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in control senior night

Team captain enjoyed a night she had longed for: Senior Night. She had waited for this opportunity for four years, especially after sharing in the event with former teammates who have since graduated. She enjoyed all the traditions, including the framed uniform and the sentiments of her teammates.

Senior Gabrielle Gleason said a bittersweet goodbye to her last game.

CHEERFUL. Junior Costanza

Prato cheers on the varsity football team during the Homecoming Game. “I love being that positive person that encourages and motivates others. I love being there for the other athletes, cheering them on, and letting them know that we support them. I love how much it pushes me to be a better athlete, leader, and overall person. I feel as if cheer is one of my forms of self expression,” Prato said.

ALL boxes before pressing the long-

“submit” button. She reviewed her applications many times, with her eyes wide open for any mistakes. Mistakes could not be corrected once submitted. “It was very exciting to turn in my first couple of applications, because it made the process feel real,” Rezk said.