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What’s it like to watch the seniors grow from last year as juniors?

Watching people grow is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. It has only been very recent that I have had the opportunity to teach students for two years, and with the new advisory, I have the opportunity to meet students when they are younger.

What is your favorite part about being the senior sponsor?

My favorite part is being involved with the fun things – specifically, Grad Bash. You leave school at 6:00pm and get back at 7:00am the next day. We have such a blast, and we are all physically exhausted at the end of it.

What are some things seniors can look forward to this year?

Besides Grad Bash, I’m looking forward to the senior field day where there’s an awesome ropes course and huge aquatics center, canoe race, and all kinds of fun things for seniors to do throughout the whole day. It’s definitely a fun bonding experience.

Winning the rock, paper, scissors tournament at the pep rally was a great way to start off the first day of senior year.

Seniors stepped on campus ready for the year ahead

Seniors Avelino GonzalezRoman, Jorge Freund, and Mateo Acosta-Rubio embraced the good energy around them as they caught up outside of the Student Union on their last first day of high school on Aug. 17. The campus came alive as students gathered after a long time of not seeing each other, catching up before each of their classes. It was a time to catch up with friends and shape vivid, lifelong memories.

“It feels crazy that all of a sudden we are seniors--now the leaders of our high school. It feels like yesterday that I was a freshman, nervous to walk on campus,” Acosta-Rubio said.

Students embarked on new milestones as incoming freshmen worked their way through a new campus, juniors took pride in the opportunity to drive to school for the first time, and seniors displayed their school spirit wearing red on their first day of senior year. Faculty members welcomed students as they exited their cars and made their way onto school grounds, setting an optimistic tone for the upcoming year.

“I felt very welcomed by everyone on campus. It was exciting to get back in the swing of things,” senior Lindsay Roth said.

In a few weeks, the seniors would take their last school picture, and not long after that they would complete their applications for the colleges of their dreams. Their last college trip, their last ACT or SAT test, their last homecoming all seemed to be so far away but were now becoming a reality.

“I can already tell this year is going to go by so fast; I am going to experience so many new things...it is going to be over before I know it,” senior Elisa Regueros said.

Story by Ava Burke

Onelast Time

realforSome seniors took Polaroids with their classmates to keep as memories of their first last day of school. Using film became popular over the summer, so students brought their cameras on the first day of school to capture memories. “I took a lot of pictures, and put them on a bulletin wall in my room to always be able to look back at memories,” senior Andrea de Bedout said. Photos by Andrea de Bedout

With their crowns decorated to their liking, students arrived to school in Senior Spirit.

Seniors arrive to their first last day of school in all red to represent their class color. From funky sunglasses to creative crowns, seniors came all decked out in red to show their senior spirit in the pep rally. “It was so cool to see the different crowns that everyone made for the first day. Each crown was so different,” senior Miranda Martin said.

ON senior Ainsley Kling goes over her schedule for the first day of school. Lots of students put their schedules as their home screens to avoid confusion.

BLOCKING UNTIL THE WHISTLE, Senior Wide Receiver Antwaan

Mays engages with a Belen defender downfield as he blocks until the whistle sounds. The team, played and won with a score off 3114, leading the team to a succesfull kick for the season.