Best Exercises for a Hiking Workout

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Raihane Hassaine

Best Exercises for a Hiking Workout

Best Exercises for a Hiking Workout When creating a hiking workout training regime, exercises should be incorporated that build endurance, increase balance and improve strength in the major muscles. Cardiovascular exercises should also be included too.


Great for building strength and working the muscles involved in taking a backpack on and off throughout the day, squat curl overhead presses combine a squat with the lifting of a moderate amount of weight.

Jump Squats

Side Plank with Leg Squats don’t require any equipRaise ment and are great for working out all the major muscles in the legs and lower body, while adding a jump helps to develop additional power in the lower legs.

Squat Curl Overhead Press Great for building strength and working the muscles involved in taking a backpack on and off throughout the day, squat curl overhead presses combine a squat with the lifting of a moderate amount of weight.

Planks are effective at developing key core muscles such as the glutes, obliques and leg muscles. This variation of the classic exercise enhances endurance in the muscles that support and move the hips. The difficulty can be increased simply by adjusting how high the top leg is raised.

Hip Clock Knee soreness and fatigue is a common complaint among hikers. The hip clock exercise can help prevent this by building hip strength to give the practitioner better control over the movement of their knees.


Raihane Hassaine For more information about this topic, visit the blog of Raihane Hassaine.

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