Fall 2016 Issue 2

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RAMPAGE Student-run newspaper of Fresno City College

September 14, 2016


Fall 2016, Issue 2

Student Appeals Suspension and Dog’s Ban from Campus

“Why have I been denied due process? My life has just been destroyed...how can one person have the power to give an order to make a life unsound?” - Larry Rodriguez Suspended Fresno City College student

Larry Rodriguez (Left) and his dog Zapata (right) have been banned from campus effective Sept. 8 following a letter from the college’s interim vice president of student services. Rodriguez and his companion dog have been told they are not permitted on the FCC campus after alleged reports that Rodrigez’s dog has barked and attacked students. Rodriguez maintains that his dog is not wild. Larry Valenzuela BY LARRY VALENZUELA

District Challenged for Out-ofClass Pay Discrepancies BY EDWARD SMITH

Copy/Opinion Editor esmith@therampageonline.com

An office assistant in the library department has filed a formal complaint against the State Center Community College District concerning out-of-class pay and discrimination. In a testimony before the personnel commission on Aug. 23, Sabrina Gray said she, along with dozens of others, have been working outside of their agreed-upon job descriptions. “I replaced an administrative aide for four years; I assumed her duty,” Gray said. “I was forced to do it by my supervisor.” In her statement, Gray said that after she assumed all the responsibilities associated with the new position, her supervisor recommended out-of-class pay, but it was denied. Gray’s situation is not isolated, according to Miguel Arias, the trustee for Area 5. “There has got to be hundreds of staff working out of their classifications,” Arias said. “The personnel commission indicated

The Rampage

that the last time they did a comm [classification] study was in 1990.” When classified staff are hired, their positions come with explicit job descriptions outlining what they can and cannot do in a merit-based system, such as the one that the State Center Community College District uses. What the personnel commission can do, though, is limited because of union involvement and collective bargaining agreements. Issues such as these fall into the hands of the California State Employees Association. “Most recently they really did get involved and represented me in a much better standard than what I was represented before,” Gray said in her statement. “This situation with the outof-class compensation issue was something I had to educate myself on, and that probably has to change gears,” said Raul Perez, the labor relations representative for the CSEA, the union which represents classified staff in the district and across the state, said. “Sabrina Gray is only one of many, and I’ve heard




Broadcast Editor lvalenzuela@therampageonline.com


Fresno City College student has appealed his suspension from all State Center Community College campuses because of “disruptive behavior” involving him and his service dog, Zapata. Larry Rodriguez, 63, is also asking the college community to support his petition and to write testimonies about his dog’s good behavior. He says hundreds of signatures have already been collected. Rodriguez told the Rampage that he seeks legal guidance on how best to proceed with fighting the college’s suspension. “Why have I been denied due process?” Rodriguez asked in an appeal letter presented to college administrators Tuesday. He states that he was illegally harassed and discriminated against as described in Administrative Regulation 5530. Rodriguez said he is frustrated because no one is listening to his story or considering the impact a suspension will have on his and Zapata’s lives. “Both of us have been in class together; No one has had a problem with his [Zapata’s] behavior; teachers, as well as students have had no difficulties,” his letter stated. “How can one person have the power to give an order to make a life unsound?”


A&E 6

Rodriguez arrived to campus Tuesday with Zapata in order to drop off the letters of appeal and grievances. His objective was to meet with FCC President Carole Goldsmith, Interim Vice President of Student Services Rojelio Vasquez and Paul Parnell, chancellor of State Center Community College District. SCCCD Police approached Rodriguez during his brief visit. Police warned he could be arrested for being on campus but was not. “I am fully aware that my Zapata

Zapata poses a threat and danger to the population.” - Rojelio Vasquez Vice President of Student Services would be arrested,” Rodriguez said. “I was hoping for that result; this way, I would have an audience.” Rodriguez said that his financial aid and grants are being taken away due to his suspension. “My life has just been destroyed. For the last two and a half years, that’s my only survival,” he said. “I will become homeless and, most





RAMPAGE 9.14.2016

Fall Vendor Fair Thirty vendors will be selling their wares at the fall vendor fair on campus from Sept. 20 to 22. The products on display will include jewelry, handcrafts, posters, cell phones and more, said Maile Martin, college center assistant with student activities. The fair will be in the university mall and main fountain area from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, contact the student activities office at 559-4438688.

9/11 Remembered


Check out our Facebook page to get tickets to the upcoming Maná concert Sept. 20

Reporter sflores@therampageonline.com

Fresno City College had its first Club Rush of the new semester in front of the library on Aug. 31, where students were encouraged to sign up for some of the college’s various and diverse clubs. Reflecting on FCC’s diverse culture, there are many unique clubs, such as the brand new Buddhism for Peace Club. Club member Hayato Mikami, an English major, explained that his club’s purpose is to help people. “See, they themselves already possess this strength, this passion, this courage to face their obstacles and transform them[selves] into sources of development and growth.” The club focuses on the Lotus Sūtra of Buddhism, which teaches that any one person has the capability of becoming a Buddha.

Illustration. Bobby Brown BY PAYTON HARTUNG

Reporter phartung@therampageonline.com A rally at the main fountain of Fresno City College on Sept. 8 marked the 15th anniversary of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York City and other places in Pennsylvania and Virginia. The event, coinciding with the Rams’ first home game, started with a moment of silence and then a spirit rally. The event and others around the city and the nation led many Fresno residents to reflect on the historic event and its impact on their lives. “I remember being in denial at first, that it was just some kind of horrible air traffic control mishap,” U.S. Air Force Sgt. Anthony Morales said. “None of the clips I had seen had shown the plane actually fly into the tower.” Morales who was based in Fresno said he didn’t believe it at first. But soon, he would see what the

RAMPAGE Staff Editorial Board Editor in Chief Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado Managing/News Editor Ashleigh Panoo Entertainment Editor Jasmine Yoro Bowles Sports Editor Michael Ford Copy/Opinion Editor Edward Smith Photo Editor Ram Reyes Broadcast Editor Larry Valenzuela Layout Editor Lukas Newcomb

Rampage Adviser/Instructor Dympna Ugwu-Oju dympna.ugwu-oju@fresnocitycollege.edu

Clubs open their doors to all students BY SAGE ARTHUR-FLORES

College Turns 106 Fresno City College, deemed California’s first community college, celebrated its 106th anniversary Sept. 12. In 1910, the college’s first classes were held in Fresno High School’s old campus on O street, according to the FCC website. There were only 20 students and three instructors in the first class. Originally called Fresno Junior College, FCC would move in 1956 to University Avenue, replacing Fresno State when it moved to its current location.


Reporters Michael Mendez Destinee Lopez Jorge Alamo Jonathan Garza Payton Hartung Thomas Hawkins Aly Honore Frank Lopez Cedric Hood Savanna Manzo Jose Orozco Gregory Williams Eric Zamora

Sage Arthur-Flores

Contact Us: Tip Line: 559.442.8262 Letters to the Editor to: editorial@therampageonline.com

world saw. “The footage came in of Flight 175 hitting the south tower,” he said. “In that moment, I knew that it had to be deliberate.” Morales knew at that moment of crisis that he wanted to dedicate his service to the United States. “I had to be a part of the solution,” he said. “That it was my duty for lack of a better term to help.” Morales enlisted in the Air Force in December 2003. “I think we, as a country, grew stronger and a little more resilient,” Morales said. “We refused to let terrorism change our way of life.” He said Americans have gone through a healing process which has helped bring some closure. “I think we see that day as a passing of a loved one and we have accepted it,” he said. “We grieved over it and have gained closure.” He compares the tragic events to the death of a relative, “We recall the events, and we have memorials and vigils to pay our respects.” He and his unit have always made time to remember the lives lost on 9/11. “We do have a ceremonial flag raising and lowering, and our Honor Guard will participate in local memorial events.” Arlene Ayala, a social work major, remembers her experience after the attacks. “At school, we all went out with American flags,” she said. “We all got together at the center of the elementary school and had a moment of silence. We actually did that a couple of times before we went to class.” Ayala says the Memorial Day holidays since the events of Sept. 11 have a greater meaning. Ayala said that every Sept. 11, she puts up a flag outside and wears red, white and blue. “Memorial Day feels more heartfelt,” Ayala said, “with a richer past that all individuals share together.”


Active clubs at FCC The Buddhism for Peace Club takes those teachings and focuses on helping people find their inner strength to help better themselves and the world. Another club looking for new members is the Pan-African Student Union Club. “[The Pan-African Student Union] would like for anyone feeling disenfranchised to feel welcome,” said Wyconda Hopkins, a social work major. Pan-Africanism is a movement for people of African descent who have lost their heritage due to the events of the slave trade. It’s a club to help those that feel lost in life, even if they have no African heritage. The goal of the club is, as Wyconda Hopkins said, “Unity of people that have been disenfranchised for whatever reason.” Other clubs are just groups of people that are united by a common interest. Shireen Kalein, a history major and club member, described the History Club: “We’re all a bunch history nerds. We like to get together and talk about history.” The Anime Club is also about bringing like-minded students together. Jazmine Yepez, childhood development major and club president said, “We promote anime, and manga as well. Just… sharing this common love.” The next club rush will be a Latino heritage club rush that takes place on Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the free speech area.

Corrections? Email media@therampageonline.com Any correction needed for an article should be brought to the attention of the staff of The Rampage. The Rampage is committed to accuracy and should be made aware of any mistake in an article that appears in this paper. Views expressed in the opinion pages are those of the individiual writer and not of the newspaper. The Rampage is produced by students of the Journalism 11 A, B, C, D class.


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016



of other situations that, believe it or not, are far worse than hers.” In many situations, the problem is related to out-of-date job descriptions. “Technology services and equipment has significantly and dramatically changed since 1990,” Arias said. “Yet folks are still using those same job descriptions to do their current work.” In her public comment before the personnel commission, Gray said, “Something as simple as ordering supplies is in a totally different job description.” She said she received mixed signals as to what was considered out-of-class. “I can work as an administrative aide for four years but not get paid for it,” Gray said. “I had an OA I (office assistant I) reporting to me, who I was training, who was paid provisionally as an OA III, to work in my department. I was teaching him to do things, and he’s making more money than me.”

Normally, there would be positions filled by the appropriate personnel to avoid out-of-class and provisional pay. “Say for example, we approved 20 counselors for [Fresno] City College and they only hired 10 of them,” Arias said. “They take that money from hiring the counselors and put it somewhere else, which defeats the purpose of us investing and hiring 20 counselors.” “As the board of trustees, we have approved a record amount of faculty positions, a record number of classified positions, a record amount of resources for operations and for new facilities to be able to serve students directly.” Many new positions have to have new job descriptions written based on out-dated data to outline, and the new comm study has taken nearly three years to complete, according to statements made at the meeting. “They are indicating that it will be another six months before they’re even completed,” Arias said. “As a trustee, that’s unacceptable for me because that means the adults responsible for the work are letting adult issues get in the way of serving students.”

Sabrina Gray explains her grievance in front of the State Center Community College District personnel commission board at the SCCCD headquarters on Aug. 23, 2016. Photo/ Ram Reyes

New ASG President Wants to Connect ASG and Students BY ASHLEIGH PANOO

Managing Editor apanoo@therampageonline.com


he pressure is on for Kou Xiong as he takes his place as the new Associated Student Government President at Fresno City College. But Xiong is no rookie; Years of experience have led him to the position, as well as a knack for balancing home, work and school life. On top of his presidential duties and taking classes at FCC, he also works at Kohls and is raising his nephew. When Xiong, a child development major, graduates, he will be the first of his 13 siblings, who range from 18 to 30, to earn a college degree. If all of this balancing stresses Xiong, he doesn’t show it. “Timemanagement is something that I do really well,” he smiles.

was also involved in the Hmong American Student Association at Fresno City College for a year. As an Inter Club Council representative, Xiong only had a one-year term in that position, but he longed to stay another. “I loved the job,” he says. “I really enjoyed working with the clubs and with the students on campus.” Xiong shadowed the president during his term, and ran for president of the Inter Club Council the next election year, winning. “I thought I could do something more than just go to school, go home and to work,” he says. After being involved in ASG last year, he decided to run for president. Xiong says he has an enthusiastic group of students in ASG this year, which makes him excited about the potential. One of his main focuses, he says, is student involvement and safety. He thinks not enough students are aware of the role of student

Xiong also feels the voter turnout needs to be addressed. “There were less than 150 students that voted last year,” he explains. “And there were 22,000 students on campus.” If there is anyone willing to go the extra mile, it’s Xiong. As the legal guardian to his 13-year-old nephew, he knows there is always someone depending on him. After social services reached out looking for somewhere the boy could go, Xiong, who was just 18 at the time, was the one who stepped up to take care of him. Becoming a guardian has changed the way Xiong thinks. “It’s no longer just about me,” he says. “When I go

out to buy clothes, school supplies and food I have to think about his needs.” He contends it has made him more responsible because he doesn’t get to go out whenever he wants anymore -- he has someone who needs him at home. After being at FCC for 4 years, Xiong acknowledges it’s time to go. This will be his last year, he says, but he hopes to leave a legacy that will stretch further at both FCC and in his own life. “I want to be remembered as the one that bridged that gap between [the] student population and our association here,” he says.

We’re here to make sure the campus, faculty, administration and the students are cohesive.” - Kou Xiong Fresno City College Associated Student Government President The road to ASG president started at Duncan Polytechnical High School, where Xiong graduated in 2012. He was class president for two years in a row, and vice president for one. When he began college, he longed for the camaraderie he felt during those years as president, when students would come together on Fridays for events. Fast-forward to his current position and Xiong envisions taking that camaraderie to the college-level by holding town hall meetings and getting the ASG out more to show their faces on campus. He wants to get students involved in the issues affecting them. Before his presidency, Xiong

government, which he describes as being about representing students and making sure they feel like they’re being heard to the district. Xiong explains, “We’re here to make sure the campus, faculty, administration and the students here are cohesive.” Xiong says he wants to show his face and be accessible to students. “Even if you have issues at home, we want to hear your story,” he says. “We’re here to help students.” He also would like to see more police presence in parking lots, so students feel safer. He doesn’t want a repeat of last semester when a student was assaulted in broad daylight.

Watch Kou Xiong explain his goals as ASG president as well as his journey to the position. www.therampageonline.com

Fresno City College Associated Student Government President Kou Xiong. Photo/Larry Valenzuela


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016

College squirrels are not native, instructor says BY DESTINEE LOPEZ

Reporter dlopez@therampageonline.com


resno City College students share the campus with more than just their peers. The community college campus is also home to the Eastern Fox Squirrel, or as it’s also known, Sciurus Niger. College biology instructor Rodney Olsen said the Eastern Fox Squirrels have been in the Fresno area since the 1800s. The Eastern Fox Squirrel, not native to the state but found at FCC, is brown and red with less fluffy tails, Olsen said. The squirrels that are on campus are not Gray Squirrels which are found through the San Joaquin Valley. Native to California, the Gray Squirrel is gray and white with fluffier tails.

“In the 25 years I have been associated with the [FCC] campus, I have never seen a gray squirrel,” Olsen said. The Eastern Fox Squirrel was introduced to the San Francisco area in the late 1800s, Olsen said. In the early 1900s, they were found in the Roeding Park area of Fresno and have since migrated to the campus. Olsen said he is not sure how long the Eastern Fox squirrel type has been at the college. “Most likely they have been here

since the the campus had been suitable for habitat in the 1900s,” he said. Many times you can find the Eastern Fox Squirrels alone, sleeping and searching for food by themselves. In their breeding seasons, they are found with other squirrels. “During those breeding seasons, you can see them coupled and sleeping together with their offspring,” Olsen said. In its college environment, the Eastern Fox squirrel is not eating

1800 s Year Eastern Fox Squirrels were


introduced to the San Francisco area

Year Eastern Fox Squirrels were introduced to the Fresno area

NEWS its regular and healthy diet which usually consists of seeds, berries, nuts, bugs or bird eggs. Olsen said instead, they are eating human food, usually processed. Most of their snacks on campus are what students leave behind, like chips. Olsen said students should not feed the Eastern Fox Squirrel because they may become too comfortable and expose students to possible diseases accidentally. When the Eastern Fox Squirrels are fed, they lose their fear of humans, allowing them to get closer, which can result in transmission of diseases, he said. “These are wild animals and like any other animals (or wild squirrels), they carry diseases,” Olsen said. “They are going to have parasites and various diseases that can be transmitted to humans. Squirrel to human disease transmission is low but it has been recorded.”

Learn more about the college’s squirrels from biology instructor Rodney Olsen at: www.therampageonline.com

A squirrel eats near a tree in the college mall on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016. Fresno City College biology instructor Rodney Olsen says the Eastern Fox Squirrel is not native to the Fresno area. Photo/Larry Valenzuela


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016

New Bench Honors Late President Cantu BY PAYTON HARTUNG

Reporter phartung@therampageonline.com

Fresno City College unveiled a memorial bench commemorating the late Fresno City College President Tony Cantu on Sept. 1. The bench was placed to honor Cantu’s 27 years of service, hard work and generosity for the State Center Community College District. The memorial bench has a quote written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe that reads: “Instruction does much, but encouragement everything.” The quote was picked out by Cyndie Luna, communication arts department co-chair. A collaboration between both the Academic Senate and Associated Student Government were important in making the memorial a reality. The bench was proposed on April 2015, after Cantu died. After ASG finalized the bench

He was almost exclusively the donor of the outstanding music performing scholarhip.” - Cheryl Sullivan Vice President of Administrative Services details, FCC Business Assistant Susi Nitzel was tasked with ordering the bench, which cost $1212. Cantu played a huge part in fundraising many scholarships and programs designed to help students get through city college. Vice President of Administrative Services Cheryl Sullivan worked with Cantu for 18 years and wants his legacy to continue at the college. “We endowed a presidential medallion scholarship in his name,” Sullivan said. “He was almost exclusively the donor for the outstanding music performance scholarship and so we’re trying to get that one endowed, so his name and legacy is forever.”


Cost of memorial bench Sullivan also described Cantu as man who carried a lot of charisma. “He always said ‘hey buddy,’ patted you on the back and his quote was ‘another day in paradise’ which was always satirical,” Sullivan remembers. “He was concerned about taking care of the college and the future of the college.”

Larry Rodriguez talks to police at the small fountain area by building A on Sept. 13. Photo/Larry Valenzuela


Rodriguez appeals college suspension likely, become a danger to society.” Rodriguez’s suspension came in a letter from Vasquez on Sept. 8. The letter informed Rodriguez that he and Zapata were suspended from the college campus for failure to follow orders to keep the dog under control and off campus. “[Zapata] poses a threat and danger to the population at [FCC],” Vasquez stated in the letter. “On numerous occasions, Zapata has growled, barked aggressively, chased students, and has been left unattended on the [FCC] campus.” As a result of the suspension, Rodriguez was dropped from all of his fall semester classes, in accordance with the provisions of Administrative Regulation 5520. Vasquez’ letter directed Rodriguez to “not return to campus for any purpose without permission” or he could be subjected to arrest and more sanctions. According to the letter, the suspension resulted from a prolonged dispute about the presence of Rodriguez’ service dog on campus. On Aug. 18, Rodriguez was also presented with a letter which banned Zapata from the FCC campus. Zapata’s ban resulted from “three police reports involving the dog’s aggressive

behavior and four disruptive behavior reports involving the dog’s disruptive behavior.” Despite the ban, there were several sightings of Zapata within campus buildings; on Aug. 30 in the DSP&S office, the president’s office and the Forum hall, according to Vasquez’ letter to Rodriguez. The August letter banning Zapata cited three specific cases filed on Feb. 2, May 3 and July 27 with the SCCCD police about the dog’s “threat and danger” to the college population. The cases were about the dog not being on a leash, “barking aggressively” and chasing a student. Rodriguez insists that Vasquez’ letter ignores the fact that Zapata is licensed by the city of Fresno as a service dog and is very essential to his well-being. A representative for the city said that service dogs are allowed to go anywhere their handlers go unless they are deemed “out of control.” The person is still welcome,

5 however; only the dog is banned. According to information on service animals, posted on the website of the Disability Rights Section of the U.S. Department of Justice, the American with Disabilities Act does not overrule legitimate safety requirements such as those cited in the suspension letter to Rodriguez. “If a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded,” according to the website. Rodriguez said he is worried that the suspension could cause him to become homeless again and resort to drastic behavior. In a previous interview with the Rampage, Rodriguez said he was homeless and did whatever he could to survive. Rodriguez said that his financial aid was terminated when he was suspended. Rodriguez told the Rampage he doesn’t believe his will be able to pay his rent next month and would have to live on the streets. He added that he has no resources and no access to a lawyer to guide him in this situation. The suspension letter indicates that Rodriguez could be considered for enrollment in the spring semester if he is willing to meet with Vasquez before the end of the fall semester. “He [Zapata] doesn’t bother anyone anyway. I [have] him on a leash,” Rodriguez said, insisting that his dog is not a threat to students. “I’m a student. I’m entitled to an education, and they are denying it to me.” Rodriguez said he wants students to help him by writing letters to the college administrators. He told the Rampage Tuesday that he wants students to write letters to President Goldsmith, Chancellor Parnell and Interim Director of Student Services Sean Henderson asking to reverse their decision. The response from students on social media and the Rampage website has overwhelmed Rodriguez. He said that even though he doesn’t know the students who are sticking up for him, he appreciates the strong support. Rodriguez said, “It’s just not right to destroy somebody’s life.”

Rodriguez told the Rampage that he wants students to write letters to President Goldsmith, Chancellor Parnell and Interim Director of Student Services Sean Henderson. He also urges students to protest the college’s decision.

PUENTE Program builds bridges for students BY JOSE OROZCO

Reporter jorozco@therampageonline.com Fresno City College students and University students in California have been taking advantage of the support and mentoring The Puente Program has to offer. The Puente program is a statewide program that has been available at FCC since 1987. Students commit to one year of English instruction, sustained counseling and mentoring in order to build a bridge or transition into a 4-year university. These tools have been proven to be successful by providing a support system that consists of counselors, instructors, and other students in order to encourage and help students accomplish their college goals. Mathew Watson, a Chicano Latino Studies instructor at FCC, who works with the Puente program explained what Puente meant. “The word Puente in Spanish means bridge, so the idea of the program is to create

a bridge between the junior college and the 4-year university, it’s really about providing resources to students to better help them manage that transition and also go to the 4-year university and not end here.” In order to participate in the program, you have to meet a few requirements according to the online information available on the FCC website. Those interested must complete the FCC application and take the placement test. Eligibility in the program requires enrollment in English 125 and/or 126, Counseling 43, and Chicano Latino studies 11. A list can be found on the FCC website. Students who meet the requirements can take these classes with other students as a group, which ultimately turns into a direct support system. Combined with counselors, instructors and mentors, these students have been very successful in transitioning from junior college into 34-year universities. According to the FCC website, the

Puente program was founded in 1981 by English instructor Pat Mcgrath and Counselor Felix Galavis at Chabot college in the bay area. Since its creation, 62 additional community colleges have added the Puente program on their campus. “There are a lot of special ideas that Puente has that a lot of special programs here at FCC have. What they share in common is the idea of having cohorts and having a group of students who are taking classes together, so that they will have mutual support,” Watson said as he described how Puente provides a support system for students. According to the FCC website “of the students who complete the the one-year program, 48 percent transfer to a four-year college or university, compared with only 7 percent of nonPuente students”. Although the Puente program has been known for specifically serving Latino or Spanish speaking students, it’s open to all students who meet the requirements.


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016


FOR MORE: Fresno Youth Get L.O.U.D. at City


5 Must-Sees

Zee & Kam Fashawn performs during the L.O.U.D. event at Fresno City College on Friday, Sept. 9, 2016. Photo/Ram Reyes BY JASMINE YORO BOWLES

Entertainment Editor jyorobowles@therampageonline.com

F Star Trek

Photo courtesy of Daniel Ramos

resno youth packed the college courtyards inside the Old Administration Building on Sept. 9 for an event showcasing live art, music, dance and tacos. The L.O.U.D or “Living Our Unchained Dreams” event was hosted by local The “kNOw” Youth Media and multimedia collective Dulce Upfront and was the idea of The “kNOw’s” statewide coordinator, Tim Haydock. “Everybody just really appreciated the space it would give the young people of Fresno,” Kody Stoebig, program manager and editor of “kNOw,” said. The celebration was opened by Yoztaltepetl, a dance group which performed an Aztec blessing. “We do the cardinal points, then [the elements] which mother earth provides us with everything that we need to live,” said group founder and teacher, Gloria Guerrero. The group was founded 18 years ago in Clovis. “When we’re honoring the north, we honor our ancestors and generations before us,” Guerrero said. “The

south (is) for the children and to symbolize the future. East honors the men and warriors who are our protectors, and the west honors women and mothers.” Singer Kasey Tate delivered a strong performance near the end of the show, singing only one song about current events in America around the black community. Tate’s lyrics included statements such as, “All we ever did was be black...I just want to feel human again.”

These stories are really young people’s lives in Fresno... things they have gone through...how they see the world.” - Kody Stoebig Program Manager/Editor at The kNOw Special guest, Fashawn, headlined the L.O.U.D. event. The Fresno

rapper had hosted workshops at The “kNOw” to help young artists refine their talents to showcase at L.O.U.D. Fashawn is signed to rapper Nas’ recording label. He performed “Mother Amerikkka” for the first time at the event. The song reflects on pop culture and recent events about cops and government. Fresno’s youth “got to work with Fashawn; we got to have a really good experience with him,” said Zayanna Maynard, Edison High School senior, who performed poetry and is a youth reporter at The “kNOw”. “He taught us things we didn’t know how to do.” Maynard said, “He showed us things that we, as writers and rappers, should know by now.” Fashawn shared with the youth group a variety of ways other artists succeed, teaching poets to write bars, and rappers to write stanzas.. “These stories are really young people’s lives in Fresno, what Fresno is to them (and) things they have gone through or happened to them (and) how they see the world,” Stoebig said. “It was left open to however they wanted to express themselves,” Stoebig added. “And that is what the beauty of this is.”

M.I.A’s A.I.M

Promise Nevarez, 8, showing off her moves with her group “McCoy Hip-Hop” during the L.O.U.D. event at Fresno City College on Friday, Sept. 9, 2016. Photo/Ram Reyes


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016


Faculty Recital Raises Funds for Scholarships BY ERIC ZAMORA

Reporter ezamora@therampageonline.com

Fresno City College faculty from the music department performed before the community in an effort to raise money for student scholarships on campus. Proceeds from a concert by the music department faculty will benefit music scholarships at Fresno City College. The free concert, composed of both fulltime and adjunct faculty members, was host to 10 musical pieces. Attendees were encouraged to donate to the scholarship fund which awarded 16 scholarships in the spring semester of 2016. The donations would benefit the many music scholarships the school offers. The faculty members performed works from all different periods of music. Their selections ranged from mid-Baroque to 21st Century avantgarde. Of the 10 pieces, two were Jazz performances played by four faculty members together. “The faculty just chooses what they would like to perform, so you’ll have anywhere from vocal solos to a trumpet solo,” said Larry Honda, a music instructor and saxophone soloist. In between performances, the faculty members gave details about the music they performed, whether

The faculty just chooses what they would like to perform, so you’ll have anywhere from vocal solos to a trumpet solo.” - Larry Honda FCC Music Instructor it was an anecdotal story about why a song was chosen, or facts about the music itself. Choral music instructor, Julie Dana, set the tone for her performance of “Deh vieni, non tardar,” from W.A. Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro” with a few facts. She gave a brief overview of the opera, and described the scene that features her piece before gliding through every note of her performance. A few performers played more peculiar instruments. Music instructor Dale Engstrom played a piccolo trumpet, which is a small, higher-pitched version of a more standard trumpet. Adjunct faculty member, Dr. William Whipple, played on a prepared piano, which is a piano that has had objects either inserted in between strings, placed on the strings, or has had strings

Faculty members from the Fresno City College music department performing a jazz piece together as a quintet in the Old Administration Building on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016. Photo/Eric Zamora tuned in a certain way, in order to create a unique effect when played. “It was amazing, the first piece that was played was the prepared piano and it doesn’t even sound like a piano, which I thought was cool,” said Andrew Castillo, a flute performance major. Music recitals and concerts at FCC typically feature students, so this concert shows another side of the music department to the campus. “It’s always fun to hear to hear your colleagues perform,” said Dr.

Brandon Bascom, a piano instructor at FCC. “We are such a diverse group and the styles of songs that we all perform are so different, it’s always fun to hear what everyone else has been working on.” The next music event at FCC is the Vladimir Horowitz Piano Celebration at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 23. Horowitz was a piano virtuoso, and his piano used during his tour when he traveled to the Soviet Union is coming to FCC. Audience members may get a chance to play the piano.


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016


Is Sitting The New Standing? Editor’s Note: During a football game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Green Bay Packers on

August 26, Niners’ quarterback Colin Kaepernick gained nationwide attention for his refusal to stand for the national anthem. The actions following his protest spurred widespread discussion about respect for the anthem. Rampage staff discuss whether Kaepernick is right or wrong.



Reporter ahonore@therampageonline.com


olin Kaepernick’s decision to exercise his freedom of speech is precisely the right that our nation was founded on. So, before you burn Kaepernick’s jersey, slander his character or accuse him of disrespecting our troops, take a minute and think about what he is actually saying. What many Americans are failing to acknowledge is how American Colin Kaepernick is actually being. It is odd that the people sporting “Make America Great Again” merchandise are the same people condemning Kaepernick for pointing out that America isn’t currently in its best shape. What Kaepernick is saying is that there are more crooked political forces than benevolent ones. There is more bad in this nation than people have been choosing to acknowledge. This is demonstrated in the 160 deaths of unarmed black civilians by cops who walked away scott-free in 2016 so far. What sets Kaepernick apart from his peers is his decision to not blind himself to the strife of his race with his fortune. What anti-Kaepernick ‘patriots’ expect is for the man who was raised in all of his disadvantages growing up as a black man in America, to play this All-American sport and for their entertainment. They expect the man to simply play, have no convictions, no worldly intelligence, because that is not what he’s being paid for. Far be it for America to pay a man who protests their hierarchy and corrupt systems of control. “No, Kaepernick,” they say, “only use the liberties we want you to use.” Some people question Kaepernick’s legitimate concern for these issues and if his motives are actually pure. To these people, let me just say, he was not just risking every contract he’s signed, his football career, and his public reputation; the man’s life was on the line. Only a person of color could understand the serious danger of taking such a forthright public stance. Kaepernick had no way

of predicting the outcome of this decision. He had no way of predicting that his jersey sales would sky-rocket and fellow athletes would follow his lead. To call this a publicity stunt rather than a taking a huge risk for what he believes is absolutely thoughtless. Kaepernick fearlessly reclaimed his right as an American. In the midst of relentless police misconduct and irresponsible politics to back it, this NFL player has done something that is long overdue and yet, many Americans were not prepared for it. The unpreparedness stems from a lack of accountability for minority struggle in modern society. People don’t want to accept Kaepernick’s decision. Many try to find some way to invalidate his argument because the fact of the matter is that they don’t want to face the truth of it. That would mean that somebody or something is responsible for this. That would mean that these people would be held accountable for contributing or allowing an oppressive system to deteriorate minorities. That would mean that these systems would need to be dismantled, reform would have to be implemented and things would have to change. There is too much white privilege on the line for that. However, all ‘patriotic’ citizens should know that we ought to embrace our freedoms because, for a free country, we often oppress what we do not understand.



Copy/Opinion Editor esmith@therampageonline.com


have trouble taking Colin Kaepernick seriously. Yes, I am white and can never understand the struggle that my black brothers, sisters and others go through on a daily basis, but still, I cannot take him seriously. I cannot take his salary seriously, I cannot take his attitude seriously, and I cannot take his timing seriously. Granted, Kaepernick can do whatever he feels like doing. He has no obligation to stand for the national anthem, nor does anyone else, but as he does, I can’t help but question his motives. Where a person chooses to donate his money is his business, but for someone making $12 million next year alone, his paltry $1 million donation does not match the volume of the statement he is making by not standing for the national anthem. He is planning on donating money from his jersey sales, but compared to the stir he raised, all of this seems no more than a drop in the bucket.

Colin Kaepernick. Illustration/Bobby Brown

Violence against blacks has been in the news for some time and for him to (not) stand up now and declare that this is the time for action casts an undeniable shadow of a doubt upon his intentions. Never before have we heard anything on the matter Without any words, he brought oppression of minorities into the national conversation, and once again, brought to a boil the tempers of millions of people on both sides of the issue. Kaepernick could have followed the steps of other football stars such as Pat Tillman and Glen Coffee who joined the armed forces to show their stand on a national issue. They sacrificed incredible salaries in the process of protecting the system that makes multi-million dollar salaries like Kaepernick’s possible. Its is a system that, while perhaps not perfect, promotes and allows for growth. Its is a system that, while sometimes in name alone, mandates that all people be treated like equal, and for Colin Kaepernick to use his influence to bring down what many feel brings us together, appears to me to be a statement of selfishness and privilege. It is the national anthem that brings us together. To exploit that fact would be disastrous for an already fragile nation. Kaepernick has been in the NFL for years now. Never before had he said or done anything about the injustices in this country, and now all of this seems to be coming from left field. The cynic sees this as merely a way to draw attention to himself as the 49ers move past the star quarterback towards Blaine Gabbert. He never named an intended receiver for his donation, nor did he come up with an offensive strategy to deal with the issues he is protesting. Without a clear game plan as to how he feels this country should begin to deal with the problem of police brutality, one cannot help but believe that his protest falls flat and has no direction.


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016

Access codes to textbooks limit student access and impede learning


nline-based education may be a new thing, but for a concept made to broaden the availability of education, access codes seem to work only to restrict it. For some time now, with instructors requiring students to purchase access codes, we have essentially been paying real money just to do homework. Access codes basically give students license to go on to the publisher’s website where they have a variety of student resources such as videos, audio recordings and the ability to do assignments online. This sounds all great and potentially helpful for the students that want to take advantage of it, but some professors are making these access codes a requirement for class in order to do assignments.


It is basically putting a price wall to do assignments. Some professors do let you do homework offline and turn it in on paper but to those that do not, you either give in and buy it or essentially fail the class. Sometimes the code can be purchased on its own. But sadly, some instructors want their students to purchase a hard copy of the book where, only there, you will find the right code for the online course assignments. The problem is made worse when the books are sometimes not needed to pass the class but the professor still requires you to get the access code to do homework. The use that students get out of the access code varies. Some might take advantage of the additional resources, some might not. But they do need to have it if they want to do the required homework for the class. Out of every seven courses



requiring textbooks, one of them does not even use the text, according to social learning company Koofers’ educational study, cited by an April 2010 article in the Daily Princetonian. Excessive and unnecessary costs further impact the price of school on already strapped students. In addition to normal textbook costs, prices for access codes range from $60 to $120; not to mention if students need more than one for multiple courses. Depending on what textbook the professor assigns, you could either have the access code come with the physical books, but they also offer the digital copy with the access code. Sometimes, they offer a digital copy but do not include the access codes. It can very confusing at times what you even need to succeed in a class. These access codes do not last


Elizabeth Gil

Political Science

American-Indian Studies

“It’s your American right to not respect the flag.”

“I think he’s right; it’s about time somebody stands up for all races.”

Justine Muscat

Nursing “He should not have disrespected it [the American Flag] at all. This is America, and you are part of it.”

Khai Williams

Psychology “People look at it with a negative view but the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ has different verses that we haven’t heard.”

Reporting Ram Reyes & Edward Smith

Illustration /Frank

forever. When you buy a physical book, you keep that book forever but when you buy an access code with an e-text, you can only use the text for the semester and after that you cannot access it anymore. It basically destroys the used textbook market that some students depend on to get by. You are basically paying money to temporarily do homework and read a digital copy of the textbook. It is a very anti-student practice. Our advances in technology should give students much greater access to education, not bar them out of it unless they are willing to pay. Some students like to learn with the traditional method of pencil and paper, some might even prefer the ease the access codes give, but there shouldn’t be a ridiculous price attached to it. Professors are essentially giving an ultimatum to buy into a system or fail the class. It should be about giving students options to help them succeed and not maximizing the profits for the textbook publishers.

A Personal Population Crisis Reporter dlopez@therampageonline.com

Pavin Johnson



t the beginning of the school year, the campus was buzzing with returning and new students. Semester after semester, I plan out how early I have to arrive at school to find parking. This is the first semester parking was not as bad as the previous years. I am grateful to park on campus but now I have to arrive early to my classes just to get a good seat in an actual desk. Almost a month into school and I am already secretly praying that students drop out of their classes. Walking to class I have begun to play a game; which way to walk will have the least amount of people? The game results in taking the longest routes to my classes. Walking past the students, dodging them at all cost. I place my earphones on so I do not need to say, “excuse me, and sorry, I can I get through.” I walk quickly and with a frown on my face, because then I would not hear the words, “Hi, how are you today. I haven’t seen you in a long time. Hey.” Finally I get to where I need to be and I open that door to my class, my heart drops. Where do I sit? Finding a desk is only half of the problem. I feel like I have to fight to be heard in classroom discussions; raising my hand up higher and jumping up and down in my seat just to be seen and heard. Now the question that I must ask myself is am I just being an antisocial person or is the campus overpopulated to the point I feel like my voice gets lost? As a student, I have always heard community colleges are the best

place to go if you want a connection to a professor and to be seen or heard with clarity; to feel like I am more than just a regular student. Then I ask myself, do I still feel like that, do my professors still treat me as if I am an actual person or just another name on a list? Walking around campus, I have begun to notice something quite amazing. I am starting to enjoy an overpopulated campus. I have met some awesome people by sitting a little too close for comfort. I do enjoy hearing people sing and listening to music around campus. I enjoy hearing different conversation and laughter and seeing people sit in the shaded areas and making new friends. I love seeing the dance students practice on the grass outside of the bookstore. I love seeing art students draw the trees and buildings. I love seeing the photography students walk around taking pictures of seemingly nothing. Only now, as the semester moves forward and I become more comfortable being around so many new people, do I realize that I am at a community college. I’m maybe just another name on a list in some of my classes and that is fine. I belong to a college where the student body is also part of my education. Where I am learning to love the simplest things, like walking around campus because it has a very beautiful and diverse population. I always believed the less I socialized the better off I will be when it came to how well I did in life. There is less distractions, the more I am able to focus on what is important to me. Going to school on this campus forces me to be engaged with others. I am forced to talk to more people, to learn more about them. I am forced to see more, to see the differences and similarities between us. There was an awakening inside me, I started to see with an open mind. I no longer wanted to be just focused on myself, I want to learn and absorb the knowledge that those around me give without knowing they are giving me a the most precious gift of understanding.


RAMPAGE 9.14.2016


Missed Opportunities Doom Rams

Rams running back Nate Jones driving the football against Santa Rosa College Bearcubs at Ratcliffe Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016. The Rams fell to College of the Canyons in the team’s home opener. Photo/Ram Reyes

Fresno City College A Top Pick for Athletes BY JOSE OROZCO

Reporter jorozco@therampageonline.com

The success of the teams, plus the reputation of the coaches make the Fresno City College athletics program very attractive to athletes from all over the country. The program is among the top Athletic programs in California, according to Eric Swain, director of athletics. Cody James, a 19-year-old sophomore who is completing his general education at FCC, came all the way from Hammond, Louisiana, to play football. “One of my coaches knew [Rams’ head coach Tony Caviglia], and he helped me get in contact with him. He helped me throughout my application process,” James said. “I heard good things about the program, and I wanted to see for myself.” Students and athletes don’t just come from out of state but from all around California to take advantage of FCC’s athletics programs. Maurice Woods, an 18-year-old freshman basketball player, left Sacramento to play at FCC after graduating from Johansen High School. “This is a great basketball program, best junior college around,” Woods said. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now.” Still, students from the Central Valley make up more than half of the athletes in any sport at FCC. “I would say well over half of our student athletes are from the valley; from Bakersfield to Merced; specifically Fresno and the outlying counties; smaller communities like Clovis,” athletic director Eric Swain said. Athletes from all around California start their college career here with hopes of receiving a sports scholarship to a four-year university.

“I think the one advantage we have is we’ve had such great success with all of our programs that people want to come here, especially kids from the valley,” Swain said. “They are aware of the success our coaches have and our programs have here at City.” Due to rules and regulations, out-of-state students who decide to come to FCC for the athletics programs sometimes find themselves in tougher situations than local students. They must apply through an online registration and then go through all the same steps as any other student. Swain explained that in the California community college athletic system, “You don’t get anything special. There’s no athletic scholarship; there’s nothing that we can give you,” Although out-of-state athletes who come to FCC do not receive any financial assistance, but that does not hold them back from traveling to play ball. Tashan Finley, a 20-year-old sophomore at FCC majoring in Liberal Arts, chose to play football at FCC rather than in his home school in Indianapolis. “This is a really good program. Come buy into the program, do your school work and work hard on the field,” Finley said. The success of the athletics programs at FCC are based on a diversity of players from all around the country and California, The reputation that has been solidified has proven that FCC is among the top choices for student athletes. Steven Hernandez 18, a Freshman tennis player for the Rams from Firebaugh endorsed the tennis program for future players considering transfer to FCC. “The tennis program here at FCC is great. If the opportunity comes, take advantage of it.”


Reporter mmendez@therampageonline.com

The Fresno City College football team suffered from the turnover bug in their 17-13 loss against Santa Rosa. This loss evened the Rams’ record to 1-1, while Santa Rosa improved to 2-0. Missed opportunities and turnovers were the difference that lead to the Rams falling short, as victory was within their grasp. The first quarter was a defensive battle on both sides with neither team gaining an advantage until Rams running back Nate Jones broke free for a 35-yard touchdown, giving the Rams the lead, but the team missed the extra point. This sparked the Rams’ offense to move the ball more effectively down the field, but they struggled to get the ball in the endzone. The Rams’ quarterbacks threw five total interceptions, with four from Anthony Monken one from Andrew Zimmerman. Zimmerman’s interception was taken back for a Santa Rosa touchdown, giving the Bearcubs the 7-6 lead into the half. Rams’ head coach Tony Caviglia realized that they left a lot of

points on the board. “We played a really good team and we shot ourselves in the foot. Being able to move down the field and to have it not result in points, we can’t have that,” Caviglia said. The second half started with both teams sharing scores, but with Santa Rosa scoring two touchdowns to the Rams one on a Monken 49-yard touchdown pass to receiver Ian Charles, which cut the Bearcubs lead 17-13. Building off momentum late in the fourth quarter, the Rams drove down the field to the one yard line, on the cusp of taken the lead. Failing to make it passed the goal line forced the final interception that would close the door on a comeback. Every member of the Rams roster know that they missed opportunities and they are hoping to take what they learned from this game into them being a better team for the remainder of this season. Next week’s match has the Rams traveling to face 0-2 San Mateo. “We just got to know our assignments and get more physical as we get down to the red zone and being able to punch it in. said Jones “ Because this can’t happen and expect to win.”

The Rams Women’s Soccer team practices at Ratcliffe Stadium on Aug. 29; 2016. Photo/Eric Zamora



RAMPAGE 9.14.2016

Men’s Soccer Team Extends Winning Start BY MICHAEL MENDEZ

Reporter mmendez@therampageonline.com

The Fresno City College men’s soccer team continued their strong start to their season in a tough defensive match in their 1-0 victory over College of the Canyons. The Rams improved their record to 4-0-1, with College of the Canyons falling to 0-3, while still setting the pace of being the top scoring team in the league. The first half was a defensive battle with each team show strong defensive fronts. the Rams moved the ball more effectively than Canyon but struggled to strike in the net. They only allowed four attempts at goal in the first half. Rams head Eric Solberg was not pleased with a scoreless first half. “It was frustrating. Canyon sat in and was more defensive, limiting our chances at goal,” Solberg said. “I told the team at halftime to be patient and not to try to force the

ball, making unnecessary mistakes. The shots will come.” The second half started with a more aggressive style of play from the Rams, who kept the ball in Canyon territory. This aggressive play would result in Rams midfielder Jose Touar scoring the game’s only goal eight minutes into the second half, easing the defensive pressure the Rams battled through during the first half. “We were just patient, as we knew that they werwe going to get tired eventually, leading up to that shot was so great. I’ve been working on that shot for a while and it’s great to see it work out when it mattered most,” Touar said. From then on, it was a defensive lockdown as the Rams did not allow Canyon to get any momentum to build on their side, keeping them at bay until the final whistle. The Rams were happy that they got the win, but they know that they have to sharpening their mistakes if they want to remain one of the top teams in the league.

Rams freshman forward Jonathan Rodriguez jockeys for the ball with a College of the Canyons defender at Ratcliffe Stadium, on Friday, Sept. 9, 2016. Photo/Larry Valenzuela

Clarence White Is Motivated by His Daughter BY CEDRIC HOOD

Reporter chood@therampageonline.com

Rams running back Clarence White during the Rams football game against Santa Rosa College at Ratcliffe Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016. Photo/ Ram Reyes

Sophomore running back, Clarence White, has made a name for himself on the Fresno City College football team since joining as a transfer from Louisiana in Fall 2015. FCC is White’s first junior college and will hopefully be his last, as he hopes to transfer to a four-year university to keep playing. Before coming to FCC, he had spent the last two years after high school working.He also has a child, Shaniyah White, who is now twoyears-old. It was after his child was born that he came to the realization that he wanted to get back on the field. “I wanted to make money,” White said. “I lost the feeling of playing.” He wanted to make a better life for his little girl, which inspired him to play again. Leaving home “was one of the most tough decisions I’ve made in my life,” he said. “But once I made it to California, leaving her gave me that push to do amazing--not just good, but amazing.” He worked hard to get back into playing shape. “It was hard to get back into shape, and get used to the helmet and shoulder pads again,” White said. “But once I got back into that good physical football shape, I knew I missed it.” White’s work ethic doesn’t go unseen as his teammates look up to him not just because he is a little older but because they see his passion at practice and at the games. “The players gravitate towards my energy and feed off of it,” he said. His daughter is still living in Louisiana with family, and White wants to transfer as close to home as possible. He said, “I want to be in the best position possible to take care of my daughter.”

Latest Scores: • 9/9 W Soccer L, 1-0 vs College of the Canyons • 9/10 Volleyball W, 3-0 vs San Mateo • 9/10 Volleyball L, 3-1 vs Cabrillo • 9/10 Waterpolo L, 5-0 vs West Valley • 9/10 Waterpolo W, 8-6 vs Cuesta

Upcoming: • 9/16 W. Soccer vs Sierra • 9/24 Football vs Amer. River • 9/16 Volleyball vs. Taft

Check out the Rampage Facebook page for details.

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