The Quinnipiac Chronicle, Issue 13, Volume 86

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The official student newspaper of Quinnipiac University since 1929.


DECEMBER 9, 2015

Remembering Nathan


Friends, family recall fond memories of student who passed away PHOTO COURTESY OF MORGAN SMITH

Nathan Orsini, a member of the Class of 2017, passed away last week after a year-long battle with brain cancer. off quickly. They stayed close since they lived in Ledges and had several classes together. “[He was] literally the most genuinely good person I’ve ever encountered,” she said. “He managed to be funny without being mean at all, ever….And people tend to glorify people after

they’re gone and that kind of thing, but he was honestly so nice and always trying to keep people happy and make jokes and so smart too.” Soccer was one of Nathan’s passions. Even after his diagnosis, he continued to play. Senior Maria Gracia Gauto said she and Nathan instant-

Freshman class size to decline by fall 2016 Staff Writer

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“I originally thought the university was really beautiful, and I think that’s what draws a lot of people to this school, but then people get here and realize there’s nothing behind the beautiful brick walls and glass windows.” – BRIAN O’DONNELL FRESHMAN

“I have decided to transfer out primarily because of the student population at QU,” she said. “I have come to realize that the student body is not very diverse. I am from a city where every culture and race is represented, and it was really weird to suddenly not be exposed to as much of that.”


The number of students transferring from the freshman class is significantly greater this year than in previous years, according to administration. Just three short months ago, the freshman class moved into their dorm rooms, eager at the prospect of new beginnings, friends and opportunities. What could have possibly changed in three months? In the past five years at Quinnipiac University, the retention rate for first-year students has been consistent. In 2010, the retention rate was 87.2 percent, it decreased to 84.4 percent in 2011, increased to 85.2 percent in 2012 and decreased slightly to 84.7 percent in 2013. Then, in 2014, the retention rate increased again to 86.9 percent. Andy Delohery is the associate vice president for retention and academic success. He explains that although a specific student may be a sophomore, the lack of credits transferred force them to take freshman year core classes. “We take credits in transfer, but we may not take all the credits a student has or the student may have not done well enough in a course or two to be eligible for those credits to transfer,” he said. “Consequently, we do see students transferring in who do not have enough credits to be “second-year” students.” Michaela Knight, a freshman in the school of Health Science, is transferring at the end of the fall 2015 semester. She chose Quinnipiac for the 5 ½ year BS/MS Occupational Therapy program, and the fact that she got accepted into the program meant a lot to her.

“The idea of studying OT was really exciting to me because it is a huge passion of mine, and I can’t wait to become an occupational therapist when I’m older,” she said. Knight was also granted an academic scholarship, and she was attracted to the location of the school and the proximity to New York City. Although she originally loved the school, she found it difficult to find other students who shared her views and soon realized the lack of diversity was not suited for her.

Do you prefer final exams or final essays?



Knight plans to attend the University of Delaware next semester because of its larger and more diverse student population. She is looking for more options concerning club sports, organizations and a more “college town” feel. “My decision to transfer was actually a really hard choice to make because I love my major so much,” Knight said. “I questioned for a while if transferring would be worth it, because it means that I wouldn’t be able to major in OT anymore, but I came to the conclusion that I’d rather take the longer road in my education if it meant I’d be surrounded by a more diverse group of people, and am able to do join clubs I am interested in.” Mary Wargo is the director for admissions for transfer and part-time students. She explains some of the reasoning behind transfers. “Students transfer at all levels from second semester freshman to junior year,” she said. “On average, roughly half of our transfers are entering Quinnipiac each fall as sophomores, the other half as juniors.” “They transfer in for a variety of reasons – changing to a major their current school doesn’t have; too far away from home; too large (or small) a school; not what was expected when they attended; or just not a good fit,” said Wargo. “And of course the students who have attended community college must transfer to a four year school to complete their Bachelor’s degree.” Brian O’Donnell is a freshman illustraSee TRANSFERS Page 5

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

ly bonded over their passion for the sport. “Early on it was clear to me that he was a great guy and that we would be great friends,” Gauto said. “We both loved soccer, we played it See NATHAN Page 6

Student arrested for drug possession By STAFF REPORTS

A junior was arrested on campus for possession of several drugs on Tuesday, Dec. 1, according to the Hamden Police. Police arrested Kyle Shapiro, 21, after Public Safety discovered he had a large amount of marijuana in his dorm room. When the Hamden Police searched his room they found 1.367 pounds of marijuana, .8 grams of cocaine, 8 vials of hashish and $9,518. After police found the drugs and paraphernalia, they then arrested Shapiro and brought him into headquarters. Quinnipiac suspended Shapiro and removed him from the university, according to a statement from Lynn Bushnell, the vice president for public affairs. “With the safety and security of our students being paramount, the university does not tolerate such behavior on any of its campuses,” she said in the statement. “We are working closely with the Hamden Police Department on this matter and are grateful for its officers’ efforts on our behalf.” Shapiro was charged with possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell, possession of a controlled substance, possession of narcotics and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was released after posting a $50,000 bond. Now he has a court date scheduled for Dec. 14 at the Superior Court in Meriden. Reporting by Julia Perkins, Sarah Doiron and Tara O’Neill



Honors student. Son. Brother. Coach. Friend. No matter what he did, Nathan Orsini touched many lives in his 21 years of life. Nathan was a member of the School of Communications and the University Honors Program. He was a huge soccer fan and loved ballroom dancing, according to his friends. He always kept a positive attitude, even in the toughest of times. On Monday, Nov. 30, Nathan passed away in his home in Belvidere, New Jersey, following a year-long battle with a rare, inoperable brain cancer. He passed peacefully while surrounded by his family, according to his obituary. Nathan was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma on his 20th birthday, according to the Nathan Strong Fund page. His father, Dan Orsini, has posted some of Nathan’s childhood photos, poems and even an elementary school project on his Facebook timeline. The project shows a sentence or two that his fellow classmates used to describe him–many of which said Nathan was very nice and a good friend. Dan even posted a screenshot of the analytics from Nathan’s WordPress blog, “Inoperable,” which followed his experiences after being diagnosed. With just 38 posts in a year, Nathan’s blog had nearly 70,000 views. Junior Syed Hashaum said Nathan made him a better person through the advice and perspective he gave. “I can honestly say I have never met anyone like him, nor have I ever been such close friends, basically brothers, with someone in such a short span of time,” Hashaum said in a Facebook message. “Though our time was short, our bond was as if it had been for a million years. From the first day we started talking everything clicked, we were so alike it was like I knew him my entire life.” Junior Cayla Logan met Nathan during the Honors Program orientation and the two hit it


Opinion: 8 Arts & Life: 12 Interactive: 15 Sports: 16

The Quinnipiac Chronicle




With the semester coming to a close and finals starting in less than a week, professors might have just as much work as students, if not more. Between making and grading the exams, professors gave us their perspective on finals week.


ART DIRECTOR Hannah Schindler

Matthew Ross|Economics


“It’s a little bit of a review, you have to go back through notes from earlier in the semester and sort of see what you did before the midterm...You try to structure the final around that. The way I usually set it up is a mix of multiple choice and if I am doing an econ exam there is a lot of graphing questions and stuff like that... I teach a stat class too so with that I try to lay out the questions too so step by step I can work partial credit if they get certain pieces of it.”


December 9, 2015

Betsy Rosenblum|FYS and Media Studies “Although they are stressful, I still think that [finals] are extremely valuable. I do recognize that there might be certain courses that warrant final exams. They could be... healthcare oriented where there is a lot of memorization of body parts and processes so I can’t speak for those. But for the courses that I teach, I honestly feel that final projects, papers, and presentations are a better product, a better final product.”


Jose A. Riofrio|Mechanical Engineering

COPY EDITOR Nicole Hanson

“This is my first semester here so it is not that crazy for me, but, for my colleagues, they are getting ready, there is a lot of grading going on. We work as hard as the students, if not harder sometimes just making the exams and grading them... Yeah, so, it’s definitely a sprint right now, for everybody.”

DESIGN EDITOR Kristen Riello ASSOCIATE DESIGN EDITOR Jessica Sweeney PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Megan Maher ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Julia Gallop ASSOCIATE PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Erin Kane ADVISER Lila Carney THE QUINNIPIAC CHRONICLE is the proud recipient of the New England Society of Newspaper Editors’ award for College Newspaper of the Year in New England for 2011-12 and 2012-13. MAILING ADDRESS Quinnipiac University 275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden, CT 06518 THE CHRONICLE is distributed around all three university campuses every Wednesday when school is in session except during exam periods. Single copies are free. Newspaper theft is a crime. Those who violate the single copy rule may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution and/or subject to university discipline. Please report suspicious activity to university security (203-582-6200) and Lila Carney at For additional copies, contact the student media office for rates. ADVERTISING inquiries can be sent to Inquiries must be made a week prior to publication. SEND TIPS, including news tips, corrections or suggestions to Julia Perkins at LETTERS TO THE EDITOR should be between 250 and 400 words and must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief before going to print. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit all material, including advertising, based on content, grammar and space requirements. Send letters to editor@ The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Chronicle.

Molly Yanity|Journalism “I imagine it is a whole lot more stressful for students because I have all the answers...I don’t actually give out final exams based on the nature of what I teach. I am a journalism professor, obviously, so there are a lot of final articles and papers, presentations maybe... It’s way harder on you guys than it is on me.”

Beyond the Bobcats

A rundown on news outside the university. By Tara O’Neill

Trump suggests ban of Muslims

Chicago officer not charged

Sanders named TIME Person of the Year

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called on Monday, Dec. 7 for the United States to ban all Muslims from entering the country for the time being, according to the New York Times. Trump said he was prompted to make the statement by the recent attacks in Paris and California. This statement follows President Obama’s national address from the Oval Office on Sunday, Dec. 6. Obama’s address urged Americans not to turn their backs on Muslims in the wake of the recent attacks.

Officer George Hernandez from Chicago who shot and killed 25-year-old Ronald Johnson in October 2014 has been cleared of criminal charges, according to CNN. A dashboard video camera captured the shooting and showed Johnson running from police after fleeing the scene of an investigation and returning. Hernandez shot Johnson twice off camera. Hernandez and the other officer on the scene said Johnson had a gun, but that has not been officially confirmed.

The online poll for TIME’s Person of the Year has officially closed and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been named the winner, according to TIME. Sanders beat out well-known politicians, cultural figures and activists. He won the vote with a little over 10 percent. Malala Yousafzai came in second with 5.2 percent and Pope Francis came in third with 3.7 percent. The TIME editors will announce their choice for Person of the Year on Wednesday morning.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2015


Over 60 students attend Nobel Peace summit By TARA O’NEILL Co-News Editor

Over 60 Quinnipiac students, faculty and alumni flew to Barcelona for the Nov. 13 to Nov. 15 weekend to attend the 15th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates - the most that have ever attended from Quinnipiac. Each year a variety of Nobel Peace Prize winners - or laureates - gather together to discuss issues happening the world. Executive Director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute David Ives selected the Quinnipiac students who attended this summit. “I wanted to get as many Quinnipiac students there as possible because it will get Quinnipiac to be perceived as a leader in the international education world,” Ives said. “And I want as many students as we can get to be people who have done good deeds to make this world a better place.” Ives said this year’s attendance was based heavily on word of mouth. Some students who attended the summit in Barcelona did it as a part of PO299, a one-credit course offered by the university, according to Ives. The course is an independent study where students focus on peace and justice challenges. “Everybody who signs up for the course gets in,” Ives said. “Then we did the same thing for anybody else even though they weren’t signed up for the one-credit course because they had to do some of the same things that people who were taking the course had to do.” The Albert Schweitzer Institute is meant to link education, ethics and voluntarism with U.S. and international programs, according to the MyQ page. The programs through the institute, including the summits, focus on humanitarian and peace efforts.

“You meet so many people at the Summits who have the same ideas you do and you can make something pretty big out of them so I think that’s pretty rewarding.”



“Because I represent Albert Schweitzer, who was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, I have been able to get in with the summits and have these guys meet some people who have been movers and shakers in the world,” Ives said. “[The students] get exposed to some people who have done some good deeds in their lives. A number of them are these kinds of events.” This year’s summit focused on the worldwide humanitarian crises, according to the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates’ website. Civil wars, drug-driven corruption, poverty, hyper-exploitation and environmental degradation were merely a few of the topics discussed in sessions and workshops at the summit. The World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates’ website said the Nobel Peace laureates addressed the causes of these crises with a focus on human rights, environmental responsibility, gender equality, peace and security, disarmament, and conflict prevention and resolution at the Barcelona summit. “[The laureates] serve as examples of how solutions can be obtained and resources redirected by ending war, diminishing the reliance on weapons and violence, particularly threats of nuclear annihilation, and promoting sustainable development and peace,” the website said. Senior health science major Elaine Martinez was the chosen student leader for the Barcelona summit. Ives said after seeing how she worked in two previous summits, he saw her leadership potential. Martinez said taking on the role of student leader for the summit was difficult, but worth it. “This year it was obviously different because I was one of the students that was in charge of everyone else because obviously


Quinnipiac students learned about global issues at the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Barcelona from Dec. 13-15. David [Ives] had other things to do with the summit,” Martinez said. “Being a student really learn so much more about the details of the summit.” There are three days of the summit, according to Martinez. She said there were two sessions in the mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. After a lunch break, there were workshops hosted by the laureates. “Getting to meet the laureates and speak to them...that’s not something you think you’ll do on a daily basis,” Martinez said. “You meet so many people at the summits who have the same ideas you do and you can make something pretty big out of them so I think that’s pretty rewarding.” Withney Belanger, a senior management major, also attended the summit in Barcelona. She said attending the summit was a privilege. “It was great,” Belanger said. “I learned a lot about the world I didn’t know before… [I met] a lot of people from all over the world and everyone was really friendly. If you don’t say hi, they’ll come over to you and say hi.” Belanger said one of the workshops at the summit that really stood out to her was one where they were shown a map of refugee movement. Students from Quinnipiac began attending the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates five years ago, Ives said. Over the years students have been to Hiroshima, Warsaw, Chicago, Paris, Berlin, South Africa, Rome and now Barcelona. Attendance at the summits is free, according to Ives. But students have to pay for their own plane tickets, meals and hotel rooms. Ives said there are some scholarship opportunities for those who wish to attend but cannot afford it. “We try to make it something that everyone - or at least most - students could pay for,” Martinez said. “And we usually do offer scholarships for a lot of students so we try to get as many students to come. Paying for the trip shouldn’t always be the problem.” And it’s not just current Quinnipiac students who attend these summits. Ives said there is a significant amount of alumni interest who also attend the summits alongside Ives, faculty and the students. Martinez said she will likely do the same after graduation. “Whether he likes it or not, I’m going to come back,” Martinez said. And despite her focus of study at Quinnipiac being health sciences, Martinez said attending the summits in Cape Town, South Africa; Rome, Italy; and Barcelona, Spain, have completely changed the way she thinks about her future. Martinez used to have dreams of finishing her four years at Quinnipiac and then attending medical school. But after attending

the summits, medical school is no longer a part of her plan. “I came into college determined to finish four years of health science and then going into med school and now I’m just like, ‘David, I think I want to apply for the Peace Corps and have more to do with the Summits and things that the summits focus on,’” Martinez said. “I’m not saying it changes everyone’s perspectives on what they want to do with their lives, but it definitely had an effect on me.” And Belanger said the summit has helped her better understand where she sees herself in the future, as well. “I still don’t really know what I want to do [in the future],” Belanger said. “But I do want to someday have my own organization - but I don’t know exactly what I want to do with it yet. I want to do something but I just don’t know where.” Belanger, whose family immigrated to the United States from the Caribbean, said

that coming from outside the United States, her parents had the expectation that she would be a doctor, lawyer or a nurse. “They have it set up for you,” Belanger said. “That’s another obstacle you have to try to deal with. You have to show that that these aren’t the only options for you.” Martinez said that next year they are aiming to get about 50 students to attend the summit. “We don’t want to take too little but we don’t exactly know the spaces yet or anything,” she said. “Fifty’s a good, round number.” In the future, Ives hopes to send more Quinnipiac students to summits, but he said the locations of the summits will determine whether or not that is possible. “It depends on the size of the venues,” Ives said. “There may be a scenario where we’re in a smaller room so we may not be able to take everyone we would like.”

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The Quinnipiac Chronicle


Rev your engines


Have you heard any news that you think Quinnipiac students would care about? Please, tell us: By Sarah Doiron

University to host basket raffle for United Way Campaign Quinnipiac will have their annual basket raffle to support the Greater New Haven United Way. The baskets will be on display and tickets will be sold from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Dec. 7 at the North Haven campus and Dec. 8-11 on the Mount Carmel campus from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m at the Carl Hansen Student Center tables. Tickets are $1 for one ticket or $10 or for 15 tickets. There will also be a bake sale on Dec. 7 on the Mount Carmel campus from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Student Center tables. Baskets contain a variety of gifts such as gift cards, candy and Quinnipiac apparel.

QUAD to offer annual Moonlight Breakfast Students can attend QU After Dark’s annual Moonlight Breakfast on Dec. 12 from 10 p.m. to midnight in Cafe Q. The doors open at 10:30 p.m., but if a student brings one nonperishable food item or donates $1, either in cash or QCash, they can skip the line and get in at 10 p.m. All donations will benefit the Cheshire food bank. The Moonlight Breakfast is a night of relaxation where students can take a study break to get free breakfast food and spend time with their roommates, according to Do You QU. Students have the option of pancakes, bacon, eggs, french toast sticks, sausages and a cereal bar.

Christian Fellowship to sponsor night of prayer Members of the Christian Fellowship InterVarsity will be having a “Night of Prayer for Healing” on Dec. 9 from 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m in the Carl Hansen Student Center room 120. The event is in response to recent racial tensions in the United States and at Quinnipiac, according to MyQ. The night will include an invitation to pray around issues of racial injustice and will have time for silence, while providing different ways for the Quinnipiac community to process, respond, express and interact with what has been happening at the university over the past few weeks as well. The event is open to the public and will be a time of personal community reflection with Christian tradition as a starting point, according to MyQ. For more information, contact Father Jordan Lenaghan, the University Catholic Chaplain at 203-582-8257.

December 9, 2015

Students start car club on campus


Interested in cars? Interested in modifications? Then the Quinnipiac Car Club is the place to be. Seniors Taylor Balemian, Charles Blizard, and Jake Armenia are the founders of the unofficial Quinnipiac Car Club. According to Blizard, the club started out as a small group of students on campus who had nice cars. The club now has grown to over 80 members in just a little over a month, even though they aren’t officially affiliated with the university yet. The club is looking into becoming part of Campus Life during the spring 2016 semester. Armenia explained that he always had an interest in cars. Amenia and Blizard are members of a YouTube channel called Barn Builds which is essentially a car show. The channel focuses on unique and interesting ways to modify cars. Barn Builds was launched in late August with one of their latest videos having over 4,000 views. Armenia joined Balemian and Blizard in the startup of the Car Club from an Entrepreneurship (ENT) course in which they were working on a project dealing with cars. “My professor introduced me to them because we were both doing car related stuff so when they asked me to join I said ‘sure’ and then we started building a partnership and Barn Build now sponsors the Quinnipiac Car Club,” Armenia said. In the most recent Barn Builds Youtube video, Blizard talks about the inception of the Car Club. Blizard explained that their ENT project started as window tinting installation and stick shift classes until Balemian approached him with the idea for the club. “Taylor came to me one day and


Every Friday at 3 p.m. members of the club meet in the TD Bank Sports Center parking lot or North Lot. asked if I ever had the idea to create a car club,” Blizard said. “I’ve always thought about it since freshmen year and just never really knew the right amount of people and never really got around to doing it.” The students launched the club a little over a month ago, according to Blizard. Balemian explained the purpose of the club is to create a community where students can talk about and modify cars. “What we wanted to do was to build a community to get a lot of these kids knowing one another,” Balemian said. “Whether you know a lot about cars or not, just the socialization of bringing kids together builds a friendly community. And that is the primary reason why we started this up.” In order to get the club more

recognized on campus, the founders have put themselves out on social media creating an Instagram account [@qucarclub] as well as a Facebook page, QU Car Club, for its members. “We’re just trying to get more media coverage; we’re trying to get in the local newspapers. We’re really pushing word of mouth,” Blizard said. While the club is still in the beginning stages, Balemian explained that the club already has 80 members. “We really just want to get everyone involved in the club right now,” Balemian said. “We have a main group of kids who show up every Friday and are actively involved in the Facebook group. Our main goal is to build the community and get everyone more involved and then eventually start doing events like go-karting or off roading just to get everyone

connected.” Along with the sponsorship from the YouTube channel Barn Builds, the Car Club is also sponsored by the car dealership Excelerate Performance in Branford. “We actually got a sponsor from Excelerate Performance which is a QU alumni-owned company. [The owner] is Josh Lockwood and he is sponsoring the club...and they’re hooking us up with parts as well as discounts and advice. They’re really helping us out a lot,” Balemian said. The club meets every Friday at 3 p.m. at the York Hill campus or in North Lot on main campus. “We’ve built a community where basically if anyone needs work done on their car or advice or anything they can just come to one of the three of us or to someone who know cars and we do the work,” Armenia said.

Students pay off parking tickets with gift cards By SARAH DOIRON Co-News Editor

Students stuck with a parking ticket are in luck. The Department of Public Safety is now accepting $25 grocery gift cards instead of a payment for each outstanding parking ticket, according to an email sent to the student body by Parking and Transportation Coordinator Shanon Grasso. Grasso said students can only buy gift cards for parking tickets received before Dec. 1. Any parking ticket dated Dec. 1 or after will not be accepted. Gift cards will be accepted until Dec. 18. With the overwhelming amount of parking tickets going through her office, Grasso, along with other members of Public Safety, came up with the idea for the “Ticket for a Toy” drive in fall 2013. “It was a win right across the board,” she said. “The student got out of a parking ticket and a family got Christmas gifts for their children. It was also able to move these tickets out of my office as well.” This is the third semester Public Safety has offered this program. Originally, students used to be able to donate unused toys instead of paying for parking violations, but Grasso said gift cards are easier because they take up less space. “It ended up being five truckloads of toys to the community center [the first time Public Safety offered it], which was really good,” she said. “But the logistics


Parking and Transportation Coordinator Shanon Grasso said she has already received over 30 gift cards to benefit the local food bank. were hard trying to find where to put all of these toys; my office is only so big.” Grasso said this drive is popular because it is a bargain to donate instead of pay for a parking ticket and because you are helping a family in need. “It’s such a deal because if someone has a ticket, or even multiple tickets, those tickets be-

gin at $40 and after 15 days they double,” she said. “For $25, you could get out of an $80 ticket and that’s pretty nice. The other side of that is someone is going to really benefit from it.” Senior Rob Ciambra thinks the program is a great idea. “It helps people pay off their tickets in a cheaper way that’s also charitable,” he said. “I will most

likely participate because I have a couple of tickets to pay off myself.” Grasso said there is no guarantee Public Safety will offer this to students each semester, mostly because she fears students will abuse it. “If it was something that you knew was going to come every semester I think we would see a huge spike in parking tickets because people would give the gift card to get out of it,” she said. “The danger is having students say ‘Oh, I am just going to not obey the rules’ and just give a gift card instead of paying their ticket, so students can’t count on it to replace paying for their tickets.” But Ciambra believes it should be offered at the end of every fall semester. “I understand why it wouldn’t be offered more often but I think it’s a good idea each winter,” he said. “Yes it’s a cheaper alternative and more people would take advantage for that reason and because it’s going to a good cause, but if that’s the main concern then maybe Public Safety and the Student Government Association (SGA) can get together and think of other alternatives.” Students can drop their gift cards and parking tickets off with Grasso anytime between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the Public Safety office on main campus. Each gift card received will benefit the local food bank.

December 9, 2015

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

N e w s |5 5

Panel of students discuss safe spaces By NISHA GANDHI

Associate Arts & Life Editor

Students and faculty members gathered in the Buckman Theater on Friday, Dec. 4 for a discussion on safe spaces. This hour-and-ahalf long discussion was centered around a panel of speakers, all of whom represented different organizations and parts of campus. These panelists included members from GLASS, NAACP, Residential Life, international students, among others. There were also members from The Chronicle. However, they did not represent The Chronicle while on this panel. The discussion started off with one of the coordinators, junior Ruth Onyirimba (who is a Chronicle member), asking the panelists to define what a safe space means to them. Each student had a different meaning for a safe space, ranging from “a place where people who are underrepresented to come together so they can share each other’s experiences, feel a sense of empowerment” to “a space you can go to comfortably share your ideas and beliefs” and even just “a group of people who you feel comfortable with.” After establishing what a safe space means to the panelists, the conversation transitioned into discussing Chronicle Managing Editor Sarah Harris’ opinion piece titled “Stop Demanding Safe Spaces,” giving a chance for Harris to explain her article to those who had not had a chance to read it. “The reason I wrote this is because of recent events that have been going on at colleges and universities,” Harris said. “The fact that this safe space idea seems as though it’s only for a certain amount of people.” After Harris explained her article, senior Isaiah Lee was given the opportunity to respond in lieu of the videos he has made and published on Facebook as a response to Harris’ article. “My video was intended for those marginalized students and underrepresented students who by that article felt more underrepresented and marginalized,” said Lee. After Lee spoke about his discontent with Harris’ article, panelists were then asked to share why they need safe spaces. “I never had a safe space in high school,” junior Alexi Mangili said. “Coming here, I was able to find that safe space and be who I am today so saying that I don’t need a safe space is really hurtful for me.” Senior Lindsay Banks, who is the Student Government Association vice president for student experience and half-black and halfwhite, agrees with Mangili’s experiences with


A panel of nine students discussed their varying views on the definition of a safe space in the Buckman Theater last week. safe spaces. “I look back and realize that I didn’t necessarily have a lot of shared experiences with people that we in the dominant environment that I was a part of,” Banks said. “I think that safe spaces to me are not necessarily to sit there and fester, but are kind of to sit there and build together and I think it’s kind of the idea of growing together so you can assimilate into the bigger world that you’re going into.” In addition to students responding to how they felt about safe spaces, Associate Professor of Psychology William Jellison, also shared his experiences on Quinnipiac’s campus. “As a gay man here on campus, somebody who has been out for many years and very, very comfortable with who he is, still feels this identity issue on a daily basis,” Jellison said. “I have a very supportive department and I feel very supported here but at the same time, I still think about what I say and I still censor what I say and I’m concerned about how I articulate something and how it comes across because I am a member of the minority group.” Jellison stressed the fact that safe spaces are ultimately about giving every individual what they need in order to feel comfortable with their own identity. Harris responded to this by sharing her experiences as an RA and what a safe space means for her and her residents. “As an RA, we’re supposed to make our

entire hall a safe space,” said Harris. “If my entire hall is white women and you look at QU, white women are the majority here, therefore they don’t necessarily need a safe space then. Is what I’m hearing? If my entire hall is supposed to be a safe space and they have different identities, doesn’t that mean someone has to leave in order to make it a safe space?” Lee had a response to Harris’ comment. “Safe spaces aren’t for minorities. They are for marginalized groups who don’t have representation or are kept out of spaces,” Lee said. “We keep making this into this idea of society resetting.” Junior Resident Assistant and international student George Karagkiaouris challenges Lee’s point with a hypothetical situation about two residents. “Let’s say I have a resident who identifies as a homosexual and I have a resident that identifies as a heterosexual. I have to create an environment that is safe for both of these people,” Karagkiaouris said. Later in this discussion, Harris adds on to the conflict that RAs face. “As an RA, I would never say that racism should be going on in my residence hall, but what I’m saying is that I cannot control the way people think or why they think that way,” Harris said. “I do not encourage people to say homophobic or racist things in my hallway. I encourage them to talk to each

other and respect each other for who they are.” Mangili responds to Harris’ comment in regards to what a safe space for her residents should be. “By doing what you’re saying and creating an accepting space, that is a safe space” Mangili said. “Yeah you can’t change their opinions, but you can prevent their opinions from hurting other people, and that’s what the issue with safe spaces is.” The remainder of the panel consisted of a series of questions posed by the audience to both specific panelists, as well as the entire panel as a whole. Some of the questions that were asked were regarding Harris’ experiences as an RA, how a safe space relates to the concept of freedom of speech and how we can make people who identify as part of the majority feel more inclined to comment on safe spaces, without fearing exclusions or threats. At the end of the panel, moderator and Assistant Professor of Sociology Professor Lauren Sardi, thanked students and faculty for coming to the talk and encouraged professors who would like help creating a safe space in their classrooms to reach out to her, stressing how important it is for students to feel safe and comfortable within their classrooms.

Hilltop lot parking problems increase By DAVID FRIEDLANDER Associate News Editor

Students with legitimate Hilltop parking decals are frustrated due to the lack of available parking spots. Throughout the semester, many students have been wrongfully parking in the Hilltop parking lot on the Mount Carmel campus, according to Parking and Transportation Coordinator Shanon Grasso. “We have a lot of students who are not following the parking rules,” Grasso said. “People who are not assigned to Hilltop, want to be in Hilltop... I think currently we also have a bunch of freshmen with unregistered vehicles who brought something back.” Grasso also said that fraudulent Hilltop decals are out of control this year. “This year, this sophomore class has taken it to a whole new level,” Grasso said, “I think for every one that I remove, I would guess there are five more behind it.” There are upwards of 30 Hilltop decals that were never picked up from the Public Safety

office, Grasso said while holding the stack of unclaimed passes. She stressed that if someone is not going to bring a car, they should not register one. If the decal isn’t picked up, it is essentially taking away a spot from a fellow student. “If you’re not going to bring a car, don’t register one because you are only hurting your peer,” Grasso said. Upperclassmen registering other students’ cars under their name is also a problem this year, according to Grasso. It is common for a student to give his or her parking privileges to a friend, but what many do not understand is that the account holder is still responsible for the vehicle, even if they do not own it. “Let’s say you register Joe Schmo’s car, Joe Schmo gets a ticket, you’re on the hook for it,” she said. “And then all of a sudden, there is a hold on your account and you’re screaming, ‘Wait a minute, I don’t even have a car here’... A lot of people don’t take the time to read the

parking rules, but after three tickets, you’re going on a tow list. After five, you could lose your parking.” Sophomore Justin Arndt, who has a York Hill garage decal, said he can empathize with students who wrongfully park in the Hilltop lot. “I see why [students with York Hill decals] do it because it shouldn’t take half an hour to get your car,” Arndt said. “What is the point of having a car on campus when you have to take a shuttle to get to your car?” Senior Juan Roldan said that a lack of available spots is a recurring issue for him. “I came back late at night to park my car at Hilltop several times this semester and there haven’t been spaces available for me to utilize,” Roldan said. “I think as a senior resident assistant with clinicals, this situation is very inconvenient and can easily be avoided.” Roldan also has a friend who was told by Public Safety to park in the York Hill garage because the lot on the Mt. Carmel campus

was full. While the Department of Public Safety is looking for a solution to the parking problem, the non-functioning gate on the way up to Hilltop will not be part of the fix. In fact, the gate’s arm has been removed due to past damage. “That is something that we used to use and, just like the one at facilities, every day it would be broken,” Grasso said. “Every single day. People would drive through it or they would break it or they would just back in, it was crazy. And it is expensive to fix. It was just a daunting thing.” For students who cannot find a parking spot in the Hilltop lot, Grasso is instructing students to park in North Lot, but they need to move it by the morning. However, she is open to new ideas from the Quinnipiac community. “This is the time of year administrators will start talking about parking for next year. And I welcome any new ideas,” Grasso said.

Wargo: ‘Roughly half of our transfers enter QU as sophomores’ TRANSFERS from cover tion major with a minor in 2D animation. O’Donnell also plans to transfer because the art classes provided in the school of liberal arts

do not coincide with his major. “I love the location of the school in relation to my house, but the atmosphere feels very exclusive and there is arts programs that I would invest my time in,” he said. “In order for me to stay, QU would have to grow their art com-

munity, and get people from the industry into the school.” O’Donnell is transferring to the School of Visual Arts in New York for their top cartooning program. “I originally thought the university was re-

ally beautiful, and I think that’s what draws a lot of people to this school, but then people get here and realize there’s nothing behind the beautiful brick walls and glass windows,” O’Donnell said.

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


December 9, 2015

Nathan’s humor, kindess stood out to his friends NATHAN from cover all our lives and were convinced it’s the greatest sport in the planet.” Nathan even coached a girl’s soccer travel team back home called the Independence Comet despite his illness. Gauto said she wishes she got to play soccer more with Nathan. “One of my biggest regrets is never hav[ing] been able to actually play a one-on-one against him; he would always say he would beat me, I guess I never wanted to give him the chance,” she said.

“I will continue to honor him by doing everything he told me I should and by showing him that it is because of him I continue to be better than I was the day before.” – SYED HASHAUM


Junior Chris Omara said one of his best memories with Nathan is when they did Quinnipiac’s Relay for Life together their freshman year. “We ended up running for the Mr. Relay contest together,” Omara said. “Afterward we kind of realized the irony, that in all likelihood he was doing it with cancer at the time and didn’t even know it.” In September, Nathan was a speaker at this year’s annual Relay for Life. There, he encouraged his fellow students to keep fighting for a cure. “I couldn’t have done this without the support of my community, friends and family,” Nathan said in his speech. “You really don’t know how much you take for granted in life until you are faced with something like this. It is important to stay positive during the journey.” Just a day after his passing, a Belvidere resident created a Go Fund Me page in order to support Nathan’s family. As of Tuesday afternoon, 48 people have raised almost $4,000 for the Nathan Strong Fund. Despite his illness, Nathan still managed to keep up with his friends at school through texts and snapchats. “It was always kind of comforting whenever I missed him to send him a text and know that he was still there,” Omara said. “He was always

very interested in what was happening up at school and what he was missing. He was trying for everyone through the whole thing.” Hashaum said Nathan was the kind of person who genuinely cared about everyone. “He was a genuine friend,” he said. “You don’t find that often and some people never come across someone like that ever, and for me to have been blessed with someone like that, no words can describe it and no feeling can capture that emotion.” Nathan even individually sent several of his friends their favorite Halloween candy this year, just before he ended up back in the hospital, junior Lindsay Fruehauf said. “That’s the kind of kid he is who is feeling horrible at home and still wants to make us happy by sending us all our favorite candy,” Fruehauf said. This was one of the ways Nathan tried to stay connected to his college friends, she said. “It was hard for us obviously, but it must have been harder for him,” Fruehauf said. “Because he wanted to be here so badly so I think that was his way of staying in contact with QU in general is through us.” Fruehauf said Nathan was the “glue” of their friend group, whether when they hung out their freshman and beginning of sophomore year, or when they visited him after he was diagnosed. “The night that we found out that he passed six of us went to Acrop together just ‘cuz we couldn’t sleep so we all went,” she said. “And I just thought to myself ‘Wow, he’s even bringing people together when he’s not here.’” Fruehauf, Hashaum and Omara were three of the pallbearers at Nathan’s funeral on Monday. Several other Quinnipiac students attended the wake and funeral services. The Honors Program even set up transportation to New Jersey for the services. The friends said it was a hard and sad weekend, but they were glad to be there together because it gave them a chance to honor and remember their friend. “We had all the Quinnipiac people clumped together [at the wake],” Logan said. “And we just got to this point where we had to quiet ourselves down because we started telling stories about him and we were all just dying laughing, honestly….Everyone has a hilarious story to tell about that kid.” Gauto agreed Nathan’s humor stood out to all who knew him. “He was a huge jokester,” she said. “I remember on my 21st birthday he made a friend of

For Nathan

A brief recollection of friendship and memories I met Nathan Orsini within my first few days at Quinnipiac. It was during the orientation for the Honors Program, which quickly became a great community for us and many of our friends. At first, all I knew about Nate was that he was kind, powerfully funny and had great dimples. Freshman year, other than our media studies class, we didn’t cross paths as much as I now wish we had. By the time he was diagnosed a little over a year later, Nate had become a near-daily presence in my life. He was in my German class, and the language quickly wormed its way into our conversations. Our friend groups intermingled, and we all started to spend more time together. I can honestly say our days got worse – less funny, less happy – when Nate left school. Anyone who knew Nate had a positive experience with him, whether that was a short conversation, a few classes or a lifelong friendship. Just being around him made your day better. Nate was the glue that held everyone together. He’s the one who broke the ice, cracked jokes and made friends everywhere he went. Even after he got sick, he kept up with our lives. He genuinely cared. Even when he wasn’t trying, his positive spirit motivated people to be better versions of themselves. Before Nate, I couldn’t go into hospitals because my anxiety was so intense. At the first hospital, I could only visit for a few minutes. But a year later, I spent nearly four hours with Nate at another hospital. I could never have done that if I hadn’t wanted to see him so badly. I’m so happy I had that time because nine days later, he passed. This is an anxiety I can handle now, and I’ll always have Nate to thank for that, even though it was an unintended consequence of this awful situation. It’s frustratingly impossible to find words that fully express Nathan’s presence and impact then and now. However, words are the medium here. Nate often read this newspaper – he would have loved to see his face on the cover. He brought a million laughs, and part of him will always be around for many more. Being with his friends, family and loved ones over this past weekend for his funeral services proved that to me. I’m so grateful to have known him. Rest easy, my friend. —J. Cibelli, Arts & Life Editor ours interrupt a class I was in to give me a birthday card they had gotten me. I don’t remember a single day my face burning red as much as it did that day.” According to Omara, Nathan made even the littlest things fun. “Even just doing homework with him was fun,” he said. “When I was around him I would be happier and just more willing to try new things.” And Hashaum said he will never forget the

influence Nathan has had on his life. “I know I will never be without him,” Hashaum said. “Above all he will always be one of the greatest men I have ever known, and I know each day I will continue to honor him by doing everything he told me I should and by showing him that it is because of him I continue to be better than I was the day before. A true brother forever and always, Nathan Orsini was a gift from God, a miracle on earth and the true meaning of friendship.”

Public Safety offers shuttles to church in New Haven By JENNIE TORRES Staff Writer

After several complaints from students who weren’t able to attend church off campus, the university implemented shuttles that take them to nearby churches every Sunday. “There was a number of students who went to the student government and administration,” the Parking and Transportation Coordinator for Public Safety Shanon Grasso said. “They were going into New Haven to the Center Church, and they were trying to coordinate with carpools and it was pretty unsuccessful for them.” Grasso said adding the church shuttles was an easy process to do and it didn’t negatively impact the other shuttle schedules. “It really wasn’t a hard stretch to just reconfigure the New Haven town and train to start it just a little bit early and it goes three times before its regular service starts,” Grasso said. The Director of Religious Life Jordan Lenaghan said that his office had no involvement with the church shuttles. “The request to the university did not originate from the Office of Religious Life. We are not involved in the details, nor are we coordinating the shuttles,” he said in an email. There was an announcement made to the student body last month about the shuttles beginning their service on Nov. 15. They pick up students at The Common bridge on

Sundays the morning hourly, at 8:20 a.m., 9:20 a.m., 10:20 a.m. and 11:20 a.m. and drops off students at the New Haven Green at 8:45 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m respectively. The Center Church, an Episcopal and a Lutheran church are located near the New Haven Green. The regular town and train shuttle will then begin at noon, thus commencing its regular schedule. Some students, such as freshman John Welsh, associated with religious affiliations other than Protestant, Episcopal or Lutheran do not have shuttles to transport them to their own churches. “I am a Catholic and we’re still meeting in the Buckman Theater every Sunday rather than getting anything else,” he said. “So I assume this is happening with the Protestant [religion] side of things. I mean, if it’s happening for them, why isn’t it happening for us?” But Grasso suggested what students could do if they see a problem with the current shuttle services. “If there is a group that is in need of something, I would definitely recommend asking for the service [through administration],” Grasso said. Still, Welsh said he’d prefer practicing his religion on campus rather than going to a church. “I feel so long as we have the eucharist and the priest, it doesn’t really matter where


Shuttles now run to New Haven on Sunday mornings to take students to church. we are,” he said. There are some students, like freshman Jordan Urbani, who believe otherwise. “If people are complaining about not having the ability to go to church, then once they have it a lot of people will utilize it,”

Urbani said. “It would be very beneficial for them because if they are very religious, they would want to take time out of the way to go somewhere where they can practice their religion, instead of having someone come here [to campus].”

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2014


A holiday feast

University prepares for 31st annual Holiday Dinner By ADELIA COUSER Staff Writer

This week, the undergraduate Holiday Dinner planning committee is hard at work finalizing the 31st annual feast for students. The Holiday Dinner will take place on Thursday, Dec. 10 in Cafe Q. Students can download free tickets to attend one of five service times: 4:30 p.m., 5 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The event is catered by Chartwells and staffed by a volunteer team of university faculty and staff. Professor Jill Martin, the chair of the legal studies department and head of the Holiday Dinner planning committee, is expecting approximately 1,400 students and 120 volunteers to attend the dinner this year. “There are people who have been doing this for 31 years; they come back year after year,” Martin said. “Everybody who volunteers does it because they want students to have a nice end-of-the-semester event.” Faculty and staff volunteers typically arrive at 4 p.m. to help set up for the dinner, according to Martin. They serve food and drinks to students throughout the dinner and bus all the tables at the end. Spanish professor Aileen Dever said she volunteers at the dinner because it’s “great fun” serving the students. “It’s sometimes a difficult time of year for students with the end of the semester and exams,” she said. “So this is a particularly wonderful interlude and a way for the professors to give back to the students and show them how much we appreciate them.” Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox, assistant professor of legal studies, said she enjoys the interaction between students, faculty and staff

throughout the evening. “My favorite part of the dinner occurs at the very end of the evening when the volunteer faculty and staff members have the opportunity to have some food, sit down together, share stories and engage in conversation,” she said. Preparations for the Holiday Dinner begin as early as September and continue through December, according to Martin. The planning committee is in charge of choosing a date and time for the dinner, as well as organizing ticket sales, decorations, themes, food and beverages. Martin said that a few changes have occurred since the first Holiday Dinner in 1985, such as a change in venue and the number of students served. “We used to be in the Alumni Hall, which is now the Student Center Piazza, but the location changed to the dining hall about five or six years ago,” she said. “At the first Holiday Dinner in 1985, Quinnipiac was a much smaller school and we served all the students.” Now that the university has expanded, not all undergraduate students can attend the dinner, but many students appreciate the faculty and staff who volunteer. Junior Hannah Zomback has attended the last two Holiday Dinners and said she enjoyed them. “It was a nice break from the normal cafe food, plus nothing beats a free meal,” she said. Sophomore Dorah Labatte has never attended the Holiday Dinner, but said she has always been meaning to. “I think it’s a really good idea–it’s free


The Holiday Dinner planning committee is expecting approximately 1,400 students and 120 volunteers to attend the 31st annual Holiday Dinner. food, which college students love, and it’s a reason for QU students to get together so I feel like it builds a sense of community,” Labatte said. The Facilities Department and staff volunteers will begin setting up in the cafe and rearranging tables on Thursday afternoon, and Martin said she is excited for this year’s

dinner. “This is the one event we feel involves everybody in the community–students, faculty, staff, Facilities, Chartwells...people from all over the university are a part of it,” Martin said. “It’s a really nice event for the students, and I hope that students enjoy it because we enjoy doing it for them.”

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The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2015

Opinion TWEETS OF THE WEEK President Lahey kinda looks like Robert Durst . @Jess_DiStefano Every time I go home it just makes eating Shartwells just that much harder.. @AnthonyDLC3 Anthony de la Cruz Falling asleep in my dorm to the clock tower playing Frosty the Snowman # privledged ‫@‏‬callmecaylin Caylin Hayes

Liven up your classroom Professors should let their passion shine to engage students Have you ever been in a class and zoned out ful for following classes as well. I felt prepared for 20 minutes without realizing it? It can be the for the tests and actually went into the final exam most frustrating thing when you are trying so very confident that I knew the information very hard to pay attention, but you just can’t seem to. well. I even went to an art museum, which I already really like to do, and All you can think about is actually recognized styles guessing how many slides and artists. It was pretty are left in the already very HANNAH SCHINDLER Art Director cool! long powerpoint that makes These classes become absolutely no sense. @hschindlerr interactive by doing group This is common for activities like matching most students in lecturegames, group jeopardy and based classes because, group quizzes. These activiaccording to a Chemical Education Research study, students have trouble ties make the class less stressful, while still testpaying attention for 10 to 20 minutes straight ing your knowledge and learning from others. during a lecture. If studies show college students This is essential in furthering your education. can’t focus the span of a whole class, why do We all retain different information so being able professors waste both our time and theirs? There to bounce ideas off of one another actually helps are so many engaging ways to have an interac- absorb information and learn new things that you didn’t pick up on from the PowerPoint or readtive classroom experience. I have been in few classes that use the time ings. Some professors might think this is just an to actually engage the students and challenge us to learn without just spitting the information at easy way out because one group member can our face. A few semesters ago, I was in graph- just do the whole thing, but this is not true. There ic design history–a class that I was originally are always some questions that some people dreading because history classes are usually just know and some people don’t. Being able to work together and learn from each other really does taught with long, long PowerPoints. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how help remember the information for tests or future interesting it ended up being. Information I assignments. Without the stress and anxiety of learned in the class actually ended up being use- studying for a test, I was actually able to learn the

YAK OF THE WEEK How am I supposed to make major life decisions when I still use my fingers to count and have to recite the alphabet in order to know which letter comes next??

INSTAGRAM OF THE WEEK @alexanfarrell Life on the hill #Quinnipiac

We know you all love to pretend you’re artsy.

We’ll find your best instagrams if you tag them with



material without just memorizing it for an exam and then letting it leave my brain right after it. With all the technology that can distract people, it is even harder to keep the attention of so many multitasking students. There are always students not paying attention and using their phones or computers during class. This is a new challenge and an another reason professors need to change their teaching style to accommodate students today. Technology can be such a fun and creative way to make the class more fun and allow the professor’s passion for the subject to really come through and inspire students. I know for me when the professor is really enthusiastic and spends time thinking about different ways to teach materials for different learning styles I really appreciate the subject and learn so much more. I just wish with all the technology we have today, professors would do more than just throw a PowerPoint on the projector and call it “teaching”. There are so many fun ways to keep students attention that professors are not taking advantage of. Even classes that are considered boring classes can be made fun and interesting. It would be great to be able to go to class and not have to think about counting down the minutes until it is over.


Thoughts on diversity at QU and the U.S. As of January of this year there were only five black CEOs in America’s largest companies. At his recent presentation at Quinnipiac, titled “What Does Diversity Mean in an Era of Color Blindness?” David Embrick, a professor of sociology at Loyola University, highlighted the lack of racial and gender diversity in the workplace. Despite the fact that white males are only 37 percent of the total US population, they hold almost 75 percent of the Fortune 500 Boards of Directors positions, according to the Alliance for Board Diversity. Women of color make up only 2.6 percent of these boards. How can this be in a time when “celebration” of diversity is everywhere? Could it be that celebrating diversity is, in fact, hiding massive discrimination and racial inequality? Embrick’s research highlighted exactly this. While nearly all Fortune 500 companies claim to celebrate diversity, Embrick’s research showed, these claims are false. Nearly all major businesses in the US are run almost exclusively by white men. Yet, this does not stop companies from engaging in “diversity ideology” - hiding a very male and very white leadership and workforce behind webpages that celebrate fictional claims of diversity. To fully understand the term diversity ideology one must first understand the problems with the term diversity. The word is so broad it has different meanings to different people. Some might define diversity as being

about race, gender, class, age, creativity or even having different last names. As Leslie D. Jones, a black CDO told Embrick, “Diversity is about everyone—not about everyone else.” While this “inclusiveness” sounds nice, it hides the reality of a very exclusive white male culture in these companies. “Inclusion” hides the fact that certain groups of people are included more than others. Take the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement. This movement is being attacked with claims, ALL LIVES MATTER. Though changing the name to something more inclusive sounds better, it hides the fact that in America today, all don’t matter and hide the reality of black lives lost due to racism. We should not try to include everyone in an epidemic that has to do with only one group of people. Another place to look at the problems of diversity ideology and “inclusion” is at universities, including Quinnipiac. Many universities, while “celebrating” diversity and inclusion, complain that they don’t attract students of color, or wonder why theses students choose to transfer. Could it be that celebrations of diversity hide a very non-diverse university? When looking at Quinnipiac’s webpage on Diversity and Multiculturalism you see that to Quinnipiac, diversity means not only skin color, but also personality, learning styles and life experiences. By this measure, we are diverse. But if you walk the Quad during the middle of the day,

things don’t seem quite so “diverse.” The student population isn’t the only thing lacking in racial and gender diversity. Despite celebrating diversity, in each school, college or department the faculty is largely white and male. Contrast this to the cafeteria staff which is primarily occupied by black men and women. As one trying to transfer, the lack of racial diversity is a main reason. When researching new schools, I have learned to look past their ideologies of diversity that hide a lack of true diversity. I don’t look at what they say about diversity, but at how racially diverse they actually are. Although I am a female of color, throughout my life, I have chosen stay quiet and not choose sides in the many protests and debates about race that have occurred. I have strived everyday to remove myself from the stereotype of a “typical black female.” Despite not speaking up, and despite wanting to believe I could succeed in a world that celebrates diversity, the fear that I hold when going into a job interview or into a classroom of not being the racially “qualified” person that they want, continues to cross my mind. I can’t continue to watch this happen without saying anything about it. The fact of the matter is that although five Fortune 500 CEOs are black, none of them are black females. Which shows me and many other people “like me” that in our lifetime we may never make it that far. -Wendy Petion, 2018


December 9, 2015

The Quinnipiac Chronicle




Perspective from the panel

Welcoming a dialogue JULIA PERKINS

A reflection on the discussion of safe spaces with

SARAH HARRIS Managing Editor

Never did I think that one of my columns would lead to such a discussion. After I wrote an opinion piece called “Stop demanding safe spaces,” (from the Nov. 18 issue of the Chronicle) students began posting on social media and talking around campus about safe spaces. This conversation led to the panel discussion on the topic of safe spaces. It’s been an intellectually challenging couple of weeks to say the least. Last Friday’s panel discussion took place last-minute, but for an event that wasn’t advertised heavily, many people attended. It was pleasant to see students, faculty and administration (Executive Vice President and Provost Mark Thompson included) come and show interest in this topic. After reflecting on the panel, I have concluded some thoughts that I felt I should share. I would have liked to see the panel discuss more of the topic rather than

my article and my ability to do my job as a resident assistant. Although I was willing to be a part of this panel, I think removing those involved in the conflict would make the discussion more productive without making it so personal. I would have liked to see the audience be able to participate more and leave room at the end for audience members to ask their questions, rather than writing them in anonymously and having the moderators filter through them. Panels such as this one need to happen more often at Quinnipiac. Rather than having these conversations on the internet or behind screens such as Facebook and Yik-Yak, we should talk about them in person. Although we are a generation of technology users, we need to be willing to converse about difficult topics face to face. If you’re scared to express your opinions because they might be different from others’, then that is when you should share it. It not only challenges you to speak up and become a better public speaker, but it also challenges the people you are with. Everyone’s personal experiences bring something new to the table and it’s important to hear other people’s perspectives. If I had not attended an open discussion about race on campus Nov. 17 where an Islamic student discussed her experiences, I would not have realized what a Muslim-American student went through during the Paris attacks. I never viewed the attacks from her perspective. Although she was nervous to


speak, it opened my eyes to what she was going through. I applaud her for that. The conversation about safe spaces won’t ever be over until we agree on what a safe space is, which may not be possible. The idea is there, but the fact that you can’t open up a dictionary and find a clear definition leaves room for more debate. This is a good thing. It creates more room for people to express what their idea of a safe space is and why they need one. And to reiterate a thought in my previous column: always challenge each other. If I weren’t challenged after writing my last article, I would not have been given the chance to question and alter some of my own beliefs. But there comes great responsibility with challenging people’s opinions. We all live different lives and have different experiences, so you must be conscious of how the other person will perceive your opinion. In this case, take time to listen and hear where they are coming from, engage them and then share your own experiences. Discuss your opinion and support it. We can have these discussions while being kind and respectful to each other. Keep up the discussion, Quinnipiac.

Follow Sarah on Twitter for more unfiltered commentary



After The Chronicle published an opinion piece a few weeks ago titled “Stop demanding safe spaces,” the campus community erupted into a dialogue on diversity, free speech and whether safe spaces should exist. The Chronicle welcomes these conversations because they are essential if the Quinnipiac community and our society as a whole wants to grow and learn. In fact, the opinion section of the paper exists so that people can have these types of important discussions. Often this part of the paper is one-sided because the pieces are based on the opinions of one writer. While it is always great when we have room in the section to include an opposing viewpoint, it is impossible to include every single idea on an issue, such as safe spaces. This is not something that can be split into pros and cons. Each person on this campus may have a different perspective on safe spaces. The piece in the Nov. 18 issue was just one of them. This is why The Chronicle does not regret publishing this opinion, nor will we apologize for it. It is valid for students, faculty or staff to feel how they want to feel about the piece. But without sharing this viewpoint, no one can be educated on any side of this debate. Of course, The Chronicle would love to hear your thoughts on safe spaces and other issues we write about. Anyone is always welcome to write a letter to the editor to be considered for publication. You may send these letters to or


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The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2015



It’s been eight years since Tom Moore became the Quinnipiac men’s basketball head coach, and he still hasn’t gotten the program to an NCAA Tournament. Yet, those who have observed his operation have faith. By NICK SOLARI Web Director

Criticism doesn’t bother Tom Moore—but he’d be lying to you if he said he didn’t feel it. Moore, entering his ninth season as Quinnipiac men’s basketball head coach, still hasn’t won a postseason conference tournament. He still hasn’t gotten Quinnipiac to the Big Dance. He’s cognizant of this; he’s aware of all the criticism that comes with leading a Division I program. He saw it first-hand at the University of Connecticut, where he served as an assistant on Jim Calhoun’s staff for 13 years. For Moore, the constant judgment comes with choosing to take such a high-profile job. It’s a part of being a Division I basketball coach. “It’s the cruel reality,” Moore said. “You’re evaluated based on if you make the NCAA Tournament or not. So in the [Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference], one guy’s a genius and the rest of the guys don’t know what they’re doing.” “Criticism just comes with the job,” he added. “I’ve learned to just take my shots and move on.” *** Tom Moore sat down at a podium in the Times Union Center to field questions on March 5, 2015. It was just moments after a 80-74 loss to Marist in the first round of the MAAC Tournament—the end of Quinnipiac’s season. For the eighth-straight season since he took over the program, Quinnipiac’s year ended without NCAA Tournament appearance. Moore was visibly distraught. His eyes were foggy from tears and his voice was raspy at best. Having just shed his dress coat and tie—so that he was only wearing a white dress shirt—he sat down at a makeshift podium in Albany to field questions for the final time in the 2014-15 season. For almost 25 minutes Moore, senior Ousmane Drame and freshman Dmitri

Flores answered questions. One came from Jon Alba who was the general manager of Q30 Television—a student media organization at the university. Alba, citing the “outcry on social media” since the game’s end, said that some wondered whether or not Moore was fit to continue as the team’s head coach. Moore hadn’t gotten the Bobcats to the field of 68 yet, and Alba asked “if there was much more” the staff could do with what it had been given. After saying he didn’t understand the question, Moore simply replied that Quinnipiac expected to reach the NCAA Tournament the following season. Later in the press conference Drame— who had just recorded 27 points and 23 rebounds in the loss—interrupted another reporter’s question to go back and address Alba’s. “...For you guys to actually listen to that or have the audacity to ask a question about what [people on social media] are saying, it’s almost kind of disrespectful…” Drame said. Drame went on to explain that Quinnipiac’s transition from the NEC to the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference had a lot to do with its recent failures, pointing out that the MAAC is a much tougher league to win in. Looking back, Alba agrees with Drame’s sentiments, adding that he would have approached the topic of Moore’s job security differently. “It was a question that needed to be asked, but it was the wrong time and I think I went about it the wrong way,” Alba said. Moore and Alba have spoken since the press conference exchange on March 5, and both said said they remain on good terms. “I think Tom Moore is a very good coach,” Alba went on. “I think he’s very open, and largely transparent — which a lot of coaches are not.” “The criticism is more on the macro level than the micro level. It’s more so the bigger picture, looking at the entire school.”

*** Quinnipiac Director of Athletics and Recreation Greg Amodio spent just over four hours in a meeting with Tom Moore and the men’s basketball staff on Aug. 28. The meeting, designed to “hammer through” every aspect of the way the program runs, was initiated by Amodio. One of the first things he wanted to do upon arriving at Quinnipiac was sit down with each athletic team’s coaching staff to discuss things. The meeting with Moore and his coaching staff lasted longer than the rest, likely in large part because the men’s basketball program cost the school over $2.4 million in expenses last year—or roughly 31.5 percent of the school’s spending on all men’s programs— according

“Tom’s done a great job here when you look at the big picture. He’s not going anywhere.” – GREG AMODIO DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS AND RECREATION to the U.S. Department of Education Moore himself made $498,885 in 2013, making him the fourth-highest paid employee at the university, the university’s latest 990 form shows. In order to help Quinnipiac move forward, Amodio needed to know the ins and outs of Moore’s operation. He needed to know what they already do well, and how they could improve in the future. Most of all, he wanted to know what he could do to help them reach the next level of success. It’s something that has eluded Moore for a long time. The former Duquesne University athletic

director was pleased with the conversation he was able to have with Moore and his staff. By the end of the meeting, he realized one thing. “I think we have the right people up there, with men’s basketball,” Amodio said. “It’s my job to make sure they have the right assets in place.” Amodio added that, from an outsider’s perspective, a 15-15 season—which is what Quinnipiac had in 2014-15—should never be looked at “as a failure.” “Tom’s done a great job here when you look at the big picture,” Amodio said. “He’s not going anywhere.” *** Former Quinnipiac Director of Athletics and Recreation Jack McDonald has made the drive from his home in Boston to Quinnipiac many times in his life. While with the university from 1995-2015, he would often turn his radio dial to the University of Connecticut’s basketball broadcast after he crossed the Connecticut River. He liked to keep up with how UConn and longtime friend Jim Calhoun were doing. One night, McDonald heard Tom Moore speak during the radio’s post-game show after a UConn victory. He was immediately impressed with Moore’s knowledge for the game, and the “classy and sophisticated” way in which he presented his point of view. McDonald always kept three important documents in his office: Drawings for the next athletic buildings, information on the next conference Quinnipiac wanted to join and a list of coaching candidates in every sport — just in case he needed to make a change. Driving back to Hamden that night, he reminded himself to add Tom Moore to his list for men’s basketball. “I can remember thinking to myself, ‘if we ever get an opening, this is our guy,’” McDonald recalled. And sure enough, Quinnipiac got an opening in 2007, when 11-year head coach Joe De-

December 9, 2015

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

Highest Compensated Employees in 2013 John Lahey

Quinnipiac University President


Mark Thompson


Patrick Healy


Tom Moore

$498,884 $484,899

Executive VP & Provost

Senior VP for Finance

Men’s Basketball Head Coach

Donald Weinback

VP for Development & Alumni Affairs

Joan Isaac Mohr

VP for Admissions & Financial Aid


Santis was fired. Moore, backed by his experience from UConn, saw an opportunity. “I learned many things from Jim Calhoun at UConn, but one of the most important things he told me was to make sure I could get a job where I could win,” Moore explained. “He told me to take a top one, two or three job in whatever league I went to.” In 2005, Moore had a few offers to become a head coach, but none he was ready to leave UConn for. He was a bit more open to leaving in 2006, but none of the interviews he went on felt quite right. By 2007, he was ready. He interviewed at Quinnipiac and an Atlantic 10 school, though the Atlantic 10 school was “a lower level program,” Moore said. “I felt that, at the time, Quinnipiac was the best job in the North East Conference. So that made my choice easier.” Coaching at the TD Bank Sports Center (which had just opened in 2007), the program’s budget, his salary, the academics at the school, the administrational commitment and the location were all reasons why he was attracted to Quinnipiac. Now, he would be tasked with trying to guide the program to new heights at a Division I level. The Bobcats had gone 62-80 in their previous five seasons. Moore was brought in to win, but also to increase Quinnipiac’s external image, according to McDonald. “Him coming in, it provided instant credibility for Quinnipiac men’s basketball,” McDonald said. In 2009-10, Moore’s third season in Hamden, Quinnipiac posted a 23-10 overall record and went to the NEC Championship, where it fell 52-50 vs. Robert Morris. In the following season, the Bobcats posted a 22-10 record and lost again to Robert Morris, this time in the NEC Semifinals. In just four years under Moore, the program had gone from one that traditionally finished in the lower half of the conference to a perennial contender. He had added an emphasis on rebounding, as Quinnipiac was beginning a stretch of three-straight seasons finishing No. 1 overall in Division I basketball in team rebounding. Still, he wasn’t satisfied. “You make one more play, one more shot, one more box-out, one more rebound and you’re looking at an NCAA Tournament bid in either year,” Moore said. The Bobcats had two mediocre seasons after that, going 18-14 and 15-16, respectively. That set up Quinnipiac’s entrance into the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, where it went 20-12 (2012-13). But at the end of the year, the Bobcats lost senior point guard Dave Johnson with an ACL injury. “It’s too bad people don’t remember any of those bad breaks Tom got,” McDonald said. “I know that some members of the media haven’t ever questioned his job, but

there are always those people who would rather be critical than supportive.” If it were in McDonald’s hands, he would stick with Moore to run his men’s basketball program forever. “You’re talking to a Red Sox fan, so if anyone is patient it’s going to be me. I’ll wait another 86 years with Tom if I have to.” *** Before its first season in the MAAC in 2013-14, Moore had built a program full of talented veterans primed for a big season. Quinnipiac had forward Ike Azotam returning for his senior year. By the end of his four years at Quinnipiac, the First-Team AllMAAC selection had set the program record for career rebounds (1,043) and finished No. 3 overall in points (1,603). Drame, who would eventually break Azotam’s career rebound mark, was coming back for his junior year to play alongside Azotam down low. Junior small forward Zaid Hearst, who would eventually become the only team captain ever elected under Moore, was in the mix — as was fifth-year point guard Umar Shannon, who was ready to come in and run the Bobcats’ offense. “What we can say pretty definitively is that they would have been the NEC’s favorite that year, and I don’t think any coach in the NEC would even deny that,” said Adam Finkelstein, a scout/analyst for ESPN’s Recruiting Nation who has followed Quinnipiac’s program under Moore. Finkelstein added that, when talking to other coaches in the NEC, some thought they wouldn’t have a chance to compete given how good Quinnipiac would be. Then the university announced its move to the MAAC. “There were a lot of teams who had a chance that year because Quinnipiac left the conference,” Finkelstein continued. “It really has changed the narrative on the job Coach Moore has done in Hamden. I don’t think people consider that aspect of it, and how conference realignment affected them.” And though the program moved to a more difficult conference, Quinnipiac still won 20 games in 2013-14. But Shannon went down with an ACL injury in the final week of the regular season, keeping him out of the postseason tournament. The graduate transfer from Saint Francis had put up 14.3 points and 2.3 assists for game before going down. The No. 3 seeded Bobcats lost to Manhattan in the semifinals. “You can argue, if Umar Shannon didn’t get hurt at the end of that year, that they could have won the MAAC,” Alba said. “Tom Moore coached that team brilliantly that year.” In 2014-15, junior college transfer Giovanni McLean was set to come in and take over for Shannon and run Quinnipiac’s offense. Hearst and Drame were returning, and the senior-laden squad was yet again expected to make noise in the MAAC.


Then, stemming from an investigation involving transcript fraud, McLean was unexpectedly ruled ineligible for the season, hurting the Bobcats’ backcourt once again. “It’s not fair to criticise [Moore], because it doesn’t fall on one person,” said Zaid Hearst, Quinnipiac’s leading scorer and team captain in 2014-15. “It’s tough because coaches receive a lot of scrutiny and backlash when people think the job isn’t getting done. But it’s a team game, the outcome is on all of us.” In just the past three seasons, conference realignment, injuries and now an academically ineligibility case had plagued the program. “It’s sad that we have to defend him,” McDonald said. “It’s really just sad that people don’t realize all of this.” In the interview just a month before stepping down from his day-to-day tasks at the helm of Quinnipiac’s athletic department, McDonald said that Moore had been an “athletic director’s dream.” He added that he wanted Moore to stay with the university for his entire coaching career. According to Finkelstein, if the conference realignment hadn’t happened, Quinnipiac could have been to two NCAA Tournaments—which could have made McDonald’s wishes much more difficult. “Then we’d be talking about what Quinnipiac has to do to hang on to Tom Moore for as long as possible,” Finkelstein said. *** Before each game, Tom Moore paces. Head down, staring at the ground as if it were offering him some sort of advice, Moore walks up and down the sideline while the Quinnipiac starting lineup is being announced. This practice started when he was at

Sports|11 UConn. An assistant at one of the fastestgrowing programs of its time, Moore would pace up and down the sidelines as the Huskies lineup was introduced. He did it because he was nervous, but also because he knew he needed to stay out of Jim Calhoun’s way—who was equally as nervous. Moore took that same practice to Quinnipiac. “It’s a last-second chance for me to think about the message I give our players in the huddle before they take the court,” Moore said. “I’m just trying to reinforce what we’ve talked about in our game preparation.” Sometimes, his message is successful. Other times things don’t work the way he planned. After the losses, Moore and the entire men’s basketball coaching staff usually stay in his office for two or three hours. They bounce ideas off one another, trying to process what happened and make sense of it all. “I think that, after a loss, it’s a good time to do a quick checklist going over where we are,” Moore said. “It can be heated, too, because a lot of emotions are raw after losing. But that’s good, it’s part of the process.” They don’t pull all nighters, though, because that would cut into the following day’s production. It’s a process that the staff has followed faithfully throughout Moore’s nine years at Quinnipiac. He sticks to his routine. He’ll switch some things Quinnipiac does on the court from yearto-year, he says, but most of the operation behind the scenes remains the same. With patience he’ll have another chance to get Quinnipiac to the NCAA Tournament. He’s confident in that. “I know that it’s going to happen at some point,” he said. “Things are too set up here for it to not happen.” And when he wins—when he finally gets Quinnipiac to the NCAA Tournament—the critics “won’t have a voice,” according to McDonald. “When Tom wins I’ll be there in the stands,” McDonald continued. “I’m going to cry and be very emotional, because that’s how special the moment will be for him and the entire program, the entire school.” “Mark my words,” he continued, “it’s going to happen.” Moore says he’ll think of his past players when it happens, and all of the people at the school who have supported him. He’ll think of Justin Rutty, James Feldeine, Ike Azotam, Zaid Hearst, Ousmane Drame and everyone who was with him throughout the years. Until then, he’ll keep dealing with the criticism and the losses the same way he’s done for nine years. He’ll block it out. “Like they say in life, if it was easy everyone would have it,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Then it wouldn’t be as special.”


Tom Moore talks with assistant coach Tony Newsom during a Nov. 22 win vs. Niagara.

12|Arts & Life

December 9, 2015

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


Arts & Life

INTERNSHIPS THINK OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM Rick DelVecchio and Cynthia L. Christie dish out their best advice for those who are starting the search for an internship. -Amanda Perelli

quick tips 1. It’s never too early. 2. Know what you’re looking for. 3. Always keep your resume and cover letter updated. 4. Get a LinkedIn. 5. Constantly build your network. 6. Shadow or volunteer to find what you are good at and to gain experience. 7. Ask for help if you need it. 8. Be prepared. 9. Get multiple people to read and critique your resume. 10. Build experience on campus by getting involved in activities and organizations.

RICK DELVECCHIO Director of Career Services College of Arts & Sciences





Assistant Dean of Career Services School of Health Sciences and School of Nursing

Should I start planning for an internship in the spring or fall? The “right” semester to complete an internship will be different for every student. Overall, in terms of preparation, the earlier the better, but ideally you should start to prepare for an internship at the beginning of the semester prior to when you plan to complete it (September for a spring internship). It’s hard to be too early, but it’s easy to be too late.

It is never too early to start thinking about an internship. If you would like to participate in an experience during the Spring 2016 semester, you should be contacting potential sites and applying for positions now. If you plan to be at home during the break, you can even begin contacting employers about summer employment and internships.

Employers like to see that you know what you want and have put some thought into the process instead of just looking for “any internship you can get.” Don’t rely on online applications alone. QUCC is a great resource for QU students to find opportunities offered by recruiters who are specifically seeking our students and that should always be your first step. Don’t forget to ask your professors if they know of any opportunities since many stay in touch with alumni who might be in a position to hire you and they may know of other opportunities through professional organizations specific to their fields.

QU Career Connections (QUCC) is a fantastic resource for all things related to career development. You can access it through MyQ in Quick Links. You will see there are currently 650 Quinnipiac-specific job and internships posted! You can put in search criteria to narrow down the list by position type, job industry or geographic location. There are more than 6,000 employers registered on QUCC, so even if you do not find the perfect internship posted, you can also search through and visit their individual websites to research opportunities.

Ask for help! It can be a very time consuming and confusing process. Reach out to the career development staff for your school to get help in clarifying your goals and preparing for the search.

You can find resume samples posted in QUCC – click on Resources, and then Library. You will find helpful documents to prepare for interviews, write cover letters, and dress for success.

Start really thinking hard about what your values and interests are, and what goals you have in life. Ask for help in making connections to people they know who might be working in a field that is interesting to you and talk with them about what their jobs are really like. Internships are great opportunities to “test drive” an initial career choice. Get involved in activities and organizations on campus so they can build additional experience that will make them attractive candidates once they begin to apply for internships.

There are many ways to get experience if you are not ready to take on an internship. You can start by volunteering or even job shadowing. Conduct an informational interview with a professional in your intended career field and gather advice on pursuing future opportunities. You can begin to build your professional network now - and if you do not have a LinkedIn profile yet, start one now. It is a great way to connect with QU alumni and potential employers.

The more prepared you are, the less overwhelming it will be. Start early. If you are trying to write a resume today for a job with an application deadline tomorrow, it will be easy to get overwhelmed and make silly mistakes. Start working on your job search tools (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn). Check out the website as a great way to get some initial research into potential careers and specific job titles that might be interesting to you.

Speak with your academic advisor to see if you are able to complete an internship for credit to fulfill a requirement for your major, or as an open elective. Many departments have courses built into the curriculum to offer you this opportunity and may have a list of specific employers who have offered internships during the semester. If you are looking for a short-term experience during the January break, shadowing or volunteering is a great way to start building your resume with relevant activities.

How should I prepare for the search?

What advice can you offer to someone who feels lost in the process?

Do you have any tips for those who may not be thinking about internships just yet?

How can I make this process easier?

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2015

Arts & Life|13

The odds may not be in ‘The Hunger Games’ favor By MADISON FRAITAG

Associate Arts & Life Editor

An era has come to an end for many people this fall. The final “Hunger Games” film has been released and the “Mockingjay” has flown its final day. The novels written by Suzanne Collins and films directed by Gary Ross and Francis Lawrence have been admired by thousands of readers since the release of the first novel in 2008. The latest and final film made just over $102 million in its opening weekend, according to Box Office Mojo. The film was released in 4,175 theaters and ranked No. 1 in the box offices. Any movie-goer can give his or her biased review of this box office phenomenon, but one aspect frequently neglected in reviews is the technical side of a film. If you were to search the hashtag “HungerGames,” you will discover dozens of opinionated comments on the plot of the film. One tweet composed by @Fame_vs__Famous poses a very serious inquiry; “RT for Katniss and Peeta. LIKE for Katniss and Gale,” it reads. In a world so advanced in filmmaking technology, it is hard to believe that so many people neglect the craft behind these films they so critically judge. While films may often depict the contents of a novel in a different way than the reader envisioned, there is no denying that the outcome of a director’s vision and a filmmaker’s hard work produces a


Katniss Everdeen overlooking the Capitol, ready for the final showdown. creative, effective outlet for the viewer to enjoy and experience a story. Warning: spoilers ahead. Many scenes in the newly released “Mockingjay: Part 2” differ slightly from Collins’ original depiction of them. For example, the scene where Katniss’ unit is faced with the Capitol’s mutts in the sewers was not entirely true to the text, yet still manages to build suspense, show great technical detail, portray emotion and action, and ultimately (SPOILER) kill off a beloved character. No matter what shape the filmmakers chose to format the



mutts in, the film and the text both convey the same message and evoke the same emotions. Despite the effectiveness of this filmmaking, not everyone is pleased. The filmmakers are ridiculed for their alterations to the beloved story, according to a review of the film by “Monolithic in its moroseness, Mockingjay— Part 2 bleaches some of the color (literal and figurative) out of Collins’ world,” it states. While this may be considered a criticism, at least it isn’t another debate over which guy Katniss looks better with.


Calendar features real women, raw talent Hover away, please

The Pirelli Calendar, one of the most famous calendars in the world since 1964, launched its 43rd 2016 edition last week. Now, here’s some must-know history about the calendar. In past years, famous models are splashed across the pages for each month, mostly nude. Last year, the photographers featured plus-sized models in the calendar, which was a big deal at the time. However, this past edition went against the norm of featuring models and took a more feminist perspective. Rather than having skinny young models, photographer Annie Leibovitz, who shot the calendar in 2000 and again this year, suggested featuring writers, artists and comedians. Some of the women that are featured included tennis superstar Serena Williams, comedian Amy Schumer, Rookie Magazine founder Tavi Gevinson, writer Fran Lebowitz, and Iranian visual artist Shirin Neshat, plus philanthropists, screenwriters, musicians and actresses. Last year, the calendar included supermodels Gigi Hadid, Joan Smalls and Adriana Lima. The photo that I loved the most was Serena Williams’. For someone who is obviously physically fit, she embraces her strong muscles and poses in a power stance. The black and white photo enhances the shadows that her muscles create, showing the real body of a strong woman. The calendar also reads more like a book this year with paragraphs about each woman and their accomplishments. With women from all ages, races, and talents, it’s definitely something I’d like on my wall. –S. Harris

Sophomore Film, Television and Media major Matt Kravitsky feels the way the film was made will not affect a fan’s perception of the product. “I don’t think it matters how well the movie comes out, people who read the Hunger Games books are going to like them no matter what,” Kravitsky said. While Kravitsky’s faith in the “Hunger Games” fan base is admirable, it may not be valid. The long awaited conclusion of this beloved trilogy was less than satisfactory, according to The Atlantic. “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay—Part 2 is the least enjoyable of the films by a considerable margin, a dull, grim, slow-moving slog,” it reads. While many fans will continue to defend the films out of devotion to the brand, there will always be those who are quick to criticize and be more than eager to tell it how they see it. The Atlantic also has no hesitation when criticizing the story’s plot. “This storyline, lifted straight from the novel— the apparent idea having been that each volume of the trilogy must have its own Hunger Games of one sort or another—is decidedly ridiculous,” it says. These criticisms prove the objectivity in mediums such as film and novels. While thousands of reviews are positive, there will inevitably be a slew of negative ones thrown in the mix. Clearly, you can’t please everyone, so why base your opinions off of anyone else’s? Read a book or see a movie and make your own review; you be the critic.


The rise of technology has made people lazy. People would rather talk to each other on FaceTime from the comfort of their bed than meet with a friend in person. We start relationships and friendships with a text message, and sending a friend request to someone on Facebook means you’re friends in real life (which is not true, just so you know). I guess being apathetic with our interpersonal relationships is spilling over into our physical activity, too. Hoverboards have been gaining popularity over the past year. Celebrities like Wiz Khalifa and Lily Allen have been seen riding them around and I know I’ve seen one or two QU students gliding around on them, and here’s what I have to say about these gadgets: they’re stupid. I’ve always had a problem with segways, and these are like segways, but more dangerous because there’s nothing to hold on to. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t seen more injuries. Rumor has it one brave Bobcat used his hoverboard to get up York Hill. How long did that take you, buddy? You didn’t break any bones? Also, why can’t you just walk somewhere? How hard is it to use your two feet? These hoverboards aren’t even that fast. Why are we adding to the complete laziness of the human race with these things? Plus, if you happen to purchase one, they are illegal to use in New York City and there have been countless incidents in the UK of hoverboards exploding, according to CNN. If you don’t take the batteries off the charger the minute they are ready to go, the $750 you just spent will probably go up in flames the next time you use it. While the benefits of technology are endless, hoverboards aren’t worth it to me. I can guarantee that you won’t catch on fire by just walking down the street.... –K. Novak

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

14|Arts & Life

December 9, 2015

Ugly Sweater Polaroids


See your fellow QU “fashionistas” bring the holiday spirit to life.

Caroline Moscatello, Miranda Zygmunt, Valerie Khodorkovskiy, Courtney Handel, Sofia Boccagna & Bianca Costanzo

roke C l e h , Rac k c o R La Alicia

hnson o J r lo & Tay

Kaitlyn Me hern, Cary Adams & Hannah Gregorian

Danielle Levy & Melissa Rehr

Peter Annunziat a&

Collin Fay

ulry, M iz L , a Farett Galli a a s h is is l r a A M ceiras & e b a C Leah

The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2015

Interactive | 15
















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Started 29 years ago at Texas A & M University, the Big Event has grown to be the largest, one-day, student-run service project in the nation. It provides the students of Quinnipiac University with the opportunity to say “Thank You” to residents of the surrounding communities. Together the Student Government Association (SGA) and the Community Action Project (CAP) are working to bring this day of service again to the Quinnipiac community on

April 9,2015 For More Info Email: Register in the SPRING!


The Quinnipiac Chronicle

December 9, 2015

Taking charge After coming off the bench last season, Maria Napolitano has her chance to lead By MICHAEL HEWITT Staff Writer

Despite her brief foot injury to begin her senior campaign, Maria Napolitano has taken her leadership role in stride for Quinnipiac women’s basketball. The youngest of three college athletes, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Napolitano never had a doubt she would sport a Division I uniform. “There was no other way for me to go to college,” Napolitano said. “I was going to be a college athlete.” Napolitano’s sisters, Angela and Lauren, both competed at the collegiate level. Angela played soccer at the University of Florida and Laura played field hockey for the home state team, the Ohio State Buckeyes. “I went to so many of their games,” Napolitano said. “I saw NCAA appearances, SEC tournaments and Big 10 tournaments. A lot of people don’t get to experience that and I think that helped me.” It certainly helped her land at Quinnipiac, where head coach Tricia Fabbri values Napolitano’s unique experience. “I obviously liked her length and size for a guard position, including her competitive nature and skill,” Fabbri said. “But she really had seen first-hand commitment that it takes to be successful at the Division I level. That had a real appeal to me.” Along with the Napolitano genetics that breed college athletes, the senior saw her success bloom in the Quinnipiac basketball family. “Here, we’re a tight unit,” Napolitano said. “It’s not hard to get used to playing with [my teammates], when you spend time with them off the court.” Even though she didn’t start in her junior season, Napolitano earned the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Sixth Player of the Year Award, leading the Bobcats’ “Gold Rush” unit off the bench. Napolitano was also crucial to the 2014-15 team that led the MAAC in total bench points (906) as well as bench points per game (25.9 PPG). She also received Quinnipiac’s 2015 Edwin L. Steck Award, presented each year to the studentathlete who demonstrates outstanding athletic abil-


Napolitano is averaging 11.3 points per game this season, which leads the team. ities with a sense of leadership and sportsmanship. While Fabbri knew Napolitano would become the front woman of the squad, she lets the role take care of itself. “Those relationships develop organically between a player and a coach,” Fabbri said. “They can’t be forced. Those conversation happen in the office, on the court, but also team dinners.” So, it was not a surprise to Napolitano that she would be asked to take on more of a leadership role for her final year. “Coming into the year, I knew I was going to be one of the leaders of the team,” Napolitano said. “It was natural for it to be the next progression. I had to be more mature because I was that new leader.” While Napolitano is one of four captains, (Katie Carroll, Carly Fabbri, and Adily Martucci), Napolitano received the most votes from coaches and teammates. Napolitano’s new role would not change physical training, but she admitted her mindset needed an upgrade.

“I always worked extremely hard regardless of the position I’m assigned or whatever role I have to fulfill,” Napolitano said. “My mental mind had to be a lot different. I had to stay positive and not let myself be a higher priority than the team.” While prepared for the new position, Napolitano injured her foot in the opener against Army West Point, causing her to miss a few games. “‘Why did that have to happen?’ That was my first thought,” Napolitano said. “The timing of the situation was kind of bad.” While Napolitano showed life on the bench, cheering on her teammates, her poor play in her next two games added to the stress of being the leader. “I’m not going to lie, it has been more difficult on me,” Napolitano said. “I’ve tried to take on too much. I put too much on my shoulders. Coach recognized that in practice and told me to stop hitting home runs. Her line was to get on base. The shots I were taking weren’t the best shots.” Returning from injury, Napolitano went a combined 10-38 from the floor in her fol-

lowing two games, putting a large burden of blame on herself. “I can be my own worst enemy,” Napolitano said. “I was being very selfish. I wasn’t letting anyone get an opportunity. I wasn’t doing it intentionally. I thought the ball had to be in my hands to make the perfect play. Once I realized that, it’s starting to be a lot better.” With the stresses of injury, performance and leadership impacting the guard, she turned to recent graduate, Gillian “Boo” Abshire for support and advice. “I told her to enjoy every minute, practice and realize to enjoy it because it’ll go by quick,” Abshire said. Abshire also knew her former teammate would thrive in the leadership role when Napolitano entered the program as a freshman. “When she joined the team, you could just sense she had the making to become a leader,” Abshire said. “Last year, she stepped-up huge leading the second five. I know she will do a great job.” Even with Napolitano’s play not reaching her expectations, Fabbri knows as well as anybody that her presence on the floor is second to none. “There’s just an ease when she’s on the floor,” Fabbri said. “The comfort of having her back on the floor and having her play her best and her settling in.” Senior guard Katie Carroll describes that ‘ease’ as very vocal. “She brings an intensity in communication, something we sometimes lack,” Carroll said. However, Napolitano views her leadership to be by example. “I try to lead by working as hard as I possibly can,” Napolitano said. “The majority of the time, I consider myself a defensive player than an offensive player. Defense is all heart. That’s what I pride myself on.” The defensive prowess has dealt with and overcome many challenges this season, and she will play a major role on impacting the team the rest of the way. “Maria has been the person to make plays, good decisions,” Fabbri said. “I think everyone always learns and see what’s great she is. We all sleep better at night with her in uniform.”

Laden: [Rossman] ‘pushed me to be a better goalie’ ROSSMAN from Page 20 as a team. “I wish we got the result that we wanted to, but it was a learning experience,” Rossman said. “It helped me and my teammates learn what it takes to not only compete, but win at that level, so hopefully we will get there again this year and know what we will need to do.” Rossman credits her time playing behind Laden during her first two seasons as preparing her for taking over as the Bobcats’ starter. “Playing behind Chelsea I really learned a lot because we really pushed each other, so even though I wasn’t starting in games, I was getting that much better every day in practice,” Rossman said. “We both knew that whoever was playing, the main thing we wanted was for our team to be successful, so I would always cheer her on during her starts, and she would do the same during mine.” Despite playing well in her limited game time the last two seasons, many wondered how Rossman would handle the transition to top choice goalie. Thus far, as the season has progressed Rossman has begun to make a name for herself around the country. In her 17 starts this season, Rossman has gone 13-1-3, allowing 1.10 goals per game, the third fewest in the nation, as well as stopping

.939 percent of shots she faces. Additionally, Rossman has five shutouts this season, including a program-record streak of 296:42 minutes without allowing a goal. Rossman’s stellar play has earned her national praise. She was named the ECAC goalie of the month as well as the Quinnipiac woman’s athlete of the month for the month of November. Rossman has also been named the ECAC goalie of the week three times this season. This smooth transition of Rossman’s has been a major key to the Bobcats being ranked 4th nationally. For Laden, there never a doubt that Rossman would be a successful starter for the Bobcats. “[Rossman] was ready to play hockey from early in her hockey career, and she is still one of the best goaltenders I have ever seen or played with,” Laden said. “One of the most important traits she has is her work ethic. She works her butt off every day at the rink, and it pushed me to become a better goalie.” Similar to Laden, Turner knew that with Rossman’s attitude and work ethic it was a matter of time until Rossman was one of the top starters in the ECAC. For this season, Turner and Rossman have worked on molding the junior into what the team defines as a “championship goaltender.” “We talk about making key saves, like right after we score, or right after we get scored on. On

the penalty kill, they are your best penalty killer,” Turner said. “A championship goalie is someone who can change the momentum, or save the team when they are needed and she has done that this year. I think about many big games and moments this year, and she has been there for us.” One area in which Rossman has consistently showed up for the Bobcats this season is in overtime. In their 17 games, the Bobcats have had five games reach overtime. After tying in their first four overtime games, Rossman stopped 21 of 22 total shots and help the Bobcats win their first OT game 2-1 over rival Harvard on Dec. 5th. Rossman described what she does to prepare herself when she knows overtime is looming. “Overtime is interesting because anything can happen in those five minutes, so I go into overtime like we have nothing to lose,” Rossman explained. “By doing that, it helps me stay focused on making every key save, and on at least helping my team get a tie. If they can score that is great, but as long as I don’t let one in I can help my team leave with one point in the standings.” While Rossman is taking strides in the right direction, both she and Turner feel the junior has room to improve before reaching championship goaltender status. “We need her save percentage to continue to improve, and our team defense to improve, but she is hungry to accomplish it,” Turner said.

“Her hunger and desire to get better is contagious, and can prove to be something that pushes our entire team to get better.” Another area of difficulty for Rossman is maintaining full concentration during a game, despite not always facing many shots. With the Bobcats currently allowing 18.5 shots per game, Rossman will sometimes go long stretches of the game without being called into action. To help become accustomed to this, Rossman reached out to men’s ice hockey goalie Michael Garteig for advice. “I talked to [Garteig] about how to stay focused in games when there aren’t as many shots, because he knows how hard it can be,” Rossman said. “I got a system of breaking the game down into five minute increments from him, as well as counting every shot that goes in on me, including the ones during practice.” Should Rossman hope to make that last step to the championship goaltender status, she would be wise to heed the advice Garteig, Laden, and Turner have passed down to her. Yet, with the desire to improve and win that Rossman has showed in the past, as well as the flashes of greatness she has displayed this season, Quinnipiac is optimistic that its junior goaltender can help the program achieve its ultimate goal of winning a National Championship.

December 9, 2015

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


Garteig: ‘I was ready to take over’ when Hartzell left GARTEIG from Page 20 that. He bought a set of pads and began trying out for teams throughout British Columbia. “It’s just crazy because I was maybe good for the area, but I never made any of the teams,” Garteig said. “When we did team [British Columbia] I never made it. I never made regionals. They’d break it into regions in British Columbia and I’d never make that.” Just when he was on the brink of leaving the sport entirely, Garteig began bouncing around through teams in minor hockey and got a chance with a lower level team. He said that was when people started to take notice of him. “I was pretty much ready to quit and then I got lucky,” Garteig said. “I played Junior B and that’s where things took off. I got lucky and started to get some attention from other teams.” Around this time, Garteig became interested in playing collegiate hockey. Before he jumped into the Division I level, he played in the British Columbia Hockey League. From 2008 to 2011, Garteig played 75 games for the Powell River Kings. After the 2011 season, Powell River traded him to the Penticton Vees, a “high-end organization” as he put it. Another player who got traded to Penticton entering the 2011-2012 season was Travis St. Denis, one of Quinnipiac’s current alternate captains who played from 2008 to 2011 with the Trail Smoke Eaters. Both Garteig and St. Denis had made their commitments to play for Quinnipiac before becoming teammates in Penticton. St. Denis said that their decision to go to Quinnipiac helped bring them together in Penticton. “I think that was a big factor in us both going to Penticton together,” St. Denis said. “We both got traded there the summer before the

Garteig drops to his knees as he prepares to block a shot vs Arizona State on Oct. 16th season started. The coach there kind of liked icton Vees dominated not only the BCHL, but that we were going to the same school.” all of Canada. The team strung together a 42 Garteig, St. Denis and the 2011-2012 Pent- game winning streak during the regular season before winning the BCHL, beating the Brooks Bandits for the Doyle Cup, and beating the Woodstock Slammers in the Royal Bank Cup to become national champions. “It was a really cool year,” Garteig said. “Any time you can win a championship is fun.” Garteig and St. Denis came to Quinnipiac the following summer to begin their freshman year. They both said that having one another eased the transition to a new school. “I was pretty lucky to come in with [St. Denis],” Garteig said. “Obviously, both of us were familiar with each other in Penticton. So we came here together and we didn’t really know anyone at the time, so it’s nice to know each other and [there was] a little comfort there.” “It made it an easier transition, definitely,” St. Denis said. “You know, hockey-wise and school-wise.” Garteig only made one appearance in the 2012-2013 season with the Bobcats. He spent most of the year on the bench behind senior goaltender Eric Hartzell as the team made it all the way to the Frozen Four in Pittsburgh before losing to Yale in the National Championship. Despite facing only 38 shots his entire freshman year, Garteig said he learned from Hartzell so that he would be ready to take over between the pipes. “Being in a position where I wasn’t playing in a lot of games frustrated me, kind of motivated me and pushed me,” Garteig said. “I made sure I got better that year and when [Hartzell] left, I was ready to take over. I didn’t want to waste an opportunity.” Garteig has been the starting goalie for the Bobcats ever since. In his sophomore season, he started all 40 games in net and finished the year with a 2.00 goals allowed average (GAA) and a .910 save percentage. He followed that up by starting 36 games in his junior year. On Feb. 6, Garteig surpassed Eric Hartzell with his 11th career shutout in a win over Cornell. He also led the ECAC in wins (16), win percentage (.795) and GAA (1.62). Over the past summer, Garteig improved his game by participating at the Bruins’ summer development camp. This is not new to his


summer regimen. He also went to the Canucks’ camp after his sophomore season. Garteig said the training helped him stay motivated for his final year in Hamden. “There were a lot of really good players there,” Garteig said. “There were only three goalies so I got to see a lot of pucks. Anything you can do to motivate yourself for the following season, I guess you can look at it that way. It was a valuable experience to have.” Thus far during the 2015-2016 season, Garteig has gotten off to the best start of his career. Through 17 games, Garteig has a 1.17 GAA and a .952 save percentage. He has six shutouts on the season to bring him to 17 on his career. On Dec. 2, the Hockey Commissioner’s Association (HCA) named Garteig the NCAA Division I National Player of the Month for November. In a weekend where Quinnipiac only scored one goal, Garteig helped the Bobcats salvage two points by stopping 25 of 26 shots in a tie against Clarkson on Nov. 20 and shutting St. Lawrence out with a 36-save performance to salvage a tie the following night. “[Garteig] has been huge,” Quinnipiac captain Soren Jonzzon said. “He’s a really calming player. There’ve been times on and off the ice where we are just not playing well and he’s picked us up.” Garteig made it onto SportsCenter’s Top 10 plays the night of the St. Lawrence game with a reaching stick save. He said he has yet to see the play on ESPN, but he recognized that it was nice to be on the positive end of the highlight countdown. “The only other time I was on SportsCenter was on the Not Top 10,” he said. “So it is better this one than that one. But it’s cool. It’s probably the nicest save I have ever made in my life.” Looking ahead, Garteig admitted he hopes to play professional hockey. However, while he finishes his final season in Hamden, he hopes to accomplish the goal that narrowly escaped the Bobcats his freshman season. “For the time being, it has just been about enjoying the season,” Garteig said. “It’s my last crack at the can so I focus on nothing but winning and winning a championship with these guys here. If that happens, then everything will take care of itself.”

The Quinnipiac Chronicle




MEN’S ICE HOCKEY QU 3, Yale 0 – Friday Devon Toews: 1 goal, 1 assist Tim Clifton: 1 goal Landon Smith: 1 goal Soren Jonzzon: 2 assists Michael Garteig: 22 saves QU 3, Brown 0 – Saturday Tim Clifton: 1 goal, 1 assist Landon Smith: 1 goal Soren Jonzzon: 1 goal Michael Garteig: 20 saves WOMEN’S ICE HOCKEY QU 7, Dartmouth 1 – Friday Melissa Samoskevich: 2 goals Taryn Baumgardt: 2 goals, 1 assist Randi Marcon: 1 goal, 1 assist Taylar Cianfarano: 1goal, 1 assist Sydney Rossman: 21 saves QU 2, Harvard 1 (OT) – Saturday Melissa Samoskevich: 1 goal Emma Woods: 1 goal Taylar Cianfarano: 2 assists Sydney Rossman: 21 saves MEN’S BASKETBALL Niagara 76, QU 72 – Friday Giovani McLean: 21 points, 8 rebounds, 6 assists Donovan Smith: 18 points, 9 rebounds QU 78, Canisius 76 – Saturday Donovan Smith: 14 points, 7 rebounds James Ford: 13 points, 5 rebounds Giovani McLean: 12 points Samuel Dingba: 8 points, 9 rebounds WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Marist 56, QU 47 – Thursday Maria Napolitano: 13 points, 3 rebounds Katie Carrol: 6 points, 6 rebounds Adily Martucci: 5 points, 3 rebounds Manhattan, QU 42 – Sunday Edel Thorton: 8 points, 5 steals Maria Napolitano: 7 points, 5 steals, 4 rebounds Aryn McClure: 4 points, 11 rebounds

GAMES TO WATCH MEN’S ICE HOCKEY QU vs Boston University– Saturday, 7 p.m. WOMEN’S ICE HOCKEY QU vs New Hampshire – Friday, 7 p.m. MEN’S BASKETBALL QU at Hartford – Wednesday, 7 p.m. QU vs Boston University – Sunday, 2 p.m. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL QU at Northeastern – Wednesday, 7 p.m.

Men’s ice hockey blanks Yale 3-0

Michael Garteig sets program record for wins By MAX MOLSKI

Associate Sports Editor

The Battle for Whitney Avenue between Quinnipiac and Yale is usually celebrated as a cross-town rivalry. However, Friday night proved to be a night that memorialized individual achievement. No. 3 Quinnipiac’s 3-0 win over No. 10 Yale on Saturday at Ingalls Rink put Quinnipiac senior goalie Michael Garteig in a new class. The win was Garteig’s 60th career win, propelling him past J.C. Wells (’01) and Jamie Holden (’05) for No. 1 on the program’s all-time wins list. Although the accomplishment has his name on it, Garteig gave the credit to the players around him. “I’ve been lucky to play for some pretty awesome teams here at Quinnipiac and have been fortunate enough to be in net for those wins,” Garteig said. Garteig, the Hockey Commissioners Association National College Hockey Player of the Month for November, made 22 saves for the Bobcats in the victory to earn his fifth shutout of the season. He saw progressively more shots as the game went on and continued to keep the Bulldogs out of the net. He preserved the shutout by making a kick save on a shot from John Hayden in the second period and kept out a breakaway opportunity from Ted Hart in the third. “I thought [Garteig] played great tonight,” Quinnipiac head coach Rand Pecknold said. “We’re happy with how he plays. He battles and we feed off that battle level.” The 22-save shutout continued to improve Garteig’s senior year statistics. He now boasts a 1.20 goals allowed average (GAA), .85 better than he allowed his junior year, and a .949 save percentage, .032 better than he did his junior year. Although Garteig credited the team for his all-time wins accomplishment, Pecknold credits Garteig for his effort in net. “I’m proud of him,” Pecknold said. “It’s hard. I say it all the

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Travis St. Dennis fights for possesion of the puck with Yale’s Carson Cooper on Dec. 4th

time, we feed off him. His battle level is phenomenal.” Quinnipiac got on the board first just a minute and a half into the second period after a scoreless first. Soren Jonzzon sent the puck to Tim Clifton, who shot the puck into the open left side. The goal was Clifton’s ninth through his first 12 games of the season. Quinnipiac then got a quick goal to start the third period, too. Landon Smith brought the puck up the right side with Sam Anas streaking along the left. When Smith saw Yale’s All-American goalie Alex Lyon favor Anas’ side, he fired it over Lyon’s near shoul-

der to put Quinnipiac up 2-0. “[Travis] St. Denis made a great play on the wall,” Smith said. “I picked it up, I looked at Sam on the back door and I saw the goalie cheating a little bit so I just put it in.” The goal was Smith’s third of the year, each one coming on the road. Pecknold said he wants Smith to take more chances on net. “That’s a big time goal,” Pecknold said.”[Smith] has one of the best releases in the country. We want him to use it more, shoot the puck if he feels open.” Devon Toews put the dagger in the game with two minutes left in

regulation with his third goal of the season. He took a shot streaking it up the left side, got the rebound, and wrapped around the Bulldogs’ net to put Quinnipiac up 3-0. The win stretched Quinnipiac’s unbeaten streak to 16 games to start the 2015-2016 season (14-02). The win also puts the Bobcats at an ECAC best 12 points (5-0-2). The Bobcats also extended their unbeaten streak at “The Whale” to five games (4-0-1). “It’s always fun when we play [Yale},” Garteig said. “Whether they say it’s a rivalry or not, we say it is. It’s fun when we play here. It’s fun when we beat them.”

Field Hockey to join BIG EAST in 2016 By NICK SOLARI

Follow @QUChronSports for live updates during games.

December 9, 2015

Quinnipiac field hockey has accepted an invitation to join the BIG EAST beginning in 2016, Quinnipiac Athletics announced on Tuesday morning. The Bobcats will join Liberty University in becoming affiliate members of the conference beginning on July 1st. “I’m excited, and I’m really optimistic that this move to the BIG EAST is a great fit for us,” Quinnipiac field hockey head coach Becca Main told The Chronicle. “When you look around the university and see all the success our athletic programs are having, it just seems like the logical step for our program.” BIG EAST field hockey currently consists of six programs (Georgetown, Old Dominion, Providence, Temple, University of Conneticut and Villanova). The league’s membership voted unanimously to add

Quinnipiac and Liberty to the conference for the upcoming season. “Quinnipiac is excited to join the BIG EAST in field hockey in 2016,” director of athletics Greg Amodio said in a statement via Quinnipiac Athletics. “Becca Main has done a great job in developing a top-notch field hockey program and this is the next logical step in its progression on a national scale. I want to thank the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference for its sponsorship of field hockey over the last three years and wish all in the conference the best of luck for years to come.” The field hockey program, which will enter its 19th season of NCAA competition in 2016, is set to have a new playing field by 2017, according to the most recent Tier 1 upgrade to sports of emphasis at the university, stemming from Quinnipiac’s Title IX settlement. “What Quinnipiac has prepared

us for in terms of the funding and the staffing, it’s all top-notch in comparison to other programs in the area,” Main added. “That’s why I’m so optimistic. We aren’t just being thrown to the wolves on this, we have the backing of our school.” Main added that, given the step up in competition, Quinnipiac will have to improve its strength and stamina to compete. “The aspirations to move to a conference with higher rank has been there for awhile,” Main said. “The last couple of years, we’ve had some BIG EAST opponents on our schedule purposely, in order to get ready for this possibility.” With the step up in competition, however, Main thinks the Bobcats will be exposed to more recruits moving forward. “Our basketball programs went through it recently, we’ve seen the hockey programs go through it in

the past... when you move up in conferences, you just have different players looking at you,” Main said. “Now, some players who want to play in the BIG EAST will be finding us, we won’t have to find them.” The University of Connecticut won the BIG EAST regular season and conference championship this past season. The Huskies, ranked No. 2 nationally, lost in the national semifinals to Syracuse. Moving forward, Main is optimistic that other Tier 1 sports (men’s lacrosse, women’s lacrosse and women’s soccer) will ascend in conference, as well. “I’m excited to begin this new period, and I’m excited that we can be the team that does this,” Main said. “With the new facilities we’ll be getting, and the constant support from the school, it will be fun to see what other big moves the university makes.”

December 9, 2015

The Quinnipiac Chronicle



Now that all Quinnipiac fall athletic seasons have come to an end, it’s time to recognize some of the most outstanding coaches and players. Jordan Novack, Tyrell Walden-Martin, Nick Solari and Max Molski give you their choices.



From founding the team five years ago to bringing home the first national championship in the history of Quinnipiac, Becky Carlson has done an amazing job with this program. -JN


Is there any reason not to go with Becky Carlson here? Coached her team to the university’s first ever national championship. No competition. -TWM



You have to go with Becky Carlson here. She’s been the constant in the Quinnipiac rugby program over the past five years, and the Bobcats are NCWVRA national champions. -NS


Quinnipiac’s first ever national championship did not come out of thin air. Carlson has been a pioneer for women’s rugby at Quinnipiac and across the country. -MM



Gill had eight goals and three assists, with five of those goals being game winners. She also turned 17-years-old this season. She meant more than any fall athlete to her team. -JN


Katie Urycki was absolutely incredible this season and it will go unnoticed because women’s volleyball finished with a 3-28 record. Urycki finished with 279 kills of the team’s 1,154 total kills. -TWM

MASON JOHNSON ILONA MAHER Mason Johnson was named MVP of women’s rugby’s national championship. With that performance, she’s easily my pick for the university’s top fall performer. -NS

Maher was one of the most dominant players on the women’s rugby team this season. She scored two tries in the NCWVRA semifinals against Norwich, adding two assists in the national championship. -MM


SAVANNAH REILLY DYLAN FEARON From being a redshirt scout player her freshman year to leading her team during her senior year, Reilly has grown tremendously in her time at Quinnipiac. -JN


While men’s soccer may have struggled, Evans was consistent all season. As one of the only Bobcats to have appeared in all 17 games, Evans would have his play recognized with an AllMAAC Rookie team place. -JN

The junior who once walked-on to the cross-country team is now looked at as one of the team’s undisputed leaders. Fearon has scored in every race this season. -TWM



The senior recorded 20 points for the field hockey this year, which was tied for a team-high. She had seven points last year. -NS


Both runners finished in the top-five at the MAAC Championship and claimed valuable points for the women’s cross country team as it dethroned 10-time defending champions Iona. -MM


Gill was not only women’s soccers best freshman, but arguably their best player, as she led them in scoring. Without Gill leading the attack, the Bobcats’ season would have looked very different. -TWM


The choice is easy. There are plenty of good choices, but Gill’s team-high eight goals for women’s soccer makes her the highest impact freshman in Hamden. -NS


Roskopf was the best freshman on the women’s rugby team this season. She also scored two tries in the 24-19 victory over Army in the NCWVRA Championship. -MM


“We are doing all of the tough things well and struggling with all of the fun parts.” — TRICIA FABBRI WOMEN’S BASKETBALL

The Quinnipiac Chronicle


December 9, 2015


Golden goalies

Women’s ice hockey’s Sydney Rossman has made a major impact as a starter


Sydney Rossman braces for a shot in the Bobcats’ defensive zone vs. Darmouth on Dec. 4th By JORDAN NOVACK Associate Sports Editor

Few positions are more important to a hockey team than the goaltender. The goalie is captain of the defense and the player that has the most direct outcome on the final score. Having a good goalie is essential for any team that wishes to be successful. And in order to be a good goalie, you need to possess a high I.Q. For Quinnipiac women’s ice hockey goalie Sydney Rossman, her intelligence has helped her find success both between the posts and in the classroom. Rossman, a junior marketing major from Minnesota, graduated high school as part of the national honor society and has been named to the All-ECAC Academic Team in both her freshman and sophomore seasons at the collegiate level. Rossman says while hockey is her passion, it is her academics that drive her, and that a desire for a good education is what would eventually bring her to Quinnipiac. “Academics is huge. We are all students before we are athletes,” Rossman said. “I originally heard about Quinnipiac because of hockey, but it was the academic reputation that won me over. Despite the chances of playing professionally now being an option following the inaugural season of the National Women’s Hockey League, Rossman wants to pursue a job based on her degree following graduation. “After college, there is the opportunity to play in the [National Women’s Hockey League] now for women and the chance to go overseas, but ultimately my goal is to graduate with a good degree and have a good job.” Quinnipiac head coach Cassandra Turner feels that Rossman’s intelligence has been a key for the goaltender’s transition to the college game. “She, in the classroom, has high personal expectations for herself, and I strongly believe when you carry those high expectations in the classroom, they will carry over onto the ice,”

Michael Garteig is focused on getting men’s ice hockey to another Frozen Four


Garteig tracks the water droplets as they fall against against Yale on Feb. 20th

By MAX MOLSKI Turner said. “I think her ability to think and learn Associate Sports Editor in the classroom is a consistent skill she has on the ice as well. She knows how to help herself A puck stoppage at High Point Solutions get better, which is tremendous.” Arena is usually a time for players to catch While Rossman has always been an impres- their breath while the pep band plays a song. sive student, her impressive goaltending skills However, Quinnipiac senior goaltender Miare what drew the attention of the Bobcats’ re- chael Garteig seizes the break in the game as a cruiting staff. Over her four seasons playing for time to complete a ritual. Minnetonka High School, Rossman allowed an When the referee blows a whistle, Garteig average of 1.13 goals per game, and went 55-10- pulls off his mask and immediately reaches for 2 on the way to winning three AA state champi- the Gatorade bottle on top of his net. Before he onships for the Skippers. Additionally, Rossman quenches his thirst, however, the senior shoots was named the top goalie in the state of Minne- water into the air. This seemingly negligible sota during her senior year. habit is something that reflects how Garteig got Despite not starting immediately, Rossman to where he is today. was able to demonstrate her on-ice IQ and her “It’s just a focus thing. I don’t just squirt it. desire to improve during her first two seasons There’s a theory behind the madness, I promon campus as she sat behind former goaltender ise,” Garteig said. “I spray the water, I find one Chelsea Laden, who has graduated and now drop and I watch it fall to the ice. That’s what I plays for the Connecticut Whale of the NWHL. do. If I can’t find a drop, then I’m not engaged Due to Laden’s presence, Rossman was lim- in the game. That’s my way of thinking.” ited to 12 appearances in two seasons, with only Quinnipiac head coach Rand Pecknold six of those coming as recognizes Garteig’s starts. In those games, focus. Rossman was still im“He’s got a great pressive, as she went work ethic and he 4-0-1 with a 93.3 peralways has a plan cent save percentage in place of what he and allowed an averneeds to work on,” age of 1.21 goals per Pecknold said. “I game. give him a lot of While the number credit because he is of appearances was organized and he ata small sample size, – SYDNEY ROSSMAN tacks what he needs they were all games WOMEN’S ICE HOCKEY GOALIE to get better at. He is of large importance. being rewarded for it Rossman shut out now.” then No. 8 ranked Clarkson on Valentine’s Day, Perhaps Garteig’s greatest reward came on and started the program’s first national tourna- Friday, Dec. 4, when Quinnipiac went to Ingalls ment game against Harvard on March 14th. Rink to play the No. 10 Yale Bulldogs. Garteig While the team would go on to lose to Harvard, entered the game tied with J.C. Wells (’01) and Rossman describes the game as a chance to grow Jamie Holden (’05) atop Quinnipiac’s all-time wins list with 59. Garteig and the Bobcats went See ROSSMAN Page 16 on to shutout the Bulldogs 3-0, with Garteig

“I got a system [from Michael Garteig] of breaking the game down into five minute increments... as well as counting every shot that goes in on me, including the ones during practice.”

stopping all 22 shots he faced as he claimed the top spot on the all-time wins list. Although his 60 wins go down as an individual achievement, Garteig believes that his record is a team accolade. “Whatever the record may be or however many wins I may get, that is a reflection on the team or the program in general because that is four years of winning,” Garteig said. “That’s the way I look at it. I can’t win games alone. I’m lucky to have awesome teammates that have been along here for the process and everything we do here is as a team and a family.” On Dec. 5, the night following the Yale game, Garteig would break another Quinnipiac record against Brown. With 2:53 in the third period, Garteig set the Quinnipiac record for longest stretch without giving up a goal. The Bobcats went on to beat the Bears 3-0 and Garteig recorded his third straight shutout. Yet, Garteig has not always been a coveted talent in goal. In fact, he did not even want to be goalie when he started playing hockey. Garteig’s brother, Ryan, started playing hockey before him. As the younger brother, he had to oblige Ryan and his friends. “I wanted to be the guy who was scoring goals,” Garteig said, “But if I wanted to play with [Ryan] and his friends, I had to be a goalie because I was three years younger.” Garteig did not consider playing goalie full-time until he was playing youth hockey. Even then, he wanted to score goals instead of stopping them but had to play some goalie because of the rotations his youth coach ran. Garteig said it was a youth coach that took notice and saw the results every time it was his turn in goal. “My coach was like, ‘Hey, every time you play goalie, we do well. You should stay as goalie,’” Garteig recalled. Garteig committed to playing goalie after See GARTEIG Page 17

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