Radman Vrbanek 1997-2002

Page 78

3d prikaz kompozicije 3d view of the ensemble

Tlocrti 1:1.000 Plans 1:1,000





Izgra|enost parcele: 6.400 m2/12.000 m2 = 53% Ukupna brutto povr{ina gra|evina: 78.500 m2 Koeficijent iskoristivosti parcele: 78.500 m2/12 000 m2 = 6,5 KOMPOZICIJA OBJEKATA Objekti svojim volumenima i tlocrtnom dispozicijom tvore jedinstvenu kompoziciju. Me|utim, svaki je objekt zasebna gra|evina {to omogu}uje faznost izvedbe. PRO^ELJA Objekti A, B, C i D monolitne su gra|evine, modernisti~ki reducirane, me|u kojima se isti~e toranj objekta A. Objekt E je otvorena gara a, transparentna, sa skulpturalno oblikovanim vertikalama stubi{ta i kolnim rampama u dvori{tu. TIPOLOGIJA Predlo eni objekti projektirani su po principu nizanja ureda (modularne dimenzije 3,6x5,0 m) uz fasadne zidove i kori{tenja centralne zone za smje{taj stubi{nih jezgara i servisnih prostorija.

POSITION OF THE PLOT The plot is located in the eastern part of the Avenue, where similar buildings are expected to be erected. LANDMARK OF ZAGREB The plot is situated on the crossing of two major city communications - Vukovarska Avenue and Heinzelova Street. The recently finished neighbouring ten-storey building of Euroherc and the existing 17-storey business tower of Chromos have created a recognisable Zagreb landmark and a micro-environment of a city. Thus, the Almeria Block will fit into the existing context where there is a clear tendency to reconstruct this part of town by replacing production plants with administrative commercial buildings and similar development. SHAPE AND SIZE OF THE PLOT The plot has the shape of a triangle. It is flanked by two streets and a railway track for occasional delivery traffic. The plot has an area of 12,000 sq m. The terrain is flat and contains facilities belonging to the Almeria factory for the manufacture of leather, which are planned to be demolished. ACCESS LANES There is a new connecting road linking the two main streets. The connections are of the inflowoutflow type with two lanes running in the same direction. In view of the fact that there are double exits, the plot can be exited into two main traffic directions. Pedestrian paths exist on all sides and spread out passing through an internal yard. There is a tram stop on Vukovarska Avenue, at the northern side of the plot. FIVE FACILITIES Five facilities are planned to be built, which will constitute a half-closed urban block. The main facility situated in a prominent position will be a skyscraper of some 20-30 storeys. Next to the major communication roads another three eightstorey buildings will be erected, while an eight-

PROGRAM Oblikovanje i tipologija proiza{li su iz pretpostavljenog programa - fleksibilne vi{enamjenske izgradnje u fazama i aktualnih urbanisti~kih uvjeta - zona izgradnje objekata poslovne namjene.



Almeria Almeria


Almeria Almeria

storey car park will be placed along the driveway. YARD There is a yard in the centre of the block - a pedestrian zone with greenery. Within it there are towers holding the spiral ramp and the staircase of the garage. Since cars are given priority of access, the yard is an important space of entry and an element of clarity in the disposition of space in the complex. PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION Area of plot: 12,000 sq m Footprint of building: 800+700+1100+900+2900 = 6,400 sq m Footprint of building/area of plot: 6,400 sq m / 12,000 m2 = 53% Total gross area of buildings: 78,500 sq m Index of plot utilisation: 78,500 sq m / 12,000 m² = 6.5 COMPOSITION OF BUILDINGS With their volumes and plans, the buildings constitute a unique composition. However, every facility is an independent building, allowing for the construction to be carried out in stages. FAÇADES The facilities A,B,C and D are monolithic buildings, of modernist minimalism, among which the tower of the A facility emerges. The E facility is an open and transparent garage, with a sculptureshaped vertical formed by the staircase and the ramp in the yard. TYPOLOGY The proposed facilities were designed with a series of offices of 3.6 x 5.0 m in modular dimensions along the façades, with the central tract consisting of service rooms and staircases. DESIGNATED PURPOSE The design and the typology have resulted from the designated purpose - flexible multi-purpose buildings - and from the urban plans which envisage a zone intended for commercial facilities.

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