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Aroha Sushi Raglan


Open 6 days, Wed - Mon, until 5pm 07 825 7440

Support our local eateries! Hours and specials below.

Serving honest local & good food

Open 7 days 8am - 4pm Cnr Bow St & Wainui Rd 07 825 0027

Read about the new dairy factory building redevleopment on page 7.

Image | Geraldine Burns ig: @g.design_photo

248 Wainui Rd | 07 825 8233

Open 7 Days a Week From 9am

Open for Dinner Fri & Sat from 5:30pm Breakfast/Lunch 7 Days

Open 7

43 Rose St 07 825 0010



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A warm welcome to our visitors.

Once again, we have put together a summer magazine to introduce you to Whaingaroa and the endless and diverse experiences we have to offer.

In this issue, we are delighted to celebrate and feature new developments within the walls of our community treasures. The old dairy factory on Wallis St, home to Sarah Bing Pottery, is featured on the cover. On page 5, we explore the wider project and the developers’ vision to create a creative space while retaining its oldworld charm.

The Harbour View Hotel has a new collaboration with Andy Meek, promising even more gigs at the grand old venue this summer—see page 9 for details.

Wine and beer lovers are in for a treat this summer, as the inaugural Raglan Vine Festival takes place at the Raglan Town Hall on 8 February (see page 13). Meanwhile, the exhibition Capturing Energy runs from 10–13 January and showcases the work of some of Raglan’s finest established and emerging artists— see page 21.

Throughout the year, we have once again benefited from Ruby Gibbs of My Mental Health Toolbox sharing local mental health stories. On page 31, Ruby reflects on the 2024 series and shares some memorable words that have resonated with her. Opening up these conversations can transform how we view and navigate our struggles. Ruby also reviews the annual dance performance by Whaingaroa Youth Movement on page 19.


Please remember to support local businesses this summer season. Our local businesses rely on this trade to tide them through 2025.

Enjoy the local cafes, try somewhere new that you haven’t been to before, go for a walk and enjoy a locally brewed beer in one of our wonderful pubs/ club or restaurants. Have a look through this edition to spot our incredible home-grown marketing companies, web-designers, exceptional artists, artisan produce makers, and a broad range of activities to immerse yourself in this holiday season.

Enjoy the maunga, the moana, and please check out some of our amazing Not-for-profits: Xtreme Zero Waste, Raglan Radio, Karioi Project and Whaingaroa Environment Centre; all of these groups serve our community and our environment ensuring Whaingaroa Raglan remains this special place that we all adore.

Our Commitment to Whaingaroa Business:

The Board has been working diligently to design a diverse calendar of events tailored for our Raglan business community. In 2025, we’ll continue to prioritise inclusivity by offering initiatives for:

• Women in business

• Small and home-based enterprises

• Digital and online ventures

• Networking opportunities

• Advocacy for local not-for-profits (NFPs)

We encourage all businesses, hidden gems included, to connect with us and become part of our growing network.

Nga mihi o te tau hou, a wonderful new year to you all.


this summer in Raglan


Raglan’s a surf mecca for wave riders. If you have never had a go, book a lesson and head to the beach. You will be on your feet in no time.


Wander around the town centre including all the lanes and enjoy unique boutique shopping. Sample delicious food from the array of local eateries.

5. CHECK OUT THE LOCAL SKATE BOWL AND PUMP TRACK down at Papahua Domain. Close to the water for swimming too. Make a day of it with the kids.


from the Wahinemoe or other good viewing spots like Wainui Reserve, Manu and Whale Bay


You can enjoy some retail therapy or grab some fish and chips or even fish for your own dinner.


or watch the action at the harbour mouth on Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive.

13. EXPLORE WAINUI BUSH RESERVE AND SCENIC WALKS around Raglan. Grab a map from the ihub to discover other scenic walks including the famous Waireinga / Bridle Veil falls

15. TAKE A HORSE TREK and discover the surrounding countryside with stunning coastal and rural views.


Grab a chilly bin. pack a book and enjoy a lazy day by the sea.

Don’t forget your sunscreen (and hat).

4. ENJOY A ROUND OF GOLF at the scenic Raglan course and take the kids with you so they can try out the miniputt course - Te Hutewai Rd.



A unique way to explore Raglan and unlock the secrets of our amazing harbour.

8. VISIT THE MUSEUM AND RAGLAN IHUB on Wainui Road and learn more about the history of Whaingaroa and get the best tips on things to do in Raglan.

10. GET ON YOUR BIKE and dsicover Raglan on two wheels. Bike rentals are available in town We also have a great MTB and pump track.

12. WORK OFF THE CHRISTMAS EXCESS and hike up Karioi, enjoy the view, and consider volunteering on a trapline with the Karioi Project.


Try canyoning, climbing or caving with local operators to explore the natural wonders of the area.


There’s heaps of live music and gigs on this summer to suit all tastes and ages!

While the factors driving the housing market activity have shifted with the seasons, there’s one thing you can count on. With a unique blend of expertise, international networks and a suite of innovative marketing tools, Bayleys is the agency for all your property needs.

Residential, commercial, rural and lifestyle – we deliver the best results. Get in touch:

Stephen O’Byrne 021 969 848

Michelle O’Byrne 021 969 878

Graham Rope 021 222 7427

Mark Frost 022 150 2244


Your guide to summer in Raglan!

Thelifeguards are out now keeping you safe at Ngarunui Beach, with our volunteer patrols every weekend till Easter and the Paid Lifeguard Service operational during the week till the 28th of February.

Here are some of the key safety messages you can follow to keep yourself and your whānau safe and to make their job easier:

1.    Know How To Float - Me Mōhio koe me Pēhea te Mānu

If you don’t know how to float, don’t go into the water.

Just being able to float when you are in the water can increase your chance of survival. Floating allows you to calm yourself and keep your airways out of the water. It is also the first thing to do if you get caught in a rip, which we have a lot of.

If you don’t know how to float well, practice or get some lessons in a pool before you head to the beach - being able to float is a key skill when learning to swim. Anyone can learn to float but some people may take a little longer to learn. Boaties, make sure you have the right gear on, including a lifejacket.

2.    Find The Safest Place To Swim - Kimihia te Wāhi Haumaru Rawa Ki Te Kaukau

Remember, if you are heading to the beach, check www. to find a lifeguarded beach, and always swim between the red and yellow flags, which show the safest place to swim. The surf lifeguards are there to help keep beachgoers safe, by keeping a constant eye on the sea as they continuously scan for hazards or people in difficulty, keeping on top of weather forecasts and understanding the swell and tide conditions too. Our guards will put the flags in the safest spot for you and your whānau and will always have a yarn about where to go if you are unsure.

3.    If In Doubt, Stay Out - Mehemea e Rangirua Ana, Me Noho Ki Waho

Waves can be bigger than they look, dangerous rip currents are hard to spot and weather conditions can be unpredictable. This applies to swimmers, surfers and boaties trying to cross the bar. If you feel uncomfortable about getting into the water, stay out. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Too many people get into trouble in the water because they overestimate their abilities and underestimate the conditions.

4.    Take Care of Others - Tiakina te Tangata

Always keep children within arm’s reach in or near the water.

Waves can move quickly and unexpectedly and can knock kids off their feet and sweep them away. Everyone has different levels of ability as well, so watch out for your mates too. They may have been pool champ at primary but may not have swum a lot since then. Never go in alone, always make sure you have a mate to watch your back.

5.    Know How to Get Help - Me Mōhio koe me Pēhea te Kimi Āwhina

If someone in the water is in trouble and surf lifeguards are on patrol, let them know.  If you can’t see any surf lifeguards, call 111 and ask for the police. Police have a direct line to surf lifeguards and others who can help.

If you’re in the water and in trouble yourself, signal for help by raising your hand directly above your head.

Let’s stay safe out there people and have a great summer holiday in our own little slice of paradise.

Summer Safety From Raglan police

We want you to all have a great summer whether you’re visiting for the holidays or you are lucky enough to live here. For our locals, we know you will make visitors feel welcome. If you’re visiting our town, we want you to leave with happy memories of your stay in Raglan.

Help make it a wonderful summer for everyone

• Be responsible. Do not drink and drive. Make plans ahead of time if you are going to be drinking.

• Be careful. Don’t leave property inside your cars. Lock your cars and your homes.

• Be patient on the roads. Everyone deserves to reach their destination. Give yourself plenty of driving time and enjoy the journey.

Although this time of year is known as the festive season, for some, it is far from festive. It can be a very lonely, sad time of the year. Just a reminder to keep an eye on your family, friends and neighbours. Check up on them. Ask them if they are OK, and if they are not, encourage them to seek help from experts. The Mental Health line is 0800 505050.

There is a liquor ban in place throughout the year in the CBD. From 23rd December through to the 6th January every year there is a Raglan area wide liquor ban in ALL public places. This goes from Te Uku, through Raglan township, down the coast to Ruapuke and includes Te Mata. Any breach of liquor ban can result in a $250.00 instant fine.

It is important that you report non-urgent incidents to 105 (or go online to and for emergency assistance, call 111

A very merry Christmas and happy holidays from your local police officers, Linda, Andrew and Raewyn.

Volunteer Coastguard

Thinking about checking out those epic fishing spots just across the bar? From the Manukau and Tairua to Raglan and Waimakariri, Coastguard volunteers responded to a number of bar crossing accidents last summer, several of which saw people not return home to their loved ones.

Over summer, Coastguard volunteers will be out on the water ensuring Kiwis can enjoy our beautiful waterways safely and with confidence. Do your part and make sure you and your whānau don’t become a statistic this holiday season.

If you need to contact Coastguard for on-water assistance, please call *500. For marine emergencies please call 111 or VHF Channel 16.


Respect the environment & each other

Surfers at Ngarunui Beach, Manu Bay and Whale Bay will see ‘Surfers Code’ signs near the water.

Thanks to local funding by the Raglan Point Boardriders and a grant from Waikato District Council, these signs can be seen at key surf points.

With the water getting busier and busier, knowing the rules and practising safety in the water is crucial here on the west coast. The main theme of the Surfers Code in Raglan: Respect the environment, the ocean and most importantly, each other.

The infamous waves at Manu Bay attract surfers from around the world. But before you jump in the water just to say “I’ve surfed Manu Bay in Raglan”, take time to think if you really should be surfing there.

1. Point Break Ability: Intermediate to ExpertNo Beginners

2. Paddling Out: Paddle wide of the wave. If caught inside, stay in the white water.

3. Keep the Wave Face Clear: Keep out of the way of approaching surfers.

4. Give Way: Closest to peak has right of way. Wait your turn. Join at the end of the queue.

5. Remember to Communicate: Call It! Paddle with commitment and intent.

6. Control Your Equipment: Hold onto your equipment, it can be a danger to others.

7. Give Respect to Gain Respect: Don’t drop in! No snaking, blocking, fading or burning.

8. Respect the ocean, land and local community. IN ANY EMERGENCY, DIAL 111.



Anglesea Clinic provides face to face health services for our patients out of normal working hours and can be contacted on 07 858 0800.


Healthline can be contacted 24 hours a day on 0800 611 116 for free advice from registered nurses.


“Paiherea, kahore e whati, ki te wehea ka whatiwhati noa, e kore e mau, ngakongako kau”

‘United you cannot be broken, divided you will not endure’ Te Awaitaia 1860

Growing up on our family farm at Te Makaka on the northern side of Aotea harbour felt like somewhere far, far away or ‘out in the wop wops.’ Seeing dust on the road during the day or car lights at night was cause for great excitement!

Nowadays the ‘wop wops’ seems less far away. With people choosing to live a country lifestyle, this often leads to making connections with others, creating pockets of community connectedness.

Dune Restoration

Whaingaroa is abundant in community connection and opportunities to get involved. Early this summer I got to help down at ‘our’ farm beach south of Ruapuke, where we planted just over 800 kōwhangatara and pīngao. The little seedlings as they grow will help build dune resilience by restoring the natural system in weak areas along the coastline, thanks to Stacey from Coastcare and a team of 20 local volunteers.

AED Training

Hato Hone St John Raglan have been rolling out ‘Three Steps for Life’ training sessions. I attended one at Mōtakotako marae, where the latest AED device has been installed for community use. There are now a number of AED strategically placed in isolated rural areas in our rohe, including 803 Ruapuke Rd, Ruapuke Campground and Te Papatapu Marae.

Community Resilience

Our Community Response Plan has been developed for the Whaingaroa rohe to ensure there are things in place to help in an emergency. With the recent power outages highlighting

both vulnerabilities and opportunities, being prepared is important; handy tips:

• Know your neighbours

• Have an emergency plan

• Have a supply of candles and matches handy

• Have a charged portable charger for your phone

• Have a supply of bottled water and some quick ‘n’ easy food available

Thanks to Raglan Naturally we have delivered emergency-equipped wheelie bins to key organisations and community networks - to be utlilised as needed. Watch this space for more updates.

Te Mata Hall Makeover

The Te Mata community recently won the Hits Radio competition for a makeover of their much-loved hall which many refer to as the ‘heart of the community’. Originally built in 1910, the hall will be freshly painted, with enthusiastic locals also coordinating much needed repair work. Once completed the hall will be in top shape for the community for another 100 years. A special thank you to Margie Cornes and her family for 20 plus years of dedicated service to the hall and community.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

The much-awaited wastewater treatment plant upgrade and installation of a stateof-the-art membrane bioreactor (MBR) is well underway, and all going well should be completed in February/March 2025. In simple terms this means our wastewater will be treated to a much higher standard, having the same clarity as drinking water and being close to drinking water quality.

With the MBR producing a high-quality discharge we are looking at land discharge options to Wainui Reserve, preferred by mana-

whenua and our community. The council has already undertaken:

• Ecological assessments.

And is currently undertaking:

• Geotechnical and hydrogeological assessments.

• Activity to understand what volume of water can safely be discharged to the gully. Watch out for more information.

Community Learning

I have been part of an amazing team creating opportunities for our community to learn about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its importance to us all. The ‘Toitū: Strengthening Community through Connection’ programme recognises that achieving the flourishing partnership relationship aspired to in Te Tiriti o Waitangi requires learning and sharing: connection to stories of people and place that grew out of and are unique to Whāingaroa. Opportunities created as part of this programme have included creating our Waitangi Day Celebration 2024 short film, Matariki ki Whaingaroa Indigenous Film and Arts Festival, Toreparu Wetland Restoration Workshop and the launch of Oliver McLeod’s book ‘Geology of Karioi’. Most recently we have been focused on engaging the community in Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill submission workshops. Remember submissions close on 7th January so make sure to get your submissions done now. Join our Toitū Whaingaroa Facebook group for information and resources. Watch this space for more opportunities to engage, learn and ignite thinking and action!

Community in Action

Huge thanks to all our voluntary and service organisations; we are lucky to have an abundance of people who support our overall wellbeing and you are all deeply appreciated: Raglan Light Exercise Group, Raglan Coastguard,

Raglan Surf Life Saving, Raglan Lions, Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade, Hato Hone St Johns, Timebank, Raglan Community House, iHub volunteers, Feed the Kids, Surfside Church, Te Toi Ora ki Whaingaroa, Community Health Shuttle, Whaingaroa Weedbusters, Coastcare, Whaingaroa Youth Collective, kaimahi at Raglan Medical, all our local sports coordinators and teams, our local police and the many other groups working behind the scenes. This is the kind-heartedness that makes our community so strong.

Enjoy Summer!

When visiting us, bring a little extra patience as you make your way around the community, relax and chill out. Keep an eye out for kids and adults on bikes. Take time to let traffic cross the one lane car bridge, from both sides!

Enjoy your time in our place.

Mihi o Hineraumati, best wishes for a safe, joyful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Ngaa mihi, Lisa Thomson

Pictured below with her son Karewa at Matariki in front of a collaboration piece by Tare and Rangi Kereopa.


Known affectionately as ‘the old lady’ by former owner Andreas Broring, the Raglan Co-op Dairy Factory is being given a new lease of life by her new owners Hayden and Hayley Vink.

The couple are not new to residential and commercial development design, including the sleek office/residential building where their business Hay Property and Studio Wainui is based.

Tackling a challenging project like the much-loved dairy factory was right up their alley and has been on the back of their minds for many years.

Like most historic buildings, the Dairy Factory is more than just bricks and mortar, she stores a lot of memories from her more recent history housing a surfboard manufacturer, car painters (now Bing Studio) and Raglan Joinery (Andreas’ business).

While ‘the old lady’ might be getting a spruce up, Hayden and Hayley are keen to retain her ‘olde world charm’ with the exterior remaining largely untouched.

“We definitely want to respect the building and celebrate it, but modernise it to make it comfortable to work in,” he says.

Longstanding tenants Monster Co and design and antique boutique, Rivet, have remained, and Sarah Bing recently moved Bing Studio into the finished downstairs eastern wing and artist Brad Dring - aka shortydubs has taken a studio space upstairs.

“Our vision is that this will become a special place for Raglan. And Sarah’s studio

is the first step towards building on what Monster and Rivet have established,” Hayden says.

“Having the combination of retail and manufacturing like Monster and Bing Studio is such a clever combination. Utilising their spaces for dual purpose is a great business model,” Hayley says.

The development will be a mix of different sized, multi-purpose spaces with a shared common area upstairs and down. A total of four upstairs and six down.

The couple’s 13-year-old daughter Rylee runs a pop-up cake shop on Saturday morning from a small shed between Rivet and Monster called BAKE. Providing small booths for this pop-up business style to test the market is a vision for the common spaces.

Hayden and Hayley are mindful of the wonderful legacy Andreas and his wife Susanne Giessen-Prinz have created at the Dairy Factory during their 38 years of ownership. It underpins their own vision of providing a hub of activity, from boutique retail and art studios and workshops to wellness therapists, exhibition space and food outlets.

“They’ve been very supportive of fledgling Raglan industry by providing spaces here for start-up businesses and we want to continue that,” Hayley says.

“And Andreas has supported us too, by giving us this opportunity and trusting us with his ‘old lady’,” Hayden adds.

For tenancy expressions of interest contact

The Raglan Dairy Cooperative was formed in 1905 and moved from its original lodgings at Kauroa near the old Okete Church to the larger and ‘modernised’ factory on Wallis St in 1915.

The building is listed with the Historic Heritage Trust for the wording on the gable only, and if damaged the replacement wording has to replicate the style and size of the wording.

SarahBing is the creative behind Bing Ceramics, the latest addition to the Dairy Factory.

Known for her large and small quirky sculptures, keep-cups, candles and other homeware, Sarah’s work pops with colour. She also hosts workshops for budding creatives to have a go at hand building or throwing a pot on the wheel. It might be a dirty business but clay has been enjoying a surge in popularity as an artistic medium in the past few years, and Bing Ceramics is riding the pottery wave.

“People are more aware of where things come from and the impact that choosing to buy from corporate has on the world and the environment. There’s a growing number of educated consumers who want to buy things that have integrity.”

And every piece Sarah creates is uniquely Bing; awash with colour and joy, and handmade with love.

THE MONSTER COMPANY Non-essential pottery to make you smile Dairy Factory Building, Wallis St
Local artist Shorty Dubs will have a studio space at the Old Dairy Factory building.
Rylee Vink, with her pop-up cake shop, Bake by Rylee.


Open 6 Days

Closed Tuesdays

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We can cater for group bookings, live music, inside and outside seating. Individual fish meals with side salad. now


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We can cater for group booking’s, live music, inside & outside seating and individual fish meals with side salad’s. Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan

Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan

We can cater for group booking’s, live music, inside & outside seating and individual fish meals with side salad’s. Raglan Fish 92 Wallis St, Raglan

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has been a landmark year for the Harbour View Hotel Raglan! We’ve delighted our patrons with fabulous entertainment, hospitality and great food.

We have introduced new summer menu and proudly entered the prestigious Hospitality New Zealand Gastro Pub Awards. From the recent roaring success of our Oktoberfest celebration to the soulful vibes of the Country Blues Festival, it’s been a spring to remember—and now, the spotlight turns to an epic summer season ahead.

Fill your growlers straight from the source or grab a frosty from the fridge. With all core range beers on tap and a selection of limited, small batch, brewery-only releases there's plenty to choose from.

You’ll also find a wide range of ciders, spritzers, liqueurs and non-alcoholic sodas and kombuchas all made in-house from locally harvested ingredients! Check us out @ 2 Park Drive - a short stroll from Bow street.

*Open seven days throughout January, check us out online for current hours.

Nestled in the heart of Raglan, our grand ‘Old Girl’ remains an iconic meeting place for locals and visitors alike. This summer, we’re thrilled to host a stellar lineup of entertainment. With international acts, tribute bands, original artists, and some of the hottest up-and-coming talents gracing our stage, there’s something for everyone. Highlights include, Tasman AZ rocking our New Year’s Eve Masquerade Party, La Bretta Suede on the January 3, Jin & Jukebox, Schizophonics and One One One all set for January, and the electric energy of ‘NZ/DC’ AC/DC Tribute Band on February 1.

Beyond our summer concerts, Harbour View Hotel is your go-to destination for weekly fun. Join us for Trivia Nights, sing your heart out at Karaoke, and indulge in our fantastic menu. From casual bites to gastropub perfection, every meal is crafted to complement the vibrant Raglan lifestyle.

We take immense pride in supporting the Raglan community and are deeply grateful for the love and loyalty of those who walk through our doors. As we look ahead to summer 2025, our commitment to creating unforgettable experiences remains unwavering.

So, whether you’re here to groove to live music, enjoy our unbeatable hospitality, or simply soak in the iconic charm of Raglan’s beloved Harbour View Hotel, this is where memories are made.

Make this summer one to truly remember—see you at the Harbour View! For full event details and ticket information, visit our website or check us out on Facebook.


The YOT Club might have closed its doors to world-class live music recently but former owner Andy Meek is keeping its spirit alive.

What made the Yottie so unique was Andy’s ability to provide a mix of underground rock and roll, techno DJ sets and the popular summer Sunday Sessions.

Determined to continue that legacy in Raglan, Andy is taking his connections in the music world, both nationally and internationally, across the road to the Harbour View Hotel.

“I just went into the Harbour View to inquire about doing a little private gig, and we got talking and it’s just gone from there. It’s potential as a music venue is limitless,” he says.

Andy knows his stuff when it comes to live music having successfully run the YOT Club and Auckland venue Ink Bar for decades. And he added The Mothership to his stable of live venues a couple of years ago.

Fiona Gates and Paul Irwin bought the iconic pub in 2021, keen for it to be the centre of the community and Andy reckons it has all the makings of being an entertainment hub for Raglan.

“The area outside of the pub is amazing. It’s got a stage and a decent space for live gigs, and inside has a history as well,” Andy says.

“It’s been fantastic to see the garden being used for events and entertainment over the past couple of years and the back bar is also an excellent space for live music.”


SATURDAY 7th December 2024 - The Gaffers - 7.30pm until late

SATURDAY 14th December 2024 - The Raglaners - 7.30pm until late

SATURDAY 21st December 2024 - JLB - 7.30pm until late

FRIDAY 27th December 2024 - Tim Armstrong Band - 7.30pm until late$10 Door Charge Tim Armstrong Band

TUESDAY 31st December 2024Tasman AZ - 7.30pm until late NEW YEARS EVE PARTY! - Ticketed Event NYE 2025 MASQUERADE PARTY –DRESS UP!!

FRIDAY 3rd January 2025 - Labretta Suede - 8pm until late - $15 Door Charge La Bretta Suede

SATURDAY 4th January 2025 - Gin and Jukebox Band - 7.30pm until late $10 Door Charge Gin and Jukebox

SATURDAY 11th January 2025Schizophonics - 7.30pm until lateDoor Charge will apply

SATURDAY 25th January 2025 - One One One Band - 7.30pm until late

SATURDAY 1st February 2025 - “NZ/ DC” AC/DC Tribute Band - 8pm until late $20 Door Charge

It’s been more than 30-years since the emergence of musos like the Mudsharks playing regular gigs to packed out bars at the Harbour View.

Fiona and Paul have worked hard to bring the hotel back to life through various offerings of live music and weekly activities.

“Since taking over the hotel, Fiona has been adamant that the pub should be at the heart of the community in a village like this,” Andy says.

The three are enjoying working together to ensure the Harbour View is Raglan’s premier venue for live music; leveraging Andy’s contacts and promotion capability.

“I’ve booked legendary New Zealand acts The D4 and Racing, as well as crowd favourites Cindy, Strangely Arousing, Labretta Suede and Bloodbags.”

Australian band C.O.F.F.I.N who have gained a passionate following for their unique take on punk and rock music is confirmed for Waitangi weekend.

Other international acts lined up for the Harbour View include Japanese bands The King Brothers, Guitar Wolf and Alka Silka, US band The Schizophonics and another Australian band The Meanies.

As well as getting great live gigs back in town, Andy’s happy to see the Sunday Sessions rebranded as Seshing on Sunday and given a new lease of life at the Harbour View Hotel.

“I couldn’t have fought harder to keep the YOT Club open. I thought it was really important it stayed in Raglan, so it means a lot to me that the things that we did best of all have all found new homes.”




FRIDAY 7th February 2025 - CritterElicit Wawa’s - Coffin - 8pm until late - Door Charge will apply

SUNDAY 9th February 20525 - Solo Banton DJ set - 8pm until late

SATURDAY 15th February 2025 - One One One Band - 7.30pm until late

SATURDAY 22nd February 2025 - The Gaffers - 7.30pm until late

SATURDAY 1st March 2025 - D4 - 8pm until late - Door Charge will apply 1080x1080 dates 1 D4

FRIDAY 14th March 2025 - Guitar Wolf - 8pm until late - Door Charge will apply

SATURDAY 29th March 2025Meanies - 8pm until late –

SATURDAY - Easter Weekend! 19th April 2025 - White Chapel Jak - 8.30 pm until late - Door Charge will apply

SUNDAY 4th May 2025 - Groove Rider - Drum & Bass - 8pm until late

43 Rose Street, Raglan

Nothing is better than sitting with water views enjoying fresh seafood and an extremely cold beverage.

A relaxing place to sip a mid morning coffee, sip rose at lunchtime or kick back with cocktails in the evening.

Our reviews are continually applauding great food, relaxed atmosphere and attentive service. With 5 indoor/outdoor areas the restaurant has the spaciousness to cater for any individual experience. Our destination is the top pick in Raglan with a vibrant collection of galleries,shops, accommodation and attractions.

Our kitchen offers a beautiful range of dishes that can easily be shared. Plates are piled high and delivered quickly.

This summer menu is fresh, honest,and just damn plain delicious.

Open Morning, Noon and Night Treat yourself and call 07 8250010


23 Bow Street, Raglan

e prepared to dive into a place that offers flavour packed cuisine and incredible cocktails right in the heart of Raglan.

The vibes are electric and moments shared together are always filled with fun and laughter, ensuring a night you won’t forget.

Iso delivers tasty culinary delights, such as their signature dish, the braised lamb shoulder, together with friendly and professional service, good music, a cosy fireplace outside and a fabulous cocktail lounge.

Open every day from 3pm, head to their website to book your table: or telephone 021 198 7983.

IG: @isoraglan


The team behind Soundsplash is excited to celebrate 24 years of Soundsplash festival, which strives to create a unique environment bringing together live music, art and culture.

We owe a huge thanks to the dedicated individuals who contribute to Soundsplash, including our diligent staff, contractors, and talented artists, not to mention the support from the Raglan community and beyond.

Converting green fields into a fully-fledged festival venue is no small feat, and we’re fortunate to enlist the help of committed Raglan locals each year. Their contributions range from extensive grass mowing to catering for our crew, stage setup, security, and ensuring the overall well-being of everyone involved. A number of our departments are headed by familiar faces from the community and we also have some young locals, who once attended Soundsplash, stepping up into leadership positions which is always heartwarming to see.

As ususal, we expect the town population to swell over the summer period and especially during the weekend of our event which runs from 17-19 January 2025.

As festival organisers we are committed to continually enhancing the festival experience and we appreciate everyone’s patience during these busy summer moments.

For more information, visit our festival website


Daytime: Thursday - Sunday

10 AM - 4 PM

Evening: Wednesday - Sunday: 4 PM - Late

Special Events: Thursday Night Shows: (Occasional)

PH: 07 2821809

Address: Volcom Lane - 9a Bow Street


Wainui Reserve January 17-19, 2025

oundsplash Festival is set to return in 2025, bringing its signature mix of music, art, food and camping to Whaingaroa’s stunning coastline.

A staple in the festival calendar since 2001, Soundsplash continues to draw crowds with its laidback coastal vibe and diverse line-up.

The 2025 line-up promises to deliver an epic weekend of live music, featuring top acts including Mitch James, Savage, Katchafire, Angel xo, Cosmo Pyke, Degs, and Georgia Gets By. With something for everyone, Soundsplash is a summer event not to be missed.

Gardna (UK). Savage.
Cosmo Pyke (UK).
Georgia Gets By (one-half of BROODS). Katchafire.


Wine and beer lovers are in for a treat this summer as the inaugural Raglan Vine Festival hits the Raglan Town Hall on Saturday, February 8, from 1-5pm.

And you don’t have look far to find the latest in winemaking with Barrelled Wines of Raglan offering a taste of their range of small batch artisan wines from vines that were planted in 2018.

Also representing local producers, Workshop Brewery will be tempting beer-lovers with a selection of their finest alcholic and nonalcoholic award-winning brews.

The local producers will be joined by boutique, family-owned winery Takapoto Estate, located on the shores of Lake Karapiro, the New Plymouth urban winery Known Unknown, and Eketāhunabased Catalyst Fruit Wines. Adding an international flavour will be Sante Wines who represent small, family-run French wines as well as tastings from lesser-known regions.

On the food front, cheesemakers will be sharing their latest produce and insights into the world of cheesemaking. And for the gastronomes, there will be several food vendors, including Raglan Falafel to tempt the tastebuds between wine and beer tastings.

The team behind the festival, Deb King, Carlene Wilson and Brian Thurogood, each bring their own special skills to what they are calling a ‘pilot event’ to test the waters for an annual or biannual festival.

Deb and Carlene dreamed up the event while sitting on the deck and sharing a bevy. Deb, the former Creative Market coordinator, and Carlene, a wine merchant and consultant, called on Brian for his IT and marketing smarts. Together they designed a blueprint for this first festival which they hope will grow into a biannual event.

“If this proves to be popular, we would love to do a midwinter event as well,” Deb says.

One of the aims of Raglan Vine is to make wine a bit more accessible and interesting to people.

“The whole kaupapa is that wine shouldn’t be an elitist thing, it should be one of life’s pleasures. Making people feel comfortable with it is part of that,” Carlene says.

Helping demystify the world of wine, several vendors will share their wisdom and the Raglan Vine team expect attendees will gain unique insights into the artistry behind each vineyard.

Early Bird tickets are $50 until December 8, rising to $65.

Each ticket entitles you to a dozen 30ml tastings alongside wine sales with special discounts from the vendors, plus attendance at any discussion, and access to the Festival and Foodie Garden Bars.

Full details available via


Refreshed Rock-it Bar & Eatery officially reopened in December for lunch and dinner from Wednesday to Sunday noon until late.

New manager/owner Maurice Montero has made his mark on the Hamilton foodie scene with several successful restaurants including Mr Pickles, and is known for developing complex flavours from simple seasonal ingredients.

The interior has been refurbished with a new bar and outside a children’s playground has been added in place of the old tractor.

Check out the new look and sample the contemporary menu which promises tasty seasonal delights.

The crew behind the festival, from left, Deb King, Brian Thurogood and Carlene Wilson.

Discover Well Read Bookshop in the heart of Raglan, nestled beneath an ancient pōhutukawa tree, just steps from the stunning waterfront.

This charming family-run store offers an eclectic selection of quality second-hand books for all ages, from fiction to non-fiction.

Enjoy a warm, dog-friendly atmosphere where the owners beloved dachshund, Pumpkin, might greet you. Support local and dive into a world of stories at Well Read—where every book is a new adventure!

Open 9am - 5pm every day and late on Fridays (9am - 9pm) Fridays

2 Wallis Street, Raglan

Phone 021504955 or email for more info

& Pieces OPEN 7 DAYS 2 Wallis Street 825 0044

featuring work from


8 local raglan artists... the little shop filled with

+ pottery by the monster company

+ jewellery by sarah steed designs

+ photography by geraldine burns

+ photography by jillian lankshear

+ paintings by hayley hamilton

+ ceramics by bing ceramics

+ clothing by fierce clothing

+ this year, jet collective has welcomed the lovely and talented hat maker lisa, from labour of wild


Iconic Raglan Pendants

Seamlessly joined multimedia inlay jewellery. Handmade with ethical and recycled natural materials. Unique and water-resistant.

Available in Raglan at Made Gallery and Bohemian Gypsy, also at the Creative Market and by appointment at the studio. We also offer a restring service for your special taonga.

Dates for local markets:

• Raglan Creative Markets - 12 Jan, 9 Feb and 9 March

• Club Market - 28 Dec and 25 Jan

Ocean Inlays also attend Womad Festival in March.

Phone Yannis and Monika 0211799588

IG/FB: @oceaninlays



Experience Beauty, Wellness & Elegance

Step into a world of selfcare and style at Raglan Botanicals Aromatherapy and Anya Silver Jewellery. Our handcrafted products, made with natural ingredients by a qualified aromatherapist, include nourishing skincare, aromatherapy blends, and our newly launched Raglan Botanicals makeup range, featuring sustainable, vegan beauty products like growth serum mascaras enriched with hyaluronic acid and pumpkin seed.

Complement your natural beauty with Anya Silver Jewellery. Discover stunning, handcrafted 925 sterling silver pieces from delicate rings and earrings to bold necklaces and bracelets. These timeless designs offer elegance and individuality for everyday wear or special occasions and make thoughtful, meaningful gifts.

In-store, you’ll also find teas, crystals, books, health tonics, proteins, collagens, superfoods, and more.

This January, join us for weekly angel cards & aura readings with Jac from Centrebush Candles. Spaces are limited. Visit or message Raglan Botanicals to book your spot.

Raglan Botanicals & Anya Silver - Where nature, wellness, and timeless elegance come together.

Find us at Raglan, Main Road by The Shack - open 7 days a week / @raglanbotanicalsaromatherapy / @anya.silver


from Raglan Surf Co

When Luke Hughes of Hughes Surfboards first met Jack Candlish from Verdure Surf, he couldn’t have imagined where their collaboration would lead.

“If you had told me I’d one day shape a surfboard blank that’s light, balanced, easy to shape, and toxin-free—while also being sustainable—I’d have questioned it,” says Luke.

Jack’s journey into reinventing surfboard manufacturing is reshaping the industry. Together, they’ve crafted a revolutionary board using an upcycled EPS core, laminated with hemp cloth and a parabolic bendy ply rail. The deck features cork or wood options, while a plywood bottom adds strength. The finishing touch? A natural wax and oil seal, making the board not only watertight but also environmentally conscious.

For Luke, the construction’s unique flex properties and durability were immediately noticeable. “After the first surf, I was amazed by the board’s liveliness. It felt fast and responsive, with plenty of flex. I’m excited to push its limits on bigger, steeper waves,” he shares.

The board’s design combines elements from Luke’s popular models, creating something entirely new—a true Frankenstein of surfboard innovation. Beyond performance, it’s the shared commitment to sustainability that makes this collaboration stand out.

“The products we use to enjoy the ocean should protect it,” says Jack. It’s a philosophy woven into every step of the process, proving that cutting-edge performance and environmental responsibility can ride the same wave.

Hughes Surfboards and Verdure Surf’s partnership represents a promising shift in surfboard craftsmanship, inspiring surfers and makers alike to imagine a more sustainable future for the sport.

If you’re interested in learning more or getting your own Hughes Surfboards x Verdure Surf collaboration board visit

Jack Candlish, from Verdure Surf, and Luke Hughes of Hughes Surfboards.
Luke Hughes in the shaping room .


6 Wallis Street, Raglan

Welcome to Raglan Herbal Dispensary, a place that blends wellness, good food, and Raglan’s unique charm. Over the past year, we’ve expanded and refined our offerings to make your visit unforgettable. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there’s something here for everyone.

Handcrafted Herbal Teas, Creams, and Tonics

Our store is home to a unique range of herbal teas, creams, and tonics, all made on-site by our team of trained naturopaths. Whether you’re looking for something calming, energizing, or restorative, we have a blend for you. Sit back and enjoy a cup in our courtyard – the perfect spot to relax and recharge.

New Treat Fridge – Snacks You’ll Love

We’ve added a treat fridge filled with gluten-free, dairyfree, and refined sugar-free raw snacks. These are perfect for a quick bite or an afternoon treat that’s as delicious as it is wholesome.

Fresh, Local Food to Enjoy

Inside, you’ll find a wide variety of fresh and organic produce, delivered regularly. From strawberries and blueberries to artisan ice creams, we’ve got everything you need for a summer treat. Planning dinner? Choose from organic meats, chicken, and salmon, or explore our vegetarian options like tofu, tempeh, and gluten-free grains.

Legendary Market Days

Don’t miss our market days, when the marquee goes up and the flavours come out! We’ll have fresh bread and pastries from Volare, along with olive oil, vinaigrette, and cheese tastings to enjoy. It’s the perfect chance to sample,

savour, and stock up on local favourites while soaking in the lively market atmosphere.

Thoughtful Gifts Upstairs

Looking for a gift or something special for yourself? Head upstairs to browse candles, aromatherapy oils, salt lamps, and more. Everything is carefully chosen to help you bring a bit of calm and joy into your life.

Advice from Our Naturopaths

Our naturopaths are here every day to provide advice on your health and wellness. They’re also the people behind our teas, tonics, and creams, blending them in-house with care and expertise.

More Than a Store

Raglan Herbal Dispensary has grown into a destination that reflects the heart and soul of Raglan. Whether you’re exploring our herbal products, enjoying a snack, or picking up dinner supplies, you’ll find a welcoming space that feels like home.

Come and experience Raglan Herbal Dispensary – a place that brings together natural health, good food, and a little bit of magic.

Visit us this summer at Raglan Herbal Dispensary

A: 6 Wallis Street, Raglan

P: 07 825 7444



Our annual local arts trail - Raglan Arts Weekend

If you missed out on the fun this Raglan Arts Weekend (RAW), make sure you save the date for 2025: October 25–27. Our art community did us proud this year, with the programme including some awesome new styles of work, as well as creative workshops and immersive installations.

At RAW’s core is the open studio art trail, a bit like a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ through Whaingaroa. This year, visitors got to see over 65 of Raglan’s top artists, experiencing first-hand how they go about their mahi and getting a sneak peek into varying creative processes and artistic spaces.

The event has evolved through the years, adding more activities for both artists and visitors alike. The Hatch, an emerging artists incubator programme and exhibition sponsored by Rangitahi and Waikato District Creative Communities, has really focused on igniting the next wave of art talent. An Artist Connect programme, enabled by Bayleys Real Estate in Raglan, is also a central part of RAW now, with artists connecting with peers and clients through the bus tour and opening night cocktail party.

This year’s collaboration with Raglan’s first Country and Blues Music Festival was a brilliant addition, bringing lots of fun and a great vibe around town.

Registration for the event will open in March next year, so sign up to the RAW newsletter on the website to stay informed.

The RAW team is always on the lookout for committed partners and works closely with them to ensure they receive maximum exposure from the event. Please contact Nicky Brzeska, RAW Co-ordinator, if you’d like to be involved in the fun next year.

Raglan Arts Weekend is a Creative Raglan event brought to you by the Raglan Community Arts Council.


Available to buy at JET COLLECTIVE RAGLAN

20th to 24th December + 27th December to 12th January 10.30am to 3pm

5c Wainui Rd, (behind Zinnia)

Open weekends & holidays throughout the year

Phone Jane on 02102934199 to arrange a viewing

Jane Galloway

Jo Gallagher

Emma Davie

Marise Rarere

Aviva Clark

Julian Godfery

Kayla Bacon

Maria Owens

Isaac Weston

Emma Huia Lovegrove

Stuart Mackenzie + fabulous artisans



Group exhibition by RaglanArt

RaglanArt will be on full display in the new year with 18 artists taking part in an exhibition at the Raglan Town Hall.

Capturing Energy runs from January 10-13 from 9am–4pm and features the work of some of Raglan’s finest established and emerging artists.

Founding member and avid photographer Richard Gemmell will be the odd one out in a sea of painters but he says RaglanArt provides a supportive environment regardless of style.

“Our group has a great collective energy and this exhibition is a big deal for us, because we’re going into a bigger space with more artists than previous exhibitions.”

Formed in 2016 by three artists, the group have grown to number 25 and they also hold regular smaller exhibitions, friendly, constructive feedback and workshops.

Visit to find out more.

Capturing Energy

Town Hall January 10,11,12,13

Artists taking part are Catherine Houston, Dyana Wells, Elsa Lye, Helen Parsons, Helma van der Pasch, Julie Macdonald, Ken Soanes, Lindsey Baker, Loesje de Bree, Lyn Beadle, Miranda Jane Caird, Richard Gemmell, Ro Fawcet, Shirley Pearson, Stuart Shepherd, Toni Kingstone and Wanda Barker.


Disassemble the Ordinary Experience the unconventional beauty of blooms

Tired of traditional bouquets? Look no further! My flowers offer a unique avant-garde twist on the classic arrangement.

Each piece is carefully crafted to showcase the intricate, often overlooked details of the flower/foliage. The beauty of imperfection is revealed.

Perfect for the artistic, the eclectic, or those simply looking for a stunning bouquet.

Prices :

Bouquets available at freshchoice Raglan from $35Installations for your home/business from $80Contact : Ange 027 378 0787 or email


Visit the Raglan iHub - 15 Wainui Rd

Raglan Whāingaroa, New Zealand’s laid-back surf town, is proof that the best things in life are free. This summer, explore its natural beauty and vibrant culture without spending a dollar.

Start your day at Ngarunui Beach, to swim, relax, or watch surfers in action. For a front-row seat to world-class surfing, head to Manu Bay, famous for its long, left-hand breaks.

Nature enthusiasts will love Wairēinga, (Bridal Veil Falls) a stunning 55-meter waterfall accessible via a short bush walk. For a more adventurous trek, tackle Mount Karioi, an ancient volcano offering breathtaking views of the coastline and beyond.

The charm of Raglan extends to its town centre, where public murals and sculptures reflect the creative energy of the community. Take a leisurely walk along the Raglan Wharf, a perfect spot to watch boats or simply enjoy the harbour’s tranquillity.

If you’re a wildlife lover, visit the Raglan Sand Dunes for birdwatching or explore the Te Kopua Beach Reserve, a serene area ideal for picnics and peaceful strolls. For those seeking inner peace, yoga or meditation on the beach, with the sound of waves as your soundtrack, is an unforgettable experience.

For an added touch visit the Raglan iHub to admire Shelley Rikys’ beautiful wall hangings showcasing her photos, which are available for purchase and for more free activities in Whāingaroa check out our iHub website:

Raglan’s beauty is in its unassuming simplicity, where nature, creativity, and community seamlessly come together. Whether it’s hiking a rugged trail, catching a wave, or sitting quietly by the shore, this coastal town offers moments of genuine enjoyment that don’t cost a thing.

The Raglan iHub is open 7 days a week 10am – 3pm located at 13 Wainui Road. Come in and visit our volunteering team who can help share their local knowledge with terrific tips of things to do and visit and shop local whilst supporting our local Whaingaroa information centre.

Words by Liz Yorston, image thanks to Shelly Rikys.



Learn to surf!

TheLocal Rag caught up with Bing Lyons from Greenwave to hear about their surf school offerings this summer.

Green Wave has been up and running for awhile now? Give us an update. How’s it all going?

We are actually just starting out our ninth summer. It’s amazing how much support the Raglan community has shown, so we’d like to thank everyone for that. We’re also excited to see a lot of new faces in town with so many travelers arriving from overseas. We love teaching and sharing something we’re passionate about with our students. And we’ve had phenomenal feedback as wellwe’ve become the top-rated surf school in New Zealand. It’s nice to know that our students are having such a positive experience.

Who’s involved with the instructing?

There’s three of us that run Green Wave together: Zennor Wernham, Wes Rogers and Bing Lyons. Between the three of us we have over 30 years coaching experience. We also have a team of talented local surfers and former Raglan Surf Academy students helping us out through the busy months.

People say how difficult it is to surf but what do you say to those who have never surfed and want to give it a go? Will they get up?

Everyone stands up on our lessons. We actually offer a stand-up guarantee or your money back, and so far we have a 100% success rate. We don’t really put any pressure on

our students. Sometimes they might feel a little nervous before we start, but we keep everything fun and relaxed. Before they know it, they’re already up and riding a wave. With free photos to prove it!

Do you offer any kind of kids camp/summer holiday programs?

We are running kids camps through the school holidays! It’s a great way to introduce kids to surfing in a fun, safe environment. We offer weekly camps as well as daily drop ins to fit everyone’s schedule.

You offer daily lessons. Is it always at the same time?

Our lesson schedule is based on the best tides and conditions for each day. This ensures that our students surf at the safest time and the easiest tide for learning. This makes a huge difference in the quality of a lesson. We often run multiple lessons per day in order to keep group sizes

smaller. You can check the summer schedule on our website at

Do you offer rentals as well?

Yes, we have a range of boards and wetsuits available for hire. Lots of soft-top beginner-friendly boards but also some good intermediate boards as well. You can ring us at 021 0841 3481 to inquire about rentals.

What can we expect from Green Wave this coming Summer?

Lots of happy surfers, whether they’re keen travelers or local kiwi families. Our aim is to keep the quality of the lessons very high, with emphasis on ocean awareness. We put a lot of energy into every lesson and it’s rewarding to see how excited our surfers get as their skills progress.


P: 021 0841 3481


with Raglan Boat Charters

Cruise away Waikato’s hot summer on an unexpected adventure with Raglan Boat Charters.

Whether you’re after a laid-back relaxing cruise, a private party or a fast paced eco-adventure, our two stunning boats—Wahine Moe and Waka Huia—are available to fulfill your summer fun.

Scheduled Daily Cruises: Absorb the Scenic Beauty of Raglan onboard the Wahinemoe, our beloved ship who has provided narrated heritage cruises on Whaingaroa Raglan Harbour for 16 years. This spacious houseboat takes a 90-minute cruise twice daily, lunchtime and sunset. See the crazy limestone rock, weathered by tide, and the marine birdlife that lives there. Be captivated by some cheeky stories from our expert skippers. Enjoy a drink at the onboard bar, and don’t miss out on delicious fish & chips—just pre-order for the ultimate cruising experience!

Private Charters: Party in nature for a memorable event. The Wahinemoe is popular all year round for social gatherings with a nature twist. Your friends can enjoy the entire boat for a hideaway nature party. We cater to all types of boat parties, dance, sing, BBQ, play with water toys and go for a swim or simply relax and go for a walk on the beach. We are well equipped to cruise and anchor up for a really fun time. For the ultimate big day out you can book both boats and all the toys.

Eco-Tour Adventures: The Waka Huia is the newest way to explore Raglan on a 9m ‘Sealegs’ amphibious inflatable boat. Perfect for exploring hidden places. With seating for 11 passengers, the Waka Huia offers a thrilling 90-minute eco-tour or a half day scenic adventure that includes a walk and a picnic. Climb aboard at the wharf car park, speed around approximately half of the rugged 200km coastline towards Waingaro river stopping for some stories and surprise picture opportunities, stretch

your legs and enjoy the solitude of Waikato’s back country farmland.

Book online at

For private inquiries email us at: E:


Explore the Majestic Limestone Coast

Adventureseekers and nature lovers, here’s your invitation to experience an award-winning journey right here in Raglan!

We are thrilled to announce that Raglan Kayak has been named a TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award Winner 2024, placing us among the top 10% of things to do worldwide!

This prestigious recognition comes from the wonderful reviews of our guests, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their trust and support.

At Raglan Kayak, we offer more than just a tour – we provide a chance to connect with nature and explore the stunning Limestone Coast from a unique vantage point. Paddle through limestone labyrinths straight from the Jurassic era, marvel at the majestic Pancake Rock formations, and glide along Raglan Harbour’s rugged coastline. Each paddle stroke reveals hidden coves, magnetic black sand beaches, and breathtaking vistas steeped in history.

Since 2003, our family-owned and operated business has been passionate about sharing our love for this beautiful region. We operate right by the water’s edge at Bow Street Jetty, offering a range of experiences—from the Limestone Express (ideal for families and beginners) to the Coastal Explorer (perfect for those seeking a boutique adventure). No matter your skill level, we have the perfect experience waiting for you.

Join us this summer and discover why Raglan Kayak is celebrated globally. Whether you choose a guided excursion or a freedom rental, we promise an unforgettable adventure, exceptional service, and

a chance to reconnect with the breathtaking landscape that makes Raglan so dear to us.

Reserve your spot and book online at www., or visit our friendly team at Bow Street Jetty, where we operate daily from 9am to 5pm throughout summer.

Every summer tells a story—let yours begin with an unforgettable adventure!

Raglan Kayak

A: Bow Street Jetty

P: 021 186 0521



For flower & water garden visits, guided tours, workshops, venue-hire and accommodation

Uncover a hidden gem just 15 minutes from Raglan at Moa Stone Estate Flower Farm. In the foothills of Mount Karioi in Te Mata, this organic, spray-free flower farm offers a unique way to experience Raglan.

With over 300 varieties of flowers and foliage blooming year-round, it’s an ever-changing landscape for visitors to explore.

Workshops & Experiences

Christmas Floral Arrangement Workshop

December 21

Craft your own beautiful holiday centrepiece using fresh, seasonal blooms - a perfect way to bring a personal touch to your Christmas.

Floral Get-Away Workshop (Soundsplash Weekend)

January 17–19

Take a creative break from the festival buzz! Hand-pick your favourite blooms, learn floral techniques, and relax in our tranquil setting. Ideal for a peaceful escape while the youth enjoy the Soundsplash festival.

What’s on offer at Moa Stone Estate:

• Pick Your Own Flowers Stroll through the flower fields, hand-pick your blooms and create your own floral arrangements, guided by our florists.

• Private Accommodation Book a stay in our unique hideaway, perched above the flower farm with panoramic views of Mount Karioi. This fully self-contained, sustainably designed accommodation is perfect for those seeking tranquillity and a deeper connection with nature.

• Private Event Space Host your special birthday, elopement, or retreat in this peaceful setting.

• Guided Tours & Tea Experiences Take a guided tour and experience the calming effects of a Lotus Flower Tea ceremony.

• Take a Piece of the Estate Home Purchase farm products to bring a little bit of Moa Stone Estate with you.

Whether you stay in our accommodation, immerse yourself in a workshop, pick your own flowers, or host a special event, Moa Stone Estate offers a unique experience for every guest.

Booking is essential!


Tailor Your Visit


Cyclery Raglan, 10 Bankart Street

Cyclery Raglan is your one stop shop for bike repairs, bike sales and rentals, printing services and key cutting.

A one-stop-shop with 16 years of trading experience in the cycling industry.

Need a bike repair? This is the place.

Want to rent a bike? Come and see us.

Need bike touring expertise or trail advice?

We have it.

Need some posters or plans to be printed?

We will do that for you.

Need a key cut? Probably can sort you out.

While you are here, it is worth checking out Te Ara Kakariki mountain bike park.

Not big in size but you sure will get a good work out riding the trails.

The trails offer a little bit for all skill levels. They are a 15 to 20 minute bike rideaway from town.

available at your

local bike guru.
Vist Cyclery Raglan at 10 Bankart Street


Whāingaroa Youth Movement stunned again this year with their performance of Life on Mars; an odyssey to outer space and back again.

Patti Mitchley and her dancers took us on a haunting journey exploring our relationship to our planet. Business people marched through the streets to the capitalist drum. But earth wasn’t enough, so we explored creating a civilisation on Mars, before the aliens invaded. Our return to earth was inevitable. However, upon touching down the dancers discovered that they were too late, planet earth was in ruin… what do we do now?

Whāingaroa Youth Movement performances are often a commentary on our relationship with the world around us, and this year was no different. We are teetering on the edge of destruction and only through conversation and community can we save our planet. The final dance to Exile by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver saw two groups of dancers grasping at each other, trying to see eye to eye. A fitting close to a pulsing, dark, energetic show.

The air hostesses were captivating. Decked in silver they opened the show to the Carpenters track, Calling Occupants, and also flew us home to earth after the aliens in a very moving, reflective piece. The little ones were also a standout. Purple people eaters joyfully creeped around the stage to a spooky intro before their 1950s track kicked in and we were treated to an air band and lip sync performance.

The soundtrack at a WYM show is always on fire and this year was no exception. This tracklist featured the Bowie classic, Space Oddity; The B-52s, Roam; and the heavy, pulsing Kanye West track, Beg Forgiveness.

Congratulations to Patti and the Whāingaroa Youth Movement crew on another thoughtful, creative and inspiring piece of performance theatre!

Monday 23rd December 8am-5pm

Tuesday 24th December 8am-5pm

Wednesday 25th December CLOSED

Thursday 26th December CLOSED

Friday 27th December 8am–5pm

Monday 30th December 8am-5pm

Tuesday 31st December 8am-5pm

Wednesday 1st January CLOSED

Thursday 2nd January CLOSED

Friday 3rd January 8am - 5pm

Raglan Medical 07 825 0114

9 Wallis Street


Regular Opening Hours (by appointment)

Part-time position available 3 days per week

Monday - Friday: 8.00am – 5.00pm Saturday / Sunday - Closed

Please email enquiries to

Afterhours & Public Holidays

Anglesea Clinic provides face to face health services for our patients out of normal working hours and can be contacted on 07 858 0800.


Healthline can be contacted 24 hours a day on 0800 611 116 for free advice from registered nurses.


In a crisis or emergency

If someone has attempted suicide or you’re worried about their immediate safety, do the following:

• Call your local mental health crisis assessment team or go with them to the emergency department (ED) of your nearest hospital

• Waikato – CRISIS Team - 0800 505 050

• If they are in immediate physical danger to themselves or others, call 111

• Stay with them until support arrives

• Remove any obvious means of suicide they might use (e.g. ropes, pills, guns, car keys, knives, poisons.)

• If they live in a high-rise building, help them find somewhere to stay in single-level accommodation.

• Try to stay calm, take some deep breaths. Let them know you care

• Keep them talking: listen and ask questions without judging

• Make sure you are safe

Need to talk?

Free call or text 1737

Talk with a trained counsellor, anytime.

• For counselling and support

• Lifeline 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) - here to help


from the team at Raglan Medical

Thanks to everyone who has helped Angela Massey purchase, wrap and deliver presents to children in our community.


Part-time position available 3 days per week

Your generosity and kindness will help make the festive season more special for some of our whānau.

Please email enquiries to

Image: Angela Massey & Teresa Morgan organising presents for local whānau.


We offer dedicated skin check consultations; this involves a full body skin examination using a dermatoscope (a polarised magnifying lens). Photos of any suspicious skin lesions are taken and, when necessary, these are sent to a dermatologist for further assessment.

This appointment takes 30 minutes and costs $180.

We also provide minor surgery to remove suspicious lesions, additional charges will apply for the removal of any suspicious lesions unless you are a Community Service Card Holder.


Our Nurses are trained to provide comprehensive ear clinics including wax removal using microsuctioning. Ear micro-suctioning is a gentle, safe way to clean the ear canal of problematic wax done under direct vision using a microscope.

Ka Ora Telecare

• Samaritans 0800 726 666– for confidential support for anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress

• Some symptoms that indicate you may need suctioning are

After-Hours Care for Rural Communities

Weeknights 5pm-8am

Weekends/Holidays 24 hours

0800 252 672

• Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 or free text 4202 – to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions

• Healthline 0800 611 116– for advice from experienced health staff

• Decreased hearing

• Ears feel blocked

• Ringing in your ears (tinnitus).

• You have a history of ear wax build-up. The cost of this service is $85.

60 | Raglan Summer Holiday Guide


Kiaora everyone and a huge mihi to you all again for reading my column in 2024! This year I sat down with more of the beautiful people in Whāingaroa and chatted about all things mental health. I feel so much gratitude to be able to continue this work and bring these conversations into the open.

This year hasn’t been easy. The world has weighed heavy on my shoulders. I’ve been horrified and unable to watch videos of people being killed in Gaza, incredulous at the U.S. election of a convicted felon and shocked and scared at our own government’s choice to attack Te Tiriti o Waitangi. It’s a lot. There are days when it puts me on my knees and I don’t know what to do. Then, on better days, I turn to my community. It is the antidote. One of the things that gives me hope is showing up for the people around me. I go to school and laugh with my students. I go out dancing with my friends. I collaborate with my mates and make weird, beautiful art. I let the wind blow through me as I walk along the beach. I look around me and see generosity and kindness at every turn. It’s a reminder that, despite all the chaos and uncertainty in our world, here in Whāingaroa we can hold on tight to each other. In our little village we can try to foster manaakitanga, kaitiakitanga and whakawhānaungatanga.

In fact, community was a through line in many of my interviews this year. Emily talked about the way she would start with small conversations and how they led to friendships and now she has community all around her. Conor talked about moving home and surrendering to the lifestyle and community out here. You get out what you put in. Ken repeats his mantra that life is all about other people. When there is so much suffering going on in the world, contributing tangibly to community and other people gives us something we can hold on to. We can see the positive impacts that it has on ourselves and the people around us.

We also talked a lot about letting ourselves feel it all. Resa told us how she lets the feelings move through her. It’s not about avoiding, it’s about letting it flow. Bailie passed on some advice she was given; pain demands to be felt, and we can’t escape that. Wanda reminded us that all the negative emotions we feel are trying to tell us something. She said she ‘laughs in the face of darkness.’ Those words have really stuck with me this year and have been a frequent reminder. Indigo talked about learning to feel her feelings and to have patience for her younger self. Jacky reminded us that surrendering is a big part of surviving. So, as we head into another busy summer, I will take these insights with me. I will be focusing on trying to change the things I can and surrendering to the things I can’t. I will be investing in my community and I will be enjoying the beautiful paradise that we get to call home. I hope you can all do the same!

As I move into my fourth year of writing this column, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my interviews, the people who have stopped me in the street with beautiful feedback and those who have shown so much awhi to the interviewees for their bravery and vulnerability. And of course I want to thank Resa, Conor, Indigo, Wanda, Ken, Emily, Jacky, and Bailie. Your contribution to this mahi is massive

and in publishing these conversations, we all contribute to a culture where we can talk more openly about our mental health.

With that, I say farewell to the mental health column for 2024. My dispatches may be less frequent in 2025 as I

return to uni to complete my teaching degree. But please reach out if you’re interested in getting involved with this kaupapa and I’ll see you all out and about over the summer.

Ngā mihi, Ruby


Plumbing and Gas Ltd established by Grant and Jess Mathis, is a locally owned company based in Raglan. Due to the high demand for our work, we do not move out of the area which ensures locals are receiving an excellent service, and do not have to look further afield.

We have been fully established in Raglan for many years now and have developed a strong clientele, and excellent working relationships with Raglan builders.

Whether you’re looking towards a new build, renovating, gas work, or leak repairs, our friendly team will talk with you to provide the best solutions to suit your project.

Raglan Landscape Supplies your long standing ‘one-stop-shop’ Landscape supply and Garden Centre locally owned and operated by Chris and Tracey Elliott.

We supply bulk Garden Mix, Compost, Topsoil, Sand, Driveway metals, River Pebbles, Lime Chip, Limestone Hoggin, Shell (when available), Pea Metals, Builders Mix, Nugget Bark, Mulches, Playground Chip, Drainage Metals, Crusher Dust as well as a PLANT NURSERY; we also have Seeds, Plant Pots and all the bagged Fertilisers you need to keep those plants healthy.

We also have BAGGED Cement, Fast Crete, Compost and Potting mix, Sheep Pellets, Chook Chow, Layers Pellets, Manetain, Pig Pellets, Whole and Kibbled Maize, Grass Saver, Economy Pellets, Pea Straw and Hay (when available). We stock Novaflo, Drain and Stormwater pipes, Culvert pipes and Farmboss.

We stock Railway Sleepers and Firewood.

We stock Pavers, Weedmat, Windbreak and Bugnet and supply Temp fencing hire.

Fox Cabins is now in their ninth year of business building cabins, tiny houses, and now consented modular homes from their permanent base in Raglan. In that time they have delivered over 100 unique buildings across the North and South Island, to as far away as Invercargill and Kaitaia. They have never built the same plan twice, as every project is custom designed and built to the client’s specifications and style.

Fox Cabins was started in Raglan, but they struggled to find a larger workshop locally as the company grew, so had to move from their ‘home base’ near Te Uku to manufacturing in Hamilton. “Yeah, it was tough; commuting was a huge time and financial cost, along with feeling distanced from our friends and family in Raglan,” says owner Adam Fox.

A few years later, when the opportunity came to purchase land in Raglan and build a specialised factory, Adam jumped at the chance. “Not only did this mean we could work near home, be active parents, partners, and add value to the Raglan economy, it also really cemented the financial stability of our company - which, on reflection, is probably what enabled us to weather the recent


Tiny Houses & Modular Homes

economic downturn without any issue at a time when many other tiny home companies were having to shut their doors”.

The company really hit its stride after they were hired to design and build a custom cabin with a mezzanine for a client, and the ‘Fox Den Mezzanine’ cabin was born. “We took the design to the 2018 Fieldays and it was a fantastic success”.

The smaller and architecturally unique Fox Den Mezzanine became a launch-pad for Fox Cabins to invest in design, grow the company, build stronger relationships with suppliers, and move into the broader tiny home and small dwelling industry.

Another highlight for the business was the iconic ‘Everest’ tiny home on wheels. The design was originally created by a British architect for one of Adam’s clients, with the core concept being a ‘clean and simple AirBnB unit’. The Everest’s key features of a downstairs bedroom, a gable roof with striking beams, and clean Scandinavian simplicity really struck a chord with customers. “It had to be a space that had a really beautiful high-end look and feel.

All the while, this design had to be kept road legal in terms of size and weight. It was a real technical challenge to achieve, but we are so proud of this unique contribution to the market,” says Adam.

Fox Cabins delivered their first Everest in 2019, and

it has since become their instantly recognisable flagship model.

The Everest design has served the test of time, and Fox Cabins now offers a number of variations on it as base models from which customers can build on and personalise the design. These include the original 8M length model, ranging all the way through to a spacious 13.5M. In a further new offering for 2025, the Everest can also be built as a Council consented dwelling on piles, delivered and placed anywhere in NZ.

It is this commitment to continual improvementin design, architecture, regulatory compliance, and community needs - that Adam says sets Fox Cabins apart. In addition to their popular tiny home range, the company has also invested heavily into becoming specialists in the field of small - to medium - sized modular council consented dwellings, with a large number of 40m2 – 85m2 projects either completed, presently under construction, or in the immediate pipeline. “From remote on-site, off-grid builds, to choppering-in two fully completed units to Kawau Island with a Black Hawk Helicopter, we’re up for any challenge, because we’ve got the competence and depth of experience to deliver when it counts – especially when it comes to dealing with the council”.

Fox Cabins is made up of a team of skilled licenced builders and journeyman cabinet makers who have many years’ experience of building tiny homes. The company is a Registered Master Builders Association company, and as the director, Adam remains committed to best practice and continuing professional development, always looking for ways to improve systems, methods, and designs.

A few weeks ago he returned from a trip to the USA where he revisited tiny home villages and builders he has met on previous trips to North Carolina and Colorado. Adam found that the American tiny house movement is shifting in the direction of ‘ADU’s’ (Accessory Dwelling Units), permanent small dwellings in the 40m2-60m2 range – and says we may see a similar shift here with the legislative

changes that the current government has signalled for 2025 in relation to ‘Granny Flats’ (that will make it easier to erect small secondary dwellings up to 60m2 in size without requiring council involvement).

“Look, the devil is in the detail,” Adam says, “and we eagerly await the legislation text to understand how the new scheme will actually work in practice, but we hope it will be a very positive change, reducing complexity and costs.”

For anyone eager to explore the possibilities of small- to medium-sized dwellings, cabins, tiny homes or baches, Fox Cabins is having an Open Day on Saturday 18th January 2025 (Soundsplash weekend), at which anyone will be welcome to come and discuss their potential future project.

The company also recently featured on the “Moving Houses” TV show on TVNZ, showcasing the build and delivery of a 13.5M long version of the Everest XL tiny home. Check it out OnDemand now! While most of his team will be off enjoying the local surf over the Christmas break, Adam says he’ll be around – “I live and breathe this stuff, so if anyone wants to chat over the summer holidays, please feel free to call with any questions or enquiries.”

13 Nau Mai Business Park - Raglan

P: 07 788 0101




Interior & Architecture Design Services

Custom Furniture & Kitchens


spaces that inspire.

Summer is the perfect time to start creating a space you’ll love for years to come.

At Motide, we specialise in crafting bespoke interiors, architecture, and custom furniture, combining timeless design with sustainable, healthy materials. Whether you’re dreaming of a new home, transforming your kitchen, or adding a unique touch with handcrafted furniture, we’re here to bring your vision to life.

Every project is a collaboration, tailored to your style and designed to enhance how you live. With a focus on quality and detail, we create elegant solutions that harmonise form, function, and nature. From cosy homes to standout commercial spaces, our work reflects a commitment to lasting beauty and thoughtful craftsmanship.

Visit our studio and workshop at Nau Mai to explore our creations.

Contact us at, or follow @motide.raglan and @motide. architecture on Instagram for inspiration.


The LOCAL RAG - Raglan’s monthly magazine loves to showcase what our town has to offer, including all the great home related businesses! We are looking ahead and will be running a HOME feature for the 2025 February issue. We would love to include your company.

Spaces are limited, so please get in touch ASAP if you are keen to book a spot in this paid feature. Contact Geraldine:



1644B Whaanga Road

8,541 sqm 3 1

For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty (unless sold prior) 2pm, Thu 19 Dec 2024

View by appointment

Stephen O'Byrne 021 969 848

Michelle O'Byrne 021 969 878


We invite you


Stephen O'Byrne 021 969 848 Michelle O'Byrne 021 969 878


As 2025 begins, it’s the perfect time to make resolutions that bolster your financial security and legal wellbeing. If buying a home is on your horizon, considering shared ownership and ensuring your estate planning documents are in order can be key steps toward a secure future.

1. Exploring Shared Ownership Options

With high property prices, shared ownership with friends or family can be a viable path to home ownership. Pooling resources allows multiple buyers to access larger or more desirable properties than they could afford individually. Key benefits include:

• Enhanced Purchasing Power: Shared ownership makes it easier to secure properties in competitive markets.

• Shared Costs: Co-owners divide mortgage payments, insurance, maintenance, and other expenses, making home ownership more affordable.

2. Importance of a Property Sharing Agreement

Entering shared ownership requires clear agreements to avoid future disputes. A Property Sharing Agreement is essential for co-owners and serves as a legal safeguard. Here’s what it should include:

• Ownership Stakes: Clarifies the percentage each person owns, which is crucial if contributions are unequal.

• Financial Responsibilities: Outlines each party’s share of mortgage payments, insurance, and maintenance costs.

• Decision-Making Rules: Establishes how key decisions about the property will be made, including potential renovations or sale.

• Exit Plan: Specifies how a party can sell their share, including first refusal rights for co-owners and property valuation methods.

3. Estate Planning Essentials

Regardless of home ownership, having a current Will and Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA) is crucial for managing your affairs:

• A Will: Essential for anyone holding assets in their own name. If your assets exceed $15,000, they will require either Probate or Letters of Administration for access after your passing. Without a Will, your loved ones must apply for Letters of Administration,

a more time-consuming and costly process. Having a Will ensures your wishes are respected and significantly reduces the legal burden on your family.

• Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA): These documents allow trusted individuals to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. It’s wise to have separate EPAs for property matters and personal care.

4. Conducting a Legal Warrant of Fitness

Your legal documents need periodic review, much like a vehicle’s warrant of fitness. Here’s how to stay current:

• Review and Update Your Will: Major life changes such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child should prompt a review of your Will.

• Reassess EPAs: Confirm that your appointed attorneys are still suitable and willing to act.

• Verify Property Agreements: Ensure any Property Sharing Agreement remains aligned with the current circumstances, reflecting changes in financial contributions or co-ownership.

Make 2025 Count

Set practical goals, such as “Draft a Property Sharing Agreement by March” or “Review and update my Will by mid-year.” Engage legal professionals early to streamline these processes, and share your plans with a trusted person for accountability. These actions lay the groundwork for a year where home ownership aspirations and estate planning align for peace of mind and future security.


As the new year approaches, it’s an ideal time for businesses to ensure their workplace practices align with current legal standards and best practices. Keeping up with employment law changes can help mitigate risks, maintain good employee relations, and foster a thriving work environment. Below is a tailored checklist for businesses to review and update their employment practices.

1. Review Employment Agreements and Policies

• Ensure all employees have written employment agreements that comply with the Employment Relations Act 2000.

• Verify agreements include essential terms, such as:

- Job descriptions.

- Hours of work.

- Wages or salary details.

• Review casual employees’ hours of work to ensure they still meet the legal test of a casual employee.

• Check that fixed-term employment agreements are compliant.

• Update workplace policies in line with best practice and legal updates.

2. Employee Leave Entitlements

• Review compliance with statutory leave requirements under the Holidays Act 2003, including:

- Annual leave (4 weeks per year) and public holidays.

- Sick leave (10 days per year after 6 months of continuous employment).

- Parental leave provisions under the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987.

- Domestic violence leave.

3. Workplace Health and Safety

• Ensure compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA).

• Conduct a workplace risk assessment and address identified hazards.

• Update policies to account for remote work health and safety obligations.

• Provide regular training on workplace safety and emergency procedures.

4. Training and Development

• Provide training on critical issues, such as:

- Prevention of workplace bullying and harassment.

- Health and safety requirements.

- Cultural competency, particularly in understanding Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its relevance in the workplace.

• Develop leadership and upskilling programs to support employee growth.

6. Immigration Compliance

• Check that all workers have the legal right to work in New Zealand and retain proper documentation (e.g., visa checks).

• Stay up to date on immigration changes, including updates to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme.

• Ensure adherence to obligations under the Immigration Act 2009.

7. Performance Management and Disciplinary Processes

• Review and update performance management systems to ensure fairness and transparency.

• Confirm disciplinary processes comply with natural justice principles and are clearly outlined in employment agreements or policies.

• Provide training to managers on how to handle performance or conduct issues appropriately.

9. Data Protection and Privacy

• Ensure compliance with the Privacy Act 2020, particularly around collecting, storing, and sharing employee information.

• Update privacy policies and train staff on their responsibilities.

• Review cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data, especially in remote or hybrid work environments.

10. Prepare for Legislative Changes

• Monitor upcoming amendments to employment laws.

• Seek professional advice to prepare for significant legislative or regulatory shifts.


Starting the year with a thorough review of your employment practices not only ensures legal compliance but also promotes a positive workplace culture. By addressing these key areas, employers can create a fair, safe, and productive environment for their teams. If you’re unsure about specific obligations, our employment law specialist team at DTI Lawyers is here to help and answer any questions you have.

Hayley Willers, DTI Commercial & Property Director
Jaime Lomas, DTI Employment Director


Your local independent courier


and I am

However, I have been in the industry since 2016.

I honestly enjoy my job and love my ever changing office! So happy to have welcomed Lily in 2024. She looks forward to meeting your requirements in 2025.

I’m thankful to all my existing clients and new clients that come on board. My usual hours are Monday to Friday, twice daily, to Hamilton and back (excluding statutory holdays.)

Some jobs are too big, no job is too small! Same day delivery guaranteed out of Hamilton if ordered before 9am, and 30kg or less (excluding oversized.)

It it’s not delivered the same day and it’s my fault it will be free.

You can find my ad on the front of our local Chronicle or contact me by phoning/texting on 027 325 4181.

Summer holidays for my whānau mean camping and sharing kai with friends at Puriri Park at high tide. My name is Sian. I am Māori and Welsh, and I’m a property, commercial, and estate planning lawyer. I live in Raglan with my husband and two kids.

Over the holidays, we may start to tick off our to-do list and getting your Will sorted may be on the list. If you have assets over $15k (e.g. KiwiSaver), you should have a Will otherwise, sadly the law can determine who gets what. Feel free to get in touch over the break or in the New Year to have a chat about your Will.

Take care and look after each other over the holiday period.

Meri Kirihimete!

Sian – Base Lawyer


P: 027 200 0674

name is Michelle Cobham
the owner/operator of a growing business, Raglan Independent Courier, which I started myself in 2019.


For many locals, Russ Adams is a familiar name, with Russ having worked in Whāingaroa Raglan as a property manager for Ray White Raglan since 2009.

In late March, Russ and his wife Liza purchased the Ray White Raglan Rentals business they have been a part of for many years, and continue to operate out of the Ray White office at 21 Bow St, Raglan. With Liza working alongside Russ in the administration and accounts side, the team has also grown with Jasmin Fitzgerald joining the team as a property manager. Demand for rentals in Raglan remains consistently high as the town grows and more people look to enjoy the beautiful slice of paradise it offers, so investors should speak to our expanded team if you’re considering adding any much-needed stock to the rental market.

Russ and his team are proud to have a reputation as ethical property managers, they care deeply about the wellbeing of both their tenants and landlords, and it’s a reputation that can only be proven by long-term actions. By ensuring people feel valued and understood, and prioritising positive

communication, Russ and the Ray White Raglan team create long term relationships in healthy and happy homes - something Raglans landlords and tenants equally benefit from.

The comprehensive management service is the core product on offer and takes care of almost all aspects of tenancy management, because there’s a lot to managing property properly! Initially, it’s listing for rent on multiple websites, arranging viewings, tenancy selection and screening, bond lodgements and compliant tenancy documentation, and undertaking thorough entry inspections. Once your tenant is placed, everything that comes next is also taken care of - rent collection and arrears management (if required), maintenance and general property care, invoice payments on your behalf, and of course communication and acting as the first point of contact for tradesmen and tenants at all times.

Alongside this Ray White Raglan also offer their “Ray White Choice” product range, being a suite of one-off services designed specifically for DIY private landlords. Some landlords prefer to remain in control of their tenancy yet also struggle with

some of the day to day work this involves - and these products are designed to help just that. For those who prefer to self-manage there is plenty of support on offer - from helping secure a tenant and set up a new tenancy, conduct initial or 3-monthly routine inspections, general advice and consulting, or even managing your rent and arrears - all while you remain 100% in charge as the landlord.

Getting the right fit between both tenants and property is the most important aspect for everyone involved and helps prevent almost all future issues. Our broad product range, thorough processes, years of experience, and specific local knowledge make this a stress-free process.

If you’re looking for a rental in Raglan it’s easy to view, book, or apply for any of our available properties at or the major listing sites such as Trade Me and

Contact Russ and the team today at rentals., call 0210 200 7665, or pop in and see us, we’d love to hear from you! You can also contact Jasmin directly on: 021 275

The Raglan Rentals team from left, Liza and Russ Adams with Jasmin Fitzgerald.


with Coastcare waikato


Tiakina ngā otaota māori kia puāwai

Give our native plants a chance

Haere mā ngā ara whaitohu anake

Use marked accessways RESTORATION SITE

Over summer, Raglan’s beautiful beaches are the place to be for locals and visitors alike. But it’s important that we take care of our coast while having fun in the sun – our sand dunes are super important but very fragile.

Sand dunes help protect beaches from coastal erosion and sand inundation caused by a combination of massive storms and high tides.

Native dune plants kōwhangatara (Spinifex sericeus) and pīngao (Ficinia spiralis) trap wind-blown

sand, building a natural buffer in the coastal margin and allowing dunes to self-repair following big storm events.

These special plants support the natural cycles of erosion and accretion, and we need to support them when we’re in their environment – they may be tough enough to survive the harsh coastal environment, but they’re also very fragile and can be killed just by walking on them.

More than 75 per cent of our region’s beaches have been modified or destroyed by removal, grazing or trampling of native plants. When dune plants are destroyed,

the dunes and land will continually erode and be lost to the sea.

The Coastcare-Waikato programme aims to protect and restore the West Coast’s precious coastal areas.

Coastcare work in the Waikato is undertaken in partnership with iwi, local community, Waikato District Council, Department of Conservation and Waikato Regional Council.

Hundreds of volunteers work hard to restore and protect the coast here in Whāingaroa.

Please help us protect our special coastal places by sticking to the tracks and staying off the dunes this summer.

To find out more, check out Coastcare Waikato on Facebook and Instagram. Keen to volunteer? Planting events will be posted for the next planting season from May 2025. Let’s care for our coast together.


Raglan Naturally’s approach to community-led development is to achieve community aspirations and goals from the ‘ground-up’.

Raglan Naturally is founded on building, growing and empowering relationships with iwi/hapū and community based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles.


We want to acknowledge and thank all those who have contributed to community-led projects and initiatives this year and to those who work in the non-profit sector. There are hundreds of volunteers working every week across our communities.

NGĀ MIHI, THANK YOU! Whaingaroa really wouldn’t be the same without your support.


To learn more about our plans for 2025 and how to get involved, visit our website at


Toitū te Tiriti: Strengthening Community Through Connection

Provided pathways for the community to experience and understand how Te Tiriti o Waitangi and te ao Māori offer a strong foundation for the wellbeing of everyone in our community.

Events & Workshops

to build capability for CLD, celebrate and strengthen community

We also supported these community building events: Growers Market Sneak Peek Spring Event, Seniors Spring Celebration, Kapa Haka at RAS, Spring Solstice Event, Whaingaroa Whai Whānau Xmas Day, Sunday Busking Day Event, HĪkoi for Hauora & Suicide Awareness Day

Supporting Community-Led Projects

Providing connections, introductions, advice, and letters of support. Offering access to funding. Building community relationships and fostering understanding. Listening to community needs and aspirations.


Working closely with the Whaingaroa Youthwork Collective – Ngā Whakaruruhau Mahuri – to support young women’s hauora workshops, youth practical skills workshops, the Wahine Moe youth event, and a youth music talent event. Additionally, we supported community research and a report on youth needs, and secured funding for a youth development role.

Geology of Karioi Volcano Book Launch & Exhibition Matariki ki Whaingaroa 2024 Festival
Toitū Whaingaroa Waitangi Day Event
Te Tiriti o Waitangi Community Activation Workshops
Toitū te Tiriti Exhibition
Celebrating Volunteers Event Te Tiriti o Waitangi Workshops Secrets of Sponsorship Workshop
Water Tower Mural Project Raglan Refill



Raglan is recognised across Aotearoa New Zealand for our beautiful environment, innovative local businesses and championing of zero waste. However, we still send the size of approximately 60 fridges worth of materials to landfill each week, and this number doubles over summer as our visitor numbers swell. There are lots of items put into landfill bags and bins which we could reduce, reuse, compost or recycle. As a Raglan local or visitor, we would love your continued support in helping to reduce unnecessary waste to landfill, and support choosing #reusableraglan as the Raglan way.

When heading out and supporting our local businesses, bringing reusable keepcups and takeout containers drastically reduces the waste clogging up public street litter bins.

‘Compostable/biodegradable’ cups and packaging can’t be recycled or composted in Raglan, so sit down or BYO container to enjoy by the beach!

Ice cream? Enjoy the cone or BYO cup and spoon Market? BYO produce bags, containers and bowls for food

Fresh fish or meat? BYO containers

Coffee? Enjoy sitting in or BYO cups = saving cup and lids Iced coffee or smoothie? Again, enjoy sitting in or BYO cups Out enjoying the summer sun? BYO water bottle and refill at one of the free water fountains across Raglan

‘Compostable’ cups and packaging can be toxic

Another motive for choosing reusable items we already have over singleuse items is that there is mounting evidence of the toxicity of plastic and compostable packaging. These can contain additives known to be persistent organic pollutants, carcinogens, endocrine/hormonal or immune disruptors, or microplastic polymers. There are a huge range of single-use products that have been developed, and regulations and composting certification systems haven’t kept pace with the range of potential additives or innovations out there, nor are packaging companies required to disclose what’s in their packaging. Reusing is safest REUSABLE SIMPLE SWAPS


It might seem small, but if we all bring just one reusable cup for one coffee or ice cream over summer then that’s over 3,000 single use items per day we’ve saved from clogging up our bins. It’s up to 10,000 + with our visitors joining the momentum for reuse, and if we all continue to remember and normalise #reusableraglan as the Raglan way.



Thank you for the time many

of you have made for me over 2024, both in person and sending me your views via email.

There are a lot of concerns now on a range of topics. Health is a biggie. This is not a system that is easily fixed, but while work is being done, we need to ensure that your health needs are met. I admire the health work going on in your special region to take care of your people. Let me know if there are thing I can help you with, my office will always help with enquiries.

I am a great believer that when it comes to climate change that we should be counting everything such as riparian planting and soil sequestration and not just relying on pine trees to get us out of trouble. In the end we must look to solve our problems.

As an organic farmer, I have a strong affiliation with so much of your ethos. I keep working politically on bringing this

to the fore. It is not always easy, but I’m prepared to keep batting.

With a year of driving an electric vehicle I am now able to encourage people to get past their range anxiety and give it a go. I find the charging network has expanded and electricity companies are putting helpful off-peak deals to their customers.

I remain ever proud of the work that you are collectively doing in the environmental space. You are leaders in the field, literally. The rest of the country has been inspired and learned from Whaingaroa. Your re-use, re-cycle, repurpose mode of operating is providing many answers for other communities.

Have a wonderful festive season with your families and friends. I look forward to working with you in 2025.

Raglan 112D Newton Road
Raglan 9 Lorenzen Bay Road
Raglan 112A Newton Road
Raglan 15B Primrose Street
Aotea 53 Te Wetini Roore Place


We’re all local and we’re all here! Our office will be open from time to time over the holidays, so call our sales team if we can help!

Mark : 027 433 6083


Jack : 021 091

James : 027 852

Your off-grid paradise awaits!

Nestled on the slopes of Mt Karioi, this

travel along the scenic Te Hutewai Road, take a right onto Waimaunga Road and within moments you'll be greeted by sweeping panoramic views of lush farmland, native bush and the majestic Mt Karioi. Best of all, there are no building covenants.

Easy living and great location

This recently renovated home is perfectly situated just a short stroll from the town centre and local schools. With a north-facing orientation, you'll bask in bright, sun-filled living areas both inside and out. Nestled on a 400sqm (more or less) lot, this property features an 82sqm home packed with attractive features. As you enter the upper level, you'll find a beautifully renovated kitchen, a stylish bathroom, and three bedrooms - one of which is generously sized. The open-plan living area is great for socialising and the views from the kitchen are awesome.

Affordable Omahina section

Discover this 414sqm (more or less) section, perfectly positioned to capture stunning sunsets over our beautiful Karioi Mountain.

Located in the desirable Rangitahi Peninsula, this property offers easy access to the water, scenic walking tracks, and is just a short stroll to the Hut cafe where you can enjoy a delicious hot coffee. The section features a gentle slope, making it an ideal spot for building a home with a great vantage point and plenty of space for a lovely front garden with minimal earth works.

Raglan 14 Main Road
Raglan 84 Waimaunga Road
Raglan 71 Omahina Street

4C Cambrae Road, Raglan

Beachside Bliss in Lorenzen Bay

Nestled in a prime position with sweeping views of the serene Lorenzen Bay, this home is truly something special. Designed for both convenience and effortless living, it’s the perfect balance of style with functionality. Whether you’re searching for a family home or a lock-and-leave getaway, this property is one to put at the top of your list. Tucked away down a private lane, it’s a hidden gem you might never guess is there! For those who love to entertain, this home is a dream come true. The open-plan living area flows seamlessly out onto a sun-drenched deck, offering uninterrupted views of Lorenzen Bay. The chef’s kitchen is a standout feature, offering a layout that will inspire any culinary enthusiast. The master suite is a sanctuary, bathed in natural light, framed by stunning bay views and a bush backdrop. It’s the perfect place to unwind after a long day. A spacious, well-appointed bathroom sits nearby, offering a touch of indulgence. The two additional bedrooms are equally impressive and generously sized, each with built-in wardrobes. The second living area opens out to a covered, private deck and provides easy access to the lush front yard. This level also features a family bathroom, ensuring plenty of space for everyone. A spacious double garage provides ample storage for vehicles, tools, and outdoor gear.

3/25 Rangitahi Road, Raglan


Living at it’s Best!

Welcome to North Point Residences, an architecturally designed townhouse located in the heart of the sought-after Rangitahi Peninsula subdivision. Offering the perfect blend of contemporary design and coastal charm, this townhouse is the ultimate in low-maintenance living, ideal for those seeking a relaxed lifestyle by the sea. This two-bedroom townhouse is thoughtfully designed with modern living in mind. The upper level features a spacious open-plan kitchen and living area, designed to take full advantage of the stunning views over the inner harbour and beyond. Large sliders across the entire lounge and kitchen area ensure seamless indoor/outdoor flow, making it easy to entertain or simply relax and enjoy the scenery. The well-appointed kitchen boasts new appliances, complemented by beautiful American oak flooring, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Whether you’re preparing a meal or enjoying a quiet moment, the space offers both function and style. The two bedrooms are located on the ground floor, offering privacy and comfort. Both rooms share a spacious family bathroom, with under-stair storage providing additional convenience for everyday living. A double carport and lock-up utility storage provide all the space you need for vehicles and outdoor gear.

Happy Holidays

The Lodge team wishes you a safe and happy holiday season. We hope you have the chance to relax and unwind, whether you’re traveling or staying local. Enjoy, stay safe, and have a great start to 2024!

Jono Hutson


6 Waipatukahu Lane, Raglan

Nestled in a quiet cul-de-sac, this special site enjoys mountain and estuary views. The 514sqm section, set amongst top-quality homes and bordering a peaceful reserve, offers the perfect setting to build your family home or beach bach. With a geotechnical report, topographical survey and approved house plans by the Rangitahi design committee - all the hard work has been done! Enjoy access to the inner harbour for swimming and paddle boarding or savour the 14 km peninsula walkway and stroll to town or the popular Hut Cafe for your morning coffee. Realise a relaxed lifestyle for your family and build a comfortable home close to the water on this desirable section. Sit back on your balcony soaking up the sun’s rays, while enjoying the ebb and flow of the tide and beautiful Mount Karioi views.

1 Bay View Road, Raglan

Elevated Living with Harbour & Rural Views

Price $1,025,000 1 2 3

Enjoy urban living, surrounded by nature. You are welcomed into a cute, cobbled courtyard with raised flower & vegetable gardens. Warm timber finishes, high stud and large picture windows give this home a spacious feel. The open plan recently renovated kitchen, dining and living areas are an entertainer’s dream, complimented by a wetback fireplace to keep you cosy in winter. Recent renovations include: a rewired switchboard, new wetback & hot water cylinder, exterior cladding painted, new oven and cooktop. The 970 sqm section is fully fenced and divided into two levels, with a separate driveway offering access for a tiny house or the possibility to subdivide. Alternatively, you could create the garden of your dreams for future sustainability with some mature fruit trees already in place and a chicken coop ready for your feathered friends. For those who love to tinker, the basement studio is a fantastic space, it could be used as a home office, recreation space or to unleash your creativity! This area has its own separate street entrance. Viewing is highly recommended.

Happy Holidays

55 Government Road, Raglan

Opportunity Knocks. Set in a gorgeous sunny spot, located just across from Cox’s Bay, it’s definitely a unique property that is sure to impress! Thoughtfully designed over 3 levels, this generous family home sits on a near flat 1212sqm freehold site, offering enough room for the whole family, as well as a separate self contained apartment. Beneath the house is a very generous workshop space that provides ample room for a dance studio, office, or creative space. A gardener’s dream, the property features multiple shade houses and a variety of mature fruit trees. The current owners roadside stall provides a little income with grapes, citrus and veges. Explore subdivision potential with the council, or consider adding a tiny home in the spacious back lawnperfect for multi-generational living or as an investment opportunity.

The Lodge team wishes you a safe and happy holiday season. We hope you have the chance to relax and unwind, whether you’re traveling or staying local. Enjoy, stay safe, and have a great start to 2024!

Jono Hutson


Price By Negotiation

QUICKFIND Directory: your local trades guide


First publication of the year will be published on Jan 30th Chronicle Content Deadline: Jan 28th

James and Bow Streets Christmas Services: Christmas Eve - 6pm Carols and Christingles

Christmas Day - 9.00am Celebration Service (no Eucharist) Usual services will be held every Sunday in

& January

Surfside Church Services



Department of Conservation advises that under Resource Consent 124871 spraying of pest plants growing in aquatic locations will commence over the next three months.

Church @ Stewart St

CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE at 9.30 am at Church@Stewart Street, Raglan

All our other Sunday services in December and January will be at 10 am as usual.

Pest plants to be sprayed are listed in the Regional Pest Management Plan and include (but are not limited to): alligator weed, golden dodder, crack & grey willow, mexican water lily, spartina and yellow flag iris. Herbicides to be used are glyphosate, haloxyfop, metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr. Application method is location dependent and may be by helicopter, gun and hose, mistblower or knapsack.

Operational areas are spread throughout the district and include:

• Lakes Whangape, Rotongaro, Rotongaroiti, Hakanoa, Areare, Rotopiko, Rotomanuka & Ruatuna

• Whangamarino, Moanatuatua & Toreparu wetlands

• Takupu Island (Waikato River)

• Kawhia Harbour

Spraying is weather dependent and will occur during daylight hours on any day, including weekends but excluding public holidays. For further information or to request to be notified, please call 0800 ASK DOC. Occupiers who have already requested to be notified will be contacted prior to spraying.

For additional notification or further information, please email the Waikato Operations Manager Niwha Jones at


TEAM A quick update. The road up to the Wainui Reserve will be closed from 8pm6am Friday 17th Jan and Saturday 19th Jan 2025, unless you have the appropriate festival car pass. There is no general parking for festival attendees onsite it is reserved for those with camping and appropriate car passes. For those who live locally or have alternative accommodation cars can be parked at the Raglan Airfield and shuttles are provided to and from the festival site. Please be aware there may be heavy traffic during peak times predicted between 8am - 1pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We apologise for any inconvenience.


The Yard Music Cafe Summer Shows

DEC 18 Muso Nite

DEC 20 Earshot- DJ Cian

DEC 21 Hanwho + BocaSeca Soundsystem

DEC 22 Golden Hour Grooves

DEC 27 Drop Zone Friday

DEC 28 Sojourn

DEC 29 Summer Thieves




DEC 31 NYE-Essence is Now-7pm - 1am

January 2025

JAN 1 Muso Nite

JAN 2 Tolan Bros

JAN 3 Open Roads

Jan 4 Deckside Sessions 3pm - 5pm

JAN 4 Park Rd + Foley

JAN 5 Golden Hour Grooves 3pm - 6pm

JAN 5 Gravity fT Euphoroia & Snakie-8pm

JAN 8 Muso Nite

JAN 9 Pineja

JAN 10 Aight Debut ALbum Release

JAN 11 Flowidus & Friends 360 SHow

JAN 12 Bobby Brazuka Latin 45s

JAN 23 Heavy Chest (Solo)

JAN 24 Sanoi w Simon Tober

DEC 21 DEckside w The Sauce 3pm - 5pm JAN 11 DEckside Sessions 3pm-5pm JAN 25 Golden Hour Grooves

JAN 25 B.Rex

Jan 26 Golden Hour Grooves

JAN 30 Kita

JAN 31 Reiki RuawaiThe Message TOur NZ/AUST

February 2025

FEB 7 Earshot- DJ CIAN

FEB 8 Bruci Jordan & Boca Seca SOundsystem

FEB 14 Hockey Dad+ Crocodylus

FEB 15 Rum JUngle

FEB 16 Mark De Clive-LowE

FEB 22 Ozi Ozaa

FEB 23 Osees FEB 27 My Baby

Penguin Swim School will be running ‘Learn to Swim’ classes again this summer in January and February in Raglan.

For more information please email Hannah at

Four Square Holiday Hours

NEW YEAR’S EVE BOWLS FUN DAY December 31 from 1pm. Everyone welcome - individuals or groups. Checkin from 12.30pm. $10ea includes loan bowls and nibbles. Bar open, raffles and heaps of fun. Contact Alan 021 456751

LIONS NEW YEAR’S EVE PARADE 31st December at 7pm with floats due round the corner on Wallis St at 6pm for judging.

NEW YEAR’S EVE AT HARBOUR VIEW HOTEL 31st December Tasman AZ - 7.30pm until late NEW YEARS EVE PARTY! - Ticketed Event NYE 2025 MASQUERADE PARTY – DRESS UP!!

NYE 2024 AT SOLSCAPE 6:00 PM – 1:00 AM.

Location: Solscape, 611 Wainui Rd, Music Lineup (on the Bigbadaboom Soundsystem): Selector Queen Big Punch, Boca Seca: Antonio Karam, Bruci Jordan on guitar, DJ Herman Saiz on the decks, DJ Cian NYE 2024 AT THE YARD 7pm -1am Essence is Nowdown Volcom Lane

NYE FIREWORKS -LOOK TO THE SKY AT MIDNIGHT PAPHUA DOMAIN, sponsored by Raglan Community Charitable Trust

RAGLAN GROWERS MARKET Held weekly Fridays 5-7pm at 1 Stewart Street.

SOUNDSPLASH FESTIVAL - Jan 17-19 2025, Wainui Reserve - more info at

CROP SWAP. FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAYS of the month. 9.30 -10.30am at Bowling Club, James Street. Bring anything from the kitchen or garden to swap –seedlings, plants, produce, preserves, baking. It’s not direct swapping, we share abundance, and everyone gets a bit of everything! All welcome Church Christmas Services on page 63.


CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR UPDATES WHAINGAROA PALESTINE SOLIDARITY ORGANISATION EXHIBITION-AUCTION Come and see this exhibition of works donated by over 20 local artists, to be auctioned in support of Palestinian Australian New Zealand Medical Association. Open 10-2 Wednesday 18 Dec – Saturday 21 December with silent auction, plus open auction on Saturday 6pm.

RAGLAN CREATIVE MARKET – SUNDAY 12 JANUARY The best of Whaingaroa food, crafts and art. NEW TIME 9am –1pm at the Old School, 5 Stewart Street, second Sunday of every month. For more info -

MUSIC AT THE OLD SCHOOL – FRIDAY 17 JAN Kingston Rose – Violet Heartbreak Album Release Tour. Kingston’s show promises a dynamic blend of heartache and hope, where the music transforms into a moving journey through the highs and lows of romance. Don’t miss out on this chance to see Kingston Rose live, where every song becomes a vivid, emotional experience. Doors open 7pm, tickets $25 on the door, $20 in advance at Licensed bar and cafe open.


MARCH A six-week programme for 5-12yo tutored by Belinda Thomas on Mondays and Megan Hockly on Thursdays. $160 one child/$310 two siblings, all materials and firing included.


A six-week programme for ages 13+ tutored by Belinda Thomas. Mondays, 5.30pm – 7pm, sponsored places $180 now only $90! All materials and firing included. www.


6-week programme with Sarah Bing | Mondays 24 Feb – 31 March | 7pm – 9.30pm | $295 RCAC+Clay members $315 RCAC members $335 non-members | all materials and firing included | Bookings essential workshops

REGULAR EVENTS Ragtimers Ukulele

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