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pushing THROUGH

Sophomore Adria Davenport fought to catch her breath as adrenaline rushed through her body on the game against Coral Shores on Feb.14. She rushed to the goal, concentrating on not being checked by her defender. With an opponent on her back and with the score neck-to-neck, Davenport knew she had to deliver.

“I was super happy when I scored, because I knew that one goal could change the whole outcome of the whole game,” Davenport said.

The girls varsity lacrosse team had a challenging game against Coral Shores. With a final score of 4-7, the girls were disappointed with their loss. Nevertheless, the girls played really well and put in a good effort, especially in the second half, closing the huge gap between them and their opponent.

“We had a game the day before, so the team was really tired. Yet, we still gave it our all and are proud of what we delivered,” sophomore Mills Van Gastel said.

The girls believed that in order to overcome this loss and to start doing better, they would need to work on communication and team exercises. In addition, they hoped to improve their stick skills and to work on minor mistakes that could make large impacts on games. Working with a new team, the girls had to learn to work cohesively and learn to trust each other in order to start seeing results.

“I think we were having trouble trusting each other, since it is the beginning of the season. We are all still getting to know each other, our skill sets and abilities,” sophomore Marena Goodman said.

Nonetheless, they hoped to finally overcome this bump in the road and start seeing results. The girls thought that they can improve a lot this year than in previous years and are excited for the season ahead of them.

“I think we have a really good team this year and the chemistry is definitely there. I think we will be able to win some more games,” junior Giulia Francez said.