羅芙奧香港2010秋季拍賣會 Ravenel Autumn Auction 2010 Hong Kong

Page 142

Lot 060

Lot 061

Lot 063

CAI Guo-Qiang (Chinese, b. 1957)

ZENG Fanzhi (Chinese, b. 1964)

Jitish KALLAT (Indian, b. 1974)

Born in 1957 in Quanzhou, Fujian, China. Cai graduated from the Shanghai Drama Institute in 1985, specializing in Stage Design. Cai now lives in New York. Cai is highly recognized by the international art world for his achievement in art. He was awarded the Golden Lyon Prize at “The 48th Venice Biennial” (1999); “Hiroshima Art Award” (2007, Japan); and he was appointed as committee member for the creativity of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and chief visual designer. His works are in collections of world-famous art institutions and enterprises, such as Guggenheim Museum in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), Venice Naval History Museum (Italy), Deutsche Bank collections (Germany) and Issey Miyake (Tokyo). The long list of Cai’s exhibitions includes the traveling exhibition “Inside Out: New Chinese Art” (1998), “International Currents in Contemporary Art” (1999, Spain); Whitney Museum of American Art “Biennial Exhibition” (2000, N.Y.); and he held solo exhibitions at world-wide famous art institutions such as Smithsonian Institute (2004, Washington D.C.); Metropolitan Museum of Art (2006, N.Y.); Deutsche Guggenheim (2006, Berlin).

Born in 1964 in Wuhan, Hubei, Zeng Fanzhi graduated from the oil painting department of the Hubei Fine Arts Institute in 1991. Presently lives in Beijing as a painter. He conducted many important exhibitions, including the “Zeng Fanzhi Art Exhibition” held in Hubei Fine Arts Museum in 1990, the “80's China Fine Arts (oil paintings) Biannual Exhibition” held in Guangzhou in 1992, “Post-'89 China New Art Exhibition” held in Hong Kong in 1993, “Walk Away from National Ideology - China New Art” held in Hamburg international avant-grade cultural center in Germany in 1995, “Zeng Fanzhi: False Face” held in the Barcelona Contemporary Art Museum in Spain and Hanart T Z Gallery in Hong Kong, “The Future” held in the Macao Contemporary Art Center in 2000, “Behind the Mask” held in Shanghai Shangrila Gallery in 2001, “Paris-Beijing” held in the Pierre Cardin Center in France and “The 1st Session Guangzhou 3 Years Exhibition” in the Guangdong Art Museum in 2002, and “I, We” held in the Shanghai Art Museum.

Born in 1974 in Mumbai, India, Kallat received his BFA degree in painting from the Sir J. J. School of Art in Mumbai in 1996. Kallat's work incorporates varied media including painting, large-scale sculptural installations, photography and video. He regularly exploits images and materials chanced upon around Mumbia's sprawling metropolis; affording his works an inherent spontaneity and a handcrafted aesthetic. He unites these various mediums through enduring themes such as the relationship between the individual and the masses, a vein that is dominant within his work. He references both his own personal experiences, in conjunction with those of Mumbai's other infinite inhabitants. He has been part of numerous museum exhibitions at venues including the Tate Modern, London; ZKM Museum, Karlsruhe, and the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, and has participated extensively in biennial and triennials, including The Guangzhou Triennial, China; The Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, Australia, and The Gwangju Biennale in Korea, and has contributed to important group exhibitions throughout the world. He writes frequently on the subject of contemporary art, plays a role as trustee of the India Foundation for the Arts, and is represented by Haunch of Venison, Arario Gallery, and Chemould Prescott Road.

蔡國強 (中國,1957年生)

曾梵志 (中國,1964年生)

吉提斯.卡拉特 (印度,1974年出生)

1957年生於中國福建泉州,1985年畢業於上海戲劇學院 舞台設計系。曾旅居日本多年,後於紐約定居至今。其 藝術成就備受國際藝壇重視,名聲斐然,屢獲殊榮包括 威尼斯第48屆雙年展「國際榮譽-金獅獎」(1999)、 「廣島藝術獎」(2007,日本廣島),並受委任為2008 年奧運開幕與閉幕儀的核心創意小組成員暨視覺設計總 監。其作品廣為國際知名藝術機構及藏家所收藏,如紐 約古根漢美術館、紐約大都會美術館、義大利威尼斯海 軍歷史博物館、德意志銀行藏館以及日本東京三宅一生 等企業。蔡國強參加過的展覽不計其數,如全球巡迴展 出的「蛻變與突破:中國新藝術」(1998)、「當代藝 術的國際新潮」(1999,西班牙)、惠特尼美國藝術雙 年展(2000,紐約);也曾多次在國際知名藝術機構舉 辦個展,如華盛頓史密松博物館聯辦的「蔡國強–旅行 者」(2004)、紐約大都會美術館 (2006)、德國柏林 古根漢美術館(2006)。

1964年生於湖北武漢,1991年畢業於湖北美術學 院油畫系。現居北京,職業畫家。舉辦的重要展 覽包括,1990年湖北美術院美術館「曾梵志作品 展」1992年廣州「九十年代中國美術(油畫)雙 年展」,1993年香港藝術中心「後89’中國新藝術 展」,1995年德國漢堡國際前衛文化中心「從國家 意識形態出走-中國新藝術」,西班牙巴賽隆納現 代藝術博物館,以及香港漢雅軒畫廊「曾梵志:假 面」,2000年澳門當代藝術中心「未來」,2001年 上海香格納畫廊「面具之後」,2002年法國皮爾卡 登中心「巴黎-北京」,廣東美術館「首屆廣州三 年展」,2003年上海美術館「我、我們」等。

吉提斯.卡拉特1974年生於印度孟買。於1996年取得孟 買Sir J. J.藝術學校油畫系美術學士學位。卡拉特的作品 結合各種媒材,包括繪畫、大型裝置雕塑、攝影和錄 像。他經常利用圖像及偶然巧見的材料表現出不斷改變 的孟買,使他的作品具有即興創作及手工製作的美感。 其作品常結合多元的媒材,反映個人及孟買當地居民的 社會經驗,將探討個人與群體之間的關係作為他最主要 的創作題材。卡拉特的作品已在許多博物館展出,包含 倫敦泰德現代美術館,德國卡爾斯魯爾ZKM美術館,以 及東京森美術館。他曾多次參與世界各地的重要聯展, 包括中國廣州三年展、澳洲亞太當代藝術三年展和韓國 光州雙年展。創作之餘,卡拉特也經常發表當代藝術相 關主題的文章,並擔任印度藝術基金會的理事,也是鹿 腿畫廊、阿拉里奧畫廊、德國阿恩特畫廊和孟買查蒙普 雷斯科路畫廊的代理藝術家。


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