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Wake up at 5:00 AM, drive an hour to Pines Ice Arena, fall after doing a double Lutz on the cold hard ice, go to school, workout for track and field, do homework, and go to bed, only to repeat everything the next day. That is the daily routine freshman Tara Menon goes through every day in order to practice the sport she loves: figure skating.

Menon has always been drawn to the graceful and challenging sport of ice skating. But it was not until she was enrolled in lessons at a young age that she truly fell in love with it.

“My mom put me in ice skating lessons when I was about eight years old. I loved it from the very first lesson, and I just kept going,” Menon said.

Tara’s passion for ice skating only grew from there. She spent countless hours practicing on the ice, honing her skills and perfecting her routines. But as she began to compete in more advancedlevel competitions, she realized that not many people understood the difficulty and complexity of the sport.

“Whenever I tell people that I am a figure skater, they do not really take it seriously. They think it is just something you do for fun, like roller skating or ice skating during the holidays for fun. But it is really a lot more than that,” Menon said.

Tara is quick to point out that figure skating requires a great deal of skill, balance, and strength. It is a physically and mentally demanding sport that requires intense focus, dedication, and technique.

“You have to be able to control your body on the ice, which is not easy. And then you have to do all these jumps and spins and other tricks that require a lot of practice and training, all in front of nine judges who give a score at the end of the routine,” Menon said.

Despite the challenges of pursuing figure skating, Tara is proud of the unique community that she has found within the sport. She notes that ice skaters are a supportive and passionate group, who share a love for the sport and a commitment to excellence.

“I love being a part of this community. We all push each other to be better, and we are always there to cheer each other on during competitions. It is a really special thing,” Menon said.

As Tara looks ahead to the future, she knows that she wants to continue pursuing ice skating and pushing herself to be the best she can be.

“Ice skating is definitely a big part of my life. I want to keep getting better and competing in more and more competitions. I just love the feeling of being out on the ice and doing something that not many people can do,” Menon said.