Aspire 30

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39 Define Your Goals

Having clear goals not only determines how you act, but it also gives those actions meaning. While CEOs understand that organisations need a purpose and distinct goals, many people don’t realise that their own lives need the same driving factors. Defining your goals is the easy part, now you must decide which goals you are going to prioritise. Once you have your priorities straight, you can start making decisions to achieve them. If your priority is to hit a certain sales goal, work backwards to figure out what you need to do to meet that goal.

Take Action

Taking action is not easy; you will have to overcome fear, doubt, and most likely rejection. To successfully be the CEO of your own life, you must have the ability to feel fear and do it anyway. It can be quick and simple: It just needs to be a step. There is no wrong action, as long as it brings you closer to your vision. It can be tempting to take the easy path and to put your dreams on hold, but don’t hide in the security of playing it safe. Amazing things happen when you step out of your comfort zone.

Examine Your Life

To achieve success, you need to build healthy, inspiring, and supportive relationships. The more you surround yourself with people who drain your energy or cause self-doubt, the less likely you are to reach your full potential. Once you start surrounding yourself with people who challenge, motivate, inspire, and support you, you will reach true greatness. Remember that an organization is only as good as the people in it, the same applies to your personal life.

Conduct A Performance Review

Implementing KPIs into your personal life will help you proactively work towards them. After every quarter, you can set aside time to see how you’ve matched up to the KPIs you set for yourself. This gives you an opportunity to think of skills you need to strengthen and better yourself to achieve your life goals.

Bask In Your Success

As the CEO of your own life, it is important for you to celebrate your success, no matter how small. In your pursuit of being a successful direct seller and part of QNET’s Achievers’ Club, don’t forget to look in the mirror and give yourself praise. Show off your successes to your friends and family because you worked to make it happen. Become the CEO of your own life and turn your dreams into a reality.

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