Apex brochure 2014 r1 issue

Page 23

首选食材料理 HAND SELECTED CUISINE 在金御会,我们严选最上乘健康及最天然新鲜的食材来制作佳肴,并保留料理原汁原味的鲜美。 我们尽心尽力的御厨们以精湛的技艺及创意巧思, 承袭传统厨艺烹调出时令海鲜、顶级精选肉类 和时蔬的至臻之味,奉上最绝妙的美馔飨宴。 At APEX, we are committed to using only the finest and freshest ingredients in our cuisine, presenting flavours as nature intends them to be savoured. Our dedicated team of chefs are meticulous and exacting in their craft, having perfected the art of coaxing delicate flavours out of fresh seafood, premium cuts of meat, and seasonal vegetables through time-honoured cooking methods.

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