RWYC 2019-2020 School Term Magazine

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School Term 2019-2020 August 19, 2019 - May 27, 2020 Hours of Operation: Member Hours: 2:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Ages 5 Years (Entering Kindergarten) –14 Years Pricing Temple Independent School District—$110/Month Belton/Academy Independent School District—$135/Month Ralph Wilson Youth Club is not a licensed day care. We are a recreational facility.

1515 S. 25th Street Temple, TX 76504 Phone (254) 773-9001 Fax (254) 773-4873

Transportation Services Ralph Wilson Youth Club will service the following schools for the 2019-2020 School Year:

Temple Independent School District All Elementary and Middle Schools

Belton Independent School District 

Charter Oak Elementary

High Point Elementary

Lakewood Elementary

Pirtle Elementary

Tarver Elementary

Academy Independent School District 

Academy Elementary School

Academy Intermediate School

Academy Middle School

Member Handbook OUR MISSION The mission of the Ralph Wilson Youth Club is to provide an organized and supervised environment which offers boys and girls the opportunity to share social, educational and recreational experiences regardless of race, color, or creed, as they develop their capacity to be self-sufficient and responsible members of the community.

OUR HISTORY The Ralph Wilson Youth Club evolved from the Temple Boys Club which was organized through the efforts of several Temple citizens in 1965. The previous building which was built and donated by Ralph Wilson Sr. in 1971 was demolished to make room for the I35 expansion through Temple. After an interim stay at Emerson Elementary, RWYC opened in January 2016 at a state-of-the-art, 47,000 square foot facility located at 1515 S. 25th Street in Temple.

REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Children must be at least five (5) years old and entering Kindergarten, and no older than age 14 and entering 8th grade to register. Re-enrollment is required for each new term. Any pertinent information that changes during the term must be reported to the business office. (254-773-9001 ex. 100)

Member Handbook FEES The membership fee for the School Term is $110/month per child for TISD and $135/ month for BISD and AISD. The first month is payable at the time of registration, with payment due on the first of each month thereafter. Accounts for which payment has not been made by the 15 th of the month are subject to suspension. RWYC accepts cash, checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover credit cards. Payment can be made over the phone with card, or in person via all methods at the office. RW Y C will not issue refunds for members dismissed or suspended for discipline reasons, members who do not provide the proper notice for withdrawal, or refunds for pre-registered activities that are missed. You are purchasing a membership to a recreational facility and can use the membership as much or as little as needed. A minimum of a 30-day notice is required before withdrawing from the club during school term. If a member wishes to withdraw from RWYC, but has attended during any portion of the month, they are responsible for making that month’s payment. There is a $30 fee for returned checks. Families who are delinquent in taking care of financial obligations may be suspended from the RWYC. A late fee of $1.00 per minute is charged for members picked up after 6:00 p.m. All late fees collected will be used to fund scholarships for RWYC members with financial issues. The late fee must be paid no later than the close of the following business day. Failure to pay may result in the member’s account being suspended until the balance is cleared.

CONFIDENTIALITY RWYC will maintain confidentiality and respects the family’s right to privacy. However, in the event that staff members are concerned about a child’s welfare, we must reveal confidential information to agencies or individuals who are empowered to act in the best interest of the child.

Member Handbook CHECK IN & CHECK OUT RWYC requires that all members check in upon arrival at the facility with their provided member number. Members must be checked out of the facility by an adult (18 years of age or older) that can provide the individual member’s check out card. This ensures that members are departing the facility with an adult who has permission from the family to check out the child. Check out cards will be administered on the members first day of attendance. Any changes to the pickup process must be communicated to RWYC prior to pick-up.

HOMEWORK ASSISTANCE RWYC provides help with homework after school in the study hall. For any questions please contact the Academic Director. Due to the number of students requiring assistance, we are unable to do individual reading with members.

DRESS CODE Clothes that promote or encourage the use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs by words, pictures, or slogans on them are not allowed. Clothes with large holes or tears made in them revealing skin or undergarments will not be allowed. Shirts and tops must cover midriff. Shoes must be worn at all times. “Heelie” shoes, house shoes, and slides are prohibited. No flip flops or sandals are allowed on field trips unless they are water related.

SNACKS Children can bring money to purchase items from the snack bar after school or bring their own snack from home. Members are encouraged to keep an account at the snack bar, so they do not have to carry money. A snack account can be created at the office. Snack bar funds may be paid with cash, check, or card (Funds may be loaded via a phone call to the office with card).

Member Handbook DISCIPLINE RWYC uses redirection, discussion, and “time-out” for discipline. If this does not correct the problem, other action will be taken. See Member Code of Conduct for more information.


Treat everyone with respect.

Respectfully follow the directions of all staff.

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Use all equipment and facilities safely and responsibly.

Walk in facility. Running is only allowed in designated areas.

Keep food and drink outside of building.


Members going on a field trip must leave and return with the club.

Field trips are a privilege and attendance on a trip may be taken away for misbehavior on a field trip or while attending the club.

Please do NOT drop off your child/children prior to the opening of our facility.

We strongly discourage bringing personal items, and we will NOT be responsible for lost items.

We maintain a Lost and Found. Items left over a week will be donated to local charities.

If a member is suspended and misses classes they are registered for, the classes will not be made up and the class fee will not be refunded.

Member Handbook POSSESSION AND USE OF PERSONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS DEVICES, INCLUDING MOBILE TELEPHONES For safety purposes, RWYC permits members to possess personal mobile telephones; however, these devices must remain turned off while in the facility, unless they are being used in approved areas for approved purposes. Staff may redirect members who have these devices out or in use in unapproved areas and for unapproved purposes. A redirection requires the member to put their phone away. Students may receive a disciplinary infraction for failure to comply with the redirection. Phones may be confiscated if members continue to keep the devices out after warnings, redirections, and other disciplinary techniques have been utilized. Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the RWYC Code of Conduct. Confiscated telecommunications devices will be returned at the end of the day. Confiscated telecommunications devices that are not retrieved by the member or the member’s parents will be disposed of after the notice. RWYC is not responsible for any damaged, lost, confiscated or stolen electronic device. The use of mobile telephones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in restroom areas while at RWYC. In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a member’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel.

POSSESSION AND USE OF OTHER PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Members are not permitted to use personal electronic devices such as MP3 players, video or audio recorders, DVD players, cameras, games, e-readers, or other electronic devices at RWYC, unless prior permission has been obtained. Without such permission, staff will ask for the items to be placed in the member’s backpack or collect the items and turn them in to the RWYC office. These items will be returned to the member at the end of the day. Staff may contact parents regarding the possession of the personal electronic device. In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a member’s personal electronic device may be searched by authorized personnel. Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the RWYC Code of Conduct. RWYC is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen electronic device.

Member Handbook RWYC VEHICLE RULES Observe the RWYC Standards for Member Conduct found in the Code of Conduct.  If the driver creates assigned seats, each student must sit in their assigned seat.  REMAIN SEATED and facing forward for the entire ride.  Be courteous, use no profane language.  Do not eat or drink on the vehicle, this includes water bottles, gum, and sunflower seeds.  Keep the vehicle clean.  Cooperate with the driver.  No tobacco or electronic/vapor smoking devices allowed on the vehicle.  Do not damage the vehicle or equipment. You will be responsible to pay for any repair or damages made to the vehicle.  Keep head, hands and feet inside the vehicle.  Do not fight, push or shove other students or the driver.  Do not tamper with the vehicle equipment  Do not bring pets/animals on the vehicle.  Do not bring flammable material on the vehicle.  Keep your hands and feet to yourself.  If it doesn’t belong to you, do not touch it.  Electronic devices can only be used if the driver allows them to be.  While exiting the vehicle, move at least 10’ away so the vehicle can proceed. Stay away from the wheels and watch out for moving cars! If you leave something on the vehicle, never return to the vehicle to get it. Ask a staff member to inform the driver that you left something. The driver may not see you come back and they may begin moving the vehicle. Also, if you drop something near the vehicle, get the vehicle driver’s attention from a safe distance before attempting to pick it up so they will know where you are. 

Member Handbook Chromebook and Desktop Technology Agreement Acceptable Use of RWYC-owned technology resources for instructional purposes may be issued to individual students. Use of these technological resources, which include the RWYC’s network systems and use of club equipment, is restricted to approved purposes only. In signing the final registration, members and parents are agreeing to following the rules and regulations found below regarding use of these RWYC resources. Violations of the agreement may result in withdrawal of privileges and other disciplinary action.

RWYC Technology Use Agreement 

RWYC’s goal in providing technology resources and Internet access to staff and members is to promote educational excellence in our club by facilitating collaboration, innovation, and communication. RWYC has taken precautions to restrict access to inappropriate materials. However, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials and any user may discover inappropriate information. The guidelines provided here outline the user’s responsibility to operate ethically, efficiently and legally using RWYC network resources. Any RWYC member violating these policies, posted RWYC and specific room rules, or state and federal laws, is subject to:  Suspension of user access to the system and/or equipment  Termination/revocation of the system user account  Other disciplinary action  RWYC Staff will make the final determination as to what constitutes unacceptable use. Their decision is final.  Responsible Use- The use of your account while at the club must be consistent with the educational objectives of RWYC.  Transmission and/or access of any material in violation of any club, state, or US regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or malicious or dangerous material.  Members will respect the intellectual property of other users and information providers and obey copyright guidelines providing proper citation. Members will not plagiarize or use others’ work.  The taking of unapproved videos/photos of people and events at RWYC and/or the posting of such on any website is strictly forbidden.  Use of RWYC technology resources for commercial activities, product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.  Members will not install any personal computer programs or applications on RWYC devices without permission.

Member Handbook RWYC Technology Use Agreement Continued 

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Security - Protecting personal information and network security are high priorities.  If you feel you can identify a security problem on the Internet, you must notify a staff member. Do not demonstrate the problem to other members. Vandalism - Vandalism is any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment, data of another user or any entity, or other networks that are connected to the Internet.  Internet vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. This includes, but is not limited to: the uploading or creation of computer viruses.  Hardware and software vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. This includes but is not limited to: modifying, damaging, or destroying equipment, programs, files, or settings on any computer or other technology resource. RWYC makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. RWYC will not be responsible for any damages including loss of data resulting from service interruptions, negligence, user errors, or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the member’s risk. RWYC specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of such information. The use of technology resources provided by RWYC is not transferable or extendible by members to people or groups outside RWYC and terminates when a member is no longer enrolled in RWYC. This policy is provided to make all members aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient, ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a member violates any of the User Terms and Conditions named in this policy, privileges may be terminated, access to the school district technology resources may be denied, and the appropriate disciplinary action shall be applied. The RWYC Member Code of Conduct shall be applied to member infractions. If a parent does not want his or her child to have access to the Internet or any other form of technology resources, the parent must notify the Club Director at RWYC in writing. RWYC may display a student’s work as recognition of student achievement. As a parent, if you do not want your child’s artwork, special projects, photographs taken by your child or images of your child to be displayed on the RWYC website, social media, in printed material, by video, or by any other method of mass communication, you must notify the Club Director in writing.

Member Handbook MEDICATION & ILLNESS A designated RWYC staff will be available to provide first-aid care in the event of an injury, and to assist a member with an illness that may develop while at RWYC. RWYC will document the administration of any first aid and contact parents if a member must be picked up from the facility due to an injury or illness.

First-aid/Injury: RWYC possesses basic supplies available for care of cuts/scrapes/bumps/bruises and other minor conditions. Minor wounds will be cared for with the basic method of clean and cover (washed with soap and water and bandaged as necessary). Splinting will be used as necessary for possible fractures and parents will be contacted immediately to take the child for further medical care. Parents/guardians will be notified of serious injury or health concerns requiring the child to be picked up. If deemed necessary, RWYC will contact emergency services.

Illness: If your child is found to have a temperature of 100.0 or higher, vomiting, or has diarrhea, you will be contacted to pick the child up. Please keep your child at home until these conditions are not present for 24 hours without the use of medications. Please also keep children at home for diagnosed contagious illness until a physician releases to return.

Member Handbook Lice: 

A parent /guardian of a child with live lice shall be notified by phone and advised to pick up the member for treatment. The child should be treated with an appropriate lice elimination shampoo before returning to RWYC.

Students with nits (egg sacks) down the hair shaft, as determined by the RWYC screener, will not be excluded from RWYC.

A child that has been excluded from RWYC for lice shall be readmitted to RWYC upon: 

Examination by the RWYC screener prior to readmission to RWYC.

The screener will assess for effectiveness of treatment and will readmit the student when no signs of live lice are present.

Ralph Wilson Youth Club Pillars of Excellence Academic Center of Excellence - Homework assistance - STEM Curriculum - Experience-based learning

- Chromebook lab for homework and school projects - Library stocked with a wide range of high-interest titles - Reading Fluency and Comprehension Intervention - Cooking Classes for all ages - Guest speakers - Altrusa Rockin’ Readers

- Community outreach projects - Computer lab for typing practice, research, coding, video production, and robotics - TEEN 101: building life skills classes for middle school members

Ralph Wilson Youth Club Pillars of Excellence Fine Arts Center of Excellence - Ceramic Classes - Cheer & Tumbling - Choir & instrumental music instruction

- Explore a wide range of art mediums & technics through various art projects. - Hip Hop Dance - Jiu Jitsu - Kindergarten and 1st grade Kids Club - Learn different life skills through Cub Scouts

- Theatre Arts - Weekly Impact Bible Club - Yoga

Ralph Wilson Youth Club Pillars of Excellence Athletic Center of Excellence - Basketball leagues - Skills development - Organized after-school activities

- Focus on teamwork and sportsmanship - United Way Bowl - Play areas for all ages and interests - Game rooms - Gym - Outside courts

- Outdoor playground - Skating rink - Teen lounge - Video game room

RWYC Sports Leagues

Volleyball Sign Up: July 29 -August 30, 2019 Practice Begins: September 2019 Games Played: September 2019 through November 2019 Basketball Sign Up: October 28 - November 22, 2019 Practice Begins: December 2019 Games Played: J anuar y 2020 through Febr uar y 2020 RWYC forms teams based on the school they attend.

Facility Rentals Birthday Parties Package Includes: 

Movie Theatre

Video Game Room

Game Rooms

Teen Lounge for Party Room

(Can substitute 1 gym court for Movie Theater)

Cost: $250 for 2 hours, plus $15/ hour staff cost (1 staff required for every 25 kids) Community Groups Meeting rooms and banquet rooms with A/V capabilities for groups up to 120. Rental prices vary by room and needs. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR AVAILABILITY PLEASE CALL 773-9001

Follow the link to signup for some of our awesome extra activities! rwycacademicsignup

Do not miss a thing! Follow us at:


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