QLA Newsletter Issue No.46

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‫أكاديمية قطر للقادة‬ Qatar Leadership Academy

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‫مشاركة قسم اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية والتاريخ‬ ‫القطري في مبادرة " عدنا "‬ ‫ا نقطاا ن‬ ‫انطالقاامن ااوناب الاانناب ذااتقناب ا أناد ا ةنق ا ن م‬ ‫بلداام فن ااقن ا ا ناب لم ا ناب علااقنعابمااامذقن ا نق ا م م ن‬ ‫عابمفمعلن ن بم راا ناأاقن شمر نقسمنابلغ نابا ق نعابم ق ا ن‬ ‫اإلساال نعابماامر لنابدطا أن ااقن باام رفنونعاانمنونع ااقن باام رفن‬ ‫اهاااإنىبااتناساامدطمبنابطلب ا نابدط ا ونب هت ا نابمااار ن ا فن‬ ‫ى‪.‬‬ ‫ع ااوناب الا ةن نن هتا نابمااار ن ااوناب هااوناب ساامب نعب ااس ن‬ ‫اب ظ ف ن دطنح ثناؤث نقاعر منعلتناشك لنابه نابشخاي ن‬ ‫عابه نابا ت نعاالنم ام ناب ذاتقنب امنبهامن اون ي نا نقتم ا ن‬ ‫ااااسم ن اااقناإلناااسمنن تااا ننا ااا ن ظفااامر نبااا انااااساتن ااا ن‬ ‫اب بم رفنابمقن ذلدمهمن ارس ناباعح ناب من نبلبت ون ونا ك اون‬ ‫ابطلب نابدط ون وناب هامرا نابالم ا نعابط ا الناب ف ااف نعبا ن‬ ‫اار نن تمسنن ازمناب غب ن قناالنمظمةن قنسلكنابمار ‪.‬‬ ‫نقإش اإنقسمنابلغ نابا ق ا نقااعر ن اقن‬ ‫عقانشمر ناأل م‬ ‫اام ا واناألعبااتنابماامر لنابدط ا أن نعاب من ا نابد اام فن نعقااانقاامةن‬ ‫ابطلب نقش حناب م فنابال ن قناب م ا ون نقمعمبمر من ال اون ن‬ ‫عقاناسمخا ان هامن حاامن امنعنالنىب ا نابماار ن اونذ ا الن‬ ‫حا ن نع ق ن طط ن نعاد من ق ل‪.‬‬ ‫بدان منناأل ا نل اان نعابمفمعلنرا امن نع من نابمل قا نث ا نا ا ن‬ ‫قاي ماهمنعلااتنابطلبا نابا ونقام انقا ل ا نابمااار ن ن اامن نهاامن‬ ‫ث نقاعر من قنابطلب ناب ونامنابمار نبهم‪.‬‬

‫ا نقطاا نبلداام فنىالن‬ ‫عالن ااس نقااسمنابلغ ا نابا ق اا ن ااقن م‬ ‫نعا ق ن‬ ‫نابفمعل نعاب ؤث فنابمقناعدلن غ اضمناال‬ ‫اب سم‬ ‫ونشأنهمن ننابتقناألل ملن نع ننااا اهمنىباتن ز اان اونابمدااةن‬ ‫عاالم مر‪.‬‬ ‫قسم اللغة العربية والتربية اإلسالمية‬

‫للعام الثامن على التوالي أحتفلت أكاديمية قطر للقادة بيوم الرياضيات‬ ‫نقط ن‬ ‫احمفل نقسم ناب مض م نق ة ناب مض م نابست أ ناب م و ناب أ ن ق م ن ق ن م‬ ‫بلدم ف نع ن ؤسس نقط نبلم ق نعابال ةنعات ناب عم ن انابامةنعاب أن يم إن‬ ‫امر لنن‪31‬ن مرسن ون لنعمة‪.‬ن‬ ‫ناب ال ونعاب شمر ون ونابطالبنق ًيمن‬ ‫منناب ةن ل ًئمنقمب حنعاإلثمرف‪.‬نارااىنل‬ ‫عل نشامر ناالحمفمل نق ة ناب مض م نابست أ نب ُ ظه عا ناتمغ م نعانسلم م ن ن تمسب ن‬ ‫ن ظفقناب ارس نقأ لهمن ن‬ ‫االحمفمل‪.‬نقا ناب ةنقمشك لنر زناب مض م نعونذ لنل‬ ‫ح ثنشمركناب ال ننعابطالبن قنذبك‪.‬نامناز ون كمننابعامنق تمسب نع ضناألع ملن‬ ‫نقط نبلدم ف‪.‬ن‬ ‫ابفت نابمقنقمةنقهمنذالبن م‬ ‫انابامةن نرحبتمنقأ ن ون‪311‬نذمبنن ون‪8‬ن اارسن خملف ن قناباعب نع تهمان ارس ن‬ ‫نقط ‪-‬اب ف ن )‪ AKIS (BS‬ن ‪EMS‬اباعح ناأل م‬ ‫ن ر ‪ -‬نلل منابخ رنابخمن نع م‬ ‫نقط ‪-‬نابخ رنعن ارس نابخ رناباعب ن‬ ‫ابا ق ناباعب ن)‪ (AIA‬ن‪SISQ‬ناباعح ن ن م‬ ‫إن نشمركنابطالبن قن نشط ن‬ ‫)‪(CBSE‬نبمك ننلز ً ان ون انابعام‪.‬نقاانعن لناب‬ ‫ابايفناب تقناب خملف نعابمقن امح نبهمنل ًامن ن نبلمفمعلنعابمامعنن نذالبن‬ ‫اب اارسناأل ى‪.‬‬


‫قاانذبك نامنع لن سمقدم نع بغممنع سم لناب مض م نعنابماب ا نعاب س م نابفت ن‬ ‫ذا ناباالق نق ض عناب سمقد ‪.‬نشمر نل ناب اارسن قن سمقد نابفون نواي من‬ ‫ناب سمقدم نابفت ن‬ ‫بتت ننا ل نبلب ئ نقمسمخااة ناألشكمل نابهتاس و‪ .‬ن م ن ق‬ ‫بلفت نن قناب مض م نعقمبم امأن نقا همنابباض‪.‬ن مم ن ارس ن‪ SISQ‬نقكأسن سمقد ن‬ ‫ابفو‪ .‬نعقا ن مم ن ارس ن)‪ AKIS (CBSE‬نابيف إ ن‪ 8-7‬ن ق ن سمقد ناب مض م ن من‬ ‫مم ن ارس ن)‪ AKIS (BS‬نبل احلن ونابيفن‪.31-9‬‬ ‫نبا سمقد ناب مض م ن ا نابامة نىبت ناه ئ نق ئ ن عفزفن‬ ‫ناألنشط ناب ي‬ ‫ا‬ ‫لنباىنابطالبنح لناب مض م ن كل‪.‬ناأ لنى ارفناب ارس نعقسمن‬ ‫بل مض م نعا ب ان‬ ‫نقط نبلدم فن قن انل ن اناالحمفملنابست أن قناب سمدبلن‬ ‫اب مض م ن قن م‬ ‫قع مسن ب نع شمر ن ب ن وناب اارسناأل ىن ا لنقط ‪.‬ن‬

QLA celebrated the annual Pi Day Math Department celebrated QLA’s 8th Annual Pi day which happening yearly on 31th March. The day was full of fun and excitement. All teachers and studentparticipants wore a Pi day t-shirt to show the spirit of the day. The day started with human formation of pi symbol and whole school; teachers and students participated in it. The venue of the event was decorated for the occasion displaying the artwork done by QLA’s students. This year, we welcomed more than 311 students 8 schools from ALKhor and Doha: Nord-Anglia Al-Khor, Qatar Aacademy Al-Wakra, Al Khor International School AKIS (BS), English Modern School EMS Doha, Arab International Academy, Swiss International School Qatar SISQ Doha, Qatar Academy AL-Khor and Al Khor International School AKIS (CBSE) to be a part of this event. After the arrival of guests, students participated in different icebreaker activities, which gave all of them an opportunity to interact and collaborate with students from other schools. After that, it was time for Math Jeopardy and Arts’ competitions. All the schools participated in the Art competition with the “Designing an Eco friendly building using geometrical shapes”. The Math Jeopardies and Art competitions took place parallel to each other. First time participant SISQ won the trophy of Art competition. Grades 7-8 math jeopardy has been won by AKIS (CBSE) and grades 9-31 math Jeopardy was won by AKIS (BS). The activities designed for Pi day meant to create a motivating environment for math and generate a curiosity among the students about Pi day and Math at large. The Math Department at QLA hopes to continue this celebration in future with great enthusiasm and more involvement from other schools within Qatar.

The 9A’s were rewarded with a trip to Festival City this month for their outstanding behavior and hard work in their English lessons during Quarter 1. The English/ESL departments are trying to reward entire classes instead of specific students. We feel this builds comradery and character of the group as a whole. Way to go 9A’s, keep up the good work. English/ ESL Department

NHSMUN – New York Model United Nations Trip—(March 2019) QLA had another successful Model United Nations trip to New York. This year we had a smaller group of 1 students representing QLA at the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) in New York, which is one of the largest MUNs in the world with 5,111 students from around the world in 2 sessions. We are very proud of the work and achievements of our students. All of our students were on special committees and they did their research well, completed their position papers, and negotiated in conference. Yousef Al Amri represented Qatar in the IAEA speaking about the use of Atomic Energy in Sovereign countries, Nayef Al Amri represented Poland in the CoEU speaking about Poland and Hungry’s Euroscepticism, and Falah Al Badi represented South Sudan as the Minister of Animal resources and Fishery in the Crisis Committee discussing war and major crisis’s in South Sudan. The day we arrived we settled in and enjoyed dinner and Times Square in Manhattan. The next 2 days we toured Philadelphia, Amish Country, and Washington DC. The students learned about United States beginnings, modern day USA, and other cultures within the country. We also went through 6 states in 2 days. When we arrived back to New York, we had time to shop and rest, while preparing for the conferences. On the 2nd day of the conference we were honored to me with the Qatari Representative to the United Nations as he shared his valuable insight on domestic and foreign policies as well as answered specific questions and topics from our students and a large delegation from Venezuela that was also representing Qatar in other committees. More than that, he explained how diplomats are generalists and rely deeply upon their advisors and experts to assist on any given issue within the UN; therefore providing valuable insight on how a diplomat does his job with tools of the trade. In the end we presented a gift to the ambassador from QLA. The students completed the conference, which was from 7-9 March from 8am - 33pm. These are very difficult conference and it takes hard work and dedication to do it. Though they have a lunch and dinner break the day is long and hard. With that said, we would like to thank everyone who makes these international trips possible. These trips would not be possible without a number of different departments and people’s hard work and dedication. By: Mrs. Mia Elazizi and Mr. Hani Sedeeq Mohamed

QLA’s Final IB Art Exhibition

On March 25th students from Mr. Abdalla and Ms. Fiedler’s IB Visual Arts 32th Grade classes proudly displayed their masterpieces in the final IB exhibition for QLA. Over 81 pieces of artwork were showcased in the gymnasium in a grand presentation. The ten IB Art students were able to explain and show their artwork to fellow students, teachers and administrators throughout the afternoon. The artists represented were: Ali Al Suaiti, Ali Al Boainain, Saoud Al Emadi, Khalid Al Binali, Hassan Bujaloof, Abdulla Al Rais, Abdulla Al Khalddi, Mahanna Al Ajmi, Mohammed Arab, and Hamad Al Kuwari. Their efforts spanned over the past two years of learning new art skills and techniques and then being able to apply them to their own pieces. They also presented their process portfolio sketchbooks to the audience which demonstrated where their ideas originated and their creative process. Visiting teachers and administrators were especially impressed by the cohesive body of work that each student was able to produce and showcase. Many students revieled hidden talents which were suprising to many guests. The students made a wonderful achievement and all here at QLA are extremely proud of their effort and accomplishment for IB Art. We wish them all the best in their continued admiration and support for the Arts throughout their futures beyond QLA. Congratulations to them all. By Mrs. Jensena Skye Fiedler IB Visual Art Teacher

‫حفل تكريم األبطال‬ ‫ نعلق ن ح ان‬/‫نابا ا ناب و‬ ‫قمة ن ا ناأل م‬ ‫ابك ارأنقمك منابطالبناب وناح معاناب ا زناألعبتن‬ ‫قن سمقدم نابملا فنابش اعقنابمدل اأنعابف من‬ ‫قمب زناالعلنق سمقد نحا د نابد آننابك منبأل ون‬ ‫ابغ ا قناال م ق‬ Champions Award Brig. Gen. Ali A. Al Kuwari, Director of QLA, presented awards to the QLA Cadets who won first place in the Sailing and Traditional Rowing competition as well as the Cadets who won first place in the Food Security Educational Program, organized by the Qur'anic Botanic Garden

‫مباريات ودية مع مدرسة عبدالله بن علي المسند الثانوية‬

‫_قط _بلدم ف بمرا م نع نبك فنابسل ن فنابطم فن‬ ‫ م‬# ‫احم ت‬ ‫نعذالبن ارس نعباابل نقونعلقن‬ ‫ع فنابطمعب ن مق ونذالبناأل م‬ .‫اب ستاناب من نبلبت و‬ ‫_قط _بلدم فنبك فنابسل نعات نابطمعب نعلتن‬ ‫لن ارس نعباابل نقونعلقناب ستانعلتناب زن‬

‫ م‬#‫منحيلن لن‬ ‫اب زناالعلنعحيلن‬ ‫االعلن قن فنابطم ف‬

Friendly games with Abdullah Bin Nasser Al Misned Secondary school QLA hosted a friendly games in Basketball, Volleyball and table tennis between the cadets and the students of Abdullah Bin Nasser Al Misned Secondary school. QLA tables tennis and basketball team won the first place as well the volleyball team of Abdullah Bin Ali Al Al Misned won the first place.

‫تكريم الموظفين‬ ‫انابامةن‬

‫ن اللن‬

‫ان قنقاضناإلنلمما نبأل م‬ ‫نعلقن ح انابك ارأناب ظف وناب ونسم‬/‫نابا اناب و‬ ‫عابمقن مننبهمن م لناب تم ن ونقبلنابمال من مقبلنابلم اقنعابطالبنع عب م ناأل رن‬

‫ةن ا ناأل م‬

Staff Awards Brig. Gen. Ali A. Al Kuwari awarded some of the staff who was part of some of the achievements for the academy during this academic year as this has been appreciated from the cadets, parents and all the staff.


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Spring Break Parent Teacher Conference # 1 QLA Earth Week

‫نقط نبلدم ف نع ن ؤسس نقط ن‬ ‫اب ق ان ا ت نابخ ر‬ ‫ابخ رن– قط‬ 24423‫بان‬.‫ص‬ +974 44542222‫اببااب ان‬ 36‫رقمناب بتتان‬ 776‫رقمنابشمرعان‬ 74‫تطد ان‬


Qatar Leadership Academy, Member of Qatar Foundation Location: Al Khor City Al Khor Qatar P.O.Box: 24423 Tel: +974 44542222 Building Number: 36 Street No. 776 Zone: 74


7-33 April 35 April 23-25 April

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