I Can Use a Garden as a Tool
A social story of how to use a sensory garden
When I go outside, I see plants and gardens everywhere. There is grass on the ground, trees standing tall, flowers along the sidewalks, bushes, dandelions, and so many more plants.
All gardens look different. Some have plants with green leaves. Others have brightly colored flowers. Some gardens even grow fruits and vegetables that people can eat!
Gardeners are the people who take care of plants. They plant seeds in soil, and give the plants enough water to grow.
Gardeners have to be very patient and take care of the plants. Just like people, plants need food, water, and sun to grow.
In nature, gardens and plants can be great tools to help keep my body ready to do what I ask it to do throughout the day.
The sun, the grass, the dirt, and any plants can all be a part of my toolbox.
If I am feeling sad, angry, or overwhelmed, the garden can be my tool to help me feel relaxed.
If I am having a hard time keeping my body still, spending some time in the garden can help me stay calm.
Plants feel different. They can feel soft, smooth, sharp, or rough.
I can use a leaf of a plant like a fidget toy to help keep my body still or focus.
Another way to use plants as a tool is to help with deep breaths. Some leaves have veins or different shapes.
I can use my finger to trace the outside of a leaf, or along the bumpy veins to remind myself to take deep breaths.
Soil or dirt is what holds the plants to the ground. It gives plant's roots the chance to grow and gather the food and water it needs to stay alive.
Soil feels different when it is dry than when it is wet. This is a sign for how a gardener know what plants need.
Sometimes I have to take time to think about what my body needs.
Just like a gardener checks the soil to know if a plant needs water, I can take time to check what my body needs. A yawn is a sign that a body needs sleep. Tight muscles may be a sign to take a break or go for a walk.
It is my job to take care of my body.
Some plants feel different. Other plants have different smells.
Another way a garden can be a tool is to use it to explore smells. Smelling different scents can help bodies to feel awake or calm.
I can try smelling different flowers or plants and see how they make my body feel.
Another way to use a garden as a tool is to quiet my body and listen. Gardens can be filled with lots of sounds. I might hear the grass blowing in the wind or birds singing. Wind chimes may blow and make beautiful sounds.
If I am quiet, I can hear many different things in the garden.
Plants come in many shapes and sizes. It can be fun to see the rainbow of colors in a garden.
Sometimes gardeners prefer that people explore their gardens with their eyes only. This helps keep their garden looking beautiful.
If the gardener says it is ok, I can pick flowers to feel, smell, or food to taste.
There are many ways that I can use a garden as a tool.by Mia Massaro, OTS