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Sienna Marinelli worked as a ballgirl at the US Open.

Freshman Sienna Marinelli has always been passionate about tennis. Being born in New York City and attending the tournament since the age of five, Marinelli knew she eventually wanted to play a role behind the scenes. “I was in New York in June and learned about the tryouts for the Open. We were broken down into groups during the tryouts we would have to run, help the players and practice rolling the ball,” says Marinelli. “I later learned there were 1000 people trying out for 300 positions,” she added. Even though the job may have been physically tough, Marinelli wouldn’t change a second of it. “I loved every minute of time spent as a ball girl at the Open. I got to meet my favorite players, made new friends and watched some of the greatest matches. Photo provided by Sienna Marinelli

STANDING PROUD, junior Eduardo Kingston holds a box from Ben’s Pizza on his first day at the job. “I felt proud of myself when I got the job, and I was excited to start working there,” said Kingston. Photo provided by Eduardo Kingston.

SERVING WITH A SMILE, junior Eduardo Kingston refills water glasses, ready to wait the next table. “I had to get used to the environment at first, and shadow experienced workers before they let me start waiting tables,” Kingston said. Photo provided by Eduardo Kingston.