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mission complete

The bell perched itself on the table waiting to be rung while senior Isabela Rezk submitted her first college application, with the ongoing motivation of her supportive and encouraging peer, senior Theodore Ciperski, at the “Mission Submission” college application event on Oct. 12. Students blocked out school and other extracurriculars for the time being to completely focus their attention on submitting their long-awaited college applications.

“It felt really good to get the first application out of the way. It was definitely nerve-wracking, but something that I have been waiting to do for so long,” Rezk said College counselors joined seniors in the Student Union ready to assist whoever needed help with college-related tasks and questions, such as how to fill out financial aid forms or how to accurately upload ACT or SAT scores. Friends gathered around the circular tables and the seniors cheered in excitement when one of their peers rang the gold bell, meaning that they submitted their first application.

“I thought this day helped me, because the counselors were very accessible. Also, having the community there and just calmly going through the Common App with any assistance needed made it much more helpful, rather than doing it myself, because I could get my questions answered,” senior Gabrielle Gleason said.

CONCENTRATING. Freshman Riley Prescott focuses on leaving no pin standing. After he hit a strike, Prescott felt ecstatic to see that his team beat Belen. “It was a fabulous game,” Prescott said.

FOCUSING, freshman Thomas Atkins executes what he learned in practice very efficiently in the match against Belen. After performing well at that meet, Atkins looked forward to beating his personal records. “It was a very good day. I learned what I need to focus on more in practice,” Atkins said. Photo by Fox Mar

THROWING THE BALL GENTLY, freshman Elijah Leano focuses on hitting the spare. Leano hit above average in the 120s and 130s, an accomplishment that he was very proud of. “I personally feel very happy with this season as a bowler, as I had not had any practice before the season started,” said Leano. Photo by Fox Mar