to Mitski on vinyl, I scroll through Instagram. Nowadays, I see more ads than photos of my friends – new miracle serums I’ve got to try, cushions in the shape of fat seals (tempting), trousers from a brand who don’t make clothes anywhere near my size. The vocabulary these ads use tends to entice viewers into buying: one states that ‘self-gifting = self-love’. What is abundantly clear with every scroll is that we have swapped out meaningful acts of self-care with filling our emotional voids with never ending purchases, aided by social media algorithms and an industry seemingly set on exploiting people’s mental health problems.

“What is abundantly clear with every scroll is that we have swapped out meaningful acts of self-care with filling our emotional voids with never ending purchases.” It’s not that there’s anything wrong with buying a few nice things here and there – we shouldn’t espouse all consumption or deny ourselves little luxuries. During various lockdowns which affected the mental health of millions across the country, many of us found comfort in sprucing up our rooms or buying new products to try out. 6

But maybe it’s time to stop relying on capitalism to make us feel better, and instead try out therapeutic means of self-care.

“But maybe it’s time to stop relying on capitalism to make us feel better, and instead try out therapeutic means of selfcare.” Therapeutic self-care might look very different for different people, but could involve talking to friends about how you’re feeling, doing a fun activity like watching a film with your housemates, having a good night’s sleep, reading a book, going for a walk in nature, making yourself a nutritious meal, or having a nice hot shower or bath. None of these methods rely on spending a great deal of money, if any, and are likely to make you feel better for longer than scrolling through an online shop and spending funds you don’t have on things you don’t need.

“These methods... are likely to make you feel better for longer than scrolling through an online shop and spending funds you don’t have on things you don’t need.”

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