1 minute read

& QA


What is the hardest part of designing and building a robot?

The hardest part of designing a robot is coming up with ideas and figuring out how the ideas will work together in a small amount of time. While building a robot, the hardest part is making sure everything works and fixing everything that did not work from the design.

What is the process of building and programming a robot?

The first thing you have to do is brainstorm. Then, you start designing. While we are designing, we are also prototyping to make sure the designs are going to work. After designing, we start building the robot. Since we do not have the CNC machine, we send the parts out to be cut. After that, we start assembling the robot and making sure it works. Finally, we wire the robot, programming and testing. With testing, there is a lot of fixing.

What is most exciting about the process for you?

The competition is the most exciting part. Seeing the robot finally work and accomplish something well is definitely worth all the work that we do.