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this is... Tara Menon

IN HOPES OF WINNING THE CLASS COMPETITION, sophomore Alexa Smith’s group presents their extensive research for their group’s product. The group came up with a silent hair dryer that does not burn hair at an affordable price. “The competition was fun, because it was cool to see months of hard work in everyone’s projects. Hopefully our hard work will show in our results,” Smith said. Photo by Julia

PRESENTING. Sophomore Jordi Quirch finishes the last portion of his pitch. Quirch and his group worked hard to perfect their idea and were happy with the outcome. “The judges all loved our product and thought we should even charge more for the service, because of how useful it would be,” Quirch said.

HIDING THEIR LAUGHTER, sophomore Marcos Rodriguez’s group can struggle to regain their composure after a mishap while presenting. Their business idea, “Sleep Neru,” promoted an alternative alarm clock that used white noise and vibrations to prevent morning sleepiness. “A few things went wrong in the beginning, but we got great feedback, and it was really fun to present,” Rodriquez said. Photo by Julia