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Ramdiculous Page Angelo State 's Fines t Paper Since Fall 2006

What Global Warming?


Volume 2, Issue 4

February 23, 2007 Donkey Race Day

Included in this issue: Ram of the Week


Movie Review


Quote of the Week




Street Interviews




Who’s this?


Thoughts To Ponder


Last Issue’s Answers






Wasco’s Corner


What would you do if you married a soldier? What could you do, but to follow the gun? And what would you do if he died in the ocean? What could you do, but to marry again? Oh, and what would you do if the cows ate the clover? What could you do, but to set it again? Though these are all good questions, what do they have to do with the price of tea in China? Absolutely nothing. Who cares if the cow eats the clover? As I understand it, clover isn’t particularly tasty nor is it very good for you. Unless of course, it is a four leaf clover, but those are used to getting looked over. I overlooked one before. This idea that cows eat the clover has been part of a recent study of late by the committee assigned to look at global warming. As we all know, former Vice President Al Gore invented, among other things, global warming. He was an integral part of the issue being brought to the forefront of American thought. Why, then, is it only recently he has changed his tune and decided that global warming is a bad thing? Perhaps he has realized that polar ice caps are melting or that the world is not as friendly as it once was. Or maybe, just maybe, he has decided that global warming is bad because he wants to continue to be the one to “invent” the solutions to the worlds’ problems. I mean, where would we be right now if Al Gore had not invented the internet? No one would be able to keep in instantaneous contact with one another nor would we be able to mindlessly play games for days at a time. No, the reason global warming is bad now, according to Al Gore, is because the cows are flatulent. But is this really Mr.

Picture of the Week Wouldn’t You Like to Know...

Gore’s fault? This reporter thinks not. The cows, while a large contributor to the problem, are not the main reason for global warming. True, cows produce a large quantity of body heat and flatulence that radiates upward, but it is not their fault that they are alive. The reason so many cows are still alive is due to hippies. Not the hippies of days of yore that gave away free love and smoked an incredible amount of marijuana, but the new breed of hippie…the vegan hippie. Now, not to say that vegans are wrong in their beliefs, because, after all, this is America and to each his own, lest there be a lawsuit for a hate crime, but it is this new breed of hippie-ism that has brought on global warming. If it weren’t for the extremely fanatical vegans screaming for animal rights and protections, the cows would be less of a population on this earth because the carnivorous people of the world would be able to consume at will our bovine deliciousness. In turn, this eating of the cows would, logically, eradicate cow flatulence and alleviate a large part of the global warming phenomenon. This seems to make sense. Eating a cow kills it. If a cow is dead, there is no way for it to produce methane to expel from its bowels. Ergo, no more cow flatulence. The world is safe once again. If only it were that simple. The problem with eradicating the cows would only then lead to having to kill off more animals because someone would use another species as a scapegoat. Personally, I would vote for getting rid of the emus. They are slightly less tasty than their ostrich

Global Warming (dramatization) counterparts, but far more aggressive and mean. But if we did this, the world would have to go down the line until we killed off all species of animals. So, the Ramdiculous Page proposes this solution: let’s get rid of what really started global warming in the first place -- Al Gore. We could dump him off the side of an ocean liner or push him in front of a bus, then the world would be rid of his flatulence and verbal diarrhea. This would cause the world to cool down by leaps and bounds and we could still please both the carnivores and the hippies of the world**. -- Samuel Clemens ** This is a satirical piece and in no way represents true ideas about killing Al Gore++ ++Note above written so other papers will “get” the joke.

Strange Observances (holidays etc…) Saturday: National Tortilla Chip Day (mmm...Julios) Sunday: Feast of the Stinky Butts (guess I don’t have to shower) Monday: Sourdough Rendezvous (keep it a secret from the rye) Tuesday: Polar Bear Day (...hug one..?) Wednesday: Public Sleeping Day

Thursday: National Pig Day (clearly thought up by Arkansas fans)

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