Issue 2

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RRampage THE

September 23, 2015

Recent Assault Raises Safety Concerns

Student-Run Newspaper of Fresno City College




Underwood Wows Packed Auditorium


Production Consultant

The issue of the safety of students on the Fresno City College campus and other campuses in the State Center Community College District has been brought to the forefront, following an assault of a female student near the FCC campus on Aug. 26. According to SCCCD police reports, the female student was walking to her car, parked off campus, when she was followed by a man who and grabbed her as she got inside her car. “You have got to stay vigilant,” Bruce Hartman, SCCCD Police Chief said. “So many people nowadays are always so plugged in to all of their electronic devices.” Hartman said the district police have been working with the City of Fresno Police Department but have not yet been able to identify a suspect in the case. “We’re still looking for someone that matches the description given,” Hartman said. “We’re not sure if he was a student, or a wandering community member, but the victim in the case has assured us that she can identify the person if seen again.” Hartman suggests in order to stay safer, students should only use one headphone to listen to music and know their surroundings and know when to call the police. “When you see something, say something,” Hartman said. “That really

“When you see somethining, say something. That really is what it’s all about” -Bruce Hartman SCCCD Police Chief



(From left to right) Sheryl Underwood, co-host of “The Talk” on CBS, engages the audience at the FCC auditorium on Monday evening; Chantal Baver, nursing major, laughs at one of Underwood’s jokes; a large audience in the OAB auditorium gripped by Underwood’s stories. Photos/Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado and Larry Valenzuela BY CRESENCIO RODRIGUEZ DELGADO Editor-in-Chief


n entertaining and enthusiastic Sheryl Underwood, co-host of the CBS daytime talk show, “The Talk”, captivated a nearly packed auditorium on Monday night, as part of Fresno City College’s Speakers Forum lineup.

Underwood, a graduate of FCC, earned her associates in liberal arts, spoke about various topics from racism to police encounters with the African-American community to even Donald Trump.

Underwood’s presentation in the event funded by a California Endowment grant, was based on the funny side of life. Underwood infused humor into retelling the challenges in her life.


As she appeared on stage, the large crowd, mostly comprised of African-American students, greeted her with loud cheers and seemingly endless applause. Underwood wore a great big smile as she waved at the students.

Students’ Interest Explain Enrollment Gains BY GEORGE GARNICA


Jose Ibarra, second year aspiring film student at Fresno City College, says he is proud to make this prestigious place his first college experience. Ibarra knew he would go to college after high school, and has always known the importance of higher education. “I knew that I wasn’t going to do much if I just didn’t come to college, so college was a necessity,” Ibarra said. “I just couldn’t leave high school and say yeah I am an awesome director,” Ibarra said. “So you have to take those steps, and I am willing

to do this for a better future.” Ibarra is one of the nearly 2,200 students who have helped raise enrollment numbers and are starting their college careers at FCC in the last couple of years. According to an an interview with the Rampage on Aug. 31, Cynthia Azari, interim president said the enrollment rate has increased by 4 percent, which is equivalent to nearly 1,000 students. Azari attributed the increase in enrollment to the staff of the college. “We have an outreach pro-

gram and counselors who did amazing things last year, and reached out to a lot of different populations, and encouraged a lot of people to come to FCC,” Azari said. To accommodate the increase in students, Azari said 206 sections were added this fall, including afternoon and evening classes. Another reason for the enrollment increase is that the state of California is again investing in community colleges according to Tim Woods, vice president of instruction. According to the website

of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, FCC and statewide colleges will be receiving more money in the upcoming year: “Total funding proposed for the California Community Colleges is $7.3 billion, which is an increase of 8 percent compared to the 2014-15 fiscal year.” Also, $106.9 million will be channelled toward increased access, expanding access statewide for approximately 45,000 students [headcount]. FCC student, Rhenelyn Hernandez has been coming





Rampage Staff

Editor-in-Chief Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado News Editor Chueyee Yang Copy Chief David Chavez Arts & Entertainment Editor Jasmine Yoro Bowles Opinion Editor Albertina Rodriguez Delgado




“I never imagined being a student body president,” Maizie Lee, Fresno City College Associated Student Government [ASG] president said. “But I wanted to help people grow to their full potential and get students involved on campus.” Prior to serving as ASG president, Lee was a senator during her first year in ASG. As president, she oversees everything that goes on with ASG, makes sure that every action the association makes follows the bylaws in their constitution. Lee also runs ASG meetings during which the student government discusses upcoming events, possible plans and more;

meetings are open to students and are held on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Senate Chamber, located in the College Center. Lee has a plan to create an app for FCC, to allow the college to reach students through social media and get students more involved with on-campus activities. “There’s a lot of time management,” Lee said. “Following my student planner so that events don’t conflict with one another helps me prioritize my time to study for tests and the time I need for ASG.” ASG is made up of a group of elected and appointed students who represent students and their

interests in the college, district and state. “We [ASG] are only as great as our student body tells us,” said Matthew Scott, ASG senator. “We can only advocate so much change, and with students voicing their opinions and expressing their ideas to us, is the only way we can be a great student government.” ASG has devoted a large amount of time to recruit students as well as participate in activities such as the “Keys to the City” event. “With their [students’] opinions and ideas,” Scott said, “ we can help make the right changes for our students and campus.”

Sports Editor Keaundrey Clark Photo Editor Daisy Rodriguez Multimedia Editor Larry Valenzuela Production Consultant Patrick Forrest Reporters Caleb Owens-Garrett Kageanna Garza Tylisha Riley Michael Mendez Marshaie Morgan Viviana Valdez Rudy Perez Roman Espinoza Hanna Wechter Spencer Cyrel Mallory Michael Ford George Garnica Lakenya Foster Ryan Holquin Andrea Briseno Vianey Cobian Alexxa Martinez Leyva Rampage Advisor/Instructor Dympna Ugwu-Oju Contact Us Tip Line: 559.442.8262

Legislative Vice President Travis C. and ASG Trustee, Cody T. Sedano speaking on student issues at the weekly ASG meeting. Sept. 15, 2015. Photo/Ryan Holquin

Instructional Tech Donates $20,000 to Scholarship Fund BY VIANEY COBIAN


Daniel Wong, instructional technician at Fresno City College has donated $20,000 towards the scholarship “Hanna S. Barsam” award for Excellence in the Photography program that started in 2014. Wong has worked for FCC since 2005 in the photography department and his passion towards photography has made him want to help students to progress and pursue a photography career. The Hanna S. Barsam scholarship was named after a student that used to attend to FCC that was very passionate about photography. After passing away, his will was to fund photography programs. Wong strongly believes that a good alternative for students interested in pursuing a career in photography is to attend FCC. Wong said, “We are the biggest photo program in the west coast but not too many people know about it.” Ed Darden Architects, was in charge of deciding which program to fund. After visiting FCC he decided that was the program he wanted to fund. The idea was to get people to donate and the program would match anything up to $20,000. A year went by and no donations were made so Wong decided to be the first one and donate $20,000 all on his own. “It was personal money,” Wong said. After his donation and the program matching the amount. This scholarship now has near $40,000 towards photography major students. The Hanna S. Barsam scholarship started in 2014 and the award is $1,500 per student. Some of the money from the scholarship has also been used to improve the photography department. “Students usually find out about the scholar-

Dan Wong. Wong donated $20,000 to a photography scholarship. Photo/Larry Valenzuela ship by their teachers while taking photography class,” Wong said. Wong said that the main reason why he was willing to do the kick-start for the scholarship was because he believes that FCC has one of the best photography programs.


Campus Safety




is what it’s all about.” The chief of police said his department is circulating information regarding the incident while celebrating the drop in crime on the FCC campus and throughout the district. Hartman attributes the decline in crime to an increased police presence. The Associated Student Government at FCC has created a new position of Senator for safety to increase awareness about safety on campus. The position is held by Brandon Maclaughlin, who is also charged with bringing student and campus safety concerns to the administration. On the whole however, Hartman and other campus leaders are pleased with overall crime statistics being down. With the exception of a couple of areas that need to be addressed. One of those threats on campus include property theft which, according to Hartman, could also be slowed by the simple act of attentiveness. The ASG and the SCCCD Police department are hosting Bike Fest at 10 a.m. on Sept. 24 to address bike theft on the FCC campus. “Bike theft is still an issue on campus,” Hartman said. “But it’s really a

matter of making sure that everyone gets U-locks.” He said the brand does not matter, “Make sure you come on campus and keep your stuff, and that is the most effective way.” Other than bikes, multiple thefts of money or electronics from backpacks have been reported and according to Hartman, could also be avoided with more attention to detail. “All this is is to make sure that you protect yourself,” Hartman said. “Keep your bag zipped; know where you are and know what’s around you. You do those things and our jobs get easier.” Hartman said. “That really is what it’s all about.” The chief of police said his department is circulating information regarding the incident while celebrating the drop in crime on the FCC campus and throughout the district. Hartman attributes the decline in crime to an increased police presence. The Associated Student Government at FCC has created a new position of Senator for safety to increase awareness about safety on campus. The position is held by Brandon Maclaughlin, who is also charged with

State Center Community College District Police vehicles. Photo/Patrick Forrest bringing student and campus safety concerns to the administration. On the whole however, Hartman and other campus leaders are pleased with overall crime statistics being down. With the exception of a couple of areas that need to be addressed. One of those threats on campus include property theft which, according to Hartman, could also be slowed by the simple act of attentiveness. The ASG and the SCCCD Police department are hosting Bike Fest at 10 a.m. on Sept. 24 to address bike theft

on the FCC campus. “Bike theft is still an issue on campus,” Hartman said. “But it’s really a matter of making sure that everyone gets U-locks.” He said the brand does not matter, “Make sure you come on campus and keep your stuff, and that is the most effective way.” “All this is is to make sure that you protect yourself,” Hartman said. “Keep your bag zipped; know where you are and know what’s around you. You do those things and our jobs get easier.”


Underwood got comfortable very quickly and started telling a story about asking a favor of her father -to permit her to deposit some cash into his bank account. Back then, she told the audience, her job paid her in cash, and when her father asked how much she was depositing, Underwood told him she took out “15 stacks”; she had just gotten paid a lot of money and needed it deposited then wired back to her. Her father was amazed, she said. “Years later, when my father died,” Underwood said, “we cleaned up my father’s bedroom [and] that deposit slip is under the lace rug in the dresser. They said that my father used to pull it out and gaze at it because he was proud that his daughter was making that in one night.” Underwood said her father’s amazement was due to the fact that she had made more money in 45 minutes of work than some of her relatives would earn in one year. “Never forget how you got to where you got, where you came from and don’t forget your people,” Underwood advised the audience. “Don’t forget your culture.” Karina Peterson, a public health major at Fresno State, attended the

event with her mom who is an FCC student. Peterson said she treasures Underwood’s advice about not forgetting their roots is especially important to the African-American community. “It really touched on different aspects that actually happen in people’s lives,” Peterson said, adding that she found the event funny, something Underwood wanted her audience would feel about her appearance. Chante Cowings, a business major said she attended because her sister dragged her along and also to support African-American women. “She has great wisdom to give out, so that’s also why I came,” Cowings said. Cowings said that it is important for average people to be exposed to a famous person from their home area.. “It is important for us to find out how she got there,” Cowings said. Underwood said that she was planning to return to FCC to teach, before getting the notice that she would become a co-host of “The Talk”. She was extremely interested in returning and teaching communications at her alma mater. Underwood says she loves to get to know people

and learn who they are, where they come from, what they think and where they want to be. Underwood’s presentation ran longer than scheduled, but she used that extra time to explain one of her fondest memories at FCC. She described the time she was in the military and had received a military order to go away during high tensions with the Russian army. She said she had to explain that to her instructor as she was trying to persuade him to postpone an exam for her until she returned. She said her instructor was just amazed; he had never heard such an excuse. Underwood explained how she first found out she would have the chance to be a part of “The Talk”. She had received a call from someone who claimed to be working at CBS; she thought it was her prankster friends and dismissed it but not before giving them a piece of her mind. But as it turned out, Underwood said, it was not a prank, and she was soon contacted again and asked if she could meet with the different cohosts of the highly rated show. She said she met with Sharon Osbourne, a co-host who threw up

on her during their meeting. Underwood said she prevented any information about that incident from leaking to gossip outlets like TMZ. Recently, Underwood came under fire after making offensive comments regarding African-Americans’ hair, saying it was “nasty”. Underwood has since apologized and said that she hurt her own community and admitted that she had been called an “uncle tom” among other hurtful comments following the gaffe. ‘There is a responsibility to being on TV, and there is a cultural responsibility when you make a mistake that really hurts people,” Underwood said during her apology on the show. “I am so sorry to my community and my people for hurting you. I’m asking you for forgiveness and I will work hard to make it better.” At a reception in Room 141 of the Old Administration Building, students gathered around Underwood and tried to take pictures with the former FCC student. At the end of her presentation, Underwood gave some final words to inspire her audience. Underwood said, “I’m still one of you.”

(Left to right) David Raibon, comedian, and Sheryl Underwood, co-host of CBS’s The Talk, speak to students in the auditorium. Fans of Sheryl Underwood pose for pictures during a reception in the Old Administrative Building on Sept. 21, 2015. Photos/Larrry Valenzula and Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado

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17-Year Employee Terminates Employment BY CRESENCIO RODRIGUEZ DELGADO Editor-in-Chief

A 17-year employee of Fresno City College says she has resigned from her position as a Student Activities office clerk. Linda Sanchez said that after undergoing a lengthy investigation process in a case of assault dating March 20, 2015, she decided to resign on July 30. Diane Clerou, Vice Chancellor of Human Resources says Sanchez’s resignation was taken to the State Center Community College District Board of Trustees in August. Sanchez said the problem started when she was off on sick leave for a couple of months and returned to find that approximately $2,000 were missing from the student activities office. Sanchez was arrested on March 20 for grabbing a student but she alleges that the quick turn of events was in part due to her actions of reporting the missing funds. “The same people that the money is missing from, are still in charge of that same money,” Sanchez said. “Nobody got written up; nobody got letters of reprimand.” The 17-year employee says she was not a bad employee and really cared for the students. “I would buy kids lunch; I would buy kids ASB cards when I knew that they really needed it to get a book loan,” Sanchez said. “I went above and beyond what my job was.” But Sanchez says her 17 years as an employee and three years as a student aide at the college were quickly overlooked when she was arrested for grabbing a student. She says her frustration about not receiving an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act caused her to snap. Sanchez says she suffered from work stress, something that could have been resolved by headphones, according to her doctors. She says the accommodation was reasonable, but her supervisors were not accommodating. “So on [March 20] when all that happened, I snapped, after being under stress and being off for five months and trying to figure out what they were doing with the money,” Sanchez said. But Sanchez says she has received a $4,200 settlement to compensate her for her supervisor’s failure to provide headphones. “They just wanted to settle it; they didn’t want to send me to a psychiatrist and do an evaluation and do a mental health work up,” Sanchez said. “It was all because of the work stress.” Sanchez said she has moved out of her home which was located near the college. Clerou said Sanchez is allowed to step on to the campus after being banned, following the March 20 incident. Sanchez has come on to campus on multiple occasions since that allowed. However, Sanchez says the district has told her she needs to be on good behavior if she wishes to continue stepping on to the college campus.


College Celebrates Mexican Independence BY VIANEY COBIAN


Fresno City College celebrated Mexico’s Independence with a Mexican-style festival during a scheduled club rush at the Free Speech Area on Sept.16. Sept.16 marks the anniversary of the Mexican victory over Spain. “A lot of times students mistake ‘Cinco de Mayo [May 5 celebrations] with [Mexican] Independence Day,” Rubi Garcia, Chicano Latino studies instructor said. Garcia said that although both dates are often mistaken for one another, both are important to the Mexican community. The original independence celebration started in 1810 in the village of Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Mexico. Maile Martin, assistant at the College Center, said the cultural celebration is an annual event at FCC. Martin said it is important to celebrate the occasion especially in a college setting. “It’s very important for our student population to be aware of other cultures and their food, tradition and the fun,” Martin said.

The date falls just after the first day of a month-long recognition of Hispanic heritage. The FCC Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan Club, also known as MECHA, set up a food booth that provided Mexican-style food to students looking to taste authentic ethnic food such as tacos de carne asada and quesadillas all made with homemade tortillas. Jose Torres prepared handmade tortillas in front of students. Along with other club members,Torres wanted to give students a chance to see different ways of making food for such celebrations. “Everything is handmade, this is how we do it in Mexico.This is part of the tradition,” Torres said. It’s the first time the club has done anything like that. Francisco Torres, engineering major, said he enjoyed the genuine taste of the handmade food. “It was nice tasting the homemade tortillas which is part of the Mexican culture,” Torres said. The celebratory atmosphere was

set up by red, white and green colored balloons arched over mariachi band Mariachi De La Sierra. Students slowly began moving to the sound of guitars and trumpets. FCC students lined up to give their best rendition of the famous cry “El Grito”(The Cry), one of the most meaningful parts of the Mexican Independence Day celebrations. “El Grito” symbolizes the freedom that was gained. Historically, the first ever scream was done by Miguel Hidalgo, a priest who led the Mexican War of Independence, during the first independence celebration. The words of “El Grito” recall the brave heroes of the Mexican revolution. This year, Mexican President, Enrique Pena Nieto shouted the famous words from the Mexican palace in the country’s capital, Mexico City: Viva Mexico!, Viva Mexico!, Viva Mexico!

(Left to right) A member of the Mariachi De La Tierra performs in the Free Speech Area during a celebration for Mexican Indpendence. Jose Torres, a MEChA club member prepares hand made tortillas during a club rush taking place during the Mexican Independence celebration on Sept. 16, 2015. Photo/Cresencio Rodriguez Delgado

2015 Fair resno F g i B way The t Givea e k c i T e Rampg t 25/27/28 e S p


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Athletes Continued Practice During Smoke Crisis BY ANDREA BRISENO


Callie Johnston, a sophomore at cian to check their peak flow level. A Fresno City College, said when she peak flow meter measures how much looked out the window on Sept. 11, ev- breath the lungs use to blow into the erything was coated by the ashes and gadget. This can be used to determine debris from the rough fire near Dun- if a person is developing asthma or if lap and Crabtree and fires from Se- the asthma is worsening. quoia National Forest and Kings CanOver the weekend, the San Joaquin yon Park. Valley Air District alerted that the val“I was wondering if the window ley was under code orange, also known was actually that disgusting, or the sky as the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups looked that disgusting; turned out to [USG] such as older adults, children or be the sky,” Johnston said. people with lung issues. Despite the ashy rainfall, practice Furthermore, the San Joaquin continued for many FCC athletes. Valley Air District Sept. 11 news re“We’re athletes, so we’re supposed lease warned, Fine-particulate matto train in any type of weather or con- ter [PM2.5] can cause serious health ditions,” Adriel Gibbs, a track and field problems including lung disease, asthathlete said. Howma attacks and ever, Johnston increased risk of added that it was heart attacks and harder to breathe. stroke.” “Their health “Over time, that cumulative PM 2.5 are mishould be their crosized particles first concern,” effect can be very hard on found in wildfire Lisa Chaney, FCC’s our body and can result in smoke. health services respiratory issues 20 years Chaney says coordinator said. the best way to “It’s a fine line down the line.” protect oneself to be able to confrom developing tinue.” asthma is to supChaney addport measures for -Lisa Chaney cleaner air. ed, “Even when you’re past your The San JoaHealth Services Coordinator years of competquin Valley Air Fresno City College District held a ing, you still have your health to meeting on Sept. deal with.” 16 to discuss the Another FCC modernization of athlete, tennis the Clean Air Act. player Payton Morrison said she has The San Joaquin Valley has debeen experiencing symptoms as well. creased emissions by over a hundred “I get really hot,” Morrison said. thousand tons and air pollution has “Sometimes I see spots.” been reduced by 80 percent. FCC’s first home football game of Furthermore, the valley has the the season on Sept. 12 was delayed strictest air regulations on stationary from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.. sources such as farms and dairies as Zack Frazier, a defensive end for well as cars and trucks. Yet, stationthe FCC football team, said the game ary sources only make up 20 percent. was postponed to later in the day so The valley needs another 90 percent that the heat and ash would not affect reduction to meet current standards the players as much. which will be implemented by strinDespite conditions, Frazier was gent regulations. happy the game was not canceled. Dolores Weller, a representative “We were practicing all week for from the Central Valley Air Quality that game,” Frazier said. Association, along with the AmeriLater, Frazier said he had bad asth- can Lung Association, express their ma in his younger years and that the concerns about the new proposal and smoke and ashes are causing his symp- argued that the proposal should be retoms to recur. jected, or at least not move forward. “I can’t sleep, because I can’t really There is concern about whether the breathe that much,” Frazier said. revision of the act is promoting cleanChaney said the health center is er air. Weller says there is confusion experiencing a 20 percent increase in on what is being voted on due to the students complaining of headaches, si- language of the proposal. nus issues and cough. Weller says the proposal seeks to “That’s the start of it,” Chaney said. eliminate three percent reasonable “Over time, that cumulative effect progress every year. can be very hard on our body and can Weller said, “That’s definitely gutresult in respiratory issues 20 years ting and weakening clean air act.” down the line.” Chaney says students who are experiencing such symptoms should come to the health center or seek a physi-

Job Fair Set for Today BY CRESENCIO RODRIGUEZ DELGADO Editor-in-Chief

Fresno City College launches its career and job exposition today in the cafeteria, located northeast of campus. The free event is hosted by the Career and Employment Center and is aimed at matching students with employers seeking to fill positions.

Among the employers and companies scheduled to participate are Alorica, Marshalls, CVS Pharmacy, Old Navy, UPS and several others. The event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.








here off and on for several years, and said she is not surprised that more students are choosing FCC because, like her, they might not know exactly what their career choice is quite yet and city college helps you figure that out. “This school gave me an inexpensive way to come to a college, and have always found coming here to be a positive experience,”said Hernandez. It is still too early to know just how much more the student enrollment will continue to rise, but Ibarra says he is enjoying his experience now and encourages others to come here. “I think Fresno City College is a good place, and it’s awesome to be here,” Ibarra said. “I can’t wait to leave here and tell people about how good it is, and what I was able to accomplish coming here and still make it in the big leagues just like anyone else.”

Hernandez has been coming here off and on for several years, and said she is not surprised that more students are choosing FCC because, like her, they might not know exactly what their career choice is quite yet and city college helps you figure that out. “This school gave me an inexpensive way to come to a college, and have always found coming here to be a positive experience,”said Hernandez. It is still too early to know just how much more the student enrollment will continue to rise, but Ibarra says he is enjoying his experience now and encourages others to come here. “I think Fresno City College is a good place, and it’s awesome to be here,” Ibarra said. “I can’t wait to leave here and tell people about how good it is, and what I was able to accomplish coming here and still make it in the big leagues just like anyone else.”

BY THE NUMBERS • 2013 Fall Unduplicated Head Count 21,317 • 2014 Fall Umduplicated Head Count 21,103 • 2015 Fall Unduplicated Head Count 21,917 As of Aug. 24, 2015 from Enrollment Management Drilldown

Native American Day To Be Celebrated BY CHUEYEE YANG

News Editor

Despite misconceptions, residents from across the state will be celebrating California’s Native American day on Friday. “I think that the importance of the day is just to recognize that not only Native Americans lived here before anyone else, but to recognize that our cultures are still alive today,” Bernard Navarro, instructor of American Indian studies said. “To be American Indian means that although I am an American, my culture extends1 way back9:45 before 9_Distribution_final.pdf 2/3/15 AM America was ever created,” Navarro said. Navarro said there are more than 500 Native American tribes in the U.S. and every tribe is different; some tribes are similar in their tribal customs, and some tribes are really different. “Being Native or being tribal,” Navarro said, “can be really hard in American society because our tribal

values are in some cases in line with American values, but in some cases they’re not.” Cultural differences can cause misconceptions about the American Indian culture as some may think that American Indians are “uncivilized”. “I think we’re one of the most civilized people,” Navarro said. “We’re extremely democratic and we believed in freedom; we believe that people should be able to live freely in their communities.” The biggest difference between the American Indian culture and the mainstream American culture is that American Indians are communal, Navarro said. He says the American Indian culture is “family orientated, and typically looks out for what’s best for the community; what’s best for the family as opposed to what’s best for me, the person.” David Alvarez, Native Ameri-

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can Intertribal Students Association [N.A.I.S.A.] president says he understands and believes that it’s good that there’s a California Native American

However, he said, “I believe that there should be more; it’s just one day,” and “I think that we should pay respect by giving more than one day.”


Bernard Navarro, instructor of American Indian studies, says people should get a better understanding of American Indian culture in SO 111 on Sept. 16. Photo/Albertina Rodriguez Delgado

Online Education Initiative Launched at FCC BY CHUEYEE YANG

News Editor

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office launched the Online Education Initiative [OEI] pilot program at Fresno City College this semester. OEI “is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges to expand student access to the courses they need for completion or transfer,” according to FCC’s website. The OEI allows students to take online courses on Canvas, a learning management, where they have access to online tutoring, assessments, exams, practice quizzes and tools in order for them to complete their course. FCC is still in the pilot process of OEI. “We have to make sure that

we’re competent in using Canvas,” before officially launching OEI, Dr. Linda Vang, sociology instructor said. Although the program is still in its pilot process, FCC students are taking OEI courses where Vang, along with Mary Beth Miller, Child Development instructor, and Teresa Tarazi, Humanities instructor are participating in the pilot process as instructors. The three participated in training throughout the spring semester as well as attended an online teaching conference in San Diego over the summer. Vang is teaching an introduction to sociology course online where she uses the tools provided by Canvas in order to teach her class.

“Part of the challenge of online courses is that you have to show students participating with each other so there’s much more intensive use of discussion boards,” Vang said. Canvas allows instructors to upload videos, record audio, and screencast, which allows students to get their instructor’s feedback. Vang has already used audio as a tool for giving students feedback, “It’s easier,” she said. When a student uploads or completes an assignment, Vang receives notifications on her phone. “The good part of that is if you wanted to take a minute to grade it right there and then,” Vang said,.”students get feedback right away.”



10 Items Students Should Have Every Day


Growing a Business Awakens You



One of the ingredients for the recipe of success is the right materials and success is what the students of Fresno City College strive for. Here are the 10 materials FCC students suggest for anyone on the brink of a scholastic adventure:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

. Parking permit: nobody likes tickets, it’s cheaper to buy a parking permit than pay a fine.

. Phone: every student’s personal lifeline, almost

everyone’s prize possession would be their phone!

Awakened Rose founder and creator, Tayler Jenkins, at the Artisan Faire at Mia Cuppa Caffe’ in Tower District, Sept. 13, 2015. Photo/Ryan Holquin BY RYAN HOLQUIN


. Wallet: everyone needs funds for everyday

things, plus keeping an ID on hand is always good.

. Small change: for vending machines and parking meters.

. Chargers for electronics: student’s exessive use of their respective choice of device will drain the battery very quickly.

. Earphones: to be respectful of other students who probably don’t want to hear your music.

. Water bottle: to stay hydrated to combat the Fresno heat.

. Deodorant: no one likes to feel unhygenic during a busy day.

. Extra shoes: most students need these for P.E.

When is the last time you have been to Tower District? Most Fresno natives are drawn to the area -- there is great food, great venues, great art -- but newcomers and college students are drawn into the hype north of Olive Avenue. This area of Tower District is great roaming ground for local artists and local business owners; there is a sense of hospitality, the heart of Fresno. One business has started to make its mark in Fresno: Awakened Rose. The active Tower District event go-ers may already be familiar with the table set up here or there. The table is quite elegant, jewelry evenly spread out, a vase of live roses which are given for free with a purchase, and behind the table there’s a big smile, and a warm-hearted welcome from Tayler Jenkins, founder and creator. “Awakened Rose originally started as a spiritual and self-help blog until I started making and selling jewelry under the name Alien Girl,” Jenkins said. The Clovis native decided that since she is one person, her two passions should be under one name and Awakened Rose was born. “My number one passion is writing, and that’s what the blog is about, for people to read something inspirational, something that’s going to help them through their day. I also do astrology on the blog,” Jenkins said. Jenkins used to sell bracelets at summer camp when she was younger to make a few dollars from her friends. “As I got older though, I realized that instead of going out and purchasing jewelry, it was just easier to

make it,” Jenkins said. Each piece of her handmade jewelry has a meaning. “Awakened Rose stands for authenticity. It will always be unique, it will always be pure, from me and my heart,” Jenkins said. Jenkins has been studying the metaphysical properties of crystals for about two years and strongly stands for what they mean. Whether it be a crystal for healing, a gem for love or a stone for confidence, Jenkins has it! Awakened Rose’s most popular pieces are “zodiac chokers, and custom orders have

“If you want your city to grow, this is how it is going to.” -Tayler Jenkins definitely been a big success...something done just for them” Jenkins said. Jenkins is a firm believer in shopping from local businesses to support the community because “if you want your city to grow, this is how it is going to grow,” Jenkins said. “It inspires other people to create and start their own businesses,” Jenkins said. The Awakened Rose online store at www. and Tayler can be found at Art Hop every first Thursday of the month.

classes, plus it’s be beneficial to women on campus who may need different footware while driving.

. Gum: city colleges are a place of constant human interaction, fresh breath is a must!

Considerable mentions are a lighter even if you don’t smoke for the pure purpose of how many times you’ll get asked for one, a condom for the purposes of safe sex even though sexual intercourse on college ground is not recommended. Having extra pens and extra pencils are a kind gesture to a person in need, it’s good way to make a new friend. Snacks because food at Fresno City can be almost as expensive as the movie theater, a hat just in case of a bad hair day, safety glasses but that mostly for trade school students. A box of playing cards because it gets boring if you are in between classes, an eraser because nobody’s perfect, extra shirt for those sweaty p.e. courses and or the Fresno heat, school ID so nobody kicks you off campus. Also, any handheld gaming system and a book for entertainment.

Awakened Rose table display at Mia Cuppa Caffe’. Photo/Ryan Holquin




Art Space Gallery Features Faculty Art



If you have not yet seen the Art Space Gallery’s biennial faculty art exhibit, hurry. The exhibit runs from Aug. 31 to Sept. 24. “We had 177 people come in from 4 p.m to 8 p.m,,” Edward Lund, curator for the gallery at Fresno City College, said. “It was a great turnout.” Lund, who has been the curator since 2006 said the faculty exhibit takes place every two years, and organizers encourage faculty to showcase their art to model for their students how art can be displayed. Interested faculty work with Lund to bring in the, tag each piece of art with the name of the piece, date created and directions on how to assemble or move it around. There is no fee for display or for students who visit to see the different art pieces made by faculty. The Art Space Gallery features paintings and sculptures created by several different

faculty. “I’m just trying to digest the show right now,” Dal Henderson, an artist who attended the event said. “So I tend to gravitate toward painting, I think there are a couple of pieces in here that have some kind of uniqueness to them. I think it’s the new faculty that’s teaching here.” The Art Space Gallery is located on the northeast side of the main fountain and is open on Monday and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; on Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The gallery is closed on Fridays. Some upcoming exhibits include Scott Shaver’s work on Oct. 1-22 and Holiday Art Sale from Dec. 9-10, for more information on upcoming events, stop by the Art Space Gallery.

Some of the art displayed for the Art Faculty Biennial exhibit in Fresno City College’s Art Space Gallery. Photos/Patrick Forrest



BECAUSE THEY SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY.” – Derek & David Carr “One of the things we’ve always loved about the Central Valley is the way we help each other. The spirit of teamwork flows through the entire region, and no one embodies that spirit like EECU. Because for EECU, working together to support the community isn’t just a nice thing to do, it’s who they are. So thanks, EECU members, for joining together and supporting the community that has always supported us!”

EECU is a proud supporter of Bulldog Athletics.



Ampersand Ice Cream Offers Flavors to Die For




Ampersand offers delicious and delectable gourmet ice cream within walking distance of the Fresno City College campus. The Ampersand ice cream is made fresh at the store -- everything from the marshmallows to the syrups, except the Ghirardelli chocolate. The chocolate is the one thing that these two cannot make fresh because they did not have the right amount of freshness in the valley to create a tasty chocolate. Ampersand also uses all local produce, like Top of the Morn milk and cream in all of its ice cream. Since the parlor has only been open for three months, there is an option to buy a taster set of four different ice creams

since most people are not always sure what flavors are the best. On top of everything, the prices are affordable, the four tasters being a reasonable $7.50. They have many different kinds of flavors of ice cream, like strawberry balsamic, and honeycomb. The strawberry balsamic is very unique; one can definitely taste the balsamic in the ice cream, which surprisingly complements the strawberry.

Another great flavor is the honeycomb, consisting of honey, vanilla ice cream and cookies, all mixed together. It is absolutely to die for, nice and sweet. Anyone who has $5 and a break between classes should wrangle up a bunch of friends and walk over to Ampersand; the walk is less than 10 minutes from campus. Owner, Jeff Bennett and his wife, said they wanted to open a gourmet shop and finally decided on ice cream. Ampersand is closed on Mondays, but is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Ice cream from Ampersand. Photo/Hanna Wechter Spencer




“Listen to the Kids, Bruh!” FCC’s students’ outlook on Kanye 2020 BY LAKENYA FOSTER

Kanye West at the MTV VMAs, Aug. 30, 2015. Photo/ For video go to:


The media is buzzing over the announcement that Kanye West will be a presidential candidate in the year 2020. “It’s not about me. It’s about ideas. New ideas. People with ideas. People who believe in truth,” the hip-hop artist said at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. “Yes, as you probably could’ve guessed by this moment, I have decided in 2020 to run for president.” Fans are already debating whether to vote for West or not despite the fact he isn’t running for another five years. “I think it’s absolutely insane. I thought this was all a joke at first. I sincerely feel that America needs to get more serious about who runs our country,” Janay Snott, an FCC student said. “[West] needs to stick to

music, I couldn’t take him serious when it comes to politics.” West is a successful American rapper, songwriter, record producer and fashion designer. He first became known as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records and achieved recognition for his work on rapper Jay Z’s “The Blueprint”, as well as hit singles for musical artists including Alicia Keys, Ludacris and Janet Jackson. Not only did West produce some hits for other artists, but he also produced and was featured on a few hits including “Slow Jamz”, “Runaway” and “Blame Game”. Some FCC students think he has what it takes to help Americans thrive if his vision is set right and he doesn’t take running our country as a silly game. Kat Gonzalez, an FCC student, expressed her own opinion on West running for president. “Actually [West] is my favorite artist and to be honest, I believe that he will not be an empirical president,” Gonzalez said. Gonzalez says West has a chance to make a difference. “His views with white supremacy and history are well known. I would give him a shot. He is a smart man. My only scare is that I do not know what his vision of change is,” Gonzalez added. It’s pretty evident that West running for president in 2020 is a hot topic at the moment. Will his mission to become president be a success?

San Diego band plays at Strummer’s

Little Hurricane delivers big performance BY DAISY RODRIGUEZ

Photo Editor

The doors to Strummer’s hadn’t opened until 8 p.m., Sept. 13, 2015. From outside the venue you could hear soundcheck and wonder “are they playing already?” While another hour passed everyone was on their phone to keep themselves occupied, meanwhile the guy who checks the 21 and up wristbands for the beer garden sits on a stool staring aimlessly at the stage.

“Anticipation builds as the White Stripes’ ‘I Think I Smell a Rat’ plays through the speakers.” Little Hurricane’s Anthony “Tone” Catalano and Celeste “CC” Spina rock the night away at Strummer’s on Sept. 13, 2015. Photos/Daisy Rodriguez

While sitting in the booths at Strummer’s, the anticipation builds as The White Stripes’ “I Think I Smell a Rat” plays through the speakers. Still, hardly an audience is in the venue after the hour of waiting. Rin Tin Tiger, of San Francisco, walks on stage. Made up of vocalist/guitarist/harmonicist Kevin Patrick, drummer Andrew Skewes-Cox, and bassist Sean E. Sullivan. The guys brought amazing energy with their

folk/alternative music like Mumford & Sons, making you tap your toes and wanting to dance. They played songs like “Splinter”, “Bloodstones”, and “Crooked Kid.” Although the music was entertaining, no one stood up in front of the stage to praise their work, but they still gave a friendly appearance and still loved the crowd for showing up. Next up was Little Hurricane from San Diego. With a chandelier inside the drum set and a little living room scene, frontman Anthony “Tone” Catalano and drummer Celeste “CC” Spina appear onstage.

This rock and dirty blues band has the sound of The White Stripes and The Black Keys morphed into one. The audience slowly stands until about mid way of the set list there is a proper crowd. Dancing the night away as frontman Tone sings with a rugged and wistful voice. Little Hurricane played songs like “Bad Business,” “Summer Air,” and “Sunshine.” The dynamic duo really got the crowd moving and even brought in people from the bar next door. These two really hit the spot for the need of a late night dirty secret.




You Can Heal from a Broken Heart



More than just my heart was broken, my whole body felt like it was shattered. I was at the lowest point in my life. I was never supposed to be the girl who was hurt by a guy, let alone crying over one. I’m a warrior. I’ve always been strong, but I let him break me. I lost my sanity. I lost myself. I cried for three weeks straight and didn’t want to live anymore. The pain I felt was so

unbearable, and I did not want to feel any kind of pain anymore. Every situation is different, but for myself, I really could not deal with a breakup. I had completely lost who I was. I started contemplating killing myself and it wasn’t until I was held under a 51/50 watch that I realized how small my issue was compared to the other people who were in there. According to Elite Daily published in Women’s Health Magazine, when you’re in love, your brain is inundated with the neurochemicals dopamine and oxytocin, making you experience feelings of happiness and pleasure. According to science, love is more addicting than drugs. One thing you may already know is that “Time heals all wounds.” . Now this is very true, but at the time, I thought

there wasn’t enough time to heal what I was feeling. But everyday got a little easier, and I no longer let the pain consume my day. I hung out with friends to occupy most of my time. I didn’t stop crying, but I did cry less. Do not hold in the anger or sadness that you’re feeling. If you have to cry, do not be afraid to do so. Let all the tears flow out, play some sad music and let what you are feeling out. It’s okay to be angry; you have the right to be; you’ve given a piece of yourself to another person. But please do not let this anger/sadness turn into wanting to harm them or yourself. Delete your ex from all social networks. Trust me! You don’t need to be friends with them; you do not need to spy on their page anymore. I know it’s very tempting, but in order for this

healing process to be easier--cut all contact. Get rid of things he or she gave you; if you have any of their possessions, cut them up or burn those items. If doing these sorts of actions helps you heal, then I highly recommend it. Laugh about it; it takes the sting out the situation. A heartbreak changes you. I would love to go back to the person who was carefree and was so full of life. Even though the pain fades, you will never forget it. My heartbreak is forever a shadow in my life that I carry with me and reflect on. Nicole Sobon ,author of “Program 13”, said, “Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go, but rather, learning to start over.”

Losing My Cell Phone Makes Me Realize How It Controls My Life


News Editor

Almost four weeks have gone by and I can’t reply to phone calls, text messages or even access the apps that I enjoy; my phone is now useless. The moment that my phone dropped onto my parent’s hard bathroom floor, my first thought was that my phone was fine, but as I lifted my phone from the ground, I realized that I was wrong. My phone’s screen was cracked,

Illustration by Bobby Brown

and my phone had gone crazy as if it was possessed; apps were opening by themselves and phone calls were made by themselves. This was on Aug. 29. Since the incident, my first full day without my phone felt weird and different; although my phone didn’t allow me to actually have access to applications, I still carried my phone with me wherever I went. I discovered how attached I was to my phone and found myself still trying to unlock my phone, and whenever I received a notification, I felt like going onto an application. I needed to get in contact with classmates, use my phone as a tool for an assignment, use the navigation app,

and at that moment, I felt as if everything that I did required my phone in order to have a good outcome. My father was kind enough to lend me his phone for the time being, but using his phone does not feel the same. I’m still able to contact others and use apps, but I wasn’t familiar with his phone; he has an Android, and I have an iPhone. The struggle to adapt to an Android phone was difficult; after a few days of using my father’s phone, I realized that I should have appreciated my phone and tried my best to prevent it from breaking. Breaking my phone made me notice how often I used my phone as well as how much I needed it; I used to rely

on my phone for the simplest things such as keeping track of what day it was. I learned that I should never take something that I use on a daily basis such as my smartphone for granted; it’s a tool that allows me to get through the day. When I still had my phone, I took it for granted and didn’t properly care for it. However, after spending weeks without full access to my phone, I can say that I will look after my next phone with more care. I will now do my best to make sure that any phone that I will use will be secure in my hands or be placed in a secure area like my purse or backpack.




Campus Voices:

Should he have gotten arrested?

Clubbing Is Not All About Getting Crazy


Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to his high school in Texas. Photo/New York Times

Adibah Dahani English

“I think he was basically stereotyped. If he was white or some other race, they would just see him as another nerd. But because he was Muslim, they thought he was up to something--even though he was 14 or 15.”

Maria Busia Psychology

“I think ever since 9/11, everybody has been jumpy about anything that actually looks like a bomb.”

Ghassan Alfudoil Medical Office Assistant Tanner O’Brien Music Education

“It was not his fault, he was just making something.”

Brad Schilling Theater

“No, not all. Because it wasn’t an actual bomb. It was just a homemade clock.”

“He only showed a clock... he’s trying to make the world better according to his religion, which is Islam, whatever you do, you get it back.”

Zay Logan English

“They shouldn’t have arrested him--he’s 14.”

Photos by Albertina Rodriguez Delgado

As far as hobbies go, clubbing has been on the top of my list since I turned 18 and was able to walk through Ghaleb’s Hookah Lounge doors. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing a variety of clubs and bars in Fresno. Club and bar-hopping also doubles as networking. Being out and about is such a convenient way to meet people, and the more people you know, the more places you go. If you’re new in town or just new to the bar/club scene, you might be surprised at what Fresno has to offer, because trust me, it’s more than what meets the eye. One of the newer hot spots in town is Club Imperio, located on Cedar and Ashlan. It’s a swanky multi-leveled club that has immense potential to become the best club in Fresno because of its venue alone. When you walk in, you see a large chic bar with what seems to be an endless amount of liquor. During one of my first visits there, I was led up a stairway to a secluded VIP lounge where you could look over the balcony and onto the dance floor. A hometown favorite bar that has recently grown in popularity is Shenanigans, located on Herndon and Cedar. It’s a small Irish pub that always brings out a larger college crowd from Wednesday through Saturday. If you’re not there by 10 o’clock nowadays, you’ll be waiting in line for at least 45 minutes. They’re strict on their capacity, which only speaks volumes about their popularity. The downside to the popularity of this bar, besides having to wait to get in, is having to wait a little while longer to get a drink because, for some reason, Shenanigans always seems to be understaffed. Veni Vidi Vici’s, more popularly referred to as Vinny’s, is a bar better known for its outside back patio than its mirror walled inside. The bar inside is a cool little corner bar where the bartenders are more than prepared to make you whatever drink you desire. The drinks are on the pricey side, though. Whenever I’ve gone to Vinny’s, there’s been techno (or maybe just alternative) music and it’s just not my cup of tea. I hardly spend time inside; I usually just shoot straight to the beautiful back patio. The back patio is equipped with large white tents, black patio furniture, large trees and tall lamps.

Illustration by Bobby Brown Livingstones is another pub that’s located on Olive and Wishon in Tower District. You walk in and see a well-lit dining room with a large bar that has experienced and friendly bartenders. You head towards the back a little bit and you’ll find a dimmer dining area that sets a romantic vibe. If you step outside to the back patio you’ll find brighter lighting and a smoking area. There’s some patio furniture but, most people prefer the standing room from what I’ve witnessed there. It’s a very charming pub. The perfect place to end your night of dancing and drinking. Old Town Saloon, a 21+, in Clovis brings in a heavy college crowd on Thursdays. That may have something to do with the $3 Coronas and the crowd pleasing DJ who never fails to play all of the new dance hits and popular classics. Back patio is full of heavy smokers, over-aggressive bouncers and security. No video policy. Large pool table in the way. Large dance floor makes up for their small, broken restroom doors. Very large bar, service is quick. Redwave, located on Shaw and Cedar. It’s a dimly lit bar, that has a hazy effect to it. It’s usually an older college student crowd since it’s a smaller bar. They have karaoke on Wednesday nights that brings out a larger crowd. You’ll find some of the best micheladas in the city here. A little on the spicy side but they come large enough by the time you get to the bottom of the glass you won’t mind the spiciness. Swiggs, located on Shaw and Fresno, is the epitome of college bars, the Adios mother f*ckers, (AMF’s, name of a drink) are awesome, and it’s the best place to go after Fresno State games. They offer an upper level that has games like beer pong and huge Jenga. Attendance has suffered because of change in music. Whether you’re looking for a wild night out in the city or a relaxed night in at a bar, you’ll be able to find it with ease in Fresno. There are a lot of options in this city, they all have something special and unique to offer. Remember to always drink responsibly! Never drink and drive! I hope this little bar/club guide will help you find a way to burn off some steam in the best way possible.




Let’s Check this Rampant Racism to Save the Next Generation BY RAMPAGE EDITORIAL BOARD

America is racist. Since its founding, different groups have been excluded from discussions or barred from participating in the democratic process our founding fathers imagined. What is scary isn’t that there is racism --- that has always been a part of this country, but that even those aspiring to lead this country are trying to outdo each other with their blatantly racist pronouncements -- and there is no backlash, and no one seems to care about it or this surge in racist behavior. That is why no one was shocked when brown-skinned Ahmed Mohammed, 14, of Irving, Texas, who is also a Muslim, was wrongfully arrested for displaying a homemade clock to his teacher. Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a more intense xenophobia has gripped every corner of this country, appealing to already-racist white people. The mainstream portrayal of Muslims disparages them as terrorists who hate Americans and imply we should all be scared. There are numerous incidents of Muslims being ejected from planes or denied access to places they have a right to be. Even Republican presidential

candidate, Ben Carson, said in the second debate that a muslim should never ever become president of the U.S. And those in power continue to insist that we are all created equal? Why are we told that our skin color

presidential candidate, used Twitter to bash President Obama’s efforts to reach out to the young student. Within the last week, megacontroversial 2016 presidential candidate, Donald Trump, refused to correct one of his supporters’ claim

“America is racist.” -Rampage Editorial Board

and origin do not matter and cannot prevent us from reaching great heights in this country? Are we really all equal? We don’t think so. As if the arrest of this innocent school boy is not enough, so-called conservatives are rubbing salt into the wound. Immediately after Mohammed’s arrest, Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin, the 2008 vice

that President Obama is a muslim and was not born in the U.S. During the same exchange, Trump’s supporter asked when the Muslims would leave “our country”. Since when does this country have a tag that strictly names white people as the owners or sole inheritors of the North American land that is the USA? Trump returned to the mainstream

stage when he announced his candidacy for president in the summer. But it was not his announcement that made headlines. It was his outright defamation of Mexican immigrants. Trump called immigrants who come from Mexico, “rapists” and “murderers”. His words have led to hatred toward Mexican immigrants. But it did not stop there. The hatred moved into more communities. When we have such a loud voice of hate, it resonates with silent communities of hate spread throughout the country. That is why Trump, despite his outrageous pronouncements, is leading the Republican pack in the polls. Crazy but true. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric eventually turns into anti-non-white attitudes, or what some of us refer to as white supremacy. A negative incident involving a non-white person is elevated and generalized as reflecting whole communities of color and of foreign descent people. Our legacy to the next generation should not be about intolerance. We can be much better than that.

Public Transportation Offers More Than Just A Ride To School BY ALBERTINA RODRIGUEZ DELGADO Opinion Editor

Let me jump right into it--the Fresno buses can get a little, or a lot, weird. Coming from a different town, riding the the buses here is definitely an experience. I remember going back home and telling my parents the different stuff I would see and hear while on the bus to school. And of course, being typical Mexican parents, they urged me to be (more) careful and to not talk to anybody on the bus. The first time I rode the bus, I ended up being on it for almost two hours because I didn’t know where my bus stop was, and while I was panicking about having no clue where I was, (later I found out that I was in downtown), I was examining the different people that got on. Recently, I got to witness a bus driver almost being punched in the face, and possibly even stabbed after he started moving before everyone was settled and caused a guy to fall over a girl’s back (this bus was so full, a lot of people were standing). Everyone was at the edge of their seats as the man got so close to the bus driver and started yelling, “What the f*** is wrong with you?” The driver’s face remained nonchalant, and showed no emotion about what was going on around him. He did not even flinch even though this man was so close to doing something. I could see the man

Illustration by Bobby Brown touching his pockets while yelling at the bus driver. Fortunately, nothing happened, and the guy got off after demanding to be dropped off. Everyone was so different -- the bus drivers were a lot meaner than the ones back home. I have noticed, though, that the morning bus drivers are a lot nicer and much more cheerful. It’s rare to get a greeting from the drivers in the afternoon and evening. Waiting at the bus stops is also strange. So far, three events have occurred while I was waiting for the bus: A guy asked me if I painted my toenails? I didn’t think much of it until

he began to ask me if I can show him the color of my toenails. I got so freaked out that I just tried to ignore him, but I could see at the corner of my eye, he was waving and trying to get my attention again(I had earphones on). Because of that, I had to miss my bus because he got on it. I was mad I had to wait for another bus, but also relieved he left. Another time, a random guy came up to me and told me to rap with him. After denying that offer over and over again, he finally said, “Fine, I’ll just rap to you then.” He seemed very satisfied with his rap--even though I couldn’t hear anything due to the traffic noise. Finally,

before the bus came, he said, “You should get a job at 7-Eleven and give me free stuff.” The weirdest one of them all was witnessing a 30-year-old guy throwing himself on the ground. He started on the grass, and then moved to the street. I was so confused -- when the bus came he acted so casual and said to another person on the bus, “Oh you reading that? I just finished that one.” [Talking about Twilight.] Overall, taking the bus isn’t too bad...anymore. I’ve gotten so used to riding them and all the strange occurrences that they feel totally normal. If you have not taken the bus, start your own adventure.




Rams on the Hunt for a State Title

(Left) Albert Rosas practicing his moves with Jonas Gaytan in the wrestling room. (Right) Coach Paul Keysaw teaching proper technique to Sebastian Setowski and Amir Jon Naser in the on Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. Photos/Larry Valenzuela BY MICHAEL MENDEZ


The wrestling season is set to begin and the Fresno City College team is on the hunt for a California state championship. After finishing the past two seasons in second place, the Rams are determined to make this year the year they finally get over the hump and get what they feel should have been theirs a couple of seasons ago. Fresno City College is one of the premiere community college athletic programs in the nation that brings in athletes all over the central valley. The Rams have won 12 California state championships, with the last one coming in 2011. The Rams are considered heavy favorites of winning state this season. Leading the charge is veteran head coach Paul Keyshaw who has been at

FCC since 2006. Since Keyshaw has had the reins, the team has won six state championships. “Preparation plus opportunity equals luck,” Keyshaw said. “I’ve been prepping for this day since we finished second in state last year.” One of the things that helps a coach attain success at his job is having veteran athletes set the tone for newcomers. The FCC team has 15 returning wrestlers, some of them, like Will Gockel-Figge, have won individual state champions. Both the players and coaches say the family bond with each other is key to their success. The more they sharpen their craft together, the better they will become on the mat. Martine Sandoval said the relationship between him and his teammates

has helped him progress as a wrestler. “This team is like a brotherhood,” Sandoval said. “They help me with every practice by polishing my strengths and sharpening my weaknesses.” Before they can step on the mat to face their opponents, they first have to take on their biggest opponent -themselves. Each wrestler has his own special pre-match routine or ritual that pumps them up and allows them to zone in and focus on their opponent. Freshman Cody Goshman said he takes steps to get ready before each match. “I like to kid around and tell jokes; I like listening to Celine Dion before every match, it calms me down,” Goshman said. “Once I get out there, the switch turns on.” Both the coaching staff and the

wrestlers have high expectations -state championship or bust. They want a state championship as a team as well as individually. The team has finished second in state in the past two seasons and will not accept finishing second again. “That’s our goal; that’s our only goal. We finished second the past two seasons and this is their year,” Keyshaw said. “I hope I can be the coach to give them that wonderful feeling,” “It would mean a lot,” Sandoval said. “That’s my goal this year, and trying to get the team a title this year.” “It would bring together why I came here,” Goshman said. “I came here to be state champion, nothing less.”

Eric Solberg Doing Double Duty for FCC Sports BY KAGEANNA GARZA


Eric Solberg wears two hats. He is assistant coach of the Men’s Baseball team and head coach of the Men’s Soccer team. Solberg has held the baseball coaching position for 28 years now and the soccer team one for 17 years -- 45 years combined experience in grooming winning Fresno City College teams. “It’s a long time,” Solberg said. “One unique thing about this job is the environment never changes.” He said part of his success can be at“One unique thing about this job is the environment never changes.”

- Eric Solberg.

In his 17 years at FCC, Head Soccer Coach Eric Solberg has many memories of his time here. Photo/Keaundrey Clark

tributed to the differences in the two sports. Baseball and soccer come from two different backgrounds and cannot be coached in the same way. “The culture of the two sports are very different,” Solberg said. He said that coaching both teams brings

challenges but also opportunities to learn life lessons that help deal with issues that come up on the field. “I think I’m a coach’s guy; I think people like me,” Solberg said. “I like to be liked which could also be one of my weaknesses.” He said having the opportunity to coach both teams is rewarding. Both teams complement each other pretty fairly, resulting in great seasons. With great seasons come great records, broken records and maybe even a state championship game. “The most rewarding thing is, and it doesn’t happen a lot which is probably why it’s the most rewarding,” Solberg said. “It’s when the players come back years from when they played and tell me that they get it.” Solberg wants his young players to realize that just being on the team is an honor, that they are given an opportunity to play the game while dozens of others cannot. “The reward is making the team and being a part of the college atmosphere,” he said. “Grasp what’s going on,” Solberg said. “Enjoy the ride, even if you don’t see yourself on the field.”



Sports Editor

Fantasy Football is a fast rising game that allows you to be the owner, general manager and coach of a team of top NFL players. The game goes as this, you as the owner earn points based on the statistical performances of their players in actual NFL games. For example, if you have Odell Beckham Jr. on your team and he catches a touchdown pass, you

earn points. In order to decide which players you want on your team, you participate in either a draft or an auction. Try to have some sort of plan when you’re entering a draft. The biggest mistake made by beginning fantasy football owners is drafting the “big names” early. For example, famous quarterbacks on good teams may get outperformed by the lesser-known quarterback on a poor team who has to throw the ball until the final whistle. The best early-round draft picks are usually stud Running Backs since the position his



Fantasy Football: Gives Satisfaction Like Real Games

thinning out in the league your best bet is getting one early. Your star Wide Receivers such as Antonio Brown and Calvin Johnson will be gone early so if you want a good one, take that chance early. At the Tight End position there are only two top - tier guys in Rob Gronkowski from the New England Patriots and Jimmy Graham from the Seattle Seahawks. Results on the field earn owners their fantasy points. Each week, you go head-to-head against another team in your league, and the team with the most points wins the game. At the

end of the season, the teams atop the standings play against each other in the playoffs to determine a champion. Maybe the league you in doesn’t have a prize like money or a fancy trophy but you’ll still find an extreme amount of satisfaction by owning your friends or coworkers in a game of skill. Try to create rivalries. Talk some trash, and you’ll suddenly feel invested on Sundays while watching the games. But don’t take it too seriously, because in the end, the results are beyond your control.

Fresno City College Brazillian Soccer player Camilla Figueira Fresno City College sophomore Midfielder Camilla Figueira, who came from Brazil to FCC uses soccer in many aspects to help her on and off the field. Photo/ Vianey Cobian



Fresno City College student athlete Camilla Figueira is returning for her sophomore year as a player for the Ram’s women’s soccer team. She plays as a midfielder in the coach’s 4-4-2 team structure on the field. Playing soccer has always been a big passion for her, and Figueira has been playing team soccer since she was an 8-year-old growing up in Rio de Janeiro where she was born on Oct.18,1995. “Soccer is important for me because it’s a game that I’m passionate about,” Figueira said. “That helps me to keep focused and push hard on the academic side of college.” “I like all the perspectives about the game, the control you have over the ball, being able to dribble, make all the tricks you want, having that vision over the field, being able to take shots, scoring and getting that emotion and excitement from it, plus all the friendships you make,” she added. Head women’s soccer coach, Oliver Germond, had great praise for his player’s abilities on the field but also talked a little about what challenges she faced while making the transition to the style of play that is typical here. “She has very good ball skills, and she sees the field really well,” Germond said. “On the offensive side her skill level is very high.” “Defensively she kind of struggled a little bit. I think just in general in this country the game is a little more physical on the women’s side than it is in

Brazil,” he continued. “I think it was just a question of her getting used to the physicalness and the mindset of wanting to defend instead of just attacking and just having a balance between the two.” Figueira said the way that she started school in the U.S. was unconventional. “When I was 15, I did an exchange program and then I came back after a year in Green Bay, Wisconsin,” Figueira said. “It was fun; it was different because it was cold.” When she is done at FCC, she wants to continue her soccer career at a four-year university, although she is undecided on where. One of the things she is most proud of accomplishing is coming to FCC and starting her career. Additionally, she came here by herself and that is one thing that Germond admires about her. “In the past, I had a lot of international students reach out to us, but they never go through with it ,and to me that’s what’s impressive about Camilla” Germond said. “That she is able to go from Rio to Fresno; that is big change, and at 19 years old to make such a big step in your life is amazing for her to be able to do that.” Germond said it took courage for Figueira to be able to find her way around Fresno on her own and speak English the way, “like she has lived here her whole life.” She is also a big fan of the game, not just playing but watching. Her favorite Brazilian team is Flamengo and her other favorite team is FC Barcelona from Spain. As far as her favorite player goes, she is a Ney-

mar fan, a superstar forward for FC Barcelona. However, soccer isn’t all that she is passionate about. “Going to the beach is a big thing,” Figueira said. “I like surfing a lot, I’ve been doing it since I was 8 or 9.” She also enjoys simply spending time with her family and friends. Figueira has spent a good amount of time traveling back and forth between Brazil and the U.S., so adapting to the culture here wasn’t a problem for her. “My family has a house in Orlando, and my uncle lives in New York, so my family pretty much came to the U.S. a lot all my life so the culture wasn’t really different,” Figueira said. Professionally she has very high aspirations for herself. “[I major in] Pre-med. I want to be a surgeon, a doctor,” she said. “Once I go to school, step by step, I will know what I fall in love with.” Figueira said the happiest times of her life was “coming to the U.S. to got to college and play soccer, which was my dream since I was little.” Not everything was easy for Camilla either, she said she had a few challenges adapting to the U.S and “getting used to soccer here -- which is way different -- a more physical game[than in Brazil].”




CAN’T WIN FOR LOSING Fresno City College Loses to City College of San Francisco for the sixth consecutive year, 39-34.

Fresno City College Wide Reciever, James Whitfield, goes for a last second hail mary pass against City College of San Francisco in a 39-34 loss at Ratcliffe Stadium, Saturday Sept. 19, 2015. Photo/Patrick Forrest BY KEAUNDREY CLARK

Sports Editor

For the sixth straight year, the Fresno City College Rams football team were once again thwarted by the other Rams of City College of San Francisco as they lost a heartbreaking 39-34 at Ratcliffe Stadium on Saturday night. “We made mistakes; I made mistakes, no pointing fingers,”

Sophomore Christian Rossi said. “We’ve got to play well as a team and get better.” The wild back-and-forth battle saw a total of 14 penalties for 141 yards against FCC. The Rams also had a costly fumble that CCSF capitalized for a touchdown. “They beat us, where we got beat, we beat ourselves really,” said freshman Tackle, Greg Lewis.

Christian Rossi, FCC’s star quarterback had 349 yards passing and two touchdowns. “Like I told the guys, ‘remember this feeling’,” Rossi said. “Hopefully, we’ll be seeing them in the playoffs.” Wide Receiver Kailon Carter had seven receptions for 118 yards and one touchdown. Running Back Nate Jones had 62 yards rushing and one touchdown.

“Well we had some things that happened that are hard to overcome as a team,” head coach Caviglia said. “But I thought our kids played hard.” Kalonn Milton and Tamarcus Russell both recorded interceptions for FCC. The Rams have a tough game at Butte College, then Battle of the Pump against Reedley College on Oct. 3. Their next home game will

be the homecoming game against Laney College on Oct. 17. This FCC team might have lost a close game but there heart and fight was evident and will be tested for the rest of the season. “We’re going to work hard, work our behinds off,” said Lewis. “And I expect them to give their all, every play.”

Woody Wilks Recalls Football Excellence Through the Years BY KEAUNDREY CLARK

Sports Editor

The Fresno City College football program has had a long tradition of excellence from Stoney Johnson, the first head coach to Tony Caviglia the current head coach, according to Woody Wilks, sports information director from 1984 to 2009. Wilks said that from its first full season in 1947 until 1954, the football team was

coached by two men -- Johnson and Hans Wiedenhoefer -- who won a total of 71 games and turned FCC into the team it is today. The football team played in its first bowl game in 1948, losing 20-0 to Visalia College (now COS) in the Olive Bowl. But their biggest accomplishment was getting players from diverse racial backgrounds to play together in a time when it was unheard of. The team reflected the diversity of Fresno as a whole.

Guys from local schools like Fresno High, Edison, Bullard and Memorial came together and started the tradition of winning. FCC was ahead of the curve in terms of race, said Wilks Wiedenhoefer coached pros like Ledio Fanucchi and Bill Herron. Herron said at his Wall of Fame speech about Wiedenhoefer, “You’re a pearl; I want you to know that.” FCC’s current all-time winningest coach Clare Slaughter took over and coached the

school to 136 wins. He won FCC’s Bowl game in 1954 vs Bakersfield College in the Potato Bowl. He coached FCC’s two state title teams in 1972 and 1973. Both teams went 11-1-1. He also coached NFL Legend Tom Flores at FCC. FCC’s current head coach Tony Caviglia has helped continue the tradition. He has won 130 games in his 17 years at FCC and coached future NFL players like Maurice Morris who set six national

community college and state career rushing records prior to transferring to the University of Oregon; Cameron Worrell, Maurice Washington, Tony Curtis, Matt Giordano, Zach Diles, David Veikune and Brandon Sharpe. Wilks said FCC has sustained success over the decades, yet it’s the coach’s ability to get their players to transfer and continue their education in four-year colleges that has made the program most proud.

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