RAN Criticizes CCSD's Proposed Restrictions That Undermine Accountability and Student Success

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Contact: Bryan Wachter (775) 771-8969 | Bryan@RANNV.org

Retail Association of Nevada Criticizes CCSD's Proposed School Board Restrictions That Undermine Accountability and Student Success The Retail Association of Nevada (RAN) is urging community members, educators, and policymakers to oppose the Clark County School District's (CCSD) proposal to restrict the roles of appointed school board members. RAN views this move as a blatant contradiction to the principles of accountability, transparency, and the board's fundamental responsibility: student success. "This isn't just an oversight; it's a deliberate attempt to sideline critical voices that were meant to strengthen our educational discourse," said Bryan Wachter, Senior Vice President of RAN. "Tonight's meeting is a glaring example of how far CCSD has strayed from what's truly important. The community is crying out for solutions on student success and workforce preparedness, yet CCSD's actions are the status quo we've come to expect. This isn't just disappointing; it's unacceptable." "Our Nevada businesses are committed to having this conversation, and we demand that CCSD does the same," Wachter said. "The stark reality is that students are not being adequately prepared for the workforce. This is not a future problem; it's a today problem with real consequences. Our industry, and ultimately our economy, relies on a workforce equipped with essential skills – something that seems to be increasingly overlooked in these governance decisions." www.RANNV.org

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RAN strongly urges the CCSD board, educators, parents, and community members to reject this proposal and advocate for a governance structure that prioritizes student success, demonstrates accountability, and operates transparently. Every voice in the educational process is critical in shaping a future where Nevada's children are not only successful in the classroom but are also ready to contribute effectively to the workforce. ###


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