Region 31 Quartet of Nations, Sweet Adelines International
Spring 2011 | Issue 1
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY AND WELCOME International Convention October 18 – 22 2011 Houston, TX October 30 – November 3 2012, Denver, CO November 5 – 9, Honolulu 2013, HI AAA International Education Event July 22 – 23 2011 California University of Pennsylvania in California, PA.
Regional Convention Dates May 6 – 8 2011, Birmingham May 11 – 13 2012, Birmingham Regional Education Dates “In the Spotlight” Directors Education, January 2012 (Venue and Date TBC)
r, Region s Newslette of Nation Quartet
31 Sweet
nal Internatio Adelines 2010 Winter
ttle s in Sea Sleedpo Inletesrnational!
on a burgh take very Edin op classic! barbersh of the week The rest in a whirlwind Bilodeau. we knew it, the by erial Before ed! We passed had arriv ping- (mat big day orming 28th, of shop er-style!) . A the were perf ty of time to and barb r highlight was of plen petition so had particula performance ul our com arrived who get into wonderf m City Voices When we arsal it only finer y. Stockhol overall, with final rehe became stage. for our were 7th quickly bers on tiful, 37 mem ered a beau apparent had They delivng set and were that we captivati iring to watch. certainly a dible very insp le were incre achieved Scottsda and were very unit look t h, s. to watc just abou in champion ttle worthy ever yone ! the Sea us Overall, was fant astic y the chor ce awa experien yed being had one enjo a real We all of three it was us– onal chor ce and foot as a McD identical , experien ng from Hill Havi hairstyles bonding Ewing y and Alyson ). laugh! cour tesy a good fit of a few Harmon from Lace City18 together of the the bene Cha ney us had a busy prepare iece to gy the chor nghairp ener days The a new fundraisi ing. stall at brought s to our sing months came to over of Harmony and focu final total from a range ned a huge Bazaar! We lear from hearing £30,000 rs including our y The amount hing so man fundraise ndar, Italian traffic and watc chor uses and 2010 cale onstrations/ dem the pattern incrediblefrom around cookery (take a by ng parties was quar tets loved havi us dinner ia!), singouts ll We much rs with world. bow Nad formed sma wne e of-to than and we’r It our outa specially Seattlites”, shor ter jour ney “The within Our on this them already! group, and run! onal privilege at Regi of arriving at missing and a 10kteam designed absolute ion 31 at were that, minutes was an costume s new pink we Reg a t Aren esen we very which we pid FVC the Key e ready to go! to repr a glamorou for us, ional, andget the 16 intre ventured ng! backstaggreat feeling Internat costume fun time sewi we’ll memberskayak tour e a it again ing and It was a far from hom much hope all had a ity to do a challeng out for hing being so Scottish flags opportun . Throughout our We had array of coac ik, age Bay. rt Port ng e on t-shi and but seei around the someday to contest, enjoyabl from Gail Jenc y skies up g ik kept The sunncontributed to unfurling m and hearing us goin the run sessions on, Debbie Duck Tour t Gail Jenc trip, Seattle Marr n vehicle weather g a wonderful auditoriu orters cheering on the coach, importan Sandy , hibious d and Glen d us how deliver this bein post-kayaking our supp in an ampd by Bob La Blah telling Clevelan We even foun t in’s the that we ance set wen though s may have for us. captaine in and out of it was Chaney. on Brita ys, the perform g s, appear a bit! time, As alwa plete blur, and Margarita memories splashin beautiful lake our best set stage time to Radio nt and ly the com our we e CA” and blurred nesday we had by in a Seattle’s during g us frequent Got Tale ! By the time ult to judg we ing “YM ey On Wed dule with we were it was diffic done, so and sing at the top of remindin a lot of mon Scotland had d sche Seattle, hted “It’s even we uila” , on coul busy used delig and we a how “Teq that left for y tes” lutel derful Regi ort s to bem id ared as done our we for Dav . two won were absolearned that en our lung y! Seattle is for 6 minu as prep supp t-shirt had also tets to 31 quar rtet semiwhen we and had beat passers-b coffee and made a same message be. We k on Seattle and a for with rain in the Qua sse and Eu4i were 24thing by 6 places! l famous So, it is fair to e with the g on it all homewor kitted out Fine king ectin seed ent the usua thin finals. in our salmon. we had our shar Refl were all nific ed I’m y mag ds rt brat both gavences, which reall We cele with a party, say that afterwar my own t-shi gear! we were Valley’s e ber style orma Chorus having say, “It was both while t better plac to As Forth num perf FVC of of a the trip for with ious us Wha in It’ll es. ey!” spurred ls the next day. ial complete party piec visiting. e delicacies made. only prev nal was Reno that mon ious light was a worth all semi-finahad a very spec e of hilar to try thes Place market? Internatio vast majority high r — the to We also arsal with som A particula in Leith !” than Pike et is vibrant 1995, never been back a must final rehetu coaching from “Lulu’s The mark of us had nal before and urful and . impromp y and Ida and colo photographer Internatio sure what to n’t y Baile also Marge for ever we were We set off for re was the Squa a being Pioneer expect. to learn look for hoping nce worth a Seattle our performa y even lot, enjo and possibly e on stag
more l, older, traditiona part of the city. of 30th bohemian day we had our seeding were On Tues beat our arsal. We at by y Tainsh first rehe to be visited place! e into land ht en and Audre As we cam things caug honoured nal President Susan Snedd shock of two had Internatio inlay, who Seattle, tion- it was a After the the very w McK Cammi see some fello our atten city and the sun winningught 2009 come to action! After beautiful ing! In fact, it close-fo l competition almost Scots in was shin Regiona Fort h Valley sunny for stayed wore off,embarked on k. wee e the entir t the first Chorus ions for our trip ing We spen preparat for our 87 sightsee days of couple ng over the jet to Seat tleng members s and getti competi ng our 3 out-ofr highlight icula Part p of (includi Catherine h lag. ded a big grou inclu towners: d and Elizabet
31 Quar
tet of Na tions, Sw eet Adeli ne
Spring 20
s Intern
11 | Issu
Regional Satellite Education, September 2012 (Venue and Date TBC) Hi Everyone, Queens College Europe, Autumn 2012 (Venue and Date TBC) Education weekend with Coastline Show Chorus, July 26 – 28 2013 (Venue TBC)
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2011 Visual Leadership Conference And the Music Shall Lead Us July 15 – 17 2011, Toronto, Canada
yRag Harmon
I’ll keep this short as there is a lot of reading ahead, but, I wanted to say welcome to the refresh of the Harmony Rag—we really hope you like it! This new look Harmony Rag is certainly not the finished article going forward, so please email any suggestions or comments to It is so important that we hear your views, so that we can tailor this magazine to you!
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See you in Birmingham —I can’t wait!
Q u a r t e t
In harmony, Emma Duguid Region 31 Marketing Coordinator,
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Vocal Dimension Chorus
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and Encore! Quartet
Chimps and Rock!
drumsticks to play in the air! Before I was with an Operatic Society but we knew it we were standing in he pointed me in the direction of front of a panel of judges who were a local ladies barbershop chorus arenheit wanted to say “hi” quite taken aback when we said and from the very first song I was we didn’t need a drum kit or an to our Region 31 friends and hooked. Thanks Peter for bringing let you know that we have amplifier. The sing went well – a this fantastic hobby into my life. had an interesting few months! mash up of Natural Woman and I’m Alison, the Bass. I started Sweet Dreams but we were more singing barbershop a year ago excited that one of the judges asked and am now completely hooked! ‘are any of you from DaleDiva!!’. I was invited along to Lace City’s The good news is that we got Christmas Chorus in November through and will appear in the 2009 by a friend, and from then on regional finals the first week in April. it has been a whirlwind of learning Farenheit love to be different and - new songs, choreography, how to a ‘mash up’ of Bon Jovi and Alison apply false eyelashes! Singing in Moyet is on the cards arranged by Gateshead was amazing, I’m sure Diva Lisa Hannat. We really don’t Birmingham will be twice the fun expect to get any further but we singing in a chorus and a quartet! intend to enjoy every minute on I’m Claire, the Baritone. I was stage at Sheffield City Hall, and aim guided into barbershop when Ally to be rock star ready! Law moved in next door to my See you all in Birmingham, parents about four years ago and invited me and my mum to come Ally, Amie, Leisha and Pippa x along to the open evening when Ally founded DaleDiva. Since that night we have never looked back. I have sung with DaleDiva and the Ivy League. Since joining the quartet I have loved every minute of the experience and can’t wait to hit that convention stage! e are Flirty Something I’m Amanda, the Lead. I’ve been Quartet, all members of Farenheit Quartet DaleDiva and Lace City singing barbershop since July 2004 when introduced to We were honoured to sing on Choruses, and we can’t wait to join Lace City Chorus by Southern Union’s show down in you all in Di Baker. Di’s father Bournemouth in December and had Birmingham was in hospital at very soon! a great time. Yes we loved the sing, the time with my I’m yes we loved the hospitality but we Dad and they both Esther, the adored Monkey World! We even got talking, Di and Tenor. I was tried to sing a chord or two with I met when we introduced to a very vocal chimpanzee but his were visiting them barbershop resonance far excelled ours! and she invited Then we took part in the auditions singing 12 me along to a years ago by for ‘Live and Unsigned’ the biggest rehearsal. I was a gentleman UK music competition for original totally hooked. bands and singers (well that what it who was I’m really looking interviewing says on their website). It was one forward to me for a job. of those surreal moments as we singing at the Peter Blackman sat in the holding area. We were Region 31 sings with The the oldest ones there – well apart Convention with Grand Central from the parents of some of the ng Quartetmy fabulous Flirts and I hope we do hi et m Chorus and bands! We were glad that we had So ty ir Fl both Lace City and DaleDiva proud! decided to go against the traditional when in the interview he asked See you at the Symphony Hall, about my interests I mentioned ‘wearing the same outfits ‘ regime that I enjoyed singing. At the time Esther, Amanda, Claire and Alison but Amie did wish she had a set of
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Introducing a Flirty Something
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Sassy New Quartet
international flight with plenty of positive thinking and squeezing of Helen and Nicky’s hands ook out for the newly formed (for squeezing, read maiming!). Forth Valley Quartet SASS! who However the internal flight was can’t wait to join Mac4 and the a different story! We were on a other fantastic Region 31 Quartets tiny, dilapidated prop plane and on stage in Birmingham. New SASS the turbulence was unbelievable. already have some interesting Fearing for our lives we braved barbershop credentials. the ordeal but thankfully landed Age range 19 to 50?, Combined safely! Boy was it worth it when we 40+years of BBS experience. arrived! For Tan, Beth and Helen Drawn from New York, Cambridge it was our first experience of an and Edinburgh. International Convention and we The Tenor—Norma— were not disappointed. Everything choreographer for Forth Valley was perfect—the hotel, the city, Chorus and recent convert to tenor the competition, the support from land having sung lead for 15 years, 1 all our lovely UK friends and as international chorus appearance. for being up close and personal The Lead—Paula—Forth Valley to so many shiny crowns…well! Chorus Lead section leader, quartet We felt immensely proud to be gold medallist with Sound Sensation, representing Region 31 on the 3 international appearances, Region International stage alongside 31 Quartet Liaison. the best in the world—what an The Bari—Roz—youngest member experience! at age 19, previously a member of Phoenix’ front row and currently Bari section leader of the Ivy League Chorus and novice arranger! (one to watch). No international experience, just missed accompanying Mum to Hawaii with Phoenix and Forth Valley Chorus to Seattle—but we’re sure her time will come. The Bass—Rachel—A New Yorker... says it all! 1 international appearance.
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diamante crowns (only tiny ones!) to wear on our medals to show that we are now past Champions. One of the highlights of the weekend for Finesse was the privilege of throwing a Congratulations party for the gorgeous Miss-Demeanour after they won Quartet Gold. They certainly make the future of British barbershop look bright! Following LABBS we had a quiet and uneventful Christmas that is unless you count Tan’s house becoming an indoor swimming pool, with 2 feet of water across her entire downstairs! The 2 year old twins thought it was fun, Tan…not so much. The clean up operation is still in full swing but on the plus side, the twins are now very handy with a bucket and scrubbing brush to ‘help Mummy’. Our most recent exciting undertaking was the LABBS Quartet Education weekend in January
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An Update from Finesse!
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hat an amazing last few months Finesse have had—there’s so much to write about but we will try and keep the details brief! October was a real barbershop highlight for us as we made the long journey to Seattle. Beth and Tan don’t fly well so we were all dreading the journey (for various reasons!). They both managed really well on the
Finesse Quartet
No sooner had we touched down in the UK than we were off again, this time to the beautiful sea-side town of Llandudno for our Swansong spot at the LABBS 2010 Convention. Despite the jet-lag we had a fabulous weekend and were very proud to receive our own
where the fantastic Four Bettys entertained and educated over 120 existing or budding quartetists in a brilliantly planned and organised event. Since then, Nicky has found herself in hospital ‘under the knife’ to remove a third (!) tonsil, would
NEWS AND VIEWS FROM REGION 31, SPRING 2011 you believe. Evidently the first 2 were not enough for Nicky and after they were removed 5 years ago, she thought she would grow another— always aiming high that girl! Not being one to miss an opportunity, Nicky all but managed to secure the quartet a booking whilst in the anaesthetic room! The operation and recovery were not without drama, as you might expect, but thankfully now she is on the mend and anxious to get back to singing. Coming up we have several wonderful new songs to master, and coaching to organise—if we don’t see you soon,Birmingham... here we come!
the 2 days were divided up into various classes. The content of each class was absolutely brilliant as the Bettys have a great way
away. We were able to last to the end of each phrase without losing breath support and immediately the song was more exciting and catchy from the audience’s point
of explaining things and lots of experience to draw upon. To give of view. The next request was you some examples there were “I wanna hear more Bari!”. Well classes on choosing songs, vocal all you shy Baritones out there health, planning quartet rehearsals KNOW that this is a most unnatural and combating stage fright. There feeling. Surely us baritones are were also 3 spots available to just supposed to slot in. Surely be coached “under glass” by the nobody knows what the baritones Bettys. We put our name down and sing? So Mary stepped up to the by golly, guess who got picked? plate and sung her heart out and what a difference it made, What a privilege - how honoured and lucky we felt. How exciting especially on the low notes filling and most of all – how scary! out that cone. The other big thing Scary or not, this was an they were concentrating on was opportunity that we truly forward placement. Even the bass appreciated, so whilst Finesse in her low range was now required were being coached in one room, to keep the sound in the mask – we were to be coached by Betty tricky! Lead Lynda and Betty Bass Cori in The session lasted 45 minutes but it whizzed by. The best bit of advice another. We decided to be coached on for a novice quartet, was get out the uptune we are planning to sing there and sing to people, there is at Birmingham contest—a Tom no substitute for a live experience. Gentry arrangement called “I’ll What else did we learn? Well, why Never say Never again Again”. So don’t you watch us in May and you we sang it through once, warts can be the judge! Will we manage and all! The very first bit of advice to turn our stage fright into a came from Cori: we need to up positive thing? Thanks to everyone the tempo. It was dragging and who helped organise the event it we were making hard work for was “Betty-Tastic”. ourselves. Great!—that fixed a Jenny Savory, Timeless UK Quartet and whole lot of problems straight Surrey Harmony Chorus
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ello Region 31! We are a brand new quartet called Timeless UK. Let’s introduce ourselves: Jenny Savory (Lead) sings Baritone for Surrey Harmony. Mary Connor (Baritone) sings Baritone for Spinnaker and is Jenny’s Mum! June Samson (Bass) sings Bass in Surrey Harmony. JoJo Rees (Tenor) Chapter at large has previously sung with Purbrook Harmony and Spinnaker. Are you confused yet?! To gain some Quartet experience we registered for the Quartet Education workshop held in Kettering. Although this was an event organised by LABBS it was open to Sweet Adelines, and run by the 2008 Queens of Harmony the “Four Bettys”. The weekend was designed by the Bettys to impart advice and coaching specific to quartet singing and
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Timeless UK Coached Under Glass by 2 Betty’s!
Timeless UK Q
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Yours in harmony, Helen, Beth, Nicky and Tan
NEWS AND VIEWS FROM REGION 31, SPRING 2011 Do you know your queens and crowns? If so, you could win the new maxx factor cd!
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Answer the questions below correctly and you will be put in a draw to WIN the new MAXX Factor CD that will be available in October this year.
Meet your new Competition Coordinator!
’m delighted to be taking on the role of Competition Coordinator for this year’s convention in Birmingham. I previously served on the RMT as Events Coordinator for four years, which included the two years that we were last at the Symphony Hall in Birmingham so I know the venue well. I’ve sung with the Lace City Chorus at 14 Regional and 3 International Conventions; I
A d e l i n e s
1. Which Queen of Harmony has the most Crowns?
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2. Which quartet were crowned the first Queens of Harmony and what was unusual about their crowns? 3. Who chooses the Queen’s Crowns?
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4. Which 3-time Queen of Harmony has won singing Lead, Tenor and Bass?
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5. The crowns have been made of fresh flowers, seashells and pearls. When did the rhinestone crowns first appear? a. 1950s b. 1960s c. 1970s
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Email entries to Paula Dennis, Region 31 Quartet Liaison at by Monday 25th April! Good luck!
Deborah Wheeldon
also sang with Upbeat quartet for eight years so I’m no stranger to the contest stage. You can be sure that I will know exactly how you will be feeling as you wait in the wings for your six minutes of fame, that’s why I want to do everything I can both before and during the competition to make your experience as enjoyable and stressfree as possible. So if you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of the competition, do feel free to contact me at deborah. Deborah Wheeldon, Region 31 Competition Coordinator Lace City Chorus
Update from your Event Coordinators!
t’s just over a year since Fiona and I joined the RMT as Events and Workshop Coordinators – a very steep learning curve for us both! Our first Convention was at The Sage in Gateshead last year, we’ve also arranged an Education Workshop in Telford and are now preparing to take Convention to The Symphony Hall in Birmingham – a favourite venue for the Region. We’ve been delighted by the response we’ve had when asking members to act as Pages, MCs and volunteers (mostly willing!) for Convention – it makes our job so much easier when we’ve got a good team behind us. We also value any feedback you give us so it would be great if you could take the time to complete our online evaluation after Convention. We’re also going to be involved with arranging venues for the satellite education events Elaine is planning for next year – we may well be coming to you for advice on good local venues – watch this space! As you can imagine a great deal of planning has to go into all our Regional events and with an ever-increasing membership we constantly have to review the suitability of venues, particularly for Convention. We’re currently looking at Convention venues for 20142016 where we can accommodate 1700 plus people – not an easy task! We’ve been to Brighton, Telford, Harrogate and Sheffield and have trawled the internet looking for suitable theatres and conference centres that will meet our requirements – if you think you know of a suitable venue that’s got good road, rail and air links, that can seat 1700 plus people and has →
NEWS AND VIEWS FROM REGION 31, SPRING 2011 good hotel accommodation/ restaurants nearby then please email either of us at trinabache@ or impact@ Here’s to a great competition at The Symphony Hall in May!
The Christmas Chorus
a reasonable distance from you, many of you should be able to attend without having to book any ots of choruses in our Region overnight accommodation, keeping are doing imaginative things costs to a minimum, something to attract new people to you asked us to keep in mind. The our style of music. The six week dates for these workshops will Trina Bache, Region 31 Events/ “Learn To Sing” courses and one be announced as soon as we can, Workshop Coordinator, Phoenix Chorus day workshops have helped to but should be in September of Fiona McGlashan, spread the word and recruit new 2012. Also, we are working closely Region 31 Events/Workshop members. At the Lace City Chorus with LABBS to stage an education Coordinator, Phoenix and Cambridge weekend for Directors, Assistant we have used the six week model Harmony Chorus and Footlights Quartet Directors and Music Teams—‘In a couple of times with a good deal of success. However, it was whilst the Spotlight’. This is tentatively browsing the SING list (the Sweet scheduled for January of 2012, so Adelines Yahoo forum) in 2009 that another date for your diaries! Something else is potentially in I discovered an interesting variation on the theme. The Brindabella the pipeline for 2012. Something Chorus in Australia described their very exciting, something which “Christmas Chorus” where they has never happened in this Region invited members of the community before and something which is to join them on stage for their sure to be of interest to many! I annual Christmas Show at the end ell, I hope your choruses can’t say too much at the moment of a six week experience, learning are well under way with as plans are still in the very early songs during rehearsals. claiming their £250 stages, but think of quartets, think So what makes this different from of the Coronet Club and think of a towards education costs for 2011! I know some choruses have already Queens’ College! As I say, this is all in the Learn To Sing idea? Here’s what we did at Lace City: claimed their funding which is great the very early stages, but I’m doing • Participants attended for the first “Then, in 2013, we have another great event to look 90 minutes of each Wednesday rehearsal. The remaining hour forward to, which is the regional workshop with was for the established chorus and Coastline Show Chorus from Providence, Rhode Island.” participants were invited to stay to watch. and I just wanted to remind you all everything I can to ensure it happens • Participants learned six songs so that your chorus does not miss and I will let you know for sure as in the six weeks. Yes this seems soon as I can—watch this space! out on this brand new initiative, like a lot but they managed the purpose of which is to try and Then, in 2013, we have another it. It also helped them realise ensure the vast majority of our great event to look forward to, that membership of a chorus is membership receives education this which is the regional workshop demanding should they choose to with Coastline Show Chorus from year. Remember to complete the apply for membership. forms and send in the receipt when Providence, Rhode Island. Once • The sessions did not include a making your claim. again, plans are well under way dedicated “how to sing” section. In 2012, we will be having our for that and I’m hoping you’ve all However all singers were constantly Satellite workshops and plans are marked your diaries for 26 - 28 July reminded of all the essential skills well under way for these. There will 2013, so that you ensure you’re free during the section rehearsals to attend. You can’t say you don’t be 6 workshops in Scotland, North and when the whole chorus was West England, Central England, get enough notice! together. The emphasis was on the South East England, South West I hope you all enjoy the weekend singing of songs. England and The Netherlands so in Birmingham and remember... • At the end of week one the one should be within a reasonable “Go confidently in the direction of participants went home with all the travelling distance from you! your dreams. Live the life you have music and learning tracks required. We plan to make these one day imagined” Henry David Thoreau They were told they could use the workshops, a ‘power day’ if you copies in the performance but Elaine Hamilton, like and, as they should be within nobody did. → Region 31 Education Coordinator
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Education? There is plenty! Mark your diaries!
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Lace City Chorus
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• They all participated in the chorus show and because they knew six songs they did a big chunk of it. As the show was a real one rather than an informal gathering of friends and family it meant more. • Participants paid £20 for the experience. Many “Learn to Sing” courses around the country are offered for free. However, we shouldn’t be frightened to charge for this. Where else would they get 9 hours of entertainment, education and, possibly a new direction for their life for £20? Evidence suggests that they are much more likely to stay the distance if they’ve paid which means they may well get through the time when they think it’s too hard and emerge at the end with more confidence. • We did our first Christmas Chorus in November/December 2009. It was repeated in June/July 2010 – this time called “A Summer Chorus”. Our 2nd Christmas Chorus ran in November/December 2010. • Each time at least one of the songs on the list was new to the established chorus as well. What are the benefits of this approach? We have found: • Rehearsals are on the normal 8
chorus evening so they are likely to be free if they choose to join. • The chorus earns a decent sum of money. Two Christmas Choruses and one Summer Chorus have involved around 100 participants. I’ll let you do the maths! Then there are those extra ticket sales. • Potential recruits know the kind of workrate required should they decide to apply for membership. They also understand the work we do on the detail – tuning, synchronisation, matching and blending – so rehearsals in the New Year don’t come as a shock. Recruitment is not the main aim by the way but it’s a great spin off. • The conversion rate from
participant to applicant is relatively low (about 25%) but the conversion from applicant to new member (through what is a challenging eight week qualification process) is almost 100%. Some of the graduates are already on committees, some are singing in quartets and all are fast learners. • There are huge PR benefits and it also allows us to share our music with the community in a very structured and focussed way. I could go on but limited space doesn’t allow. However, if you want any more detail about the way we organise these events, how we work with prospective members through our qualification process or, indeed, anything else you think I can help you with, please contact me on: or leave a message on 07960 112732. Glenn Chaney. Director of Lace City Chorus
Helping backstage at an International Convention – a must!
meaning we were opening the curtains to the entry and exit ramps for choruses 1 to 10 in the Semi Finals and, on my side, Anne Cargill the Emcee to get on and off the stage. Debbie Chamberlayne was on the Purse run which gave rise to some comedy tip-toeing between songs; you can’t have squeaky wheels or rumbling during a ballad! We also took the chance to help with the Audience Choice award. This involved dividing the
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t the Seattle International convention last year, three of Encore! Quartet volunteered to be Convention Assistants. With Valerie Taylor trial scoring all week and all of us having been behind the Region 31 scenes in various roles over the last few years, we felt it would be interesting to see how the International competition was run from the inside. It turned out to be great fun! Volunteering is easy. When you apply they send out a list of all the roles and times enabling you to choose how much you wish to be involved and ensure that your duties are arranged around seeing arena up onal ternati into sections with each In t your favourite quartets a age Backst and choruses. An extra volunteer distributing a handful of bonus is that, for the following ballots to suitable candidates – be year, you are eligible for half price choosy, a couple with a quartet registration to International. name plastered across t-shirts So what is different? The usual are not likely to be impartial! couriering of quartets and choruses Collect them all up and take them is still there, the bags and purses backstage as fast as you can so the still have to be moved from one results can be counted and verified side of the stage to the other (they then, for a few golden moments, are admirably strict about size you might know the winner before of bags!!) but the traffic pattern anyone else in the crowd – of is much larger. There are also course you can’t tell anyone! additional roles which you can help What makes this great fun and a with like manning the International wonderful experience is, of course, stand at Harmony Bazaar or bus your fellow Sweet Adelines. All the riding to ensure competitors other volunteers quickly become get on at the right times. Emma your arena friends, sitting together Duguid and I were lucky enough in the Convention Assistants block to be picked as curtain twitchers, there are loads of conversations
about the competition, times when you’ve been to the US and they’ve travelled here, relatives, songs you all know and the shared experience of putting a little something back into this great organisation. Plus, lest we forget, there is the chance to meet and mingle with Sweet Adelines royalty and this isn’t limited to the Arena! Names like Carol Schwartz and Lynnell Diamond suddenly become warm colleagues, judges who have been to our region pop up and say hi remembering your quartet or chorus, Master Directors like Becki Hine and Sandy Marron are drinking and singing in your hotel bar and lets not forget all those crowns walking around! Perhaps the funniest moment for us was meeting Peggy Gram, past International President at the time, in Walmart, she was shopping to replace her forgotten quartet panty-hose (tights)! Watching the International Convention is a brilliant learning experience, there is nothing more inspiring that surrounding yourself with great barbershop. Add in the chance to see the convention from the inside and you have a whole different side to Sweet Adelines to discover and enjoy. So, whether you are there as a competitor or a spectator, volunteer as an International Convention Assistant – I promise you’ll enjoy every minute! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at Emma Riley, Encore! Quartet and Vocal Dimension Chorus 9
The Great British Barbershop Boys – coming to a town near you!
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his time last year, the Great British barbershop Boys (who you may recognise as Monkey Magic – 2008 BABS quartet champions) were bobbing along as a quartet, doing a few gigs and getting ready for International Convention in Philadelphia. Since then, they’ve signed a record deal
tour! Let’s find out a bit more about their amazing journey… Last summer, after seeing potential in the boys, a manager called Simon King approached them with an exciting opportunity. A month later, the boys had appointments at big record labels in London, where they would walk into their offices and break into song, watching as the barbershop sound made smiles grow on the faces of many staff accustomed to dealing with rock and pop stars. It was the team at Sony who instantly fell in love with them, and offered them a record deal there and then—for a Christmas album. With very little turnaround time, the boys
Whilst promoting the album the boys put in a number of high profile appearances, including St. Pauls Cathedral, Harrods (in support of Great Ormond Street) and Wembley Stadium. They appeared numerous times on BBC Radio 2, and on many local radio stations across the country. They also appeared on Daybreak, The Alan Titchmarsh Show, The Wright Stuff, ITN News, and were the ‘house band’ on the Ruth Jones Christmas Cracker Show. Over this time they were able to meet some fantastic people, including Rolf Harris (who sang a couple of tags), Terry Wogan, Ricky Gervais and Miranda Hart, and performed alongside acts such as The Wanted, The Script, McFly, Shane Ward, Rumer and Josh Groban. One thing that everyone they met had in common was that they all loved the barbershop sound and wanted to find out more! The album itself was a big success, seeing barbershop music in the charts and available in high street stores up and down the country. The boys have done a great deal in promoting our unique sound and there is still more to come! A tour of live music venues has been booked, beginning in April with more dates being added throughout the summer. They would love to see as many barbershoppers at the shows as possible and are urging you to get your tickets now before they sell out! The boys would like to thank everyone in Region 31 for their continued support and friendship.
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Written on behalf of the Great British Barbershop Boys.
The Great Briti
sh Barbersh
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op Boys with Sony Music, released a Christmas album, performed alongside celebrities on numerous TV and radio shows, sang at some amazing venues, and are now planning a Spring/Summer UK 10
went into the studio straight away, learning and recording fourteen new songs in less than a month! (and even arranging some of them!)
For more information about the boys and their tour, please visit their website or ‘Like’ them on Facebook (search ‘The Great British Barbershop Boys’). They are also taking bookings for barbershop shows at discounted rates, so if you would like them on your chorus show contact:
Judge Jukebox
Q u a r t e t o f N a t i o n s ,
Valerie Taylor, Encore! Quartet and Vocal Dimension Chorus
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means carrying the energy from one phrase over into the next, so the listener is lifted along on a wave of sound and emotion – not
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Valerie Taylor
bumped across phrases like a train on a track! To some extent this is achieved by adding “width” (resonance) to the sound or a slight crescendo so the end of the phrase “swells”, but it’s also important to visualise the music continuing even after you have stopped singing. As for supported softs, judges – and audiences – appreciate groups that can demonstrate a variety of dynamics. In order to keep our performances musical and artistic, we need to maintain energy at all dynamic levels. It’s easy to energise loud passages because we automatically use lots of breath and physical energy when we sing louder, but we need to make the soft dynamics just as exciting. If we turn down the energy at the same time we turn down the volume, soft passages can seem flabby and dull. By continuing to project our sound forward and maintaining vocal and physical energy, we can sing softs which shimmer and reach out to the audience. If you have any questions for Valerie, please email:
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ver wanted to know the answer to a comment you have had on your competition score sheets? All choruses and quartets are encouraged to contact judges if a comment is unclear or you would like further guidance – all contact details are provided in your score sheet pack. A new feature of the Harmony Rag is the Judge Jukebox – send your question in to harmonyrag@ and we’ll have it answered and played back to you in the next edition! In this edition, Valerie Taylor, Approved Candidate Judge (Sound) has started off the playlist with a few common questions. Q: On our score sheet from last year’s convention, it said “more forward motion” and “keep softs supported”. What does that mean? A: Comments about forward motion refer to that intangible element of our performances: vocal energy. It’s part of the artistic delivery of a song that means phrases are connected one to another. Breathing in the tempo of the song (so the rhythm
isn’t disturbed) will help, but it’s more than that. Forward motion
A d e l i n e s
France, Dordogne
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
House, sleeping 8, to let in Dordogne area. Rocamadour, Sarlat, other attractions close. Pool, garden, from £540 / week Details, availability at Contact:, 0034 617 697 778
NEWS AND VIEWS FROM REGION 31, SPRING 2011 2011 Directors' Seminar, Judge Training & IMAP Workshop July 20-23, 2011 California University of Pennsylvania California, Pennsylvania REGISTER NOW!
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Achieve Artistry Together
A d e l i n e s
Front-line directors (including novices), assistant directors (DCP participants only), retired master directors, regional directors coordinators, regional education coordinators, and members of the International Judging Program and Music Arrangers Program are invited to attend the 2011 Directors' Seminar, Judge Training and IMAP Workshop.
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Arrangers: Engage in a full-day workshop with fellow International Music Arrangers Program members to further your development in the art of arranging music in the barbershop style. Classes include instruction in Finale, song selection, and exploring musical devices to increase artistic expression.
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Adjudicators: Enhance your understanding of the program by engaging in category discussions as well as with hands-on application via a live-judging event.
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Arm Wavers: Expand your knowledge with craft classes on music selection, conducting technique, rehearsal planning, performance practice, musicianship and more. This seminar also features an optional, additional day of instruction with Lori Lyford and Karen Breidert for Novice Directors.
July 1, 2011, is the last day to register for this event.
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Register Now!
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Call +1 918.622.1444 or e-mail for more information. Register online at
The exciting business of recording an album
ost of you will know about our experience on ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ last year – and thanks again for your votes and lovely messages of support. It was
Q u a r t e t o f N a t i o n s , S w e e t
Liz Tomes, DaleDiva Chorus PRO
Costumes for sale
A d e l i n e s
25 royal blue 2-piece (tunic and matching trousers) costumes with silver asymmetric sequin band across the front. Only worn 3 times. In sizes XS-XXXXL. 25 Euros per costume. The costumes will be shipped from Germany. For pictures and more information send an email to or visit our website (sorry, German only)
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Hard work – but everyone was prepared to put in the extra hours to make a success of this fantastic opportunity. A few of musical director Ally Law’s tips for successful studio time: • Organise as many extra rehearsals as possible before studio time so everyone is as confident as possible with words and notes – you can’t beat quality time together to improve singing skills • Although your chorus will normally sing in a mixed stack, rehearse for a recording in sections • In the studio ask section leaders to group sections so stronger singers support weaker ones • Arrange each section around their microphone and do sounds checks to ensure the ‘one voice’ sound
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fantastic to get your backing which certainly helped us on our way to success. The prize was to record an album over five days at The Church Studios and RAK Studios in London – used by stars including the Eurythmics, Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson – with the producers behind the Sugababes and Plan B. We knew that one of the reasons we had succeeded in the competition was our vocal accuracy and singing with, as noted by the TV judges, ‘one voice’ – something we had our barbershop training to thank for. We’d already set a high standard so needed to make sure the album reflected what we could do – and we didn’t have much time to
• Make sure singers stand in the same position every day to ensure a consistent sound • Practice standing still and being quiet until recording light goes off. • Wear slippers or socks to avoid background noise, avoid noisy clunky jewellery and don’t rustle music • It’s hard work. Prepare in advance to build stamina for full days in the studio and eat well, drink plenty of water, rest voices when not singing and get early nights • Watch and listen to your musical director – and enjoy it! Ally said: “It was an amazing experience to record the album and work with the professionals, particularly knowing who they’d worked with and the stars that had recorded in those studios.” ‘DaleDiva’ is available online via iTunes and Amazon or on CD from the chorus website via PayPal for £9 inc p&p or drop us an email to pay by cheque at
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DaleDiva Chorus
prepare. We had just over a month from when we won the final to our October 4 studio date to choose and agree 10 tracks with the Shine TV music team, get to grips with the arrangements and backing tracks – and learn them! Nine of the songs were brand new to us and by the time the musical arrangements were finalised we had just a couple of weeks to get them to recording standard.
In Memory of Our Lovely Mary
t was a sad day for the Mayflowers when we lost our dear friend Mary Brown who died on 17th December 2010. Mary’s wonderful smile and cheerful personality are missed by all.
completed only last year. Mary was such a generous, warm and kind lady leaving us with many happy memories to cherish. A special Mayflower with whom we were privileged to share our music and friendship. Rest in peace dear Mary. With love from the Mayflowers.
International Connections
been sitting there. There was great camaraderie among the trial scorers and we had an experienced judge keeping track of what we were doing. She recorded all our scores so that in the break, I could check how I was doing against the rest of the trial scorers. The “real” judges have separate break out rooms so there’s no chance of us speaking to them until the contest is over. For the finals I had pretty much the best seat in the house! The energy from the choruses really blows you away and MAXX Factor were electrifying. This is when you get to have real fun as a judge – all the competitors are scoring B+ and above so the comments are as creative as their singing. And when you get to A+? Well it can be a challenge to know what to say to Harborlites to explain why they didn’t win, but amazingly you do find things to say other than “wow!” One of the knock-on effects of being in the judging programme is that my name is known at high levels within International. Because of this I have been invited to take part in two International committees. I am a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Pitch Pipe, which means I
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I n t e r n a t i o n a l
’m sure many of you know that I am training to be a Sound judge with Sweet Adelines – having been formally accepted into the training programme in 2008 I have been trial scoring (judging competitions alongside the real panel) for the last 2 years. Last year I was fortunate enough to be invited to trial score at the International convention in Seattle. I was thrilled to be invited as this Mary Brown generally means you’re doing okay as a trainee judge! She was a long standing member I approached the event with of the lead section but this only some trepidation but mostly brushes the surface of her talent. excitement. Trial scoring at an Her busy sewing fingers made her International competition means a winner with the costume team as you judge all the she kitted and fitted out, large and small, to make us all look glamorous main competitions – quartet and chorus for the convention stage. She was a semis and finals very elegant lady and knew how to – so it’s a long slog, select a style to flatter our varying but the benefit is shapes and sizes! that you get a lot Mary will also be missed for of experience in a her wonderful baking and cake decoration. Her masterpiece for our short space of time. I must admit that 30th anniversary was amazing with I did have a dent 4 tiers in the perfect barbershop in my thumb from cone; light sweet sponge for the holding the pen tenors on top through to rich chocolate cake for the basses at the by the time we got to the end of the bottom with a mini Jo, our director quartet semis! But, at the time, perched confidently on time flies when the top! Valerie and other Trial Sco rers you’re judging; Beyond the chorus Mary giving your full attention to each get to review excelled in other artistic pursuits competitor means there’s no time the content in advance – if there and achieved a distinction in to stop and think how long you’ve is anything you would like to see her painting course which she 14
eartbeat Chorus were crowned winners of the 2011 “Battle of the Choirs” in Torquay on 19th February. The Majestic Choral Festival included
and happily her nightmare the night before the contest of the stage collapsing beneath her, didn’t come true. We all had a fantastic, fun filled weekend despite the hotel we stayed in being a bit like Fawlty Towers. The dodgy plumbing
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Heartbeat Chorus
The Kings of Herts Chorus
We rehearse on a Thursday evening in Harpenden (Nr St Albans) Initial contact Jim Hobley on 01582 760582 or Don Cooper on 01438 714261 Find out more on
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
To direct 30+ a cappella barbershop singers and as a member of our music team, help to implement development plans and repertoire for the chorus. Directing experience not necessarily essential, for an enthusiastic man or woman with vocal training experience and perhaps an artistic flair, who can commit to weekly rehearsals over ideally, a 2-‐year period.
A d e l i n e s
Musical Director -‐ Innovative Musician
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caused the hotel corridors to be filled with half naked soapy Heartbeaters desperately trying to find a shower with working water. The promised “rehearsal room” turned out to be a tiny square of dance floor in the bar. It was fun practicing our five song package whilst the elderly residents tried to continue with their game of cards over a glass of sherry whilst trying to ignore us. Luckily we managed to finish on time to let the bingo caller do his spot. Heartbeat are now looking forward with great excitement to Convention in May and being able to catch up with old friends, make some new and have a great weekend of singing. We will be proudly cheering on those members of Heartbeat who sing with the new quartet Echo (Claire Heighway and Emma Shanks) who will be competing for the very first time.
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strong competition from choirs from around the country including gospel, male voice and barbershop choruses. Heartbeat scored an amazing 146 points out of a total of 160 to take the trophy and first prize of £3000. It was new Musical Director, Nancy Kelsall’s first performance
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Valerie Taylor Approved Candidate Judge (Sound), Region 31 Education Faculty, Encore! Quartet, Director of Vocal Dimension Chorus
Heartbeat Upbeat
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in the Pitch Pipe (other than a photo of you wearing a crown!) please let me know and I’ll pass it on. I am also part of the Regional Governance/Boundary Task Force which is a special committee convened to look at regional boundaries and RMT structure. That involved two trips to Tulsa for meetings in the company of the esteemed Peggy Gram and Kathy Carmody! When I joined the RMT back in 2005 I remember what an eye opener it was. Suddenly I got to see how things worked at a regional level rather than just a chorus or quartet level, and I had a chance to be involved in shaping the direction of the region. Being part of the International committees is just the same – I now see how the organisation operates on a global basis and how much care and attention is devoted to members’ needs. So if you would love to feel as involved in things as I do, the first step is to join the RMT! Have a great contest season, everyone, and see you in Birmingham!
Jane Hardman, Heartbeat Chorus PRO 15
What a year and we can’t wait for the next
n January, members of Vocal Dimension Chorus joined together to celebrate our first anniversary. With a total of 20 enthusiastic, talented and highspirited ladies, the passion and love for making music shone through as we entertained family, friends and visitors from Region 31 who were conducting their final assessment to take us from a Prospective to a Chartered chorus of Sweet Adelines International! With only a few members having previous barbershop experience it has been a steep but exhilarating learning curve for us all. Encore! Quartet, the founder members Celebrating our First Birthday of Vocal Dimension, began their journey with a just handful of ladies. excellent, probably higher than Through word of mouth, advertising expected. Singing Bass with 3 other
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I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Vocal Dimension Chorus
in local press, eye-catching posters parts right next to me is a challenge but it is getting easier”. Passing the in local hot-spots as well as a social media campaign the group began to ‘readiness assessment’ (no it’s not a scary ‘audition’ in Vocal Dimension!) steadily grow. Our newest member, Nicky and the fabulous coaching session with Joan Boutilier have been the Blumfield, was intrigued enough two highlights for Nicky. by a well placed poster in a local One of our original members, coffee shop to come along “I Karen James, has come from a wasn’t sure what to expect but I background of Amateur Dramatics. have never before joined a group She describes learning barbershop that was so welcoming”. Nicky has as “an interesting journey”. She previous choral singing experience really enjoys singing the harmonies, but comments that “all things hearing the parts lock together and considered this is harder but so placing 3rd in the Bournemouth much more fun! The standard is Festival last July have
certainly been the high points so far. Barbershop is an entirely new and undiscovered world to most of the Vocal Dimension team. The challenge of learning such a complex art form is a mission that each individual has embraced with enthusiasm, dedication and accuracy. Lead, Lesley Tring, feels that part of our success is down to our director, Valerie Taylor. She says “Valerie instils such confidence in our abilities and her leadership is second to none”. She feels that “the camaraderie and a sense of fun accompanies our rehearsals each and every week—we laugh a lot, which makes getting down to the serious business more rewarding”.
NEWS AND VIEWS FROM REGION 31, SPRING 2011 Our repertoire has progressively developed into something that we’re all very proud of. We’ve had several opportunities in which to perform during the past 12 months, from local school concerts, and a set on hospital radio to singing under the Christmas Tree at Trafalgar Square. Now we have successfully chartered we are having a ball perfecting our vocals, choreography and performance for Birmingham in May and simply can’t wait to get on that stage! Claire Miskin, Vocal Dimension Chorus Marketing Coordinator
our stirring Les Miserables duet, and we made them whoop out loud for Lulu’s Back in Town! The “Birds” certainly set Dunstable “On Fire!”. So what next for Phoenix? We’re in full swing preparing for Convention—and had what was inspiring coaching from San Diego’s Kim Hulbert in March. And we went all technical in April with Skype coaching from Kim – ask us about it! Geeks?! Us?! Well OK then – maybe a little… Until next time!
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Anna Raab, Phoenix Chorus PRO
N a t i o n s ,
DRUMBUIE LODGE Near Beauly, Invernesshire
S w e e t A d e l i n e s I n t e r n a t i o n a l
here does the time go? The last three months have whizzed by in a whirlwind of singing workshops and Christmas shows. The last time you heard from us, we’d held a singing workshop - , which attracted nearly 30 new faces to “learn a song in a day” The song in question was “Straighten Up and Fly Right” – or as we like to call it – “The Bunkey and Muzzard Song”! The day was brilliant – full of energy, excitement and camaraderie with our new friends. At the end of the singing workshop we surprised our new Phoenix recruits with an offer they couldn’t refuse: join us on stage to perform the song in front of the packed Grove Theatre audience in Dunstable. The show in question was “Birds on Fire” on December 4th – Phoenix’s first “good and proper, book a swanky theatre, dress the stage, get nervous before wowing the crowds” Show in several years! It was an early start on the day of the show. The stalwart Phoenix show team arrived early to ensure dressing rooms had been assigned,
lighting and stage technicians were briefed, and our guests were comfortable. We’d invited several other local acts to join us on the bill, including a local Middle school choir, a street dance group and a magician. We spent a few hours dressing the stage and the risers – who knew that, with a dozen Phoenix Birds, a bit of tinsel and some baubles, that risers could look so attractive! And then – the show. What can I say? We made them laugh with our rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas, we made them cry with
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Phoenix Birds are On Fire!
Lovely wooden lodge in picturesque and peaceful setting. Ideal base for exploring the whole of the Northern Highlands. 10% discount on website prices to SAI members. Tel: 0131-6683109, Email : 17
I n t e r n a t i o n a l A d e l i n e s S w e e t
Anne Cargill Aberdeen Chorus 01224 704627
Chris Bentley – Team Coordinator Forth Valley Chorus 0131 539 1247
Alyson Chaney – Regional Faculty Coordinator Lace City Chorus 01636 814377
Tracey Bailey – Directors’ Coordinator Champagne Cornwall Chorus 01726 63937
Glenn Chaney Lace City Chorus 07960 112732
Nuala Hobden – Finance Coordinator Spinnaker Chorus 02392 231569
Elaine Hamilton Forth Valley Chorus 0131 334 2372
Elaine Hamilton – Education Coordinator Forth Valley Chorus 0131 334 2372
Dorothy Main Aberdeen Chorus 01224 782124
Petrina Bache – Events Coordinator Phoenix Chorus 07772 932432
Mike Taylor Spinnaker Chorus 01489 600134
Deborah Lamble – Membership Coordinator Spinnaker Chorus 01202 487287
Valerie Taylor Vocal Dimension Chorus 020 8660 8037
Jean Graham – Communications Coordinator Mayflowers Plymouth 01752 783724
Gwen Topp Aberdeen Chorus 01224 575366
Emma Duguid – Marketing Coordinator Vocal Dimension Chorus 07815 114476
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N a t i o n s ,
Michelle Walker Lace City Chorus 0115 965 4524
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Post Convention Harmony Rag will be printed and posted during the first few weeks of June. Please send all articles to by
31 May 2011
R e g i o n