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TO THE net

Senior Jeremy Arnum drove past his defender during a game against Miami Country Day on Jan. 10. In his fourth year as a member of the varsity team, Arnum was proud of his individual progress, during the game and was able to make multiple points.

“I was looking for a gap, to either go up for a dunk or pass it out to the corner for a 3,” Arnum said.

Under the guidance of head basketball coach Ray Allen, the team made great progress, ending the season with a record of 17-12.

“Coach Allen has taught me the importance of discipline and of time management, which has helped not only me, but also my team as a whole,” Mansfield said.

Senior Jordan Bankston was also pleased with how well the team played this year, and how they bonded off the court. Team communication was one factor that led to Bankston’s high of 19 points in a critical play-off game against the Sunset Knights on Feb. 7.

“We trust one another. My teammates trusted that I would make the shots they passed to me, ” Bankston said.

In addition to the growth as players on the court, Coach Allen provided an environment that allowed his players to grow off the court as well. Junior Keenan Lawrence appreciated the life lessons that he received throughout the season.

“Coach Allen has taught me a lot. One of the most valuable things that I think that he has emphasized for me along my path is to just understand that everyone has a different path, meaning that everything that is happening to me now, will contribute to who I am later,” Lawrence said.

With their winning record and two post season play-off victories, the team closed the season proud of their accomplishments and with valuable life long lessons regarding perseverance and teamwork.

FOCUSED ON THE PLAY, senior Jordan Bankston looks to his center senior Denzel Dorn to complete a pass. “I was trying to make the right play by drawing the defense towards me as I was planning on sneaking a pass to Denzel for an easy lay up,” Bankston said. Photo by Fox Mar

DRIVEN BY THE OPPOSING TEAM, senior Ray Allen makes a lay up. “I was looking for a gap, to either go up for a dunk or pass it out to the corner for a three pointer. I was thinking about the momentum of the game and about how I could contribute to us taking a lead in the game. Whether I made it or missed it, I was focused on keep playing,” Allen said. Photo by Fox Mar

AROUND THE COURT, junior Keenan Lawrence moves fast to make a shot. The starters worked together to get a lead in the game. “The team has progressed well this year, as we started off with five straight wins in the beginning of the season. The struggles in the middle of the season have helped us to be better as a team, and as Coach Allen likes to say, ‘adversity builds character,’” Lawrence said. Photo by Fox Mar

AT THE START, senior Anthony Iser knocks the ball out of his opponent’s hand to win the jump ball for his team. “We wanted to win the jump ball and be a problem the whole game,” Iser said. Photo by Fox Mar

ABOVE THE RIM, junior Jackson Mansfield jumps off the ground and rises above the rim to make a basket. Mansfield scored a total of two points for his team. “I have been able to work on all aspects of the game this season, so I have gotten so much better overall as a player,” Mansfield said.