5 top qualities of highly successful insurance agents

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If you have ever contemplated for becoming insurance agent in singapore, you know that the business is lucrative, full of prospects, does have amazing earning potential and most importantly, provides the opportunity of directly transforming people’s lives by saving their money, making them healthier, giving the access to financial protection and support like no other business in the world can do. Despite of a number of people already becoming insurance agent in Singapore, a huge singaporian population is still un-insured and un-aware about the possibilities a right insurance plan in Singapore can bring for themselves as well as their families.

Not all the insurance agents in Singapore still know the art of selling insurance though. In the world where people have a lot of options to choose from, if you do not have the right qualities, you’re going to be pushed behind the bushes and will need to keep on waiting before you can make a sale. Following are 5 of the top qualities that highly successful insurance agents have. If you are already an insurance agent or wanting to become insurance agent in singapore, This is your chance to look inside yourself, make some personal assessment and develop the right set of qualities not only for a wapping financial success but positively impacting more lives than you can possibly imagine.

In a recently made survey, it was found that a huge number of people who are considering to buy an insurance plan in Singapore get annoyed because their insurance agent was trying to sell policies they were not interested in buying. A lot of insurance agents in Singapore believe in selling the policies that are most profitable to them instead of selling what clients are interested in. This kills their selling prospects and makes customer disappointed. Agents who are highly successful keeps the interest of their clients on the first place. They fully understand what client is looking for, talk to them about their exact needs and challenges and then suggest them offer, even if its producing no or low profit to them.

Good customer service is anyways very difficult to find in today’s business world, but some of the insurance agents in Singapore go extra miles backward. They miss-inform customers, do not collect payments on time, do not respond to their calls, do not remind them about due dates, do not remind them about renewal dates and produce more pain and frustration than pleasure and professionalism. Highly successful insurance agents in Singapore, in opposite have the commitment to deeply care their customer no matter what. They answer all of their questions, send them required information upfront, keep their due dates and renewal dates properly maintained, send them timely reminders, personally meet and collect money whenever required and build a great relationship that not only helps them in getting paid on long term but also get more referral business on constant basis without requiring to keep on searching for fresh new leads.

So many insurance agents in Singapore take insurance business as part time which is great, but they do not put-in efforts in obtaining knowledge and understanding about available plans, latest industry news, government policies and other important details what so ever. Nothing more unfortunate there can be to miss the opportunity of getting an insurance plan done simply because you did not know that a policy matching to client’s requirements existed. As the old saying goes, if all you have to work with is a hammer, then everything in the world looks like a nail. Successful insurance agents in Singapore keep themselves super updated about various products available, different insurance plans in Singapore, government policies and news related to industry so that they can not only pitch a perfect policy fitting to client’s requirement but also assist them in taking a better and informed decision.

One of the qualities of highly successful insurance agents in Singapore is that they are always excited, motivated and energetic about their work. Highly successful insurance agents know that if they’re presenting themselves as distressed, gloomy and worn-down person, no one is going to buy from them. They keep on reading amazing books and blogs like this one where motivational and sales tactics are taught. They keep their spirits high and transfer the same to clients in order to inspire them, cheer them up, providing them new hopes and making sales subsequently.

Let’s face it. Becoming insurance agent in Singapore isn’t very easy. Not only it requires lots of work to put in, but there are more rejections than success. There are times clients act weird or even rude. Highly successful insurance agents fully understand this and take rejections and negatives with smile. They are compassionate about client’s issue and do not take any rejection on personal ego. Instead, successful insurance agents in Singapore believe in persistence, often till they haven’t closed the sales.

As you can find yourself from the top 5 qualities above, becoming a successful insurance agent in Singapore is a lot to do with your own attitude and less to do with experience. It’s possible to be a successful insurance agent even if you’re just starting right now if you choose to find right guidance that is genuine, professional and reliable. More information visit this link: http://thefinancialleaf.com/5-top-qualities-of-highlysuccessful-insurance-agents/

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