Treating Psoriasis With Ayurvedic Medicines

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Treating Psoriasis with Ayurvedic Medicines

Fair complexioned guys are regarded with great respect whereas many people are challenged with natural development of new skin cells leading to thick patches of red, dry and itchy skin on the surface. Known as psoriasis, this chronic condition causes havoc. Many patients generally suffer from plaque type of psoriasis that shows signs of raised red patches that could be painful and itchy too. The other type of the disease is guttate psoriasis that could start in childhood or young adulthood. The third type is inverse psoriasis that leads to red lesions in the body folds. The fourth type is the pustular psoriasis that may lead to blisters and red skin. The fifth type is the erythrerodermic psoriasis that can develop over the entire body. Symptoms include widespread redness, pain, and severe itching. The major culprit behind psoriasis is the new skin cells that move to the outer layer of your skin before dead skin cells shed, triggering scaly skin patches. Other causes of this disease include genetic factors, bacterial infection, obesity, smoking, uncontrolled stress, use of certain medications, such as those used to treat bipolar disorder and high blood pressure etc. Treatment – Use of certain over the counter or traditional remedies may sometimes cause complications. That’s why many psoriasis patients now prefer taking the ayurvedic remedies. Made with the organic ingredients, these medicines are pure and treat the disease in natural manners. Adherence to the ayurvedic principles, good manufacturing practices and strict safety checks is the proof that the end users

receive these medicines in safe and intact manners. Patanjali psoriasis medicine is the best remedy for the patients that are at no risk at all. Home treatments – Swami Ramdev recommends taking fiber rich foods by including green leafy vegetables, milk, curd and whole grains in them. Abstinence from stale, junk and oily foods is good, says Ramdev. He suggests staying away from non-vegetarian diets, alcohol and smoking as they may aggravate the disease. The great healer, i.e. Swami Ramdev recommends use of Aloe Vera Cream to say NO to redness, scaling, itching and inflammation. Enriched with omega 3 fatty acids, fish oil supplements are also good for saying NO to inflammation, the major cause of this disease. Known as barberry, Oregon grape is the right answer to kill the symptoms of psoriasis, the dreadful disease. The great son of India, i.e. Swami Ramdev recommends taking baths on daily basis that helps removing the scales and calming the inflamed skin. Add bath oil, colloidal oatmeal, Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts to water and soak. Stay away from hot water and harsh soaps, which can worsen symptoms; use lukewarm water and mild soaps that have added oils and fats. Use of moisturizer by blotting the skin after bathing, then immediately applying a heavy, ointment-based moisturizer while your skin is still moist is quite helpful. It is good to expose the skin to small amounts of sunlight that can significantly improve lesions, but too much sun can trigger or worsen outbreaks. Why not try the most trusted Patanjali psoriasis medicine that works wonders if used regularly. Cheap pricing and free home delivery is the exclusive advantage.

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