Light Steel Framing Magazine - Issue 5

Page 16



Developed by the Light Steel Frame Association (LSFA) – the Technology Validation Guide outlines accreditations that certify system performance together with robust testing protocols and informative guidelines to support those manufacturing and specifying light steel framing (LSF) systems. As a proven and well-established offsite manufactured technology, light steel frame is trusted and widely used throughout the UK across all construction sectors however, this document covers residential and commercial bedspace only. LSFA members have demonstrated that light steel frame systems are innovative, extremely durable and a highly efficient alternative to traditional construction methods – backed by rigorous testing and high levels of certification.


Open-Source Freely available to download from the LSFA’s website, the Technology Validation Guide covers light steel frame infill and oversail together with panelised and volumetric modular systems. The accreditation pathway is determined by the type of system, the construction sector, and design parameters of the structure. Validation is provided by a variety of organisations who carry out assessments of the build system and supporting data.

Efficiently Engineered for Safety, Sustainability and Performance The versatility of steel offers architects the freedom to achieve their most ambitious visions and specifiers value its predictability, quality and safety assurances. As the construction industry looks to raise the safety bar since the banning of combustible materials in external walls above 18 metres, the light steel frame sector is witnessing unprecedented demand.

Testing is required for the structural elements along with building physics data for fire, thermal, acoustic, and structural perfomance, for example. The types of testing along with the organisations who can carry out this work are highlighted in the document along with the relevant test standards.

The amount of combustible material in a light steel framed building is much lower, therefore the fire risk during construction and when in use is vastly reduced. Steel is non-combustible and does not add to the fire load of a building – reducing the fuel for the fire, limiting risk of damage and injury. Sustainability is a key driving force in the specification of light steel framing systems. Steel can be recycled or reused endlessly without detriment to its properties. This unique characteristic gives steel a high value at all stages of its lifecycle. The recovery

The Validation Guide provides a concise high-level overview which signposts construction professionals to valuable and trusted sources where further information is available.


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