RAMPAGE Student-Run Newspaper of Fresno City College
Fall 2017 Issue 1 Aug. 30, 2017
Protesters gather during the “Counter-Rally Against Hate” in Fresno’s Tower District on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017 in response to the white supremacy rally and events in Charlottesville, Va. Photo/Ram Reyes
Ashleigh Panoo | Editor-in-Chief
few hundred people, including Fresno City College president Carole Goldsmith, turned out for the “Counter-Rally Against Hate” event in the Tower District on Aug. 26. Amid heavy police presence, the crowd held signs on the corner of Wishon and Olive avenues, cheering and chanting slogans like, “No KKK, no fascist U.S.A!” Although borne from the violent “Unite the Right” rally and counter protests that took place in Charlottesville. Va. Aug. 12, the Fresno rally remained peaceful Saturday morning. Through the early-morning heat, several people gave anti-hate speeches or read poems, including Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula
history pretty much shows me you have to stand up to hate when you see it.” -Paul Gilmore
and representatives from the Dolores Huerta Foundation and the Central Valley Progressive Political Action Committee. Goldsmith said it made her proud to see students and faculty among the crowd. “When people start to educate themselves about all the issues about our history, I think it can transform people,” she said. “As an educator, it’s my job to continually find common ground to stand in the eye of the hurricane.” FCC jazz instructors Julie and Mike Dana were among those at the rally. Mike Dana held a sign as the two listened to speakers. History instructor Paul Gilmore also attended with his wife.
Continued on Back Page, RALLY
History instructor
Bond Measure Funded Construction to Start Soon Samantha Domingo | News Editor
ith a budget of $200 million for Fresno City College’s construction projects, Measures C and E will fund the construction for an updated math and science building, Career and Technology Center, police and fire academies, a west Fresno satellite campus and a new parking structure.
State Center Community College District will use $50 million from Measure C funding to finally address parking improvements at Fresno City College. “We are currently in the planning stage to determine the type of work necessary to improve and expand parking,” said Christine Miktarian, assistant vice chancellor for
Business and Operations. The lack of parking space has been a problem at FCC since the ‘70s, as articles from The Rampage from that era have shown, and still remains a prominent issue for students today. “I give up after driving around for half an hour in the parking lots,” said FCC student Ashley Tatarakis. “I’d end up parking at Ratcliffe Stadium and just walking to the campus.”
The Danas share their love of music in Lebanon. Pg. 6
Tatarakis said that despite having a parking pass, “it’s just so hard to find parking in the mornings.” Prices for parking passes have increased to $30 per semester, according to the agenda of the December 2014 meeting of the board of trustees of the State Center Community College District which outlined increases each year until the fall 2018 semester.
Should IDKcommunity SOMEcollege education be free?
Pg. 8
Math, Science, & Engineering Building
Approximately $50 million from Measure C will fund updates to FCC’s Math, Science, and Engineering building. “We have the highest enrollment of any division on campus,” said Carl Johansson, a biology instructor. “Yet we Continued on Page 4, BOND
New interim athletic Page director 6 takes charge.
A&E Pg. 11
The rampage online
2 NEWS 8.30.17
The student-run newspaper of Fresno City College
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Ashleigh Panoo News Editor Samantha Domingo Art Director Ramuel Reyes Sports Editor Jorge Rodriguez Enterainment Editor Marco Rosas Broadcast Editor Julease Graham Opinion Editor Frank Lopez REPORTERS Omari Bell Seth Casey Paige Cervantes Alejandro Cruz Anthony DeLeon Alejandra Flores Michael Fulford Jimmy Heng David Hernandez Melissa Moua Aliyah Thomas Noah Villaverde Business Manager Maria Aguilar Adviser/Instructor Dympna Ugwu-Oju
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Letters to the Editor Corrections Any correction needed for an article should be brought to the attention of the staff of The Rampage. The Rampage is committed to accuracy and should be made aware of any mistake in an article that appears in this paper. Views expressed in the opinion pages are those of the individual writer and not of the newspaper. The Rampage is produced by students of the Journalism 11 A, B, C, D class.
PANEL ON WHITE SUPREMACY TODAY Samantha Domingo | News Editor
A panel discussion regarding white supremacy, the events that transpired in Charlottesville, Va., and the Alt-right will be held in the Old Administration Building Auditorium at Fresno City College on Aug. 30 from 2 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. The panel includes instructors from the Cultural and Women’s Studies department, including Asian-American studies instructor John Cho, Chicano/ Latino studies instructor Matt Espinoza-Watson, AfricanAmerican studies instructors Karla Kirk and Kehinde Solwazi, and English instructor Lee Herrick. The panelists will have a discussion moderated by history instructor Paul Gilmore, and then take questions from the audience.
Poetry Reading Slams Hate
Marco Rosas | Entertainment Editor
Fresno Poet Laureate, Bryan Medina, refuted recent racial incidents in Charlottesville during “Words Against Hate,” a reading he organized at Bitwise Industries on Aug. 21. “Being a biracial man of color, and seeing the events that transpired in Virginia on TV,” Medina said, “I felt in my heart that I, as the poet laureate, had no choice but to address the issue at hand.” Medina coordinated with Tanish Brantly, director of operations and Irma Olguin Jr., CEO of Bitwise to organize a reading with several local authors. Among the authors were several at Fresno City College personalities, including Joseph Voth, English instructor, Lee Herrick, former Fresno poet laureate and creative writing instructor and Christina Olague, student. “I was proud to read at the ‘Words Against Hate’ event,” Herrick said. “Poetry can illuminate the human condition and increase compassion and understanding.” The event went off without a hitch, for the most part. After
Poets pose after the “Words Against Hate” reading at Bitwise Industries on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017. Photo Courtesy of Facebook
Nicholas Belardes’ performance an altercation unfolded in the back of the room that brought the performances to a brief halt. Belardes allegedly attempted to swat a phone out of the hand of Ben Bergquam, a documenter and Trump supporter who attended the event sporting a “Make America Great Again” hat. Belardes was heard yelling, “You’re not wanted here.” Bergquam said he attended the event to ensure that “Words Against Hate” was not only directed at the conservative right. “I engage with those that disagree with me, sometimes provocatively,” Bergquam said. “I want there to be an understanding.” The altercation was quickly stopped by event organizers as well as audience members who wanted the night to continue as originally planned. “Though things like that sometimes happen when you talk about hot button topics such as race and bigotry,” Medina said, “we strived for a peaceful reading and did just that.” The night continued without further interruptions, though many of the poets’ words seemed
to be directed at Bergquam following the incident. Some were words that told Bergquam that while his presence was not requested, he was still welcomed. Other poets made it clear that Bergquam was the opposition and that they did not share the same
Poetry can illuminate the human condition...” -Lee Herrick FCC English INstructor
views on President Trump. Aideed Medina, a Latina poet renowned throughout the valley’s poetry scene nearly burst into tears after her performance addressing Bergquam. “It seemed to me that it was only against hatred on the right,” Bergquam said following the
slam. He denounced any and all hateful rhetoric and claimed he is just a Christian conservative who happens to support the president. He also deemed groups like La Raza, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter as hate groups that are “just as bad as the KKK.” As far as the art performed that night, Bergquam had no complaints. “I’m not a big poetry guy, but some of it I really enjoyed,” he said. Fresno’s poets delivered on their promise to read what they felt were words against hate and captivated a large and diverse audience while doing so. “I believe it shows our diverse community and that writers have heart,” Medina said. “More importantly, it follows the great Fresno writing tradition of past poets that spoke out during times of crisis.” Medina said his overall goal was accomplished at the slam, despite the minor hiccups. “When we share our stories with one another,” he said, “we can help clear the disinformation and start building a better path towards leaving hate and discrimination behind.”
23 Graduate from Fire Academy
Jimmy Heng | Reporter
Twenty-three members of the Fresno City College Fire Academy 47 graduated in a ceremony held in the Old Administration Building auditorium on Aug. 25. The graduates endured a rigorous eight-month training program and are now eligible to work in the field of fire technology. Geary Baxter, interim coordinator for Fire Technology, opened the ceremony with commendations for the graduating class. “They’ve raised the bar higher than I ever expected,” Baxter said. “They were definitely an outstanding class.” Several members of the class spoke of their experience and the values they learned from the fire
academy program. Cadet Ryan Jay spoke about the unsung heroes that pushed The graduating FCC Fire Academy Class 47 receives their certifications at the Old Administration and continue to push the class to Building on Aug. 25, 2017. Photo/Jimmy Heng achieve success. the surface. Those impurities The ceremony ended Cadet Dominic are then removed and made the with the announcement of Smith spoke of the humility the best possible product having the recipients of the Captain program gave him. limited flaws.” Jim Deaver Scholarship, the “It [refine by fire] is a call to Munro said the class learned first scholarship for the fire continue to be better,” Cadet Tanner those principles through their academy, which was awarded to Munro explained the meaning training in the fire academy. seven of the members. behind his class’ catchphrase. Class 47 is the first academy The cadets received their “Being refined by fire is from FCC to graduate with a certificates, finalizing and not just a catchphrase that we new curriculum. They were a awarding the hard work chose because it sounded good,” part of community projects, they’ve done. Munro said. “The process of planted trees for Fresno mission, Baxter said anyone interested in refinement is taking something volunteered to fundraise for joining the fire academy program that is not perfect, then adding the Jim Deaver scholarship and should apply. He said, “[Being heat, bringing it to a point raised $8,000 to send 10 kids to a firefighter] has been the most where the impurities come to Burns Camp. rewarding job I’ve ever had.”
Veterans to Receive More Funding From Sacramento Seth Casey | Reporter
A budget proposal approved on June 27 by California Governor Jerry Brown will increase funding for Veteran’s Resource Centers across California community college campuses. Included in the proposal is a $12 million increase in funding for VRCs on 113 of the 114 community college campuses throughout California. Of the $12 million, $7 million has been appropriated as a one-time grant to assist campuses to establish and develop VRCs. As of yet, the exact amount of funding to be allocated to each campus has not been disclosed. The proposal was first approved by California legislature on June 15, and later by Brown who signed the budget without vetoing a single appropriation.
This budget approval comes after veterans from Fresno City College visited Sacramento in March. William Coleman, president of the FCC Veteran’s Club went on the trip, among others from not only Fresno, but community colleges across California. “Being our first trip, it was educational; it was informative,” Coleman said about speaking with legislators in Sacramento. “That was an eye-opening experience, seeing our tax dollars at work.” Now, several months after the initial petition, the effects are materializing and the success of the veteran’s visit to the capitol are apparent. “There is going to be another trip,” Coleman said, adding that the trip was a very positive experience for both the VRC and the
veterans who attended. The trip allowed the veterans to see firsthand the process of legislature, and gave them access to various resources at state level. Anyone interested in the benefits and activities of the Veteran’s Resource Center and the Veteran’s Club on campus, or just looking to get involved and support these programs, can find more information on the FCC website under the “Service Centers & Programs” header, and can follow the FCC Veteran’s Club on Facebook. The Veteran’s Club is open to all students, and those who may be interested are encouraged to speak with William Coleman or Mary Alfieris, the Veterans and International Student Services coordinator, at the VRC on campus.
Students + ASB Card = Free Rides on FAX Larry Valenzuela| Contributor
Fresno City College students will now be able to use their associated student body ID card to get free bus rides to anywhere in Fresno. If you are a student at Fresno City College, and in good standing, you now have a free pass on all Fresno Area Express busses. To qualify for the free rides, students must purchase an ASB card which would serve as pass, according to Carole Goldsmith, president of the college during a press conference in August. An ASB card costs $5 and can be purchased in the student activities office. Goldsmith says she hopes the free rides will help alleviate the parking problems and reduce the campus’ carbon emission. “Fresno City College has more than 30,000 students come to this campus annually, and that puts
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a large demand on our parking,’ Goldsmith said. “That also puts a lot of carbon emission in the air and that made our students and staff ask, ‘What can we do to reduce our footprint?’” Goldsmith added working collaboratively, the staff of FCC and of the State Center Community College District as well as the Associated Student Government, were able to come up with the solution of the bus passes. Lee Brand, mayor of the city of Fresno and Esmeralda Soria, member of the Fresno City council, who also spoke at the the press conference, highlighted the great opportunities created by the free pass, especially the lessening of the parking burden. Christine Miktarian, vice chancellor for business and operations with SCCCD said the idea had been around for a while and that the upcoming construction of solar panels in the parking lots created the urgency to find a solution to the parking problems that would be associated. “Everything just came together,” she said. “We found a way to take care of the issue and not have to charge students.”
“Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt
National Voter Registration Day Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Road closure signs on McKinley Avenue and Clark Street near the Fresno City College campus on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017. Photo/Ram Reyes
Construction Complicates Commute to FCC David Hernandez | Reporter
Every student’s commute to Fresno City College is different. Through all of the chaos, students new and old have had to deal with traffic and detours due to construction on McKinley Avenue. Construction on McKinley has been going on since May 1. Workers have been installing a new underground pipeline, a part of the Recharge Fresno program which will bring treated surface water from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the city. This new line will ensure that clean drinking water is delivered to homes and businesses. Many students and faculty hoped for the construction happening on McKinley Avenue to be over by the time school started and were surprised by the detours as they headed to the campus in the first week of school.
Many students at FCC drive to school, but some are considering other modes of transportation to save costs and the stress of dealing with the diversions. FCC student Cody Jackson has a 30 minute commute from Selma. Though he doesn’t have any trouble getting to campus, his main issue is fluctuating gas prices. “I had a bigger truck, but I traded it in for a beater to help me save gas,” Jackson said. Monica Valdivia is a student who walks to school everyday, and her walk takes her about 25 minutes. “I walk and I get a good workout and I don’t have to deal with the chaos of the parking lot,” Valdivia said. Another student, Matthew Lamar, currently drives to school but considered taking an Uber. “I wanted to start getting an Uber, Lamar said. “But it seemed like a waste of money.”
Rachel Hinson has to avoid McKinley Avenue and misses out on parking on campus. “I have to park over by the football field, and it’s really far,” she said.
REGISTER TO VOTE! Voter Registration Forms are available at: • U.S. Post Offices
I have to park over by the football field and it’s really far.” -Rachel Hinson Student
As the rhythm of the semester starts to settle in, students and faculty can look forward to the an easier commute as the construction nears completion.
• Local libraries • Department of Motor Vehicles • County Elections Office (call 600-8683) • On September 26 only: League of Women Voters Office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (call 226-8683)
Paid for by the League of Women Voters of Fresno
4 NEWS 8.30.17 BOND, FROM PAGE 1
cannot offer enough basic classes, and we certainly have no room to offer specialty classes that would be very beneficial to students with specific interests.” Johansson said the present situation is a “disservice to our students.” He added that the “dated design and lack of infrastructure to support new equipment and technologies means we cannot train current students on equipment they will be using going forward.”
Career and Tech Center, Police & Fire Academy
The $30 million from Measure E will fund new police and fire academies as well as the Career and Technology Center. According to Miktarian, an important driver in the decision to bring forward Measure C on a ballot was to gain funding to ensure these projects could be built, since the remaining funds from Measure E alone were not enough to complete them. Locations for the new police and fire academies as well as the CTC have yet to be decided. West Fresno Campus
Planning is still under development for a campus for West Fresno, the area south of the 180 freeway and west of 99, considered one of the most disadvantaged areas in the state. “Bringing education into the West Fresno area is one way to begin the process of transforming the community into a prosperous and healthy environment,” said Miktarian.
Though not funded by Measure C, the solar panel project is the first of many
projects about to begin at FCC. Preparatory work for the solar panels has already begun, with foundation work scheduled to start in September and continue throughout the fall 2017 semester. “The installation of solar will reduce our reliance on nonrenewable energy that will reduce our greenhouse gas effects on the environment,” Miktarian said. “The district is expected to save in excess of $18 million over 20 years.” Additionally, the solar project will provide students and staff access to covered parking and charging stations for electric
vehicles. Updates on the solar project can be found on the SCCCD website.
The Ram Pantry
Currently, the Ram Pantry sets up on the side of the cafeteria every Friday. However, the Ram Pantry plans to soon relocate its services to the now vacant Pacific Cafe. Construction for the new Ram Pantry is expected to be completed by Nov. 1, but the date it’s opening to the public has not been set.
ASG President Plans to Connect More with Students Alejandra Flores | Reporter
The new president of the Associated Student Government, Brandon McLaughlin, said his first priority this year is to reconnect with Fresno City College students. McLaughlin, who was elected at the end of last academic year, said he is determined to reach out to students and get them to be more involved with issues affecting their education. “There seems to be a clear lack of connection between us and the students,” McLaughlin said. “And that’s not good.” He said the ASG speaks for FCC students and that one of the many goals of the association is making sure students are being heard. “I just want to do something for someone,” McLaughlin said, adding that he joined the
ASG because a friend encouraged him to join. “I’ve always had an interest in law and politics and seeing how it’s actually put into practice and put into the field,” McLaughlin said. “I came here for the learning experience, but when I got into it, it just captivated me.” As president of ASG, McLaughlin runs the organization, speaks at events for students, chairs meetings and makes sure everyone is being heard fairly. “It has that pull; it sucks you in and it’s great,” He said of his job as ASG president. “It’s fantastic.”
LIBRARY Evolving to meet student Needs
Samantha Domingo | News Editor
Noah Villaverde | Reporter
To ease the hassle of parking and transportation around campus during the beginning of the semester, Fresno City College has once again deployed vans to provide shuttling services to various places on campus. The shuttle vans run every 15 minutes and stop at parking lot X by the Ratcliffe Stadium, Health Science building, the bookstore, south side of Math Science and Engineering building, west end of University Mall and the sidewalk behind the Old Administration Building in parking lot K. The shuttle service is available until Sept. 8, Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m., and Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
Fresno City College intends to implement new and effective counselor and advisor engagement strategies targeted for full-time and adjunct to enhance quality instruction and student access. Tabitha Villalba, Coordinator of the Writing and Reading Center spoke about the matter. “We know from the data we've collected over the last five years that students who utilize our services and take our courses perform better than those who don't use our services,” said Villalba. “They are also more likely to persist, meaning move on to the next semester.” Counselors and faculty plan to collaborate, making
Fresno City College’s Associated Student Government meets to plan out the school year. Photo/Alejandra Flores
But if we do it, we want to do it the smart way.” -Brandon McLaughlin ASG PRESIDENT ON PURSUING PAY FOR ASG MEMBERS
sure that students are given the proper pathway to achieve their academic goals at Fresno City College. They also intend to encourage the campus’ participation in community events, boards committees and industry associations. In terms of changes in recent years, the system found in libraries has experienced a shift from physical resources to more electronic resources. Villalba states that there is an increase of students visiting the Research Assistance Program, even citing it as one of the best programs offered. “A student can have a oneon-one session with a librarian on a research project,” Villalba said. “I wish they had that when I was in college. I would have
“Very few students run for elections to be part of student government,” McLaughlin said “This problem affects all ASG programs across college campuses”. McLaughlin believes this is a huge concern and needs to be fixed. “I’m the fifth president to run unopposed,” McLaughlin said. “It’s a majority vote, so all I need is one vote to win, and that’s not good at all, in any way.” McLaughlin thinks the problem is that ASG members do not get paid, despite working
saved so much time.” Villalba states that student services will have space and location reviewed to make sure students align with their needs. “The library is one of the oldest buildings and it's so beautiful, but we need space for students to study.” Villalba and the librarians at FCC hope that these changes will benefit students in the future. “With additional space and continual funding, the possibilities are endless,” said Villalba. “The ultimate goal is to evolve with our students. This means students have to be using the services and communicating with us about what their needs are.”
long hours and dedicating so much of their time to the organization. The proposal to pay ASG members is still in the pipeline and has not been voted on yet, McLaughlin said. Before any decisions on pay are reached, the ASG must make sure there is funding and that the pay is adequate for the amount of work they do. “We’re not pursuing it [pay] yet; we’re outlining it,” said McLaughlin. “But if we do do it, we want to do it the smart way.”
Students who utilize our services [...] perform better than those who don’t.” -Tabitha Villalba Coordinator of the Writing and Reading Center
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Chacon hopes his life experiences bring light to others Kenneth Chacon, center, gets animated as he teaches his creative fiction writing class in the language arts building on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017. Photo/Ram Reyes
Frank Lopez | Opinion Editor
t’s the first day of the fall semester in 1995 at Fresno City College. A typical hot August Fresno day, and as is still the case today, the parking lots are full and cars are lined up, drivers desperate to find a spot before their classes begin. Driving an old, beat up car with no A/C, pit stains spreading on his shirt, and searching for a spot just a few minutes before his class started, was 19-year-old Kenneth Chacon on what would have been his first day of college. After finding a parking spot far from his class which had already started, and with his shirt stained with sweat, Chacon didn’t go to his classes that day. In fact, he dropped out. “I dropped out of college on the first day because of parking, and pit stains,” Chacon, now 41, jokes. Now a published author and a instructor of creative writing at FCC, Chacon said that when he looks back to that “first” day, he realizes how unsure he was about his life and the direction it would lead. From being raised in a quiet neighborhood, to rolling with Fresno gangs and the dark side that came with it, Chacon’s journey has had its trials and triumphs, but it is far from being over. Shortly after his birth in Livermore in 1976, Chacon’s family moved to a close-knit neighborhood in the Blackstone and Bullard area of Fresno. Although a lot of his family lived nearby in the “barrio” of the Pinedale area near Riverpark, Chacon recalls that the neighborhood he grew up in was a safe, lower middle-class area which kept him from a world of drugs, gangs and crime. His parents divorced when he was 4 years old and he lived with his mom. A self-proclaimed
mama’s boy, Chacon followed his mom around and spent a lot time with her. Though his father would sporadically come to pick him up and take him to his home, Chacon said he hated the visits and never really knew his father. At 13, Chacon’s mother died, leaving him her home. Soon, his older-brother, along with his wife and kids, moved into the home. Chacon said his father made a fuss and forced his way into the house too. Life was lonely for Chacon during his teenage years. His father, who had dated lots of women, would leave for days at a time, leaving Chacon with only $5 dollars for food for the week. On a particular night when Chacon was hungry, and feeling lonely from being all alone in his house for days at end, he let his frustration take over him and punched out a window and cut his hand. His sister noticed the scar and Chacon told her the story of how he got it. She said he had to get out of the environment and he went to live with his brother, Daniel, and his family and started to attend Fresno High School. This would be another major turning point in Chacon’s life. “From where I was, it was very different, very quiet, very sheltered,” he said. “When I moved, it was a different world.”
At his new school, Chacon went from hanging out with “wannabe” gangsters and wearing Chicano style clothing to show pride in his heritage, to actually moving with people who were involved in the gang lifestyle. At 14, Chacon admired the confidence and pride that he saw in the gang members at school and wanted to be a part of it. He liked their style— the way people would part to the sides when they walked by, and he thought they just knew what life was all about. “At the beginning it wasn’t even about gangs or drugs or violence,” said Chacon. “Honestly, it was just kicking it with the homeboys and just being myself. I felt like I finally found a place where I found others like me— people who were proud.” At 16, Chacon was deeper into this new lifestyle— he was spraying graffiti, partying with friends, drinking, smoking marijuana and hanging out with girls. He was egged on by one of his friends’ father, who had a violent streak of his own and would buy alcohol for his son and his friends and encourage his son to fight. To make some money to support their lifestyle of alcohol, drugs and partying, Chacon and his friends started selling drugs such as PCP and cocaine. His introduction to meth happened when he was 18. One of his friends sold and used meth.
Chacon said that he thought his friend was stupid for using the drug, but a few months later, his curiosity got the better of him, and he tried it. Chacon made increasingly bad decisions to try prove to himself that he was a real gangster. To live up to the lifestyle and compete with those around him, he started selling meth and continued to use it. When he started going to college at FCC, a semester after giving up, he stopped selling meth but continued to use. “You hate yourself because you’re doing this thing that you don’t want to, that you know is bad or wrong,” Chacon said. “People who are addicts walk around with such guilt.” In the tenth grade Chacon went to a ditch party, and he met a girl. They started dating soon after and she quickly became pregnant with their first son, and shortly after, a daughter who are now in their early 20s. Chacon is now married, is close to both children. Chacon says he is determined to have a better relationship with his children than his own father did with him, although he missed some of their formative years because he was not around as much as he would have liked to be. He and his then-girlfriend would be on again and off again, and they didn’t always live
After all the darkness that I’ve brought into this world, brought to my family, brought to Fresno itself, I’m just looking for the opportunity to hopefully let my light shine.” -Kenneth Chacon
Creative Writing Instructor
together. Sometimes he’d see the children when he needed a place to sleep after a late night of partying, but he regrets not seeing them grow up more. He had the opportunity to go to UC Davis but was contemplating on staying in Fresno to avoid being in an uncomfortable position in a new world. His then-girlfriend didn’t want to go to Davis, and he was torn between wanting to stay with his friends, but also trying to make something more of himself. He ultimately decided to start a new adventure at UC Davis. Once at Davis, the gangster identity that he had spent years building meant nothing. “It was almost like I was out in the middle of the wilderness, crying, ‘come beat me; come pay attention to me; validate me’,” Chacon said. “And nobody was willing to do it because that was from another world.” His desire for writing was inspired and encouraged by his older brother, Daniel Chacon, a well known chicano author. He also took a lot of creative writing courses at Davis. In 2002, Chacon once again returned to FCC, this time, to teach. His passion for poetry is relayed to his students in the classroom. He is animated, and speaks to his class as casually, but keeps a rhythm and volume that keeps attention. Chacon recently published a book of his poems, “The Cholo who said Nothing,” and plans to keep writing, and wants to publish more books, poems and essays. He is trying to be a positive force in this world and wants to use his experience to help others going through dark times. “I’d like to be a light in this world,” he said. “After all the darkness that I’ve brought into this world, brought to my family, brought to Fresno itself, I’m just looking for the opportunity to hopefully let my light shine.”
MIKE AND JULIE DANA TEACH JAZZ IN LEBANON During their time in Marco Rosas | Entertainment Editor Lebanon, the Danas were able to take in the sights and Mike and Julie Dana, husband experience a lot of what the and wife, Jazz ensemble instrucregion had to offer. What tors at Fresno City College, can they did not see, however, is now add world travelers to their the conflict they say many in resume. the U.S. mistakenly believe is This summer, Mike Dana prevalent there. taught a week-long workshop in “It was totally safe,” Lebanon at Notre Dame UniMike Dana said. “They’ve versity, Louaize, thanks to an had their troubles, but they organization called Jazz Educafigured it out. They’re the tion Abroad. nicest people, and their food “They put together music is good.” workshops all over the world,” While Lebanon’s conflicts Mike Dana said. “I’ve been workhad not simply evaporated ing with them for two to three into thin air, the Danas were years now.” able to focus on the music, Previous workshops had given the friendships and the him the opportunity to teach in memories they were able to Thailand and China. make. This past summer was his first “Not one minute did I venture to the middle east. feel threatened, and I was Because the workshops took out by myself,” Julie Dana place during the summer, Julie said. Dana was also able to travel to Aside from local restauLebanon without worrying about rants and stores, the Danas abandoning her students. were also able to see beach- Jazz instructors Mike and Julie Dana taught a week-long workshop in Lebanon over the summer. Photo Courtesy of Mike and Julie Dana She initially went along as a es, museums and ancient “In Beirut, there was one sions the United States is facing guest but found herself teaching Though their surroundings monuments with significant hotel that was not active,” Julie because of monuments and in Lebanon as well. are far from familiar at times, it historical value. Dana said. “During the conflict, conflicts. “It turns out the director of is their connections to people “We went into a town called they would bomb each other “I see a respect for other the organization knows Mrs. through music that transcend Byblos,” Julie Dana said. around there. What they did religions, cultures and beliefs that Dana and I teach the Jazz Ensemdifferences. “They named the Bible after when the conflict was over, sometimes I don’t see here,” Mike ble together,” Mike Dana said. “It “There’s an intrinsic comthis town,” Mike Dana added. was they left this Holiday Inn; Dana said. morphed into, ‘Hey Julie, would munication that you get with The Danas also took note of it was were they would take Mike and Julie Dana say it you mind doing this class?’” doesn’t matter that you a contemporary monument that the bodies...they left it there so is their passion for music that So Julie Dana joined the don’t speak the language, ” Julie made them to appreciate the people would remember.” gives them the ability to look at faculty and wound up teaching Dana said. “At the end of the nature of their visit. The Danas drew parallels to the world through a different the vocal master class along with day, we’re all working toward the home and the political tenperspective. another instructor that week. greater good.”
‘In the Making’ Shows off Faculty Art Melissa Moua | Reporter Art by faculty is on display in the Art Space Gallery from Aug. 24 through 31. The biennial exhibit includes clay sculptures, ink blotted pictures and paintings by Susan Bolles, Derek Borges, Bill Heidrich, Caleb Henderson, Tim Hernandez, Nanete Maki-Dearsan, Vincent Mendez, William Raines, Linda Richmond, Ricardo Rivera, Kevin Stewart-Magee and Nicolas Spoher. The exhibit is open to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m to 4 p.m and on Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m to 7 p.m.
...students should feel good that their instructors are teaching and making their own work at the same time.” -Elena Harvey Collins Art Space Gallery Curator
This year’s theme, “In The Making,” according to Elena Harvey Collins, Art Space Gallery curator, is “to really show the breadth of practices that are in the art department.” Collins said that while these professors spend hours teaching, they still find time to do what they love. The instructors took time out of teaching to create these art pieces. “It did not take long to create my works,” Ricardo Rivera, a Fresno City College art instructor said. “I usually don’t measure the length of time to create them. The times vary. More important for me, is the time taken to prepare for these works and my intention.” As your everyday art instructors, many forget that not only are they teaching, but they are also artists. What makes this showcase so special is that it only comes every two years. “That could be quite rare to find when people are teaching,” said Collins. “It’s often difficult to find time to spend on their own...students should feel really good that there instructors are teaching and making their own work at the same time.” Students look at art created by FCC faculty during a biennial exhibit in the Art Space Gallery. Photo/Melissa Moua
The Revue Makes a Triumphant Return to Tower Paige Cervantes | Reporter
The local business owners of Ampersand Ice Cream and the Lanna Coffee Company have taken over the former Mia Cuppa Cafe space in Fresno’s Tower District, now known as The Revue. Before Mia Cuppa, the location was named The Revue for 16 years, and the name is now making an appearance once again. Ampersand and Lanna Coffee are joining together to provide creative, new and creamy treats. The Revue, located on Olive Avenue in Fresno’s Tower District, had a soft opening on Aug. 14. They will be temporarily closing the shop and reopening on Sept. 2 for their grand opening. The Revue’s new menu offers a wide variety for drinks such as tea, ice cream and coffee. Their new signature drink is the whisky caramel latte. It also offer new pastries such as scones and muffins that will go perfectly with a beverage. Owner of Ampersand, Amelia Bennett, said she and her husband are excited to partner up with Lanna Coffee and bring back The Revue. “Opening The Revue has become a passion project for my husband and I,” Bennett said. “It’s
definitely a labor of love.” The Bennetts’ goal for The Revue is to bring something different to Fresno that people can enjoy. “When my husband and I opened Ampersand Ice Cream, we focused on the uniqueness of hand crafted ice cream,” Bennett said. “My husband has a long career in coffee, so combining the two at The Revue is something we are extremely excited for.” The couple has high hopes that the shop will continue to grow and possibly stay open for another 16 years. The owners of The Revue strive to keep most of what they have to offer local. Their merchandise, such as mugs and T-shirts, are created by a local company. The owners have also been seeking out their resources in the area and have the desire to put them to use in their own way. The Revue’s new
image aims for more of an artistic look based on the location they are in, and how popular Art Hop has become. They also have plans to remodel to blend into new their location in the Tower District and clientele size the
location implies. Juliann Love, the current manager at The Revue, said they welcome Fresno City College students. The booth room located in the back of the shop will remain
a part of The Revue for students wanting to study, read and enjoy the free Wi-Fi provided. The Revue also welcomes college students looking for work, offering flexible hours.
The exterior of the newly opened Revue, formerly Mia Cuppa in Fresno’s Tower District. Photo/Paige Cervantes
8 OPINION 8.30.17
Free Community College: A Smart Investment or a Drain on us All?
CAMPUS VOICES Should Community College be Free?
Lucas Milton
Nutrition Major
“I would like it to be, but I don’t think it should be. I mean, it’s kind of already free with the assistance we get from the government.”
Ryan Randall Biology Major
“I think it should be free, because a K-14 program would be more helpful to the families that are less fortunate that can’t financially afford a four-year college.”
Jessica Yarborough Nursing Major
“Yes, it should be free. I think that education is necessary to get a better job and be able to support your family.”
Miya Harmon Biology Major
“College should be free, elementary school is free, why shouldn’t college be free? Students have other expenses like books which are really expensive.”
By Alejandra Flores Photos by Jorge Rodriguez
Frank Lopez| Opinion Editor
Melissa Moua | Reporter
ith all the talk about freeloading millennials who are killing numerous industries, it seems like many more might be getting a free college education. In the past months, Rhode Island and New York State have made community college free, providing more opportunities to people trying to further their education and careers. While many people do want to get in and get out of college, others enjoy being in the academic setting, and both types of people benefit from the skills and education they can receive. They can get a job they enjoy and make a good living, or follow more creative and intellectual pursuits that will be a positive force in the world. Educational opportunities need to be more accessible to all members of the community, no matter what their income is. A person on the lower end of the economic scale should have the same chance at educating themselves as a person on higher end of the scale. Community college can help many people who are unsure of what to study find a calling or a passion, and be the first stepping stone to greater career and educational paths. The cost of attending a University of California for a year and living off campus racks up to almost $32,000, and without scholarships, financial aid, or high-interest rate loans, it is virtually impossible for many lower and middle class students
to pay that kind of money. Since public elementary and high school’s funding depends on property taxes, kids who live in more aff luent neighborhoods go to better schools, and ultimately, have better chances of going to a university. University shouldn’t be seen as a privilege that should only be easily accessible to more wealthy families and individuals. Opponents of free community college might argue that they don’t want their taxes, which they might feel are high enough, to go towards college kids that might not even graduate. Investing in college could be expensive for an individual, and for a state, investing more into education could seem like a colossal process. But it is a venture that is worth investing in. A society will function better for all people if the public is educated, working for themselves and their communities, and is better able to analyze and make decisions that will affect their lives and others. Free-tuition colleges will also save more people from taking on expensive student loans that will loom over them, long after they have graduated. By releasing students from the clutches of student debt, they’ll be able to invest in their own futures, and stimulate the economy. While free community college might cost us right now, it will pay off for future generations, and the world we all have to share.
Educational opportunities need to be more accessible.”
ollege is something that was always expected. No one really knows why. It is something that is egged on to you from the moment you start elementary school or younger. College is one of the first stepping stones in becoming an adult. There are deadlines for everything from homework to financial aid. If you can’t become an adult in these small ways, why should free community college be your reward? Education is something that you earn with hard work, patience and perseverance. Some people, after graduating high school, choose to attend local community colleges instead of four year colleges because it is cheaper, more affordable, and closer to home. Public education, preschool through high school, is already funded by the state and taxpayers’ money. If community colleges were free, it would be funded about the same way and be easier to abuse the system. By abusing the system, students would show up to class only when they feel like it because they are not paying for it, compared to buying their classes and having the money go to waste. With little to no one showing up, instructors would lose their job and classes would be dropped. Leading to no community college. At Fresno City College, tuition ranges from $1,410 to $2,000, according to the college’s website. Some students qualify for the Board of Governors fee waiver that covers student class fees and some get financial aid. When you do the calculations, classes are free and you spend about half of your financial aid check on books and necessities. For those that don’t receive aid, it is expected of you to pay out of your
own pocket or take tons of student loans. Fresno State ranges from $5,000 to $6,000 in tuition excluding financial aid and scholarships. For those that don’t receive financial aid, the tuition comparative to a 4 year is a $3,000 difference, give or take. Community colleges are indeed a great way to save money, and is already at a discount. Preston Cooper, a research analyst for Forbes. com said, “Of degreeseeking enrollees in twoyear public colleges, just 12 [percent] go on to earn a bachelor’s degree 23 [percent] manage to earn a certificate or associate’s
Education is something that you earn with hard work, patience and perserverance.”
degree...that leaves 65 [percent] who have still not earned a credential.” With that little number, why should the government award everyone with free community college? It is not guaranteed that everyone attending will get a degree. Some people find out that college is not for them and go a different path. Some can agree that by the end of a semester, little to about half of the class stops showing or drops out. Students show up everyday to get a failing grade because they are expected to be there because of their parents or insurance reasons. From the moment you are accepted, college is something that you earn.
8.30.17 OPINION 9
Stop Trying to Make ‘White Pride’ Happen Julease Graham| Broadcast Editor
Is white pride racist? Since the violent protest in Charlottesville, Va. on Aug. 12, the country has been mired in controversy regarding the appropriateness of “white pride” movements and many young people of all races are questioning if the movement is misguided and divisive. The answer is yes. White pride is racist and divisive and a return to America’s ugly history. Those in support of white nationalism often use the “Why can’t I be proud of my culture” argument. Well, here are the facts. White is a skin color, not a culture. White Americans are not one single ethnic group. A pricey DNA spit test from Amazon can confirm that all white Americans are made up of several ethnicities and have roots that trace back to many different regions like Western and Central Europe. Therefore, white pride is being proud of the privileges and benefits that come with having “white” skin and not their ethnicities. “White culture” and “whiteness” are fake sociological concepts used throughout history to defend bigoted attitudes, and deny certain people groups from rights that are
guaranteed to others. Merriam-Webster defines pride as a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements and the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated. Since “white” is not a culture, white pride is being proud of the supremacy tied to the racial title. The term “white pride” supports a white supremacist agenda. Racists have used pride in “white” culture to justify their agenda. A 2015 Daily Dot article by reporter Matthew Rozsa focused on a Ku Klux Klan sponsored. billboard in Harrison, Ark., that read, “It’s not racist to love your people. www.” According to American historian Nell Irvin Painter, America started counting people as “white” in the first federal census. In a New York Times article, Painter writes, “the first federal census of 1790 enumerated three categories of white people (“free white males of 16 and upwards, including heads of families,” “free white males under 16 years” and “free white females”). That census also tabulated two other categories: “All other free persons” and “slaves.” Painter goes on to explain how what it means to be
white has moved from, “an unmarked default, to a racial mark.” In a racial justice blog called Race Files, activist Scot Nakagawa describes white inclusion as a bribe. “Inclusion in whiteness was a racial bribe, the accepting of which allowed Europeans previously trapped into lifelong poverty and class exploitation in Europe and the American colonies to enjoy social mobility,” Nakagawa said. Many groups that were viewed as non-white are now considered white. The boundaries of whiteness exist to exclude ethnic groups, not create culture. “White” is a racial category, a label, used to lift one group to supremacy. An American political system that equated race with nationality and class was built under white power. Enslavement, genocide and war were carried out in the name of white supremacy. We can no long hold on to terms that define our nation’s past. An American political system that equated race with nationality and class was built under white power. Enslavement, genocide and war were carried out in the name of white supremacy. We can no long hold on to terms that define our nation’s past.
If it’s the ‘Wrong Time,’ Then it’s Not the Right Person Alejandra Flores| Reporter
It’s breakup season, ladies and gentlemen. As summer comes to an end, relationships are following the same trend. Even famous couples like Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are splitting up. We also can’t forget the devastating breakup of singers Hayley Williams and Chad Gilbert, who were together for 10 years. One in three relationships end with, “It isn’t the right time for me.” Recently on Twitter, a poster asked, “You all believe in right person, wrong time?” That got me thinking— couples usually breakup for a number of different reasons, but wrong timing? It seems like an excuse to me. If a person truly loved their significant other, they wouldn’t want to let go of them even through difficult situations, regardless of the circumstances. If they were the “right” person, you’d do anything to have them in your life and have them stay. Otherwise, they weren’t the right person. Now picture this scenario— a couple splits up due to long distance. The boyfriend has gone to study abroad away from his girlfriend. The boyfriend breaks up with the girlfriend because he is too busy exploring a new country and doesn’t have time to stay in touch; he explains to her that it’s the wrong time to
be in a relationship. In this particular situation, if he truly loved her, the long distance shouldn’t affect the relationship at all. He would simply just need to fight harder through this tough time. In another scenario, a couple breaks up due to some very hard life situations the girlfriend is facing. She bluntly explains to her boyfriend that it’s not the right time and that she prefers to be alone at a time like this. If she truly thought that he was the “right” one, she wouldn’t want to let him go during a tough time in her life. Now, breaking up with someone due to dealing with hard stuff in life is perfectly fine, just don’t categorize them as being the “right” one. It seems as though saying “it’s just not the right time” is an excuse for not wanting to try or just taking the easy way out of a relationship. Ultimately, no one should use “wrong timing” as an excuse for breaking up a relationship with the “right” person. Be honest with your significant other. If you’re not happy, say something. If you’re just not feeling them, let them know. If there’s ever a “wrong” timing with the “right” person, then they were never the right person in the first place.
There are fine gremlins on BOTH sides.
Illustration/Frank Lopez
10 SPORTS 8.30.17
FCC defeated in-town rival Fresno Pacific University 2-1 in a friendly scrimmage Aug. 19 at the Fresno Pacific campus. Photo/Jorge Rodriguez
RAMS CONQUER LOCAL RIVALS Jorge Rodriguez | Sports Editor
The Fresno City College men’s soccer team defeated Fresno Pacific University 2-1 in a preseason scrimmage that had the Sunbirds hosting the Rams this past saturday night. The game was a special scrimmage that both teams wanted to win, with the scrimmage being three 30-minute periods agreed on by both teams to test out new and returning players. Both teams have been at the
top of their conference in recent years. This made for a very interesting game, even with it just being a friendly scrimmage. The first period was intense with both teams having several scoring chances, but not being able to convert any goals thanks to both goalkeepers who seem to be mid-season form. Beside the chances on goal from both teams, the game was played on midfield and with no real tactical advantage going for any one team. By the second period, the Sunbirds seemed to have full
control of the game, with the Rams playing defense most of the period. With 10 minutes left on the period, Sunbirds’ Gerardo Castillo hit a ball from inside the penalty box that got passed to the FCC keeper and put Fresno Pacific up by one goal. In the third and final period, FCC finally got things going. Within two minutes, forward Johnny Rodriguez scored the equalizer, giving the Rams more confidence to take advantage of the situation. Three minutes later, FCC scored again thanks to Alex Martinez, who got an
opportunistic shot past the Sunbirds’ goalkeeper. The game ended with FCC taking the victory, but both teams seem satisfied with having played a good game that will help both in their upcoming season. “It was a great scrimmage for us, just to be able to see some guys play against a quality opponent was good for us,” Rams coach Eric Solberg said after the game. ”First and third period we played really well, but second period we got disconnected and looked slow
on the ball. But for the most part, we got to see most of the players and this will help us make the final cuts.” He finished by saying, “I'm excited to see what this group can do, it will be an interesting season.” The Rams played their season opener against Santa Rosa at Lake Tahoe on Aug. 25 and will have their home opener on Sept. 8 against Los Angeles Mission College.
KYRIE IRVING— NOT SO CAVALIER? Michael Fulford | Reporter
Unequivocally, the city of Cleveland has experienced angst more than any city hosting a major sports team. In 2016, it had been 50 years since a Cleveland-based team won a championship. The Cleveland Cavaliers managed to dethrone the reigning champions in the form of the Golden State Warriors. For the better part of two decades, the Cavs seem to have landed in a wealth of fortune in the form of 2003 selection Lebron James. In 2011, following the free agent departure of James, the Cavs were fortunate to draft Kyrie Irving with the number one overall selection. After a few years as the bottom feeders of the league, James promptly announced his return to the Cavaliers in 2015. The team immediately reached three straight finals, winning one in 2016. With what seems as a bright future, why would Irving demand
to be traded away from a team with great success which holds arguably the world's active best player? Practically since his rookie season, Lebron has theoretically run the city of Cleveland and all things regarding the NBA. Much is said about James’ ability to make his teammates better, but rarely is this conversation about those not meshing with the likeness of James. Coupled with a tremendous knack for scoring and perhaps the best ball-handling ability in league history, Irving wants out. Following a five-game series loss to the Warriors in the NBA finals, Irving made it known of his desire to be traded. Sources close to him said that he has grown tired of James running the show regarding all team decisions. After multiple attempts, the Cavs found a trade partner in the Boston Celtics. The agreement would be the Cavs sending Irving in exchange for Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder, Ante Zizic and an unprotected first round pick in
2018 from the Brooklyn Nets. The hypocrisy in the NBA is amazing to anyone that follows its news. Just a year ago, Kevin Durant was crucified for making the decision to leave the Oklahoma City Thunder and sign with the Golden State Warriors. He was labeled as disloyal amongst other adjectives simply for exercising his right as a free agent. On the other hand, Isaiah Thomas tragically mourned the death of his sister and played in a playoff game for the Celtics two days later. (Well, I might add.) If he was able to put his emotions to the side for the sake of his devotion to the team, at what point does the responsibility of loyalty lie with the teams.
With Thomas being involved in the trade discussions for Irving, why aren't the Celtics being crucified in the same manner that Durant was? Why is it considered as just “business” when the franchise trades and makes decisions, but when the player does the same thing, pundits will question loyalty? In the event that the trade is completed (at the time of publication, no deal has been finalized), a few things are apparent. The Celtics will have a bonafide scorer that has the ability to manufacture his own offense or to create for others. Last year, they were lacking this ability despite the efforts of a 5-foot-9-inch Thomas. In return, the Cavs will be getting a defensive specialist in Crowder which
The Hypocrisy in the NBA is AMAZING TO ANYone that follows its News.
will take some of the burden off of James on that end of the floor. While not likely to have the same production of Irving, the combination of Thomas and newly signed Derrick Rose should at least fill the void of the departure. The Cavs are also protecting themselves in the event that James elects to leave in the free agency sweepstakes of 2018. By obtaining a draft pick courtesy of the Brooklyn Nets which is likely to be a top five product, the Cavs have the assets to acquire a franchise player to build around. For the caliber of player that Irving is, no team was better suited to reciprocate the level of talent that is requested than the Celtics were able to offer. The NBA world seems to be flipped upside down by the number of trades and formed “super team” trends. It remains to be seen if the this trade will pan out as beneficial for all parties.
8.30.17 SPORTS 11
Money beats notorious
Women’s Volleyball Serves An ACE AT GAZEBO GARDENS FUNDRAISEr Seth Casey | Reporter
Floyd Mayweather lands a haymaker on Conor McGregor during their highly anticipated fight in Las Vegas on Aug. 26, 2017. Photo/Getty Images
Seth Casey | Reporter
The world watched eagerly Saturday, Aug. 28, as two of the biggest names in combat sports met face to face, or rather, face to glove in Las Vegas. The challenger Conor McGregor, 29-year-old Ultimate Fighting World Champion, saw his debut in the world of professional boxing. The controversial, loudmouthed, light-middleweight Dubliner was first to enter the ring, as he paraded his way through the roaring crowd. Opposing the Irishman was the undefeated, 15-time world champion pugilist, Floyd Mayweather Jr., quite possibly the greatest pound for pound fighter in the last two decades. As the lights dimmed and the walk-up music began, Mayweather confidently approached the ring wearing a black ski-mask and a matching leather hooded tunic, embodying the self-appointed role of antagonist to the letter. The bout, which lasted nearly 10 full rounds, was far more entertaining than many predicted. McGregor came out swinging. Through the first three rounds McGregor threw nearly four
times as many punches as his opponent, doing his best to prove the legitimacy of his presence in the ring. Mayweather, one of the greatest defensive fighters to ever compete in the sport, took his time watching, pacing, and planning. By the sixth round Mayweather had seen all he needed, and began his offensive, showing the world why his dominance in the ring is undeniable. The fight ended in the tenth round when the referee pulled Mayweather off a wobbly McGregor, ending the fight by TKO. The fight although entertaining, did not shift the paradigm of combat sports as many had hoped, with an upset from the newcomer McGregor. With the sport of boxing seeming to decline in recent years, along with the rapid rise of mixed martial arts, it is no surprise the public would want to see the very best from each sport meet in a titanic super-fight. The fight itself however, was not the entirety of the performance. For the past several months both men proved why they are not only great fighters, but spectacular showmen. In a nationwide tour to promote the match, both
combatants took the stage together, trading insults and exchanging expletives, in a media circus that catapulted this fight to potentially be the highest grossing boxing event in history, at an estimated $700 million. After all is said and done, each fighter could make upwards of $100 million. To Mayweather, who has a net worth estimated at $650 million, Saturday night’s fight purse may seem a paltry sum. But to McGregor’s estimated $22 million net worth, the payday from the fight will be quite the deposit in his bank account. So the question is what lies ahead for these two warriors. Mayweather made it clear in the ring after the fight that he intends to retire completely from the sport of boxing. Not surprising considering the 40-year-old wants his 50-0 record to rest safely, and doesn’t foresee any financial obligation warranting he jeopardize it. McGregor’s future however, is slightly more uncertain. The Irish scrapper can choose to either return to his roots in the UFC, or continue trying to take the sport of boxing by storm. If the outcome of the match didn’t convince him to, maybe the paycheck will.
The Fresno City College women’s volleyball team raised funds and awareness about its upcoming season during a dinner at the Gazebo Gardens nursery on Aug. 23. The event, “Serving Up Success,” was coordinated by Kieran Roblee, the head coach of the team. It featured two food trucks and an Ampersand Ice Cream cart. “I just thought it would be a nice opportunity to connect with some of our local community,” Roblee said. Position coaches Hunter Knight and Nate Perez expressed their enthusiasm for the event, giving full credit to their head coach. “It’s her [Roblee] brainchild,” Perez stated. “Being our first event, we’re pretty happy.” Last season the team won the state championship and finished the year with a school record of 30 wins and only one loss. Now with the championship under their belt, the team is gearing up to defend its title. This year’s team will see the return of four players from last year’s championship ensemble, who are assuming their roles as leaders for their teammates.
Ally Cooper, now a sophomore, is one of the team’s veterans. “It’s definitely a humbling position,” said Cooper. “I’m excited to all fight together.” Learning their roles in the “fight” are the nine incoming freshmen, who say they are accepting their responsibilities on the team. Freshman Mandy Campise, one of the team’s new additions, noted the strength in the team’s relationship. “On this team, I feel like it takes everybody,” Campise said. “Everyone needs to depend on each other.” With their first game just around the corner, the team is settling into their positions and building the framework necessary to endure the season together, while they try and duplicate last year’s success. “Our coach always says that we have a target on our back,” Cooper said. “Every team is trying to beat us.” The team plays its first game on Sept. 1 in Sacramento, but their first home game against conference opponent West Hills College is on Sept. 20 on the FCC campus at 6 p.m. “They work really hard,” Roblee said. “We want to make sure they have a good experience.”
Portraits of the FCC Volleyball team during a fundraiser at the Gazebo Gardens on Aug. 23, 2017. Photo/Marco Rosas
NEW INTERIM AthLETIC DIRECTOR CHOSEN Jorge Rodriguez | Sports Editor
Fresno City College is looking for a new athletics director to fill, on a permanent basis, the position vacated by Eric Swain who ended his tenure June 30. Cam Olson, former football coach at West Hills College, is holding the position on an interim basis. Lorraine Smith, dean of the Allied Health, Athletics, PE Activities and Pre Professional division commented that the change in personnel comes at a time when the college is also making changes to the position of athletic director. In the past, the position was a faculty one, and the person in the role received release time to
Cam Olsen, the new FCC interim athletic director. Photo courtesy of Cam Olsen
perform the duties of athletic director. Now, the administration wants to make it a true director’s position with supervisory responsibilities. These changes will give the athletic director more administrative power to make more decisions that affect the department of athletics. The permanent athletic director will not be hired until the new duties associated with the position are fully defined. Smith also said that hiring Olson was a good decision, giving the administration time to properly look for a permanent replacement. “Our plan right now is to keep Mr. Olson throughout the whole academic year, and in the spring,
create a selection committee to do a search for the next athletic director.” Said Smith. Olson’s experience comes from collegiate coaching; he also has several years of operational and administrative experience. “Ram’s athletics is a significant contributor in our campus’s effort to serve our students and the community,” Olson said. With Olson’s hire and the expanded authority of the athletic director’s position, the college is moving toward building a better athletic program that can continue with the athletic success that made the Rams nationally recognized. Before his resignation in June, Swain had held the athletic director’s position since 2015. He
is now the director of athletics at Clovis Unified School District. Many were caught many off-guard by Swain’s departure, especially because he had only been in the position for two years. Smith said her office has received help from various coaches before Olson assumed his duties. She commended baseball coach Ron Scott who had served as an athletic director about 15 years ago. Olson said he expects to be a candidate for the full-time position. “Absolutely,” he said. “FCC is where I want to be.”
12 SPECIAL 8.30.17
Richard Ruz, right, with his daughter Isla. Photo/Ram Reyes
(ABOVE) Maya Najera, 8, and Petra Ramirez, 80, hold their signs amongst other protesters of all ages and color. (BELOW) From right to left, Mike and Julie Dana, Alicia Reyes and Cari Earnhart show their support against hate. The Danas are among the many FCC faculty that showed up during the rally. Others included the college president, Carole Goldsmith and history instructor Paul Gilmore. Photos/Ram Reyes
Gilmore said by teaching history, he sees how the social climate in the nation is mirroring the past. “My own view of history pretty much shows me that you have to stand up to hate when you see it,” Gilmore said. “If things are gonna change, people have to make them change.” He said events from the past show how people have “fought to make the world a better place, how the powers that be tried to keep them from doing it [and] how it takes the action of ordinary people to transform their world. That shows up all the time in history class,” Gilmore said. “It’s how things change a lot of the time. Not so much top down, but bottom up.” Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer mingled with attendees, and officers posed for photos during the rally. Dyer said the department was involved in the planning process for the rally, and his presence was to ensure nothing went awry. Barricades were set in place around the rally in hopes of preventing something like what happened in Charlottesville, where a woman was killed and 19 were hurt after a man allegedly drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters. “We want to keep a buffer zone
in case any counter-protesters came,” Dyer said, “but it also serves as a deterrent and protects the crowd in the event that someone, for whatever reason, intentionally or accidentally drove into this crowd.” Police monitored hate groups before the event, but had seen no evidence that any groups had plans to attend. “Sometimes they operate off the radar and we’re not aware until they show up,” Dyer said. Despite slight concerns, no counter-protesters showed up Saturday. In San Francisco and Berkeley, right-wing rallies scheduled to take place the same weekend were canceled after organizers feared it wasn’t safe for attendees, according to the Los Angeles Times. Despite this, large crowds in both cities still took to the streets, rallying and marching against white supremacy. In Fresno, “Counter Rally Against Hate” organizer Simone Cranston-Rhodes said she believes the right-wing rallies were canceled because of people like herself. “The many people who have worked hard to organize rallies to let white supremacist[s] know they are not welcome here have paid off,” Cranston-Rhodes said in a Facebook post. “I’m so proud of Fresno for stepping up for peace, love and unity.”