Radiant Magazine Issue 2

Page 16


2012 as a year, resonates with the energy of the number five which is the number of change and of expansion. It brings opportunities to face our fears and to work our way through these fears in order to grow and to be ready to embrace the changes which are predicted this year. Five is the number of balance between the masculine and the feminine parts of ourselves... 12.12.2012 reduces to 11 which is the number of cathartic change. This often brings about change forcing us to look at things from a different perspective. Many people, myself included , believe that we pre arrange these trials before we are born as part of our life path. It is thought that 12.12.2012 opens a portal to higher universal energies which allows us to begin to work with these energies as we move into 2013.12 reduces to 3 so this date also brings opportunities to truly begin to manifest the life we wish to have. Quantum physics is proving scientifically that everything is made of energy and everything is inter-connected. Dr. Masaru Emoto published photographs of frozen water molecules and the changes that could be made simply by thinking in a certain way or by writing words on paper and taping the word to a glass of water. His work proves that our thoughts really do shape our world. This concept was known to and taught by indigenous tribe’s peoples for centuries. If we are open to the possibilities of becoming aware of a higher consciousness, then simply by thinking it, by willing it, we can bring it into being. The Maya conceived of time as moving in cycles and used a variety of calendars the long count calendar being one of them. It began in 3114 B.C. and will complete its full cycle on December 21st 2012.This date corresponds to a

major alignment, one between the winter solstice and the Galactic centre which the Mayans considered important for spiritual rebirth. It also completes the great Zodiac procession cycle of 26000 years. Mayan prophesy suggests that the birth of a new world consciousness began as Venus passed in front of the Sun on June 6th 2012.This was the second transit in eight years the first being on 8th June 2004. This eight year period of time brought opportunities for new ideas and world change. On another level The Sun can be seen as masculine energy or the vital life force. Venus is the feminine love principle aligned with harmony and Goddess energy bringing opportunities for powerful transformation. The Inca refer to this time as the coming of the Sixth Sun a move away from the masculine and the return of the feminine power and energy. Certainly as the Earth shakes and shifts in response to the changes in her magnetic field our compassion shines through. We have the opportunity here to become true Human Beings, to share and to love one another. We are being reminded that we are One Race and that we all share One Home, the Earth. If we work together we can make incredible

As in every generation there are those who have chosen to incarnate at this time to light the way.


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