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Back to School Guide Version 2, extensively updated Spring 2021


Contents 01



Play Your Part, Help Control the Virus – Our Three Key Messages


Face Coverings


Guided by Government & the NHS


Guidance on Isolation


NHS Test and Trace


Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements


Bubbles & Distancing – Timetable, Lunch, Assemblies and More


The School Day


Coming and Going


Supporting our Staff


Asymptomatic Testing


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Appendices 36

Appendix 1 – The School timetable


Appendix 2 – Designated playground areas


Appendix 3 – Arrangements for School coaches


Appendix 4 – Our mass testing and return-to-School timetable

Since the first edition of this Back to School Guide was issued at the start of September, we have had a successful Autumn Term at Queen Elizabeth’s School, with relatively little disruption and with few confirmed cases of Covid19. In the new lockdown that has been in place since early January, strong progress has been maintained through the use of eQE and MS Teams, with boys following their full timetables. Both boys and staff have risen well to the challenge, ensuring that high standards have been maintained in this period.

It is, nevertheless, very welcome news that we can all return to Queen’s Road soon. Case numbers in the community have fallen substantially and the

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Contents 01



Play Your Part, Help Control the Virus – Our Three Key Messages


Face Coverings


Guided by Government & the NHS


Guidance on Isolation


NHS Test and Trace


Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements


Bubbles & Distancing – Timetable, Lunch, Assemblies and More


The School Day


Coming and Going


Supporting our Staff


Asymptomatic Testing


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Appendices 36

Appendix 1 – The School timetable


Appendix 2 – Designated playground areas


Appendix 3 – Arrangements for School coaches


Appendix 4 – Our mass testing and return-to-School timetable

Since the first edition of this Back to School Guide was issued at the start of September, we have had a successful Autumn Term at Queen Elizabeth’s School, with relatively little disruption and with few confirmed cases of Covid19. In the new lockdown that has been in place since early January, strong progress has been maintained through the use of eQE and MS Teams, with boys following their full timetables. Both boys and staff have risen well to the challenge, ensuring that high standards have been maintained in this period.

It is, nevertheless, very welcome news that we can all return to Queen’s Road soon. Case numbers in the community have fallen substantially and the

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


national vaccination programme is showing positive signs in protecting the most vulnerable, reducing hospitalisations and potentially reducing transmission. All this gives us hope that we can progressively return towards greater normality. However, the control measures outlined in this guide remain vitally important in keeping everyone in the QE community safe, including pupils, staff and family members.

With safety of such paramount importance, I particularly draw your attention to the new asymptomatic testing programme. Boys will have their first tests in School by appointment from 8th–10th March, with online lessons continuing during this time. The School will re-open fully on Thursday 11th March (including the full coach service and catering provision). This means everyone will have received a negative test before there is any chance of mixing.

Our plans and safety measures take full account of current guidance, but we know that it is a developing picture and that, as a School community, we may still need to adapt and flex, should things change.

We are now a year into the pandemic, and I would like to thank everyone for how you have responded positively to the challenges it has brought. I am conscious that many have, at various times, found life difficult, with mental health and wellbeing coming under pressure in these unprecedented circumstances. I remind all that extensive support is available both within the School and externally for anyone presently experiencing such difficulties.

As we look forward to the imminent return of boys and staff to the School, we enter the next phase encouraged, and with a sense of cautious optimism.

Attendance at School will be expected from 11th March, and any absence which is not supported by a valid reason will be classed as unauthorised. A further two tests will be conducted in-School on the boys’ return, to be followed by twice-weekly testing at home.

Neil Enright Headmaster

This guide explains the expansion of the requirements for face coverings, with the Government now recommending that masks be worn in all indoor areas where social distancing is not possible. There are also changes to the lunch arrangements and timings for the year group bubbles. Many of the other arrangements detailed in these pages are the same or similar to those adopted in the Autumn Term, but I urge everyone to read the whole document and familiarise themselves with how we plan to operate over the coming period.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


national vaccination programme is showing positive signs in protecting the most vulnerable, reducing hospitalisations and potentially reducing transmission. All this gives us hope that we can progressively return towards greater normality. However, the control measures outlined in this guide remain vitally important in keeping everyone in the QE community safe, including pupils, staff and family members.

With safety of such paramount importance, I particularly draw your attention to the new asymptomatic testing programme. Boys will have their first tests in School by appointment from 8th–10th March, with online lessons continuing during this time. The School will re-open fully on Thursday 11th March (including the full coach service and catering provision). This means everyone will have received a negative test before there is any chance of mixing.

Our plans and safety measures take full account of current guidance, but we know that it is a developing picture and that, as a School community, we may still need to adapt and flex, should things change.

We are now a year into the pandemic, and I would like to thank everyone for how you have responded positively to the challenges it has brought. I am conscious that many have, at various times, found life difficult, with mental health and wellbeing coming under pressure in these unprecedented circumstances. I remind all that extensive support is available both within the School and externally for anyone presently experiencing such difficulties.

As we look forward to the imminent return of boys and staff to the School, we enter the next phase encouraged, and with a sense of cautious optimism.

Attendance at School will be expected from 11th March, and any absence which is not supported by a valid reason will be classed as unauthorised. A further two tests will be conducted in-School on the boys’ return, to be followed by twice-weekly testing at home.

Neil Enright Headmaster

This guide explains the expansion of the requirements for face coverings, with the Government now recommending that masks be worn in all indoor areas where social distancing is not possible. There are also changes to the lunch arrangements and timings for the year group bubbles. Many of the other arrangements detailed in these pages are the same or similar to those adopted in the Autumn Term, but I urge everyone to read the whole document and familiarise themselves with how we plan to operate over the coming period.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Play your part Help control the virus Our Three Key Messages Whilst this guide also includes other important aspects to our work to protect the School community from COVID-19, our three key messages remain Please keep your distance, Wash your hands and Catch it, bin it, kill it. To keep everyone safe, it is vital that that all continue to adhere rigorously to them.

Posters and banners are prominently displayed around the School to remind everyone of these messages. The following pages explain them in more detail.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Play your part Help control the virus Our Three Key Messages Whilst this guide also includes other important aspects to our work to protect the School community from COVID-19, our three key messages remain Please keep your distance, Wash your hands and Catch it, bin it, kill it. To keep everyone safe, it is vital that that all continue to adhere rigorously to them.

Posters and banners are prominently displayed around the School to remind everyone of these messages. The following pages explain them in more detail.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Please, keep your distance •

Pupils enter classrooms immediately on arrival to avoid queuing and overcrowding in corridors and doorways before the start of lessons.

All desks are arranged to face forwards, with seating plans organised alphabetically by surname.

Teachers will monitor the corridor as classes are being dismissed to avoid congestion.

The School is again operating in year group ‘bubbles’ to avoid close contact between pupils from different years. More information on this and other aspects of our distancing measures is in our Bubbles & Distancing section below.

Teachers have been advised to remain at the front of the classroom when teaching. Teachers are also being encouraged generally to restrict contact only to pupils they are teaching or tutoring.

The sharing of textbooks, worksheets and other resources is being minimised insofar as this is possible. Teachers will, for example:

— Scan textbook pages so they can be displayed on interactive white boards — Send worksheets and resources to pupils in advance so they can be printed out. Where this is not possible, they will… — Put sanitised resources on desks, or in a box for pupils to take as they enter the room (once they have sanitised their hands).

Merits, good notes, and bad notes continue to be issued electronically, rather than face-to-face.

Pupils should begin packing up approximately five minutes before the bell to ensure that they can be dismissed from the classroom immediately after the bell has rung.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Please, keep your distance •

Pupils enter classrooms immediately on arrival to avoid queuing and overcrowding in corridors and doorways before the start of lessons.

All desks are arranged to face forwards, with seating plans organised alphabetically by surname.

Teachers will monitor the corridor as classes are being dismissed to avoid congestion.

The School is again operating in year group ‘bubbles’ to avoid close contact between pupils from different years. More information on this and other aspects of our distancing measures is in our Bubbles & Distancing section below.

Teachers have been advised to remain at the front of the classroom when teaching. Teachers are also being encouraged generally to restrict contact only to pupils they are teaching or tutoring.

The sharing of textbooks, worksheets and other resources is being minimised insofar as this is possible. Teachers will, for example:

— Scan textbook pages so they can be displayed on interactive white boards — Send worksheets and resources to pupils in advance so they can be printed out. Where this is not possible, they will… — Put sanitised resources on desks, or in a box for pupils to take as they enter the room (once they have sanitised their hands).

Merits, good notes, and bad notes continue to be issued electronically, rather than face-to-face.

Pupils should begin packing up approximately five minutes before the bell to ensure that they can be dismissed from the classroom immediately after the bell has rung.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Wash your hands •

All pupils, staff and visitors should wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, e.g. upon arrival at School, before eating, on departure etc.

Pupils should sanitise their hands as they enter and leave at the start and end of every lesson; teachers will carefully control the entry and exit of pupils to ensure this happens.

Hand sanitiser is being provided in every classroom and at other key points, such as reception, dining areas and The Queen’s Library. Some dispensers, such as that outside the Dining Hall, are automatic devices.

Although hand sanitiser is provided, we also encourage pupils and staff to carry their own, and to use it regularly.

Pupils can use the alcohol wipes provided to clean desk/chair surfaces before the lesson begins. Teachers will clean shared resources with alcohol wipes before and after use.

More information on the School’s wider cleaning preparations and routines may be found on the Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements page below.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Wash your hands •

All pupils, staff and visitors should wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, e.g. upon arrival at School, before eating, on departure etc.

Pupils should sanitise their hands as they enter and leave at the start and end of every lesson; teachers will carefully control the entry and exit of pupils to ensure this happens.

Hand sanitiser is being provided in every classroom and at other key points, such as reception, dining areas and The Queen’s Library. Some dispensers, such as that outside the Dining Hall, are automatic devices.

Although hand sanitiser is provided, we also encourage pupils and staff to carry their own, and to use it regularly.

Pupils can use the alcohol wipes provided to clean desk/chair surfaces before the lesson begins. Teachers will clean shared resources with alcohol wipes before and after use.

More information on the School’s wider cleaning preparations and routines may be found on the Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements page below.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Catch it, bin it, kill it •

All boys, staff and visitors to the School are requested to carry their own tissues and to use them to catch a cough or sneeze. They should then immediately dispose of them in a waste bin, as well as washing or sanitising their hands. Packs containing tissues and wipes will be available in each classroom.

Staff will ensure classroom bins are accessible for pupils to throw away tissues during lessons. All classroom bins have a lid, and there are lidded wheelie bins in the playgrounds. Lids are wiped down regularly.

Everyone should take care to avoid touching their nose, mouth and other areas of their face.

Doors are being kept open to increase ventilation in classrooms; windows are also being kept open whenever possible. Mag-lock doors have been installed in Main Building and the Fern Building.

The Government recommends that, until Easter 2021 at the earliest, face masks should be worn in any indoor areas where social distancing of 2m cannot be maintained. This is in addition to where face coverings were mandatory last term: in QE corridors; in all communal spaces where social distancing is not possible, and on School coaches and public transport, unless there is a medical exemption. After use, pupils must ensure masks are safely disposed of. More information on face coverings is available on the following two pages.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Catch it, bin it, kill it •

All boys, staff and visitors to the School are requested to carry their own tissues and to use them to catch a cough or sneeze. They should then immediately dispose of them in a waste bin, as well as washing or sanitising their hands. Packs containing tissues and wipes will be available in each classroom.

Staff will ensure classroom bins are accessible for pupils to throw away tissues during lessons. All classroom bins have a lid, and there are lidded wheelie bins in the playgrounds. Lids are wiped down regularly.

Everyone should take care to avoid touching their nose, mouth and other areas of their face.

Doors are being kept open to increase ventilation in classrooms; windows are also being kept open whenever possible. Mag-lock doors have been installed in Main Building and the Fern Building.

The Government recommends that, until Easter 2021 at the earliest, face masks should be worn in any indoor areas where social distancing of 2m cannot be maintained. This is in addition to where face coverings were mandatory last term: in QE corridors; in all communal spaces where social distancing is not possible, and on School coaches and public transport, unless there is a medical exemption. After use, pupils must ensure masks are safely disposed of. More information on face coverings is available on the following two pages.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Face Coverings The mandatory requirement introduced last term for face coverings (masks) to be worn in School corridors, in all communal spaces at QE where social distancing is not possible, and on School coaches and public transport remains in place, unless there is a medical exemption. Furthermore, the Government is now recommending that masks be worn in indoor areas where social distancing of 2m cannot be maintained – a recommendation which the Government plans to review at Easter. These measures apply to all year groups and staff, and even apply when pupils are with boys who are solely from their own year group bubble.

All boys, staff and visitors should therefore carry a face covering at all times when they are on the School site. People may, if they wish, wear masks even in situations where their use is not mandatory.

Those wearing face coverings must ensure that they put on, remove, store




and dispose of them safely, washing/sanitising their hands before and after use, and, ideally, keeping their masks in a sealable plastic bag when not in use. They should avoid touching their mask or their face as much as possible.

The wearing of masks in no way reduces the need for the other measures set out in this guide, especially Keep your distance, Wash your hands and Catch it, bin it, kill it. These should also be scrupulously observed.

Some boys may have a medical reason for exemption from the requirement to wear masks. As previously, they should get a note in writing from their GP, or other appropriate medical professional, and carry this with them to produce if challenged. Any parents with concerns about this should speak to their son’s Head of Year. 12

Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet

13 Eliza-

Face Coverings The mandatory requirement introduced last term for face coverings (masks) to be worn in School corridors, in all communal spaces at QE where social distancing is not possible, and on School coaches and public transport remains in place, unless there is a medical exemption. Furthermore, the Government is now recommending that masks be worn in indoor areas where social distancing of 2m cannot be maintained – a recommendation which the Government plans to review at Easter. These measures apply to all year groups and staff, and even apply when pupils are with boys who are solely from their own year group bubble.

All boys, staff and visitors should therefore carry a face covering at all times when they are on the School site. People may, if they wish, wear masks even in situations where their use is not mandatory.

Those wearing face coverings must ensure that they put on, remove, store




and dispose of them safely, washing/sanitising their hands before and after use, and, ideally, keeping their masks in a sealable plastic bag when not in use. They should avoid touching their mask or their face as much as possible.

The wearing of masks in no way reduces the need for the other measures set out in this guide, especially Keep your distance, Wash your hands and Catch it, bin it, kill it. These should also be scrupulously observed.

Some boys may have a medical reason for exemption from the requirement to wear masks. As previously, they should get a note in writing from their GP, or other appropriate medical professional, and carry this with them to produce if challenged. Any parents with concerns about this should speak to their son’s Head of Year. 12

Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet

13 Eliza-

Guided by Government & the NHS QE Strategy Follows Public Health Advice QE has been guided by the following essential control measures drawn up by the Government and the NHS for schools as they prepare to re-open fully once again:

Robust hand and respiratory hygiene; formal consideration of distancing and of minimising potential for contamination – largely covered in Our Three Key Messages section above.

Ensure face coverings are used in recommended circumstances – see our Face Coverings section above.

A requirement that those required to self-isolate stay at home – information in the Guidance on Isolation section below.

Active engagement with NHS Test and Trace – see the NHS Test and Trace section below.

Enhanced cleaning arrangements – the Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements section below details our preparations.

Promote and engage in asymptomatic testing – see our Asymptomatic Testing section below.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Guided by Government & the NHS QE Strategy Follows Public Health Advice QE has been guided by the following essential control measures drawn up by the Government and the NHS for schools as they prepare to re-open fully once again:

Robust hand and respiratory hygiene; formal consideration of distancing and of minimising potential for contamination – largely covered in Our Three Key Messages section above.

Ensure face coverings are used in recommended circumstances – see our Face Coverings section above.

A requirement that those required to self-isolate stay at home – information in the Guidance on Isolation section below.

Active engagement with NHS Test and Trace – see the NHS Test and Trace section below.

Enhanced cleaning arrangements – the Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements section below details our preparations.

Promote and engage in asymptomatic testing – see our Asymptomatic Testing section below.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Guidance on Isolation

NHS Test and Trace

The specific coronavirus symptoms highlighted by the NHS are:

As stated on the previous page, if you have Covid-19 symptoms, you

A high temperature

must get tested promptly. While the School may be able to assist

A new, continuous cough

with this, the test should be done through the national scheme.

A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste While your test result is pending, you must not attend School, even if

As soon as you experience any of these symptoms, you must: •

you are no longer symptomatic, or have not been symptomatic at all.

stay home, or go home (reporting first to the front office if symptoms develop when on the School premises).

If you are in household isolation (because another family member

isolate and not leave home for at least 10 days, (or until

has experienced symptoms and/or tested positive), you must isolate

the fever has subsided, if beyond this) .

for the full ten days. Even if you test negative, you must not return to

arrange for yourself to be tested as soon as possible

School within this period. This is in line with Government advice.

(by visiting the official NHS website) and booking a PCR test (the type sent off to a laboratory).

Once you receive your test result, whether positive or negative, you must send evidence to the School via absence@qebarnet.co.uk. This

People must isolate for ten days if anyone in their household develops

could be as a forwarded email, a screenshot of a text message etc.

symptoms or tests positive, whether from a PCR test or from an LFD test (the type done at School and at home). If a positive LFD test result is

In the case of a positive test, whether PCR (the type sent off to a

received, a confirmatory PCR test should be booked without delay.

laboratory) or LFD (done at School and home), contact tracing must be done as necessary. The School will be able to support efforts to

If a test comes back negative, you can return to School if feeling well: at this

identify your close contacts. The codified seating plans in each lesson

point, others in your household can stop their isolation, unless any of them

will aid tracing. You must cooperate fully with Government tracers

have also experienced symptoms, in which case all must continue to isolate.

and must isolate if asked to do so by a tracer.

Isolation rules must be followed even if a person knows, or believes,

A suspected or confirmed case at School does not necessarily mean

that they have had Covid-19 before.

that others will be sent home en masse: the School, Barnet’s Public Health team and national tracers will advise.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Guidance on Isolation

NHS Test and Trace

The specific coronavirus symptoms highlighted by the NHS are:

As stated on the previous page, if you have Covid-19 symptoms, you

A high temperature

must get tested promptly. While the School may be able to assist

A new, continuous cough

with this, the test should be done through the national scheme.

A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste While your test result is pending, you must not attend School, even if

As soon as you experience any of these symptoms, you must: •

you are no longer symptomatic, or have not been symptomatic at all.

stay home, or go home (reporting first to the front office if symptoms develop when on the School premises).

If you are in household isolation (because another family member

isolate and not leave home for at least 10 days, (or until

has experienced symptoms and/or tested positive), you must isolate

the fever has subsided, if beyond this) .

for the full ten days. Even if you test negative, you must not return to

arrange for yourself to be tested as soon as possible

School within this period. This is in line with Government advice.

(by visiting the official NHS website) and booking a PCR test (the type sent off to a laboratory).

Once you receive your test result, whether positive or negative, you must send evidence to the School via absence@qebarnet.co.uk. This

People must isolate for ten days if anyone in their household develops

could be as a forwarded email, a screenshot of a text message etc.

symptoms or tests positive, whether from a PCR test or from an LFD test (the type done at School and at home). If a positive LFD test result is

In the case of a positive test, whether PCR (the type sent off to a

received, a confirmatory PCR test should be booked without delay.

laboratory) or LFD (done at School and home), contact tracing must be done as necessary. The School will be able to support efforts to

If a test comes back negative, you can return to School if feeling well: at this

identify your close contacts. The codified seating plans in each lesson

point, others in your household can stop their isolation, unless any of them

will aid tracing. You must cooperate fully with Government tracers

have also experienced symptoms, in which case all must continue to isolate.

and must isolate if asked to do so by a tracer.

Isolation rules must be followed even if a person knows, or believes,

A suspected or confirmed case at School does not necessarily mean

that they have had Covid-19 before.

that others will be sent home en masse: the School, Barnet’s Public Health team and national tracers will advise.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements •

A full programme of

– will take place. All

enhanced daily cleaning

desk surfaces will be

has been maintained since

professionally cleaned

the start of the pandemic.

twice a day.

• A further deep clean took place during the current

• All dining venues will be cleaned between sittings.

lockdown. It included classroom furniture, floors

• In-lesson routines have

and windows, as well as

been adapted to ensure

some large spaces, such

work spaces remain clean.

as the Shearly Hall. Air-

Doors are propped open

conditioning units were

to reduce contact with


ʻtouch pointsʼ and to aid ventilation.

• The increase in the day cleaning teamʼs overall working hours has been

cleaning procedure is in


place to deal with incidents.

• Additional, regular cleaning


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

• An emergency call-out

• Medical rooms will be

of common ʻtouch pointsʼ

professionally cleaned

– e.g. door handles,

after any usage where

bannisters and toilets

coronavirus is suspected.

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Enhanced Cleaning Arrangements •

A full programme of

– will take place. All

enhanced daily cleaning

desk surfaces will be

has been maintained since

professionally cleaned

the start of the pandemic.

twice a day.

• A further deep clean took place during the current

• All dining venues will be cleaned between sittings.

lockdown. It included classroom furniture, floors

• In-lesson routines have

and windows, as well as

been adapted to ensure

some large spaces, such

work spaces remain clean.

as the Shearly Hall. Air-

Doors are propped open

conditioning units were

to reduce contact with


ʻtouch pointsʼ and to aid ventilation.

• The increase in the day cleaning teamʼs overall working hours has been

cleaning procedure is in


place to deal with incidents.

• Additional, regular cleaning


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

• An emergency call-out

• Medical rooms will be

of common ʻtouch pointsʼ

professionally cleaned

– e.g. door handles,

after any usage where

bannisters and toilets

coronavirus is suspected.

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Bubbles & Distancing Timetables, lunch, assemblies and more AROUND THE SITE

The School will continue to operate year group ‘bubbles’. Strategies

are in place to reduce the chance of close contact between pupils

All pupils should have their own stationery and not share such equipment with others.

from different year groups. • •

No more than two pupils will be allowed into the School shop

In-person extra-curricular activities for which effective social

at a time, with break only to be used to collect pre-orders, and

distancing is not possible will be limited to single year groups.

a socially distanced queue to be maintained during lunchtime.

Playgrounds will be assigned to single year groups on a rota, to

We are encouraging pupils to bring their own water bottles.

prevent any mixing between year groups. See Appendix 2 below.

They will still be able to get water at School to top them up. Signs

Year groups now have more closely defined lunchtime slots. See

at filling points will advise boys about safe usage and regular

the School Day section below.

cleaning. Pupils should not drink straight from the filling point.

Pupils will still move between different departments. This is so that

Pupils will not be invited into any shared staff offices. They should

they can benefit from specialist teaching spaces; so that the setting

use the counters in reception, Business Administration and The

system, which contributes significantly to academic progress, can

Queen’s Library, as these are ‘customer service’ points and have

be maintained, and also so that teachers can generally stay in their

had screens etc. installed.

own rooms, better enabling them to provide a safe environment. • •


The gym toilets have been made accessible from Red Square,

More staff will be on duty around the School to ensure distancing

increasing available provision. The disabled toilet in the Main

measures are fully observed. Supervision in The Queen’s Library

Building will be locked, with the keys kept in reception and the

will be increased and, when it reopens, the Weights Room will be

medical room, for use only by those who have a disability and


those in the medical room.

Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Bubbles & Distancing Timetables, lunch, assemblies and more AROUND THE SITE

The School will continue to operate year group ‘bubbles’. Strategies

are in place to reduce the chance of close contact between pupils

All pupils should have their own stationery and not share such equipment with others.

from different year groups. • •

No more than two pupils will be allowed into the School shop

In-person extra-curricular activities for which effective social

at a time, with break only to be used to collect pre-orders, and

distancing is not possible will be limited to single year groups.

a socially distanced queue to be maintained during lunchtime.

Playgrounds will be assigned to single year groups on a rota, to

We are encouraging pupils to bring their own water bottles.

prevent any mixing between year groups. See Appendix 2 below.

They will still be able to get water at School to top them up. Signs

Year groups now have more closely defined lunchtime slots. See

at filling points will advise boys about safe usage and regular

the School Day section below.

cleaning. Pupils should not drink straight from the filling point.

Pupils will still move between different departments. This is so that

Pupils will not be invited into any shared staff offices. They should

they can benefit from specialist teaching spaces; so that the setting

use the counters in reception, Business Administration and The

system, which contributes significantly to academic progress, can

Queen’s Library, as these are ‘customer service’ points and have

be maintained, and also so that teachers can generally stay in their

had screens etc. installed.

own rooms, better enabling them to provide a safe environment. • •


The gym toilets have been made accessible from Red Square,

More staff will be on duty around the School to ensure distancing

increasing available provision. The disabled toilet in the Main

measures are fully observed. Supervision in The Queen’s Library

Building will be locked, with the keys kept in reception and the

will be increased and, when it reopens, the Weights Room will be

medical room, for use only by those who have a disability and


those in the medical room.

Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Heads of Subject and QE’s senior leadership have worked together on any adaptations necessary to ensure safety - e.g. relating to the

The School Day

use of Science equipment and how performance music is structured. The PE department are following sector-specific and sport-specific safety guidance.

• LUNCH: YEARS 7-10. To help maintain the security of bubbles after the return to School, Years 7-10 will each have an allocated 30-minute slot in the Dining Hall for lunch. Year 9 and 10 will go to their designated playgrounds

There are contractors on-site working on the construction of the new Music School. They will adhere to their own health and safety standards, and these contractors will remain separate from the rest of the School.

for the first half of lunchtime and eat in the second half. These slots will be both for those buying a meal and those bringing a packed lunch. The serving point for those buying their meal will be the main servery to the Dining Hall. Boys will not be able to queue before their allocated time. The timings allow five minutes for tables to be sanitised between sittings. These times are as follows: — Year 7: 11.30am-12.00pm — Year 9: 12.05-12.35pm — Year 8: 12.40-1.10pm — Year 10: 1.15-1.45pm

• LUNCH: YEARS 11-13. Those in Years 11-13 will have access to the Shearly Hall at the times set out below. Year 11 will use the external Tuck Shop as their service point for those buying a meal, while Years 12 & 13 will continue to use Café 1573. — Year 13: 11.30am-12.30pm — Year 12: 12.40-1.45pm (area nearest exit to the Dining Hall) — Year 11: 12.40-1.45pm (area nearest the School Shop)

• No assemblies will be held comprising more than one year group; some will be conducted using video-conferencing technology, so forms remain in their form rooms. Appendix 1 shows the current School timetable in full while Appendix 2 gives further information about playground use.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnett


Heads of Subject and QE’s senior leadership have worked together on any adaptations necessary to ensure safety - e.g. relating to the

The School Day

use of Science equipment and how performance music is structured. The PE department are following sector-specific and sport-specific safety guidance.

• LUNCH: YEARS 7-10. To help maintain the security of bubbles after the return to School, Years 7-10 will each have an allocated 30-minute slot in the Dining Hall for lunch. Year 9 and 10 will go to their designated playgrounds

There are contractors on-site working on the construction of the new Music School. They will adhere to their own health and safety standards, and these contractors will remain separate from the rest of the School.

for the first half of lunchtime and eat in the second half. These slots will be both for those buying a meal and those bringing a packed lunch. The serving point for those buying their meal will be the main servery to the Dining Hall. Boys will not be able to queue before their allocated time. The timings allow five minutes for tables to be sanitised between sittings. These times are as follows: — Year 7: 11.30am-12.00pm — Year 9: 12.05-12.35pm — Year 8: 12.40-1.10pm — Year 10: 1.15-1.45pm

• LUNCH: YEARS 11-13. Those in Years 11-13 will have access to the Shearly Hall at the times set out below. Year 11 will use the external Tuck Shop as their service point for those buying a meal, while Years 12 & 13 will continue to use Café 1573. — Year 13: 11.30am-12.30pm — Year 12: 12.40-1.45pm (area nearest exit to the Dining Hall) — Year 11: 12.40-1.45pm (area nearest the School Shop)

• No assemblies will be held comprising more than one year group; some will be conducted using video-conferencing technology, so forms remain in their form rooms. Appendix 1 shows the current School timetable in full while Appendix 2 gives further information about playground use.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnett


Coming and Going

Supporting our Staff

• When arriving in the mornings, pupils should head straight

• We are expecting the full complement of staff to return.

to their designated outside areas and may enter their form

Regular asymptomatic testing will be offered to all, while our

rooms from 8.30am (or before, in the event of wet weather).

most vulnerable staff in the national highest-priority groups will already have been offered the vaccine. We will continue work on

• When dropping off or picking up their sons, parents are requested not to approach the Main Gate and also to remain

an individual basis to minimise the risk for those whose existing health leaves them more vulnerable.

in their vehicles. To ensure safety in front of the School gates, it would be helpful if drop-offs/pick-ups can take place on

• Risk assessments will be carried out for all visiting staff, such as

Granville Road, just a minute’s walk from the Main Gate. We

trainee teachers from the Initial Teacher Training programme and

seek to be good neighbours: please abide by all local parking

peripatetic Music teachers, for their own wellbeing and to protect

and traffic restrictions.

the School. They will be fully briefed, such as on social distancing in Music practice rooms and on not sharing equipment.

• No parents will be allowed past the security guards at the Main Gate unless they have an appointment. Visitors will be held at the gate while contact is made with reception and sent up only when it is safe do to so. Reception has been arranged to limit contact between visitors and staff.


Back to School Guide | September 2020

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Coming and Going

Supporting our Staff

• When arriving in the mornings, pupils should head straight

• We are expecting the full complement of staff to return.

to their designated outside areas and may enter their form

Regular asymptomatic testing will be offered to all, while our

rooms from 8.30am (or before, in the event of wet weather).

most vulnerable staff in the national highest-priority groups will already have been offered the vaccine. We will continue work on

• When dropping off or picking up their sons, parents are requested not to approach the Main Gate and also to remain

an individual basis to minimise the risk for those whose existing health leaves them more vulnerable.

in their vehicles. To ensure safety in front of the School gates, it would be helpful if drop-offs/pick-ups can take place on

• Risk assessments will be carried out for all visiting staff, such as

Granville Road, just a minute’s walk from the Main Gate. We

trainee teachers from the Initial Teacher Training programme and

seek to be good neighbours: please abide by all local parking

peripatetic Music teachers, for their own wellbeing and to protect

and traffic restrictions.

the School. They will be fully briefed, such as on social distancing in Music practice rooms and on not sharing equipment.

• No parents will be allowed past the security guards at the Main Gate unless they have an appointment. Visitors will be held at the gate while contact is made with reception and sent up only when it is safe do to so. Reception has been arranged to limit contact between visitors and staff.


Back to School Guide | September 2020

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Asymptomatic Testing Introduction Around 1 in 3 people with the Covid-19 virus have no symptoms and could therefore be spreading it unwittingly. Asymptomatic testing is about identifying these cases and taking them ‘out of circulation’ to reduce transmission. These tests will use lateral flow devices (LFD), which involve self-administered swabs and give a result in 30 minutes. In order to carry out this testing programme, the School needs families’ consent. Anyone who has not yet done so is requested to complete the necessary forms, clicking the links below. For pupils under 16, parents should fill in the form and should discuss testing with their sons. Pupils aged 16 or over should complete the separate form themselves. Asymptomatic testing is not compulsory, and the forms include an option to decline consent, but the Government and the School strongly encourages participation in the programme, since higher levels of testing will help limit case numbers within the School and reduce disruption. — Pupils aged under 16 (to be completed by parents) — Pupils aged 16 or over (to be completed by pupils)


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Asymptomatic Testing Introduction Around 1 in 3 people with the Covid-19 virus have no symptoms and could therefore be spreading it unwittingly. Asymptomatic testing is about identifying these cases and taking them ‘out of circulation’ to reduce transmission. These tests will use lateral flow devices (LFD), which involve self-administered swabs and give a result in 30 minutes. In order to carry out this testing programme, the School needs families’ consent. Anyone who has not yet done so is requested to complete the necessary forms, clicking the links below. For pupils under 16, parents should fill in the form and should discuss testing with their sons. Pupils aged 16 or over should complete the separate form themselves. Asymptomatic testing is not compulsory, and the forms include an option to decline consent, but the Government and the School strongly encourages participation in the programme, since higher levels of testing will help limit case numbers within the School and reduce disruption. — Pupils aged under 16 (to be completed by parents) — Pupils aged 16 or over (to be completed by pupils)


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


In-School Each participating pupil will have three tests done in School over the 11-day period starting on Monday 8th March (See Appendix 4 for our testing timetable). Once pupils have returned their first negative result they will resume face-to-face learning – this will be on Thursday 11th March, after all year groups have had their first test; second and third tests will be undertaken in normal school hours between Thursday 11th and Thursday 18th March, thus ensuring that boys are tested every 3-5 days. If your son tests negative for Covid-19, he will continue lessons as normal. If he tests positive, he will need to isolate at home and will access lessons remotely using MS Teams.

At home After the three in-School tests, pupils will be provided with home-testing kits via the School to use at home twice each week. The results should be reported to NHS Test & Trace and to the School each time. Pupils aged 12 and over should self-test and report the result; parents may wish to supervise their sons when they are performing the test and reporting the result. The Government recommends that those aged 11 are tested by an adult. If pupils return a positive result at any stage they will need to isolate for ten days (while continuing to access their lessons online); staff will also engage in twice-weekly home testing in the same way. The Government has confirmed that close contacts of positive cases will need to self-isolate at home for ten full days from their last contact with the affected person.

Further information about asymptomatic testing may be found in our FAQs, nos. 1-5.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


In-School Each participating pupil will have three tests done in School over the 11-day period starting on Monday 8th March (See Appendix 4 for our testing timetable). Once pupils have returned their first negative result they will resume face-to-face learning – this will be on Thursday 11th March, after all year groups have had their first test; second and third tests will be undertaken in normal school hours between Thursday 11th and Thursday 18th March, thus ensuring that boys are tested every 3-5 days. If your son tests negative for Covid-19, he will continue lessons as normal. If he tests positive, he will need to isolate at home and will access lessons remotely using MS Teams.

At home After the three in-School tests, pupils will be provided with home-testing kits via the School to use at home twice each week. The results should be reported to NHS Test & Trace and to the School each time. Pupils aged 12 and over should self-test and report the result; parents may wish to supervise their sons when they are performing the test and reporting the result. The Government recommends that those aged 11 are tested by an adult. If pupils return a positive result at any stage they will need to isolate for ten days (while continuing to access their lessons online); staff will also engage in twice-weekly home testing in the same way. The Government has confirmed that close contacts of positive cases will need to self-isolate at home for ten full days from their last contact with the affected person.

Further information about asymptomatic testing may be found in our FAQs, nos. 1-5.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


FAQ 1. When can my son/I return to School? First, see our timetable for mass testing in Appendix 4 below. It is not possible to test all pupils in one day, so the first round of tests is staggered over three days. Provided pupils test negative, they will return to their usual in-school timetable on Thursday 11th March. The second and third tests will be conducted once boys are back in lessons. Prior to their return on 11th March, boys will continue to have their lessons online, although on the day a year group has its first Covid tests, live lessons on MS Teams will not take place: teachers will

and nostril before testing the sample using the lateral flow device. A video showing how to conduct such tests is available here. The result should be read at 30 minutes and reported as positive, negative or void at that point. Results need to be communicated to the School independently, so that we can conduct any contact tracing necessary. All positive test results should be sent to absence@qebarnet.co.uk. Void tests should be repeated once. If two void results are received, a PCR test should be booked. A small in-School testing centre will remain in place to support those unable to conduct tests at home.

instead be able to set tasks on eQE.

4. What if a pupil is not participating in asymptomatic testing? 2. What happens on the day of the first test? Boys should attend at the School site at their appointed time (which will be sent to them in due course). They should arrive at the Main Gate on Queen’s Road wearing School uniform and a face covering. The testing process will be fully supervised by trained staff and volunteers, and boys will be kept socially distanced. The result will be received from the NHS by text and/or email shortly after the test is processed. Boys should return home immediately after their

Whilst it is not compulsory to participate in asymptomatic testing, it is strongly advocated by both the Government and the School, as the higher the uptake, the more effective testing will be at limiting case numbers within the School and at reducing disruption. Asymptomatic testing can help protect your loved ones at home, as well as your friends and peers. Notwithstanding, those not participating in testing should return to School on Thursday 11th March. They will still need to isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive case.

swab is taken. They will not need to wait on-site for the result. We hope that the whole process should not take more than 30 minutes.

5. I thought close contacts were going to be tested, so they wouldn’t have to isolate. Why is that not happening?

3. How will home testing work?

The Government had planned for daily rapid testing (using LFD) to replace

Families will be provided with home testing kits via the School for twice-weekly

self-isolation for the close contacts of positive cases. However, public

home testing. These tests will include the necessary operating instructions, as

health advice was updated whilst further studies were conducted into

well as details on how to log the test and the result with the NHS Test & Trace

the effectiveness of this form of testing; current guidance is that identified

service. These tests will require pupils to self-administer the swab of the throat

close contacts must isolate for the full ten-day period.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


FAQ 1. When can my son/I return to School? First, see our timetable for mass testing in Appendix 4 below. It is not possible to test all pupils in one day, so the first round of tests is staggered over three days. Provided pupils test negative, they will return to their usual in-school timetable on Thursday 11th March. The second and third tests will be conducted once boys are back in lessons. Prior to their return on 11th March, boys will continue to have their lessons online, although on the day a year group has its first Covid tests, live lessons on MS Teams will not take place: teachers will

and nostril before testing the sample using the lateral flow device. A video showing how to conduct such tests is available here. The result should be read at 30 minutes and reported as positive, negative or void at that point. Results need to be communicated to the School independently, so that we can conduct any contact tracing necessary. All positive test results should be sent to absence@qebarnet.co.uk. Void tests should be repeated once. If two void results are received, a PCR test should be booked. A small in-School testing centre will remain in place to support those unable to conduct tests at home.

instead be able to set tasks on eQE.

4. What if a pupil is not participating in asymptomatic testing? 2. What happens on the day of the first test? Boys should attend at the School site at their appointed time (which will be sent to them in due course). They should arrive at the Main Gate on Queen’s Road wearing School uniform and a face covering. The testing process will be fully supervised by trained staff and volunteers, and boys will be kept socially distanced. The result will be received from the NHS by text and/or email shortly after the test is processed. Boys should return home immediately after their

Whilst it is not compulsory to participate in asymptomatic testing, it is strongly advocated by both the Government and the School, as the higher the uptake, the more effective testing will be at limiting case numbers within the School and at reducing disruption. Asymptomatic testing can help protect your loved ones at home, as well as your friends and peers. Notwithstanding, those not participating in testing should return to School on Thursday 11th March. They will still need to isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive case.

swab is taken. They will not need to wait on-site for the result. We hope that the whole process should not take more than 30 minutes.

5. I thought close contacts were going to be tested, so they wouldn’t have to isolate. Why is that not happening?

3. How will home testing work?

The Government had planned for daily rapid testing (using LFD) to replace

Families will be provided with home testing kits via the School for twice-weekly

self-isolation for the close contacts of positive cases. However, public

home testing. These tests will include the necessary operating instructions, as

health advice was updated whilst further studies were conducted into

well as details on how to log the test and the result with the NHS Test & Trace

the effectiveness of this form of testing; current guidance is that identified

service. These tests will require pupils to self-administer the swab of the throat

close contacts must isolate for the full ten-day period.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


6. What should I do if I feel unwell at School? Go first to the front office. You will then be told where you should go. (Note that any pupil assisting you should maintain a safe distance). In addition to the medical room, where there will be PPE for first aid staff, other venues have been identified as isolation rooms, or auxiliary medical rooms, so that safe distances can be observed and those with Covid-19 symptoms can be kept separate from those needing medical assistance for other reasons. Seven additional members of staff have been trained in First Aid to increase capacity.

7. And what if a boy feels unwell or develops Covid-19 symptoms at home? If a boy develops Covid-19 symptoms, he must not attend School. Our normal absence procedures will be in operation, so absence because of sickness should be reported through the normal channels – by replying directly to the text message sent at 9.30am to the parents of boys absent on a School day, or by emailing absence@qebarnet.co.uk, or by leaving a voicemail on Option 1 of the School’s main system. Prior notice of absences should be made by email. Please be assured that we do fully understand that if pupils, or others in their families, are showing symptoms, they will need to stay at home and isolate. If a pupil is absent for a reason associated with coronavirus, the School should be notified at the earliest opportunity and then kept up to date, so that appropriate support can be put in place.

8. If there is a suspected or confirmed case of Covid- 19 in my son’s form or year group, will he and his classmates be sent home? Not necessarily. The School will advise, in consultation with Barnet’s Public Health team, and national tracers. The School conducts targeted and risk-based


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


6. What should I do if I feel unwell at School? Go first to the front office. You will then be told where you should go. (Note that any pupil assisting you should maintain a safe distance). In addition to the medical room, where there will be PPE for first aid staff, other venues have been identified as isolation rooms, or auxiliary medical rooms, so that safe distances can be observed and those with Covid-19 symptoms can be kept separate from those needing medical assistance for other reasons. Seven additional members of staff have been trained in First Aid to increase capacity.

7. And what if a boy feels unwell or develops Covid-19 symptoms at home? If a boy develops Covid-19 symptoms, he must not attend School. Our normal absence procedures will be in operation, so absence because of sickness should be reported through the normal channels – by replying directly to the text message sent at 9.30am to the parents of boys absent on a School day, or by emailing absence@qebarnet.co.uk, or by leaving a voicemail on Option 1 of the School’s main system. Prior notice of absences should be made by email. Please be assured that we do fully understand that if pupils, or others in their families, are showing symptoms, they will need to stay at home and isolate. If a pupil is absent for a reason associated with coronavirus, the School should be notified at the earliest opportunity and then kept up to date, so that appropriate support can be put in place.

8. If there is a suspected or confirmed case of Covid- 19 in my son’s form or year group, will he and his classmates be sent home? Not necessarily. The School will advise, in consultation with Barnet’s Public Health team, and national tracers. The School conducts targeted and risk-based


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


contact tracing (using the NHS definition of ‘close contact’) on a case-by-case

been specifically contacted by the NHS – should not attend School at the

basis to reduce the risk of onward transmission, whilst limiting the number of

current time and should continue to access lessons online. All other pupils

pupils who need to isolate.

should attend, including those who live with family members who are shielding, taking particular care to ensure they follow the measures in place.

9. If my son develops coronavirus symptoms, can he stay in isolation at School for the rest of the day?

13. Can you travel outside of your local area for School?

No. Should a pupil display Covid-19 symptoms, parents will be asked to collect

Yes. Attending a place of education is one of the exemptions to current travel

him without delay. We recognise that many parents live or work a distance from


School, but it is vital that boys (and any brothers, who would also need to go home to begin household isolation) are collected as swiftly as possible.

14. Will extra-curricular activities take place? Yes. Extra-curricular activities resume, with Covid-19 management measures in

10. What will happen if a pupil has to isolate?

place. The exception is actvities in the pool building; this will remain closed until

As in the Autumn Term, pupils and staff isolating at home, but who are

at least 12th April.

themselves well, should join their lessons using MS Teams.

15. I am finding things really tough at the moment. What should I do? 11. Will eQE still be used now?

The School understands that the mental health and wellbeing of some have

Although all boys are expected to come back to School on 11th March, we

been under pressure because of the pandemic and lockdowns. Keeping boys

will continue to make use of eQE’s functionality to support in-School learning,

safe and healthy is a priority in our pastoral care. Boys can seek support from

drawing on our successful experiences during the two lockdowns. Examples of

form tutors or their Head of Year, while peer mentors are also available to lend

this will include: teachers sending resources to pupils on eQE for printing ahead

a friendly listening ear to younger boys. If parents have any concerns that they

of a lesson; boys submitting some work and having it marked via eQE; staff

would like to discuss with their son’s form tutor or Head of Year, they should

using eQE to issue Merits, Good Notes and Bad Notes electronically; and

contact enquiries@qebarnet.co.uk. Expert external help is available from our

teachers delivering information virtually, in certain cases where it is still not

School Counsellor, while boys may find the Young Minds site helpful.

possible to hold meetings or other events on-site.

16. Do I need to take any special measures when cleaning uniform? 12.

What about those who are extremely clinically vulnerable?

No. All QE uniform, including the blazer, is machine-washable, and maintaining

The Government has expanded the shielding list to include additional citizens

normal standards of cleanliness and hygiene is sufficient. Upper School pupils

identified as being at higher risk. Those on the shielding list – who will have

are responsible for maintaining the hygiene of their suits.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


contact tracing (using the NHS definition of ‘close contact’) on a case-by-case

been specifically contacted by the NHS – should not attend School at the

basis to reduce the risk of onward transmission, whilst limiting the number of

current time and should continue to access lessons online. All other pupils

pupils who need to isolate.

should attend, including those who live with family members who are shielding, taking particular care to ensure they follow the measures in place.

9. If my son develops coronavirus symptoms, can he stay in isolation at School for the rest of the day?

13. Can you travel outside of your local area for School?

No. Should a pupil display Covid-19 symptoms, parents will be asked to collect

Yes. Attending a place of education is one of the exemptions to current travel

him without delay. We recognise that many parents live or work a distance from


School, but it is vital that boys (and any brothers, who would also need to go home to begin household isolation) are collected as swiftly as possible.

14. Will extra-curricular activities take place? Yes. Extra-curricular activities resume, with Covid-19 management measures in

10. What will happen if a pupil has to isolate?

place. The exception is actvities in the pool building; this will remain closed until

As in the Autumn Term, pupils and staff isolating at home, but who are

at least 12th April.

themselves well, should join their lessons using MS Teams.

15. I am finding things really tough at the moment. What should I do? 11. Will eQE still be used now?

The School understands that the mental health and wellbeing of some have

Although all boys are expected to come back to School on 11th March, we

been under pressure because of the pandemic and lockdowns. Keeping boys

will continue to make use of eQE’s functionality to support in-School learning,

safe and healthy is a priority in our pastoral care. Boys can seek support from

drawing on our successful experiences during the two lockdowns. Examples of

form tutors or their Head of Year, while peer mentors are also available to lend

this will include: teachers sending resources to pupils on eQE for printing ahead

a friendly listening ear to younger boys. If parents have any concerns that they

of a lesson; boys submitting some work and having it marked via eQE; staff

would like to discuss with their son’s form tutor or Head of Year, they should

using eQE to issue Merits, Good Notes and Bad Notes electronically; and

contact enquiries@qebarnet.co.uk. Expert external help is available from our

teachers delivering information virtually, in certain cases where it is still not

School Counsellor, while boys may find the Young Minds site helpful.

possible to hold meetings or other events on-site.

16. Do I need to take any special measures when cleaning uniform? 12.

What about those who are extremely clinically vulnerable?

No. All QE uniform, including the blazer, is machine-washable, and maintaining

The Government has expanded the shielding list to include additional citizens

normal standards of cleanliness and hygiene is sufficient. Upper School pupils

identified as being at higher risk. Those on the shielding list – who will have

are responsible for maintaining the hygiene of their suits.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 1 The School timetable


Lessons 5 and 6 take place between either 11.30am and 12.40pm or 12.40pm and 1.50pm, thus allowing for a staggered lunch break. See section above on The School Day for more information on year



Lesson 1


groups’ lunch times.






Lesson 3


Tuesday and Thursdays this is a pastoral session in form groups. On Wednesday and Friday, it is timetabled for curriculum lessons.

Lesson 4


Lesson 5a

11.30am-12.05pm Years 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 (Years 7 & 13: lunch break)

Lesson 6a

12.05pm-12.40pm Years 7, 8, 10, 11 & 12 (Years 9 & 13: lunch break)

Lesson 7 is always timetabled from 1.50pm–2.25pm. On Monday,

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, afternoon registration takes place in the lesson 7 pastoral session. On Wednesday and Friday, it takes place in the lesson 7 academic lesson.

Each form group will meet for PDT/assembly, a discussion session and a tutor administration/bespoke tutorial session each week. These take place on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Lesson 5b

12.40pm-1.15pm Years 7, 9, 10 & 13 (Years 8, 11 & 12: lunch break)

Lesson 6b

1.15pm-1.50pm Years 7, 8, 9 & 13 (Years 10, 11 & 12: lunch break)

Lesson 7


Lesson 8


Bespoke tutorials will not be run individually in 2020-2021, but in lesson 7 (with the whole class present).

Year 12 & 13 students with no further lessons or other School activities may sign out after lesson 7 (pastoral session) on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, or from 11.30am onwards on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Lesson 9

3.00pm-3.35pm •

If there is a wet break when a form room is in use in lessons 5 and 6, the form should use the nearest available form room.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 1 The School timetable


Lessons 5 and 6 take place between either 11.30am and 12.40pm or 12.40pm and 1.50pm, thus allowing for a staggered lunch break. See section above on The School Day for more information on year



Lesson 1


groups’ lunch times.






Lesson 3


Tuesday and Thursdays this is a pastoral session in form groups. On Wednesday and Friday, it is timetabled for curriculum lessons.

Lesson 4


Lesson 5a

11.30am-12.05pm Years 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 (Years 7 & 13: lunch break)

Lesson 6a

12.05pm-12.40pm Years 7, 8, 10, 11 & 12 (Years 9 & 13: lunch break)

Lesson 7 is always timetabled from 1.50pm–2.25pm. On Monday,

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays, afternoon registration takes place in the lesson 7 pastoral session. On Wednesday and Friday, it takes place in the lesson 7 academic lesson.

Each form group will meet for PDT/assembly, a discussion session and a tutor administration/bespoke tutorial session each week. These take place on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Lesson 5b

12.40pm-1.15pm Years 7, 9, 10 & 13 (Years 8, 11 & 12: lunch break)

Lesson 6b

1.15pm-1.50pm Years 7, 8, 9 & 13 (Years 10, 11 & 12: lunch break)

Lesson 7


Lesson 8


Bespoke tutorials will not be run individually in 2020-2021, but in lesson 7 (with the whole class present).

Year 12 & 13 students with no further lessons or other School activities may sign out after lesson 7 (pastoral session) on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, or from 11.30am onwards on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Lesson 9

3.00pm-3.35pm •

If there is a wet break when a form room is in use in lessons 5 and 6, the form should use the nearest available form room.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 2 Designated playground areas To ensure appropriate social distancing, Years 7-11 will each have a playground area allocated for the time before school and for morning break, and for the lunch break, as set out on these pages. The Sixth Form should use the Library, Café 1573 and Dining Hall before School and for morning break.



Area 2

Area 3

Area 4


Pool (back field)

Pool (main entrance)

Shearly Hall

Fives court & adjacent area



Area 1

Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Area 5

Area 6


Pool (back field)

Pool (main entrance)

Shearly Hall

Fives court & adjacent area

Red Square

Library, Café 1573 & Dining Hall




8 9


LUNCH 2 (12.40-1.50pm)


10 11


Area 1


Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Pool (back field)

Pool (main entrance)

Shearly Hall

Fives court & adjacent area












Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Area 1


Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 2 Designated playground areas To ensure appropriate social distancing, Years 7-11 will each have a playground area allocated for the time before school and for morning break, and for the lunch break, as set out on these pages. The Sixth Form should use the Library, Café 1573 and Dining Hall before School and for morning break.



Area 2

Area 3

Area 4


Pool (back field)

Pool (main entrance)

Shearly Hall

Fives court & adjacent area



Area 1

Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Area 5

Area 6


Pool (back field)

Pool (main entrance)

Shearly Hall

Fives court & adjacent area

Red Square

Library, Café 1573 & Dining Hall




8 9


LUNCH 2 (12.40-1.50pm)


10 11


Area 1


Area 2

Area 3

Area 4

Pool (back field)

Pool (main entrance)

Shearly Hall

Fives court & adjacent area












Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Area 1


Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 3 Arrangement for school coaches Different queueing areas have been introduced for those waiting to board the School coaches, to allow for distancing. There will be an increased number of coach captains to assist on each route. Face coverings must be worn on School coaches and seating plans strictly adhered to.

Routes A-E leave the premises at 3.45pm, and boys using these routes should board them immediately. Routes F-J leave the School premises at 3.55pm, and boys using these routes should wait until called to board the coach as follows:




Area 3 Shearly Hall




Area 1




Area 1a Pathway between Mathematics & Pool


Harrow-College Road


Area 2 Pool (main entrance): upper area




Area 2 Pool (main entrance): lower area


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Pool (back field)

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 3 Arrangement for school coaches Different queueing areas have been introduced for those waiting to board the School coaches, to allow for distancing. There will be an increased number of coach captains to assist on each route. Face coverings must be worn on School coaches and seating plans strictly adhered to.

Routes A-E leave the premises at 3.45pm, and boys using these routes should board them immediately. Routes F-J leave the School premises at 3.55pm, and boys using these routes should wait until called to board the coach as follows:




Area 3 Shearly Hall




Area 1




Area 1a Pathway between Mathematics & Pool


Harrow-College Road


Area 2 Pool (main entrance): upper area




Area 2 Pool (main entrance): lower area


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Pool (back field)

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 4 Our mass testing and return-to-School timetable TEST 1




Mon 8th March

Thurs 11th March

Tues 16th March


Mon 8th March

Thurs 11th March

Tues 16th March


Tues 9th March

Fri 12th March

Weds 17th March


Tues 9th March

Fri 12th March

Weds 17th March


Tues 9th March

Fri 12th March

Weds 17th March


Weds 10th March

Mon 15th March

Thurs 18th March


Weds 10th March

Mon 15th March

Thurs 18th March

Attendance at school will be expected from Thursday 11th March; any absence which is not supported by a valid reason will be classed as unauthorised.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Appendix 4 Our mass testing and return-to-School timetable TEST 1




Mon 8th March

Thurs 11th March

Tues 16th March


Mon 8th March

Thurs 11th March

Tues 16th March


Tues 9th March

Fri 12th March

Weds 17th March


Tues 9th March

Fri 12th March

Weds 17th March


Tues 9th March

Fri 12th March

Weds 17th March


Weds 10th March

Mon 15th March

Thurs 18th March


Weds 10th March

Mon 15th March

Thurs 18th March

Attendance at school will be expected from Thursday 11th March; any absence which is not supported by a valid reason will be classed as unauthorised.


Back to School Guide | Spring 2021

Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet


Queen Elizabeth’s School Queen’s Road, Barnet Hertfordshire EN5 4DQ 020 8441 4646 enquiries@qebarnet.co.uk


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