RAMPAGE February 18, 2015 Vol. CXXVI I S S U E 2
Student-Run Newspaper of Fresno City College
Low attendance and inattentiveness at Black History Month events lead to questions about student interest and month’s relevance.
Fresno City College students listen to a speaker during the IDILE Rites of Passage ceremony in the OAB auditorium on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015. Like other BHM events, the ceremony was marred by low attendance and disinterest. Photos/ Ramuel Reyes
News Editor pforrest@therampageonline.com
State Center Community College District board of trustees voted during it meeting on Feb. 3 to punish trustee Eric Payne by having him participate in “appropriate online training seminars and workshops” to improve his “boardsmanship and the effectiveness of his representation of constituents.” The board rejected the harsher punishment which would have banned Payne from publicly representing the board for one year. The vote came after a private third party investigator, Nicole Miller and Associates, Inc. found evidence that the allegations made against him were true. The allegations against Payne were made in a Sept. 24 memorandum from Chancellor Bill Stewart to the then Board of Trustees President, Patrick Patterson. The memorandum outlined seven separate incidents of alleged misconduct by Payne. The allegations included, inappropriately pressuring the Reedley College president and
“That almost everything raised by the Acting Chancellor against Mr. Payne was found untrue gives an indication of what has taken place here.”
News Editor & Editor-In-Chief pforrest@therampageonline.com crodriguezdelgado@therampageonline.com
Is Black History Month still necessary? Not if one goes by the turnout at Black History Month related events at Fresno City College or students’ response to a Rampage survey on Black History month celebrations. Even on Feb. 2, the first day of the month-long activities in honor of black history, only about two dozen students and staff assembled in the auditorium of the Old Administration Building, an arena that seats 650 comfortably, leading keynote speaker, Dorothy “Dottie” Smith, former member of the board of trustee for State Center Community College District, to condemn the lack of participation by the campus community. “To not have history students here, to not have social science students
-Larry Schapiro Attorney for Trustee Eric Payne l SEE ERIC PAYNE ALLEGATIONS ON PAGE 2 here, English students in here,” Smith said. “That is a travesty.” The Black History Month calendar is packed, with at least one event scheduled each day from Feb. 2 to Feb. 27. The events are diverse and include films, speeches, book discussions, self-help workshops and gospel
singing. State Center Community College District Chancellor Bill Stewart said he is very pleased with the amount of events that are taking place this month, and hopes that same attitude can spread across the other district campuses.
Editor-in-Chief Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado News Editor Production Manager Patrick Forrest Arts & Entertainment Editor Copy Chief Jasmine Yoro Bowles Opinion Editor Charlotte MacKay Sports Editor Keaundrey Clark Photo Editor Daisy Rodriguez Ramuel “Ram” Reyes Reporters Albertina Rodriguez Delgado Alyssa Garza Angela Tuttle Caleb Owens-Garrett Ceasia Green Chad Horne Christopher Del Castillo Chueyee Yang Corey Parsley David Chavez Elias Cardenas Kageanna Garza Kathya Castro Savanna Manzo Tylisha Riley
dean of instruction to select a candidate he preferred for a position; contacting the college accrediting body and making “baseless and misleading” report of a concern, and substantially plagiarizing from other sources in an opinion column he wrote for the Fresno Bee, among other things. “On the area of copying people’s materials and passing it off as your own, that’s just a horrible example for students,” Stewart said. “If a student did that, they’d be called to task for it; the employees of the district should set a higher standard than that and abide by it.” According to the investigation report released by Nicole Miller and Associates, Inc. only three of the original seven allegations against Payne could be fully substantiated. A list of other allegations that arose during the investigation of Payne’s actions also could not be substantiated to the extent reported by Chancellor Stewart and other witnesses. “If it is found out by the acting chancellor that the board member, like Mr. Payne, is not supporting the acting chancellor’s future employment,” said Larry Schapiro, Eric Payne’s attorney, a similar witch hunt by the acting chancellor can occur against that trustee.” Schapiro continued to question the motives for the investigations, characterizing it as Stewart’s attempt to get Payne “out of his hair”. “That almost everything raised by the acting chancellor against Mr. Payne was found to be untrue gives an indication of the political nature of what has taken place,” Schapiro said. The Nicole Miller report goes on to state that Trustee Payne appears to “lack respect and consideration for following established procedures.” And that Payne is “generally found bothersome by those employees of the SCCCD and was not well regarded as a trustee.” Despite Payne’s attorney’s contention that the investigation against him was a “witchhunt” led by Dr. Stewart, the chancellor offers a different explanation for the events. “None of this stuff happened between me and Trustee Payne,” Stewart said. “There were other people coming to me with complaints, complaints I am obligated to investigate.”
Contact Us Tip Line: 559.442.8262 Send Questions or Letters to the Editor to: editorial@therampageonline.com
“If a student did that they’d be called to task for it, the employees of the district should set a higher standard than that and abide by it” -Bill F. Stewart SCCCD Interim Chancellor
Making threatning comments
Insufficient evidence
Inappropriately pressured Reedley College administrators to select a candidate that he prefered.
Attempted to discuss “minority contracting”
Insufficient evidence
Non-Issue Attempted to acquire information that he was not privliged to.
Suggested without bias that he interfered in the established hiring procedures
Rampage Advisor/Instructor Dympna Ugwu-Oju dympna.ugwu-oju@fresnocitycollege.edu
Eric Payne during the Opening Ceremoney of Fresno City College’s Black History Month celebration Monday Feb. 2, 2015. Photo/Ramuel Reyes
sufficient evidence
Insufficient evidence •
• Expressed concerns with SCCCD Classified Personnel and Human Resources department
Requested College Administrators use positions to solicit campaign funds.
Insufficient evidence
Insufficient evidence •
Unilaterally contacting the college accrediting body and made a “misleading and baseless” report
Insufficient evidence
Sufficient evidence •
Published a opinion column that was substantially plagiarized.
• •
Loitering in office waiting rooms for extended periods of time.
Misuse of a disability vehicle placard
Sufficient evidence •
Improper interference in the hiring process
Insufficient evidence
Acused secretary of lying
Sufficient evidence
Sufficient evidence •
Inappropriately asserting himself in office environment
Issues with district police officer tactics
Insufficient evidence •
“Scaring” the vice chancellor of human resources
Insufficient evidence
Nicole Miller & Associates Investigation report
“Having something everyday is absolutely amazing,” Stewart said. “That doesn’t happen much anywhere.” Smith said the college community must work together to encourage students to attend events as well as create awareness about events such as those ongoing for Black History Month to avoid the very low turnout. FCC President, Tony Cantu also agrees that the lack of attendance should be addressed. “‘Are we missing our audience?’” Cantu said. “That’s a discussion that organizers need to have as to what’s going on.”
FCC students Largely Apathetic About A survey of 583 FCC students conducted between Feb. 9-12, found that students are largely unaware of the events on campus. Of the 583 students who participated in the survey, 496 or 85 percent of respondents have not attended any activities related to Black History Month. Only 87 students or 14.9 percent said they had been present at an event. Eighty five of the respondents identified themselves as African American. Of the 85, only 33 or 38.8 percent had attended an event. The rest, 52 or 61 percent have not participated in any way at all.
“This is the world that they will be graduating into. They will need to bring about some changes.” -Homer Greene African American Faculty and Staff Historian “Every year you get a different group of students, and unless you get some sort of major event, a lot will come in, and they won’t really care once they are here,” said Homer Greene, historian for the African American Faculty and Staff association. “But I think that all of the things around ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a movement that a lot of young people are getting behind.” Greene said that he would continue to try and guide students into the world and helping them find their place in the world. “This is the world that they will be graduating into,” Greene said. “They need to bring about some changes.”
Lack of Awareness The survey by the Rampage asked respondents to choose one of three reasons for not participating in the Black History Month events. Of the 496 students who had not attended any event, 88 or 15.1 percent stated their schedules conflicted with the events; 347 or 59.5 percent of respondents said they did not know about the events, and 61 or 10.5 percent said they did not care about the events. “To what extent are the public made aware of these events,” Cantu said. “That’s a broader question that people need to come together to figure out.” Depending on who you ask, there are several explanations for the lack of awareness. Genean Bolen, instructor of English and president of the Black Faculty and Staff association, the group primarily responsible for the Black History Month calendar and
“Next year this won’t happen, I fully expect the numbers to double or triple next year” -Genean Bolen African American Faculty and Staff President events, said the blame for the lack of awareness rests squarely on Kathy Bonilla, public information officer of the college. Bolen said she had wanted to reach out to local TV media but was told that all publicity would be handled through Bonilla’s office or the public information office on campus. “That’s all through Kathy Bonilla’s office,” Bolen said. “We are not experts at this, and I really don’t know what to do.” Bonilla said that responsibility does not fall entirely on her, and that the job of getting the word out for events is a shared responsibility. “It’s tough to get the word out,” Bonilla said. “Usually people are really good about getting the word out in their own departments and to all of their students.” Bonilla said that the situation is worsened by scheduling problems and she was often notified very late when an event is cancelled or rescheduled. “I didn’t get too much notice as to what the events were going to be, or when,” Bonilla said. “I didn’t get as much information as I needed, except for right before the events happened.” Additionally, representatives of the Associated Students Government and Student Activities Office said they were not consulted or invited to be participants in the Black History Month celebrations. “We never heard anything about those events,” said ASG President Daniel Melchor. “We’ve just seen the flyers around, but no one came to one of our meetings or into our office to let us know of anything.” Even Sean Henderson, director of Student Activities, stated that he had little contact with representatives of the African American Faculty and Staff before the events were planned and scheduled and calendars were sent out. “All [student activities] got was the calendar,” Henderson said. “We’ve put them up on the Facebook page, but that’s all we got.” Bolen maintains she reached out to both ASG and Student Activities and took all the steps she was told were necessary. “Part of the problem is, we can’t get the information out because we don’t know the protocols,” Bolen said. She also blames the lack of support from all the necessary constituencies in the college, as a factor. But others put the blame on Bolen and African American Faculty and Staff association for not getting the word out to other staff members in a timely and organized fashion “I looked at a calendar today that I should have been looking at a month ago.” said Granville Redmond, IDILE counselor.
Complexities Halfway into the month and 12 events later, many, including many leaders of the African-American community on campus, are scratching their heads about what went wrong and wondering how it could have worked out. Bolen said that students enrolled in African-American Studies who were always key to the success of Black History Month activities, were not encouraged to participate this year and
consequently, that base was not there. “Black studies has not been supportive of the events,” Bolen said. “The students have not been coming to the events because the [African-American Studies] instructor does not know about the events.” Granville Redmond, counselor for IDILE, agrees that African-American Studies students are an important group in boosting attendance at these events. “The main focus is through the African-American studies,” Redmond said, “particularly for these events, the African-American history events.” Redmond says tapping into classrooms and students is not as effective if those in charge of organizing events are not being supportive or collaborating. He said that all concerned should work together for a better result. “When there are times that we need to celebrate certain things as a united front and [the support] is not there,” He said, adding that the lack of
“Many things have started with the lighting of just on candle.” -Bill Stewart SCCCD Interim Chancellor
participation is due to the way things are handled. The right person must be in charge in order to get things going in the right direction, Redmond said. “I’m not the type of person that is going to sit back and cry over spilled milk,” Redmond said, “because we are going to move forward, regardless.” Many, including Bill Stewart, chancellor of SCCCD, said that the poor attendance could be a result of students’ schedules. “Being a community college student is hard, and you only have so much time,” Stewart said. “Trying to study, maybe go to the tutorial center, work, get someone to babysit; when you get through with all of that, maybe sitting down to watch a movie isn’t your first priority.” Stewart’s thoughts were echoed by other Karla Kirk, instructor of African American Studies. “I emphasize to all of my students,” Kirk said, “you’re students first before anything else on this campus, so focus on your studies.” Although Stewart also believes that the progress being made is good, he said more is needed in the future. “If you remember the great teachings of Martin Luther King, you have got to start with one,” Stewart said. “Many things have started with the lighting of one candle, and pretty soon, you have a lot more candles and a lot more light.” Bolen also shares Stewart’s optimism and expects that the months’ events will be better in the future. “Next year, this won’t happen,” said Genean Bolen. “I fully expect the numbers to double or triple next year.
Equity Taskforce to Meet to Prioritize Needs
“Art With Impact” Forum Addresses Mental Health
Reporter agarza@therampageonline.com
Editor-in-Chief crodriguezdelgado @therampageonline.com
“Art With Impact” put men- home, you don’t want to feel tal health issues and awareness like the world has to know your front and center in the OAB au- issues,” Pichardo said. “Why ditorium of Fresno City College would I have to go and bother on Feb. 12. them with my own.” The event featured a numShe said, “No one knew what ber of speakers, including Cary was going on behind closed McQueen, founder/ executive doors.” director of “Art With Impact” McQueen said, that the film who came from San Francisco. impacts people differently. A few short films, related to the “People pointed out things subject, were also screened and inside the films that I’ve nevdiscussed. er seen before,” said McQueen. One of the featured films “The way they talk about them “Tres” with Spanish subtitles, is always different and it’s alis about a young woman who ways unique” was sharing her grief over The staff of the Psychologher grandmother who had ical services also attended the drowned. Throughout the film, event. Gregory Crawford, psythe woman bares her soul to chological intern at FCC enthe audience who could relate couraged participants to visit to the emotions that the young the office if they had issues or woman spoke about. the 9:36 just to 8_Distribution_final.pdf 1 Near 2/3/15 AMtalk to someone. end, the woman sends a mes“The psychological sersage to her mother, “Don’t wor- vices office is open for anyry; I’m ok; Grandmother is in a one, whether they are suffering better place.” from a variety issues or just In a discussion following the dealing with being a mental film, two guest speakers gener- health student.” ously shared their personal stoOther related events were ries about their mental illness presentations by Dr. James L. and mental health issues. White’s and Jamie Tworkowski. Elizabeth Pichardo, a clinical White’s presentation focuspsychology major at FCC, said es on the mental state of Afrishe had never openly shared can American students while her story about struggling with Tworkowski, author/founder physical and mental illness of “To Write Love on Her Arm” while growing up. spoke about the importance of “After grieving my father’s positive outlooks and avoiding death and dealing with alco- depression and suicide. holism and personal abuse at
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Joeseph L. White, father of Black Psychology, speaking on the importance of mental health in the college community on Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015. Photo/ Ramuel Reyes
Cmac to broadcast basketball games BY KEAUNDREY CLARK
Jamie Tworkowski speaking for his non-profit organization “To Write Love on Her Arms”, that seeks to help those who are suffering from depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015. Photo/ Ramuel Reyes
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Sports Editor kclark@therampageonline.com
The Community Media Access Collaborative (CMAC), along with students from Fresno State’s Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, and Sunnyside High School’s Video Production Academy will join forces to broadcast Fresno City College men’s basketball home games this season. “CMAC is the public access, to the fresno and clovis area, a members based organization that allows people to come in and get in on video production and all the tools needed to make their own stories within the community.” said Andrew Tosci, mobile production engineer for CMAC. Fresno State’s Department of Mass Communication and Journalism prepares students
for careers in Journalism, Advertising, Multimedia and Public Relations. Graduates of the program are well represented on the staffs of many of America’s finest newspapers, radio and television stations, film production companies, advertising agencies, and public relations firms. Sunnyside High School is part of the Fresno Unified School District. The Sunnyside High School Video Production Academy gives students the freedom to explore the use of video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Plus, they receive hands-on training in pre- and post-production jobs, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process.
A task force designed to address student equity at Fresno City College will meet on Feb. 27 to identify and begin to prioritize the needs of students -- specifically, African-American males, according to Gennean Bolen, instructor of English and co-chair of the task force. The FCC Student Equity Plan was approved in December according to president Tony Cantu. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office made available $1.3 million for FCC and this plan will govern how that money is spent. The plan will address five key areas which are focused on improving student success outcomes for groups of students experiencing disproportionate impact. The areas the college is focused on for closing the gap in student success are, basic skills, course completion, transfer and degree completion and access. Bolen says access is the only area where African-American males have a higher reach -- the other areas are at a much lower reach for African-American males compared to other students on campus. In an effort to change that, the plan contains language about increasing the number of African-American students who successfully complete courses attempted, among other ways the college plans to close the gaps in student success. The data shows that African-American males are the most severely impacted of all students on FCC campus in all but one of the five target areas, according to Bolen. When describing the challenges faced by African-American males on campus to complete their education, Bolen says some of those challenges include lack of preparation, time constraints and even lack of family support. Bolen says this meeting will gather up representatives from different student groups on campus to identify the underlying causes of low success rates in hopes of closing student success gaps at FCC. “Our goal as the task force and the committee when it comes on board is to identify it,” Bolen says. An official student equity committee will come together by spring break according to Bolen.
Mythology in Comic Books
BY CHRISTOPHER DECASTILLO Reporter cdecastillo@therampageonline.com
Since the dawn of human civilization, mankind has told legends of heroes and antiheroes for over thousands of years. The legends of Thor, Hercules, and Superman all seem to be adaptations of modern lectures in the comic book realm and not to forget that they are a popular movie trend these past decades. The wildest thing about comic books is that many have a basis from real mythologies. Plato first coined the Latin term “mythologia” to mean merely the tellings of stories about legendary figures. Well into 21st century pop culture, people have been enjoying a well told story. In Arthur Cotterell’s book “A Dictionary of World Mythology”, the Native Eskimos of the Northwest of Americans believed that “our tales are men’s experience, and the things one hears of are not always lovely things... When I narrate legends, it is not I who speak, it is the wisdom of our forefathers speaking through me”. Myths are foundation of all human stories of our past. Comic books are the windows. Mythology is mankind’s ancient comic books in many ways. Human culture has always told great tales forming a mythology that reflects the values of people. Hero-based mythologies fervently seek answers to the cosmic questions arising from the primal and mystical sensitivity of the human spirit. For what connections can we find in comics to old world myth? What relations can we find? Look no further than old Norse myths to find answers. Thor, Norse mythology God of Thunder, is the strongest connection between mythologies and
comics. Marvel’s mega-hit “Thor” comics are Stan Lee’s collaboration of Norse mythology and the Marvel Universe. Stan Lee once said “how do you make someone stronger than the strongest person? It finally came to me: Don’t make him human — make him a god. I decided readers were already pretty familiar with the Greek and Roman gods. It might be fun to delve into the old Norse legends. In 1962, Marvel’s Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created “Journey Into Mystery # 83”. Lee pictured the old Norse gods looking like Vikings, with flowing beards, horned helmets, and battle clubs. Thor and mischievous brother Loki’s cosmic journey illustrates the advancers to the land of the frost giants. In the halls of the comic book world, another mythological hero from Ancient Greece would grace Marvel’s comic pages. Hercules, also known as Heracles, first appeared in “Journey into Mystery #2” in 1965. His story, like in the myths, tell of a demigod who life was shaped by the animosity of of his stepmother Hera, brother Ares, and twelve labours. He was the son of Zeus and the Bane Alcmene women. There are as many different versions of Hercules’ life story as there are storytellers. Is there any reason why Marvel wanted to retell the about the legend because maybe they thought that had historical narratives to the truth. In what furthers truths will we find about myths and comics? DC Comics’ Superman is about a person not from our world. Like the myth of Hercules in Greek mythology, Superman was Kal-El on the planet Krypton sent by his father of a dying planet.
Like Thor he is a protector of Earth and friend of man, fighting outside forces of evil. Superman was created during the Golden Age of comics; Superman was a suitable hero for that time. Like Hercules, he had special powers that were beyond understanding. Superman has been a pop culture icon since April 1938, when he first appeared in “Action Comics #1”, reigning strong with TV shows, movies, radio series, video games, books and even a Broadway musical. With so much about his life, it’s no wonder why Superman is a modern mythology because he is a strong connection to both worlds; an archetype of modern mythology. Furthermore, mythology is founded on all of mankind’s history. Comics books are the windows of wisdom in modern times. Since the time of the Classical Greeks, Norse Vikings, and even in our time we told stories of faraways land, and journeys to the great unknown. Mythology and comic books are great learning tools of our rich past. Reading comics and mythology is great way to learn new things and you feel that you gain something of higher learning and wisdom. Since ancient times, man has always been telling stories of faraway lands and mythological creatures to teach us moral values and narratives that we learn to make us better people for it. It is through these lessons that we learn that has been past down through ages that we finally realized that is more to the myths and comic books than some people will realize even if it just plain sight.
10.15.2014 &E Escape the Fate’s Road to the Studio BY ALYSSA GARZA
Reporter agarza@therampageonline.com
The Road to The Studio tour brought the fans of Escape The Fate to Strummers in Fresno. The Feb. 4 concert also featured supporting bands, Run 2 Cover, The Family Ruin and local band Armed Assailant, who opened the show. Escape the Fate’s setlist included some of their most popular songs such as “Something”, “Gorgeous Nightmare”, “Issues”, “Picture Perfect” and their most recent single “Ungrateful”, released in May 2013. As Escape The Fate, headliners of the concert, begin to play “Picture Perfect”, the crowd goes wild. “I’ve seen [Escape The Fate] play last year when they came to Strummer’s, I think it was better this time,” said 21-year-old, Maira Martinez. “They had more energy this time.” The bands continue to play as mosh pits quickly fill up and crowd surfers ride the waves of people pushing them towards the stage. The moment in time was realistic for attendees. The hard rock, metalcore American posthardcore band from Las Vegas, Nevada formed in 2004. Lead vocalist, Ronnie Radke was in the band as Escape The Fate released three extended play albums and four full length studio albums including Dying In Your Arms. Radke departed from the band shortly after but Craig Mabbit, former lead singer for Blessthefall joined in as the new vocalist. After Escape The Fate comes The Family Ruin, a metal/alternative band from York, England, who recently signed on with KBB Records and released their debut album “Dearly Departed.” This was their first show at Strummers. “Let’s Go,” a popular song from The Family Ruin has continuously been featured on Sirius XM radio. Vocalist Johnny Mennell said “to be honest it’s kind of one of our least favorite songs to play live
Headliners Escape the Fate performing at Strummer’s, Fresno, Feb. 4. Photo/Daisy Rodriguez because we’re all about smashing out the bangers and having a good time.” Run 2 Cover, a pop-rock band from Phoenix, Arizona, also made an appearance that night. Their tour with Escape The Fate and The Family Ruin marks their first professional tour. Run 2 Cover’s most recent song “Someday” was released in October 2014. “The background of [Someday] is just kind of like a teen couple who can’t be together,” said Brandon Iverson, lead vocalist. “Almost like the Romeo and Juliet kind of thing.”
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Band members agree that “tour life has been really cool” but at times not so great as they must travel in vans or buses rather than being in “a little van.” Though the band put on a good show, the crowd was happy to hear covers such as “1985” by Bowling for Soup and “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson. “The blonde boys was my favorite part of the show, I have a thing for blondes” said Josie Raya, 24, appealing to the band members’ appearance.
Legendary warrior Ragnar Lodbrok. Photo/ popsugar.com
&E “Vikings” Season Three
Fans prepare for a bloody season BY CHRISTOPHER DELCASTILLO Reporter cdelcastillo@therampageonline.com
History Channel’s “Vikings” is back with an all new season starting Feb. 19. The series speaks the astonishing sagas of the lives and adventures of warriors and reveals insight to life during the Dark Ages; opening a window into a different world of history. Fans who love “Game of Thrones” and “the Lord of the Rings” will see similarities to “Vikings.” Ragnar, a character of Norse mythology and history, is followed through one of many journeys in his life. He was said to have lived during the ninth century A.D. He became the first Norse Viking to ever successfully raid both England and France and won many territories for his people. Ragnar is remembered as a great hero of his time. On-screen Ragnar, a great, fearsome and unstoppable warrior, is depicted during his life in the Dark Ages. He is a man driven by lust for glory and fame, but also of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge and wisdom; all of which makes him dedicated to his causes.
With the historical and mythological elements, it’s no wonder why “Vikings” has been so successful for the History Channel. According to History Channel it has taken viewers by storm and has established itself as one of the most compelling and visually stunning dramas on television. With its large, passionate and loyal fan base, “Vikings” has cemented the History Channel firmly in the scripted series genre. With over 8 millions viewers an episode, “Vikings” shows more than the day-to-day struggles of the human heart in all of its glory. Ragnar shows the pain of human nature in all aspects because he began as a farmer, then became Earl of his land, and took power to became King. “Vikings”’ third season has all the makings of epic episodes to come. Series creator and writer Michael Hirst wanted a story that was both historical but also mythical in all aspects. Millions of fans agree that the series shows strong elements into the Vikings themselves. The hit series kicks off after the monarchy was overthrown in the bloody season two finale.With newfound responsibilities, he is joined by his allies go into battle once again for wealth, power, and the glory all for the Vikings gods; a test for each character.With so much on the line will Ragnar and his fellow Vikings warriors reach glory? Only time will tell. Hirst had a profound interest in the history and cultures of the Norse Vikings since he was young. There will be no promises in who will reach glory or go to the realm of Valhalla. As for new lands to conquer, Ragnar Lodbrok and his Viking army will attack Paris. Michael Hirst assures that “this season will be the best yet we’re going to attack Paris.” With epic battles only Odin will love no one is to know who will survive.
Gabriela Jimenez Vargas Medical Assistant “Yes, but it really depends on my schedule”
Sarina Flores Dance “Yes, its interesting. I like learning new things and I love the subjects.”
Joseph Phaboriboure Medicine,Surgery “Yes, because it’s something new that I won’t get to experience in the outside world or community. It’s a great opportunity.”
While February carries a full load of celebrations to recognize Black History Month, the attendance is severely lacking, and students have shown very little appreciation for the effort put into coordinating the events. In light of Black History Month, Fresno City College has been honoring and will continue to honor both the historical season and figures everyday during February. In an effort to celebrate the Black faculty and students on campus, the college has collaborated speeches, shown films, and assembled book clubs. To much dismay though, people of all ethnicities do not appear interested in any of these ceremonies. Not only do students fail to participate in Black History Month events, but the students who do actually attend seldom provide respect for the coordinators and speakers who take part in the commemoration. Several are distracted by their cell phones or take the time during an event to sleep, which begs the question as to why they even attend. It is an insult to the speakers and the FCC community as a whole. While it is understandable that many individuals on campus have hectic schedules, the college has accommodated those who cannot attend by holding events at least every day during the month for the majority of the day. With that being said, many students are unaware that such events are taking placing on campus. With regard to why students fail to involve themselves in these Black History Month events, the question arises as to who is to blame for such low attendance and immense disrespect. It would be appropriate to suggest that the students are at fault, but lack of advertisement and recognition implies that the college in and of itself struggles when trying to involve students. Granted, the schedule of events has been posted on marquees, bulletin boards, and online, but it appears that what is taking place on campus does not interest students. If the goal of the Black History Month events is to attract and involve students, then the college needs to develop ways to do so. It may be incredibly impolite to fall
asleep during a speech, or text during a film, but in the defense of the students, if something is boring, chances are they will only be able to hold their attention for so long. In the defense of the administration, the disrespect the attending students exhibit is completely unacceptable, and should not be tolerated. With February coming to a close and the final ceremonies creeping up within the next week, FCC needs to reflect on this semester’s performance and develop a way to avoid the same issues next year. In an effort to attract audiences, teachers need to better recognize the events that are taking place, especially instructors in the Social Science and Humanities Divisions, and require students to attend for participation points or extra credit points. There is no excuse as to why teachers have failed to announce events. Many students argue that they were completely unaware that anything was taking place during Black History Month. Unfortunately, according to some observers, the main issue impacting participation is the internal fighting between factions in the African American leadership on campus. On one side is the executive board of the Black Faculty and Staff association -- Genean Brown, president; Cindy Dunn and and Linda Jackson, vice presidents and Homer Greene, historian, against Karla Kirk, instructor of African American studies; Granville Redmond, counselor for IDILE and Trevor Brackett, counselor for SYMBAA. If this is t h e
case, then FCC as a whole is at fault. Regardless of personal conflict, the college itself needs to find a way to make up for neglecting Black History Month. By releasing more advertisements and enforcing social media as one of the prominent communication outlets, students will have a much better idea of the events that are being held and will be able to pass the news along. But, announcing and advertising is hardly enough. While FCC may be able to get students talking, the main goal is to attract them and keep them involved. The bottom line is that the events on February’s agenda will bore students. While administration has worked hard on the ceremonies, they are not geared toward entertaining the students. The events have been nestled throughout campus in small rooms, forum halls, or auditoriums, when they could have been introduced in more public locations, such as the free speech area or in front of the school fountain. And nothing makes college students more appreciative than food. Including traditional African American cuisine will only attract more audiences, and if it takes place outside, students will come. Attending these Black History events may not seem like much, but collectively it makes a statement that people care, and Black lives do matter. Students should be reprimanded for disrespecting those who have put so much work into these commemorations, but the administration and the college as a whole is to blame for bringing shame upon Black History Month here at FCC.
347 Didn’t know events were happening.
Didn’t care.
Jorge Galvan Art “Sometimes. Those that are during the day or that are within walking distance.”
Jacob Trujillo Kinesiology “No, I haven’t really made the time to go. Plus I don’t really know about them.”
Had scheduling conflicts.
Did attend.
Elizabeth Arteaga Unknown “Some. I get to learn what the topics are about. I Results of especially like when there Rampage are special speakers.” survey.
Find a Cause and Change Your Life
Reporter atuttle@therampageonline.com
Student activism, in all its many forms, is, despite contrary belief, the future. Since the 1960s, when activism first surfaced, there has been a lot of controversy over the issue. The question is not whether experienced activists can make change for the better, but whether students can make a difference, given their youthful perspective on politics and world concerns. “I think it is totally possible for students to make real change,” said José Alejo, Fresno State student. “It’s historically young people that start change. So it makes total sense that students, of all people, would make a difference.” It’s the young minds who have new ideas for the world. According to the familiar adage, “Children are our future.” If those children of the future grow up and become college students with a passion for activism, then it is obvious that they are the ones who are really going to make a
change. These students are the people doing all the research on their beliefs. Their responses to a matter are, by their very nature, more educated. If activists received more respect, if those of higher stature didn’t question these individuals, then activism as a whole would have less misconceptions and possibly make a bigger impact on society. These students who do research and see things from both sides of the spectrum before protesting are far more legitimate than someone who gets heated about something on the news and decides to blindly go into a protest. College is an opportunity to learn who we are as individuals and develop new beliefs and opinions about the world. With this kind of fresh perspective, it makes for the perfect activist. Still, a lot of students are intimidated by the idea of standing in front of hundreds of people and speaking up for what they believe. A lot of young people are unsure of whether they can make a real change. “Stay passionate,” says Fresno City College student Candace Liles. “Don’t back down from [what you believe in] if you even have a doubt it shows in your voice. And if your voice isn’t loud and strong then no one is going to take you seriously.” The issue is passion works but, there are no longer people who are truly passionate about large causes. Studies
show that only 6 percent of students are interested in activism, a good portion of the activism community consists of these students. This means that our activism community has drastically shrunk since the ‘60s when many more students were involved in activism. When activism first swept through University of California Berkeley, students took advantage of this opportunity and made a huge impact with the Berkeley riots for the civil rights movement, free speech movement, and against the Vietnam War. Not only does student activism help shape society (if even in a small way), but it helps students better themselves as individuals. Without students standing up for what they believe in and sharing their perspectives of the world, activists would be an even smaller minority than they already are. The issue isn’t how student activists help society because it’s undoubtedly true that they do help make a change; the issue is getting more students to stand up and have an interest in activism and an interest in making a change in things they care about. If more of us stood up and unite as a student population, the change that could result would be immense. So next time you feel passionate about a cause, don’t just complain and brush it to the side. Research, stand up, and speak your mind.
Learn to Say “NO” and Save Your Life
Reporter cowensgarrett@therampageonline.com
Some of us feel tied down by what society demands of us, and we can’t muster the energy to not always do what it demands of us. Everyday, I am tempted to utter the word “NO” but it can never comfortably roll off of the tip of my tongue. This is a constant battle internally and externally and it interferes with my relationships and employment situation Being the “yes man” in your group of friends or just society in general may not get you into the best of situations at times. All you succeed in doing is letting everyone believe they can do anything they want with you as no one will tell them otherwise. Saying “yes” allows me to be the person that everyone “likes”. It doesn’t disappoint
anyone and allows me to keep busy throughout my life; this has begun to interfere with my studies and lifestyle, however. While I want to make people happy, I feel very very upset because I don’t stand up for myself. It is a constant battle with my family, friends and society as I deal with the pressures of pleasing people. Pleasing people can lead you to do various tasks that you might not ultimately be prepared for. For me, being the “yes man” is very time consuming. I constantly have to fit everyone into my daily life and make sure that I am not leaving anyone out. People in my life like to
“It is a definite character flaw that I possess in my life. It continues to beat me down everyday and will, until I can learn how to smoothly utter the word, “NO”.” -Caleb Owens-Garrett
take advantage of my kindness and generosity. It often gets taken to the point where people think it’s okay to do whatever they please around me or in my own home. People do not always consider how I feel in my surroundings whatsoever. They often do this because I never open my mouth or use my words to stand up and defend myself. It can be very pressing in these situations with what to do and how to handle things. It is a definite character flaw that I possess in my life. It continues to beat me down everyday and will, until I can learn how to smoothly utter the word, “NO”. I truly believe that I have the ability to say it, but I don’t have the confidence to put it out there without worrying if I am going to upset anyone or not. It is important for me of us to realize that it is not my job or career to please everyone. Unfortunately, I’m also aware that my first instinct to say yes, just so no one gets upset with me. Guess what? Real friends will still be there at the end of the day, and if they aren’t, that really does show their true colors. You have to be stronger than the word that is rolling off of the tip of your tongue.
Mandatory College Courses Add More Stress to Students’ Lives economical aspect. In a perfect world everybody would be able to afford schooling. Sadly, that is not the case. At an average community college like Fresno City, the tuition per semester for a student is $1,144.00 with a rate of $46 per unit. If a student chooses to go to a state college like Fresno State University, the tuition would be about $3,149.50. However, after a certain amount of units stuBY KATHYA CASTRO dents are charged a flat rate Reporter per semester. kcastro@therampageonline.com Students are also expectHave you ever found ed to pay for textbooks and yourself in the middle of a other course materials that lecture about who knows may be needed for the classwhat, asking yourself why es. you are there? With 12 units per semesWell you’re most likely ter (the number considered there because you have to, to be a full load) that’s at not out of free will. On an least four classes. And with average, college students classes, comes textbooks. need to take general educaWith an average cost of tion courses which can take $100 for one textbook, stuup to two years to complete. dents taking at least four That’s two years that classes are forced to add ancould be going towards ad- other $400 to their college vancement in our own spe- expenses, thus hurting our cific chosen career. pockets even more. Instead of being able to For this reason many stuimmediately enroll in only dents fall into heavy debt. courses that peak a stu- Heavy debt can impede them from completing signif icant life achievements like the purchase of their own home, car, or sufficiently providing for their families. Tuition Graphic/Ceasia Green and a highdent’s interest and desired er education do not come majors, they are forced to cheap and unfortunately, it take classes similar to what seems that we are wasting they took in high school, money on classes we have classes such as English 1A, already taken. Math 103, and Comm 1. Rent, books and food are It is especially tough also all aspects that need to on students who struggle be taken into consideration. with certain subjects such “I’m on a ramen noodle as math or English. I find it every night budget,” said very difficult to sit in a math FCC art student Consuelo class crunchingnumbers Rodriguez. “With rent, car and formulas when I would insurance, phone bills and rather be writing or reading school supplies to fund all a book. I thought that I had by myself, my stomach defileft my days of headaches nitely pays the price.” and stress over not graspThere is simply no time ing math in high school. or money to throw away on These courses make courses that ultimately do many students feel as if col- not help us reach our goals. lege is just a second high While GE gives some stuschool, and that they are dents more time to figure forced to take courses they out what they want to do are not interested in. This with their lives, it isn’t fair can lead to students feeling for the students who are discouraged from pursuing prepared and ready for the higher education. next chapter of their lives Becoming a well round- to be held back by artificial ed person comes from life school standards. experience and personal A solution to this complidesire to do so, not from cation would is to make the countless lectures. classes optional. Even if the goal for genAs Joser McCarty said, eral education is to make “General Education classthe students more knowl- es need to stop; they’re the edgeable on all subjects worst.” As adults, we should the students will only learn be able to notice and take what they approach with a action upon the subjects positive attitude. we need extra help on or The biggest issue with should be working on to forcing general education better oneself. courses on students is the
Marriage Should Be about Love, Not Race
Graphic/Ceasia Green
50 40 30 20
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
It’s true that marrying within the same ethnicity is more comfortable because of the bond of language and culture, but there’s a l s o beauty in marriage t o
One fourth black. One fifth white. A third Asian. And the rest Hispanic. Having a mixture of race and culture in your blood is not a bad thing. If anything, the result is beautiful. Interracial relationships or marriage is the source of why people grow up having different ethnicities in their blood. So is interracial marriage something that people should consider? Interracial marriage allows people to explore cultures, break stereotypes and expand the diversity in their lives. More people in our society are more embracing of interracial relationships. According to Pew Research Center, only 6.7 percent of married couples from 1980 were interracial. In 2010, t h a t number stands at 15 p e r cent,
Reporter cyang@therampageonline.com
someone of a different ethnicity. An interracial marriage gives people the privilege to learn about another culture, and it’s also a positive influence in multiple ways. It opens minds and make people more tolerant. Prior to being completely exposed to another culture, most people would have probably judged others based on their ethnicity and what traditions they practiced. For example, in some cultures, women are homemakers and primary caregivers to children. If that’s not a normal situation in a particular culture, that’s something that someone might see as unusual. It seems that people also hesitate to marry outside of their ethnicity because some have a fear of encountering rude stares while out in public, or difficulties with family approval, but that is not different from any other couple. Every married couple goes through difficulties where they have to overcome their obstacles together. It seems that the more obstacles a couple has to overcome, the stronger their relationship gets. The fact that people would only marry within the same ethnicity is understandable, as long as they do not become an obstacle to another’s pursuit of happiness, even if they are choosing someone from a different race and culture. Finding “the one” shouldn’t be about finding someone who best fits your culture, but about someone who best fits your personality. Marrying someone you love and cherish should be first priority, not ethnicity. If people would shine the light on the advantages of interracial marriage, imagine the amount diversity someone could have in their life. Maybe an interracial couple will create a family and their children will have the opportunity to interact with different ethnicities right from their birth. So consider interracial marriage.
an increase of 8.3 percent. Even today, our society is filled with numerous restrictions such as coercion to marry within the same ethnicity. This limit people from exploring out of their cultures. Growing up as Hmong, my father, uncles and aunts would always prefer that I marry and date within our culture. In my perspective, they have always pushed me away from interracial relationships, but because I grew up surrounded by a variety of different ethnicities, I have always considered marrying outside of the Hmong community.
Interracial Marriage Statistics 2010
Via United States Census Bureau
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Diversity Club Advisor Juan Guzman submitted a letter in response to the Rampage’s “FCC-NOT GAY FRIENDLY” article from the Feb. 4, 2015 issue. This letter has been published online at therampageonline.com.
Different State of Mind Led by Ace pitchers Jorge Alvarado and Connor Brogdon, Head Coach Ron Scott looks for 19th conference title
Reporter dchavez@therampageonline.com
The Fresno City College baseball team is looking to take this season to new heights with a tougher state of mind and a different approach from seasons past. On the young season the Rams are sitting at 5-2, with a crushing extra-inning loss to Modesto College on its resume. “I expect to be a tough team which doesn’t want to lose, who plays to the best of their abilities every game and hopefully become league champions, if not, state champions,” Coach Ron Scott said. The Rams are coming off a 23-16 season and a 17-7 second-place finish in the Central Valley Conference. “Winning the league championship is our first goal,” Scott said. The Rams open the season ranked sixth in the NorCal preseason poll; FCC will host the State Final Four for a third consecutive year in May. The team brought back Jorge Alvarado (7-2, 2.09 last season), preseason NorCal All-America right-hander and Connor Brogdon (9-4, 1.57 ERA in 2014) sophomore right-hander. They will lead a staff that was as dominant as any at times last season. With a team ERA of 2.28, best for 5th in the state last year. “To see them work hard and achieve their goals and realize that the team comes before them,” Scott said. “The reward is to see the positive results of hard work.” In his 27th season and a career record of 887326, Scott said the challenge is to get everyone to play as a group and to realize that they are all equal and that they all need to pull their own weight. “The ultimate goal is to win the state championship,” he said. “We’ve been to the state championship eight or nine times since I’ve been coaching here.” This year, they are looking to take the crown for the 34th time in school history. “We’ve worked harder than years before,” Scott said. “This year’s team is going to win games by trying to rely on small ball, which is bunting, running and playing good defense, not so much long home runs. Similar to how the San Francisco Giants played this year,” Deondre Howard, one of the 23 freshman playing for Scott this year, said, “I’m a team guy, so anything the coach tells me to do, I’m going to do it.” Returners like pitcher Shane Desmond will be comed upon to be leaders this season “We have to try and work on a few things at practice, execute and take it day by day,” said Desmond.
A member of the team finishes his turn throwing. Wednesday, Jan.28, 2015. Photo/Daisy Rodriguez
Track Team Ready for Central Valley Conference Championship Run BY KEAUNDREY CLARK
Sports Editor kclark@therampageonline.com
The Fresno City College track team is preparing for another season with new faces and some returning runners from last season’s Central Valley Conference second place finish. “Our numbers are comparable to last year’s,” said head coach Jesus Reyes.” We’re a lot younger than last year with more talented freshmen coming in.” Only eight sophomore are coming back, and the coach is hoping they will have to step up and be leaders for the incoming freshman. “These returning sophomores were big point earners in last year’s state meet; they’ll be looked to as leaders this year,” Reyes said. David Booker is one of the sopho-
Ily Lopez practices his javelin form on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015. Photo/Ramuel Reyes
FCC Spring Sports State Rankings
Men’s tennis
Women’s tennis
mores looking to improve last season’s results. “Our goal as a team is to improve on what we did last year,” Booker said. “We’re always building team chemistry.” Even with a team made up mostly of freshmen, the team don’t lack confidence on the track as most freshman would, which bodes well for this year’s team. “We’re a work in progress, have to work and lift hard, said assistant coach Robert Foster. “It’s an adjustment.” Against tough competition with College of the Sequoias and Merced College every year, Coach Reyes hopes that the Central Valley Conference adds more teams to fortify its conference The FCC team will start its quest for a state title at San Mateo on Feb. 13.
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Basketball
10.15.2014 Men’s Tennis Team Hopeful, Despite Challenges BY KAGEANNA GARZA
Reporter kgarza@therampageonline.com
Robinson Audibert prepares for his next hit of the tennis ball. Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015. Photo/Daisy Rodriguez
The 2015 Fresno City Collegemen’s tennis team is hungry for another state championship. Even with a roster consisting of mostly first year students, members of the team are not discouraged about their chances of bringing home another win for the college. Chantel Wiggins, who is coaching both men’s and women’s tennis teams in her first year as head coach, said, “It’s so much fun; instead of dealing with five year olds, it’s nice to be around college kids again.” Wiggins said that coaching both tennis team can be challenging because the teams sometimes play the same weekend or days. The coach said she relies so much on her assistant coaches to get the job done when she is unable to be there. “I know both teams are being taken care of,” said coach Wiggins. The only player who returned from last year’s team is sophomore Wyatt Kershaw. One strength the team has this year is a stronger bond than last year’s team which makes it easier to get along and go after the winning title for another year, Wiggins said. “We’re not as talented as last year’s team but there’s more fight with this team,” said sophomore Wyatt Kershaw, the
only returning player on this year’s team. “There are harder opponents, but it’s just the same, said Freshman Andy Vang, who is new for ACC this season. “You have to keep fighting and winning.” Having a mostly freshmen team doesn’t seem to get in the way of the men’s tennis team or the coach’s goal’s. “There are lots of improvement that needs to be done but I think we can do it,” Vang said. These players and coaches are more than confident that they can rise above and take home yet another title. “I’m expecting Wyatt to be a leader for this team, but again with this group of guys, they have heart and they can fight,” Wiggins said. “They’re only going to get better and faster.” To grow and become better tennis players and a better team is the top priority for coach Wiggins who wants her boys to become better people as well as great student athletes. “We’re ready to fight it out,” said Wyatt. Wiggins said she and her players and coaches have no doubt about winning the state championship and that they are more than ready to mold in together to become a better tennis team. “State is a long way,” Wiggins said, “but I’m hoping to be there,”