Rainbow News

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Volume 6 - Issue 2 - September 2011

L A I R EDITO Seven years and still going strong! And I am not just talking about EQUAL

women face in the rural areas. We are also grateful to WDP for believing in EQUAL

GROUND’s 7th Anniversary, I am speaking about the 7th Annual Colombo PRIDE

GROUND’s abilities to conduct such a program. We are now looking to continue

celebrations which took place this year from 1st to 11th July. As always, we went

the program next year if we can raise enough funds to do so.

all out to arrange nothing but the best in entertainment and education for the several hundreds that turned up for all the events. As we do each year, we strive not

This year we focused the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

only to entertain but to promote provocative thought processes and discussions

(IDAHO) on Religion and Homophobia. A discussion was held in collaboration with

which ultimately will lead to the kinds of changes we wish to see in this country for

the International Center for Ethnic Studies (ICES) which included a Buddhist monk,

the LGBTIQ community. Read more in the special Colombo PRIDE section in this

an Anglican Priest and an Islamic scholar. It was a very interesting and lively


discussion and debate which brought about a lot of food for thought on this issue. This year too, foreign missions, INGOs, NGOs, CBOs and individuals raised the

A very important part of Colombo PRIDE this year was the Business Forum held at

rainbow flag in solidarity of IDAHO.

the British High Commissioner’s residence. It was thought provoking and eye opening not just for us, but also for the numerous high powered business leaders

Step by step, EQUAL GROUND continues to make important strides in mainstream-

that attended the forum. We felt this was a giant leap in the right direction – to bring

ing LGBTIQ issues and creating awareness on the discrimination, marginalization

on board the business community to exact changes in their arena so that eventually

and violence faced by our community in this country. We honestly feel that with the

LGBTIQ persons in the workplace will be more secure and less afraid of being

interventions we present, there will be change, all be it slowly… but steadily.

themselves at work. We hope too, that this will also lead to the business community being on board with us to somehow exact change in the legislature as well.

Being LGBTIQ is not abnormal, nor is it a problem if you address your sexuality as a normal, healthy, human manifestation. We need to have a bigger voice – in

The 14 month program we conducted with Women Defining Peace (WDP) was

unison – to make the changes we wish to see. Only then can we all enjoy the

extended till August 25th 2011. We are, of course, quite sad to end this project as

freedom and respect we crave to have. Remember… it takes a village!

we made enormous strides in collecting data and educating rural women on

Happy Pride!

addressing violence against rural lesbian and bisexual women in Sri Lanka. One of the results of this project is a report on homophobic violence and hate crimes which is a ground breaking publication for Sri Lanka. Sensitising and educational Workshops were held in 4 districts – Anuradhapura, Nuwara Eliya, Kalutara and Galle. A special counseling hotline was established for women callers and case studies were gathered from each of the districts. The analysis brought out common threads of violence, depravation, mental anguish and self hatred amongst the women whose stories we gathered. We are grateful to the 10 satellite officers who worked tirelessly with us alongside our staff to bring to the open, the violence LB 01

Rosanna Flamer-Caldera


THE ACTIVIST “I am proud because I know that EQUAL GROUND is making a difference. I feel like I am part of the family” RAINBOW NEWS Interview with Kemone Brown

What inspired you to become an LGBT activist? I would have to say it was due to the fact that I worked hard to be a good student to

Is there anyone else who supported you to come out and through this

the point that I was up for prefect even head girl. I kept my grades up so I was on a


role. Then at age fourteen I got into a relationship with my classmate who was of

As I said I never had to ‘come out’. I’ve never had the experience of me trembling

the same calibre with regards to being smart and all of that. When other people

and going to friends and family and saying ‘oh am gay’ and all of that, I just never

found out about our relationship it was very tough. We were called in for counsel-

have. It’s always more an issue of “oh am dating so and so, what do you think” and

ling and I remember my teacher saying ‘be heterosexual’ and all of that and it got

that question always meant what they think of the person and nothing more really

to me in the sense that I thought it was wrong and I was going to fix it. So I took it

and for me it’s always been whatever you decide to do with it after really doesn’t

up with the ministry of education and all of that. It was a rough ride in the sense that

affect me.

the things people were saying and the way the teachers were handling it was just insane.

I must say though that I have always had the support of my family. My mother at first was a bit standoffish but then that didn’t even last a week. So for me it’s always

I remember telling everyone just how unfair it was. And for me at that young age I was worried about others and how they would take it you know; like the bullying by older boys and everything. I mean I was in a class on the top floor I was always wondering you know, what if it was someone else? Would they crash under the pressure and jump? So the fact that I was discriminated against because I was a lesbian was really rough. The discrimination though was only to a point. I remember within our class room it wasn’t the same. We were a very close group and we would study, eat and do everything together and they didn’t see the fact that I was a lesbian as a down fall. So that was a plus. They gave a lot of support and I think it made me realize that homosexuality was seen as something bad widely. I remember thinking that people have to realize that I am as human as anyone else was. I also remember thinking that I didn’t want anyone to go through all the nonsense that I had to go through. I mean I tapped into the positive part of it; the support from my classmates and all of that. But then I also knew that others wouldn’t deal with it the same way

been more about just being yourself, being true to who you are just being yourself in front of other people regardless of what they may think. It’s always been about being the true me in all sense you know. I must also say that I have always had the support of my siblings. Even my baby sister who’s been a part of this for the past ten, eleven years - she’s always been supportive. She refuses to befriend anyone who’s homophobic and she makes it a point to tell all her friends “listen my sister is gay”, which I find very liberating, so that has also kept me going. At home we’ve always been taught that your family is what really matters and once you have them to hell with everyone else and I live on that. In your country as in Sri Lanka, people use arguments such as culture, religion and tradition to promote homophobia . How did that affect you? Well we do have section 365A with a different name; section 377 and we are bound by that law. I don’t know how love can be a matter of legal and illegal. There’s always the issue of what culture says and all of that; you know in South Africa I hear “what’s African”, “what’s not African” and all of that and apparently homosexuality is un-African. On the issue of religion; on every corner in Jamaica there is a church

and it could all end in a bad way. So with the realization that people can change their

and most of them are on a mission trying to get rid of homosexuality. So I guess

negative thoughts towards homosexuals, and also realizing that Jamaicans could

this all has shaped my life; I was Christian when I was growing and I stopped being

become less and even free from homophobia I decided to move to Kingston to form

Christian for many reasons. For me I do believe in a supreme being which might or

part of the LGBT movement there. So right after High School I took off. I read about

might not be Jesus Christ or whoever but that supreme being he, she or it contin-

JFLAG and the work they were doing and I wanted to become part of that. I knew that

ues to shape my life and this is who I was to become and that’s what I am. I have

I could make a difference so I found JFLAG and decided that it would be my way to

never allowed other people or their religious beliefs to dictate that. So all this has

get that chance to make the difference I want to. JFLAG is a non profit trust working

influenced my life in that it has dictated how other people view me, my sexuality

to advance human rights for LGBT people in Jamaica. Under JFLAG there is Women

and sexual orientation and my whole life I guess but it hasn’t really had any bearing

for Women; I have sat on this board over the years in different roles.

on my life directly. Other people’s ideas and ideologies don’t affect me it never has. 02

RAINBOW NEWS Any special memories from working with JFLAG?

once I wrapped my head around it and accept that ok this is someone else’s reality

We were a family and we cared for each other. People could call each other up with

and that it does happen it was then a challenge to articulate it; it was to know how

problems and to share their joy and everything else with each other. We would

to bring it across to members of society and to get them to also be angry about it

always go out and mostly I liked Callalloo Vibes though I don’t smoke it was always

and get them to think of the wrongness of all of it. I wanted to do that, I wanted to

something I looked forward to. It was a lot of fun from the monthly discussions to

get people to understand that this is what people are going through, for someone

the monthly birthday celebrations. It was just real. If it was your birthday and no

in government or even from a village in Nuwara Eliya to pick it up and feel the

one else celebrated it was for sure that at the end of the month it would be

women’s pain and realise that they need to do something about it and put a stop to

recognised in the group we’d have cake cutting sing ‘happy birthday’ for the ladies and all that. And the singing was just hilarious I must say we weren’t very good singers which made it even more fun. How did you get involved with EG? Wow, I have been asked this question like a hundred times since I have been here. Well I met Rosanna in 2009 in Denmark at the World Out Games in Copenhagen. I

all the madness and pain that these women were going through. I mean it’s not right and I want people to care for them to accept that it’s wrong and that it’s not something we should sit with and just accept. So, how was I going to do that? I wanted to get that from the booklet. So how I was going to do it was very challenging and from time to time I just wanted to get people’s ideas and for people to just say whether or not they are getting it so I bugged Rosanna continuously and Dilshan and even you, Damith. I mean writing about Sri Lanka you need a Sri Lankan’s perspective.

was a speaker she was on the Advisory Panel and all of that. So we met and had dinner and exchanged contacts and have been in touch since. We’ve had a very

So its been challenging but it’s been worthwhile. So if someone just picks up the

good friendship and a good working relationship; we are both very passionate

booklet and gets it, it will be enough. I mean when laws change it will be progress

about a lot of the same things. So last year she asked me to speak at the Youth

but for me it’s important to change minds and hearts and that is what I always aim

Conference which formed part of PRIDE 2010. I came and I guess she was still

for; just for people to understand that LGBT people are human beings. I mean it will

impressed so this year she asked me to author a book on violence against LB

be good for people to just respect each other; to say that I am not Muslim but I

women and I happily obliged. I think EG is doing fantastic work and I like being part

respect Muslim Women’s rights - period. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t affect you

of it even if it’s simply voluntarily. So I am here working on the booklet as well as presenting at the one day workshop. So tell us a bit about the booklet and what challenges you faced preparing it and what you think of the Sri Lankan situation. For starters I must say that there are some things that I just couldn’t wrap my head around. For the past two years I have been writing about lesbian and bisexual

world where everyone feels welcome. I mean it’s an ugly feeling to walk into a room and see everyone’s nose turned up at you and for anyone to go through their entire life feeling like that is just wrong and we shouldn’t allow it to happen. Tell us about your experience with the workshop. The workshop for me was an amazing experience. I remember my last workshop for Colombo Pride, I was going through a lot medically and I just don’t feel that I did

women in Jamaica who face rape and discrimination based on their sexual orienta-

my best so I wanted to do an all out Kemone on this one. I wanted to learn and

tion; and that has been an uphill battle. So even with this there are things I can’t

share and both my goals were met. A lot of people were satisfied and I was very

understand. You know, to think that human beings can be so cruel to each other

satisfied. I mean planning the workshop and all you wonder is; is it right? Am I

and treat each other in such inhumane ways; is just rocks my nerves. When I have

planning it correctly? But the end result for me was amazing. I was humbled

to look at the violence facing Sri Lankan women and see the different aspects of it

because even with the group work they all just got the nudge in it and did so well

then compare it to what happens in Jamaica it just so strange. In Jamaica where I

and I learnt so much and am sure they learnt so much also from each other so in

am from, outright it would seem that LB women are more acceptable and all of that

essence I was really satisfied. It was just awesome. I was able to understand how

and that’s really due to how women are viewed. I mean we are seen as sexual

people really feel about the issues and it was satisfying.

objects and for a man a woman being bisexual, (most really don’t understand the concept of lesbianism) is his biggest chance to get a threesome. So in that regard there is a lot of sexual violence facing lesbian and bisexual women in that they are often raped. But here in Sri Lanka to see how the woman’s sexuality is controlled and dictated especially by family and the ways in which this is done is just shocking and very painful. It is shocking because I still can’t understand how families could be so cruel to each other. For your mother to give you to some man


directly, I mean it affects people and that should be enough. We want to live in a

Any advice or message I don’t know if I can exactly say how Sri Lankans should act, but one of the things that I have noticed from being here is that I really value the EG family because what I see is a group of people thats are committed, a group of people that wake up every day and come to work to get it done and for me that is superb. The work EG is doing is necessary and people are doing it without hesitation even if their own sexual orientation isn’t affected or illegal under the laws of Sri Lanka. I get up every day

she doesn’t even know simply because she doesn’t want you to be with a woman

and come in to this office and I am proud because I know that EG is making a

is just painful; I mean your mother is supposed to protect you. For me that is

difference. I just wish that other people would see the work EG is doing and want

painful especially coming from a family where we are so protective of each other;

to be a part of it. When I come here I feel like I am part of the family and when I see

you know where if your toe gets bumped your family is there to make it all right. For

other people come into the EG door I see them being treated like just another

me to see that amongst families is just hurtful. I can’t imagine someone restricting

family member that has come home. I just wish people would just come forward

my movement and that’s what a lot of Sri Lankan LB women face; families locking

and say how they can help or how they wish to be helped rather than stand aside

them in the house and all this madness. I would have died; I think I would have

and critique. With a united voice changes can be made and if everyone could just

killed my own mother for that. So it was challenging to understand all of that. Then

understand that before you know mind and hearts have changed along with 365A

RAINBOW NEWS and people’s welfare is taken care of. I see for example Lakmali going out in the

Anything to contribute in the future?

field and the reaction she gets from the community is amazing and this is a straight

I think for me as an Activist I must always be where I am needed and that includes

woman working on LGBT issues. I mean she won’t benefit directly but it affects the

being in Sri Lanka when I’m needed. I’ve always said to Rosanna whatever I can do

society in which she lives and so she tries to rectify it and this is amazing. So for

to help just let me know and I’ll get it done. So when I’m needed here in Sri Lanka

me the message is that you don’t have to be of the LGBT community to even come

I’m willing and ready to act.

in and volunteer with EG all you need is the drive to make a difference. People just need to come out even to Pride and all of that I mean no where does it say that EG only caters for LGBT people so everyone should get involved.

THE ARTISTE Interview with


RAINBOW NEWS INTERVIEWS AUNTIE NETTA ON PRIDE 2011 Tell us bit about your Sri Lankan life as well as your life in London? Where do you feel most at home? For sure I feel most at home in the Sri Lanka, men! Otherwise! Some nice things about the London – um… like the zumba class I am putting a dance at! Otherwise can be a bit the lonely men there! People not so friendly! Especially on the tube ekker! I like to give people hugs but they don’t like it!

Why did you decide to perform at Colombo PRIDE 2011? Well I wanted to support Colombo PRIDE! It is a good cause and great at getting

Who is auntie netta? Tell us how and when did you decide to become

awareness out to people! It is a time of inclusion of groups and individuals and I

auntie netta?

and auntie netta definitely wanted to and will support Colombo PRIDE!

I think actually she decided it was time to come out of the cupboard and I had no choice in the matter

How do you feel about the event and the experience as auntie netta LIVE in Sri Lanka? Did you feel you were able to address the issues facing

Tell us your international experience as auntie netta? About your shows,

LGBTIQ persons here in Sri Lanka and did you think the audience

TV chat shows, responses of international audiences etc.

absorbed, appreciated, and were accepting of the issues?

Well she began on Youtube and a site called funnyordie.com and she became

I think auntie made the audience feel comfortable to hear and respond to the issues

popular. A theatre company in the UK called Tamasha theatre have been encourag-

we were trying to discuss! I think perhaps she too got carried away a little, but there

ing me to write a show for the theatre. I did that and at the beginning of this year

were some good messages and opinions that came out of the show!

they optioned the script and are now producing the show ‘auntie netta’s Holiday For Asylum,’ which we will debut at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. A stand up

We are still struggling with how to sensitize the community on LGBT

organization for female comediennes also took me on to perform at the Royal

issues. It seems the media in Sri Lanka is bit afraid of talking about LGBT

Festival Hall for International Women’s Day. I think auntie translates well both here

issues in a positive and constructive manner. What is your view on how Sri

and in the UK. She’s not just your typical Asian auntie she is your typical auntie any

Lankan Art and Media can be or should be used to sensitize people on

where in the world!

LGBT issues and its importance? 04


I think as I said before it is about inclusion! I was really impressed at the business forum and how the community took the topic away from sexisim in the work place to the fact that the issue at hand was about sexual identity! I would definitely push for further workshops next year for leaders in business and their human resources teams to make them aware of these issues and laws in other countries and policy making in the work place with regards to sexual identity! You have a very large fan base here within the LGBTIQ community. Do you have a message for them? It really does make mine and auntie netta’s heart soar to feel the love and warmth we received from the LGBTQ community! We both are great supporters of the community and our pure and simple message to anyone be they gay or straight is to never give up on your dreams! Do you have anything/any message/any comment about Colombo PRIDE 2011 I LOVED IT! From the films to the parties and the Kite festival! I have missed out on it every year and it was pretty special to be part of it this year and get to perform too! Do you have anything/any message/any comment regarding the work of EQUAL GROUND? EQUAL GROUND tirelessly advocate and educate about LGBTQ issues and I truly admire you guys! I would love one day maybe to work with you guys in a small way for a project! 05


lúhla iy lúfhla

biqre;a tlal lshùu biqre pdur fidauùr z;dKavjZ kñka w¨;a lú fmd;la m%ldYhg m;a lr we;' ;dKavj lshkafka fudlla o@ ;dKavj fmd; w;g .kakd úg uf.a is;g ke`.=Kq m<uq m%Yakh thhs' ;dKAvj hkq Ysj foúhka úiska mj;sk f,dj úkdY lr kjf,dalhla ks¾udKh lsrSu i`oyd kgk k¾;khhs' biqref.a lú fmd; uu uq, isg w.g lshejQfhñ' mj;sk f,dj úkdY lrkakg fkdj" ;sfnk f,dj ;=<u" ;sfnk foh ;=<u" w¨f;ka hula olskakg l< W;aidyhla f,i ;dKavj ye`oskajQjdg jrola ke;' biqref.a fmd; ;=< iufifkyi .ek l;d flfrk lú lsysmhla o we;=<;a j ;sìKs' fï lú .ek ksoyfia l;d lrkakg biqre yuqjkakg we;akï lshd ys;=fka lú fmd; w;g .;a ojfiauh' b;ska ud biqreg ÿrl:k weu;=ula f.k Tyq yuqjkakg fj,djla .ek weiqfjñ' biqre ta fj,dfõ ysáfha W;=relf¾h' tfya yrshg mdhk nj;a" riakh bjikakg wmyiq nj;a biqre ud tlal lSfõh' biqre lú ,shkakg" l;d ,shkakg fï ;rï ymfkla jQfha flfia o@ uu biqre;a tlal nr lhshlg jegqfKñ' biqref.a lú we;=f<a ;j;a lú we;' ta lú we;=f<a biqref.a cSjk lúh we;' biqrej yïnfjkakg ud hkakg ál ojilg fmr f*aia nqla peÜ tflaoS uf.ka biqre fufia weiqfõh' ux' ' ' yïn fjkakg weú;a m%fhdackhla ;sfhaú o@ ux mqxÑ fld¨ .egfhla fmdä fmd;la ,shdmq''' udj yïn fjkak weú;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= lv jqfkd;a''' tfyu ysf;kjd kï kEú;a bkak''' uu fufyu W;a;r ÿkafkñ' l;d lrkakg fohla ke;slu ;uhs Tnj yïnfjkakg ;sfhk''' f,dl=u iqÿiqlu fï rfÜ f,dl= f,dl= Woúh yefudagu we;s f,dl=u iqÿiqlu l;dlrkakg fohla ke;s lu lS fofkla hkjd o@ Tjqka yïn fjkakg tksid uu;a tkakï

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RAINBOW NEWS fõú o@ ksosl=ïnd lgqjla jf.a uf.a ys; mErs" mErs cSú; ld,hla ;sfhaú' fï lúfh ;sfhkafka ta fo.sähdj' kuq;a oeka uf.a ;SrKh ksYaÑ;hs' —wjeisuo ug Tnj @ Tfí fmu ;ksj hd yels fkdfjo fï .uk @ ^;dKAvj ( .uka i.h - msgqj ( 30&

biqre fm!oa.,slj fï lúfmd;ska jvd;au leu;s lúh fudllao@

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—uqyqfoa wreu .ek lshjhs fmdä ,sysKsfhla osrd .sh Tre l`olg Tre l`og yrs yskd˜

ug ys;=kd —;ksju hkak fkdyels o fï ^cSjk& .uk˜ lsh,d' ;uka újdy fjkafku ´kd" wdorh lrk flkd tlal tlg cSj;a fjkaku ´kd lshk foaj,a fjkia fjkak mq¿jka fkao@ wdorh wjYHhs' ta;a l=gqïN.; ùula ke;sj ;kshu cSj;a fjk tl fyd`ohs lsh,d ux fm!oa.,slj ys;kjd'

iïmQ¾K lúhu fumuKh' fuys f;areu l=ulaoeZhs ug f;arefka ke;' uu ysia oEiska hq;=j biqre foi ne¨fõ fï úldrh ug f;arefka ke;s nj lshkakg fuks'

—ùkia''' Tn i;=j ke;''' uy o msrsuosk w;a''' kej; msg;g hkúg me<`o .kakd f;la t<sfhka ;nd wdfjñ iqmqreÿ fjia uqyqK''˜ ^;dKAvj (kqyqre we;s Tng - msgqj (43& fuys Tn ùkia lshk ixfla;fhka woyia lf<a l=ula o@ ùkia lshkafka wdorhg" w,xldrhg wêm;s frdau foõÿj' tfy;a weh b;d ,iaikhs' iudch fndfyda ÿrg ,iaik .eyeKshla iu. cSú;h .; lsrSu n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' ùkia lshkafka ta .eyeKsh lshk ixl,amh' ùkia m%;sudjg w;a keye' uyo msrsuosk w;a keye' ta ksid uu ùkia w;yer ^uyo msrsuosk w;a we;s& fjk;a flfkla <`.g hkjd' ta;a yeu;siafiu iudchg hk fldg ux fjiauQKla od .kakjd" ta nj yx.kak' wk;=rej ysi ;nd uf.a Wrysi u; f,dl= l÷¿ ì÷ j.=rhs k;rjk f,i b,a,k uf.a wejá,s fkd;ld fudfyd;lska w÷frys jeks jekS w;=reoka fjhs''' ^;dKAvj (tla;rd ñ;=frla -msgq (70-71& biqre" fï ztla;rd ñ;=rdZ lshkafka okakd w÷kk flfklao@ Tõ" tal;a wkqrdOmqf¾ ysgmq ojiaj, fjÉp fohla' ztla;rd ñ;=rdZ oj,ag uf.;a tlal l;d lrkafk;a ke;s ;rï' mdfros oelal;a fkdoelal jf.a hkjd' ?g fyd`ogu fndkjd' î,d ux bkak ;ekg tkjd' weú;a ug fkdfhla foa lshkjd" iuyr fj,djg w`vkjd' ljodj;a wdorhla .ekj;a" ,sx.sl ye`.Sula .ekj;a újD;j l;d lrkafka keye' ta;a ug ys;=kd" fï tkafka ta foaj,a lshd .kak ners lug o lsh,d' ta;a wms ljodj;a tjeks fohla l;d lf<a keye' /fhys ñ;=frla jqk;a" Tyq oj,ag kkakd÷kk mqoa.,fhla jf.a' fï lúh ,shejqfKa ta ñ;=rd .ek' 07

i÷ka lshk lúh we;a; isoaêhla o@ Tõ" tal we;a; isoaêhla' ta ojiaj, ux bf,laIka ähqá ysáfha' fnd/,af, ykaosfha os ;%Sù,aldrfhda j.hla jg fj,d ia;%S we÷ñka ieriS isá ixl%dka;s ,sx.sl ;reKfhlag .eyqjd' ug tA wjia:dfõ tal kj;a;kak ´k jqKd' ta;a ug lsisu fohla lrkak nersjqKd' miafia ug ux .ek uy jroldrS ye`.Sula oekqkd' ta ye`.Suhs ud ta lúfhka bosrsm;a lf<a'

^;dKAvj( Trejla iy

,sysKsfhla - msgqj( 85&

biqre ug tys f;areu lshd ÿkafkah' fmdä ,sysKshd uqyqog w¨;ah' osrd .sh Trel`ola hkq uqyqfoa lrla .id cSú; ld,hu f.jd uqyqo .ek fyd`oskau okakd flfkls' Trel`og ,sysKshl= úiska uqyqfoa wreu .ek lSu yskd hk jevls' —ux biqre tlal biqref.a lúj, wreu lSu;a ta jf.ao@˜ ug kslug fuka ys;=Ks' idlÉPd lf<a( oñ;a pkaosud,a


POETRY - lú - ftpij

Once a young woman asked me, “How does it feel to be a man?” And I replied,

Mere Baba(My father)

"My dear,

My father,

I am not so sure.”

everyone says my appearance resemble yours.

Iftikhar Nasim, one of the most unique Urdu poets of our generation was born in Pakistan and settled in America. He is the first openly gay poet of Urdu. ‘Mere Baba’ [My father] is an emotional verse about a gay man seeking answers for his alternative sexuality. The poem should

“Well, aren’t you a man?”

My eyes, my forehead, my lips,

And this time I replied,

my accent, the way I talk,

“I view gender

sit around, the way I walk;

Iftikhar Nasim

Then she said,

As a beautiful animal That people often take for a walk on a leash

movement of my hands,

And might try to enter in some odd contest

everything is like yours only.

To try to win prizes.

I have heard that

”My dear,

the son is the heir of his father’s lineage.

A better question for Hafiz Would have been,

A question comes to my mind.

“How does it feel to be a heart?”

If I am exactly like you

For all I know is Love,

be read in the context of Indian sub-continent where declaring

then why my sexual preference is

one's homosexuality is risky as it is in direct conflict with the

so much different from yours?

And I find my heart Infinite And Everywhere! Hafiz, a 14th century Persian Sufi poet

culture and community.

b*a;sld¾ kiSï hkq W¾ÿ niska ;ukagu wkkH jQ ffY,shlska ,shk lúfhls' Tyqf.a uõìu mlsia;dkh jk w;r oekg wefursldfõ mosxÑj isà' W¾ÿ lúhka w;r m<uqfjkau újD;j iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek ,shQ lúhd Tyqh' —fïf¾ ndnd ^uf.a mshd&˜ hkq ;ukaf.a úl,am ,sx.sl;ajh ms<sn`o ms<s;=re fidhk iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hl= ms<sn`o jk ye`.Sïnr lúhls' fï lúh lshjoaoS iu,sx.sl;ajh" ixialD;sh yd ckiudch iu. iDcq wr.,hl fhfok ,xldj" bkaoshdj" mlsia;dkh jeks bkaoshdkq Wmuyoaùmhg wh;a rgj,aj, ikao¾Nh .eko is;sh hq;=h'

,g;jpfhu; e]Pk;> ghfp];jhdpy; gpwe;J mnkupf;fhtpy; trpf;Fk; ,tu; vkJ fw;fhyj;jpy; thOk; kpfr; rpwe;j cUJf; ftpQu;fspy; xUtuhthu;. mj;Jld; jd;id Xu;ghypd <u;g;ghsd; vd ntspAyfpw;F fhl;ba Kjy; cUJf; ftpQUkhthu; “NkNu ghgh” (vdJ je;ij) vDk; ftpijj; njhFjpahdJ> Xu;ghypd <u;g;Gs;s xU kdpjd; mtdJ khWgl;l ghypay; czu;TfSf;F tpiliaj; NjLk;; Xu; czu;r;rpAs;s ftpijj; njhFjpahFk;. ,f;ftpahdJ> Xu;ghypd <u;g;ghdJ r%f> fyhr;rhu tpOkpaq;fis Neubahf rPu;Fiyf;Fk; r%f fl;likg;Gf;F xt;thj xU Mgj;jhd tplak; vDk; fUj;J Kuz;ghLila ,e;jpa kw;Wk; ,yq;if> ghfp];jhd; Mfpa ehLfspYs;s midj;J jug;gpduhYk; thrpf;fg;gl Ntz;ba kpfr;rpwe;j ftpahFk;.

;d;a;d jf.a kï''' ;d;af;a''' yefudau lshkafka tfyuhs ux yrshgu ;d;a;d jf.au¨ uf.a weia" uf.a k<," uf.a f;d,a ux ni yiqrejk whqre ux l;dlrk whqre jdä fjk whqre weúosk whqre uf.a oE;a tyd fuyd hk whqre ta yeufohlau;a Tn jf.auhs" ;d;af;a'''

ux wid ;sfhkjd mq;d hkq mshdf.a mrmqf¾ Wreulre m%Yakhla kef.a ud is;g uu yrshgu Tn jf.a kï uf.a ,sx.sl leue;a; fjkia jQfha wehs Tfnka@

vdJ je;ij vd; je;ijNa! vy;NyhUk; nrhy;fpwhu;fs;> vdJ Njhw;wk; cq;fisg; Nghd;Nw ,Uf;fpwjhk;. vdJ fz;fs;> vdJ new;wp> cdJ cjLfs;> ehd; cr;rupf;Fk; tpjk;> ehd; fijf;Fk; Kiw> ,Uf;Fk; tpjk;> elf;Fk; tpjk;> vdJ iffspd; mirTfs; mj;jidANk cq;fisNa xj;jpUf;fpwjhk;. ehd; Nfs;tpg;gl;bUf;fpNwd;> kfdhdtd; jd; je;ijapd; guk;giuf; Fzhk;rq;fisNa nfhz;bUg;ghndd;W. mg;gbahapd;> vt;thW vd;Dila ghypay; tpUg;G kl;Lk; cq;fspdpd;Wk; kpfTk; tpj;jpahrg;gl;lJ?

(,g;jpfhu; e]Pk;.) 08


EQUAL GROUND Blaj,a .%jqkaâ mqj;a

<f;Fty; f;nusz;l; nra;jpfs; Blaj,a .%jqkaâ .ñka .ug

f.k .sh .ukl u;l igyka'''

Blaj,a .%jqkaâ miq.sh 2010 jif¾ § wkqrdOmqr" kqjrt<sh" l¿;r iy .d,a, hk osia;%slalhka y;frka úfYaI jHdmD;shla osh;a lrk ,oS' fuu ft;sydisl jHdmD;sfha uqLH wruqK jQfha —.%dóh iu,sx.sl yd oaú,sx.sl ldka;djka uqyqKmdk ysxikhka wOHhkh iy f,aLk.; lsrSuhs˜'

jQy' iyNd.s jQ ish¨u fokd osk folla mqrdu /`oS isàu fuysoS olakg ,enqKq úfYAI lreKls' Tjqka i;= fmd; mf;a oekqu b;d iSñ; jqjo jevuq¿j w;rjdrfha úúO ud;Dldj,g wkq.; fjñka m%Yak wiñka" l=vd lKavdhï f,i idlÉPd lrñka" úúO l%shdldrlï lrñka b;du;a Woafhda.fhka lghq;= l<y'

fï i`oyd m%dfoaYSh ixúOdk 5la wm yd w;aje,a ne`o .;ay' Tjqka yd iïnkaO fjñka fï jk úg osk fofla jevuq¿ 16 la wm ksud lr we;' tu jevuq¿ u.ska ia;%S$mqreI iudcNdjh" ,sx.sl;ajh" ,sx.sl keUqre;djh iy ldka;d ysxikh ms<sn`oj .%dóh ldka;djka 400 fofkl= muK ±kqj;a lrk ,§'

tys isá ldka;djkaf.ka fndfyda fofkla cSú;fha úúO m%Yakj,ska mSä;" wirK .eñ ldka;djkah' Tjqkag ;u Ôjk .eg¿ yd wNsfhda.;d uOHfha fkdie,S bosrshg hdug yelsfõ hehs fmr fkd;snQ úYajdihla yd ffO¾hhla Tjqka ;=< f.dvke.S we;s nj jevuq¿j wjidkfha oS fndfyda fofkla wm iu. mejiQy'

fuu jevigyka ud,dfõ wjika jevuq¿j miq.sh cqks ui 01 iy 02 hk oskhkays wkqrdOmqr" ;srmamfka b;d ÿIalr .%dóh m%foaYhl mj;ajk ,oS' ;srmamfka - w,f.d,a,.u ud¾.fha w;s ÿIalr .uklska miq wod< ia:dkhg <`.d ùug wmg isÿ úh' miq.sh iufha .xj;=r ksid b;d wn,ka ;;ajfha ;snQ tu ud¾.fha yjia jk úg j,a w,shka .ejfik m%foaYhla neõ m%foaY jdisyQ mejiQy' b;du;a oeä ÿIalr .uklska miq Blaj,a .%jqkaâ lKAvdhu wod< ia:dkhg <`.djQ úg .ïjdiSka wm flf¾ olajk ,o ms<s.ekSu wfma úvdj ixisÿjk ,oS' b;du;a wju myiqlï uOHfha .fï úydria:dk N+ñfha fuu jevuq¿j iQodkï lr ;snqKs' jevuq¿jg odhl ùug Tjqka ;=< jQfha oeä lemùuls' jevuq¿jg iyNd.S jQ wh w;r fmd,sia ldka;dfjda fofofkla o 09

wmf.a wrdOkdjlska f;drju iafõPdfjka bÈßm;a jQ ldka;djla ia;+;s l;dj l< w;r weh m<uqfjkau jevigyk fufyhjQ os,aIdka uy;dg yd ,laud,s fufkúhg ia;+;s m%ldY l< w;r Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wdh;khg iy tys wOHCIsld frdiEkd *af,au¾ l,afoard fufkúhg o úfYaIfhka ia;+;sh m< lrk ,oS' wmf.a lghq;= w.hñka wm fj; iyfhda.h ,nd ÿka tu úydria:dkfha kdhl yduqÿrejka jykafiag;a wm ia;+;sjka; jk w;r" fuf;la wm l< jevuq¿ id¾:l f,i ksu lsrSug Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wdh;khg iyfhda.h ,ndÿka ish¨u wdh;k yd mqoa.,hka ish¨ fokdgu wjidk jYfhka wms wmf.a yomsrs ia;+;sh mqo lsrSug leue;af;uq'


Commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) EQUAL GROUND, Sri Lanka commemorated IDAHO on the 16th and 19th of May

leading Sunday English publication who had no issues about running a simple

this year. A “Raise the Rainbow Flag in solidarity” campaign took place with foreign

advertisement asking people to “Say NO to Homophobia”.

missions, NGOs, CBOs and Individuals raising the rainbow flag on 16th May. In addition the same campaign urged Facebook users to change their profile pictures

On 19th May 2011, EQUAL GROUND collaborated with the International Center for

to a rainbow flag. IDAHO Posters were distributed and exhibited in many places

Ethnic Studies (ICES) to host a panel discussion which was held at the auditorium

(foreign missions, shops, hair salons, NGO offices etc) in Colombo and in Kandy.

of ICES entitled: Religion, homosexuality and homophobia. Over 60 persons attended the event which was the first of its kind in Sri Lanka.

IDAHO Advertisements were given to the leading dailies for publication. Unfortunately, on the day against homophobia and transphobia, homophobia raised its

The Buddhist clergyman spoke of how tolerant and understanding Lord Buddha was

ugly head when the English and Sinhala dailies belonging to one of the larger

about homosexuality. He spoke of how the Buddha was asked by his followers on

newspaper groups in Sri Lanka refused to publish the ads saying it was illegal to

how he viewed homosexuality and he replied that if a man and a man wished to get

‘promote’ homosexuality. The Tamil daily did publish the advert however. Notwith-

married there was no problems with that, likewise if a woman and a woman wished

standing this, EQUALGROUND contacted another newspaper group who agreed to

to get married this too was permissible. He was very clear to state however that any

publish the English and Sinhala advertisements in their Sunday and daily paper.

kind of sex, including masturbation was not permissible for those ordained as

The Sinhala advert ran on Wednesday 25th May and the English Advert was to run

monks. The Christian priest and Islamic scholar spoke on the Koranic and Biblical

on Sunday 29th May 2011. However once again, this particular newspaper group

interpretations on homosexuality – which in itself leaves no room for any interpre-

also had issues after the Sinhala advert was published and then refused to publish

tation other than that what is preached in mosques and churches around the world.

the English advert on Sunday.

A lively question and answer session followed.

Once again, EQUAL GROUND was able to reschedule the advertisement in another

Rainbow flag displayed at Goethe institute

Homophobia posters on display

Panel discussion



frk l f d ; l .ek ¿ g e . a i fky i f u i gh h S m % ; Ñ ,dxl h u d flá jd¾; z365 taZ jd¾;duh Ñ;%mgh zfi,shqf,dhsâ foaÿkqZ fld<U wNsudkh 2011 iufifkyia Ñ;%mg m%o¾Ykfha oS by< m%;spdr ,nhs' mquqL fmf<a foaYmd,k{hkag" kS;s úYdrohkag yd foia úfoia rdcH ksfhdað;hkag fmkaùug lghq;=

<.oSu iQodkï'

kj udOH yd ikaksfõok tallh

fuu jHdmD;sh Blaj,a .%jqkaâ udOH yd ikaksfõok tallh u.ska Organization For Visual Progression lshk wdh;kh;a tlal tl;= fj,d lrk jHdmD;shla' Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wdh;kh fï jif¾ § tys udOH yd ikaksfõok lghq;= fjkqfjka fjkuu tallhla wdrïN l<d' foaÿkq mqj;a m%ldYhg m;a lsrSu muKla fkdfjhs ;j;a fndfyda jev ta yryd isÿ flfrkjd' tajdfha m%;sM,hla f,i Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wms iufifkyia m%cdj iu`. fukau ckudOHfõ§ka" úúO jD;a;slhka" foia úfoia rdcH yd rdcH fkdjk ksfhdacs;hka iy jHdmdßl m%cdj iu.;a b;du lsÜgqfjka jev .Kkdjla bosrshg ie,iqï lr ;sfnkjd' ñka tlla jkafka fï flá Ñ;%mghhs' iufifkyia .eg¿ .ek l;d flfrk úfoaYSh flá Ñ;%mg fldmuK ;sfhkjd o@ ,xldfõ meje;afjk iufifkyia flá Ñ;%mg ±laul È jqk;a wmsg ;ju;a fmkajkak fj,d ;sfhkafka úfoaYSh flá Ñ;%má' —msgrgj, fufyu m%Yak ;snqkg ,xldfõ ñksiaiqkag fïl m%Yakhla fkfuhs fkao@˜ lsh,d flfklag ysf;kak mq¿jka' ta jf.au wks;a w;ska iudch úiska fldka lrk ksid" yskd fjk ksid we;s jqKq ,eÊcdj;a" nh;a ksid iufifkyia mqoa.,fhd;a ;ukaf.a we;a; Ôú; l;kaor fï f,dalfhka yx.df.k ÿflka Ôj;a fjkjd'

fï flá Ñ;%mgh lrkak ys;=fka wehs@ fï flá Ñ;%mgh iufifkyia ck;dj uqyqK mdk .eg¿ .ek l;d lrk tlla' iufifkyia mqoa.,hka .Kkdjlf. ÿlanr i;H Ôjk l;kaor .Kkdjla fuys wka;¾.; fjkjd' iudcfhka" mjqf,ka Tjqkaj fldka lr,d' Tjqka ;ukaf.a Ôú; l;d ldgj;a lshd .kak nerej wirK fj,d' ljqre Tjqkag nekak;a" .eyqj;a" ;=jd, l<;a wvqu .dfKa fmd,Sishlg j;a hkak neye' iuyrekag fï ksid riaidjlgj;a hkak neß ;;ajhla Wod ù ;sfnkjd' iuyre lshkjd iufifkyi tfyu ke;akï iu,sx.sl;ajh widudkHhs lsh,d' ta;a iufifkyi fyda iu,sx.sl;ajh fkfuhs widudkH' Tjqkaj fï whqßka fldka lr,d" riaidjlg hkak neß ;;ajh Wod lr,d" uq¿ iudchu Tjqkag nksk tl iy .ryk tlhs widudkH' fï .ek l;d lsÍug flá Ñ;%mg jeks udOHhla fhdod .ekSu b;du m%fhdack fjkq we;ehs wms l,amkd l<d' fudllao fï 365 ta @ oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 365 iy 365 ^w& j.ka;sh hgf;a iufifkyig kS;suh ndOd .Kkdjla ;sfnkjd' fï 365 j.ka;sh j¾I 1883 § bx.S%iSka úiska mekjQ tlla' we;a;gu 365 11

j.ka;sh iufifkyi m%;sfCIam lrk j.ka;shlg jvd .=o ud¾.sl ixi¾.fha fh§u je/Èhs lshkak yomq tlla' tal ksid fïl msßñ msßñ w;r ,sx.sl in`o;d ;ykï lsÍug fhdod .;a;d' miqj 1995 § fïl ixfYdaOkh lr,d ;j;a j.ka;shla we;=¿ lr ;sfnkjd' ta 365 ^w& j.ka;sh' ta j.ka;sh yryd .eyeKq fofofkla ,sx.slj yeisfrk tl;a ovqjï Èh hq;= ldrKhla f,i kS;s fmd;g we;=<;a l<d' fldfydu;a m%isoaêfha ´kEu flfkla ,sx.slj yeisfrkjd kï tal je/Èhs' ta jf.au <ud wmpdr lrkjd kï tal;a je/Èhs' ta;a kshñ; jhia iSudj blau jQ jeäysá fokafkla tlg Ôj;afjñka ;ukaf.a ksok ldurh ;=< ;u leue;af;ka lrk ,sx.sl yeisÍï kS;s fhdod md,kh lrkak neß nj;a" fmd,Sish úiska flfkla ;ukaf.a ksok ldurfha lrk foa mrSCId lr n,k tl m%dfhda.sl fkdjk ldrKhla nj;a ´kEu flfkl=g f;afrk fohla' ta;a tjeks ldrKhla fya;=fjka lsishï flfkla Tjqkag nekak;a" .eyqj;a" ;=jd, l<;a" urkak yeÿj;a wvqu .dfKa fmd,Sishlgj;a hkak neß ùu we;a;gu ÿl ysf;k ldrKdjla' fofofkla wdorfhka cSj;a ùu wmrdOhla fkdjk ldrKh fuys§ kS;sh úiska f;areï .; hq;=hs' tfiau flfkl=f.a ,sx.sl Ôú;h Tyq fyda wehf.a /lshdjg" iudc iïnkaO;dj,g" wd;au f.!rjhg ndOdjla fkdúh hq;=hs'

RAINBOW NEWS kuq;a fï flá Ñ;%mgfha fmkS isák whg kS;suh .eg¿j,g uqyqKmdkak isoao fjhso@ fï flá Ñ;%mgh ;=< Èjhsfka m%isoaO kS;s{fhla iufifkyi iïnkaOj we;s kS;suh iSudjka iy isÿúh hq;= kS;suh fjkialï .ek l;d lrkjd' tfiau fuys ffjµ úoHd;aul me;a; .ek tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkhg wkqnoaO ffjµjrfhla l;d lrkjd' Bg wu;ßka ;ukaf.a Ôú; l;d bÈßm;a lrk iufifkyia msßñ" iufifkyia .eyeKq iy Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj, idudðlhka .Kkdjla fuu Ñ;%mgh ;=< ;ukaf.a w;a±lSï .ek l;d lrkjd' Tjqkag lsisÿ kS;suh .eg¿jla we;s fkdjk mßÈ Tjqkaf.a fm!oa.,sl;ajh" wkkH;djh ryis.;j ;efnk mßÈ wm Wmrsu mshjr f.k ;sfnkjd' wksla w;g flfkla ;ukaf.a udkj whs;sjdislï .ek l;d lsÍu" ;ukaf.a wdor l;kaorj, ñysß fyda wñysß u;lhka wjÈ lsÍu" flá Ñ;%mghla yryd th t<s ±laùu kS;shg mgyeks ldrKhla fkdfjhs' ,xldj jf.a ixialD;shla we;s rgl fï jf.a Ñ;%mghla lsÍu m%dfhda.sl o@ Y%S ,xldj jeks rgl fï ldrKh l;d lsÍu idïm%odhsl mej;=ï we;s ngysr rglg jvd myiqhs' YS% ,xldfõ nyq;rhla woyk wd.u jkafka fn!oaOd.uhs' th ñksiqkaf.a fm!oa.,sl ksoyig b;du .re lrk wd.ula' wd.u" cd;sh l=ula jqj;a" l=uk ,sx.sl;ajhlg whs;s jqj;a ysxidldÍ ,sx.sl yeisrSï fyda /jàula

ksid fyda wleue;af;ka isÿjk ,sx.sl yeisÍï wms wkqu; l< hq;= keye' tfiau <ud wmpdr jeks oeh;a wms wkqu; l< hq;= keye' lsisu foú flfkla fyda wd.ñl Ydia;Djrfhla fofofkla wdorh lsrSu je/os hehs lSfõ keye' thg ia;%S mqreI fNaohla wjYH keye' lsisu flfkla wdorh lrk flkd wkqj fldka l< hq;= hehs lSfõ keye' wfma rfÜ ñksiaiq <. fjk ldg;a jeäh ukqiailu ;sfhkjd' fïl we;af;kau ukqiailu ;sfnk ñksiaiqkaf.ka iufifkyia m%cdjg;a ukqiailñka i,lkakh lsh,d lrk b,a,Sula' fuu Ñ;%mgh fu;ekska tydg f.khEug mshjr fudkjdo@ fï jir w.§ fuu flá Ñ;%mgh mquqL fmf<a foaYmd,k{hkag" kS;s úYdrohkag yd foia úfoia rdcH ksfhdað;hka .Kkdjlg fmkaùug wms ±kgu;a lghq;= iQodkï lrñkqhs isákafka' úfYaIfhkau fï wh w;f¾ fï iïnkaOj l;sldj;la we;s lsÍug;a iufifkyia m%cdjg;a wfk;a ñksiqkag fukau iudkd;au;djh;a" idOdrK;ajh;a ysñ úh hq;= nj;a Tjqkag ta;a;= .ekaùug wms n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' fï yryd iufifkyia m%cdj fldka lsÍug fya;=jk fujeks kS;s" kS;s fmd;ska lgq .d oukak wjYHhs lshk mKsjqvh kS;s iïmdolhka fj; f.k hdug wm úfYaIfhkau n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' rpkh - oñ;a pkaÈud,a

iu,sx.sl" oaù,sx.sl" ixl%dka;s,sx.sl" ia;%Skaf.a yd mqreIhkaf.a udkj whs;sjdislï fjkqfjka mqrd jir y;la wñ, fufyjrla bgqlr Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wdh;kfha i;a jirla mQ¾K ùfï ux.,Hh W;al¾Ij;a wkaoñka miq .sh cQks 10 jeksod tu wdh;fkaoSu meje;ajqks' fï i`oyd wdh;kfha ish,qu fiajl fiaúldfjda o" wdh;kfha Ndrldr uKav,h iy wdh;kfha iafõÉPd idudcslfhda o iyNd.s jQy' W;aijh iji yhg muK wdrïN jQ w;r b;du fm!oa.,sl iSó; wdrdê; msrsilg muKla iSud jqks' fuf;la ÿr Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wdh;kh wd .uk .ek idlÉPd lsrsuo" i;a jirla mQ¾K ùu ixfla;j;a fldg foaÿkq flala lemSu o W;aijfha m%Odk wx. úh' foaÿkqq flala tl lemSu Blaj,a .%jqkaâ wdh;kfha wOHlaIljrsh frdiEkd *af,au¾ l,afoard w;ska isÿjq w;r thg wdh;kfha Ndrldr uKav,fha idudcsldjlao frdiEkdf.a ifydaorsho jk geñ *Af,au¾ l,afoardo" wdh;kfha oS¾> ld,Sk fiajlfhla jk ld¾hd, l<uKdlre ksyd,a fiakdr;ak o iyNd.s jQy' bka wk;=rej ish,q fokd m%S;s f>daId k.ñka m%KS; wdydrmdk ri úkao w;r wdh;kfha i;a jirl fufyh fjkqfjka ish i;=g yd iqNdYsxik m< l<y'




ru;tNjr nra;jpfs; UN passes gay rights resolution by Jessica Geen for Pink News 17 June 2011, 2:03pm The UN Human Rights Council has passed a historic resolution calling for universal

lesbians, was attacked by the Nigerian envoy for “breaking the tradition of African

rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. This is the first time the body has

group”. The envoy also claimed that 90 per cent of South Africans oppose the

passed a resolution which focuses specifically on sexual orientation and gender


identity. More opposition came from some Arab states and the Pakistan envoy, speaking on The resolution, which passed 23-19 with three abstentions, “affirms that all human

behalf of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, said the countries were

beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to

“disturbed on the attempt to focus on certain persons on the grounds of their

all the rights and freedoms … without distinction of any kind”.

sexual interest and behaviour”. Introducing the resolution, South Africa said that it “does not seek to impose values

It was introduced by South Africa, which was accused by some other African

on states, but seeks to initiate dialogue”. The resolution also commissions a study

countries of siding with the west over the issue.

on anti-gay discrimination and violence and establishes a panel to look at the issues.

South Africa, which recently pledged to tackle an epidemic of ‘corrective rapes’ on

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkh iufifkyia whs;sjdislï iïuq;sh iïu; lrhs' ^fciS .%Ska" mskala ksõia" uehs 17 2011& tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj whs;sjdislï ljqkais,h iu,sx.sl" oaú,sx.sl yd ixl%dka;s ,sx.sl mqoa.,hka i`oyd iudk whs;sjdislï i`oyd jk c.;a iïuq;sh m%ldYhg m;a lr we;' fuh tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkh úfYaIfhkau ,sx.sl keUqre;djh yd ia;%S mqreI iudcNdjh ms<sn`o wkkH;djh úfYaIfhka b,lal lr.;a iïuq;shla we;s lr .;a m<uq wjia:dj fuhhs' fuu iïuq;sh iïu; lr .ekSu i`oyd Pkaoh úuiQ wjia:dfõ idudcslhkaf.ka 23 fokdf.ka 19 fofklau mCIj Pkaoh m%ldY l< w;r" ;sfofkla Pkaoh oSfuka je,lS isáhy' fuu iïuq;sh úiska —ish¨u ñksiaiq ksoyfia bmÿky' lsisÿ fjkilska f;drj iudk udkj .re;ajhla o iudk udkj whs;sjdislï o Tjqka ish¨ fokdgu ysñh'˜ hkak iy;sl flfrkq we;' fuu lreK uq,skau bosrsm;a l< ol=Kq wm%sldjg iuyrla wfkl=;a wm%sldkq rdcHhka ork u;hg úreoaO fjñka ngysr rgj,a ork u;hg mCImd;Sj lghq;= lsrSu iïnkaOfhka iuyrla wm%sldkq rdcHhka úiska fpdaokd lrk ,oS' uE; oS iu,sx.sl .eyeKqka zksje/os lsrSfï ,sx.sl n,yd;aldrlïZj,g ,la lsrSfï jHikh keje;aùug m%;s{d ÿka ol=Kq wms%ldjg —wms%ldkq iïm%odh ì`o oeóu˜ iïnkaOfhka khscSrshdkq 13

ksfhdacs;hd úiska fpdaokd lrk ,oS' tu ksfhdacs;hd ;jÿrg;a m%ldY lf<a 90]lau wm%sldkqfjda fuu iïuq;shg ú/oaO njhs' jvd;au úreoaO;ajh meñKsfha wrdì rchhkaf.ka jk w;r mdlsia;dk ksfhdacs;hd bia,dóh iuq¿j ixúOdkh fjkqfjka l;d lrñka mejeiqfõ —lsishï msrsilf.a ,sx.sl reÑl;ajh yd yeisrSu ms<sn`o ie,lSu ksid rgla jYfhka m%Yak .Kkdjlg uqyqK fokakg isÿjk njhs'˜ fuu iïuq;sh y÷kajdfoñka ol=Kq wms%ldj m%ldY lf<a ta yryd —rgj,a i`oyd nf,ka iudc yrhka tl;= lsrSula lrkakg fkdj" fï iïnkaOfhka l;sldjla we;s lsrSug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk njhs˜' fuu iïuq;sh yryd iu,sx.sl úfrdaë fjkiafldg ie,lSu iy m%pKav;ajh ms<sno wOHkhla i`oyd fldñiula o ta ms<sn`o .eg¿ i,ld ne,Sug uKav,hlao m;a flfrkq we;'


I.ehtpy; epiwNtw;wg;gl;l jd;dpdr; NrHf;ifahsH cupikfSf;fhd jPHkhdk; %yk;: n[rpf;fh fPd;> gpq;f; nra;jpfSf;fhf 17[_d; 2011> Mz;> ngz; jd;dpdr;NrHf;ifahsHfs;> ,UghypdH kw;Wk; ghy; khwpatHfSf;fhd cyfshtpa cupikfSf;fhd tuyhw;W rpwg;Gkpf;f jPHkhdj;ij I.ehtpd; kdpj cupikfs; Nguit epiwNtw;wpAs;sJ. ghypay; mikg;G kw;Wk; ghy;epiy milahsk; vd;gtw;wpid Nehf;fkhff; nfhz;L kdpj cupikfs; Nguit epiwNtw;wpAs;s KjyhtJ jPHkhdkhf ,J fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. %tH thf;fspg;gpy; ,Ue;J tpyfp epw;f 23f;F 19 vd;w mbg;gilapy; “midj;J kdpjHfSk; Rje;jpukhf gpwe;J fz;zpak; kw;Wk; cupikapy; rkj;Jtj;Jld; ,Ug;gJld; vJtpjkhd NtWghLk; ,d;wp> midj;J cupikfs; kw;Wk; Rje;jpuj;jpw;Fk; cupj;jhdtHfs;” vd;gjid typAWj;jp ,e;j jPHkhdk; epiwNtw;wg;gl;lJ. njd;dhgpupf;fhtpdhy; mwpKfg;gLj;jg;gl;l ,e;j jPHkhdk;> Nkw;fj;ija ehLfSf;F Mjuthd rpy Nkw;F Mgpupf;f ehLfshy; vjpHf;fg;gl;lJ. njd;dhgpupf;fh> ngz; jd;dpdr; NrHf;ifahsHfs; kPjhd ghypay; td;GzHr;rp mjpfupg;gjid rkhspg;gjw;F mz;ikapy; cWjp G+z;lJ. ,jd; %yk; “Mgpupf;f kf;fspd; gz;ghL rpijTWtjhf”

ie[Pupa J}jH Fw;wQ; rhl;bapUe;jhH. ,e;j jPHkhdj;jpw;F 90 tPjkhd njd;dhgpupf;fHfs; vjpHg;G njuptpg;gjhfTk; mtH Fwpg;gpl;bUe;jhH. muG ehLfs; kw;Wk; ghfp];jhd; Nghd;w ehLfSk; ,jw;F vjpHg;Gj; njuptpj;jd. ,];yhkpa khehl;bd; epWtdj;jpd; rhHgpy; fUj;J njuptpj;j ghfp];jhd; J}jH “ghypay; tpUg;gk; kw;Wk; elj;ijapd; mbg;gilapy; Fwpg;gpl;l egHfs; njhlHgpy; ftdQ; nrYj;Jtjpy; jlq;fy; Vw;gl;Ls;sjhf” Rl;bf; fhl;bdhH. jPHkhdj;ij rkHg;gpj;j njd;dhgpupf;fh> muRfspd; kPJ tpOkpaq;fis Rkj;Jtjw;F jhk; vjpHghHf;ftpy;iy vdTk;> ciuahliy Muk;gpg;gjw;F vjpHghHg;gjhfTk; Fwpg;gpl;lJ. jd;dpdr; NrHf;ifahsHfSf;F vjpuhd ghugl;rk; kw;Wk; td;Kiw vd;gd njhlHgpy; fw;if xd;iw Kd;ndLf;fTk;> Fwpj;j tplaq;fs; njhlHgpy; tprhupg;gjw;F FOnthd;iw epakpg;gJ Fwpj;Jk; jPHkhdk; gzpf;fpd;wJ.

kdJf;F epk;kjp ePq;fs; md;G nrYj;JtJ ngz;nzhUtUf;fh? MnzhUtUf;fh? my;yJ Mz;> ngz; ,UtUf;Fkh? cq;fs; ghypay;epiy tpUg;ghdJ> cq;fSf;F gpur;rpidahf ,Uf;fpwjh? ePq;fs; ghypay; khw;wkile;j xUtuh? ,itfis ahuplKk; nrhy;y KbahJ jdpikg;gl;Ls;sPu;fsh? ,ufrpaq;fs; KOikahfg; ghJfhf;fg;gl;L> kdJf;F Gj;Japuspf;Fk; ,ytr MNyhridr; Nrit. thuhe;j ehl;fspy;

fhiy 9.30 - khiy 5.30 kzptiu njhiyNgrp : 011- 5679766 / 5734530



KOLLEK THE KELLEK THE? If you look at me, would you think I was a man even though I don’t have 5 o’clock shadow? Would you look at my ample breasts and my rather womanly backside (read getting larger by the minute!) and think yes, this is a man? Even though my face is girly and cute and even though I wear several earrings – would you still think I was a man? Yes, I do wear what some could call masculine clothing but what I call androgynous… the same clothes that some very feminine women wear (and look really sexy in) although without the accompanying long hair and lipstick! Yes, I do have short hair and this coupled with the ‘masculine’ clothing seems to be the problem or so it seems. Airport bathrooms and security is always a night mare here in Sri Lanka and the sub continent. Public toilets in general are a night mare. Last year I took a trip to Bangladesh with my good friend Nigel. While going through airport security in Colombo I had the good fortune (Ha!) of encountering Neanderthal security personnel. I had just put my bags on the luggage security belt and was stepping out of the metal detector when the male air force security lunged at my breas with his hands. Although my face was turned away watching the bags on the belt my peripheral vision caught the lunge just in time. Just before he touched me I reacted. Thanks goodness for Billy’s Kung fu classes! I side swiped his arms and whacked him in the chest open handed. As he staggered backwards I told him “never touch me again or else…”. The look on his face was comical and as he apologized profusely for his mistake, I marched towards the woman security officer who looked at me in horror and waived me through without the customary body pat down! When Nigel and I had finally stopped laughing we discussed it and came to the conclusion that the man either was a total moron or he knew I was a woman and felt he’d get a good feel in and use “I thought you were a boy” as an excuse for his behavior. No security officer I have ever observed lunges at a man’s chest (let alone a woman’s’ chest) first for a security check. Normal pat down procedures start with the arms held high and then the sides and then the chest! Walking into a public toilet in the subcontinent is a major pain for me. I have been accosted so many times by men and women who yell at me that I am either going into the wrong toilet or I am in the wrong toilet. When I tell them to ‘BUG OFF’ they realize I am a woman and slink away muttering apologies! Case in point: Dhakka airport. I was about to go into the women’s toilet when I heard yelling behind me. I ignored it and kept walking towards the door. As I placed my hand on the door handle this man (part of the airport cleaning crew) came rushing up to me yelling in Bangla. Since I didn’t understand what he was yelling about (although I knew very well what was agitating him) I again ignored him and went into the toilet. As I relieved myself I could hear him yelling – he had opened the door and stuck his head in! I finished what I had to do, grabbed my hand luggage and exited the toilet. The man had by this time walked away from the toilet and as I exited I came face to face with him. Before he had time to say anything I walked up close to him and growled “What the $#$@@@ is your problem!” He turned pink and muttered something I didn’t understand but which I took to be an apology of sorts and fled! I was also agitated by this time so when I reached the gate where my flight was boarding I was NOT in a good mood. Lo and behold, here’s this Bangladeshi security guard who had taken a page out of the BIA security guard’s manual! As I stepped through the metal detector the guy lunges at me, hands straight forward, aiming for my chest! He got the same treatment as the BIA security guard and flew backwards with a startled look on his face. In Delhi, I was going through security with Dili. There’s a line for women and a line 15

for men. Of course I chose the women’s line. Why wouldn’t I? Suddenly all hell broke loose as the male security people started yelling and screaming that I was in the wrong line. I ignored them and walked through to the little booth covered by a curtain where one had to be patted down. The female officer’s eyes went wide and she looked as if a cobra had just slithered in for a body search! I took no notice and just went and stood on the platform and raised my arms. At this point she suddenly realized that I was indeed a woman and proceeded to the body search while she sheepishly said to me “Madam I thought you were a boy yar! But very handsome you are no madam!!” Needless to say the body pat was a bit too intimate after those comments! While seated waiting for our flight, I decided to use the bathroom… so off I went leaving my bags with Dili. I walked into the bathroom… no problems there but just as I was about to open the stall door all hell broke loose again! There were 2 female security personnel and 2 bathroom cleaners who all started yelling at me in Hindi. I turned around and just stared at them and then walked into the stall to do my business. By this time I believe they realized I was a woman and there was not a peep out of them when I came out to wash my hands. I was greeted by sheepish grins and a general hustle and bustle as they hurriedly got out of my way. And then there was the time I walked into the RCGC (golf club) ladies room to use the toilet. Man comes running behind me yelling in English – “this is Ladies toilet, this is ladies toilet!” – I did my customary ignore number until he actually followed me into the Ladies room. At this point I had to turn around and say “mokada miniho kiyanne? Umbata pennenathe mamma ganukennek kiyala? Gihing kannadi kutamak ganda ko mawa karathara karran nathuwa!” (Loose translation - what are you saying man? Can’t you see that I am a woman? Go and get yourself a pair of glass without hassling me!) And then I couldn’t resist saying, “It is you who should not be in the Ladies room!” Man fled the scene in a hurry and was not to be found for me to make a complaint against him! How many times have I heard the comment “Kollek the kellek the?” while walking on the street. I always stop, stick my chest out and say “why should you care if I am girl or a boy?” There’s always that sheepish grin and a turning of the head. These are but just a few incidents of many, many incidents. If I were to relate the countless times I have been accosted, grabbed at, commented at… I would need a 1000 pages or more to relate them. Every time I use a public toilet, chances are there will be discomfort from fellow bathroom users… like the Muslim lady (wearing hijab… who can miss that!) whose eyes practically popped out of its sockets when I walked into the restroom at the airport. She got out of the bathroom in such a hurry that she forgot to wash her hands. Yuck! Or the oriental lady who upon seeing me walking out of the ladies toilet promptly walked towards the Gents toilet thinking she was making a mistake! Opened the door and upon see men peeing into urinals turned a nasty shade of gray and hurried back toward the ladies toilet. At the end of the day… it just seems so ‘dark ages’ that the minute you defer from stereotypical behavior or dress you are immediately in the line of fire for all the craziness that follows. I believe I need to hone up on my Kung Fu and my vocabulary to counter the sex starved, moronic security guards, ignorant bathroom attendants and the conservative, uninformed members of the public who are so up their bums they cannot accept or see that people are people no matter how different they are. By Rosanna Flamer-Caldera


COCKTAIL RECEPTION Colombo PRIDE 2011 kicked off on the 1st of July with a reception for all the sponsors of this year’s PRIDE celebrations. Heads of mission mingled with EQUAL GROUND trustees and their partners along with other embassy personnel and the folks from ETV, LBR LBO and the Colombo Spirit. 2011Mk; Mz;bd; nfhOk;G gpiwl; epfo;tpid “<f;Fty; f;nusz;l;” gzpahsu;fs;> mjd; ek;gpf;ifrigj; jiytu;fs;> Vida ntspehl;L J}juf mjpfhupfs; MfpNahupdhy; rpwg;ghd Kiwapy; tuNtw;W nfhz;lhlg;gl;lJ. ETV, LBR,LBO kw;Wk; nfhOk;G ];gpupl; Mfpatw;wpd; Clfj;Jiwf; fiyQu;fs; MfpNahu; njhlu;r;rpahd Kiwapy; epfo;r;rpfspy; fye;J rpwg;gpj;jdu;. fld<U wNsudkh 2011" miq.sh cQ,s ui 01 jeks osk Blaj,a .%jqkaâ ys ish¨u wkq.%dylhka iy ;dkdm;s yd uyflduidrsia ld¾hd,hka ys m%OdkSka fj; flreKq ms<s.ekSfï idohlska werUqKs'

L-R: EQUAL GROUND Executive Director Rosanna Flamer-Caldera with Australian High Commissioner H.E. Kathy Klugman

L-R: Jeff Anderson (Director American Center) and Bjoern Ketels (Director- Goethe-Institute)

L-R: Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, German Ambassador H. E. Jens Ploetner, Tami Flamer-Caldera (EG TRUSTEE) and Nimmi Harasgama

L-R: Rosanna Flamer-Caldera and Lakshaman Bandaranayake (Managing Director/CEO Vanguard Management Services (Pvt) Ltd)

L-R: Norwegian Ambassador H.E. Hilde Haralstad, Swiss Ambassador H.E. Thomas Litscher with Ryan and Christine Holsinger

L-R: Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, H.E. Hilde Haralstad, Tami Flamer-Caldera (EG TRUSTEE) and Leana Peiris (EG TRUSTEE)

L-R: Rosanna FlamerCaldera, Jaco Beerends (First Secretary Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands) and Koen van Laar 16


STRUGGLING AGAINST HOMOPHOBIC VIOLENCE AND HATE CRIMES The US ambassador H. E. Patricia Butenis officially launched PRIDE the next day, 2nd July at the workshop entitled “Struggling against homophobic violence and hate crimes” which was held at the American Center. epfo;tpd; Muk;gkhf [_iy> 2k; jpfjp mnkupf;fd; nrd;lupy; elj;jg;gl;l “td;Kiwf;F vjpuhf NghuhLjYk;> ntWj;jYk;” vDk; gapw;rp gl;liwia mnkupf;f J}Jtu; khz;GkpF gw;wP\pah (B)Gl;ldp]; mjpfhuG+u;tkhf Muk;gpj;J itj;jhu;. miq.sh cQ,s fojeks osk" —iu,sx.sl NS;sldj mokï lr .;a m%pKav;ajh iy ffjrh fmroers idmrdOhka˜ hk uefhka jevuq¿jla wefursldkq uOHia:dkfha ^wefurslka fikag¾& oS meje;ajqKs' wefußld tlai;a ckmofha .re ;dkdm;sksh meá%ishd nqgksia ue;sKsh fuu jevuq¿j ks, jYfhka újD; lrk ,oS'

Keynote speaker and facilitator Kemone Brown (Jamaica)

L-R: Jeff Anderson (Director American Center), EQUAL GROUND Executive Director Rosanna Flamer-Caldera and H.E. Patricia Butenis

U.S. Ambassador H.E. Patricia Butenis

Jeff Anderson and H.E. Patricia Butenis with participants at the workshop

Workshop participants 17

Icebreaker – Goolly goolly song!

Lakmali Kothalawala conducting a session


RAINBOW VISIONS Director of Press, Cultural and Educational Affairs of the US Embassy Mr. Jeff Anderson officially opened Rainbow Visions, the art and photo exhibition which was held at Barefoot from 4th to 6th July. Unexpected but welcome guests that morning were Ms. Barbara Sansoni – artist, designer and founder of Barefoot – and Mr. Jerome Speldewinde – Jazz singer extraordinaire. fiyQu;> tbtikg;ghsu;> kw;Wk; ngahG+l; epWtdu;;> jpUkjp: ghu;guh rd;Nrhdp - mj;Jld; [h]; ghlfu; jpU: n[Nuhkp ];ngy;nltpd;l; MfpNahu; vjpu;ghuhj tpjkhf md;iwa fhiyg;nghOjpy; r%fkspj;jJ midtUf;Fk; tpag;;ghfTk; kpfTk; re;NjhrkhfTk; ,Ue;jJ. wefurslka ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,fha ckudOH" ixialD;sl iy wOHdmksl lghq;= ms<sn`o wOHCIl fc*a wekav¾ika uy;df.a w;ska foaÿkq oel=ï ^f¾kafnda úIkaia& l,d yd PdhdrEm m%o¾Ykh ks, jYfhka újD; flrsks' fnhd*QÜ m%o¾Ykd.drfha ks¾ud;D" tfukau l,dldßkshla o jk ndnrd iekafidaks ue;sKsh iy cEia ix.S; ffY,sfhka .S .hk m%isoaO .dhl fcfrdaï iafm,aäúkaä uy;d o fuu wjia:djg iyNd.s jqy'

L-R: Jeff Anderson (Director American Center), EQUAL GROUND Executive Director Rosanna Flamer-Caldera at the opening of the Art & Photo Exhibition Barbara Sansoni (Founder of Barefoot) and Jerome Speldawinde (Artiste/Singer)



CELLULOID RAINBOWS Also running simultaneous with the art & photo exhibition was Celluloid Rainbows, the LGBT film festival. This year’s movies comprised mainly of documentaries including the debut of the EQUAL GROUND documentary “Repeal section 365A”. Xtpa> Gifg;glf; fz;fhl;rp kw;Wk; jpiug;glf;fhl;rp ,uz;Lk; xNu Neuj;jpy; ele;J nfhz;bUe;jJ. ,jpy; ghypay; cupik gw;wpf; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s rl;l %yj;jpd; “cWg;Giu 365A” $Wk; rl;l %yj;ij ePf;FkhW NfhUk; Gjpa Mtzg; glnkhd;W “<f;Fty; f;nusz;l;” ,dhy; jhahupf;fg;gl;L jpiuaplg;gl;lJ tpNrl mk;rkhFk;. óg iu.dój fi,shqf,dhsâ foaÿkq iufifkyia Ñ;%mg oelau o meje;ajqKs' fuu jif¾ ;sr.; jqKq Ñ;%mg w;r m%Odk ;ek .;af;a jd¾;duh Ñ;%mg jQ w;r Blaj,a .%jqkaâ úiska ks¾udKh lrk ,o—365 ta bj;a lrkq˜ jd¾;duh Ñ;%mgfha ux., l< t<s oelaùu o fuysoS isÿ flrsks'

Stefan Joachim (EG TRUSTEE) welcoming the audience on the first day of the film festival 19


On Thursday the 7th July, auntie netta thrilled a sold out auditorium with her simulated ‘the Oprah’ show. Guests included renowned Jamaican activist Kemone Brown, Shaun “Buff Daddy” Perera, Prince Leone, Adam, Gava and Umanga. What a lift off that was! The audience laughed so hard there wasn’t a dry eye as they cheered and partook of auntie’s generosity - milk toffee for all! [_iy> 7k; jpfjp> tpahof;fpoik

“xg;uh” N\htpy; Md;l;bnel;lh


xg;gidAld;; Njhd;wp ghu;itahsu; muq;fpYs;s midtiuAk; nka;rpypu;f;f itj;jhu;. mtUld; [ika;f;fhtpd; Gfo;ngw;w r%fnraw;ghl;L Mu;tyu; fpNkhd; gpwTd;> \hd;> “Fz;L lhb” ngNuuh> gpupd;]; ypNahdp> fhth kw;Wk; ckq;fh MfpNahUld; Mz;b nel;lh> jhDk; Xu; mq;fj;jtuhf ghj;jpuNkw;W fye;J rpwg;gpj;jJ> ghu;itahsu;fs; midtiuAk; kfpo;r;rpapd; cr;rj;jpw;;F nfhz;L nrd;wJ. midtUk; kpFe;j cw;rhfj;Jld; ,e;epfo;tpid urpj;jdu;. ghu;itahsu;fs; midtUk; fz;fspy; fz;zPu; nfhl;l tpOe;J tpOe;J rpupj;jdu;. epfo;r;rpapd; ,ilNa ghy; nfhz;L jahupf;fg;gl;l ,dpg;G toq;fg;gl;lJ. cQ,s y;a fjksod yji y;g meje;ajqKq wdkaá fkgdf.a ixo¾Ykh - m%S;sfhka bms¨Kq fm%aËlfhda nvj,a w,a,f.k l÷¿ tk ;rï yskdfjú tlÈ.g w;afmd<ika ÿkakd'



RAINBOW PRIDE PARTY The much anticipated Rainbow Pride Party which took place on Friday 8th July, was a mass of dancing, cheering, crazy people who rocked till daylight and had the most amazing time of their lives! DJ Dr. J’s music was the biggest hit as he churned tune after tune of gyrating, grinding, hip swinging music….all night long! It was indeed a Friday night of nights! kpfTk; vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gl;l mLj;j epfo;thd thdtpy; ,ireld epfo;r;rpf;F tUif je;j midtUk; kpfTk;; cw;rhfj;Jld; fye;J nfhz;ldu;. kf;fs; kj;jpapy; kpfg;ngupa tuNtw;igg; ngw;w lhf;lu;: N[apDila ,ir midtiuANk mire;jhl itj;jJ. eldj;jpy; tpUg;gKs;s rpyu; mLj;jehs; nghOJ GyUk; tiu eldkhbdu;. ePz;l ,uT……! cz;ikapy; xU nts;spf;fpoik ,uT ele;j ,e;epfo;thdJ vj;jidNah ,uTfs; xd;W Nru;e;j epfo;T Nghd;w gpuikia Vw;gLj;jpajpy; tpag;Ngapy;iy. foaÿkq wNsudkh idoh ysñosrs mdkaor jk ;=re meje;ajqkq w;r idohg meñKs wh kgñka" w;afmdf<dika foñka" m%S;s f>daId k`.ñka úfkdao jQy' ã' fca' ix.S; rsoaufhka uq¿ idohu we<,S .sfhah'



RAINBOW KITE FESTIVAL On Sunday 10th July, Colombo PRIDE’s signature event, the Rainbow Kite Festival rocked the sands of Mt. Lavinia Beach with over 250 people, along with some of their pet dogs, children and spouses, gathered in solidarity to bring the PRIDE celebrations to its penultimate conclusion. The regular Sunday beach goers joined in the fun filled evening and as the sun set on PRIDE, waves of nostalgia and camaraderie filled the hearts of all who came, as they waved goodbye to PRIDE and each other, till next year. [_iy> 10k; jpfjp> Qhapw;Wf;fpoik thdtpy; epfo;tpd; jiyaha epfo;thd thdtpy; gl;lk; gwf;ftpLk; epfo;T ,lk; ngw;wJ. Rkhu; 250f;Fk; Nkw;gl;Nlhu; kTz;l; yhtz;ah flw;fiu kzypy; gl;lk; gwf;f tpLtjw;fhf xd;W$bdu;. midtUk; ,t;tUl epfo;tpd;; filrpf;F Ke;jpa ,e;epfo;tpid xw;WikAld; nfhz;lhb kfpo;e;jdu;. Nfyp> fpz;ly;> kfpo;r;rp> Muthuk; Nghd;w mj;jid mk;rq;fshYk; flw;fiu epuk;gp tope;jJ. epfo;tpd; ,Wjp Neuk; neUq;f midtu; kdjpYk; xUtpj Vf;fk; Njhd;wpaJ. ,Wjpahf xUtUf;nfhUtu; NjhoikAzu;r;rpAld; Fl;ig $wp tpilngw;W nrd;wdu;. mLj;j tUlk; ,Nj epfo;tpy; re;jpf;Fk;tiu mtu;fSf;F flyiyfSk; tho;j;Jr; nrhy;yp topaDg;gp itj;jd. cQ,s oyjeks bre osk" fld<U wNsudkh Wf<f,a m%Odku wx.hla jk irex.,a W;aijh meje;ajqks' .,alsiai uqyqÿ fjr< ;Srfha .=jka.en mqrd mshdirk mdg mdg foaÿkq irex.,a wNsudkfha iy úúO;ajfha ienE ixfla;hla úh'



DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: A CSR OR BUSINEES NEED? Finally, the very last event of this year’s PRIDE calendar – the Business Forum – was hosted b y the British High Commissioner at his residence, Westminster House on 11th July 2011. We were pleased to see CEOs and MDs of many of Sri Lanka’s leading companies participate in the event. A lively Q & A Session followed the guest speakers – Amal Cabraal (Unilever), Sithie Thiruchelvam (Thiruchelvam and Associates) and Mark Gooding (outgoing Deputy British High Commissioner and future Ambassador of Britain to Cambodia). Lakshaman Bandranayake (ED - Vanguard Managemnt) and Rosanna FlamerCaldera (ED – EQUAL GROUND) gave the welcome addresses. filrpahf ,t;tUl gpiwl; ehl;fhl;bapd; ,Wjp epfo;thd – tu;j;jf fUj;Jf;fsk; - gpupl;b\; cau; ];jhdpfu; (Mizahsu;) ,dhy; toq;fg;gl;l mtu;fspd; cj;jpNahfG+u;t ,y;ykhd nt];l;kpdp];lu; ,y;yj;jpy; ,lk; ngw;wJ. ,f;fUj;juq;fpy; gq;Nfw;f ,yq;ifapd; Kjw;ju fk;gdpfspd; epu;thf mjpfhupfs;;> jiytu;fs;> cj;jpNahfj;jtu;fs; r%fkspj;jJ vkf;F kpfTk; kfpo;r;rpaspf;Fk; tplakhf mike;jJ. úúO;ajh wdh;ksl jHqyhka ;=< wka;¾.; lsrSu- wdh;khl iudc fufyjr o@ jHdmdrsl wjYH;djhla o@ hk uefhka meje;ajqkq —jHdmdrslhkaf.a idlÉPd iuq¿j˜ miq.sh 11 jeks osk ì%;dkH uy flduidrsia ksjyfkysoS —fjiaÜ ñksiag¾ yjqia˜ysoS meje;ajqks'

EQUAL GROUND Executive Director Rosanna Flamer-Caldera addressing the gathering


vkf;F Mjutspj;j midtUf;Fk; vkJ kdkhu;e;j ed;wpfisf; $wpf; nfhs;fpNshk;. wmf.a wkq.%dylhka fj; flfrk yDohdx.u ia;+;sh


Colombo Pride 2011 Photos courtesy of Indu Bandara, The Colombo Spirit, EQUAL GROUND



PRIDE IN COLOMBO The very popular and highly acclaimed Colombo PRIDE is the event of the year for the Sri Lankan LGBTIQ community. For seven years now, it has been a time to mark on the LGBTIQ calendar and as the years progressed it has also become entertainment that persons of the heterosexual community look forward to as well. Unlike other PRIDE celebrations around the world, the streets of Colombo do not become lined with people out to celebrate gay PRIDE, nor are there colourful floats forming part of a large PRIDE parade nor is there turnout in thousands. However, Colombo PRIDE must not be underestimated. It is a weeklong celebration that the gay community has eagerly waited for; activism at its best, entertainment at its peak. It is intimate; old friends meet again and others get newly acquainted. It brings together creative ideas, talent and volunteers working their best to make whatever planned events, a huge success. Colombo PRIDE brings a week that will pass too quickly and the community will wait again eagerly for an entire year to see what EQUAL GROUND has ‘cooked up’ for the next Colombo PRIDE.

Kemone Brown

EQUAL GROUND has always brought more than drinks to the party as far as PRIDE

On July 9th over 230 persons came out to take part in the annual PRIDE Party. With

is concerned. Planning and organising the entire agenda, it delivers a powerful

the music kicking off around 9:30pm the dance floor remained jam packed through

stimulant as far as activism goes coupled with creativity and talent showcased

to almost 4am the next morning. It’s the one party in town, that same sex couples

through exhibitions, and educational and informative pieces as far as shows, films

dance together and face no scorn or hate; where drag kings and queens come out

and the like are concerned. Colombo PRIDE usually brings the issues of the LGBT

in their beautiful wears, they are not frowned upon, their creativity is awarded with

community to the masses and has, over the years delivered a powerful punch in the


news media highlighting the normalcy and creativity of the LGBTQI community in Sri Lanka.

For over 200 supporters Colombo PRIDE 2011 ended with the Kite Festival on Mt Lavinia beach. The afternoon sky was graced with rainbow kites, representing

Colombo PRIDE 2011 kicked off with an over subscribed workshop titled

diversity and solidarity. The sun down dance followed and both events running

Struggling Against Homophobic Violence and Hate Crimes on 2nd July. The one

simultaneously were hosted at the Shelton Seafood Restaurant on Mt. Lavinia

day workshop brought together Doctors, Lawyers, Activists, Social Workers,

Beach where supporters had their last few drinks and danced to the last few beats

Students and just people of the general community. Hosted at the American

as the sun dipped on Colombo PRIDE 2011. It all came to a halt at around 830pm

Centre, the workshop entertained heated discussions from topics such as

when the DJ played his last song and once the music was off everyone realized

understanding gender to how homophobia affects people of the LGBT community.

with much sadness, that Colombo PRIDE had finally come to an end and it would

The workshop facilitated learning and sharing through exciting delivery methods

be yet another year before they can all gather again to celebrate PRIDE in Sri Lanka.

bringing some fun into a discussion that could otherwise be depressing. It was not the end though for some. For most though, Colombo PRIDE was only made official with the launch of the Art

One of the most important events of Colombo PRIDE 2011 was the Business

and Photo Exhibition on July 4th at Barefoot which preceded the Film Festival

Forum hosted by EQUAL GROUND, LBO LBR and the British High Commissioner.

opening on the same night, also at Barefoot. The LGBTIQ community was not alone

It brought to the attention of prominent Sri Lankan Business owners and CEOs,

in coming out to be part of the events, allies, families and friends and simple

some of the pressing issues facing LGBT people at work as well as the need for the

passersby stopped in on the action. The Art and Photo Exhibition featured work by

promotion of diversity in the work place in all its forms. As we await the next

both local artists and photographers such as Nihal Senarathna, Hash Bandara and

Colombo PRIDE, it is also over time, that the true effects of this forum will be

Stefan and even a photographer from India. This year’s film festival featured

measured. In closing let’s take our hats off to the team that made it all possible, the

amazing films such as City of Borders and Unveiled. Most importantly it, featured

EQUAL GROUND Family. We know that it takes vision, creativity, innovative ideas,

EQUAL GROUND’s first documentary Repeal Section 365A.

talent, commitment, energy drive, team work and a host of effort for it all to come together so beautifully in the end; yet each time you all make it seem so effortless.

As usual EQUAL GROUND threw something new, refreshing and extremely exciting

Let’s also raise our glasses to all the sponsors of Colombo PRIDE and those who

into Colombo PRIDE; the Auntie Netta show featured live for the first time in Sri

continue to give their time so selflessly.

Lanka! The Hilarious performance by Nimmi Harasgama (Auntie Netta) kept the audience laughing from the second she walked on set and when she left, they kept

For those who came out to the events it is no doubt that you all had an amazing

begging for more. The show also brought across some of the challenges facing the

PRIDE. Those who missed out, let not the next Colombo PRIDE pass you by;

LGBT youth in Sri Lanka with guests such as Umanga Samarasinghe, a young Sri

remember it’s an annual event.

Lankan fashion designer and Gavinda Bolonghe. It was one of the biggest events for the Colombo PRIDE 2011 line up. The event sold out days before!

Kemone Brown 24


gpiwl;;- gl;lk; gwf;ftpLk; jpUtpoh

Kite Festival

“<f;Fty; fpnusz;l;” ,dhy; nfhOk;G fy;fp];] kTz;l; yhtz;ahtpy; Vw;ghL nra;ag;gl;bUe;j gl;lk; gwf;ftpLk; jpUtpohTf;fhf rupahf khiy 3.30 kzpastpy; vdJ ez;gDld; nrd;Nwd;. ,J vdJ Kjy; mDgtk;. mjpf Muthukpd;wp Mdhy;> Neu;j;jpahfTk;> mofhfTk;> myq;fhuj;JlDk; md;iwa jpdk; mf;flw;fiu fhl;rpaspj;jJ. vk;gpf; Fjpf;Fk; miyfspdhy; ce;jg;gl;L fiuia milAk; fhw;wpdhy;> thdtpy;yplk;; thq;fpa tu;zq;fisf; nfhz;L G+rg;gl;l Njtijapd; ,wf;iffs; Nghd;W fyu;fyuha; fk;gq;fspy; fl;bapUe;j gpiwl; tu;zf; nfhbfs; miyaiyaha; mire;J nfhz;bUe;jd. el;rj;jpu Ftpaypd; eLNt tPw;wpUf;Fk; ntz;zpyT Nghy; Vida nfhbfspd; eLNt thdtpy; tu;zf; nfhbfisf; nfhz;likf;fg;gl;l $k;gf tbtpyhhd xU nfhbf;FtpaYk; fhzg;gl;lJ. tpohTf;F r%fkspj;jpUe;jtu;fspy; gyu; $lNt jq;fs; nry;yg;gpuhzpfisAk; $l;b te;jpUe;jdu;. rw;W Neuj;ij jhz;bagpd; flw;fiu gug;G gugug;ghdJ. vq;fpUe;Njh xU thj;jpaf;FO thj;jpaf; fUtpfis ,irj;jgb tpoh ele;j ,lj;ij Nehf;fp te;J nfhz;bUe;jJ. (mJ WSG vDk; epWtdj;pdhy; gpij;jpNafkhf Vw;ghL nra;ag;gl;lnjd;gij gpd;du;jhd; mwpa Kbe;jJ.) Fwpg;gpl;l ,lj;ij thj;jpaf;FO te;jile;jJk; mq;F FOkpapUe;Njhupy; rpyu; eldkhb kfpo;jdu;. ,irNfl;L vOe;jhba nts;isf;fhu ,sk; ngz;zpd; eldkhdJ fhu;Kfpiyf; fz;L Njhiftpupj;jhLk; kapypd; mofpa eldj;ij Qhgf%l;baJ. ,e;j ,irAld; $ba eldkhdJ md;W flw;fiuf;F te;jpUe;j midtuJ fz;fSf;Fk; ,dpikahd tpUe;jhf mike;jJ. vz;rhz; clk;Gf;F rpuNr gpujhdk; vd;gJNghy; ,itnay;yhk; tpohtpd; cg mk;rq;fNs. Mk>; jiyaha epfo;thd gl;lk; gwf;f tpLtjw;fhd Maj;jq;fs; xU gf;fj;jpy; #l;NlhL #lhf ele;J nfhz;bUe;jd. “<f;Fty; fpnusz;l;” ,dhy; nra;ag;gl;l gl;lq;fs; xU Gwj;jpy; tpw;fg;gl;Lf; nfhz;bUf;f> rpyu; gl;lq;fis ntspapypUe;Jk; jk;Kld; vLj;J te;jpUe;jdu;. thdtpy; epwj;jpyike;j nfhbfspd; epwj;jpNyNa gl;lq;fSk; nra;ag;gl;bUe;jJ> tpNrl mk;rkhff; fhzg;gl;lJ. Rkhu; 5 kzpastpy; gl;lk; tpLtjw;fhf flw;fiuapy; midtUk; xd;W$bdu;. ePz;l thy;fisf; nfhz;l gl;lq;fs; midj;jpYk; JupNahjdd; JfpYupe;j Nriyapd; ePsj;ij epidT+l;Lk; E}w;fl;il Nfhu;f;fg;gl;lJ. Nfhu;f;fg;gl;l E}w;fl;ilia xUtu; iffspy; jhq;f> kw;iwa ,Utu; ,jaj;ij jhq;FtJ Nghy; gl;lj;ij; gj;jpukhf iffspy; Ve;jp nky;y fhw;wpy; jto tpl;ldu;. fl;Lehaf;ftpypUe;J Gwg;gl;l tpkhdk; Nghy;> tpdhbf;F tpdhb fhw;iwf;fpopj;Jf; nfhz;L gl;lk; cau cau> gwf;f tpl;ltu;fspd; kdNkh gwf;Fk; gl;lj;jpd; cauj;ijAk; jhz;b re;Njhrj;jpy; kpjf;f Muk;gpj;jJ. ntt;NtW tpj;jpahrkhd gl;lq;fs; ghu;itahsu;fis ntFthff; ftu;e;jd. mjpy; ghk;G tbtpyike;j xU gl;lKk; gwf;ftplg;gl;lJ. mofhf ,Ue;jjdhy;> mUfpy; nrd;W urpj;Njd;. mJ fle;j tUl gl;lk; gwf;f tpLk; tpohtpy; “<f;Fty; fpnusz;l;” ,lk; 25

thq;fg;gl;ljhfTk;> jdf;F mjid kpfTk; gpbj;jpUe;jjdhy; gj;jpukhf itj;jpUe;J ,t;tUl tpohTf;fhf nfhz;L te;jjhfTk;> NkYk; xt;nthU tUlKk; ,jidg; gj;jpug;gLj;jpf; nfhz;L tUNtd; vd;Wk; gl;lj;jpd; nfhe;jf;fhuu; kfpo;r;rp jJk;g $wpdhu;. Neuk; nry;yr;nry;y MfhaKk; jd; epwj;ij khw;w Muk;gpj;jJ. cUf;fpnaLj;j jq;fj;jputk; nfhy;yd; ifapypUe;J fPNo tpOe;J rpjwpaJNghy;> ePy thdj;jpy; nghd; tz;zf; fyitfs; rpjwpf; fple;jd. Mo;flypy; Fspj;J jd; c\;zj;ij Fiwj;J> mf;fyitf;Fs; xspe;J nfhs;s te;j Re;ju #upad; kw;wtu; ghu;itapdpd;Wk; nky;y nky;y kiwe;J nfhz;bUe;jhd;. ,d;dpirAk;> eldkhLk; tz;z tz;z tpsf;nfhspAk; mtid tho;j;jp topaDg;gpd. MapDk;@ mt;NtisapYk; vt;tpj rydKkpd;wp thdtpy; gl;lk; kl;Lk; thid Kl;Lk; cauj;jpy; gwe;J nfhz;NlapUe;jJ. gue;j thdj;jpy; vy;iyNa ,y;iynad jilfisj; jhz;bg; gwe;J re;Njhrj;jpy; eldkhLk;> mg;gl;lj;jpd; tho;f;ifia vdf;nfhU ghlkhf vLj;Jf; nfhz;L epfo;Tfspd; epidTfs; kdjpy; ePq;fhJ epoyhl re;Njhrkha; mt;tplj;ij tpl;lfd;Nwd;.



perfect with him. We spent so many nights together. Warmth of his love penetrated my nerves. No one had ever done it. I thought he was mine for my whole life, but No. I am wrong. It was only for 2 years.

Closing my eyes, I felt myself being pulled in to the ocean, ocean of his love. Every time I jump in to my bed, he comes to me asking if I let him sleep on my chest. “All I want to do is hold you. I love you. I’ve always loved you honey” he says while kissing me here and there with his wet pink lips. Now I, here on a bed in a hospital, being treated as I am weak, not physically but mentally. It was all just like a dream, a sweet dream which will never ever come true. I remember the first day we met. Stepping out from the elevator in a blue shirt, that guy with a small birthmark in his forehead made me feel uncomfortable. I felt I have seen him before or what… I don’t know, but something strange is there. But I felt he is little bit familiar. His smile was innocent. He looked at me with a smile as If we have been knowing each other for a long time. When our eyes met, I saw his eyes were full of something, seemed to be love. I knew that this is what I was looking for my whole life. I didn’t want to lose it. I had no idea of going for a conversation. I couldn’t conceal my feelings. When I saw him in front of me, “I have seen you before” I said weakly in a cold voice. “It sounds good, me too” he said with blinking eyes. It was a lot to me. With in two or three weeks, we became close friends as I am very good in hanging out not only with friends, but someone who will be very special someday. I did swimming and he too did the same. He was good in Mathematics where as I was always trying to be Good. He was good in every way. He had everything I expected. I felt my heart expand with joy. It would be easy to imagine Kenath loving me. “Hold him! Do not let him go!” No, I had to struggle with my heart and last, strengthened by my affection on him I managed to say I love him. That moment, I will never forget for my whole life. His pink lips settled firmly on my lips. He hugged me tight in twilight dim. Losing myself in the light of his body, the power of his mouth caressing and taking mine. That’s how it began. Everything was

“Narrow your focus, your life, your breathing, to your heart, to how you feel about him. Do not lose that focus. Hold it” My heart was struggling with brain. So badly, fighting against these feelings, brain conquested.I had to leave, after his parents had discovered our love. He loved his parents, he loved me as well. I was relatively a big part of his life. Once I remember he told me that his mom will suicide if she discovers. How can I give such a burden on him…? All these things we were experiencing, love, caring and everything going to be only a dream. I knew how difficult it was to him to tell me that this would be our last meeting. Now finally I understand how difficult it was to me to bear up. When he was going back, I saw his tears, tears stung his eyes. “You were a gift from God to me, but I am cooped by that morality. I have no way honey. I’m just thinking of how much of a miracle you were in my life” Tears leaked out of his tightly closed eyes. I had to leave. “He will be sent to Aussie soon, oh God” My mind went with him. I lost my consciousness. When I came back to my mind, I was on a bed. Mom, dad and my little sister and some of my very close friends were there around me. I was helpless. I can’t tell them what really happened. No one knew what we had or how strong our love was. To them, it was just a friendship. I know that I can’t live without him, without his love. It is a hard blow. I am still waiting for him and I’ll wait for my whole life. That is love and love is love. No matter what happens in the real world, I don’t wanna accept that reality. I don’t care how many day I’ll have to pass on a bed, I wanna be with him even in my dreams. I love him. I love him lot. Saranga Anjana Wijerathna

What Makes A Closet? “It’s not a big deal,” was one of the more unexpected things I scrambled to say to

In the face of such hostility it's easy to see the appeal of staying in the closet while

my mother after I came out to her recently. Not that being gay isn’t an important

losing sight of the fact that the opposite of a homosexual isn’t necessarily a

part of who I am, but very little actually changed when I started dating women two

homophobe (sometimes they’re one and the same). What makes staying in the

years ago. Away from the bedroom, I voluntarily reside in a not-so-overtly-gay

closet absolutely unnecessary in some places, but a life or death decision in

world. I still have the same friends, frequent the same bars, passionately discuss

others, is the understanding (or lack thereof) by the general population that there is

the same issues, and eat the same cereal as I did back when I assumed I was

more to people than who they choose to sleep with. This fact is true of

straight, mostly because none of those things have anything to do with sexuality.

hetero/homo/bi/omni/pan/a/whatever-sexuals. Same-sex love neither doubles up as an initiation ceremony into a cult, nor automatically bestows one with an

I realize not absolutely requiring an LGBT community to feel accepted or safe is

intricate knowledge of queer culture. Gay men aren’t necessarily flamboyant and

afforded to too few of us. In the past month alone, 15 gay rights activists were

lesbians aren’t necessarily butch – there is as much diversity within the LGBT

detained in Moscow, 3 LGBT individuals were murdered in Puerto Rico, and a gay

community as there is between pretty much every other community, and proving

pride march in Croatia was attacked with rocks, bottles and firecrackers by a

that is why it’s so important to come out of the closet other people build around us.

thousands-strong mob. Homosexuality is still criminalized across most of Africa and Asia (12 years in a Sri Lankan jail is going to "cure" what exactly?), and even

Hence, HAPPY PRIDE. Who we fall in love with isn’t a choice, but whether we

carries capital punishment in a handful of countries.

celebrate or condemn what makes us distinct definitely is. When we scrutinize our 26

RAINBOW NEWS differences we often obscure the more important things we have in common. Coming to terms with one's sexuality is an internal struggle for everybody regardless of orientation, it can just be a *little harder* (reread the second paragraph) for the LGBTs when we've got people we're not having sex with trying to dictate who we have sex with – that makes it an external struggle, too. Back to what I started with: I’m gay – “it’s not a big deal” – unless you make it one. Remember to be proud -- not just to be gay, but also to be you. Suri-

THE FACE OF HOMOPHOBIA I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag every day.

because they closed their doors to my kind.

I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a

I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most, love.

lesbian. I am the prostitute working the streets because nobody will hire a transsexual woman. I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights. We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time. I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner

I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends I'm a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them. I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to "teach me a lesson"


of twenty-seven years into the room. I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me. I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear. We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men. I am the person who never knows which bathroom I should use if I want to avoid getting the management called on me. I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman. I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male. I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men. I am the home-economics teacher who always wanted to teach gym until someone told me that only lesbians do that. I am the woman who died when the EMTs stopped treating me as soon as they realized I was transsexual. I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didnt have to always deal with society hating me. I am the man who stopped attending church, not because I don't believe, but 27

Contact us for your copy now: 2513792 or equalground@gmail.com


FASHION - ú,dis;d D’KLOSET IS INDIA’S FIRST GAY MULTI-DESIGNER STORE Mumbai streets offer an astonishing variety of shops and boutiques but often, gay guys look out for a safe space for shopping where they will not be judged for their looks and mannerisms. Nestled in the heart of a chic shopping district near Mini Punjab in Bandra West, D’KLOSET is India’s First Gay Multi-Designer Store where one can be comfortable looking through the racks of gay-friendly apparel or space without some straight and pushy salesman breathing down one’s neck. This store has international designs, trendy clothing, stylish accessories, foot-tapping shoes, and the like, adding to a unique shopping experience for gay guys. D’KLOSET opened just before Christmas 2010 with the sole purpose of offering something different in men’s designer wear for the ever growing gay community of young ,funky and very individuals fashion conscious gay men that Mumbai and the suburbs attracts. In just less than a week, it has become one of the coolest places to find funky men’s designer underwear, trunks, boxers and swimwear too.

yosisfhau uqïndfha ìysjq w,q;au úosfya

ú,dis;d ukaosrh miq.shod uqïndfha w¨;au úosfya ú,dis;d ukaosrhla újD; lrkq ,enqjd' kuq;a wms fïl yeuodu olsk ú,dis;d ukaosr jf.a fkfï' fïl Bg yd;amiskau fjkia' fuh úfYaIfhkau iufifkyia mqreIhkaf.a ú,dis;d fjkqfjkau fjka jQ tllaa' iufifkyia mqreIhkag b;d wdrlaIdldrsj iy ksoyfia ;ukag rsis foa ñ,os .; yels wdldrhg fuh boslr we;s w;r bkaoshdfõ iufifkyia mqreIhka i`oyd bosl< m%:u ú,dis;d ukaosrh fjkjd' bkaoshdkq fukau cd;Hka;r fudaia;r ks¾udK lrejkaf.a we`ÿï wdhs;a;ï fuys wvx.= fjkjd' ke.S tk iufifkyia ;reKhkaf.a rihg .e<fmk wdldrhg yd tlsfkldf.a mqoa.,sl f;arSug .e<fmk mrsos we`ÿï ú,dis;d úYd, ixLHdjla wvx.= ùu fuys úfYaI;ajh fjkjd' miq .shod bkaoshdfõ kj os,a,s by< Widúh úiska iu,sx.slhkag tfrysj ;snq oKav kS;sh bj;a lrkq ,enqjd' fï ksid bkaoshdfõ úYd, jYfhka iu,sx.slhka msg;g meñfKkakg mgka .;a;d' th o fuu ú,dis;d ukaosrh újD; lsrSug wkshï f,i n, mE m%Odk ldrKhla' 28



—foúhks" ud .eyeKshlg wdorh l< yels ñksil= lrkq uekú˜ —we,a*s'''˜ mqyqKqlre iafldÜ lsisjla mejiqfõh' we,a*sg m<uq jr th weiqfka ke;' tfy;a Tyq ysi Tijd iafldÜ foi n,d ysfika ix{d lf<ah' iafldÜ u`o fõ,djlg miqj we,a*sg mfilg y`v .eiqfõh' —we,a*s f.a ysf;a m%Yakhla o@˜ we,a*s ksy`vj iskdiqkd ñi W;a;r ÿkafka ke;' th fndrejg ujd .;a yskdjla neõ Tyqgu ye`.=ks' —fmdâvla T¿j rsfokjd jf.hs˜ Tyq fudfyd;lg miq mejiqfõh' —fmdä úfõlhla wrka tkak˜ iafldÜ lSfõh' Tyq l%Svd úfõld.drh fj; msh ke.=fõh' Tyqg weh fcud isyshg ke`.=ks' f,dalfha isá fid÷reu .eyeKsh weh hehs úgl Tyqg is;S ;snqKs' tfy;a wehg wdorh lrkakg ;udg fkdyels jQfha wehs@ Tyq foúhkaf.ka fï .eg¿j weiqfõ tla jrla muKla fkdfõ' Tyqg w;S;h isyshg ke`.=ks' Ydka; ì%cÜ foajia:dkfha uqÿka fld; foi Tyq n,d isáfha fldhs ;rï ld,hlg biair o@ Tyq mrK fidfydka fld;a ueo ;ksj foajia:dkfha uqÿka fld; foi n,d f.k fofk; mshd .kshs' —foúhks" ud .eyeKshlg wdorh l< yels ñksil= lrkq uekú" foúhks ud úIu ,sx.sl i;a;ajfhla lrkq uekú˜ Tyq hd{d lf<ah' tfy;a foúhka Tyq úIu ,sx.slfhl= njg yerjQfha ke;' ukao h;a iu,sx.slhl= f,i cSj;ajkakg foúhka Tyq ks¾udKh lr ;snQ neúks' foúhka w;a jereoaola lf<a o@ ke;" th isÿjkakg fkdyels fohls'

1974 cQ,s ui 25 jk fuf,dj t<sh ÿgq we,a*s fkdfyd;a .fr;a f;dauia fõ,aifha ^Wales in U.K.& iy jD;a;Sh uÜgfï r.aì lS%vlhl= jk w;r tlai;a rdcOdksfha cd;sl uÜgfï iy hqfrdamSh we;=¿ wka;¾cd;sl uÜgfï ;r`. .Kkdjlg iyNd.S ù we;' 2007 jif¾ jeäu r.aì ;r`. .Kklg iyNd.s jQ fõ,aia lS%vlhd njg m;a úh' Tyq f,dalfha fyd`ou r.aì l%Svlhka w;r kujk ia:dkfha miqfjhs' hqfrdamfha ziafmdaÜia b,iafÜ%gâZ hk i`.rdjg wkqj újD;j iufifkyia mqoa.,fhl= nj m%ldY l< lKavdhï l%Svdjl kshe<s m%:u wka;¾cd;sl lS%vlhd njg Tyq m;afõ' 2009 jif¾ foieïn¾ ui tlai;a rdcOdksfha jvd;au n,mEï iys; iufifkyia ùrhka 101 fokdf.a ,ehsia;=jg Tyq we;=<;a úh' 2010 jif¾ Tlaf;daïn¾ ui Tyq jif¾ iafgdakafjda,a ùrhd hk iïudkfhka o msÿï ,enqfõh' Tyqg md¿jla oekqks' ÿllg jvd jQ fohla Tyqf.a W.=f¾ isrù ;snqks' l%Svd msáfha tyd fuyd osj .sh o fjkod Tyq fj; jQ cjh w;=reokaj we;s fihla Tyqg oekqks' tfy;a lsishï iykhla o ys; fldklska .,d tkakdla fuka Tyqg oeksks' r;= meye;s à I¾Üj,ska iy iqÿ meye;s l,siñka ieriqKq fõ,aia r.aì lKavdhu fjkod fukau Wkkaÿfjka iy cjfhka hq;=j l%Svd msáfha tyd fuyd osj hñka isáhy' wä yhlg;a jvd Wie;s lvjiï fmkque;s .er;a f;dauia fkdfyd;a we,a*s lKavdhï kdhlhd úh' mqyqKqlre iafldÜ fcdkaika ish,a, ksrSCIKh lrñka mfilg ù isáfhah' we,a*sf.a brshõ fjkod fuka fkdùh' Tyq fndfyda fjfyim;a njla fmkakqï lf<ah' 29

u`.=,a oskh od weh iqrx.kdúhla ;rugu ,iaikg isáhdh' weh Tyq oel isá ,iaiku .eyeKshla jQjdh' jir fldmuK .;ù .sfha o@ fld;rï fõokdnr u;lhka ueo ;ud iy weh cSj;a jQfha o@ Tyq r.aì msáfha tyd fuyd osj hk úg fldhs;rï ñksiqka T,ajrika ÿkafka o@ ta w;r fld;rï iu,sx.slhka isákakg we;a o@ fld;rï úIu ,sx.slhka isákakg we;a o@ cSú;h uyd fndrejla hehs Tyqg ye`.S ;snqKs' —Tõ" uyu uy fndrejla˜ Tyq ;udg u fld÷rd .;af;ah' iuyr osfkl Tyq Ydka; n%hsâia fïc¾ l÷lr .ïudkfha ;ek ;ek bnd.df;a weúo .sfhah' l÷lr yq<`. iu`. yqol,dj mdù hkakg we;akï''' fcud /jàu .ek iudjla ,eìh yels o@ Tyqf.a ys; fõokdfjka nrjQ úg l÷jeá woaorg ù meh .Kka n,d isáfhah' fï lkaolska my<g mekafkd;a ish,a, wjika fkdfõ o@ Tyqg tfia is;=Kq jdr wkka;h' —.er;a˜ Tyq ;s.eiaiqfKah' ;u mqyqKqlre ;ud ta kñka wu;kafka lsishï nerEreï fohla lSug we;s úgh'


—f,dl= fõokdjla ysf;a ;sfhkjd fkao@ ug lshkak ners tlla o@˜ mqyqKqlre we,a*sf.a msgg ;Ügq lf<ah' we,a*s l;d lf<a ke;' kej;;a lsisjla ;udf.a W.=f¾ ysrù we;s njla Tyqg oeksks' Tyq fiñka fiñka ysi tiùh'

i.hka fj; o ;u fouõmshka fj; o wjidkfha uq¿ f,dalhgu o Tyq Tyq ms<sn`o i;Hh y`v .d lSfõh' wka;¾cd;sl uÜgfï r.aì l%Svlhl= iufifkyia mqoa.,hl= neõ m%ldY l< m<uq wjia:dj fuh úh'

—fcud''' fc'''˜ Tyqg f.d; .eisKs' —ug f;afrkjd" wms me;a;lg .syska l;d lruq˜ iafldÜ fhdackd lf<ah' we,a*sg lsishï myiqjla oeksks' ffjoH ldurh ta wi,u úh' we,a*s iu`. ldurh ;=<g .sh iafldÜ th w.=¨ ,d jid oeuqfõh' oeka fjk;a l%Svlfhda fyda lsisu flfkla fuys tkafka ke;' tfy;a Tyq fj; ;s.eiaula úh'

rpkh( oñ;a pkaÈud,a

—f.or m%Yakhla o@˜ m<uqj we,a*s lsisjla lSfõ ke;' u`o fõ,djlg miqj Tyq fuf;la my;a lr f.k isá ysi by<g Tijd mqyqKqlref.a uqyqK foi ne,Sh' tys lsishï úYajdijka; njla úh' —fcudhs uuhs fjka jqKd˜ we,a*s wfmaCId l< mrsos iafldÜf.a weia f,dl= jQfha ke;' ta fjkqjg Tyq we,a*sf.a msgg ;Ügq lf<ah' —we,a*s Thd ;ks fj,d kE" Th;a tlal uq¿ lKavdhuu bkakjd˜ we,a*sf.a is;g lsishï iykfha Pdhdjla oefkñka ;sìKs' ;u cSú;fha fuf;la i`.jd .;a ryi - ;udf.a ,sx.sl;ajh ms<sn`o ryi we,a*s ;u mqyqKqlreg mejiqfõh' fï ryi ;ud yd tlg isák i.hkaf.ka i`.jd ;nd .ekSu we,a*sg fyd`ogu tmd ù ;snqks' cSú;h .ek fndre lsrSu wmyiqh' úfYaIfhkau cSú;h .ek cSú; ld,hla fndre lsrSu wmyiqh' ish,a, wid isá iafldÜ fufia lSfõh' —uu oeka lKavdhfï bkak ;j fld,af,d fo;=ka fofkl=g l;d lr,d lshkakï" fï fj,dfj we,a*s" Thdg hd¿jkaf. Woõj ´fka' fkao@ fï m%Yafka Thdgu úi`o.kak bv oS,d wmsg me;a;lg fj,d n,ka bkak neye˜ thg Tõ lshkako ke; lshkak o lshd we,a*s fkdo;af;ah' tfy;a tla fohla Tyqg ´kE neõ Tyqg oefkñka ;sìK' tkï Tyqf.a cSú;h ;jÿrg;a fndrejla f,i f.k hdug fkdj iïmQ¾K i;Hhla nj fmr,d .ekSug wjYH njhs' tfy;a Tyqf.a uki ;=< wúfõlS njla oefkñka ;sìKs' we;a;gu Tyq fyd`ogu nh ù isáfhah' mqyqKqlre iafldÜ lKavdhï i.hka jQ iaà*ka fcdakaia iy ud¾áka ú,shïia iu. we,a*s fidhd meñfKk úg fyf;u ;enEreug ù îr ùÿrejla f;d, .dñka n,d isáfhah' Tjqka ols;au Tyq ;=< jQ ìh fo.=K f;.=K úh' oeka Tjqka fudkjd lshkjd we;a o@ fudkjd fkdlshkjd we;a o@ Tyq f,dl= îr W.=rla .s, oeuqfõh' tfy;a ys; ;=< jQ mSvkh bj;g .sfha ke;' Tyqg t;ekska m,dhkakg jqjukd úh' iskduqiq uqyqKska meñKs iaà*ka iy ud¾áka we,a*sf.a msgg ;Ügq l<y' —wmsg tal m%Yakhla fkfuhs' wehs we,a*s l,ska lsõfõ ke;af;a@ tod jf.au we,a*s wfma lKavdhfï kdhlhd" wfma hd¿jd'˜ Tjqka wvqu .Kfka weila b`.s uerSfukaj;a Tyqg fjkila fkdlf<ah' we,a*sf.a ish lKavdhï i`.hka je<`of.k kgkakg ;rï m%S;shla is; ;=< ke`.=ks' Tyqf.a is;g ffO¾hhla oeksks' th Tyqf.a msg;g meñKSfï m<uq mshjr úh' lKavdhfï fiiq 30


Xu;ghypd> <u;ghypd <u;g;Gs;s ngz;fs; kw;Wk; jpUeq;iffs; vjpu;Nehf;Fk; gpur;rpidfs; ,t;Tyfpy; ehk; xt;nthUtUk; ntt;NtW cUtj;Jld; gpwf;fpNwhk;. gpwf;Fk; xt;nthUtUf;Fk; mtatq;fs; ,g;gbj;jhd; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;> mtu;fs; ,j;jid mb> ,j;jid mq;Fyk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gjw;fhd xU tiuaiwia ,r;r%fk; cUthf;fpAs;sJ. me;j vjpu;ghu;g;gpw;F vjpu;khwhf rw;W tpj;jpahrkhf Fs;skhf my;yJ caukhf md;wp VNjh xU Fiwghl;Lld; gpwe;jhy; r%fk; mtu;fis midj;J tplaj;jpYk; tpj;jpahrg;gLj;Jk;. mtu;fisg; Gwf;fzpj;J gl;lg;ngau;fs; gy#b mtu;fis kdk; Nehfr; nra;J kdkfpOk;. rpyu; mt;thwhdtu;fis Jd;GWj;jp ,d;gk; fhz> ,d;Dk; rpyu; mtu;fis Jd;GWj;Jgtu;fis J}\pj;Jr; nry;tu;. NkYk; rpyu; jLf;f Kw;gLtu;. kw;Wk; rpyu; mtu;fSf;F cjt Kd;tUtu;. ,JNghd;w tplaq;fis ePq;fSk; ehDk; vj;jid jlitfs; vk;fz;Kd; fz;bUg;Nghk;. ,t;tplakhdJ xNu ,lj;jpy; xNu tplaj;jpy;> gy;NtW tpj;jpahrkhd rpe;jidfisf; nfhz;l kdpju;fis vk;kdf;fz;Kz; epWj;Jfpd;wJ. ehk; xt;nthUtUk; cUtj;jhy;> rpe;jidahy;> nrayhy;> czu;Tfshy; tpj;jpahrkhdtu;fs; vd;gij nrhy;yhky; nrhy;fpwJ. mJNghd;Nw xt;nthUtuJ ,uridfSk; kw;wtupypUe;J tpj;jpahrg;gLfpd;wd. ehk; cz;Zk; cztpypUe;J cLf;Fk; ciltiu midj;Jk; ek; uridf;Fl;gl;ljhfNt njup;T nra;fpNwhk;. xNu tPl;by; trpf;Fk; vkJ rNfhjuu;fSld; vk;ik xg;gpl;Lg; ghu;j;jhNy mtu;fspypUe;J ehk; vt;tsT J}uk; tpj;jpahrg;gLfpNwhk; vd;gJ GupAk;. ,d;Dk; nrhy;yg;Nghdhy; ntt;NtW ehLfspy; ntt;NtW tifahd czTfis kdpju;fs; cl;nfhs;fpwhu;fs;;. mJ$l ,d> kj> Nfhj;jpu mbg;gilapy; khWgLk;.; ekf;Fg; gpbf;fhj czTtiffisf; fz;L ehk; mUtUg;gila> mij kw;wtu;fs; kpfTk; Urpj;J cz;gijf; fhz;fpNwhk;. mJNghyNt ekf;F gpbf;fhj> ehk; gof;fg;glhj midj;J tplaq;fisAk; ehk; ntWf;fpd;Nwhk;. vdNt> ekf;F gpbf;fhj nray;fs; vij kw;wtu;fs; nra;jhYk; mij ehk; tuNtw;gJkpy;iy> Mjupg;gJkpy;iy. mit ey;yitfshf ,Ue;jhYk; $l vkJ kdJ Vw;Wf; nfhs;shjtiu me;j tplaj;jpidAk; mijr; nra;gtu;fisAk; jtwhd fz;Nzhl;lj;JlNdNa ghu;f;fpNwhk;. Vnddpy;> vg;NghJk; ehk; ek;ikg;gw;wp kl;LNk rpe;jpf;fpNwhk;. ehk; nra;tJ kl;LNk rup vd;Dk; kdepiyiaAila ehk;> kw;wtu;fs; ey;yijr; nra;jhYk;$l ekf;Fg; gpbf;fhj xNu fhuzj;jhy;jhNd mJ rupnad;gij Vw;f kWf;fpNwhk;. mjw;F vg;NghJk; vkJ kdepiy jahupy;iy. xUtifapy; ,J kpfg; ngupa Raeyk;. Mdhy; mJNt ehk; tpLk; kpfg; ngUk; jtWkhFk;. ehk; xt;nthUtUk; tpj;jpahrkhd rpe;jid> nraw;ghL kw;Wk; ,uridfisf; nfhz;bUf;fpNwhk;. MzhfNth> ngz;zhfNth my;yJ ,e;j ,uz;bw;Fk; ,ilg;gl;ltu;fshfNth ehk; gpwe;jpUf;fpd;Nwhk;. ehk; vt;thW gpwe;jhYk; ngz;fshfNth> ngz;z;pay;Gilatu;fshf ,Ue;jhNy gpur;rpidjhd;. ngz;fs; gpwe;j tPl;by;> GFe;j tPl;by;> nghJ ,lq;fspy;> vd mlf;FKiw> kw;Wk; gy;NtW tifahd 31

td;Kiwf;Fs;shtJk;> fhyq;fyhkhf ngz;fs; gy;NtWgl;l r%fg;gpur;rpidfSf;F Kfk; nfhLj;J tUtJk; ehk; njhd;Wnjhl;L mwpe;Js;s xU tplakhFk;;. ngz;fs; tpUk;gpatw;iw NgRtjw;Fk;> fUj;Jf;fis Rje;jpukhf ntspapLtjw;Fk; cupik kWf;fg;gl;l fhyq;fSk; ,Ue;jd. Vd; ,d;W$l me;epiy Kw;WKOjhf kiwe;Jtpltpy;iynadyhk;. ,yq;ifapy; ngz;fs; cupik njhlu;ghf mur rhu;gw;w epWtdq;fs; Ngr Kw;gl;l Ntis> r%f Ntiyj;jpl;lq;fspD}lhf ngz;tpLjiy> Rje;jpuk;> kw;Wk; ngz;fs; cupik njhlu;ghf gy Ntiyj;jpl;lq;fis Kd;ndLj;J ngz;fspd; Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhf gy rYiffisAk; toq;fpaJ. mur rhu;gw;w epWtdk; ngz;fSf;F toq;fpa rYiffistpl mJ r%fj;jpd; kj;jpapy; Nkw;nfhz;l tpopg;Gzu;T epfo;r;rpj; jpl;lq;fNs gy;tifg;gl;l r%f mq;fj;jtu;fs; kj;jpapy; ngz;fs; epiy njhlu;ghd ghupa khw;wq;fs; Vw;gl Kf;fpa fhuzq;fshf mike;jd. mJ kl;Lkd;wp ngz;fSf;nfjpuhd td;Kiw njhlu;ghf md;W njhl;L ,d;Wtiu gy;NtW Clfq;fspYk; jq;fs; typik nghUe;jpa Ngr;Rf;fs; kw;Wk; vOj;jpd; %yk; r%f khw;wj;jpid Vw;gLj;jpa Mz;> ngz; vOj;jhsu;fisAk; ehk; kwf;f KbahJ. me;j tifapy; ngz;fSf;F jd;dk;gpf;ifA+l;b> mtu;fspd; tYtpid mjpfupj;J> r%f Ntiyj;jpl;lq;fspy; mtu;fisAk; ,izj;Jf; nfhs;;s murrhu;gw;w epWtdq;fs; Kidg;Gld; nraw;gl;ld. vj;jid epWtdq;fs; ngz;fs; td;Kiwf;nfjpuhf Ntiy nra;jhYk; ,d;Wtiu ngz;fs; td;Kiw kl;Lk; Kw;whf Xa;e;jghby;iy. rhjhuz ngz;fSf;Nf me;j epiynad;why;> r%f tpjpfspypUe;J rw;W khWgl;l nraw;ghL> tpj;jpahrkhd rpe;jid> elj;ijAila ngz;fs; vt;thW ghjpf;fg;gLthu;fs;> mt;thwhd ngz;fSf;F vd;d elf;Fnkd;gij ehk; Cfpj;Jf; nfhs;syhk;. ,jpy; ngz;fis tpUk;Gk; ngz;fs;> kw;Wk; jpUeq;iffs; MfpNahu; ve;jsTf;F ghjpf;fg;gl;bUg;ghu;fs; vd;gij ehk; czuyhk;. xUtupd; ghypay; milahsg;gLj;jiy r%fk; ny];gpadhfNth> ig(b)nrf;]_tyhfNth md;wpy; jpUeq;ifahfNth milahsg;gLj;jp tpl;lhy; mjd; gpd; mDgtpf;Fk; xt;nthU ehl;fSk; mtu;fSf;F euf NtjidNa. tPl;by; ngw;Nwhu;> cwtpdu;fspilNa Muk;gpf;Fk; gpur;rpid r%fj;jpy; elkhLtJ tiu fl;lg;gLj;jg;gLk;. fy;tp fw;gjpy; rpukk; Vw;gLk;. gbg;gpf;Fk; Mrpupau;fNs ,tu;fisg; Gupe;J nfhs;tjpy;iy. ,jdhy; ghlrhiyf;fy;tp rpyUf;F vl;lhf; fdpahFk;. njhopy; xd;iwg; ngWtJ kpfTk; rpukkhapUf;Fk;. mg;gbg; ngw;whYk; njhlu;e;J Ntiy nra;a KbahJ kw;wtu;fsJ Nfypf;Fk;> fpz;lYf;Fk; Mshf NeupLtjhy;> kd cisr;rYf;F cs;shfp ,ileLNt Ntiyia tpl;L; nry;y Ntz;ba Ju;g;ghf;fpa epiyAk; Vw;glyhk;. ,jdhy; nghUshjh uPjpapy; ghupa gpur;rpidia vjpu;Nehf;Ftu;. ,t;thwhd gpur;rpidfs;> td;Kiwfs; njhlu;e;Jk; ,lk; ngWk;. ,tu;fs; ghupa gpur;rpidf;F Kfk; nfhLg;gJ jpUkz tajpy;jhd;. fhyhfhyj;jpy; gps;isfSf;F jpUkzk; Kbj;J itf;f KidAk;NghJ jpUkzj;jpw;F ,tu;fshy;

jq;fsJ jq;fsJ ngw;Nwhu; rk;kjpf;f

RAINBOW NEWS KbahJ. MapDk; FLk;g nfsutk;. R%fk; vd Nahrpg;gjhy; kdjstpy; vs;ssTk; tpUg;gkpd;wpNa jpUkzj;jpw;F rk;kjpg;gu;. ,d;Dk; rpyu; ahuplKk; nrhy;y KbahJ vJ te;jhYk; mDrupj;Jg; Nghf Ntz;ba epiyf;Fj; js;sg;gLtu;. me;j epiyapy; mtu;fs; jpUkzk; Kbj;jhy; jpUkz cwtpy; tpUg;gkpd;wpf; fhzg;gLthu;fs;. fztd; my;yJ FLk;gj;jpw;F gae;J ghypay; cwtpy; <LgLk; epiy Vw;gLkplj;J fu;g;gk; jupf;Fk; epiy Vw;gLk;. mjdhy; kdjstpy; tpUg;gkpd;wpNa ntWk; clypay; nraw;ghl;bd; %yk; rpy Foe;ijfSf;Fk; jhahfyhk;. (rpyu; mwNt mjw;F ,lk; nfhlhJ> mLj;j ehNsh my;yJ rpy ehl;fspNyh gpupe;J tpLtJKz;L. my;yJ fhynky;yhk; jpUkzk; nra;ahJk; rpyu; tho;tu;) ,Ue;jhYk; ehsiltpy; Mo;kdjpYs;s cz;ikj;jd;ik ntspg;glj; njhlq;fpaTld;> ,Jtiu fhyKk; ntspapy; njupe;Jk;> njupahkYk; rpWrpW gpur;rpidfSld; tho;e;jtu;;fs; fztUldhd ghypay; cwit ntWg;gij ntspg;gilahf

fhz;gpf;f KidAk;NghJjhd; gpur;rpid ngupjhf ntspapy; njupa Muk;gpf;fpd;wJ. ,t;Ntisapy; fztdpd; ntWg;Gf;F MshFk; mg;ngz;Zf;F FLk;gj;jfuhwpd; %yk; gy ghupa gpur;rpidfSf;F Kfk; nfhLf;Fk; epiy Vw;gl;L> ,Wjpapy; FLk;gk; gpupe;J gps;isfSk;> kw;wtu;fSk; rPuopAk; epiy Vw;gLk;. mjd;gpd; mg;ngz;zpz; epiygw;wp ehk; nrhy;y Ntz;bajpy;iy. Nkw;Fwpg;gpl;lthW ehk; xt;nthUtUk; tpUg;gj;Jld; vt;thW tpj;jpahrk;> tpj;jpahrkhd czTtiffis njupT nra;fpNwhNkh> xt;nthUtUk; cUtj;jhy;> rpe;jidahy;> nrayhy;> czu;Tfshy; vt;thW tpj;jpahrkhdtu;fshf fhzg;gLfpNwhNkh mt;thNw ghypay; tpUg;Gf;fSk; xUtUf;nfhUtu; tpj;jpahrkhf mikAk;. ehk; kw;wtUila czu;Tfis kjpf;f Ntz;Lk;. cupikfis kjpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mikjpiaAk;> m`pk;iriaAk; kjpf;Fk; ehk; kw;wtu;fspd; cupikfisAk; kjpf;f Ntz;Lk;> mtu;fs; ahuhapDk;> mtu;fspd; nraw;ghlhdJ gpwUf;F jPq;F tpistpf;fhjtiu.

idlÉPd fïih iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek ;reKhka fudlo lshkafka@ wms ;reKhkaf.kau wy,d n,uqo@ wms ish¨ fokdu hldg nhhs' wms ljodj;au hld oel,;a kE' hld fudk jf.ao lsh,d okafk;a kE' ta;a hldg nhhs' ta hld .ek wfma isf;a wmsu ujdf.k we;s foaj,a ksihs' iu,sx.sl;ajh lshk hld o ta jeksh' iudcfha fndfyda fofklag fï .ek jeä wjfndaOhla ke;' tneúka fï ms<sn`oj iudcfha we;af;a ìhla fyda ms<sl=<ls' ta yskaod wms iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek iudcfhkau m%Yak lsrSug ;SrKh l<d' fuys m<uq mshjr f,i ,xldfõ úúO m%foaYj,ska meñK úYaj úoHd, wOHdmkh yodrk YsIHhka lsysmfofkl=f.a woyia úuid n,kakg ud ;SrKh l<d' ta wkqj Tjqka fj; b;d ir, m%Yak y;rla bosrsm;a l<d' 01 iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka .ek Tn fudlo ys;kafka@ iu,sx.sl;ajh lshkafka udkisl f,vlaj;a úlD;shlaj;a fkfjhs' tal wehf.a fyda Tyqf.a mqoa.,sl ,sx.sl whs;sh - fla ^l=reKE.,& iu,sx.sl;ajh lshkafka b;du iajNdúl idudkH fohla' tal wehf.a fyda Tyqf.a ,sx.sl leue;a;' ^;=IS" uvl,mqj&

muKla fkdfjhs' ug tal .ek tÉpr wjfndaOhla keye' ^à" .d,a,& tla tla mqoa.,hdf.a leue;a; u; ;SrKh jk fohla' iuyr mqoa.,hka úIu ,sx.sl;ajhg leu;shs' iuyr wh iu,sx.sl;ajhg leu;shs' tal mqoa.,hd wkqj ;SrKh jk fohla ^wd¾" hdmkh& 02 iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka lshkafka ljqreka lshd Tn ys;kjdo@

iu,sx.sl;ajh lshkafka mqoa.,hd wkqj ;SrKh jk fohla' ia;%S mqreI iudcNdjh yd ,sx.sl leue;a; lshkafka folla' iuyrúg ,sx. fNaoh mqreI jqj;a" ta yskaod iu,sx.sl;ajh m%Yakhla lr .; hq;= keye' ^ã" fld<U& ug iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka lsh,d fjku fjka lrkak neye' úúO mqoa.,hka úúOdldrhs' iuyr wh iu,sx.sl;ajhg leu;s w;r ;j;a iuyr wh úIu ,sx.sl;ajhg leu;shs' iuyr wh folgu leu;shs' ta ksid iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka lsh,d fjku fjka lrkak neye' ^tia" ud;r& idudkHfhka ,xldfõ iu,sx.sl;ajh ;ykï' kuq;a iu,sx.sl;ajh iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hkaf.a uQ,sl wjYH;djhla' tu ksid fuu mqoa.,hka fyd`ohs o krlhs o lshd wmsg lshkakg neye' fudlo tu mqoa.,hkaf.a iajlSh ,sx.sl wkkH;djh cSj úoHd;aul lreKla kï'''^iS" .d,a,& iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka tl;= jkafka ,sx.sl;ajh mokï lrf.k

iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka lshkafk;a úIu ,sx.sl mqoa.,hka fukau idudkH mqoa.,hka ^fla" l=reKE.,& iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka lshkafk;a úIu ,sx.sl mqoa.,hka fuka b;du idudkH ñksiaiq' wms iudcfha úúO mqoa.,hka .;fyd;a iuyr whg ju; yqrehs' iuyr whg ol=K; yqrehs' ta jf.au iu,sx.sl ùu fyda úIu ,sx.sl ùu b;d iajNdúl fohla' ^;=IS" uvl,mqj& iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hkq;a wms jf.au ukqIHhka' kuq;a udkisl mSvkh fya;= fldg f.k Tjqka iudcfhka fldka ù isákjd' ^ã" fld<U& iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hkq;a wms jf.au ukqIHhka' Tjqka Tjqkaf.a kjfhdjqka úfhaoS okafka kE' Tjqkag ljqo wjYHh lsh,d' Tjqkag yq.dla wdorh wjYHhs' ta wdorh fkd,eîu fya;= fldg f.k Tjqka iu,sx.sl ;;ajhg m;a fjkjd' ^tia" ud;r&* 32

RAINBOW NEWS *mdGlhka i`oyd ksje/os lsrSula lsrSula lsrSug wjYHh' iu,sx.sl;ajh wdorh fkd,eîu ksid u we;sjk lreKla fkdfõ' iu,sx.sl;ajh hkq cdkuh fya;= iy iudcuh fya;= hk folu fya;=fjka we;s jkakla nj wo úoHd;aul u;hhs' kj fh!jk úfha fyd`oska wdorh ,enqKq orefjla o fjk;a lreKq fya;=fjka iu,sx.sl mqoa.,fhla njg m;a úh yelsh ^ixialdrl& mqoa.,fhla ,sx.sl wdl¾IKfhka fyda yeisrSu w;ska ;u ,sx.fha flfkl=gu leu;s nj w.jhs kï Tyq iu,sx.slfhla ^iS" .d,a,& Tjqkq;a wms jf.au ukqIHhka ^à" .d,a,&* * mdGlhka i`oyd ksje/os lsrSula lsrSula lsrSug wjYHh' iu,sx.sl;ajh fydafudak wiu;=,s;djh ksid we;sjk ;;a;ajhla fkdfõ' iu,sx.sl;ajh hkq cdkuh fya;= iy iudcuh fya;= hk folu fya;=fjka we;s jkakla nj wo úoHd;aul u;hhs' fydafudak wiu;=,s;;djh we;eïúg ixl%dka;s ,sx.sl whg n,mE yels kuqÿ th iu,sx.sl;ajh iu. lsisÿ iïnkaOhla ke;s fohls' lsisÿ fydafudak wiu;=,s;;djhla ke;s mqoa.,hka iu,sx.sl yd ixl%dka;s ,sx.sl ;;a;ajhkag m;a úh yelsh ^ixialdrl& 03 Tfí wd.ug wkqj iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka .ek Tn is;kafka l=ula o@ uu ys;kjd wd.ug wkqj;a iu,sx.sl;ajh je/os keye' ^fla" fn!oaO& lduiQ;%fha iu,sx.sl l%shdj, ksr; jk wdldrh i`oyka lr,d ;sfhkjd' wd.fuka iu,sx.sl;ajh je/os lshd lsõj;a th foi .eUqrska ne¨ l, th ksje/oshs' ^;=IS" yskaÿ& uf.a wd.fï iu,sx.sl;ajh imqrd ;ykï' iu,sx.sl újdy ms<s fkd.kakd f,i uf.a wd.ñl .%ka:j, i`oyka lr ;sfnkjd' ^wd¾" lf;da,sl& uf.a wd.fï iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek jeäh úia;r lr,d kE' ta yskaod uu okafka keye' kuq;a iu,sx.sl;ajh tmd lsh,d lsh,d kE' ^ã" fn!oaO& uf.a wd.fï iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek l=ula lsh,d ;sfhkjd o lshd ud okafka keye' tys úúO mqoa.,hka .ek úúOdldr whqrska úpdrh lr,d ;sfnkjd' úoHd;aul foaj,a .ek mjd lshd ;sfnkjd' ta yskaod uu ys;kjd uf.a wd.ug wkqj iu,sx.sl;ajh ;ykï kE lshd' ^tia" fn!oaO& uf.a wd.fï lsh,d ;sfnkafka úúO mqoa.,hkag úúO úosyg i,lkak ^fjkia f,i i,lkak& tmd lsh,hs' wjdikdjlg uf.a wd.fï ñksiqka th m%dfhda.slj ms<smoskafka keye' ^iS" fn!oaO&

fn!oaO u;h je/os f,i ,sx.slj fkdyeisfrk f,i ;=kajk YslaId moh i`oyka lrhs' je/os f,i ,sx.sl yeisrSfuka je,lSu hkq ,sx.sl w;jr" mrodr fiajkh" <ud wmpdr wdosfhka je<lSu hehs fndfyda fn!oaO úoaj;ayq meyeos,s lr;s' tfy;a .syshka i`oyd iu,sx.sl;ajh je/os fyda ksje/os hehs iDcqj lsisu ;ekl i`oyka fkdfõ' meúos mqoa.,hkag ish¨u wdldrfha ,sx.sl l%shd ;ykïh' ,sx.sl l%shdj,g wêl f,i f,d,a jQ" ye`.Sï md,kh lr .; fkdyels wh ^mKavl& meúos lsrSu o ;ykïh' l%sia;shdks u;h mrK f;ia;fïka;=fõ f,úália ( 18(22 jdlHh i`oyka lrk mrsos msrsñhl= .eyeKshla iu`. yeisfrk mrsoafoka msrsñfhl= iu. fkdyeisrsh hq;= neõ i`oyka lrhs' f,ú' 20(13 g wkqj msrsñfhla" .eyekshlg iudkj msrsñfhla iu. ,sx.slj yeisrS we;akï Tjqka fofokdu isÿlr we;af;a ms<sl=,a iy.; ldrKhla njo Tjqka mKmsáka .sks ;eìh hq;= nj;a i`oyka fõ' fuu jdlHhka o fidfodï iy f.dfudardys l;d jia;=j;a iu,sx.sl;ajh l%sia;shdks wd.ug wkqj je/os hehs m%ldY lsrSug fhdod f.k we;' iu,sx.sl .eyeKq .ek lsisÿ i`oykla nhsn,fha fkdue;' tfy;a fuu lreKq uOHia:j ne,sh hq;=h' f,ú' 20(9 jdlHh i`oyka lrk mrsos ;u fouõmshkag .ryk <ufhl= o urd oeñh hq;=h' fvhqfgfrdafkdñ 22 jdlHh i`oyka 33

lrk mrsos msrsñkaf.a we÷ï w`osk .eyeKq o" .eyeKqkaf.a we÷ï w`osk msrsñ o urd oeñh hq;=h' tfiau .eyeKshlf.a lkHdNdjh Tmamq lr.; fkdyels jqj fyd;a m%isoaêfha .,a .id urd oeñh hq;=h' fujeks lreKq lsisjla j¾;udk l%sia;shdks O¾uh wkqu; fkdlrk w;r nhsn,h ,shQ wh" w¾: oelajQ wh" úúO woyia ork ukqIHhka jQ neúka we;eï lreKq je/os whqrska iuyr úg nhsn,hg wka;¾.; jkakg we;eZhs fndfyda uOHia: wd.ñl úYaf,aIlfhda wo m%ldY lr;s' ta flfia jqjo tjeks lreKq wo Ndú;fhka bj;a lr we;akï iu,sx.sl;ajh ms<sn`o we;s fuu jdlHhkao Ndú;fhka bj;a fkdlrkafka wehso@ hk m%Yakh wms k`.uq' bia,dï u;h l=rdkh ¨Ü rcqf.a ^fidfodï iy f.dfudard& l;d jia;=fjys foúhka úiska iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hka iys; k.rhla úkdY l< mqj;la .ek i`oyka lrhs' foúhka úiska .eyeKsh ks¾udKh lr ;sìhoS msrsñka iy msrsñka ,sx.slj tla ùu uy;a mjla njo iu,sx.sl mqoa.,hkag b;d oeä ovqjï meñKsh hq;= nj o i`oyka lrhs' iuyrla bia,dóh kS;sh ms<sn`o b;sydi{hka mjikafka ^bia,dï oyu mokïj we;af;a l=rdkh iy uqyïuoa;=udf.a m%ldY jk yä;a m%ldYj, tl;=jlsks' & iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek i`oyka jk yä;a m%ldYhka uqyïuoa kì;=udu m%ldY l< tajd fkdj t;=ukaf.a urKfhka miqj tl;= l< tajd njhs' Tjqkaf.a ;¾lh mokïj uqyïuoa kì;=ud wd.ñl yd rdcH md,lhl= f,i iu,sx.sl whg kS;suh mshjr .;a wjia:djla ms<sn`o ft;sydisl isÿùula jd¾;d fkdjk ksid fuh miqj we;=<;a lrkakg we;s njhs' yskaÿ u;h - rs.a fõofha úlD;s tajï m%lD;s ^úlD;s fyda wiajdNdúl fia fmfkk foh o m%lD;s tkï iajdNdúl fõ& hkak iu,sx.sl;ajh .ek flfrk i`oykla fia we;efula w¾: olaj;s' ldu iQ;%fha oS iu,sx.sl p¾hd ms<sn`oj úia;r iys;j i`oyka fjk w;r uyd Ndr;fha isLkaêka ixl%dka;s ,sx.sl prs;hls' újdyhg fmr isÿjk ,sx.sl yeisrSï" mrodr fiajkh hk oE yskaÿ wd.u wkqu; fkdlrhs' we;eï merKs yskaÿ foajia:dkhkays iu,sx.sl p¾hd olajk uQ¾;s mjd ;ju;a fYaIj we;' 04 Tfí ys;jf;la$ñ;=frla$ kEfhla fyda orefjla iu,sx.sl jqjfyd;a Tfí m%;spdrh l=ula o@ uu Tyqg fyda wehg ;ukaf.a iïmQ¾K ,sx.sl whs;sh ,nd fokak lghq;= lrkjd' ^fla" l=reKE.,& uu wksjd¾hfhkau Tyqg fyda wehg Woõ lrkjd' uu Tyqg fyda wehg lshdfokjd iudcfha cSj;a úh hq;= wdldrh' iu,sx.sl;ajh iu. Tyqg fyda wehg we;s jk m%Yak tajdg úi÷ï yd uqyqK fok wdldrh uu Tyqg fyda wehg fmkajd fokjd' ^;=IS& ug tal .ek lsisu m%Yakhla kE' uu wef.a fyda Tyqf.a ,sx.sl whs;shg iïmQ¾Kfhka bv fokjd' ^ã" .d,a,& uu fuu m%Yakhg l,ska m%Yakj,g jvd mgyeks W;a;rhla fokak leu;shs' uu fïlg úreoaO fjkjd' fudl o iudch fï .ek je/os fldaKhlska n,k ksid' uu Tjqkg ovqjï lrkak;a mq¿jka' kuq;a iu,sx.sl;ajh ms<sn`o ug ;sfnk wjfndaOh ksid" iuyrúg ud th ndr .kak;a mq¿jka' ^tia" ud;r& tal wef.a fyda Tyqf.a iajNdúl ,sx.sl;ajh kï wehs wms ta .ek jo fjkafka' ^iS" .d,a,& ug tal .ek lsisu m%Yakhla kE' tal tfyu fjkak ;sfhkjd kï fjkjd' ^à" .d,a,& uq,skau uu talg fya;=j fydhd .kakjd' wehs tfyu jqfka lsh,d' uu ta ms<sn`oj Tjqka tlal idlÉPd lrkjd' talg úi÷ula fyda fjk;a ms<shula fydhd .kakjd' ^wd¾" hdmkh& -bïrdka wkaj¾-


idfmaCIjk iudc wjldYfha ksrfmaCI

iufifkyila fidhd... ug fj,djlg ysf;kjd" wms fï Ôj;afjk iudchg uu yßu wd.ka;=lhs lsh,d' fudlo lshkjd kï wms wfma we;a; yeÕSï tlal wmsg ´kE úÈyg" wms wms úÈyg Ôj;ajqfkd;a" fï iudcfhka wmsg t,a, fjkak ;sfhk .eryqï" kskaod" wmydi" wiSudka;slhs¡ ta ksid uu uu fkdù fjk flfkl= f,i Ôj;aùu ksid ugu f.dvdla ÿrlg ysf;kjd" uu uyd wd.ka;=l fndreldr fydfrla lsh,d' l;djla ;sfhkjdfka zY%S ,dxlslhd ixlS¾K jkafka lsisÿ úêu;a wdlD;shlg Tyqj nyd,sh fkdyels ksidfjka lsh,dZ' we;a;gu ta l;dj kï uiqrka jákd lshukla" Y%S ,dxlslhka jk wms lsisu wdlD;shlg wod< fjkafka kE' wmsg Yla;su;a u;jdohlaj;a" Yla;su;a mokulaj;a fï fjklï ,eì,d kE' fya;=j fudllao lsh,dj;a ;ju;a ys;d.kak;a nE' fudlo lshkjd kï wfma udkj øjHd;aul moku f,dafla wfkl=;a rgj, ñksiqkaf.ka fndfydu fjkia tlla fjk ksid' ngysr ñksiqka Ndú;d lrmq kQ;k ±kqï moaO;s YS% ,xldfõ foaYmd,kh" ixialD;sh" wd¾Ólh" l,dj" hk ish¨u lafIa;%j,g n,meje;ajqj;a" ksYaÑ; mokula fï lsisu fCIa;%hl kE lshk yeÕSu ug jf.au fï fudfydf;a fuh lshjk Thdg;a ms<s.kak fjk ;s;a; we;a;la' tu ±kqï moaO;s iu. ,dxlSh idïm%odhsl iudc iïnkaO;d yryd f.dv ke.=Kq hï lsis Ndú;hka ñY%ùula ;sfhkafka yßhg fnda, inkqhs" ákagia weKhs tlg ;sínd jf.a fkd.e,mSulska' iufifkyi tfyu;a ke;a;ka uf.au jpkfhka lshkjd kï iuÔjk iïm%odh" Gay lshk yeÕjqu jqk;a ,xldj ;=< Tvq ÿjkafka mqÿudldr jerÈ wdl,am iy yrmoaO;Ska tlalhs' ztalg j.lshkak ´k" Gay lsh,d f,an,a .yk ndysr iudch;a" Gay lshk f,an,h w,jd .;a; wms jf.a iuyrekq;a lsh,dZ" ug uyd úldr l,amkdjla tkjd" l=vd wjêfha§ wms wmsj ,syd .kafka" ta lshkafka wms wmsj f;areï .kafka wmsg msg;ska ;sfhk ndysr iudch wmsg wmsj y÷kd.kakg fok yeÕjqïldrlhd wdOdrfhkafka'

mqreI A








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wkkH;djhka (Multi dimension) ;sfhkjd' ta;a iudcfhka fï nyq iajrEmSh wkkH;djhka lssisu wdldrfhlska biau;= fjkakg wjia:djla ,ndfokafka kE' tal yßu widOdrK fohla' foaYmd,ksl" ixialD;sl" wd¾Óluh jHqyhkag fï nyq iajrEmSh wkkH;djhka odhljqk;a" iudcuh ms<s.ekSula ,nd fkd§ug ;rï" wfma uyd iudch l=yl fj,d ;sfhkafka mqÿudldr kskaÈ; úÈyghs' iudchla úÑ;%j;a fjkafka iqkaor fjkafka tlS iudcfha úúO;ajhla ;sfhkúghs' ta jf.au ta iudch bÈß m%.ukhlg .ukalrkafka;a fulS úúO;ajh ksihs' iufifkyil m%y¾Yh ú¢k ´kEu flfkl=g ñksfil= úÈyg Ôj;aùfï whs;shla ;sfnkjd' ksrfmaCI fifkyila fyda ksrfmaCI ,sx.sl;ajhla fï f,dafla kE' wfkla ldrKh ;uhs wms wfma iu,sx.sl;ajh fyda iufifkyi f;areï .kak;a t,shg tkak wmsg Yla;su;a mokula fï iudcuh l;sldj ;=< kE' ta ksidu wfma ne£ï iïnkaO;d iod;ksl fjkafka fndfydu l,d;=rlska' fndfyda ÿrg wms w;f¾ mjd m%pKav;ajh j¾Okh fjkafka" Yla;su;a nqoaêuh l;sldjlg wms wfma iylrejka iuÕ fkdhk ksid fjkak;a mq¿jka' fï wdrïNhhs' bÈßfha§ fulS fkdlS úIh mrdihka l;dlrkakg n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd ta jf.au fï yeu ldrKhlau ixjdohg;a újD;hs' fhdydka

fj,djlg ug ysf;kjd" ixialD;sh" iodpdrh lshk ixl,am j,g jvd wmsg wmsj f;areï.kak wjia:dj ,efnkafka" wms yeÈ,d ;sfhk ÔjúoHdkql+, moku u; lsh,d' ñksiaiq úÈyg wms yefudagu wmsg wdfõKsl fjÉp wkkH;djhla ;sfhkjd' ta wkkH;djhg n,mdkafka ffcj - ufkda iajNdjh lsh,d ;uhs ug ysf;kafka' yßu widOdrK úÈyg uq¿ f,dalh u oaú ,sx.sl njg m;afj,d' f,dj mj;sk ´kE u fohl tlsfklg mriamr úfrdaOfha ^oaù hq., m%;smCI;djh wkqj& wka; follg úisÍ,d .syska' ta;a ug ysf;k úÈyg ia;S% ,sx.sl yd mqreI ,sx.sl Ôj ridhk foj¾.h u hï lsis wkqmd;hlg wkqj fï yeu fohlu tald;añlj mj;skjd lsh,hs' idudkH iudc Ndú;hg tfyu ke;a;ï oekg ,xldfõ iudch wkqj ia;S% mqreI f,i wka; folla m%ldY jqjo" p¾hdO¾u wOHhkfha § ksrfmalaI ia;S%;ajhlaj;a ksrfmalaI mqreI;ajhlaj;a fnod fjka l< fkdyelshs' fï ksid wmg fï iudch ;=< nyq iajrEmSh 34


WmfoaYk fiajdj yf,da''' yf,da''' Blaj,a .%jqkaâ WmfoaYk fiajdj miq.sh l,dmfhka ' ' ' fojeks fldgi WmfoaYl - Tõ" ksu,a ug f;afrkjd" Thd fï foaj,a yskaod f,dl= wmyiq;djhlg m;afj,d lsh,d' b;ska ug Thdf.a úia;r álla lshkak mq¿jka o@ ug mq¿jka fï m%Yafkos Thdg Woõ lrkak' úfYaIfhkau wfma WmfoaYk fiajdj msysgqj,d ;sfhkafka Thf.d,a,kag jf.a whg Woõ lrkak' ksu,a - uf.a fm!oa.,sl foaj,a Thdg lsh,d wka;sug ug m%Yakhla fjhs o okafka keye' WmfoaYl - Thd ud;a tlal l;dlrk foaj,a lsisfia;au ;j;a flfkla oek .kafka keye' ryiHNdjh .ek ug ishhg ishhlau Thdg iy;sl fjkak mq¿jka' ksu,a- wfma f.j,a l=reKE.,' mqxÑ ldf,a b`o,du ug f;arekd uu yrs fjkia lsh,d' uu fjk msrsñ <uhs wdid lrk foaj,g wdid lf<a keye' ta fjkqjg uu wdid lf<a" f.or fodr w;=.dkak" ,iaikg ;shd .kak" u,a jjkak" lEu Whoaos wïug Woõ fjkak' ks;ru kd,d msrsisÿ fj,d mõv¾ od,d bkak' uu ál ál f,dl= fjk fldg f.or whg flfia fj;;a uf.a fï yeisrSu wy, my, whg f,dl= úys¿jla jqKd' ug t<shg neye,d ;kshu .ukla hkak neye' fld,af,da ug zkx.sZ" z<ñiaisZ lsh lsh fldf,dmamka lrkak .;a;d' ta ú;rla fkfuhs biafldaf, os ug yrshg jo ÿkakd' fmdâv tfy fufy fjoaos <uhs ug wmydi l<d' uf.a wef`.a tfyka fufyka ñrslkak" w; .dkak mgka .;a;d' bf.k .kak tl flfia jqk;a mka;sfhos ug fld,a,kaf.a ysrsyerj,ska fírs,d bkak tl ug uy ysirohla jqKd' fïl ksidu ug uf.a bf.kSu .ek yrs wjOdkhla fhdojkak ners jqKd' ug fyd`og bf.k .kak mq¿jkalu ;snqK;a wka;sfï bf.kSu wvd, jqKd' udj fï lrorfhka fír.kak lsh,d f.org" .=rejrekag lsõj;a jevla jqfka keye' thd,;a uguhs fodia lsõfõ' f.or wïu,d" ;d;a;,d lsõfõ —Wfò Th .Ekq .;s kj;a;mka' t;fldg fld,af,da WUg úys¿ lrk tl kj;a;hs lsh,d'˜ whsh,d lsõfõ —nekafkd;a nekmx" .eyqfjd;a .ymx˜ lsh,d' wfka ta jqkdg ug f.or bkak if;lagj;a mdrla .ykak ;rï wd;au Yla;shla ;snqfka keye'˜ ^b;srs fldgi B,. l,dmhg&


Hotline: 5679766 or 5734530 Open 9.30a.m. to 5.30p.m. Monday through Friday. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 35


MAIL BOX Realy proud and pleased to see these developments in Sri Lanka. some day soon, we will be “ourselves” ! Thank you for all the good work. Jerome

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I think all of you at Equal Ground do amazing work. Every time I read more about the history of the Equal Ground it makes me more and more determined to do what I can to help the situation globally. I feel I should apologise for the fact it was us Brits who came over and put the criminalisation of homosexuality in place. If I could repair the damage I would! Michelle

Hi Rosanna, I walked into Chagall at 6.30p , the appointed time as Gerald told me that there would be hardly anyone. However there were a few and I met Gerald and introduced myself as Faiz, who would have been introduced by Rosanna. He smiled and said “oh yes” and told me to wait a while till he finishes off with a client. I told him that I was shy when I made the appointment and he was so understanding that he gave me the 6.30p appointment. Anyway, I sat and requested a coffee which I drank to break my fast. Then Gerald took me to a place which though open was secluded. I told him that I wanted a haircut that would be male when I dressed as one and feminine when I dressed as one. He smiled and said, “So you are Rosanna's friend?”. I said yes and I knew that you had briefed him in a sense. Thank you for that. He then said to show the wig and he put it on me and told me how to fluff it and let the strands fall onto my face and if I wished, tie as a pony and yet let a few strands fall on my face. Rosanna, I felt like crying that I was not a woman. Oh! dear what a shame. The feeling that I got when the wig came on me was exhilarating. Oh! God, why, why am I not a woman? How triumphant I felt, to see my ugly manly face look so much different. I realized that I should have been a woman as everything inside me that was woman came alive. My smile, the heave in my heart Oh! god, I just cannot describe it. Here I was being told very gently by Gerald that I should do this and that and all the while I was praying and singing thanks to you Rosanna. I saw many beautiful girls walking in and out and felt very sad that I can never look like them and be wanted with love and I know that this is my life, a secret that you dearest Rosanna and a few like Gerald and Stefan share. When Stefan came, Gerald called him and introduced me as “This Rosanna's friend”. I felt so much at ease. I saw the different womanly looks that i could have with each manipulating of the hair on the wig and Gerald said don't cut it. If you also like short hair, buy another, which I will do next.

dear all, I do have to state one thing for the record though! it was due to EG that my parents now accept me and respect me! and they were with me at the pride events as well! and i have to say that I am proud of them as they are in their 70,s and still came for the pride events!

Gerald then called a young chap and told him, that I wished to learn how to use make up and the young chap was so sweet, saying, "hi, when is the party" so very innocently. Gerald wanted me to make an appointment and meet the young soul and go through the paces of making me up.

so there!!!!!! can most of you or anyone of you state that their parents would join you in pride????? and EG supported us all the way!

I wish I could make my breasts grow a bit. That is a big wish and I want to do it. I will have to tackle the home front but this yearning to be a girl and now and woman has been since age 14. What a tragedy. But I cannot look back but forward and you are there. Thank You.

I guess EG is on the right path, steadily moving things forward for all of us! Thanks guys from the bottom of my heart, for trying to make it a better place for us! Wish I could one day meet you all personally and congratulate you, maybe soon! Very soon . . . With pride and joy of been gay Yours faithfully -

Rosanna, God Bless You, I felt so much at ease with all who interacted with me at Chagall, I felt it was like home. Thank You, Thank you, Thank You! I would fail if I did not share my deepest happiness with you, as you have transformed me and brought new meaning to my life, which I will be happy to enjoy among a select few as you. I believe it is my privilege that I am sharing this with you.

The pictures I have taken yesterday is without make up and there are many. The Pictures I took today are many, with make up on. My studio is the Garage of my home when My wife drives her car away and the natural sunlight are my studio lights. I have selected a few, (maybe many, so forgive me), pictures with make up on and one or two without to show the happiness. I can see my happiness overflowing in those smiles and open mouth which I never saw. I have been told by many, including my wife, to smile as I have a nice or beautiful one, but it had to be Suzie (my female persona) that had to bring that beauty out. Thank You Rosanna. I give you permission to use what I have written in this email, with modifications, so that it will serve as a story for those who seek happiness when they have human beings and lovely hearts such as yours to help us. Please use this. Please bear with me for flooding your mail box with pictures, but my happiness is brimming, thanks to you. Your ever loving, ever grateful happy and :-)ing, Suzie

Suranga 36




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"Equality for all Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities: Human Rights for everyone" Tel: +94-11-5679766/+94-11-2512977 Fax: +94-11-2512296 Email: equalground@gmail.com/ info@equal-ground.org Web: http://www.equal-ground.org Web Blog: http://equalground.wordpress.com

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