Different nature of domestic violence

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Different Nature of Domestic Violence

Most people relate the term domestic violence with physical assault, despite knowing that physical assault is just one of its types. Though it can be any behavior with a purpose to control, humiliate, threaten, or dominate a partner, spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, or intimate family member. Thus, anyone who is forced by a partner or spouse to alter their behavior because they are threatened of their spouse’s reaction can be determined as being abused. Types of domestic violence: 

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Physical abuse – It can be any aggressive physical behavior, unintentional physically harming behavior, withholding of physical needs, or fear of physical abuse. It also includes kicking, hitting, slapping, biting, shaking, punching, choking, scratching, beating, stabbing, pulling hairs, drowning, threatening with a weapon, hitting with an object, or threatening to physical assault. Sexual abuse – Sexual abuse is an action or behavior forcing the partner for having sex. It can be in the form of both verbal and physical behavior. Control – Yes, controlling behavior of a partner is also counted under domestic violence. This can include controlling the activities of a partner, controlling over their wardrobe styling, coming home early to check up on the partner, invading the privacy, monitoring the social media accounts, and checking their mobile phone and call details.

Emotional abuse– It is a behavior in which the victim’s vulnerability, insecurity, or character is exploited. It may include intimidation, continuous degradation, criticizing, insulting, brainwashing, manipulation, or controlling partner’s personality. Isolation– Isolation is also counted under the domestic violence and is often closely connected to controlling behavior attitude. Such behavior or attitude may include stopping the partner from meeting the parents or any other family member, keeping a partner away from the network zone so that he/she cannot get in touch with anyone, setting and meeting personal goals, and controlling the way a partner wants to think and live their life. Self-isolation is also a condition where the partner cuts themselves from the society with a fear of being publically humiliated by the spouse or partner. Financial abuse – It is way of controlling the victim partner via manipulation of financial resources. It may include spending of the income on some unnecessary things like taking drugs, alcohol, stereo equipment, and fulfilling illogical demands. Also, not allowing the victim partner to have access over the money and may also involve keeping the financial secrets. Verbal abuse – Coercion, threats, and blame fall under the verbal abuse category. Such abuse can be any behavior with a purpose to disparage, threaten, manipulate, or embarrass the victim.

Hence, anyone going through the domestic violence is advised to file a legal case against the partner as it is considered as an illegal offense.

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