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serving ON THE court

The girls defeated Palmer Trinity 7-0 at the Feb. 17 match.

WITH A DRIVEN MINDSET, junior Valentina Rossi plays through her fourth year on the team. Being able to contribute to her school through playing tennis was what kept pushing her to work harder and to improve to be able to play better every year. “Nothing beats the feeling of winning with your team, and it is what keeps me coming back to the team,”Rossi said.

EXCELLING, sophomore Sophia Varabyeva is happy with her performance at the game. Although the rough weather was not easy on the players, they all fought through it. “It was really hot, and I was exhausted, but I played pretty well either way, and winning as a team brought us closer,” Varabyeva said. In order to win as a team, every player needed to do their part to bring in points.


Senior Mia Suarez focuses all her energy on the tennis ball in front of her. “Being able to concentrate on the ball and where it is going is absolutely crucial to a good game. If not, it is easy to misdirect the ball,” Suarez said. Photo by Fox Mar

Zeroing in on the ball, team captain Lia Fletcher ignored the blazing heat, got into ready position, took her racket back, and swung at the ball with the techniques she’s been perfecting consistently.

“A big part of a sport like tennis is being consistent, and not getting frustrated when you have a bad match, which can happen to anyone, even professionals,” Fletcher said.

After the girls dominated Palmer Trinity at the February 17th game with a smashing 7-0 score, their hard work on and off the courts showed through with every swing, serve, and volley. Not only did these girls work hard with tennis coach Kelly Mulligan throughout the week, but they also dedicated hard-working hours outside of school to reach the level that they acquired.

“You need to train at least four days a week. It takes a commitment to practice to be on the team. Good tennis players work hard for many years to get to the level they need to be able to compete on a school team,” Mulligan said.

The girls tennis team was known for its rigor, and it was tough to earn a spot on the team.

“My freshman year I tried out, and I was really hoping to get in, but once I saw the other girls’ levels, I knew I had to train as hard as possible to get on the team this year, and I am happy it paid off,” sophomore Laura Solorzano said.

For captains, senior Mia Suarez and senior Lia Fletcher, getting to be captains was no easy task.

“I have always been passionate about tennis, and I think that is the reason that I have done so well in my high school career, because my love for the sport just made me want to be better. Being captain means the world to me, and I feel like my dedication over the years is what got me to this position,” Fletcher said.

Story by Andrea Lahrssen

SETTING A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION, sophomore Laura Solorzano feels good practicing, even though she is not playing in this particular game. Her determination and hard work outside of school was what got her into the team primarily. “In order to make sure I got on the team, I practiced in my free time with a coach every week, and my consistency is why I have been improving so easily,” Solorzano said. Photo by Jen Uccelli