Why is it important to get rid of drug addiction

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Why is it Important to Get Rid of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is demarcated as a long-lasting, deteriorating brain disease that is described by compulsive behavior hunting for drug usage, despite harmful consequences. Excessive drug consumptions affect the brain chemistry of a person that alters their general behavior and attitude. The initial decision for taking the drugs is voluntary for most people, but, later, frequent drug consumption alters the brain functioning and they become obsessive to get the drugs. Such behavior of them is uncontrollable and might interfere their ability to fight backthe intense impulses of consuming the drugs. What happens to the brain? Our brain sends senses to our entire body to function and frequent intake of drugs can influence the brain’s reward circuit by flooding it with the dopamine, a chemical messenger. This reward system regulates the ability of the body to feel pleasure and this particular feeling encourages a person to repeat the drug consuming behavior required to thrive, such as spending quality time with close ones. This excessive stimulation of the reward circuit grounds the intensely gratifying increase that makes people addicted to the drug intake. What are its effects?

The effects of drug addiction can range from short to long-term and direct to indirect health complications depending on the specific amount of a certain drug being used, how they taken, a person’s health and other factors are also included. Short-term consequences may involve a change in appetite, fluctuating heart rate, wakefulness, mood swings, blood pressure, psychosis, and stroke. These aftereffects can occur even with a dosage of the drug. On the other hand, long-term health consequences include lung disease, heart disease, HIV/AIDS (using an infected syringe for injecting the drug), mental illness, cancer, and hepatitis. Hence, drug addiction can be said a brain disorder where the person losses his/her control over the urges of drug consumption. These brain impairments also affect the general lifestyle of a person by interfering his normal pleasures such as food, sex, ability to control the stress level, learning ability, etc. How to get rid of drug addiction? As this particular lifestyle practice can leave you with so many adverse health complications, it is best to keep oneself away from such dosages. But, if you think it’s too late, so, remember one thing that it’s never too late if you really want to get rid of it. Try these tips:      

Encourage yourself Engage yourself into your favorite hobbies Go out for long vacations Avoid the situations of stress Leave the company of peers those are still engaged with drug addiction activities Ask your partner or close ones for the emotional support and encouragement.

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