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Students in the Drama Department got to showcase the pieces they preformed during Districts to teachers, friends and

, showcased three pieces, including “Buddies Blues,” from Stephen Sondheim’s “Follies” as his last Drama and Desserts performance. He used prompts of googly eyes as puppets, and played both of their roles while also narrating the story. “It felt really good to perform my competitions again for the last time, especially since I was sick during the original competition; and Drama and Desserts is very low pressure, so I wasn’t really stressed and just gotta have fun,” he said, “being able to perform without the fear of not getting a good score is so much more fun. It’s also fun because a majority of the audience is just people who I know and people I’m close to, so getting to show them my performances is such a nice


Sophomore expressed no regret after performing The Fly. “In districts, there was more of a challenge for my partners and I since we were performing not only for judges but we were performing to be the best in Miami. However, drama and desserts was a breeze for us to perform since we knew most of the crowd.”

Isabella Giraldez, perform in an ensemble scene of “The Serpent.” Here the scene of Eve and the Serpent in the garden is depicted, as Eve gazes at the apple, contemplating taking a bite. Sofia said, “Our student movement choreographer [Valeria Bigott], was awesome because the scene was very complex movement-wise and was really like no other scene I'd been in before. The scene was very abstract and fantastical with a repetition that at times made it very hard to


Junior Valeria Bigott performed three pieces, one of them being “Radio TBS” by Mark Landon Smith. Bigott, also helped choreograph two scenes. “As a performer in both dance and theater, choreography has always been an interest of mine. Getting to explore the world of dance in theater again through the director’s standpoint is always exciting, and working with my fellow actors was an experience I’m grateful for. As a Junior Officer, it felt great taking that initiative of leadership by choreographing two pieces for competition,” she said.


Seniors Esther Enekes and Theodore Ciperski kicked off the night introducing the show’s pieces. It was an emotional moment for Ciperski, as this was his last time on the stage for Drama and Desserts. He said, “It felt bitter-sweet. It’s always


What was your experience at this Model UN conference?

At the start, I had a lot of anxiety leading up to the committee, but I started getting the hang of it. I ended up having a lot of fun in the conference, and also a lot of fun exploring the city with my friends.

How were you able to overcome your nerves?

It was my first conference, so it was definitely nerve-racking, but I realized that I knew how to do it, because of the numerous practices, so I stopped overthinking. I started coming up with really good ideas with my friends, making it become a lot less stressful. What were your tasks inside of the committee?

Beforehand, you are given a name that will be your character throughout, so you do your research on that person. Once you enter the room, it is your job to act on your character’s interests and to help solve issues through debate, passing motions, and offering solutions. It was a lot of work, but once you start, it starts to feel like a game, and you end up not being able to wait for the next debate.