Vision 2050 FullReport

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horizon, this buy-in will be critical,

practices, capacity and attention to

and will ease implementation.

those traditionally underserved parts

Diversified knowledge and

Longer-reaching networks and

source of information and support,

multiple perspectives

leveraging diverse experience

the combined result will be greater

The nature and number of partners

Beyond the benefit of diversified

than the sum of its parts.

involved in strategically developed

knowledge, complex coalitions

coalitions can provide multiple

will also increase the scope of the

Connecting through ICT

perspectives and areas of expertise

collective network of relationships,

These complex coalitions will be

that makes issues easier to spot.

giving members access to a greater

enabled and made more effective

A broad base of knowledge and

wealth of experience and information,

through developments in the way that

experience will enable organizations

and in many instances blurring the

people, governments and business

of the world. Due to this expanded

to identify and prepare for risks

very lines that divide the sectors.

use information and communication

and challenges before they have

For example, as it develops new

technology to connect. ICT will

an impact. The experiences and

technologies and ideas, academia

continue to increase the speed and

capabilities of increasingly diverse

will collaborate more with business

scale of information exchange and

networks will also permit more

at earlier stages to integrate and

will play a significant part in efficiency

informed planning, which will

mainstream these ideas. NGOs will

improvements, e.g., the greenhouse

increase the likelihood of buy-in

continue to serve as the challengers

gas emission reductions described

from a broad base of constituents.

of regulators and business, and as a

earlier (see figure 4.2).

Given the degree of change on the

conduit to collect and spread best

Figure 4.10: Building complex coalitions for social and economic development

Connecting people to people: Vast opportunity lies both in the unmet demand for basic communications infrastructure, as

Traditional development (supply-side bias)

well as in innovative new platforms

New partnership paradigm

for improved quality of interaction. Regardless of the particular

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)


enabling technology, on a societal

Complex coalition structures

level, the increased interaction across borders and cultures will speed the dissemination of ideas and opportunity. It will also help increase affordable access to services

Social Development

to underserved markets. Mobile communication technologies and access to faster, more reliable and convenient forms of Internet access

Private sector


will continue to drive innovation in business models and economic development in the emerging

Market-based approach (demand-side bias)

and developing world. An extra 10 mobile phones per 100 people


Economic Development


in a typical developing country,

Source: Accenture, Development Collaboration, None of our Business? 2009

Vision 2050: The new agenda for business


4 – Opportunities

likely to deliver both economic and social improvements (see figure 4.10).

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