QM Spring

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CO: Paul West Director: M. Cathy Hernandez Editor in Chief: Marcela Torres Copy Editor: A. Raul Salcido Editorial and Magazine Designer: Anais Gomez Account executive: Rose Zuñiga Contributing writers: Michelle Nicoleyson Shantis McGownan Jessica Quintero Gloria Pulido Shelbi Byrnes Paloma Moreno Hector Torres Mara Braun Contribuiting Photographers: Yalina Aron Martínez Marcela Torres Modern Photography info@QMNevada.com 702-431-1047 Cover Photography: Yalina Photography Hair and Makeup Jessica’s Hair and Make Up Studio Dresses: Cover Jessica: Maurel Cover Shantis: Dreams Bridal

2B! Once again I welcome you all to our beloved QM pages where you, your friends and your mom can find the best service providers plus the best advice for this important time in your life. I’m in the mist of planning my oldest daughters Quinceanera and i have to say, I am grateful that she has allowed me to tag along with her creativity. I do hope you are having fun with your mom, sister(s), friend(s) and any family member(s) that are helping you plan. It is your day and you should enjoy it all but remember that everyone is doing their best, so do not forget to be grateful. You might not know it but this little hectic time has been in your moms mind since she found out she was having a girl. Sometimes, us, moms forget the bond that happens during the planning of your Quinceanera, do to the demands you Qs wish for, the expectations we surrender ourselves to, and of course the financial burden that it can bring (average recovery time is 3 years… ay…ayay) if we are not well prepared of course. So do me a favor, every so often remember to say thank you to your mom, dad, tia, tio, abuelos etc etc . It is a big team project! As a Q2B you have to recognize your action and reactions, you are slowly leaving the childish ways so take the next words lightly but safe keep them deep in your heart, What you do today will be a memory tomorrow so do things that will make you love your history. Cathy The Director of QM Nevada







Quincea単era planning

10. 12. 14. 28 59. 76. 81. 92.

My Quince Countdown 12 things to check @ the Venue Salon Keep Calm and Enjoy your XV Recycle: Recuerditos para tus Quince


-Social Arianna Rabago Quick Tips to look phenomenal during your photo session with Hector Torres Basic list Directory

12 50

72 8. 24. 30. 62. 90.

26. 32. 34. 50. 72.

Everyday advice Fashion: create outfit Education: college-planning tools Entre nos: Diez maneras de ayudar a tu hijo a ser independiente Grown Inspiration with Gloria Pulido Did you know? : Fun Facts


Why Not Do Both? MCG behind the scenes Meet the 2015 Miss Cover Girl Participants Michelle Nicoleyson : After my QM The Official Miss Cover Girl Photo shoot Just Be Everything And More

32 QM SPRING 2015


How to make a


go a long way.

By Shelbi Byrnes – Miss Covergirl 2014


e all know us girls have a favorite shirt that we try to get away with wearing all the time, trying to accessorize it different and stressing if you already wore it twice THE SAME WAY! Ladies don’t stress I’ve got the perfect solution for you. EVERBODYS loves a denim shirt you can dress it up and you can even dress it down, and it WILL look different every time. I promise! When shopping for your perfect denim T it does not have to be the most expensive brand, I’ve gotten the cutest shirts at thrift stores. The first rule of shopping is to make sure you feel comfortable and good in that shirt, and especially that it’s your style! Your outfits will say a lot about the kind of person you are. Let’s dress it up, pair that shirt with a colorful or simple skirt you could even through in some cute sandals. Not in the mood to wear a skirt? That’s okay, jeans and leggings are always in style, and combat boots of any color would look great with that outdoor look. One of my favorite styles yet is probably where you tie your denim shirt around your waist; I do this a lot while wearing leggings, a cute top and simple necklace. You can always add accessories along the way as your figuring out how to dress your new T! The options are endless when it comes to fashion!



My Quince Countdown Enjoy your 14th birthday because the talk has started … its time to plan your perfect Quinceañera.


Months before

• Sit with Mom and Dad and speak about a budget. You got to be ready to compromise and negotiate your wants and needs. • Check the calendar and see what date you would Love to have (have a back up date in case its not available or keep in mind that even though Saturdays are the party day, any other day of the week might save your parents some money)


Months before


• Decide on your Quinceanera style, theme and colors • Make the guest list(s) (you’ll need to know how many will join you for the ceremony, dinner, and party hours) • Start looking at the venues and book the perfect one for you (they will need to know the number of guest to offer you the best price)

Months before

• Shop and book your • Photographer • Videographer • Caterer • Florist • Baker • Dj • Live music • Make up and Hair Stylist


• Check your dress and accessories, No wrinkle, the right criolina(s)

• Check if you are having a ceremony and make sure you have all the requirements.

• Make sure the guys are scheduled to pick up their tuxedos and accessories

• Book your ceremony venue. • Book a Quinceanera planner



• Stay Calm and say thank you • Get Enough Sleep • Eat Well and Healthy • Get a Mani and Pedi invite mom too




• If your parents would not mind having Padrinos make a list and start speaking with them.



• Be prepared for any mother nature visits



Months before



Months before




• Start a beauty routine

• Send invitations out • Shop and order Party favors

• Shop for your dress !!!

• Finalize your guest list and make sure you have their address

sure Mom starts • Make shopping for her dress

• Be a doll and look into hotel rooms for out of state guest

• Start Rehearsing the dance routines

• Shop for your dama dresses (remember its your quince and they are doing you a favor being part of your day)

• Shop for invitations and order them

• Start asking your friends and family if they would be part of your court of honor




• Meet and hire a Choreographer

2 Month


• Confirm everything • Have a Make up and hairstyle trial

• Make sure you are getting enough sleep

• Make sure mom gets a day to relax

• Help Mom Finalize the seating chart

• Enjoy a fun day out with your damas and chambelanes as a thank you

• Have your dress fitting

• Double check everyones attire Mom, dad, sisters, brothers, dams and chambelanes

• Shop for shoes

Check with all your vendors • and clear out last minute details Ask Mom and Dad if they are • ready to give their speech • Final Dress fitting

• Book your transportation

• Shop for accessories

• Start breaking in your Quince shoes

The day after




• Make sure the chambelanes return the tuxedo rentals • Help mom with anything

• Before anything happens Eat breakfast you might forget to do so on this busy day • Remind yourself its your day and every one wants to make it great so just enjoy and let them know to enjoy themselves as well.

• And since we are Latinas we are sure your house is packed with guest and your having an after party so Stay Happy and Grateful



12 things to check


The time has come and you’re planning your quince! But before you book your venue please consider this checklist that will help you make a better decision.

7 8

Check if they offer Valet Parking service and if there are ample parking spaces for their guests.

Check Hall has proper insurances that cover any accidental and in case of fire, earthquake or similar your money is also reimbursed.


Check the site of your Hall, the security around the location and most of how long they have been in business and how many events like yours they have done.

2 3 4 5

Check the availability of the date and time and how many events they do per day. Check for the square footage of the hall, capacity of the room, size of dance floor at what is included in the hall. Request the Packages they have available, the type of catering offered, deposit required and when is the final payment due.

What type of decoration is included in the hall, centerpieces, are open flame candles allowed and of any restrictions in the hall regarding decorations.

6 12

How much is the fee for the extra hour and what is included in that and if it includes clean up of hall at the end of the event.


9 10 11 12

Check if they have a dressing room available for use.

Check the facilities sound system or restrictions for DJ’s or musical groups and when can they arrive for setting up their equipment. Check if they offer food tasting and if there is a fee required for it.

Check if your Package fee is inclusive of taxes and service fee or if it needs to be added to the per person fee.

Tips provided by: Mara Braun| Event Director

FABRIZIO / Events Without Limits 818 So. Main Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.678.5152 info@fabriziovegas.com www.fabriziovegas.com






lanning your quinceañera can cause you great stress and it is important to know how to relieve it. Stress can lead to things unimaginable: acne, hair loss, irritability, loss of focus, depression, loss of interest, and more. These easy tips to do would help you keep calm and enjoy your quince!


Not only will exercise help you stay in shape for your quinceañera. But it also forces your body to release endorphins, which give you a happy feeling. Exercise may just be one of the many keys on how to relieve stress.

Sing/play music.

Throughout the world’s times music has always been a source of multi-use for people. Music has been used for therapeutic and psychological reasons. Even science has proven through brain scans that people are stimulated in individual unique ways when they listen to certain songs. Also like a book that may take you someplace, each song that you listen to defines a specific meaning for your life. Songs can trigger both good and bad memories that will guide you on how to relieve stress.

Write in a journal.

This can be a generic journal or a specific journal to help you in your quest of how to relieve stress. Writing down what causes you stress and what brings you joy will help you zone in on how to relieve stress. Then you can customize a routine to help yourself.

Establish a comfort place. Sometimes

the place where you develop the most stress, such as work, home, or school will constantly cause you subconsciously to stress. Even if there is no immediate stressful event going on at the time, just the environment will trigger your subconscious brain to remember the past. Finding that specific place for you that keeps you calm will be another key defense on how to relieve stress.

Get support.

This is what friends are for. You can ask for them to give you suggestions on your quinceañera planning and they also know how to relieve stress. Maybe a girl’s night out, a movie night, a simple conversation can help you clear your mind. Not only is your quinceañera planning a source of stress, but also this time in your life can cause a lot of stress. Being around the age of 14, girls in general experience a lot of changes in their life and comfort. Thus, tips on how to relieve stress become vital to keep going.







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ou may feel like you are a ways away from your college plan but the truth is this is one future thing that should always be in your mind. College planning does take time but it can happen all of a sudden, If you are wishing to become a certain something or someone in the future then college is your key step. Higher education allows you to gain skills and a sense of accomplishment that no one can take from you. So we are going to give you a few reasons why you should say out loud that you are going to college.

Higher education allows you to gain skills and a sense of accomplishment that no one can take from you. GET PAID MORE THAN A GRADUATE You’ve seen the ads and REASON your research. Going to you to gain the skills that paying extra for.







HIGH SCHOOL you can do all college allows companies are

ALL ABOUT THE DREAM JOB Going to college gives you the opportunity to see the different career options giving you a better shot on getting a dream job.

TIMES KEEP CHANGING We know your parents might of not gone TH to college and it may seem unnecessary REASON at times but in todays world where we are always upgrading our technology, going to college is a must, as it can get you your own upgrade. And prepare you for the best paying companies.


MEET PEOPLE FROM A DIFFERENT CITY OR COUNTRY TH The Diversity that a college can bring will REASON give you experiences that you’ll learn and remember for a lifetime. Being introduced to new opportunities and the ability to explore new “worlds” per say.


Whichever reason pulls you to college the most; know that you will gain them all and even more as you step in to a campus. So start your research, learn about different careers and get a head start on the colleges that have a program that entices your senses. Once you know your top colleges you can start working on getting in, don’t worry there is plenty of help out there, just don’t be shy and ask. Your counselor is a great start and you can search more online. So lets here it … Where are you going ?

For us by us

Why not do both? By Jessica Quintero Miss Cover Girl 2015

Being around girls my age that have similar interests as me, learning to come out of my shell and build up my confidence has been fantastic!


any teens have a specific hobby that they enjoy doing, whether it’s a sport, school club, playing music, or some other activity. Many stay participating in just one because it could be to much responsibility and bring stress to them. That is not the case! If you enjoy two activities (maybe more) do them! Who says you can’t do both? I participate in both modeling and playing the flute in my high school band and I enjoy doing both. I began to play the flute when I was in the 6th grade and have continued to do so up until now that I’m in the 10th grade. I love playing my instrument, learning new music, and performing in different events like football games, pep rallies, and concerts. Music is like another language that you have to learn to read, translate into sound, and even write out. Playing the flute is also a big stress reliever and it has been proven that those who practice music have a better academic performance in school. Also I have met great friends through music as well. We become very close because we spend most of our time playing our instruments for others during and after school. Music has taught me “practice makes perfect” and it’s a hobby that has brought much positive energy into my life. Next I began modeling approximately a year and a half ago. At first I was not very convinced that



I wanted to do it. I was extremely quite and shy, so at first it was very uncomfortable for me. But after a while I fell in love with it. Walking in heels, posing for photo shoots, getting my hair and make up professionally done was so much fun. I participated in Miss Cover Girl three times. I won my 3rd time but still had a blast all three times. I learned how to talk in public and show my personality through modeling. It quickly became a hobby I really enjoy and want to continue to do. Being around girls my age that have similar interests as me, learning to come out of my shell and build up my confidence has been fantastic! I enjoy every minute of it. Many friends have asked me “Jessica, you live a double life! You’re a band geek by day and a beauty queen by night! How do you do it?” I just smile and say, “If you really enjoy something do it, nothing should hold you back from doing something you love or from trying something new.” It’s not easy though, sometimes I may have a basketball game performance I need to attend and a modeling class on the same day. There are times I need to choose between attending one or the other, but communication is key! I always let my band director and pageant director know what’s going on and what my schedule is and it has never been a problem. “It’s impossible to be in two places at once”. Yes, that may be true, but it isn’t impossible to participate in two activities you enjoy. You just have to take charge of your schedule and make it how you want it. Hobbies and after school activities are what make a teens life interesting and memorable. It’s better to be busy than to be bored. You can always to both!

The birthday she’ll remember forever. Make MEET Las Vegas the easiest decision when planning your daughter’s quinceañera. Our venue is completely customizable to the size and tastes of your party. Wash the walls in color, display a digital memory book, create a custom theme – whatever you decide, the quinceañera of her dreams is never out of reach.

For more information or to schedule a tour, call (702) 734-6338 or visit www.MEETLV.com.

Recycle – Reuse – Reduce


Party Favors for your damas!



iving party favors at your quince party for your damas is a nice and sometimes an unexpected gift. Here are some ideas in which both crafts and recycle materials are use to make your own party favors.


Reuse mason jars. Stick on the outside a logo that says “survival kit” and your name and date. Fill the mason jar with mints, gums, desinfectant wipes, pain relievers, and anything you think it would be useful once the party is over.

Try to give each of your friends something that goes with their personality (based on color or pattern).


Reuse aluminium cans and fill them with baked cookies. You can find online few easy to make and delicious recipes. You can make them a few days before your quince, once their packed they stay well preserved.



If you have paper or card stock this is a perfect opportunity to use it. Figures can go from stars, boxes, etc. Have fun being creative!


These ideas are only a reminder of things you can do with things you usually toss, like cans, mason jars, old t-shirts and paper. This is a nice way of recycling and help planet earth at the same time you give your friends a cute party favor!

The perfect party favor for your girlfriends. Fill a mason jar with cotton balls and nail polish remover, a small file, nail polish, toe separators, lotion, etc. Making these is fun! Ask your parents and siblings for t-shirts they no longer use and make them into handbags with only a few cuts.





4 Steps Tutorial 2




Maneras de ayudar a su hijo a convertirse en una persona independiente

Todos los padres quieren ayudar y proteger a sus hijos. Sin embargo, lo mejor que puede hacer por ellos es enseñarles a ayudarse a sí mismos. Siga leyendo para enterarse de las maneras en que puede ayudar a su hijo a convertirse en un adulto de éxito.


. ANÍMELO A QUE HABLE EN PÚBLICO Tomar una clase de alocución o participar en un grupo de debate le puede ser útil de muchas formas a un adolescente. Desarrollar la capacidad de pararse frente a un grupo y hacerse oír es un elemento clave para fomentar la autoestima y las destrezas de comunicación de los jóvenes. También es importante aprender a dirigirse de manera apropiada a una variedad de público, ya que los estudiantes de escuela secundaria deben saber cómo dirigirse a sus compañeros, maestros y empleadores.




. Practique el arte de la negociación Los estudiantes de escuela secundaria buscan más libertad e independencia. En vez de dictar todas las normas del hogar, reúnanse en familia para fijarlas. Al permitir que los jóvenes participen en determinar las reglas, los padres les enseñarán a desarrollar las invalorables destrezas de compromiso justo y negociación con superiores.


. Sea un modelo de administración del tiempo y destrezas organizativas Los hijos aprenden según lo que ven. Si los padres llegan tarde a todo y son desorganizados, generalmente los hijos siguen el ejemplo. Ponga un calendario que indique las citas y los planes familiares e individuales. Utilice un calendario semanal y haga listas de cosas por hacer. En resumen, sea un ejemplo de organización para su hijo.


. Enséñele a ser autosuficiente Mientras más hagan los jovencitos para sí mismos, más seguros de sí mismos serán cuando se trate de desenvolverse en situaciones nuevas. Enséñele a su adolescente a lavar ropa. Hágalo responsable de una comida familiar a la semana. Con el tiempo eso lo hará más independiente.


. Anímelo a que sea independiente en la escuela Los jóvenes necesitan tomar las riendas de sus carreras académicas. Deben encargarse de sus asignaciones y los plazos, comunicarse con los consejeros académicos y los maestros, y participar en actividades extracurriculares de su elección. Obviamente el consejo de los padres es necesario de vez en cuando. Sin embargo, los jóvenes quieren tener espacio para lograr metas, o cometer errores, por su cuenta.


. Escúchelo y sea flexible Es lógico que a veces los jóvenes no estén de acuerdo con sus padres. Aquéllos que temen que se les reprenda o castigue, con frecuencia ocultan la verdad o evitan hablar sobre temas importantes. Generalmente los jóvenes que saben que pueden hablar con sus padres sin provocar un escándalo son más comunicativos. A la larga, aquéllos que se sienten bien al expresarse en casa estarán más preparados para expresarse en situaciones difíciles.


. Proporciónele una base Aunque se quejen de tener que seguir las reglas, los adolescentes en realidad se desempeñan mejor cuando existen normas. Los padres que ejercen su autoridad y exigen el cumplimiento de un reglamento acordado, pero que a la vez fomentan la comunicación y la independencia, crían hijos alegres y exitosos.

padres que saben los hechos verdaderos pueden ayudar eficazmente a sus hijos a aprender a lidiar con situaciones decepcionantes o difíciles.


. Enséñele el respeto a sí mismo Cuando las personas se sienten bien consigo mismas, saben defenderse. Y los adolescentes no son la excepción. Concéntrese en ayudar a su hijo a desarrollar destrezas para tomar decisiones y forjarse una sólida autoestima. Felicítelo cuando haga un buen trabajo y cuando demuestre tener una personalidad positiva. Un joven seguro de sí mismo no tendrá miedo de expresarse.

Al permitir que los jóvenes participen en determinar las reglas, los padres les enseñarán a desarrollar las invalorables destrezas de compromiso justo y negociación con superiores.


. Enséñele soluciones lógicas para los conflictos Los estudiantes de escuela secundaria lidian con muchos problemas en el ámbito social y académico. En una etapa de la vida cuando las emociones están en su apogeo, los adolescentes necesitan ayuda para solucionar los dilemas diarios. Los padres son un recurso muy importante para encontrar alternativas para las situaciones problemáticas. Anime a su hijo a pensar con calma y analíticamente. Sea un ejemplo de eso, para que sus hijos sepan encontrar soluciones razonables. Parte de ser un buen padre es saber cuándo intervenir y cuándo darles a sus hijos su espacio vital. No olvide que las personas triunfadoras se saben valer por sí mismas. Así que hágase a un lado cuando llegue el momento y deje que su hijo se desenvuelva sólo.


. Recuerde que cada historia tiene dos versiones Cuando nuestros hijos vienen a casa con alguna historia dramática, debemos recordar que sólo estamos escuchando un punto de vista. Antes de llegar a una conclusión, averigüe todos los datos. ¿Es cierto que el maestro sólo dio un día de plazo para ese ensayo de 10 páginas? ¿Será cierto que el entrenador dejó a su hijo fuera del juego sin motivo alguno? Cuando los adolescentes están frustrados o sufren, tienden a tergiversar la verdad. Aquellos





DRESSES: Dreams Bridal Maurel HAIR AND MAKE UP: Jessica Hair & Make up Studio COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: Yalina Photography BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOGRAPHY: Nayely Mendoza

A SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL THE STAFF INVOLVED: makeup artists, dresses designers, photography and last but not least, our Miss Cover Girls parents for all their support.



School: Valley High School Nationality: Mexican Special talent: plays the piano Color: Blue Book: Harry Potter Series Subject: Math

School: Rancho High School Nationality: Special Talent: Doing Hair Color : Blue Singer: Beyonce/Sam Smith Sport: Flag Football Subjet: Biology 34

School: Las Vegas High School Nationality: Mexican Special Talent: Ice skating Color: Red and Yellow Place: Beach •Actor: Adam Sandler Subject: Science

School: Mojave High School Nationality: Cuban- Puerto Rican Special Talent: Dance, Basketball, Flag Football Color: Red • Place: California Movie: Titanic Subject: Science

School: Valley High School Nationality: Mexican Special Talent: Good at dancing Color: Mint Book: If I Stay • Singer: Sam Smith Subject: Math

School: Las Vegas High School Nationality: Mexican- American Special Talent: Skating and drawing Actor: Adam Sandler Color: Purple • Place: Disneyland Sport: Volleyball • Subjetc: Health

School: Las Vegas High School School: Valley High School Nationality: Mexican Nationality: Cuban Special Talents: Play Viola, Special Talent: Dancing and modeling dancing and drawing Color: Teal • Actor: Paul Walker Color: Dark Red • Actor: Johnny Depp Place: Beach • Singer: Ariana Grande Singer: Shakira • Hobby: Drawing Subject: Math Subject: Fashion

School: East Career Tech Academy Nationality: Mexican- American Special Talent: Good Writer Color: Purple • Hobby: Reading Place: Beach • Actor: Johnny Depp Subject: World History • Sport: Soccer

School: Legacy High School Nationality: Mexican Special Talent: Dancing Color: Blue • Place: Disneyland Actress: Angelina Jolie Sport: Soccer Hobby: Shopping QM SPRING 2015


School: Legacy High School Nationality: Mexican Sports: Soccer and gymnastics Color: Mint • Place: Disneyland Singer: Prince Royce • Hobby: Shopping • Subject: English

School: Northwest Career and Tech Academy • Special Talent: Tumbling Color: Periwinkle • Place: Mexico Actress: Angelina Jolie • Movie: The Great Gatsby • Singer: Arianna Grande Hobby: Cheerleading • Subject: Biology

School: Legacy High School Nationality: Mexican • Special Talent: Cooking • Color: Light Pink • Place: Home with my family • Actress: Jennifer Lawrence • Movie: Titanic • Hobby: Helping out or cooking • Subject: Spanish/Biology 36


School: Somerset Academy Nationality: Mexican • Special Talent: Dancing and modeling • Color: Blue Place: Beach • Book: If I Stay Sport: Wrestling Hobby: Dancing and modeling • Subject: AP Geography

School: Del Sol Academy Of Preforming Arts • Nationality: Mexican • Color: Pink • Place: National Zion Park • Actor: Logan Lerman • Book: Looking for Alaska • Hobby: Modeling, soccer, and collecting Pokemon cards

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Keep in Touch




my name is Michelle Nicoleyson, I’m 18 years old and I currently attend the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). I graduated from Liberty High School with a 4.0 GPA and with an Advanced Honors Diploma. I’ve always loved acting and dancing and I started doing pageants since I was 11 yrs old, in 2012 I was fortunate enough to win the title of Miss Cover Girl along with my longtime friend Alejandra Cavada. From there I went on competing in more pageants and sure enough in 2013 I won the title of Miss Teen Nevada United States. I got to compete at nationals at Washington D.C. which was very invigorating. With my achievements I’ve kept myself immensely occupied with volunteer work with organizations such as The Animal Foundation, Fashion for a Cause and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation just to name a few. As of right now I am focusing on school and getting my degree in Business Administration alongside working three jobs, which isn’t easy, however I believe keeping yourself busy is the best attribute you can do for yourself. My aspiration in life is to graduate from college, open my own business, keep supporting my community throughout my volunteer work and compete for Miss USA! I strongly believe anything is attainable just as long as you remember this phrase: “If the mind can conceive it and your heart can believe it then you know you can achieve it!” Special thanks to my parents Eric and Lidia Nicoleyson, to my family in USA, Mexico and Costa Rica, and everyone else who has supported my journey, of course to Quinceañera Magazine for believing in me and helping me strive to become the best I can be and because of that I’m ready to move on to more exhilarating new things in life; you all haven’t seen the rest of me just yet! ;) Xoxo



“I believe keeping yourself bus y is the best attribute you can do for yourself.”



Help volunteer It’s a fun & a rewarding experience.


Three Square is a Feeding America affiliate,




Clark, Lincoln, Nye, AND ESMERALDA.

THREE SQUARE Feeding America


estimate the number of food-insecure persons in our service area to be


Food insecurity

occurs when people aren’t able to secure enough food for a healthy

diet and active lifestyle,

AT SOME POINT DURING THE YEAR. Three Square sources food, raises funds, and relies on volunteers to help supply their community partners with the food and services they need to provide wholesome food directly to hungry people in hundreds of neighborhood locations in all four counties. Three Square has a network of over 1,300 community partners including nonprofits, schools, shelters, meal programs, SNAP outreach sites, etc.


Food Distribution

Working with bulk food providers, Feeding America and local retail and grocery stores, Three Square sources and provides nonperishable food to their nonprofit partners.

Childhood Nutrition Programs

Forty percent of the people served by Three Square’s Agency Partners are children. Three Square has developed several programs to make sure our community’s most vulnerable citizens get the food and nutrition they need.

What if you could use your special day to not only celebrate,but also to help people who need it most? Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program S.N.A.P. Outreach

Three Square is working with community partners to help people in need apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps. Nevada currently ranks among the lowest states in food assistance participation.

Senior Share Program

Their Senior Share Program provides food-insecure seniors living with chronic conditions healthy supplemental groceries including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.


It’s a fun and rewarding experience, and a potentially life-changing way to tackle the ongoing hunger problem here in Southern Nevada. Together, we can feed everyone! Sorting and repackaging food at their warehouse Filling backpacks with weekend food for children Packaging meals for kids in school programs Helping out at special events, both on - and offsite Boxing meals for our Senior Share Program

CELEBRATE AND HELP! Celebrating your quinceañera is one of the most important days in any girl’s life – it signifies to the world that you are a mature young woman. But what if you could use your special day to not only celebrate becoming a young woman, but also to help people who need it most? Part of becoming a well-rounded young lady includes caring for those in your community. Hosting your quince at Three Square Food Bank lets you enjoy a fun-filled fiesta in a beautiful venue, all while supporting a local charity and giving back to those in need. Three Square offers custom menus and package option for up to 800 guests, with rates as low as $50 per person.

By hosting your quinceañera at Three Square, your celebration will directly benefit hungry people living in Southern Nevada. One in six people living in our

community do not know where they will get their next meal. Your quinceañera could help provide healthy and filling meals to families in need.

For more information about how to host your Quinceañera at Three Square, visit www.threesquare.org/catering or call at (702) 644-FOOD (3663) x354.

DRESS: Juan Pacheco of Dreams Bridal HAIR/MAKEUP: Mayte Fimbres CHOREOGRAPHER: Jorge Denis Herrera PHOTO & VIDEO: Modern Photography and Video PARTY BUS: Elite VIP Tours DECORATIONS: Micky Pe単a, William Taveras and Carmen Dominguez SALON: La Onda Banquet Hall BAND: Danny Lozada y su Latin Band



Photo & Video: Modern Photography and Video



I wish I could go back and enjoy such a beautiful day all over again. Best day of my life!



My Quince

was a day that I will never forget! I would like to thank my parents for all the hard work that they did to give me such a wonderful and unforgettable night. I would also like to thank my Padrinos and my family for being there and helping to make my Quince so amazing. Thank you my friends for being a part of my court of honor and practicing so hard to put on a great show for all of my guests. Thank you to everyone who came from out of state and those who took the time to come and celebrate my Quinces with me! It meant so much to me and my family, me being the first in my family to have a Quinces and celebrate it with such great culture and Cuban traditions. I wish I could go back and enjoy such a beautiful day all over again. Best day of my life!





Estudiar y escoger una carrera que amas es muy diferente a un trabajo que no soportas. Has oído el refrán que dice ‘cuando haces algo que te gusta, no es trabajo’ 62



Hola Quinceañeras,

i nombre es Gloria Pulido y tengo 25 años viviendo en la hermosa ciudad de Las Vegas. Este año cumplo 25 años de matrimonio y tengo una hija de 22 años y un hijo de 15. Tengo 15 años de experiencia en bodas y eventos especiales y soy dueña del Salón de Eventos; The Ritz of Las Vegas. En los 25 años que tengo en esta comunidad, he estudiado diferentes carreras en las cuales me he desarrollado. Estudié Recursos Humanos y tengo licencias y certificaciones en Health and Life Insurance y Real Estate. Quisiera hablarles de un tema súper importante para mi como mujer latina: la educación. La educación y tu decisión de seguir estudiando es una de las más importantes que puedes tomar en tu vida. Estudiar y escoger una carrera que amas es muy diferente a un trabajo que no soportas. Has oído el refrán que dice “cuando haces algo que te gusta, no es trabajo”, ese refrán es muy cierto y te lo digo por experiencia.

También hay un proverbio africano que dice: “si educamos a un niño, educamos a una persona, si educamos a una niña, educamos a una familia.” Eso es muy cierto, la educación es una de las áreas más críticas para empoderar a nuestras niñas. La educación les da a nuestras hijas el poder de planear sus futuras vidas y las de su familia. Quiero motivar a nuestras hijas y jovencitas a elevar sus aspiraciones y estudiar para un mejor futuro. El elegir continuar con tus estudios conlleva responsabilidades pero a cambio puedes obtener muchas satisfacciones como la superación personal, el aumento de tu intelecto, el adiestramiento en alguna técnica o arte. Al tener una formación académica te vales de muchas armas para salir al mundo. Tener la disciplina para seguir estudiando, no es fácil pero con el apoyo de tus padres, tus maestros y consejeros todo es posible. Vamos chicas a terminar con el estereotipo de las mujeres Latinas y nuestras comunidades. No, ya no vamos a limpiar cuartos en casinos, ni a lavar platos. Vamos a ser mujeres inteligentes y preparadas. Vamos a ser las

ejecutivas de grandes compañías, o quizás de tu propio negocio. Vamos a ser doctoras, licenciadas, o psicólogas. Las posibilidades a tu edad son infinitas. Y con trabajo, mucho estudio, enfoque y ganas de triunfar todo lo puedes lograr. ¿Va a ser fácil?, No, pero si te garantizo que todos tus sacrificios van a valer la pena. En cambio tu vida sin educación va a ser muy diferente. Mi hija se gradúa de UNLV este Mayo con dos títulos: Sicóloga de niños y consejera familiar y matrimonial. Y se volvió a inscribir para seguir con su masters degree y no piensa terminar hasta que tenga su PHD. Estoy súper orgullosa de ella como su mamá y también ella es mi gran orgullo latino. Nunca veas la educación como una opción, considérala una necesidad para que puedas ser autosuficiente y nunca tengas que conformarte. Tu puedes lograr todo lo que te propongas. Tu amiga

Gloria Pulido Dueña de

The Ritz of Las Vegas (702) -336-3626





ventas@love21.com.mx USA: 1-888-221-9290, 011 52 333 617 8821 Praudly Made in Mexico

Find the full Love21 dress collection and for a distributor in your area check out!





ventas@love21.com.mx USA: 1-888-221-9290, 011 52 333 617 8821 Praudly Made in Mexico

Find the full Love21 dress collection and for a distributor in your area check out!



ventas@love21.com.mx USA: 1-888-221-9290, 011 52 333 617 8821 Praudly Made in Mexico

Find the full Love21 dress collection and for a distributor in your area check out!




ventas@love21.com.mx USA: 1-888-221-9290, 011 52 333 617 8821 Praudly Made in Mexico

Find the full Love21 dress collection and for a distributor in your area check out!



Hair and Makeup: Mayden Tu Nueva Imagen Photography: Yalina Photography



in l e u q c a J Lorena

Kaily 72




















Quick tips

to look phenomenal during your

photo session


very Body can look stunning and glamorous in front of a camera, yes they are a few that have a few extra techniques down, like the stroke of magic of hair and make up application but this does not guarantee them a great picture. They can even question the photographer, because if they look great in person why did the camera not capture that beauty. The truth is that it takes more than just a few make up strokes to highlight the charms. Do not worry not every one is photogenic but if you follow the next steps you can be prepared and closer to great results.

Have a good night sleep.

Remember that the camera is quite sensitive and captures everything! Lack of sleep won’t help you in front of any camera.

Drink plenty of water

If you know when you will be having a photo session soon start preparing your skin. Drink enough water (at least the day before) this will give a moisturized look to your skin.

Forget Shyness

As incredible as it may seem, the camera can capture shyness. If you are being shy, confidence cannot shine, which we all know that it is the number one thing to have beauty. Having shyness is loosing all your glamour and natural shine; two great must haves for a great picture.

Use your own makeup

You don’t always have to count on professional make up artist (if you do Great but if you don’t, don’t feel bad) Make sure you know what traits you like about yourself and highlight them with your own make up.

Color Coordinate

Depending on the outfit you’re going to use, try to coordinate the colors of your makeup with it. Either being your lipstick, blush, eye shadow or your nail polish.

Practice in front of the mirror

Before the your photo shoot, a day or longer before, practice in front of the mirror for short periods of time as if it were a camera. This will give you more security when you get in front of the camera.


Leave the insecurities behind, get ready... camera ... smile … and click...!

HECTOR TORRES / OWNER PHOTO CLUB STUDIOS (702) 646-4505 / www.photoclubstudios.com



MODELO DE VESTIDO: BS1504T. ©2015 Bella Sera. Quinceañera Dress BS1504T., Graphics, Logo & Name are trademarks of Bella Sera Quinceañera Dresses.


©2015 Bella Sera. Quinceañera Dress BS1501, Graphics, Logo & Name are trademarks of Bella Sera Quinceañera Dresses.


©2015 Bella Sera. Quinceañera Dress BS1501, Graphics, Logo & Name are trademarks of Bella Sera Quinceañera Dresses.



VISIT US ON LI N E Bell aSeraDres s es . com

(702) 459.3418 (702) 459.3417

©2015 Bella Sera. Quinceañera Dress BS1509T, Graphics, Logo & Name are trademarks of Bella Sera Quinceañera Dresses.

Basic List Start your Quince planning with an easy-to-use quincea帽era checklist that will keep you organized and on top of things.

Budget Event planner Church Sal贸n Decorations Catering * Main Dish Cake * * Candy Bar Drinks Music * Dj Live * Transportation * Limo Other * Attire Dress * * Surprise Dress/Outfit * Zapatillas and other shoes Tocado * Corona * Ramo * Hair and make up Q- Social pages Photographer

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $



Basic List Budget Photo Album Videographer Invitations Recuerdos Cuchillo y pala Copas para el brindis Muñeca Cojin de corona Choreographer * .Chambelanes * Damas Dad’s Tux Brother (s) Tux Mom’s Dress Sister (s) Dress Extras Chambellanes’ Tuxes Damas’ dresses Photobooth Entertainers Other

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Total: Glance at this checklist every so often to make sure you’re on track and haven’t skipped over anything. Trust me, once you have a quinceañera planning guide right in front of you, holding your hand, you won’t feel so overwhelmed through this exciting yet nerve wracking process.





For us by us

“Just be


and more”


Shantis McGownan Miss Cover Girl 2015


strongly believe everybody has a story. Everybody makes choices in life they may not be proud of. Sometimes we learn from them and sometimes we do not. Some of us have to make the same mistakes over and over again before we are able to say, “Wait what am I doing?”

may attract many personalities. However, that’s not always a good thing.

I was always the type of girl to be surrounded with a lot of friends and acquaintances. I have a bubbly and fun personality that

My uncles were always there for me. I see them as my dads because they never stopped believing in me and they always gave me that


I am glad to say I have a good support system, my uncles, my mom and my 3 real friends. If not my life would of taken a turn that I might not of been able to recover from just yet but I am blessed.

extra push. One is always teaching me to think ahead and plan out my future, while the other one is always making sure I make the right and best decision for myself. My mother has always been a hard workingwoman. She has done everything possible to make sure I was comfortable; to make sure I was safe, had a roof over my head and clothes on my back. Even if that meant working all day only to come home to rest for an hour or two and go straight back to work.

For us by us

My mother is not only a hard workingwoman though her intuition has been a great talent but I did not always see it this way. They were times when she would tell me, “don’t do that, you’re going to get hurt” only to find out later that she was right. My mom has given me so many warning on “friends” and actions but of course in that time I didn’t listen. I was young; I was blinded and didn’t want to face the truth. I felt my mom was over exaggerating and assuming the worse. Come on, how can mom know so fast or without meeting the so-called “friends”? Of course I wanted to see it for myself, don’t we all. Yeah, bad idea but I learned, finally I learned.

and to recognize that mom was right, she had been right all this time. I was hurt but I could not blame anyone but myself, I was the one not listening to the warnings my mom gave me.

As I entered my sophomore year I met a nice guy. He automatically became someone I could trust and learn from. He helped me realize and see things from a different perspective. Sometimes we do need someone our own age with a different perspective to make us see a bit more “clear”

In one of those so called times I was introduced to J.B.E.A.M by one of my real friends which means “Just Be Everything and more”. Ever since that moment that’s all I’ve been trying to do.

I told myself I was going to live for myself and do what I needed to do to be successful even if that meant having zero friends. I won’t lie it was hard but I cut myself out of the circle until I found out what I wanted. Doing this allowed me to gain 3 real friends. They are still present in my life; we have fun and learn from each other. Even in my worst times.

get back up and keep pushing. Life is short to sit around and let negative vibes sink in. Let your talents shines and know who your real support system is. For this short moment let me be your real friend and take JBEAM with you as I have. “Just Be Everything and More”.

So let me tell you to never stop believing in yourself, when you fall

I told myself I was going to live for myself and do what I needed to do to be successful even if that meant having zero friends.




It’s R

Did you



Would you like to have a good conversation with your friends? Here are some curious facts you can share.


Si gritaras durante 8 años, 7 meses y 6 días, producirías suficiente energía sonora para calentar una taza de café. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.

Una cucaracha puede vivir nueve días sin su cabeza antes de que se muera de hambre. A cockroach will live nine days without its head, before it starves to death.

Hay una mujer llamada “Mariguana Pepsi Jackson”. Nunca ha fumado y prefiere el refresco de naranja. There is a woman named, “Marijuana Pepsi Jackson”. She has never smoked and prefers orange soda.


La persona promedio se queda dormida en siete minutos.


The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

n sello, ue lames u Cada vez q décimo miendo un ría. estas consu de una calo

El múscu lo más fu erte en prop orción a su tamaño en el cu erpo humano es la len gua.

The stro ng proporti est muscle in on to its size in the hum an body is the tongue.

amp, you lick a st Every time fa ming 1/10 o you’re consu ri calo e.

Hugh Jackman no sabía que “wolverines” (glotones) eran animales reales hasta después de comenzó a actuar en su primera película X-Men. Hugh Jackman didn’t know that wolverines were real animals until after he started acting in his first X-Men film.



directory Photography AB VIRTUAL ..................................... LLILIAN TREJO .................................. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY ............. PHOTOCLUB STUDIO ..................... RON DILLION .................................. VIDEOMANIA ................................... YALINA PHOTOGRAPHY .................

Hair and Makeup 702-420-0335 702-265-8697 702-835-3821 702-646-4505 203-822-2918 702-506-4075 702-401-0527

702-258-5128 702-210-2983 702-836-6514 702-465-0937 619-564-1480 702-459-0699 702-454-8020 702-383-4852 702-288-7982 702-336-3626 702-794-9604 702-644-3663 702-848-3982 702-947-8329

Photobooths VEGAS SOCIETY ...............................




702-459-3417 702-595-1140 702-892-9035 702-628-1129 702-991-0382 702-490- 3895

702-355-1532 702-982-2658 702-250-9379

702-690-1083 702-302-3599

Transportation ELITE TRANSPORTATION ................


BYANCA’S ......................................... MC GARDENS ...................................


IGLESIA CRISTO REY ........................

Dresses / Suits

BELLA SERA ..................................... DREAMS BRIDAL ............................ MENS WAREHOUSE ....................... MY SWEET XV .................................. JOEY GALON ATELIER ..................... ONDA NORTEÑA ............................


DJ SUPERIOR SOUNDS .................... LA PROYECCION DE DURANGO ........................................

Banquet Hall ARIZONA CHARLIES DECATUR ...... CASABLANCA BANQUET HALL ...... CIRCUS CIRCUS LAS VEGAS ........... EL PALACIO DEL SOL ...................... FACTORY OF DREAMS .................... HACIENDA GARDENS ..................... SAM’S TOWN ................................... STRATOSPHERE ............................... TEXAS STATION ............................... THE RITZ OF LAS VEGAS ................. THE RIVIERA ..................................... THREE SQUARE ............................... PRESTIGE ......................................... MT. CHARLESTON RESORT ............

JESSICA HAIR AND MAKE UP STUDIO ............................................. KG BEAUTY SALON .......................... IBLOWDRY ........................................


702-690-1083 702-452-3346


Choroehraphers JB DANCE STUDIO ...........................


Dentist BARBOSA DENTAL .........................

702-243-2489 / 702-522-9933



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