Issue 472

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FRONT: The Sydney Mardi Gras 2019 INTERVIEW: Topp Twins HISTORY: Lilian Cooper REVIEW: The Hate U Give GAY SCENE: Hall Of Fame







Welcome back to issue 472 of QN Magazine! In this issue we cover all the various doings of our amazing community at the dawn of the year 2019. Social Jottings: Professor Delores Miles Umbridge pays a culinary excursion to St John’s Cathedral. (Word on the street is they’re still trying to fix the pipe organ.) Music: Wanda D’Parke interviews the fabulous yodelling Topp Twins. Literature: We talk to curmudgeonly gay romance and erotica author Max Vos. History: The continued story of Dr Lilian Cooper and Josephine Bedford. Politics: Brazilian Willian Donadon shares his insight on the situation for the LGBTIQ community there after the election of Jair Bolsonaro. Sport: The Fact Biatch fact checks Bob Katter’s latest proclamation as he fights to get his hat seen amongst all the hubbub of Pauline and Clive. Yes, we know. We don’t like to think about Katter either, but he’s been an elected member of the Queensland and then Federal parliaments since 1974, so his words impact our lives, and potentially, our human rights. We trust however, that in our coverage, we accord him exactly the respect he deserves. See you next fortnight. x














QN © 2019 Q News Pty Ltd

No part may be reproduced without the consent of the copyright holder. PUBLISHER Richard Bakker PRINT EDITOR Destiny Rogers DIGITAL EDITOR Jordan Hirst DESIGN Amsnel Gorgonio CONTRIBUTORS Andrew Blythe • Fiona Bisshop Andrew Beresford • RJ Miles Wanda D’Parke PHOTOGRAPHERS Funky Munky Jordan Hirst ACCOUNTS



COMMERCIAL ROAD FLOOD RESILIENT PROJECT This year’s budget provides funding for delivering upgraded stormwater drainage at Teneriffe. This infrastructure will act to manage stormwater run off from existing and new developments in the area. Construction will soon start on this $3.9 Million project along Commercial Road to keep our city flood resilient – all the details on the project can be found at Thank you for your patience during construction works.

Claire Shoobridge


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Our 22 Brisbane pools are always a hit over summer, with more than 3.1 million people diving into them last financial year. With so many pools on our doorstep - Fortitude Valley Pool, Centenary Pool on Gregory Terrace and the Spring Hill Baths - there is no need to swelter over summer. Just one of the lifestyle and leisure options in Central Ward.

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BUILDING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP FREE FROM DFV It’s easy to know you’re in a healthy relationship. You feel happy, safe, supported and respected. Your partner does not tell you what you can do or who you can see. They do not monitor your behaviour to ensure compliance. Domestic and family violence is not about conflict. It is about power and control. In a healthy relationship, there is an equal balance of power between partners. Both partners feel free to state their opinions and make their own decisions. Every relationship is different. There is no standard definition. However, healthy relationships do share common elements. COMMUNICATION: In a healthy relationship, people talk to each other, honestly, openly, and without fear. They appreciate each other’s needs and expectations. RESPECT: Partners value each other’s feelings and respect their differences. SUPPORT: We all need support from time to time and should be able to depend on our partner to provide it. COMPROMISE: In the normal run of any relationship there will be disagreements. In a healthy relationship these are resolved through compromise. We should be able to discuss differences in a rational manner and find a solution that is fair to both. TRUST and SPACE: In a healthy relationship, partners can undertake activities and associate with other people away from their partner. Healthy relationships require space. To build a relationship that’s healthy and secure. Define the type of relationship that you and your partner want, what you would both like to happen or not happen, and what makes you both comfortable.

Remember you should always be able to go out with your friends without your partner and participate in separate activities that enrich your life. You and your partner will have individual likes and needs which should be respected. Finally, in a healthy relationship, you should not be forced to share passwords to your personal email, social media, phone or other private records. For more information check out

If you or someone you know is at risk of family and domestic violence: In an emergency call Triple Zero (000) and ask for the Police. Support for Queensland women is available from the DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811. Support for Queensland men is available on the DVConnect Mensline on 1800 600 636. Call Diverse Voices on 1800 184 527 3pm – midnight. Diverse Voices is a peer to peer phone and internet counselling service focused on the diverse voices that make up our community. Thanks to our campaign partner: Queensland Government 7

queens land

PRETTY IN PINK Social justice advocate Miles Heffernan insists he only took a break from his usually more earnest pursuits to attend the Wizard’s Dinner at St John’s Cathedral after an owl flew in his window to deliver an invitation. Words: Destiny Rogers

Probably the closest anyone in Brisbane will ever get to sitting down to a meal in the Great Hall from Harry Potter, the meal featured instruction on spells, potion classes, entertainment, and hundreds of wizards and witches. A lot of the diners quaffing goblets of butterbeer at the candle-lit tables looked suspiciously like Hermione and Dumbledore. But no Hermione or Dumbledore for Miles who could feel the spirit of Madam Undersecretary Professor Dolores Jane Umbridge calling to him. He rang Andrew Goldberg and said, “Mandy, I need a frock. Now!” Miss Moobs in her career as Director of Alterations at the Hemmingbird, has faced many a challenge in her professional life but this was undoubtedly a larger than life proposition. However, the Moobs delivered. Then to accessorise — and who better to achieve that than the local matriarch of drag styling.


A call was placed to Mama Arsenic and Marianne took on the task with her legendary gusto. With Will Turner in tow as scholarly associate, Professor Umbridge, young Delores, tottered on her dress-up heels into the dinner. “I have no idea how women do this every day,” said Miles, “but I had a great time.” “I’m astonished and grateful that St John’s would let a sinner like me in the doors for such a wonderful event. We walked in to the strains of Andy Granger on the St John’s pipe organ, the largest cathedral organ in Australia. After a period of sadness with illness and the passing of my beloved long-time canine companion Thad, I decided I needed to let my hair down and stare down new challenges.” Here at QN Magazine, we’re glad Miles had such a good time, but gobsmacked lightening didn’t strike as Delores wandered into that gothic edifice.

BIG GAY DAY The much anticipated Big Gay Day returns to the Wickham on Sunday 10th March. The 19th annual incarnation of the festival will see a host of local and international performers raising money for local LGBTIQ organisations, aiming to raise $40,000 in 2019 to top the $30,000 plus raised in 2018. In 2019 the diverse local charities chosen as recipients of the funding are ATSAQ, QuAC, Brisbane Pride, Open Doors, Diverse Voices and LGBT Legal Service. The festival takes over the Wickham Hotel and transforms Alden St into a Rainbow Street Party with live music, DJs, drag performances, street performers, food trucks and themed bars.

Acts are being announced through Big Gay Day social channels with a big announcement promised soon. Facebook: @biggayday Instagram: @biggaydayofficial

Not Now, Not Ever

In conjunction with Jasnam Productions we will be producing video content early in 2019 featuring the stories of people who have experienced Domestic and Family Violence. Domestic and Family Violence is sadly an important issue for our community, as it is for all communities. QN Magazine is determined to have an impact on the issue. We are looking for community members with lived experience of DFV and people who have worked or volunteered in the field of DFV. li to attend the forum or share the story of your experience, please contact us via email: If you would like 9

fact check

THE FACT BIATCH Our acid tongued new columnist casts a cynical eye over Bob Katter’s claim to have never seen or heard of a homosexual before the age of 50. Image: Bob Katter’s Facebook

In one of the Member for Kennedy’s earliest media mentions, Brisbane Truth announced in 1945 that the “Katter’s lovely babe is to be christened Robert Bellarmine Carl.� The Fact Biatch can find no evidence Bob Katter has ever again been referred to as a ‘lovely babe.’ Nor is there any indication he has ever since used the name Bellarmine. It appears Katter’s parents intended naming him for Cardinal Inquisitor Saint Robert Bellarmine, one of the judges who sentenced philosopher Giordano Bruno to burn at the stake for heresies such as the apparently crazy idea that the universe was infinite. Bellarmine also censured Galileo over the scientists’ belief the Earth revolved around the Sun. Katter’s parents had the prescience to name their son after the dude most deserving of the appellation, Patron Saint of Flat-Earthers. Katter stirred up a new controversy just recently when he said, “In my whole life up to 50, I had never seen or heard of a homosexual person.� Born 22 May 1945, Katter is now 72 years old. On 1 September 1988, he told the Queensland Parliament, “We have said to decent people who would have made great Australians, “No, you can’t come to this country because we have got to let in all these homosexuals.� The following year Bob found notoriety for his (unkept) promise, quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald, to ‘’walk to Bourke backwards if the poof population of North Queensland is any more than 0.001 per cent.’’ If we generously formulate a calculation based on today’s northern population of roughly 520,000 Bob’s figures leave us only 5.2 homosexuals in all the north. We know that in the year before Bob’s birth, there were at least four homosexuals in Innisfail where his electorate office is now located. Justice Douglas complained about the sordid state of affairs in that town in 1944 when he sentenced four men and youths to custodial sentences 10

for homosexual acts. If Innisfail had a proven four homosexuals in 1944, surely there were more than 1.2 in the rest of the north. Is Bob suggesting northern locations like Wankaroo Creek, Bootie Island, Dicky Point and Choc-a-bloc Creek had no homosexuals of their own? Of course, he was only following the lead of his esteemed (cough) former leader Sir Johannes Bjelke-Petersen. Joh claimed in a front-page article a couple of years before that there were no more than seven homosexuals in Queensland at a time when his police were arresting more than that every week for consenting adult male sex acts. Katter’s statement also deserves scrutiny regarding topics addressed by the Queensland Government of which he was a member from 1974. During those years the government attempted to deny employment to gay teachers, refused to pass on federal AIDS funding to QuAC, considered legislation to criminalise lesbianism and passed legislation to deny liquor licences to premises which tolerated the presence of homosexuals, among many other gay related issues. But perhaps Bob was away on those days. In 2010 the Brisbane Times reported Bob only attended for 24% of votes in the federal House of Representatives. The Fact Biatch is kattered out and too lazy to trawl through countless volumes of Queensland Hansard to ascertain Bob’s attendance record in the state parliament so we will simply hope he had more energy as a younger man. The Fact Biatch finds Bob Katter probably had knowledge of homosexuals at least from the age of 29 when he entered the Queensland Parliament. His own words betray that he certainly had knowledge of homosexuals from the age of 43. The Fact Biatch awards him a full score of 5 out of 5 porkies for his recent statement. In our next issue the Fact Biatch addresses Katter’s claim regarding homosexuality, “I just don’t want to waste any time on it.�


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LGBTIQ RIGHTS AROUND THE WORLD: BRAZIL Willian Donadon comes from Brazil, a world leader on legislated LGBTIQ rights. The South American country decriminalised sodomy in 1830. Same-sex marriage became legal in 2013 and the Brazilian LGBTIQ community enjoy rights and protections unavailable in many countries. However, at least one LGBTIQ person is murdered in Brazil every two days. And then there’s the new president...

Willian, thank you for talking to QN Magazine. Were you openly gay in Brazil? Yes, I was openly gay. I had the great privilege of coming from a loving and open-minded family. Though I faced some issues coming out, I never experienced what many do — becoming a pariah for family and kicked out of home or beaten up. That privilege aided my personal journey. I could come out to my entire family ten years ago when I was sixteen whereas some friends still can’t consider it today. As a kid, I felt there was something different with me, but I wasn’t sure exactly what. I really should have known. I loved playing with my friend’s Barbie dolls... That should’ve given me a hint! However, in Brazil, I saw no positive role models to mirror myself. Gay characters on TV were exaggerated stereotypes, paedophiles or extremely promiscuous. I was bullied in school because everyone else knew I was gay before I did. Once I came to terms with my sexuality, things took a nicer turn. I started living my life differently, became less affected by prejudice and life became a little lighter.


However, some employers refused me employment because I am gay, and I have faced threats of violence for holding hands in public. I have been told, “Don’t hug your boyfriend in public. No one wants to see men showing each other affection.” Does the election of Jair Bolsonaro concern you? It does. The presidency is our most powerful political institution. It has a critical influence over what is acceptable behaviour. With a president unconcerned by his own actions, what can we expect from the people who voted for him? During the 16 days (so far) since his inauguration, there has been non-stop news of conservatives discriminating against, and attacking LGBTIQ people — mostly trans. On her first day in office, the Minister for Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves, declared that from now on “boys wear blue and girls wear pink.” Now responsible for not only LGBTIQ issues, but also others like abortion rights, she has said, “the State is secular, but this Minister is profoundly Christian.”

Willian Donadon

How have your LGBTIQ friends in Brazil reacted to his election? I feel the country is divided. Most, if not all, my LGBTIQ friends hated the idea that Bolsonaro could become president and the damage he promised to LGBTIQ and other minority rights. However, even in our community some supported him. People said, “He’s just saying that for votes. He won’t do it”. But he stated he’d rather his son dead than gay! Even if he doesn’t personally act on his extreme statements, he and his words will encourage and excuse the behaviour of those willing to attack us. I don’t want to think badly of the LGBTIQ people who voted for him. However, they wanted the previous party out of power so much, they voted for a hateful bigoted man without considering the consequences. Those consequences will affect every Brazilian.

Yes, it makes me apprehensive. I guess anyone would feel scared returning to a place that’s changed for the worse. I am scared for my friends at home, facing an uncertain future. We don’t yet know what will happen. On his first day in office he removed LGBTIQ issues from the considerations of the human rights ministry and he is opposed to same sex marriage. Who knows what he will do next? I don’t return for another two years and in that time it’s possible my community will lose all our hard-won rights and face increased danger, or perhaps the country may negotiate a path through this presidency. But right now, I wonder if anyone knows what is to come. Who knows what Bolsonaro, his team, his supporters and those who feel empowered by him to attack our community will do? How do we prepare before potentially devastating outcomes catch us all by surprise?

Are you apprehensive about the prospect of returning home?



Young RJ was a gender flexible child

OUR JOURNEY WITH GENDER AND PARENTING “The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger colour, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” Earnshaw’s Infants’ Department Trade Publication, 1918. Words: RJ Miles

When I was pregnant with my son, friends and acquaintances concluded we knew the sex of our baby. My Facebook postings of Baby clothing I bought before the birth probably contributed to that. Pink cat socks? Must be a girl! A toddler soccer kit? You didn’t tell me you were having a boy? Actually, we were still placing bets the day before we met our baby – who seems to be a delightful XY variety - time will tell how he relates to that. I have never bought into the value of rigid gender stereotyping. I find it limiting that if a child presents as a female at birth, she should be press-ganged into a world of image-conscious dolls and shirts that say ‘I Hate My Thighs!’ I have an even lower opinion of make-up sets for little girls who are still losing milk teeth. I cannot help but wonder if all of this image-conscious advertising contributes to the toxic ‘mean girls’ trend that I keep seeing in my teaching career. 14

Likewise, I cry a little bit inside whenever I see boys steered away from performing arts in favour of plastic guns and shunning their emotions. ‘Boys will be boys’ has become tangled up with unsavoury attitudes that are not too far separated from these stereotypes and expectations. It should be no surprise that we don’t limit ourselves to pink or blue. We certainly get raised eyebrows when our son wears his light pink swaddle or purple tie-dyed t-shirt. More so when we show people his doll’s house (which sits beside his toy car). Still, I don’t buy into the idea that his gender identity is so fragile that it could be confused by a t-shirt colour or a toy. Whatever he becomes will always be okay by us and I believe it is our job to model acceptance and openness towards a range of interests.

RJ with Soren

“It’s just the way it’s always been done, that’s the way we’ll always do it.” Back in 1995, I was not allowed a Batman cake for my fifth birthday. My mother was worried about what my party guests might think, and so I was given a princess cake. I was squeezed into an uncomfortable dress. I ripped that sucker off as soon as I’d blown out the candles. I don’t blame my parents – it’s hard to buck traditions, lest you be labelled as ‘confusing the children’ or ‘pushing an agenda.’ It is also easy to think that one scantily-clad doll or toy gun is not going to rattle any child’s cage, but when our young are inundated with media and peer influence, there is no way out – unless a wider range of options are encouraged. Freedom to explore starts at home.

I would love for my child to do ballet lessons AND sports – or for his birthday cake to be anything he likes, superheroes or magical pink unicorns. His toybox is filled with puzzles, trucks, dress-ups, dolls, and LEGO. I don’t automatically reach for the bluest of blues in the clothing aisle, either. In light of not having a default, people have applauded us for subscribing to ‘gender neutral parenting.’ The occasional person accuses us of ‘turning him gay’ – we all know that isn’t possible. What we espouse is far from neutral – and I do not believe it is an unreasonably radical statement, either. It isn’t about raising a child free from these influences, but with the encouragement to explore in the safe love of two openminded parents. He can be whoever he wants to be. Plus, he looks adorable in pink. 15

cover story

MARDI GRAS 2019 It’s almost time for the world’s premier gay and lesbian cultural festival and the southern hemisphere’s biggest gay party. Yes Folks – it’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 2019.

Words: Destiny Rogers Image: Holcombe Waller, Requiem Mass: A Queer Divine Rite Photographer: Brittney Valdez

Fair Day Mardi Gras kicks off with Fair Day on Sunday 17th February at Victoria Park shining a light on rising LGBTIQ music talent who are reshaping the arts and culture landscape and breaking new ground. Head to the ANZ Main Stage to discover a mix of queer trailblazers including Mojo Juju and Electric Fields. Meanwhile, enjoy games in the Sports Village, the deliciousness on offer from the many food trucks, or watch precious pups from across Sydney lapping up the attention at Doggywood. Our communities shine bright at Fair Day. Whether you’re young or old, tame or bold, whoever you are, whoever you love, Fair Day is the must-do event which brings everyone together. Holcombe Waller, Requiem Mass: A Queer Divine Rite The piece is an emotional and personal work informed by research into the pivotal gay history from the 1980s through present day. Driven by community engagement and local community input, Holcombe Waller’s Requiem explores the theatricality of ceremony as a means for collective catharsis and cultural introspection around the 16

intersection of religion and LGBTIQ identity. The evening length original choral work invokes remembrance and peace for the dead who suffered persecution for their sexual orientation or gender expression. Working with local singers, musicians, artists and faith leaders, the performance invites collaborative participation to make it most relevant to its particular time, venue, and cultural context, reflecting on the shifting and complex local narrative of the evolution of social justice for LGBTIQ people. The work will be performed by Sam Allchurch and the Sydney Chamber Choir, inviting participation from singers of all abilities who feel called to the project’s mission, supported by professional singers and instrumentalists. Building off of millennia of queer leadership in religious ceremony, Requiem Mass audaciously plays with the intersection of music, theatre and ceremony to propose a claim for Queer power within our most sacred cultural spaces. The Parade A bustling extravaganza that brings Sydney to a standstill and shines a global spotlight on LGBTIQ lives, culture,

communities and creativity. With spectacular floats, thousands of participants, a veritable smorgasbord of glittering colour and dynamic shape, the parade showcases the glitz and glamour of our community. Drag Queens, Dykes on Bikes, Sydney Lifesavers, community heroes and much, much more, come together to produce what has become the parade that stops the nation. Expect colour, expect life, expect huge crowds of excited parade viewers lining the streets. Make your way to Oxford Street or Flinders Street early to secure a good spot! The Party After the spectacular Parade, enjoy the night with over 12,000 of your newest and closest friends! The Mardi Gras Party is Australia’s biggest LGBTIQ event of the year. It’s our tribe, our people... our time to let loose and dance all night. Last year’s Mardi Gras Party sold out as the new year dawned, so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment. There’s plenty of surprises in 2019, with specially themed fantasy worlds for you to experience including The Neon Playground, Black Palace and The Powder Puff.

Party Line-up So Far Multi award-winning Aussie dance stalwarts PNAU and pop sensation Kim Petras lead the first line-up announcement. These two  phenomenal  performers are just the first two acts to be added to a massive Mardi Gras Party.  More  international  and  Australian  artists  are set to be added to the line-up in the coming weeks. The year’s Mardi Gras Party is also set to have one of the most diverse line-ups yet, featuring a slew of local and international DJs including: Amanda Louise, Ben Drayton, Brooke Powers, Butch le Butch, DJ Charlie Villas, DJ Hamo, The Dollar Bin Darlings, Dom De Sousa, Feisty, HipHopHoe, Kitty Glitter (pictured on the cover), Magda Bytnerowicz, Matt Jay, SVETA, Toy Armada (PH) & DJ GRIND (USA) and Victoria Anthony.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is a life changing event for many people affirming their identity and celebrating their place in the world. It happens only once a year. To find out more check out: 17


STILL ON TOPP The Mardi Gras Strictly Kaftan Party is a pool party with a twist, hosted by Dame Jools and Dame Lynda Topp, real dames, and real twin sisters, a pair of yodelling farm girls from rural New Zealand. Words: Wanda D’Parke

Dear Reader, Do you remember your uncool guilty obsessions with Abba, Bucks Fizz, and Celine Dion? Everything not trendy with never a “Mean Girl” moment in sight? Who needs a plastic tiara anyway, yeah? I was in that very same boat, dear reader, and so I long ago discovered The Topp Twins, two women whose celebration of uncoolness made them entertainment legends, too-cool-to-be-cool and camp as a row of tents. Kiwi twin sisters Lynda and Jools grew up singing country songs to the cows on the family dairy farm in Ruawaro, New Zealand. Their nearest neighbours were thirty miles up the road on horseback. Those neighbours owned a gramophone and one day Lynda heard something new and exciting — yodelling. “Lynda used to ride to the neighbours farm thirty minutes up the road on horseback, listen to their old wind-up gramophone, jump back on her horse, race home, get out 18

the guitar, and desperately try and recreate what she had just heard,” said Jools. “We finally got the sound right and, as an added bonus, became very good horsewomen.”They then created their first sister act, The Gingham Sisters. Since then the muchloved comedy country duo have gone on to create many more memorable characters including Ken and Ken and Camp Mother and Camp Leader. The Topp Twins came of age in the early 1980’s, during heady days of political protest. Passionate activists, they put their talents to work for their causes, penning satirical songs, leading marches and protesting for a better world. Their activism embraced causes like feminism, gay law reform, Maori land rights and the anti-nuclear movement. As Camp Mother, Lynda ran for Mayor of Auckland, eventually passing her support, and thousands of votes, to her running mate Christine Fletcher. Christine won the race and ousted the non-gay-friendly incumbent… talk about Girl Power!

With fans world-wide, the twins tour regularly, though sometimes the fans are in places they are unlikely to visit. “There is nothing more exciting than going on tour,” said Jools,“We haven’t made what we do a job, it’s a lifestyle.

like fishing and horse-riding. They will of course have to put away their fishing poles and send their horses off to a resort for a while, as they will soon touring again throughout regional New Zealand and returning to Australia as special guests for the 2019 Mardi Gras season.

“Apparently we are big Gay icons in North Korea… our movie Untouchable Girls was smuggled into the country via an underground movement and they thought it was just amazing.”

The Strictly Kaftan Party will be held at The Ivy — the first time the Topp Twins have performed in Australia for what seems like a lifetime. I strongly recommend that you book your tickets NOW.

In 2018 the twins were created Dames in New Zealand’s Queens Birthday Honours list.

I’m hoping Jools and Lynda return to Australia after Mardi Gras for a national tour. I will absolutely be lining up for tickets. I might even sleep out the night before.

”It’s pretty exciting to be a Dame,” said Lynda. ”There’s been some pretty weird curtsies. ”I live down in the South Island, and there’s been a lot of farmers trying to curtsey.”Most of the time they’re in gumboots.” Away from the stage, the twins still enjoy rural pursuits

For further details and tickets go to au Check out the Topp Twins official website 19


“HI LOVELY HUMANS. I’M (FINALLY) TOURING AGAIN!” Internationally celebrated comedian, actor, writer and composer Tim Minchin claims his songs “just happen to be funny,” and describes his act as a “funny cabaret show.” The billing of his new tour BACK suggests a set list from all corners of his eclectic repertoire, with tracks from across his career, as well as possibly a few newbies.

“Old Songs, New Songs, F*** You Songs” Of course, Minchin’s back catalogue includes such gems as “Come Home (Cardinal Pell)” from 2016 and the following year’s “I Still Call Australia Homophobic.” After the success of the YES case in the Marriage Equality debate, perhaps there will be a lyric update to the latter. As to the former, the cardinal finally came home, so perhaps some comment can also be expected on that front. 20

How much comment and how fulsome will depend on the progress of matters to which we may not refer. BACK is Tim’s first Australia tour since 2012 and tickets are selling fast with every March show and most South East Queensland shows already sold out. There are still tickets available for his show at The Star Gold Coast on Friday 3rd May. Tim will donate a portion of profits from the shows to a local charity in each city, with details of the charities to be announced. The Tony nominated songwriter of “Matilda” and composer and lyricist for the Broadway musical Groundhog Day, in 2019 will star in a new drama series called UPRIGHT, which he is co-writing with The Chaser‘s Chris Taylor. To book tickets to one of Australia’s funniest, most outspoken and controversial entertainers head to and visit the What’s On section.


2 MAD SISTERS There’s an amazing little shop down at Sandgate packed full of high-quality homewares and for those who can’t make it to the shop, 2 Mad Sisters has an extensive online retail outlet. Sponsored 2 Mad Sisters truly believe that good style and a comfortable home that reflects your own unique style does not have to cost the earth.

“When we found this shop, everything just fell into sync.” Originally an online outlet only, Sam and Geraint decided they also wanted a more hands on aspect to the business.

They continually scour Australia and the world for the very best quality products to share with their customers, looking for the right balance between quality and price, meaning the very best products for the best price possible.

“I was one of those kids who used to play shop, so it made sense to have one of my own,” said Sam.

Samantha Cook-Bateman is Brisbane born and breed. Her upbringing set her up for a career in design with her father spending over 40 years running his own cabinetmaking and shop fitting business. His attention to detail and his uncompromising adherence to quality taught Samantha the principles of good design. Samantha and husband Geraint stick to a policy of only stocking items they’d be proud to have in their own home. “I love shopping and I love people,” said Sam.

“People like to see and touch, and having the storefront allows that.” Now living almost pain free after two decades of struggle brought on by endometriosis, Sam has now had surgery to fit a neuromodulation unit, a device used to manage the chronic pain caused when uterine tissue grows elsewhere in the abdomen. She and Geraint donate a portion of the shop profits to QENDO (Endometriosis Association Qld). Check out the bricks and mortar store at 37 Brighton Road, Sandgate or head to 21


TWO WOMEN PART 2 After Dr. Lilian Cooper began her Brisbane medical practice, local medicos subjected her to ostracism and discrimination both for her gender and for a perceived lack of femininity. However, the doctor became popular for her medical skill and rapport with patients. Lilian and life partner Josephine Bedford soon firmly established themselves as leading figures in local social and charitable circles. Words: Destiny Rogers Images: State Library of Queensland

Shortly after their arrival in Brisbane, Lilian and Jo joined the committee of the Hospital for Sick Children. Mary McConnel, a wealthy grazier’s wife, became concerned in the 1870s about high infant mortality rates and discovered the Brisbane General Hospital did not cater for children under five, believing them to be better off at home with their mothers. Mary organised a committee of fellow concerned women and spent fifteen years establishing the children’s hospital and raising funds for it, overcoming huge obstacles on the way. Lilian attended the 1891 annual general meeting of the hospital committee a month after receiving her registration to practice as a doctor in Queensland, beginning an association that lasted over 50 years until her retirement. Her work for the hospital was performed on an honorary basis without payment. Jo also volunteered, working with a separate committee of women who raised funds to keep the hospital operating. In 1902 when illness struck down the hospital staff, Lilian packed a few clothes and moved in, filling in for the sick staff until they recovered. Despite being a deeply religious woman, Mary McConnel obviously got on well with Lilian and Jo. In 1905 she joined them and other progressive local women at a meeting to 22

form the Queensland branch of the National Council of Women. By this time Jo was well known for her work on the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty. That society initially was concerned with cruelty to both children and animals. Jo became particularly interested into bettering the opportunities for Brisbane children and set to work fundraising to establish children’s playgrounds throughout the city. In 1906 the Sisters of Mercy opened the first Mater Misericordiae Hospital at North Quay. Lilian was a little contemptuous of the venture being a firm proponent of professionally trained nursing staff. She regarded the Sisters as well intentioned but ineffective amateurs. However, she grew to appreciate the Sisters while visiting a patient there and formed an association with the hospital that lasted until her retirement. When the Sisters of Mercy opened their new hospital in South Brisbane in 1910, they invited Lilian to join the Medical Board and, on her birthdays, they decorated Dr. Lilian Violet Cooper’s surgical ward with lilies and violets in tribute. In addition to her skill as a doctor, her hard work and generous philanthropy, Lilian Cooper is also remembered for her formidable skill with the English language. She swore like a trooper.

Sister Gertrude Mary RSM of the Sisters of Mercy told Lesley M. Williams for her book, No Easy Path: the Life and Times of Lilian Violet Cooper MD, FRACS (1861-1947), Australia’s First Woman Surgeon, of an incident where Lilian swore at a nun during surgery. After the operation Sister Gertrude upbraided Lilian for her language. “You should not have spoken to Sister Gervase like that. You swore at her.” “I did not,” said Lilian, and then demanded that the nun repeat the words she had supposedly used. Unable to use such language herself the good sister had to cheerfully concur Lilian had not sworn. World War One During the first world war, neither the British War Office nor the Australian Army welcomed the services of female doctors. One female doctor who applied to serve in England received a letter from an official who wrote, “My good lady, go home and sit still.” At the age of 55, Lilian decided she wanted to help the war effort. Her and Jo sailed to Europe at their own expense and volunteered for the Scottish Women’s Hospital near the frontlines in Macedonia. The team Lilian worked with performed ten amputations in just two days and performed 160 operations in their first few weeks in the field.

Josephine ran the ambulance unit and maintained the cars herself, nicknamed Miss Spare Parts for her constant searching for parts to repair the vehicles. Wounded men were brought from the battlefront on the backs of donkeys to a staging post and then ferried by female ambulance drivers down a perilous mountain dirt track, covered with potholes and rocks. The 28-mile trip featured numerous hairpin bends and those women did the round trip four or five times a day. The doctor in charge of the hospital unit wrote, “Dr. Cooper is so fearfully indiscreet in some of her public remarks,” referring to the good doctor’s renowned penchant for obscenities. “Dr. Cooper and Miss Bedford are both in our advance outpost. I miss them both very much, but they are very happy out there together.” After a year’s service at the front, suffering from illness and exhausted by the long days and nights, the two women returned to Brisbane with Serbian medals for their service. Josephine marched in Brisbane’s 1918 Anzac Day Parade wearing her medal. Lilian, despite her professional confidence, her devotion to public service, and her swearing, was basically quite shy and stood on the footpath applauding as she watched Jo march by. In our next issue: The later years of Dr Lilian Cooper and Josephine Bedford and their legacy in Brisbane. 23


LOVE AND HUMOUR AT ‘QUEERSTORIES’ Queerstories, coming to the Brisbane Comedy Festival next month, grew out of a desire to hear the stories that LGBTIQ Australians want to tell, says producer Maeve Marsden. Words: Jordan Hirst

There’s more to being queer than coming out and getting married. As the media landscape evolves, we’re seeing more and more queer stories on our screens. But are they ours? That’s the question that’s being asked by stage production Queerstories, returning to Queensland next month as part of this year’s 10th anniversary Brisbane Comedy Festival. Queerstories is the brainchild of Maeve Marsden, who curates and produces the popular monthly events in Sydney and Melbourne. She says it all began in Sydney almost two years ago as part of a small, one-off program for libraries in Sydney. 24

“It was a simple premise of six LGBTIQ people each sharing a 10 minute story, and really quickly we received a great response,” she said. “People were very keen on it, and so I turned it into some larger-scale ticketed events at the start of 2017. Now there’s a podcast, there’s a book, it’s run away with itself. I think it’s because LGBTIQ people are desperate to hear our own stories, to celebrate our lives and experiences.” Each unscripted Queerstories production is not necessarily about the queer experience, but rather about telling unique stories through queer eyes. Marsden says the initial catalyst for the event was the same-sex marriage debate. “I started doing this when everyone was talking

about same-sex marriage and all the narratives in the mainstream media were quite simplistic,” she said. “I think our community has much more to say than that. I tell the performers that they don’t need to talk about their sexuality or their identities. I don’t want them to become lectures on the queer experience, they’re meant to be entertainment first and foremost. “The idea is our community’s stories haven’t always been centre stage. We’ve often had to hide or been censored by wider society due to homophobia or transphobia.” Queerstories talks around the country are also regularly recorded and released as episodes of the popular podcast series of the same name, which now features over one hundred stories from a who’s who of Australian queer entertainers. Last year a collection of the Queerstories talks were published as a book, compiling hilarious and heartwarming anecdotes of adolescence, self-discovery, family acceptance and more into a single volume. Marsden says she encourages all of her Queerstories contributors to tell stories that are outside the norm and ones that aren’t necessarily for the heterosexual gaze. “It’s about queer people telling whatever story they want,

and not in a space that they have to explain things to straight people,” she said. “I tell them that they’re not having to educate here, it’s by and for our community. I find that sometimes it can take a bit of retraining for us to not see ourselves as advocates and allow our politics to just be inherent to the stories that we tell.” Among the speakers on the lineup for the Brisbane evening of Queerstories are Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras telecast host Faustina “Fuzzy” Agolley, drag performer Charity Werk, and Queensland comedian Sam Bowden, as well as the musical stylings of Marsden’s cabaret act Lady Sings It Better. “The evening will be a taster of the queer comedians who will be performing at the festival. I try and keep the stories and speakers really diverse,” Marsden said. “Obviously, as we’ll be in Brisbane as part of the Comedy Festival the stories are going to skew towards comedy, but some of the speakers might end up telling a story that’s a little darker or more serious.”

“It’s about queer people telling whatever story they want, and not in a space that they have to explain things to straight people.”

Queerstories is at the Brisbane Powerhouse on March 9, as part of the Brisbane Comedy Festival. The event is Auslan Interpreted. For tickets and the full Brisbane Comedy Festival lineup visit 25

Meet gay

romance and

erotica author


Bookmarked & Sexy 2019 Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (Rooms M3 and M4) 2nd March Check out current Max Vos publications at Bookmarked and Sexy 2019 is an 18+ event.


THE INAPPROPRIATE MAX VOS A classically trained chef for over 30 years, Max Vos turned his hand to writing after retiring in 2011. He specialises in hot steamy sex but refuses to be confined to a single genre.

Max will be appearing at Bookmarked & Sexy 2019 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on 2nd March, presenting a reading from his work and signing books. Sex, lies and… umm books. If you read the dangerously dark, wickedly taboo, or sinfully sensual, you’ll love Bookmarked & Sexy 2019. There’ll be over sixty erotic, romance and taboo authors present on the day including three or four gay writers, though thus far Max is the sole gay male author.

If you’re ready for a read on the wild side, come and meet Max. QN Magazine caught up with the author this week and asked, who is Max Vos? “I’m a proud recluse,” he told us, “ a curmudgeon of the highest order. People often scoff at my proclamation. They don’t believe me. Trust me, I’m not kidding. Nope, I will readily hand you your ass if I feel that is what you need. “I ran a professional kitchen. I can make Gordon Ramsey look like an amateur when it comes to dressing down people. BTW, he really is a total ass. Can’t stand the man.”

You don’t seem totally curmudgeonly. “I’m a crusty old fart, somewhere between 55 and death, so I don’t have a whole lot to lose, now do I? I’ll listen to just about anything as long as we know the ground rules. It’s when you ask for my input or opinion that I’m gonna give it to you, no sugar coating. You’ll get the truth.” “So… stand up straight, square your shoulders and march. Go… do something productive. Make something. Be creative. Make someone’s day. Stay focused on what makes YOU a better person and don’t worry about other folk... “For some unknown or rational reason Onward Christian Soldier just popped into my head. I’m so ready for a cocktail now.” So, you are definitely — undoubtedly — beyond question, a curmudgeon? “Ok. Take most of this with a grain of salt, preferably from the rim of a cocktail glass. Most of it was tongue in check for those who just don’t get my sick sense of humour. But I really am a curmudgeon!” Meet Max Vos, author and curmudgeon, at Bookmarked & Sexy 2019. ( Check out his work at 27




TRAGIC TRIVIA is back and better than ever in 2019, with more questions, games and challenges that are going to have you and your team screaming to get on that winner’s podium. Hosted by your favourites Richie LeStrange, Christina Draguilera and Quiche Lorraine at Backbone (East Brisbane Bowls Club, 38 Lytton Road), have your trivia thirst quenched, your fill of a buffet of amazing entertainment, and of course top it off with a desert of karaoke antics.

Dream BIG and connect to your goals for 2019. Come and join Wendybird to create vision boards. A vision board is a collage of visual images or words that represent the life you want to live. Bring your inspiring ideas, or brainstorm on the day. Feel free to bring a picture or two that you may like to include in your vision board, and we will have a bunch of pictures, words and materials to work with to create your very own vision board to help guide your big 2019 dreams.


East Brisbane Bowls Club


New Farm Neighbourhood Centre


February 2 - March 2


February 3








Gold Coin Donation



The only thing straight-up is the laughs at Crooked Comedy! Hosted by Terry Hansen featuring Jonny Hasalem and friends, our Corner Bar will be transformed into an irreverent, cheeky and a little crooked comedy club on Saturday 2nd February from 8pm.

Craig David and All Saints will join forces to perform an indoor intimate show. Making their Australian live performance debut, All Saints are touring in celebration of their fresh new album Testament along with English superstar Craig David’s lively new release “The Time Is Now”. Don’t miss your chance to see these acts perform together live.

Featuring: Mark O’Connell, Ethan Simiana, Red Nevin Anna Brennan, Jasmine Fairbairn, Donna Hart Where

The Wickham Hotel


The Star Gold Coast


February 2


February 5




Show starts 8pm




From $99.90


RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE: WERQ THE WORLD TOUR THE OFFICIAL AFTER PARTY RuPaul’s Drag Race World Tour returns with new show for 2019 & Brisbane’s Official After Party is at The Beat Megaclub. Where

The Beat Megaclub


February 6



WEST END TO BROADWAY – IN THE RESERVOIR Featuring some of the country’s finest musical theatre performers, West End to Broadway – In the Reservoir will dazzle guests with incredible renditions of showstoppers! Where

Spring Hill Reservoir


February 8-17





RAINBOW GROOVES Bring A Plate is running 10 weeks of FREE dropin dance classes for LGBTIQAP+ young people (ages 12-25) and their allies (friends, family and support people).

BLACK - THE UNDERWEAR PARTY KLM will again kick off their party season for 2019 with what is bound to be one of the biggest nights of the year, the annual event “Black - The Underwear Party”. Wear your best jocks, brief’s, boxers, jockstraps and join all the boys, lads, dudes and men for a night of dancing to the music of DJs Les Smith & neddEbear. KLM are installing their signature sound and lighting rig especially for this party. Dress code will apply for the night. UNDERWEAR (any color). Where

Sportsman Hotel


February 9


9pm till late



IGNITE BRISBANE PRESENTS MIKE REVERIE & DAVE PSI This fresh and exciting name on the scene is no stranger to the HardDance world with many years served as seasoned award winning UK Hardcore artist Mob. After over 18 months of solid preparation, Michael is moving in a new direction, producing both Euphoric Hardstyle & Hardcore.


10 Love St, Spring Hill QLD 4000


The Beat Megaclub


February 8 - April 8


February 1











EMOJIS CAN BE A FORM OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT Whether it’s an eggplant, peach or even a love heart, emojis are supposed to be a fun way to communicate and even flirt. But workers are warned against sending suggestive emojis to colleagues. It could cost their job and leave them defending a sexual harassment claim. Emojis include suggestive objects like eggplants and peaches, which are symbols for a penis and bottom. Emojis are being taken seriously by courts and commissions - just ask Geoffrey Rush. The Oscar winner was forced to explain in court what he meant when he sent an actress a ‘panting’ tongue emoji, with a message saying he was thinking about her “more than is socially appropriate”. Mr Rush denied the message meant he was habitually thinking of the actress. “No I wasn’t. It’s a throwaway line… It’s a very flip excuse for not being in touch enough, sooner.”


Last year a teacher in the US was sacked after sending an eggplant and peach emoji to a male student with the message, “I’ll give you the B if you give me the D.” Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct, sexual in nature, intended to humiliate, embarrass or intimidate. Many people mistakenly think it can only happen in the office or at the work site, but sexual harassment can happen anywhere, including via text message and on social media, and outside work hours. The best advice is to never send sexually suggestive emojis to colleagues. It might seem like a joke but the other person might not take it that way, and the next thing you know, you’re out of a job. If you have experienced sexual harassment, you may be entitled to compensation. For help, call Discrimination Claims on 1300 853 837.


THE HATE U GIVE Rarely does a film attract the near universal acclaim showered on The Hate U Give, an American crime drama about the fallout after a high school student witnesses a police shooting. The movie deals frankly with race and racism as it addresses the tension between the police and the communities they’re supposed to serve and protect The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Angie Thomas, a book categorised as Young Adult Fiction, but one which proves that genre can move way beyond its usual confines of magic and romance. The Hate U Give is based on the hot button topic of police shootings of young black American men. It begins with the shooting death of a young black man by a white police officer who mistakes a hair brush for a gun. Witness to the shooting Starr Carter (Amandla Stenberg) lives between two worlds. She resides in a poor, black neighbourhood but attends a mostly white prep school. Although she has never felt really at home at the school,

she is popular, plays basketball and is in a relationship with a fellow (white) student (K.J. Apa). Before now, she has managed the continual transition between the two communities well enough, but the tension consequent to the death of her childhood friend changes everything. Called to testify before a grand jury, she faces pressure from all sides but finds her voice and stands up for what’s right. Critics have praised Stenberg’s breakout performance as a young woman. Reviews have concurred that this is one of the rare movie adaptations that stays true to the original book. Showing at New Farm Cinemas. For session times or to book visit




doc q

THE FACTS ABOUT POPPERS Recently there has been talk of changing the laws on poppers, rescheduling them as a serious illicit drug, and criminalizing their possession. But banning them would criminalise the normal sexual practice of many thousands of gay men. Thankfully, a public outcry has prompted a reconsideration. Words: Dr Fiona Bisshop So, what’s all the fuss about? Poppers are a group of chemicals called alkyl nitrites, the best-known being amyl nitrite. Originally sold as medicine for angina (chest pain from heart disease) it came in a single use glass vial that had to be crushed or “popped” open in order to inhale the fumes, hence the name poppers. The drug causes smooth muscles in the body to relax (including the muscles in the anal sphincter) and cause blood vessels to dilate. The muscle relaxation allows increased comfort during anal sex and produces a brief euphoric head rush. They became popular as sex enhancers and club drugs and have been sold for many years under various euphemisms such as DVD cleaners or room deodorizers. The TGA claimed using nitrites for muscle relaxation during anal intercourse is misuse of the drug, however one could argue that it’s pretty sex-phobic (and homophobic) to consider it misuse to use a substance to enhance anal sex. It’s also fair to say that the muscle relaxing effect is a benefit rather than a risk, as it helps prevent anal trauma and pain.

What are the medical risks? There are obvious immediate side effects – headache, dizziness, loss of inhibition and the risk of chemical burns to the face. Poppers cause a drop in blood pressure, so should never be taken with Viagra or similar erection drugs. The combined effect could be catastrophic (there have been deaths). They increase pressure in the eyeball, so don’t use if you suffer from glaucoma. Long-term heavy use can lead to a serious type of anaemia, called methaemoglobinaemia, making it harder to carry oxygen around your body. There have been reports of vision loss – so called “poppers maculopathy”, although this may be more related to chronic use of isopropyl nitrite, which is an alternative similar substance. In summary, poppers are not completely harmless, but occasional use is unlikely to result in serious harm. If you choose to use them — be aware of the risks. However, banning their possession may result in more harm, as people turn to potentially more dangerous alternatives.

Dr Fiona Bisshop specialises in LGBTIQ health and is available by appointment at Holdsworth House Medical Brisbane. Call (07) 3894 0794 or visit Visit or follow @DrFionaBisshop on Twitter, or send your health questions to


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THE SOLAR SOLUTION Buying solar can be a daunting task, but Adrian Decarli from Solar Mine Qld guarantees quality solar with industry leading service and support, installed to Clean Energy Council Standards.

Adrian established Solar Mine Qld because of his disappointment with the state of the industry. “I worked in solar sales and consultancy from 2008 and fell in love with the industry, the results that could be achieved for the customers, the money they saved and the positive contribution to the planet.” “However, I became disheartened with the way some companies and individuals conducted their business with inferior installations, substandard products, and even occasionally failing to adhere to industry standards and regulations.” “I knew there had to be a better way.” “Solar Mine QLD was established with the customer in mind to offer a better solar solution.” “From the initial contact, through installation, commissioning and documentation, web-based system monitoring, and even which power provider will provide the


Adrian Decarli

highest return on the investment, Solar Mine Qld is there for the customer. The Solar Mine QLD team is focused on delivering the best solar solutions possible for customers. Solar Mine Qld have delivered solar solutions to customers the length and breadth of Queensland and can provide testimonials from one end of the Sunshine State to the other. Check out the Solar Mine Qld website or call today to invest in clean cheaper energy for your future. Call 1300 097 145 or 0428 448 330 or visit

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ACHIEVE YOUR BEST — EVERY DAY Liftgear, Australia’s leading body building and supplement shop, is helping Aussies live a more vibrant and energetic lifestyle. Sponsored

This Aussie based business stocks the products that will help you achieve your results faster. They carry the very best bodybuilding supplements, sporting supplements and weight loss gear, including pre-workout supplements.

You want to build muscle, strength and power but your energy levels are suggesting ‘not today’. What you need is a little push, something to get the engine running. What you need is Pre-Workout supplementation.”

Pre-workout supplements result in you feeling better, working harder and seeing results sooner. That’s the assistance Liftgear aims to provide — helping you be physically active and coupled with a healthy nutritional plan setting you on the path to achieving your best day by day by day.

In addition to supplements and all your weight loss needs, Liftgear also stock a full range of men’s and women’s gym gear including the Adonis range and FKN gym wear.

Liftgear explained pre-workout supplements to us, “You lead a busy life. Your schedule is filled to the brim with work and family, very little space for fun and not a lot of time for training. You show up to the gym and do your sets, but you know that you aren’t 100% there. 36

You want to look good while you get fit! Right now, Liftgear is offering QN Magazine readers a 10% discount on all orders. Just use the code QNEWS when you place an order. Check out to get on your path to faster and more effective results, and for the gear to show off those results.


PT TALK WITH ANDREW Andrew Beresford from Goodlife Fortitude Valley shares some hot tips for losing weight after the traditional end of year overindulgence. Words: Andrew Beresford

With the festive season behind us, it’s time for the hard questions. Ice cream or fruit? Pizza or salad? Netflix or gym? I’ve been bombarded lately with one question. “How do I lose weight?” The answer sure ain’t simple, but these hot tips should help. Program and structure. Too often we try and take a piece from here, and a piece from there and whack it all together. But not everyone’s body is the same. Work with what you have. Get a strength program and diet plan designed for you. Your GP, dietician or local gym can assist with a structured plan that will achieve lasting results. Set Goals. Have a realistic weight goal and time frame. Too easy, we get caught up by fads and the false promises of ‘slim fast’ schemes and lose motivation. Instead, make it a way of life. Remember, nothing happens overnight. That’s ok! If the plan is in motion, you’re making progress!

A calorie deficit diet. Get yourself a smart watch and start tracking calories. You don’t want to be eating more than you burn. Make your goals achievable with a sustainable exercise regime. Track the calories burned and tweak your goals along the way! Understand the difference between losing weight and shaping up. Sure, you lose the kg’s and that’s your goal… but what happens after you lose the weight? You will need to create lean skeletal muscle in order to tone up. Cardio is your best bet in weight loss. Increasing intensity and endurance assists in burning calories and gets your metabolism firing. Strength training is important, but when it comes to burning calories, go for cardiovascular exercise. So, forget the fads and gimmicks and shakes for meals! The real way to lose weight is eating healthy and increasing your heart rate to increase your metabolism and tone muscle. Simples! Come and see me at the gym @ Goodlife in Fortitude Valley and we can discuss a tailored plan to get you on the right track once and for all! Andrew x

Phone or SMS: 0411 3766 39 Email: SMS the number above for your FREE 2 week pass and let the journey begin!


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Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender health

Medical Centre

Dr Wendell Rosevear OAM. Dr Neil Simmons. Dr Graham Neilsen. Dr Ryan Williams. Dr Rebecca Lock. Jane Meakin. Mel Trebilcock.

07 3857 1222

52 Newmarket Road, Windsor


General medicine Sexual health PrEP, PEP & HIV care Mental health and Counselling Support groups: - Drug and alcohol - Sexual abuse Acupuncture and Natural medicine Nutrition

business directory

Jack The Landscaper Brisbane City Landscapes

Providing Premium Garden Services

3216 1100 Shop 16/421 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley

Structural Landscaping Fencing Tree Work, Stump Grinding Garden Maintenance Residential and Commercial No Job too Big, No Client too Small! Servicing the Brisbane area for over 5 years

0448 395 919 QBCC License 15057413


business directory











business directory







Wanda D’Parke Aries An elderly relative will try and interfere in your life a little more than usual. I know that your “sugarDaddy/Mama” thinks they have the right to do this, but really?!?! Just do whatever you have to do to keep those bank transfers coming and all will be well with the world… otherwise cut off their oxygen when they are sleeping!!

Cancer Don’t feel guilty about pushing forward with something that your partner does not want you to do. Just do it, “damn the torpedoes” and they will soon get over it. If not, simply put them in the “naughty corner” until they realise that your decision is the only one that matters. Do they want a birthday present this year?

Taurus It’s time to relax and recharge. After the start you’ve had to the year, this break is well-earned. You will soon receive an invitation to a VIP party. Make sure you go as an old flame will be there who has regrets about leaving you. Milk it for a little revenge, make them suffer a little more… SCORE!!!!

Leo That project you started should really get going now, and you will feel you are on a roll finally. I guess this means you have finally got that hair on your palms problem sorted, and the rest of your body waxing can be put on weekly rotation until you are Mardi Gras ready… Ah the joys of being Ethnic… Bring on the dance party!!!

Gemini You will soon see someone from your past (see Taurus?). Make sure you have armour on – a silly argument could escalate to all out warfare. Something glittery will catch your eye soon (no not your ex). This will either be you on your back drunk looking up at a disco ball, or it could be you at Spotlight during their fabric sale.

Virgo A colleague will try and blame you for something you did not do (such a Biatch he/she is). You can prove otherwise, and they will take a great fall for their evil deed. Pick a tall building to throw them off on Valentine’s Day, everyone’s gaze will be on chocolates then and we can honestly say “I didn’t see a thing officer”… WIN!

Libra Someone that you do not really get along with will want to “smoke the peace pipe” with you. I reckon you should just tell them to shove that pipe “where the sun don’t shine”, or actually SHOW them where that pipe should go… just put rubber gloves on first, you know that their personal hygiene is not what it used to be.

Capricorn Any luck on that free cruise from last issue?? If not… sigh. There you go, sympathy from Wanda, who knew I had a heart?! Anyhoo you should be deep into “The Sales” by now, and you will be thrilled by something that you pick up… or is that SOMEONE you pick up. At any rate YOU being thrilled about anything these days is Def Poz.

Scorpio A romantic restaurant meal in the coming weeks will go well. This could mean that THEY pay the bill for a change and you feel all gooey and loved, or it could mean that they piss you off, you throw a drama (and a few plates for good measure), and they are stuck washing dishes after you put their wallet through the garbage disposal.

Aquarius You will feel guilty about not being in touch with someone for a while… but… when you think about it… they have not contacted you either… so I reckon “delegate” any blame onto them. Save your own reputation, free from guilt and make them suffer for not contacting you. After all it’s not like you really give a damn… Lol.


Your bus trip will be very pleasant and the people you go with will have a great time. Now I have NEVER seen you on a bus, so clearly this is an Assisted Living day trip you’ve hijacked, or you’re just asleep and dreaming some fantasy about life on the road as a backup dancer for Lady Gaga… hmmmmm meds anyone???

Pisces A trip to Rome could be on the cards, so take the opportunity when it arrives. OMG!! Don’t pack too much – you are sure to meet Donatella, become her best friend, and spend your time at the Versace Villa on Lake Como!!! Just remember to turn up at the Domestic terminal for the flight however, your ticket actually says Roma!! Soooorrrryyyyyy!! 43


THE BEAT OZ DAY WEEKEND Photos by Funky Munky



DRAG HALL OF FAME Photos by Jordan Hirst




MONDAY MADNESS From 5.30pm. Special $10 Menu


TUESDAY SUPER QUIZ 2019 Join Max Rowley for a 7.30pm start


WEDNESDAY RAINBOW KARAOKE Hosted by Wanda d’Parke & DJ Merlin. Pool competition in the Club Bar


V.I.P. THURSDAY Hosted by Vollie Lavont & Mandy Moobs, with special guests Member Draws


FAB FRIDAYS Hosted by Miss Synthetique at 10.30, 12 and 1pm


SATURDAY SHOWTIME “SPELLBOUND” starring Mandy, Gayleen and Shushu with shows at 10.30, 12 and 1pm


TOP THIS ON SUNDAY Hosted by Chocolate Boxx & Gayleen Tuckwood. Pool comps and shows at 6.30 and 8pm


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