Zhang Zhimin: Scrolls

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Zhang Zhimin S C R O L L S




Zh m,z Zl11111i11 " , ;?;; H"1r, nhl"h1 n lu lir,1 ",·nt tu art u1ll1 .,.•. 1 1 i," ,, in l1J79 "lwn thin�• in ( hinu lwcl ,lo"h r, lurrwd tu uorm I ii Itr 1hc· ( 11h11ral 11,·,ol itiun. 1111 ,f• ''"' r,,t'I, 111:.1l1t 1 . /111111,! ,,,i- u 11111(111 c • nun "ilh ,01111 • 1 'I.J'fri1 II< t o1 life lie l11111l him 1, I , 11 h, ,tat t! <l 111, rt lr.1111i11g. S1·c·oml. ( .lt111.1 it,, If,, ,, limlm..: th.11 1h P•'"' ,till Juul -111111 re .d ,,11111.

lu 1'!7 11, tlu• "h:111clo11:.i ( oll,,.r, of \1 1 ,turtul it, r,·fornwcl ,irt, prn:;!r,im ml /h.,r� 1, " murr.:,: tl,, lii·,1 ..,horl tu c nkr II to th, Ill'\\ 1-H· ,r cl, _H c. II, lt.,d fouml hi, 11il'l11. \, ,t \Ollll{! 111,111. he lud �p,·nt \\orl,111_ q tr in rur.,I :u ... p,1rlic•ul11rh 111 fon ,, r,�um,. ncl hml ,I, '"'" I" d lo" uf nut11r1•. \I urt coil, :.,c. t hi, loH .., l\t' hi111 1111• I lt,•mr h 111'<'ded. 11111 lu 1 '\t , ll, ,I. \rt,, , r.1d11,1ti11;,:. Zh 11 _ l,{("(llllt a If .. , .. I ul tlu ..,It 1111 Ill� ( oll, ..,, .. \rl 011111, ok .uh,uw ii <.tucli, • 111 ( •· m ,,• lurnl,r 'I" P· intiu::. I lu I lit J •an .. '·'" 111- ',l11IJ1t1011 .. 11· • I' lu _111 to hlo nm. II, lt,,d ,hu,., 111 ( ltin ••uul tit, 11 in I mail,1 .,ml j pm. In lf1•1:;. lw,,, I\ 11 th \nrimm/ 0111 111111/in, I, ll lu r " r d fm hi, -.<, r\it·t �to p ain(n• .


\\ h,11 c onlin 1 1 1 n•p11· Zh Ill" i, l,md,iap . Iii, f, 1 Jin fur it 1111011 11 lo, mp.ith,· ·I 1hi11k lht 1r11th or I ml,,• I" p 1111ti i;.: Ii,, in et11llllllllllf<1llll 1,ith tlu mo1111t,1111, or tlu- ,.,ih r to11(hrn,!all ofnatur<', It h•.n• •ti1, 111_, hlornl. '-mm llllll"o I 111111°1 kn"" 1I I .1111 ., f 'Jllll r or .1 1111 k." '-o , 1,,-, i, 1111, id, nt,li,· 1lio11 tli. I lr i mm l.110\\ u wro" ( l1i11 • not '" hi, ,..i,.·n II mw. hut a, ·H,,. k /.h m..!. I ,1r Zh 111:,:. tlu rnlt of un 1rti,1 Hit 1rp,,r.1(1 ,1111lr1>,t'1 ,,. rom,111, , •• t<·llun n,I ,L."11 t,, tlr 11 � fr,,m 11. turc·. afft. tion. i11t111l1 111 uttl 11111111 ,, • I It lielicw, 011 .1rt1-1 ,houl,I ,!l'O(l<' for thr <· � h � throuah ., 'oitl. "n, thl' lnnlrn ._ ,,f lilt f'11111 r ,.. tlw ha,,· of Imo,, kd:,., uul < r1•ati1111:·

·· Thl' la111l"ap1• p,1i1tll'r• "ho ha\t· rhou 111, ,houltl not 1111rl'h pn, tltl'11li11n lo tit<' 11,11io11.1l ,, 1w. of _rn-.. tr.-..... \\air, ,rncl ,ton,. •ll' th,• 110, lil' I lin,:, 11ho11I ,.,l,l, r,m<'. llon1t·tl cl,,U(f,. tlesnl 1t1· .11111111111 ntl ln1wh chant. In tlw m " , 1.,. p.1rti,ul,,r 11h. • .,I.out arti,t• .11111 ,,rt thiukilll( i IH•\1111<l un I and nation,,lih. ltl •om, thin:,! 11101 , " ·.I,. ,, ith f, , •li11:., nJ,011t i•u11 ... , it•rH t � 1rt jtP•-tu·1· nud t ... ,.<·i 1I ol•li�.. tiun f11r .uti,t, ,1, "I'll. 0

In :!000. /.h,111,.. 111 ,I,· 111, ti..,1 , t-tl to \11,1r.1lt. uul

look Ins tlrming 111 1!,·1 ial• In "prin�l,rook. 11,• "•'' i11--pir1•tl. l lrrt-' \hl.,. I 111£1..,<· p• �b 1U\ ...1t tiou ... ,lncl ,1 .. ultl ,, 1rn�thin;,? in ( 11111 ,. hut quilt• tlifft•r, nt 11 1111, tal.r11 him th, ,., ,, .,r,. hut Zhnr� I,, ,""" prodm·<'d oH I HUI •l"roll,••,II i11k on r11·, p,1111 r - 1 tr.111itit,nal ( lu111·,t• form - tlrpirlm,! hi,, ,1wri,·1u•1· ni' ,, ·111·" · lnnd,,·.1p1'. ( )f th, lfHI ,croll, Zl1,111..! lw- dw,rn j 1,t :IO to• ,hil,il 111 llrr,li.1111•. \m1111� thi, ,, 1 group oJ 10 \\orl., roml1111i11g porlr rtur, uul l.111d'<•,1p,·. in k,·,·ping \\ ith In, mnmuli'II ppro,tt•h Ito 111 1·xplo1uti,111 of traditional C hi11t ,,. p tint in,... It i- 11 rur, prn ilra lo h, ,hi,· lo •PI' \11,tr, Ii thr1111,.d1 I he c·\I·, of ,11,·h .1 111 m.


Paul Jolly December 2003

Rock Zhang is the alias of Zhang Zhi.min Pn•.sidPnl of Shau dong College of A_rls Tutor of Masl('1·s De gree Prof.�s.s01· of Chines(• Painting �'lember, A�socialion of Chinf•sc Artists Vice Presidf'nt. Shondong Arts Cit·cle As:a.oc·iation :Mt>mber, Ext�cnfrve Council of Shanclong Artists Association China Nation,1I Outstan<l..iug Teacher Sfnior Pa.itllcr� Shum.long Art AcadPmy

Queeuslaml College of Art Griffith University would like to thank: Pl'esident Zhang Zhimin I Professor Mostyn BramlPy-Moo1·e I 1 ,., 1 ..r •If

Paul .lolly David Mayocchi.





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Dr .lianpiug Wang I I I

l\'lichelle Vandermeer I: t ,\ur111 '1111 10� I litf l II\ 11 I I Simon Wright (


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SHANDONG College of Art and Design

GriffithuNIVERSITY 1�� l�iJ 1 Queensland College of Art

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