3 Things you must know about Cancer coverage Insurance in Singapore

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3 THINGS YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT CANCER COVERAGE INSURANCE IN SINGAPORE You might be surprised to know that Cancer is one of the biggest killers in Singapore. According to This report by the National Registry of Diseases Office From 2008 to 2012, 29.5% of all deaths in Singapore are cancer-related. According to the Singapore Cancer Society, 37 people are diagnosed with cancer every day in Singapore, and this rate has dramatically increased over the course of time.

However, some of the studies that have been recently published revealed that the Cancer survival rate in Singapore as well has significantly increased, which is due to the continuing advancements in medical sciences and rising cancer awareness. This contrast tells one very important thing, and that is to be better prepared. Not just in terms of living a healthy lifestyle, but also to keep yourself and your family protected with an insurance plan that can cover the cost of treatment if needed as well as support in case of an unforeseen situation. Here are a few important things you must know when you are seeking insurance in Singapore for cancer coverage.

1: A GOOD HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE POLICY IS MUST Those who themselves or via someone in family dealt with Cancer would tell you how critical and expensive it is to get Cancer treatment in Singapore. While the patient is on hospitalization, not only he needs to pay high cost of hospitals, treatment/surgery/chemotherapy and medicines but also bare loss of salary that can cause due to not being able to work on the job that he was doing. In such a situation, having an insurance policy in Singapore that can cover up the cost of hospitalization can come in rescue. If you do not have a strong insurance plan taken yet, Make sure that you take one at the earliest.

2) CRITICAL ILLNESS COVERAGE For critical illness like Cancer, it’s advisable to have a CI (Critical illness) cover in addition to hospitalization insurance coverage. With hospitalization insurance plans, you get to claim for your hospitalization fees but that’s as far as coverage goes. You can’t claim what the hospital doesn’t charge you. With CI coverage, you can claim the amount assured (again, the exact amount depends on what stage your illness is at) as soon as you’re diagnosed. This is given to you as a lump sum payout,

Which means you can use it at your own discretion. CI coverage therefore gives you more flexibility about how you want to use the lump sum payout which you can use as per your discretion. For instance, you can use it for supplementary medical expenses, post-surgery treatments, or just for your daily living expenses of you and your family while you take time off from work.

3) GO FOR A CANCER-SPECIFIC INSURANCE POLICY Looking at the high-rising concerns of cancer in Singapore, There are companies who Offer cancer-specific insurance in Singapore. These are policies that are exclusively tailored for the people who have some kind of concern with cancer, such as a family history of cancer or other types of related illness. While there are different cancer insurance policies in Singapore, some of the cancer-specific policies allow you to make a claim when you’re diagnosed with an early stage cancer.

Different from traditional CI coverage, this claim does not reduce your sum assured, which means that you will still get the full lump sum pay out should your cancer get worse This may prove useful since cancer is unfortunately an unpredictable disease and while the smaller pay out you received with early stage cancer detection may help to cover your initial costs in treating the disease, the treatment may not prevent the cancer from worsening or returning.

There are in fact other benefits of taking an insurance policy in Singapore that is cancer-specific. While one might think that it’s not necessary to take yet another insurance policy, cancerspecific insurance in Singapore is an extremely important cover that not only helps you in better fighting in case you or your family member happens to acquire the disease, but also adds a sense of financial security in case of death. Please get in touch with us If you need any honest suggestions/advice on whether or not a cancer-spefic policy is required to you in your specific case and which one, if yes.



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