2015 07 06 02 06 am

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MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 AT 2:06 AM

I want justice for all this sorrow. All the hurt in the universe. I want justice. I want flowers, rainbows and candy. I need bread, but I need roses, too. Perhaps you think lightly of missing someone, that I’m tripping out and that I need to calm down. On the other hand, I know perfectly well how I feel. “I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.” God knows I’m no stranger to distance and longing. It is only too familiar. Please, no more. I want to now spend the rest of my days on the other side, on the receiving side of love. No more sorrow. The woman as the giver, the man as the recipient. Let’s smash that patriarchy, shall we? It’s inhibitive to love. That’s the long-term plan. In the short-term, I want to be selfish for a second. When you get back, I want justice for my sorrows. All the hurt in the universe. Do you when you get back. Unpack, call everyone, work stuff… whatever it is you have to do when you return. I refuse to see you until you’re ready and completely, absolutely available for me. Then you’re mine. No phones, no screens, no errands, no bullshit. Just us. Me and you. All the love we missed out on. For every second I missed you. For every tear shed, every frustration. Let me be selfish for a second. Indulge me to my heart’s content. “Hearts starve as well as bodies, give us bread, but give us roses.” You spend your days feeding people, giving them bread. What about starving hearts? All I want is you. I toil for bread, yet I crave roses.

Created in Day One


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