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USING ALL THEIR MIGHT, juniors Branden Rosenthal and Tomas Sciarra team up with the rest of their grade as they pull the rope towards their side in hopes of beating the teacher’s team. After a continuous cycle of the rope switching from one side to another, the teachers ultimately took the win. The whole gym erupted as the students were in disbelief that the juniors lost. Photo by Daniel Lara

BEING SUPPORTIVE, the pep rally begins with the crowd erupting as the football team was introduced. The crowd cheered as they ran inside of the gymnasium, with their football gear on. Their coach presented each player and acknowledged their success in the season thus far. Photo by Daniel Lara

READY TO CHEER EVERYONE ON, senior Johanna Ernsberger holds up a duck whistle sign. Earlier, Student Government passed out a variety of noisemakers for students to use during the pep rally. Students blew on their whistles as soon as the sign went up. Photo by Daniel Lara

From spooky to creative costumes, most students showed up to school showcasing holiday spirit.

Although Halloween was on a Monday this year, students and faculty members arrived to school wearing creative and comfortable costumes. Many were excited for their evening events since there was no school the next day. During break, seniors Max Bendix, Luna Mejia, and Luke Rozenberg discussed their after school plans. “While I chose my costume in the morning, I got a nostalgic feeling, because I realized that this would be my last time ever dressing up for Halloween in high school,” Mejia said.

The hallways were multi-colored as students showed up with colors representing their class.